                     ->>  C O M P A C T  # 1 5  <<-

                         F1 : Message Box #5
                         F2 : Turbo Squeezer v8.0
                         F3 : Narco Police Trainer Patch
                         F4 : NoiseTracker v1.3 rel. A + Doc
                              (REAL RELEASE)
                         F5 : Amigoids + Doc
   In case you havent already found out. Kick off 2, the Final Whistle
   was sent to you so you HAD it saturday. It was a small white 
   envolope with 1 disk inside. I write this because people call me and 
   say they havent got it yet because the envolope didnt look 
   like the ones i usualy use. Be aware of more future sending like
   this becoz of the slow times right now.
   Also to start Final Whistle you need to have the OLD Kick Off II
   Remember to put the fix on from the last compact otherwise the game
   doesnt work correctly.                             Later .... !!!