
Title                    Composer/Group              Mark     Rank
                                                  my personal ratings
                                                 (max 100 %) (place)
Anne's Groove             Gerard Hultink             85 %
Rape                      Top Secret/Cult            82 %
John Thumb                Heinmück/T.U.M.            91 %      5
Space of Chaoz            Orcan/React                95 %      3
Hrabal                    Greatrix                   40 %
Concussion                Sonic/Smash Designs        97 %      1
Blackout                  Mitch & Dane               92 %      4
The Brews                 Rayden/AFL1970             80 %
Motorway 4                Fanta/Oxyron               83 %
Getting Jazzy             Fuben/Oxyron               96 %      2

4-Channel Compo

Title                    Composer/Group              Mark     Rank
                                                  my personal ratings
                                                 (max 100 %) (place)
1  Spacewards                                            40
2  Break Infiltrator                                     55
3  Now and Forever                                       65
4  Broken Wah-Wah                                        60
5  Energy extensions                                     50
6  Fade 2 black                                          66       5
7  Tears of Crystal                                      70       3
8  Scream                                                59
9  Mmh. She tastes nice                                  45
10 Summervagon                                           52
11 Pneumatic                                             68       4
12 Hill                                                  49
13 Burst Polka                                           85       1
14 Äsel                                                  shit
15 This-Shit-Hits                                        53
16 Snowride                                              62
17 Sassy Notion            Pink/Abyss                    81       2
18 Eternia                                               20
19 Fuck if you don't like my hat                         40

Pixel GFX Compo

Titel                    ARTIST/Group              Mark     Rank

                                                 (max 100 %) (place)

1. do you want to play
2. !frankenleif			optic
3. ikke helt god i oyet		stoney
4. my kingdom		 	kidlove
5. kenia in my mind		
6. just v2
7. mad duck			
8. tv borolom			wade
9. ethnic 2			cheetah
10. milk & honey 		fiver 2
11. take me!			Bifrost
12. no name
13. piercing
14. return			
15. wolf			snow
16. mongolian winter
17. saturday night		st
18. amor vs venus
19. !beauty                     harry/pulla  (scanned)
20. chinen
21. hal i skalet		weez
22. mis! Hvor er du?				
23. dolphing					
24. sa kys den da				
25. vampress			chris hald
26. despair 2					
27. elg der					
28. !replica
29. !cheap flight		
30. logos.sys
31. manfred
32. real crew
33. wilder			decibel
34. i snestorm er katten....
35. cannibal			
36. fotex	
37. batteries included?		drever
38. leoni	
39. my oh my			gub
40. oejn
41. !power			power ranger of engery unlimited
42. mmm... sleepy		reb
43. patsy melone					
44. the beebster		hader
45. tears			tenny
46. !tribes
47. compobilde			kvena
48. trick or treat		iaka
49. !reflector			facet
50. !cindy & bert		cyclone
51. devil's dawn
52. team htx
53. !riot girl			jcs
54. !butt			
55. !celia			made
56. bubblebobsepap		jazz/tbs
57. !wisp			
58. banjo			
59. egypt					
60. red
61. psychedelic john		
62. mad science
63. !the pocket monster		lazur
64. deep thoughts		riis
65. schanege			doggy
66. do aliens dream of alien worlds?
67. deep inner space
68. guten apetit
69. cryptcarving
70. pokerface			bandy
72. seduction
73. snake & woman		herry hurry
75. opposite.tga		unreal
76. unreal's girlfriend
77. Space Rescue		nothing
78.  Tiffany					
79. Indian Girl			flux
80. Symbiotech IV
81. DJ Smile			Zinko
82. A Tale of Animosity
83. Merrydreams
84. Indrigal
85. No More Wars!		Sidha
86. Siren			Kal
87. Legalize
88. Skyhigh
89. I Have This Fantasy
90. Last Flight
91. Grass Land			Grass
93. Reborn In Syfon
94. Xistence

Pc 64kintro Compo

Titel                       Groups              Mark     Rank
                                               my personal ratings 
                                                 (max 100 %) (place)
1  ??                          ??
2  Bjør                       Tpolm                      70
3  SS1                        United Force               60
4  Love creation mk2-urban love   INF                    90       5
5  Function                   Recreation                 80
6  Supermacy                  Sublogic                   55
7  Punishment X               Coma                       50
8  BullPowa                   Prone                      75
9  Rise (rinse out)           Ethos9                     50
10 Dager-11                   Fudge & Orange             94       1
11 Lightforms                 Purple                     91       4
12 Sink                       Pulse                      93       2
13 Yawn remix                 Haujobb                    72
14 TBL Stash                  Stash                      92       3
15 Gurburk                    Hemulignerna               shit
17 Prove                      Exact                      83
18 Transmogrification-Part2   blong                      81
19 Jeff                       Loop                       51

Amiga 40k Intro Compo     time:  23.30  date: 28. dec 1997

Titel                    Groups                Mark      Rank
                                             my personal ratings 
                                                (max 100%) (place)
1  Uloste              Rave Network Overscan (rno)      40
2  Superautodrome            Scoopex                    93   2
3  Cruisin                   Abyss                      78   5
4  Galaxy Freedom II         Darkage                    60
5  YAFK                      Nature                     40
6  Feelings                  Darkside                   35
7  Kikize - Tro              Kiki Prod.                  0
8  Suicide                   Oxyron                     85   3
9  The Law                   Wipe vs Zif Experience     66
10 MS98 Invitation           Lego                       32
11 Govinda                   Depth                      46
12 Master Blaster            GFB Gunnars Farvebio       24
13 Entering Hypnosis         Haujobb                    76
14 HSB                       Northpole Factories        59
15 Du-Ra-Sæl                 Boldyr                     10
16 Batteries                 Crux                       09
17 Blues                     DCS Dual Crew - Shining    83  4
18 DeepPan The final Slice   Efreet                     94  1
19 Bruchpunkt                Lightstorm Inc.            12
20 Square Porrigde           Instinct                   33

Pc Demo Compo                 Time: 02.00  date: dec. 29 1997

Titel                    Groups                Mark      Rank
                                           my personal ratings
                                            (max 100%) (place)
1  Final                     Rectum Cauda          30
2  Back in the Kitchen       [damn] Rednex         35
3  Kolme Pientä pokkia (3 lit goats) Moppi Productios  69
4  Abbey Road                Dawn 3                18
5  The Herring               Fobin Design          20
6  Tytot                     Tarzan Tuotanto(TAAT) sucks!!!
7  Black Dove                Capanna               01
8  Elektroniks               Doomsday              75    4
9  Women                     jello                 67
10 Atmozphere                System fx42           02
11 Power                     Light                 03
12 Noname00.exe              DCC                   12
13 Darkover                  Psionics              23
14 Splash                    Taurus                29
15 Trip                      KFMF                  76    3
16 Ya'Dot Klimon             Byterapers inc.       85    2
17 Blue Maxwel               Rectum Cauda          07
18 Square                    Pulse                 50
19 Wonderland                Essex                 52
20 Yankee Go Home            Renegade Reunion      10
21 Anders 3                  Rectum Cauda         -08
22 Mundai                    Blasphemy             73    5
23 Slagroom 'uit een spuitbus'  Rubba Design       05
24 Lesson                    PB & Cubic & Seen     71
25 Tribes                    Melon                 94    1
26 Doupt                     Haujobb               71

competition closed after 04.30

Wild Demo Compo             Time: 04.50  date: dec. 29 1997

Titel                     Groups               Mark    Rank
                                            my personal ratings
                                            (max 100%) (place)
1  Jamooh                    Exposure              75      3
2  Weakness                  Subscure              68      5
3  Brown Sugar               Danizgo Foodz         33
4  Omega Race                Tulou                 28
5  We are different          Wastbam DK            05
6  The monster and the knight  MPH Animation       16
7  Party Panic               XTC-DK                57
8  rules have changed        Melon Dezign          40
9  Banana split in pyjamas   In-sect               80      2
10 Surrender                 Subscure              50
11 Rund Funk                 Random Number Visuals 63
12 XMS 97                    3Differente           49
13 Gloomy                    Novasion              25
14 A Wild Day                Don Doh               74      4
15 Men On Demos              Threesome             00
16 The Shoertest Wilddemo    Impact DK             86      1

competition closed after 06.10

Amiga Demo Compo

Titel                     Groups               Mark   Rank
                                           my personal ratings
                                            max100%    place
1  Electroboy                Smoke                 65
2  Mellow Yellow             Factor                15
3  Idoru                     Depth                 10
4  Lops Kakki                Jormas!               SuXXX
5  My Kingdom                Haujobb & Scoopex     85      2
6  Remix                     Limited Edition       90      1
7  TurboTronic               Instinct         not presented
8  Katto                     Kiki-Pods             02
9  Killer                    CNCD                  69
10  Dream Scape Discover      Logic Probe           40
11 Power                     Skytech               30
12 Mortality                 Tulou                 70
13 Eurochart32               Depth                 11
14 Enforcing the law         Powerline             80      3
15 GoaTraince                Loonies               78      4
16 Photons Dodraugmix        Ephidrena             72      5

C64 Demo Compo

Title                      Groups             Mark    Rank
                                            my personal ratings
                                            max100%   place
1  Sason Greetings                ?                70
2  party test                 scala prod.          65
3  breitbandkatze             reflex               80
4  Thirst                     Cult                 69
5  Party pussy                trsi / lightforce    30
6  Alles homo oder was        commodore cowboys    50
7  Still pumping              Neoplasia            75
8  Void                       Coma & Resource      95    3
9  Second reality             Smash designs        97    1
10 Too m.fe evil              alpha flight 1970    87    5
11 Trip to Nepa...            Cascade            not presented
12 Desert dots 2              Smash designs        79
13 one-der                    oxyron               96    2
14 art bizzare                haujobb              94    4
15 fettes SaumonsterII        APP                  40