Select name for colly: @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ kore .-----------------ikro ||¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯pkak ____ || orei _| )__||___ - - krop ./ / / o o kako |______\_______ reik | || (____ ropk | koreore. || ) akor | .orekore ||________________eikr | ___. `-----------------opka-. | __|_\|_. ___ __ ___ __ | | |____\_| | Y || Y | kore.| | l o n g h a i r | | | | the ascii collection by | | one and only ...... acid/kore. | | | |-tøn'sea---------------12/sep/99-| @END_FILE_ID.DIZ      _____     | \.|   __|____\|__ _____ __ _____ __    | \..| | Y | | Y |  __ __  |_________\.| | | | | | |   __) Y /_    \ _/ Y 8mm. 8mm.   /---|___|    8mm?     __ __   __) Y /_ _  \ _/ Y   /---|___|_    _____    | \.|  __ __  \|  _) Y /_ _(  __|  _/ Y  |  ---|___|__  ._   |/    __ __ _  ) Y /_ _(    _/ Y   --|___|___       no, this is not "8mm"! _ __ __   Y /_ _(   __ __  _/ Y 7 ///Y\\\  -|___|____  a(id // o_o \\ kore.   \\\`-'///    __ _ //_\o/_\\ _ __  __ ___ (__Y/ /_ ¯ _\ \Y__)  Y /_ _(   \\//( °) °)\\// _/ Y 7  \/ \¯ ¯/ \/  |___|_____  .--. / . \ .--.   / \ _ / \    ooO / /_ ¸#¸ _\ \ Ooo __ ____ ( ) / \_ `|' _/ \ ( )   /_ _( /  \___/ ¯¯ ¯¯ \___/ / Y 7   ___|______       _ ____   /_ _( /_   Y 7 .  __|_______    _____    | \.|  ____  \|  _ _( /_   __|  Y 7 .Y |  _|_______|  ._   |/     ____    _( /_ _  Y 7 .Y   |_______|_        ____   _( /_ _/   7 .Y  this is also not azzaro's  _______|__  "8mm microplastikk asciiform" :)      _______ _______ _______  ____ _ _) ___/__ _( ___ /_ _( ___ (_  ( /_ _/   .|_______ \| \__/ \./ \/ |.  7 .Y  ||___________|___________|_____/_____||  ______|___  |-------------------------------------|   |[·d·a·f·l·y·i·n·g·s·a·l·s·a·b·r·o·s·]|    |-------------------------------------| ____ __ | |   /_ _/   | "8mm microplastikk asciiform" |  7 .Y T | azzaro/sative mea and his cubism |  _____|___|  | fascinations one more time |   | |    `-b|z'sea--------------------01/09/99-' ___ ___   /_ _/   7 .Y T-  ____|___|        __ ____   /_ _/ /  _____  .Y T-- ____ | \.|  ___|___|   | \.| \|   |_______ _______ __|    . \..|| \..| | _ ____  |______\.||_____\.| ._  /_ _/ /_  |/  .Y T---  __|___|         ____   _ _/ /_   this is... .Y T---Y  _|___| |  my "8mm long hair"!       ____    _/ /_ _  /)/)/)/)(\(\(\(\ Y T---Y  \ _ /  |___| |_  __/____\ _ \   \______\ /______\    \ \\//______/  ____ _ \___o_\/_o___/  _/ /_ _\  \ _/ \_ /  T---Y  ( (______) )  ___| |__  _____________\________/ _____________   _/ \______/ \_    ___|_______________________________________|___  ____ __ _\ _____ /_  / /_ _\   | | \.| |  T---Y - | __|____\|__ _____ __ _____ __ |  __| |___  | | \..| | Y | | Y | |   __|__ |_________\.| | | | | | | __|__    / . | \ ___ _____ ___ _____ / | . \ ____ ___ \___|_/ _\ | _\ \__ _\ \____ _/ ___/__ \_|___/   /_ _\ _  / . | \| |____| __ Y _ \_ Y \__ |/ | . \  T---Y -- \____|_/| | | \| | \ | |/ |\_|____/  _| |____  / . . | \----|____|____\____|-----\___|----/____/ | . . \   \_____|_/ ___. ____ _._ _____ \_|_____/    / |\ _\ |____ __\__ \__ _\./_ __/ /_ /| \ ___ ____ \___|/ | __ Y ___ Y \ Y T____| \|___/   /_ _\ __  | | |/ | \| | _ | | | T---Y --' | |----/____|____\----|__\--|____| a(id/kore.|  | |_____  |__ __|   /_____________________________________________\    | | __ ____  |_________________________|   /_ _\ __)  | . . . |.---.| . . . | ---Y --'  |_______|`---'|_______|   |______  |______/ T¯¯¯T \______|   | | | |    | |___| | _ ____  | |  /_ _\ __)_  | _ | --Y --'  | | |   |_______  | | |   | | |    | | |  ____  | | |  _ _\ __)_   ____ | | | ____ -Y --' | / \____|__ | __|____/ \   |_______|  / | \\\\ \_______|_______/ //// | \   (_______|______________|______________|_______)    \_____________________|_____________________/  ____    _\ __)_   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y --' |_ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ " 8mm long hair " \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/  |_______|_    . t h e 3 2 n d h a i r d r e s s e r a s c i i .     ____  e x p e r i m e n t  _\ __)_    --' |_  e x p e r i m e n t  _______|_|    e x p e r i m e n t    ____  e x p e r i m e n t  \ __)_    --' |_  e x p e r i m e n t  ______|_|     e x p e r i m e n t    ___  e x p e r i m e n t   __)_   --' |_  .  _____|_|        .,,,. __  _) (  __)_ _  \, " ,7 -' |_ \ a \ - /  ____|_| /  ( /\,/\   i \\~// k    d /u u\ 0 _  .-\_T_/-.  _)_ __  `---^---' ' |_ \   ___|_| /-        _ cut shoooort  )_ __\   |_ \  b ------>> y  __|_| /--        __  _ __\   ___ _____  |_ \ _ _____(_ /_ _( /_ _ __.  _|_| /---  Y ___ Y __/ )_ _(X_)_ _( l_____   (/____l____ Y Y ___ Y    7____/ tG!.lA! \_____l______l____(/____l  __    __\ X  a ( i d |_ \ _   |_| /---\  > of <      k O r e.  __ _ _ __ _____   __\ X   _( l /____ ____ _______ _( _/_ _ \ _  Y _/ /_ _( /__ _( __ Y ___ )___  _| /---\/  l___\ Y __ Y \l____l_____)/ Y   \__________(/___l____\ tG!.lA! /______l.     __ _    __\ X )   \ _ _ .  | /---\/_  ...? .,,,. \ /   _) _ ( -_o -    \, " ,7 __/ .\  __ _  a \ o / / \   __\ X )_  ( /\,/\/\__/  \ _ _  i \\~ \/~   /---\/__  d /u \ k0   .-\_T_/-.    `---^---'  __ _    __\ X )_    \ _ _ Y -------------> e x p l o d d d a a a a a ! <   /---\/__|        __ _  ! ! ! !  __\ X )_ _  \ _ _ Y  ! ! !  /---\/__|-    !     __ _  wyczeszemy was wszystkich :-)  _\ X )_ _(   _ _ Y  !  ---\/__|--    ! ! !    __ _ _ ! ! ! !  \ X )_ _(    _ _ Y  ____  --\/__|---  / )_\   /\\\) )\ _ _    /////// \ (/)/ _ _ __ \ \ /_ \   X )_ _(   \ \_( cO ,7_ _ _ Y - \ )_`' ( \  -\/__|---7  \ // \___\ \   \\______/\ \    \ / /  _ ___ \ / /  X )_ _(   \___/__/_  _ Y -  | \__)/  \/__|---7_  | _ |   a(id | | |    kore. | | | _ ____ ___|__|__|   )_ _( /  \_____/= )  _ Y -  /__/  /__|---7__    tajemniczy fryzjer a t a k k u j e !    misterious hairdresser a t a k k s !  ____   )_ _( /_  _ Y -  ____ ____  __|---7___  /,--.\ /,--.\   \\___)\/(___//    \__ /\ __/  ____  \ \/ /  _ _( /_   \/\/  Y - Y /\/\  _|---7___|  / /\ \   / /\ \    / /  \ \  ____  \/  \/   _( /_ _   Y - Y    |---7___|-            ____ _   _( /_ _\  heeellooo and welcome!   - Y  here's is of course   ---7___|--  acid/kore. on the keys!    huh, finally, i've done     it. the next, 32nd    ____ __ collection from >kore.   ( /_ _\   manufaktories< is ready  the style? hmm, over two  - Y _ to spread around the  years ago i made a  --7___|---  world. well, i'm happy  collection called "take a   i've release it.  deep breath". old, good,     doggystyle times... i've ____ __    developed such style --->   /_ _\ \  ______ ___ ____  - Y _  \ \ ___  -7___|---\  _____ _____ .___ _____ \\ /   _\___ \_ _\ \_°o\ / _\ __ \_ \/    . _/ ___ Y ____/ Y \/ Y `/ \_ . ___ __  _o\ `-' | ' | | / /o_   /_ _\ \_  \_/_________|________|____|_________\_/ - Y _ \ ·  7___|---\_  _ _________________\ aC!d/dGs       well, after two years it   __ __  doesn't appeal to me, so    /_ _\ \__  i modernize it. thus the   Y _ \  new style was born ----->   ___|---\__          ____ _____ _._ .___ _ __  __\__ \__ _\ \__ _\.__ ____|_ /_  /_ _\ \___  _/ ___ Y ___/ | \ | __/ \_  Y _ \  a(id . . . . \| | \| | _ | \| . . . . kore.  __|---\___  . . . . 7_____\----|____\____|__\--|____\-----7 . . . .        the old style was the one  __   i liked most. i wanted  _ _\ \___    the new style to be  Y _ \ Y  similar to the old one,  _|---\___|    but new "acid" logo is    different to the old    what else? i'd like to  "acid". anyway, i think  __  say hello to  it's much better and,   _\ \___ _  azzaro+renton/sative mea.  what important, very Y _ \ Y  hey, sailors, stop  readable, isn't it?  |---\___|_  attacking me and my    group! we're good      friends, so i think it's   __  stupid to write text  apart from the sea  _\ \___ _(  against -kore.- in your  members, i'd like to  _ \ Y  collections! i consider  greet thung... you know  ---\___|__  them jokes, but it's not  why, mate! stop kidding   funny.  and... unfortunately     thung left us while __ _   beeing at "summer  \ \___ _(    libation camp #6"  _ \ Y  once again about the  alcoholic party held in  --\___|___  collection. this one is  mielno, poland. :( well,   dedicated to several  i need to say i regret i    mates from groups i am a  wasn't there... _ _  member of, i mean:    \___ _( Y  kore., beret squad and   _ \ Y | twilight.   -\___|____   that's all. hope you'll     enjoy this collection!     bye, sincerely yours,  _ _   \___ _( Y    acid  \ Y |   kore.+beretsquad+twilight  \___|_____           _ __   ___ _( Y    \ Y |  /\  /\  ___|______  \ \  / /   \ \/ /    \ \/ /  _ __  \/\/  __ _( Y /_  /\/\  Y |  __/ /\ \__  __|_______  /,--.\/,--.\   /(___//\\___)\    \____/ \____/  _ __   _ _( Y /_    Y | Y ,,,,,,,,,, __________  _|_______|  | | _( )_   .l___. __ |_ (_ part 1! __)    | |____.7 (__ ______)  _ __  |_(o_|_o_|`) o (__) __ ::::::::::   _( Y /_ _  \ |_ / . ______( )__ | | Y | Y  ___\ /___ _( _) | __ __ |_  |_______|_  / \\_ / \ (__ part 2! __) _|___\/___.7   / (_,,_) \ (_________) \__o_Y_o_/`)    ._/_______~ØØ~_______\_. o \ |_ /  _ __  | | ////////// _._\ /____  _( Y /_ _(  |_ > kore. _| ////////// _/ \ o) / \_  | Y  (__) (__) /////// | (_,,_) |  _______|__  (___) 0cm 1mm cnr (___) /////// .__|______~ØØ~_______|_.   (___) 0cm 2mm kempy (___) /////// | |    (_) 0cm 3mm kore. (_) /////// | > twilight |  _ __ _ | | /////// | |  ( Y /_ _(   |______________________| /////// | 0cm 4mm coach |  | Y _ /////// | 0cm 5mm fei |  ______|___  ////////////////////////////////// | 0cm 6mm kempy (r) |   ////////////////////////////////// | 0cm 7mm kermit |    __ /////////////////////////// | 0cm 8mm quetz | _ __ __ _( )_ ////////////// | 0cm 9mm sledz |   Y /_ _( _  ( )_.||||||. ////////////// | 1cm 0mm twilight |  | Y __ ( part __)|||||||| ////////////// | 1cm 1mm wiwa |  _____|____  (_ 3! _)| _ __ | ////////////// | 1cm 2mm zabora |   (___) |___ ___ |_ ////////////// | _.-.-._ _.-.-._ |    ,|| oY o| .7 ////////////// |_|-|~|~|-|__|-|~|~|-|_|  __ ___ o ( |__|__| `) ////////////// `-^-^-^-' `-^-^-^-'  Y /_ _( __  . \ |_ / //////////////////////////////////////// | Y ___ ___\ __ /___ //////////////////////////////////////  ____|_____  / \ / / \ /////////////////////////////////////   / (_,,_) \ ////////////////////////////////////    / _ _ _ ~ØØ~ _ _ _ \ /////////////////////////////////// __ ____ /_|_|_|_|_||_|_|_|_|_\ //////////////////////////////////   /_ _( __/  /| `-|_|_|-'`-|_|_|-' |\ /////////////////////////////////  Y ____ ( | | ) /////////////////////////////////  ___|_____|  \| > beret squad |/ //////////////////////////////////   | | ///////////////////////////////////    | 1cm 3mm beret | /////////////////////////////////// _ ____  | 1cm 4mm emers | ///////////////////////////////////  /_ _( __/_  | 1cm 5mm juen | ///////////////////////////////////  Y _____ | 1cm 6mm norman | ///////////////////////////////////  __|_____|   | 1cm 7mm pesti | ///////////////////////////////////   | 1cm 8mm raptor | ///////////////////////////////////    | 1cm 9mm renton | ///////////////////////////////////  ____  | 2cm 0mm thorr | ///////////////////////////////////  _ _( __/_   | 2cm 1mm tifosi | ///////////////////////////////////  Y _____Y | 2cm 2mm zabora | ///////////////////////////////////  _|_____|   | (r) | ///////////////////////////////////   |____________________| ///////////////////////////////////    ///////////////////////////////////  ____  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   _( __/_ _  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Y _____Y  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  |_____| |-        ____  .,,,.  _( __/_ _(  _) (  _____Y  \, " ,7  _____| |--  \ - /   ___oOo/\_/\oOo___    _\ /_  ____ _ |__ part 1! __|  ( __/_ _(   /_______________\  _____Y  `---^---'  ____| |---       ____ __ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   __/_ _(   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _____Y - ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  ___| |---7       ___ ___ _  __/_ _(   //)/)/) ____Y -  / \  __| |---7_  /---.---.\ a(id   \__b|c__|/ kore.    ____\______/____ __ ____ \\ |_ __| //  _/_ _( /  / |____| \ ___Y -  / (_ _) \  _| |---7__  ___/_______\__/_______\___   \\\ ///   ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________ _ ____  / (__) (__) \  /_ _( /_  / (___) >> c n r << (___) \ __Y -  \ (___) (___) /  | |---7___ _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________   | 0cm 1mm |    \\\________________________///  ____   _ _( /_   _Y - Y   |---7___|  ___   __| _ |    . . | .|| || . .  ____  |_|||__|   _( /_ _  _____ ___| _____ Y - Y  _\ \__ _\ \____ __/ /_  |---7___|-  __ | ___/ Y _ \_ Y T____Y __   _ | _|| \| | \ | |a(id||_ | _    _|__|___|----\____|-----\___|____|k0 |___|__|_  ____ _ __ | _  _( /_ _)  |. ||| |  - Y  . . ||_||__| . .  ---7___|--  |___|       ____ __  ( /_ _)   _  - Y  //)/)/)  --7___|---  / \   /---.---.\ a(id    \__b|c__|/ kore. ____ __  ____\______/____   /_ _) Y  \\ |_ __| //  - Y _ / |____| \  -7___|---|  / (_ _) \   ___/_______\__/_______\___    \\\ /// ___ __ _______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________   /_ _) Y   / (__) (__) \ - Y _/ / (___) >> k e m p y << (___) \  7___|---|_  \ (___) (___) /  _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________    | 0cm 2mm | __ __ __ \\\________________________///   /_ _) Y /   Y _/   ___|---|__    ___ __ _____ __ _ _____ ___.    ._] Y /__ __/ ___/_ _\ \/ \__ __\___ \_ _\ |____. _ __ __  \| _/ Y __/ Y \ _ Y |/ Y | |/  /_ _) Y /_  - > / | \| .|. \_/ .|. |________ | ___< -  Y _/  /|---/_____|----\____|----|____|____|a(id/k0/___\ \  __|---|___        __ __  _  _ _) Y /_   //)/)/)  Y _/ Y / \  _|---|___|  /---.---.\ a(id   \__b|c__|/ kore.    ____\______/____  __ __  \\ |_ __| //   _) Y /_ _  / |____| \ Y _/ Y_ / (______) \  |---|___|   ___/__________________\___   \\\ ///   ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________  __ __  / (__) (__) \  _) Y /_ _(  / (___) >> k o r e. << (___) \  _/ Y__ \ (___) (___) /  ---|___| | _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________   | 0cm 3mm |    \\\________________________/// __ __ _  ) Y /_ _(    _/ Y__   --|___| |_  ( ( ( o ) ) )   _ _|__ _    \\\ /// _ __ __ _)\____/(_   Y /_ _(   \|_o||o_|/  _/ Y__  m a c h i n e s . . ( [] ) . . i n s i d e !  -|___| |__  _ __ _\ ____ /_ __ _   /// Y /__ __\ Y \\\    / | `--' | \  __ ___ ___ __ / ___|_ __|__ \ _____  Y /_ _(   _] Y /__ _\ \__ __/ /_ __X ___/_ _/ Y__  __/ _/ Y ____ Y T____Y __/ \____.  |___| |___  .__\ / | \| | | _ | \| __ |   | /-----/_____|____\____|____| \/ |----\_____||__|    | _ _ _ _ _ _ | __ ____ |_ kore. (-)(-)(-) k o r e . (-)(-)(-) kore. _|   /_ _( /  /_______|_||_||_|_______________|_||_||_|_______\ / Y__ _ `-'`-'`-' | | `-'`-'`-'  ___| |___|  ._|__________|_.   | |    | | _ ____  |a(id/k0_______|  /_ _( /_  _______|__|_______  Y__ __ ((__________________))  __| |___|   (_( (_((__))_) )_)       ____   _ _( /_   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  Y__ __Y ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  _| |___| |  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////       ____    _( /_ _  .,,,. Y__ __Y  _) (  | |___| |_  \, " ,7   \ - /    ___oOo/\_/\oOo___  ____  _\ /_  _( /_ _(  |__ part 2! __| __ __Y  /_______________\   |___| |__  `---^---'       ____ _  ( /_ _(   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _ __Y  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  |___| |___  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////      ____ __   /_ _(   _ _ _  __Y 7 //\/\\  ___| |____  /__. _ \   / |___.\ a(id    \__O|o__|/ kore. ___ ___ ____\ | | /____   /_ _(   \\ / `-' _\ //  __Y 7  / ( __ / ) \  __| |_____  / \_ \/ _/ \   ___/_______\__/_______\___    \\\ /// __ __________________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________   /_ _( /  / (__) (__) \  __Y 7  / (___) >> c o a c h << (___) \  _| |______  \ (___) (___) /  _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________    | 0cm 4mm | _ ____  \\\________________________///  /_ _( /_  __Y 7   | |_______    a(id _____ _____ ____ _____ ___. k0    __\ \__ _\ \__ __\__ \__ _\ \__ _\ |__ __/\__  ____ __/\__ ___/ Y ___ Y ___ Y ___/ Y __ \_\/_/  _ _( /_  \_\/_/ \| | \| | \| | \| | |/ /_/\_\ _Y 7 Y/_/\_\---\____|____\____|____\----|----\____|----/____ \/   |_______|  \/       ____    _( /_ _  _ _ _ Y 7 Y  //\/\\  |_______|_  /__. _ \   / |___.\ a(id    \__O|o__|/ kore.  ____  ____\ | | /____  _( /_ _/  \\ / `-' _\ //  7 Y  / ( __ / ) \  _______|__  / \_ \/ _/ \   ___/_______\__/_______\___    \\\ ///  ____ _______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________  ( /_ _/   / (__) (__) \  7 Y  / (___) >> f e i << (___) \  ______|___  \ (___) (___) /  _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________    | 0cm 5mm | ____ __ \\\________________________///   /_ _/    7 Y T  _____|___|    _____ _____ _._    ____/ ___/_ __/ ___/_ _\.____ ___ ___ / ______Y __/ Y \ \   /_ _/   ) ) )) | _ | \| | _ (( ( ( 7 Y T- a(id \______| \/ |----\____|__\----/ kore.  ____|___|        __ ____ _ _ _   /_ _/ /  //\/\\  Y T-- /__. _ \  ___|___|   / |___.\ a(id   \__O|o__|/ kore.    ____\ | | /____ _ ____  \\ / `-' _\ //  /_ _/ /_  / ( __ / ) \  Y T--- / \_ \/ _/ \  __|___|   ___/_______\__/_______\___   \\\ ///   ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________  ____  / (__) (__) \  _ _/ /_  replay! / (___) >> k e m p y << (___) \  Y T---Y \ (___) (___) / replay!  _|___| | _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________   | 0cm 6mm |    \\\________________________///  ____    _/ /_ _  Y T---Y   |___| |_  ___ __ _____ __ _ _____ ___.   ._] Y /__ __/ ___/_ _\ \/ \__ __\___ \_ _\ |____.    \| _/ Y __/ Y \ _ Y |/ Y | |/  ____  - > / | \| .|. \_/ .|. |________ | ___< -  _/ /_ _|  /|---/_____|----\____|----|____|____|a(id/k0/___\ \  T---Y |  ___| |__       _ _ _  ____ _ //\/\\  / /_ _|   /__. _ \  T---Y |_ / |___.\ a(id  __| |___  \__O|o__|/ kore.   ____\ | | /____    \\ / `-' _\ // ____ _  / ( __ / ) \   /_ _| |  / \_ \/ _/ \  T---Y |_| ___/_______\__/_______\___  _| |____  \\\ ///  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________    / (__) (__) \ ___ _  / (___) > k e r m i t < (___) \   /_ _| |_  \ (___) (___) / T---Y |_| _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________  | |_____  | 0cm 7mm |   \\\________________________///    __ _    /_ _| |_   ---Y |_| Y ___-   |_____|  __(o)(O)__   ______ _ \\______// _ _______    .__\ / \/\______/\/ \ /__. _ _  ___ __ | _____ _____ __ _ _._ | ___.  /_ _| |_ _  ._] Y /__ __/ ___/_ __/ /_ _\ \/ \__ _\./_ _\ |__ --Y |_| Y  | _/ Y __/ Y T____Y \ _ Y \ Y ___/__.   |_____|_  | / | \| | |a(id| \_/ | _ | | |   |---/_____|----\____|____|-k0-|----|____|__\--|----|____|     _ _  _ _| |_ _\  -Y |_| Y  _ _ _   |_____|__  //\/\\   /__. _ \    / |___.\ a(id  _ __ \__O|o__|/ kore.   _| |_ _\   ____\ | | /____ Y |_| Y - \\ / `-' _\ //  |_____|___  / ( __ / ) \   / \_ \/ _/ \    ___/_______\__/_______\___  _ ___ \\\ ///  _| |_ _\ _ ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________  |_| Y -- / (__) (__) \  _____|____  / (___) >> q u e t z << (___) \   \ (___) (___) /   _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________  _ ____ | 0cm 8mm |  | |_ _\ __  \\\________________________/// |_| Y --'  ____|_____       _____ ___ _ _____ ___. ____ _ ____  _\ \__ _\ | \__ __/ ___/_ _\ |__ __\__ \__   |_ _\ __)  _/ ___ Y | Y __/ Y ___/__| ______)_ _| Y --'  | \| __| | | \| | | | \| |a(id  ___|______  |_____\__) )_________|----\____|----|____|____\-----|kore.   ---------\/-----------------------------------------------     ____   |_ _\ __)_  | Y --'  _ _ _  __|_______  //\/\\   /__. _ \    / |___.\ a(id  ____  \__O|o__|/ kore.  _ _\ __)_   ____\ | | /____  Y --' Y \\ / `-' _\ //  _|_______|  / ( __ / ) \   / \_ \/ _/ \    ___/_______\__/_______\___  ____  \\\ ///   _\ __)_ _ ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________ Y --' Y_ / (__) , , (__) \  |_______|_  / (___) >> s l e d z << (___) \   \ (___) (___) /   _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________  ____  | 0cm 9mm |  _\ __)_ _(  \\\________________________///  --' Y__  _______|__       __ _ ____ _ o _\_\ ___ _____ .___ /_/_  \ __)_ _(   __ o _/ __/__ _\ |a(id __/ ___/_ ____|_ /_ __\__ \__.  --' Y____ _\\\__.°_____ Y |__k0| __/ Y __/ Y ______|  ______|___ )\/ o\ |/ | | | \| | \| | \| |  )/\___<__/----/____|----|____|----\____|____\----|____\----|    ___ __   __)_ _( _  --' Y____ _ _ _  _____|____  //\/\\   /__. _ \    / |___.\ a(id __ ___ \__O|o__|/ kore.  __)_ _( __  ____\ | | /____ -' Y_____ \\ / `-' _\ //  ____|_____  / ( __ / ) \   / \_ \/ _/ \    ___/_______\__/_______\___ _ ____ \\\ ///  _)_ _( __/ ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________ ' Y_____  / (__) (__) \  ___|______  / (___) t w i l i g h t (___) \ scroll   \ (___) (___) / right! --->   _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________  ____  | 1cm 0mm |  )_ _( __/_  \\\________________________///  Y_____   __|_______       /\  ____  / \  _ _( __/__  _._ ___. / ·\__ _____  Y_____ / ____ _\./_ _\ |/ _\\/_ _/ ___/__ ___.  _|_______\  ___. ___/\ /_| / Y |____| \ Y \__ |_\ |____ ___. a(id   _\ |__ | / \_ | _ | /| | _ \| |/ .| __ . |_\ |__ k0   | ___/__| / _ |__\--|--/-|____|__\--\----/____| |/ | ___/__  ____ | | |----/____| /· \ |----/____| | |   _( __/__  |----|____| // twilight \ |----|____| Y_____ /  /__________________\  |_______\         ____  _ _ _  ( __/__   //\/\\ ____ /  /__. _ \  ______\   / |___.\ a(id   \__O|o__|/ kore.    ____\ | | /____ ____  \\ / `-' _\ //   __/__   / ( __ / ) \ ___ /  / \_ \/ _/ \  _____\   ___/_______\__/_______\___   \\\ ///   ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________ ___  / (__) (__) \  __/__   / (___) >> w i w a << (___) \ __ /  \ (___) (___) /  ____\ o _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________   | 1cm 1mm |    \\\________________________/// __   _/__   _ /   ___\ o   .------------------.   | ____ _._ +----------------------.    |_ ____/\ /_ _\./_| ____ ____ | _  | / \_ Y \ |___/\ /_ __\__ \___ _|  /__ |  | / _ | _ | / \_ Y ___ |  / | |- -----/____|__\--| / _ | \| |  __\ o |  `------------------|----/____|____\----- -|   a(id/kore. `----------------------'       __ ||   / || _ _ _  _\ o |   //\/\\   /__. _ \    / |___.\ a(id  _ \__O|o__|/ kore.  _ ||   ____\ | | /____ / ||_ \\ / `-' _\ //  \ o |   / ( __ / ) \   / \_ \/ _/ \    ___/_______\__/_______\___  __ \\\ ///   ||  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________  ||__ / (__) (__) \   o |   / (___) > z a b o r a < (___) \   \ (___) (___) /   _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________  ___ | 1cm 2mm |   || \  \\\________________________///  ||___   o | _       ____ ____ ___. _____ _____ ____  ___ ___\__ \__ __\__ \__ _\ _|____ _\ \__ __/ /_ __\__ \___   || \| \ ______Y ___ Y \__ Y ___ Y T____Y ___ /  ||___|_ \| | \| | |/ | \| | |a(id| \| _   o | _| /____\----|____\----|____/----|____\____|____| k0|____\----\       ___    || \||  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  ||___|| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   o | _|   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////       ___ _   || \||   .,,,.  ||___||_ _) (  o | _|   \, " ,7   \ - /    ___oOo/\_/\oOo___  ___ __ _\ /_   || \||   |__ part 3! __|  ||___||__ /_______________\   | _|   `---^---'       ___ ___  || \|| \  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ||___||___ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  | _| _  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////       ___ ___   | \|| \|  _ |___||___| _ /   _| _|  .-\/---.   | |    . | _ _ | . ___ ___  |-+--..--+-|   \|| \||  a(id |___o||o___| kore. ___||___|| _ ____\ `' /____ _   _| _|   (((_ (_ _ _) _)))   / \__/ \    ___//________________\\___ __ ___ _ \\\ ///   \|| \||  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________ __||___||_ / (__) (__) \   _| _|   / (___) >> b e r e t << (___) \ scroll   \ (___) (___) / right! --->   _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________ _ ___ __ | 1cm 3mm |  \|| \||   \\\________________________/// _||___||__  _| _|        _  ___ ___ _(_)_  || \|| \  <_____> ||___||___ b e r e t y s a m o d n e ! _ / \ _  | _| _ ___________________________________________________________\ \__ __/ /_______   \_X_/    ___. _____ _____ _____ ___. _ \-/ _  ___ ___ a(id _\ _|____ __/ ___/_ __/ /_ __/ ___/_ _\ |__ _\\___/ \___//_  | \|| \| kore. | \__ Y __/ Y T____Y __/ Y ___/__//--/ \--\\ |___||___|_______ | |/ | \| .|. | _ | \| | | | / _ _ \ ________   _| _|  |____/----|----\____|____| \/ |----\____|----|____| \/_X_\/      ___ ___    \|| \|   _ ___||___|  _ /   _| _|   .-\/---.   | |    . | _ _ | . __ ___  |-+--..--+-|   \|| \|   a(id |___o||o___| kore. __||___|  _ ____\ `' /____ _   _| _| o  (((_ (_ _ _) _)))   / \__/ \    ___//________________\\___ _ ___  \\\ ///  \|| \|  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________ _||___|  / (__) (__) \  _| _| o   / (___) >> e m e r s << (___) \   \ (___) (___) /   _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________  ___  | 1cm 4mm |  || \|   \\\________________________/// ||___|   | _| o        _____________  ___  __\ /__  | \|   \ \\ _____ // / |___|  _____ __ _ \ .__/ ___/_. / _____ ____   _| o   __/ ___/_ _\ \/ \_\| __/ .|/_/ /_.__/ __/__   _/ __/ Y \ _ \ \| .|. T___________ \_    _\ \| | \_/ |\---\____|. | _ | |/ /_ ___  /-----\____|----|____|a(id/kore.____| \/ |----/_____\   \|   \ / ___|  \_/   _| o        __  _   \|   _ / __|  .-\/---.   _| o   | |   . | _ _ | .    |-+--..--+-| _  a(id |___o||o___| kore.  \|   _ ____\ `' /____ _ _|  (((_ (_ _ _) _)))  _| o   / \__/ \   ___//________________\\___    \\\ ///  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________  |   / (__) (__) \ |  / (___) >> j u e n << (___) \  | o   \ (___) (___) /  _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________    | 1cm 5mm |   \\\________________________///         o     .___ ___ _ _____ ___    a(id/kore. | /_ _\ | \__ __/ ___/_ _\ \____.   .____| Y | Y __/ Y _ \_ |   a  ||| || | | | | \| | \ || |||  c .| ||||____|----|_________|----\____|-----\___|||| |.  o k         _   ac  _ /  cn .-\/---.   ke  | |   . | _ _ | .    |-+--..--+-|   a(id |___o||o___| kore.   aci  _ ____\ `' /____ _  cnr (((_ (_ _ _) _)))   kem  / \__/ \   ___//________________\\___    \\\ ///  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________   acid  / (__) (__) \  cnr  / (___) > n o r m a n < (___) \ scroll   kemp  \ (___) (___) / right! --->  _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________    | 1cm 6mm |   \\\________________________///   acid    cnr    kempy    _    _(_)_   <_____>   acid   / \ b e r e t m a g a z i n e  cnr a(id \__ __/   kempy  kore. \_X_/ m a i n e d i t o r   _ \-/ _ ___ _____ _____ __ _ ____ ___    _\\___/ \___//_\ \____ _\ \__ __/ /_ _\ \/ \__ __\__ \__ _\ \_____   //--/ \--\\ _ \_ Y ____ Y T____Y \ _ Y ___ Y _ \_ /   acid   / _ _ \ | \ | \| .|. | | \_/ .|. \| | \ \  cnr  \/_X_\/ |-----\___|____\____|____| |____|----|____\----|-----\____\   kempy          _   acid   _ /  cnr  .-\/---.   kempy   | |   . | _ _ | .    |-+--..--+-|   a(id |___o||o___| kore.   acid   _ ____\ `' /____ _  cnr m (((_ (_ _ _) _)))   kempy   / \__/ \   ___//________________\\___    \\\ ///  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________  acid   / (__) (__) \ cnr ma / (___) >> p e s t i << (___) \  kempy   \ (___) (___) /  _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________    | 1cm 7mm |   \\\________________________///  cid   nr man  empy     _____ _____ ____ ___. _._    a(id __\___ \_ __/ ___/_ __/ __/__ _\ |__ ._\./_. k0   | |/ Y __/ Y______ Y ___/__| \ |  id   > >>> |_____ \| . .|. . |/ | | | _ <<< < r manu |____| /----\____|----/____|----|____|__\--|  mpy          _  d k  _ /  manuf .-\/---.  py .  | |   . | _ _ | .    |-+--..--+-|   a(id |___o||o___| kore.   ko  _ ____\ `' /____ _  manufa (((_ (_ _ _) _)))  y .1  / \__/ \   ___//________________\\___    \\\ ///  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________   kor  / (__) (__) \  manufak / (___) > r a p t o r < (___) \ scroll   .19  \ (___) (___) / right! --->  _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________    | 1cm 8mm |   \\\________________________///   kore   manufakt   .199    _____ ____ _____    .__/ /____\__ \__ __\___ \_. ___. _____ _____  .___| T_____ ___ Y |/ |_\ |__ ._\ \__ __/ /_. __.   kore. | | | | \| | |_____ ___/__| ___ Y T____| |  manufakto|_ |____| |____\----|____|a(id| | | \| | | _|   .1999  /----------------------------- k0|----|____|____\____|____| ------\          kore.   _ manufaktor _ /   .1999   .-\/---.   | |    . | _ _ | .   |-+--..--+-|   kore.   a(id |___o||o___| kore. anufaktori _ ____\ `' /____ _   .1999   (((_ (_ _ _) _)))   / \__/ \    ___//________________\\___   \\\ ///   kore.  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________ nufaktorie / (__) (__) \   .1999   / (___) > r e n t o n < (___) \   \ (___) (___) /   _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________   | 1cm 9mm |   kore.   \\\________________________/// ufaktories   .1999        _____ _____ ___ ___. _____ ___   __/ /_ __/ ___/_ _\ \____ _\ |__ _\ \__ _\ \____  kore.  |. T____Y __/ Y _ \_ Y ___/__Y ___ Y _ \_ .| faktories |: |a(id| \| | \ | | | \| | \ :|  .1999  |.___|kore.----\____|-----\___|----|____|____\____|-----\__.|         ore.   _ aktories  _ /  1999   .-\/---.   | |    . | _ _ | .   |-+--..--+-|  re.   a(id |___o||o___| kore. ktories  _ ____\ `' /____ _  999   (((_ (_ _ _) _)))   / \__/ \    ___//________________\\___   \\\ ///  e.  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________ tories k / (__) (__) \  99   / (___) >> t h o r r << (___) \   \ (___) (___) /   _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________   | 2cm 0mm |  .   \\\________________________/// ories k0  9        ___. ___. _____ _____   _\ |__ _\ |____ _\ \__ __/ /__     | ___/__| __ | ____ Y T____/____ ries k0- | | | |/ | \| | | __/ /_     |----|____|----/__:_|____\____|____|| T____|   _ | |a(id    t h ·· (_) ·· r r |____|kore.   .     · ies k0-8          _   _ /     .-\/---. es k0-8m | |     . | _ _ | .   |-+--..--+-|    a(id |___o||o___| kore.   _ ____\ `' /____ _     (((_ (_ _ _) _))) s k0-8mm / \__/ \     ___//________________\\___   \\\ ///   ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________   / (__) (__) \     / (___) > t i f o s i < (___) \ scroll  k0-8mm. \ (___) (___) / right! --->    _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________   | 2cm 1mm |    \\\________________________///        k0-8mm.t     _ ___. _._ _____ _____ ____ _._ _   __( )_____\ |__ _\./_ __/ ___/_ _\ \_____/ __/__ _\./_____( )__    _) (_ ___/__Y \ Y ______Y ___ _______ Y \ _) (_  (_ _) | | _ | |a(id| \| | |/ | _ (_ _)     )__ __(------|____|__\--|____|kore.____\____|----/____|__\----)__ __(  k0-8mm.tx (_) (_)            _     _ / k0-8mm.txt .-\/---.     | |   . | _ _ | .    |-+--..--+-|   a(id |___o||o___| kore.     _ ____\ `' /____ _ 0-8mm.txt  (((_ (_ _ _) _)))     / \__/ \   ___//________________\\___    \\\ ///  ______________ |_ hairdresser says: _| _______________     / (__) (__) \ -8mm.txt replay! / (___) > z a b o r a < (___) \     \ (___) (___) / replay!  _____________\ (_) lenght: (_) /______________    | 2cm 2mm |   \\\________________________///     8mm.txt        ____ ____ ___. _____ _____ ____   ___\__ \__ __\__ \__ _\ _|____ _\ \__ __/ /_ __\__ \___  \ ______Y ___ Y \__ Y ___ Y T____Y ___ /    _ \| | \| | |/ | \| | |a(id| \| _ mm.txt /____\----|____\----|____/----|____\____|____| k0|____\----\            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// m.txt  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////            .,,,.     _) ( .txt  \, " ,7     \ - /   ___oOo/\_/\oOo___    _\ /_   |__ no mo' logos! __|     /_______________\ txt  `---^---'            ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// xt  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////          .       t  .       ..      ...       short message to x-ball/sative mea...          __   __ |.|     |.||_| -÷ S A T I V E M E A domination'99 ÷-   |_|       LINEAR+K0re ... ?    . . . . .    . . . . .  Moûecie tîucnâê sië o kant NASZEJ dupy poniewaû MY jesteômy . . . . .  __   . . . . .  N I E D O W Y J E B A N I A __ |.| . . . . .  |.||_|    |_| ..........  ..........  .......... cytat z "garden my flies" x-balla/sative mea.  ..........  ..........    :::::::::: hmmm... a myôlaîem, ûe jesteô inteligentniejszy...  ::::::::::  :::::::::: szkoda...  ::::::::::  :::::::::: tak w ogóle, to od kiedy taki waûny jesteô?    xxxxxxxxxx :)  xxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxx "tîucnij" sië w gîowë i pomyôl dwa razy zanim napiszesz  xxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxx nastëpnym razem coô podobnego, pozerze!    XXXXXXXXXX dobranoc, z powaûaniem,  XXXXXXXXXX  XXXXXXXXXX a c i d / k o r e .  XXXXXXXXXX  XXXXXXXXXX ...    QQQQQQQQQQ ..  QQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ .  QQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ    . QQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ    ØØØØØØØØØØ  ØØØØØØØØØØ  ØØØØØØØØØØ  ØØØØØØØØØØ  ØØØØØØØØØØ    ØØØØØØØØØØ  ØØØØØØØØØØ  Øthe endØ  ØØØØØØØØØØ  ØØØØØØØØØØ                                  [ [ k0re. manufaktories in 1999 ] ]     __ __   a(id ___. ___|. |. ______ __ . ______| .|______ . kore. | |/ .T|__||/ .T|__||/ .T|__|T. \|   __| / |____| |____| ___ |____| __ |___   .__ T __| .T. ____ T [/__| T _____| .T __  | _|| __ | \] | __ | | || | |___|----]______|___________|----]______|___________||__| NEWS: @ thung left us for linear. rest in peace, friend. :) @ we're looking for new gifted members! mEMBERs .................. acid, cnr, kempy c0NTACt ................... a: arkadiusz kajzerek c: konrad szeromski : patriotow 32b/1 rechniweskiego 10/48 : pl-44253 rybnik pl-03980 warszawa : 032 4215195 n/a : : k: przemek kowalczyk : kopernika 13/14 : pl-34100 wadowice : 033 8235834 : :....... e-mail: acid cnr all! pR0Ds ....... 01. "maximalistik98" k0-max98.txt, acid : 024 apr 1998, 040kb : :... 02. "kwiaty" k0-kwiat.txt, acid+fitzroy : 030 sep 1998, 060kb : :... 03. "experiment 25" k0-exp25.txt, acid : 001 oct 1998, 026kb : :... 04. "forgotten in space" k0-forgt.txt, kempy : 018 feb 1999, 090kb : _ :... 05. "strajk pajacow" k0-pajac.txt, kempy : 022 feb 1999, 87kb : :... 06. "the poetry of two colours" k0-2kolo.txt, acid : 028 feb 1999, 050kb : :... 07. "rhythm of life" k0-rofli.txt, cnr+twister : ??? mar 1999, 070kb : :... 08. "na cztery linie" k0-na4li.txt, acid : 010 apr 1999, 070kb : :... 09. "klubbhead loop 89" sea+kore.txt, acid+azzaro+ : (k0operation) kempy+zabora : 017 apr 1999, 400kb : :... 10. "invitation" k0-invte.txt, kempy : 001 may 1999, 054kb : :... 11. "nuclear radiator" k0-nucle.txt, kempy : 029 may 1999, 105kb : :... 12. "spin1" k0-spin1.txt, cnr : 008 jun 1999, 146kb : :... 13. "cyberkartoon" k0-cyber.txt, acid : 015 jun 1999, 080kb : :... 14. "narkotyki" k0-narko.txt, kempy : 010 jul 1999, 080kb : :... 15. "small gift" k0-small.txt, thung : 010 jul 1999, 053kb : :... 16. "state of the world address" k0-st8wa.txt, acid : 012 jul 1999, 120kb : :... 17. "phantasma" k0-phant.txt, kempy : 004 aug 1999, 115kb : :... 18. "lokomotywa" k0-motyw.txt, acid : 009 sep 1999, 070kb : :... 19. "8mm long hair" k0-8mm.txt, acid 012 sep 1999, 080kb productions released under kore. label: acid - 8.75 (two cooperations) cnr - 1.5 (one cooperation) kempy - 6.25 (one cooperation) ----[ past members ]---- fitzroy - 0.5 (one cooperation) "kwiaty" thung - 1.0 "small gift" ---[ guest artisits ]--- twister/deez nuts - 0.5 (one cooperation) "rhythm of life" azzaro+zabora/sative mea - 0.5 (one cooperation) "klubbhead loop 89" [ [ k0re. manufaktories in 1999 ] ] t e c h n i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n nAMe ------------------- " 8 mm long hair " aCRONYm ------------------- k0-8mm.txt sIZe ------------------- 80'000 bytes aUTHOr ------------------- acid/kore. gUESt aRTISTs ------------------- renton/sative mea, tango/twisted, thung/linear sOFTWARe ------------------- ced v4.2 hARDWARe ------------------- a1230t/50mhz fpu/10mb/hdd 1.7gb/cd changer 4x4/m1438s sUPPORt+iNSPIRATIOn ------------------- cd collection from "machina": "lekcja rytmiki czyli zalamanie nerwowe perkusji" "angielska positivka czyli dwa wesela, pogrzeb i dentysta" "amulet i atlas czyli poszukiwanie wygietej miarki" "stroj do kapielee albo sztuka machania noga" schizo-thoughts while travelling by bus :) azzaro's "8mm microplatikk asciiform" :) well, i haven't seen "8mm" and i don't plan to do it. tHANKs tO ------------------- me myself and i ;) rELEASe dATe -------------------- 12th september 1999 collections of mine made so far: 01 Ac!D-asc.txt - ascii - 001.001.996 - 057k 02 Ac!D-azn.txt - azki network - 001.003.996 - 092k 03 Ac!D-fcs.txt - faces - 007.004.996 - 150k 04 Ac!D-aqu.txt - aquarium - 010.006.996 - 190k 05 dGs-deep.txt - deep forest - 030.008.996 - 290k 06 dGs-!us!.txt - i love us! - 016.009.996 - 065k 07 dGs-indd.txt - independence day - 009.011.996 - 160k 08 dGs-brwi.txt - broken wiatrak - 015.012.996 - 120k 09 dGs-strk.txt - striking mismatch - 020.012.996 - 080k 10 dGs-retr.txt - retrospection - 031.012.996 - 160k 11 dGs-take.txt - take a deep breath - 001.002.997 - 170k 12 dGs-krwi.txt - krash'd wiatrak - 022.002.997 - 110k 13 dGs-kulf.txt - plecaki kulfoniaki - 022.002.997 - 110k 14 dGs-14xl.txt - 14 x love - 022.002.997 - 050k 15 dGs-gfti.txt - graffiti! - 030.005.997 - 110k 16 dGs-live.txt - still alive - 012.007.997 - 120k 17 dGs-sun!.txt - sundance! where are you? - 030.008.997 - 060k 18 dGs-jour.txt - journey - 015.009.997 - 100k 19 dGs-mm97.txt - minimalistik97 - 001.010.997 - 030k 20 dGs-mawi.txt - magyari wiatrak - 012.012.997 - 090k 21 dGs-all!.txt - *all logos in one archive* - 031.012.997 -manyk 22 L124-m98.txt - minimalistik98 - 002.002.998 - 140k 23 k0-max98.txt - maximalistik98 - 024.004.998 - 040k 24 k0-kwiat.txt - kwiaty - 030.009.998 060k 25 k0-exp25.txt - experiment 25 - 001.010.998 - 026k 26 k0-2kolo.txt - the poetry of two colours - 028.002.999 - 050k 27 k0-na4li.txt - na cztery linie - 010.004.999 - 070k 28 sea+kore.txt - klubbhead loop 89 - 017.004.999 - 400k 29 k0-cyber.txt - cyberkartoon - 015.006.999 - 080k 30 k0-st8wa.txt - state of the world address - 012.007.999 - 120k 31 k0-motyw.txt - lokomotywa - 009.009.999 - 070k 32 k0-8mm.txt - 8mm long hair - 012.009.999 - 080k --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ 3'450 ] kbytes in [ 32 ] files during [ 3 years 9 months and 10 days ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ........ ....... ....... ........ .....:::: ::::.. ::::.... ::::.:::: :::: :::' :::: .... .... :::: :::: ....... ..... ...... :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::.. :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: .... :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: tGø:::: :::: ::::.:::: ::::.:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: r e s p e c t . . . . . ::::.:::: ::::.:::: ::::-T! azzaro budgie cnr dipswitch fighter_for_future filozof garfield kacper kempy krs luk neurodancer renton revi sharp simon_king the_shepherd thung twister x-ball yaneq zabora , \ o/ __; - --[ 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 f ]-- - /,)/ -«------------ ¯ \ --------[ KORE. - ONLY ONE STEP TO ETERNITY! ]----------»- / ¯' @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ kore .-----------------ikro ||¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯pkak ____ || orei _| )__||___ - - krop ./ / / o o kako |______\_______ reik | || (____ ropk | koreore. || ) akor | .orekore ||________________eikr | ___. `-----------------opka-. | __|_\|_. ___ __ ___ __ | | |____\_| | Y || Y | kore.| | l o n g h a i r | | | | the ascii collection by | | one and only ...... acid/kore. | | | |-tøn'sea---------------12/sep/99-| @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ._____. _________ |¯ : ________[staff] prefix/appendix - ufok/appendix |¯ __ /_| __|____._\ ___/ [MASTER] madbart/appendix |______( \__ ¬: __>___:___________________ ___ _ /¯ / \ ¯| / . / _ _ [a1240T/603e/240MHz/quantum 1.3gb/4*cdrom] /_______:---/______.-)______(------------------------------------- -- - _______ ________ ________ _________.______ [node 0] +48-91-4879493 /¯ ___/_._\ ___/ ._\ ____/_._\ _ ¬· | _ ___ __________._\____ ¬: ___> : \ ¬: /______. | [open] | / \ ¯\nd!:______: 22-13/week 22-10 cet _ _ _ _ \ |¯ | - ------- -------------:-)________.-)________.-)________:-)______\ |______| [node 1] telnet [node 2] telnet [appendix] [pic saint loup] [da jormas] [teklords] [floppy] [kore.] [linear] [old bulls] [sative mea] [dinx project] [mawi] [venus art] [nah-kolor] @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ k o r e. manufaktories 1999 _______ ___ have developped | || T_T an innovative |__||___/___\__ engine which .-|_ : \___/ :\ will change | __ : :_> the mean- |=]__/_/\_:_______:X\ ing of the _____\_\/_(_)(_)(_))\\___ global ------------------------- trans- "lokomotywa" by kore. port. 31st colly by acid/k0 -----------------------09.09.99- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ , `|----|' \ o/ __; - --[ 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 f ]-- - /,)/ -«------------ ¯ \ --------[ KORE. - ONLY ONE STEP TO ETERNITY! ]----------»- / ¯' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' ¼¼ ¼¼¼ ,, ¼¼¼ ¼¼ ,½½½½, ¼¼ km!k0 ____ ¼¼ ½½½½½½ ¼¼ ____ ___________\_ /____ ___________ ¼¼ `½½½½' ¼¼ ___ ___________\__/ / _ _______ _/__________ ¼¼¼ '' ¼¼¼ / _ \ /_________\ /___ \ _ ¼¼ _ /__________\ ___ ________________ \___________\ ¼¼¼ ¼¼¼ ________________\ /______________ ¼¼ ¼¼¼¼ ¼¼ ¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼ . a c i d . _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' `¼ ¼' ¼ ¼ . k o r e. . ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ______ ___ ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ __________ _ ____ km!k0 \ / _/_______ _ ¼[¹\¼¼/¹]¼ _ ______\ __ \___/ \-_/___________ /_______ \ ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ / \ \ ______ _____\ ____ /___________\ `¼¼¼¼¼¼' /____________\ /___________\ ___ /____________ ¼¼¼¼¼¼ ______________________________ |___\ ¼ `¼¼¼¼' ¼ /_____ ,¼ ¼, `' `' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' p r e s e n t s h i s 3 1 s t a s c i i c o l l e c t i o n _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' .-----[ a c i d / k o r e . produkktion ]-----. | | | | __ T _______ |_/____ _______ ______ _______ T_ ____ | ____ __ ______| | __ | \..| | /.| | \..| T/ L /.| | \..| | __ |../ | |../ \| | \..| |___\|-|___\.|-| /..|-|___\.|-| /..|-|___\_|-|___\|-|./___|-|./_T__|-|___\.| | |_______| | _______ ___ | | | || T_T | | |__||___/___\__ | ____________ .-|_ : \___/ :\ ___________________| | | | __ : :_> +|__________|-+=]__/_/\_:_______:X\ | _(_)__(_)________\_\/_(_)(_)(_))\\_____ _ _ _ ___+ |.------------------------------------ -- - - | |_|| _________ | (·)| / | |¯|| / | |_|| / | (·)| / ____. .____. ______ |__|¯|| / _\___l_ ______ | | ._____ _ ____\ _ /_ ___+ || / / (_____\ _ /____| |____| _/____ | (_ | |_|| / /____ __ | ___ ___ \| _____ __\ | (·)| / -rLF/___\_______| __\ /____\ /__ __:_____\ /___\ | |¯|| / |___\ /___\-T! | |_|| /_____________________________ | (·)| welcome to! / |__|¯|| / ___+ || oh, yeah, after few days of ascii-ing i've released / | |_|| the next collection. i didn't plan to do it in such / | (·)| way, but someday, when i was tidying my room i found / | |¯|| several books i used to read when i was a child. :) / | |_|| i found... hehe, a book containig the poetry of / | (·)| julian tuwim - a polish poet who was writing mainly / |__|¯|| before the 2nd world war. tuwim above writing lyrics / ___+ || aimed to adults didn't forget about children. :) one / | |_|| of my favourite lyrics was "lokomotywa". so, that's / | (·)| why i've made this collection. /___________ | |¯|| | |_|| __________ hmm, unfortunately, foreigner guys won't be content | (·)| / with the collection. the answer is simple - there are |__|¯|| / only polish texts in the collection. yeah, yeah, i ___+ || / hear all your fucks and so on... but i haven't | |_|| / released this file to make you angry! it is rather | (·)| / hard to translate the poetry into foreign languages | |¯|| ___/ and i needed to made "lokomotywa"... :) | |_|| / | (·)| i'm not against english like azzaro seems to be. i'd / |__|¯|| like to say i disagree, when it comes to his war / ___+ || against dipswitch and "the ascii charts" staff. i / | |_|| think his way of behaviour is a bit childish. i'm / | (·)| not going to say: "fuck you, german pigs, learn / | |¯|| polish or die!". i'm also not going to call you / | |_|| fascists or hitler jugend or something... but on the / | (·)| other hand i don't want to be called "fuckhead, who /___________ |__|¯|| pack his collies into lha archives". sorry, guys, / ___+ || i'm don't have an access to the bbs scene and don't / | |_|| know how my collections look like after i send them / | (·)| to madbart (archived using lha to gain some bytes!). / | |¯|| | |_|| __________ the next problem - a resolution. i wonder why | (·)| / neurodancer was surprised at the resolution i use all |__|¯|| / the time. he wrote in "tac" he watched collections ___+ || / with 800x600 and wrote that my logos looked | |_|| / horizontally compressed. it's obvious that 640x256 | (·)| / is the normal screen resolution! or perhaps... | |¯|| / poles are once again different to the rest? hmmm... | |_|| / i'm also able to watch ascii's in the high | (·)| __/ resolution, but in my opinion they look shitty. |__|¯|| ___+ || personally, i wish good luck to "tac" and need to say | |_|| i respect "tac" staff's work. stop the wars guys! | (·)| don't we have them too many nowadays? | |¯|| | |_|| ___________ when it comes to the collection. consider it rather | (·)| / crazy one instead of serious one. it's the set of |__|¯|| / about 20 ascii pictures concerning julian tuwim's ___+ || / lyric. feel free to use them if you want to or | |_|| / not... i've been spending great time while making | (·)| / "lokomotywa". that's all. enjoy it! | |¯|| / | |_|| / acid/kore. | (·)| / ____. .____. ______ |__|¯|| / _\___l_ ______ | | ._____ _ ____\ _ /_ ___+ || / / (_____\ _ /____| |____| _/____ | (_ | |_|| /________ __ | ___ ___ \| _____ __\____ | (·)| -rLF/___\_______| __\ /____\ /__ __:_____\ /___\ / | |¯|| |___\ /___\-T! /____ | |_|| | (·)| |__|¯|| ___+ || | |_|| | (·)| | |¯|| | |_|| | (·)| |__|¯|| ___+ || | |_|| | (·)| | |¯|| | |_|| | (·)| |__|¯|| ___+ || | |_|| let's start, shall we? | (·)| | |¯|| | |_|| | (·)| |__|¯|| ___+ || | |_|| | (·)| | |¯|| | |_|| | (·)| |__|¯|| ___+ || | |_|| | (·)| | |¯|| | |_|| | (·)| |__|¯|| ___+ || | |_|| | (·)| | |¯|| | |_|| | (·)| |__|¯|| ___+ || | |_|| | (·)| | |¯|| | |_|| s t o i , | (·)| ,¼" |__|¯|| n a s t a c j i ... ¼¼ ___+ || `¼¼¼, | |_|| `¼¼¼ | (·)| T _______ T_/____ _______ ,¼¼: | |¯|| | __ | \..| | /.| | \..| ,¼¼' | |_|| |___\|-|___\.|-| /..|-|___\.| ~" | (·)| ______ _______ , __ |__|¯|| T/ L /.| | \..| ,¼" T_ ____ ____ __ ______| ___+ || ... | /..|-|___\_| ¼, | __ |../ T |../ \| | \..| | |_|| `½, |___\|-|./___|-|./_T__|-|___\.| | (·)| c i e z k a , ~¼¼, |_______| | |¯|| ,½½½½, | |_|| o g r o m n a ,¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ | (·)| ,¼¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' |__|¯|| i p o t z n i e j ,¼¾¾¾¾¾¾' ___+ || ¼¾¾¾¾~" | |_|| s p l y w a - ½¾¾¼¼" | (·)| _¼¼¼_ _______________ | |¯|| t l u s t a [___] T __________[ | |_|| _T_T_ ___| | || | (·)| o l i w a . ____/_____\____|....|_||____ a(id |__|¯|| /| : ]_ _[ : : T k0re. ___+ || _/\| : `---' : pkp k0-123 : |___ | |_|| \/| :_________:___ __ ___ :.. T___| | (·)| )| /__ _ __ _ __ (_//\L/\ _ : __[_| | |¯|| //)//\Z\_/\Z\_/Z/\__(-(·)-)|_:_| | | |_|| __________________///|_\Z\/_\Z\/_\/Z/___\/T\/_____________________ | (·)| __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ |__|¯|| ¯|__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| ___+ || . . | |_|| s t o i i s a p i e , d y s z y i d m u c h a , | (·)| : : | |¯|| :: zar z rozgrzanego jej brzucha bucha: :: | |_|| :::. .::: | (·)| :::::.. . . b u c h , j a k g o r a c o ! . . .:::::: |__|¯||_____________________________________________________________ ________ + |______________________________________________________________|__|_|___ |__(·)__(·)__ __(·)__(·)__ __(·)__(·)__ __(·)__(·)__ __(·)___|__|___|__ | ¯ ¯ |+| ¯ ¯ |+| ¯ ¯ |+| ¯ ¯ |+| ¯ |__|_|___ |___________| |___________| |___________| |___________| |_______|__|___|__ |__|_|___ |__|___|__ .---. |__| |=. | |=40| |=¦ | |=38| u c h , j a k g o r a c o ! ¦=¦ | :=36| puff, jak goraco! ¦=¦ | |=34| u f f , j a k g o r a c o ! |=¦ | | ¦ | `.¦.' a(id |¦| k0re.(_) __ |__|___ _ __.-.___ __.-.___ __.-.___ __.-.___ __.-.___ |__|___|_ / `-' \ / `-' \ / `-' \ / `-' \ / `-' \ |__|_|___ ( petrol ) ( petrol ) ( petrol ) ( petrol ) ( petrol )|__|___|_ +=\____.___/-+=\____.___/-+=\____.___/-+=\____.___/-+=\____.___/-|__|_|___ | .(_)_'(_)_____(_)_'(_)_____(_)_'(_)_____(_)_'(_)_____(_)_'(_)__|__|___|_ _ + |.-------------------------------------------------------------|__|_|___ / \T_|| | (·)| __.__ [= |¯|| j u z l e d w o s a p i e , __(____( | 7_|| _| _ | | (·)| j u z l e d w o z i p i e , \|.op.|7 \_/J¯|| (~ (__) ~) _ + || ___/ ,¼¼¼¼, \___ / \T_|| a j e s z c z e p a l a c z / \_~ `-'~_/ \ | (·)| / \____/ __ \ [= |¯|| w e g i e l w n i a / _/__ .|____T\ \ | 7_|| / \ .||--||/ / | (·)| s y p i e . \_______/\ .||__|| / \_/J¯|| (__)|( \.| |\_/ _ + || TT |(///.| )/ / \T_|| || | ~~ .| (/ | (·)| _ || | .| | [= |¯|| _(_) || | .| | | 7_|| _( _ _)__ || | .| | | (·)| ( _)_ )_))) || | .| | \_/J¯|| _(_) __)_ )__)_ a(id __jl_|_____|____| _ + || __(_ )_) )_ )_ ) _)_ k0 | T_|_ | _|___ / \T_|| _(_) _) )_)_)_)_)_) _ )_ | | ` | ' `\ | (·)| ____(__)_)__)___)___)___)_)__)___|____|-----|--------\________ [= |¯|| ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ | 7_|| | (·)| \_/J¯|| _ + || w a g o n y d o n i e j p o d o c z e p i a l i / \T_|| w i e l k i e i c i e z k i e , | (·)| z z e l a z a , s t a l i , [= |¯|| | 7_|| | (·)| ________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _ \_/J¯|| __ __ __/ ______________________________________________________________________ \__ __/ ____ __ _ _______________ _( )_ ___( _)__ (______________________________________________________________________________) (_______________ _ _ T __________[ __(_ () )__( ( ( ) ))_ | __ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ __ | | __ _ _ _| | || __(_(__)__)__)____(_()__)__)__ ||__| | | | | | | | | | | |__|| ||__| | ...|_||____ | ________________________ | || | |--------| |--------| |--------| |--------| |--------| | || || | |- : T | | | | _ ||__| |________| |________| |________| |________| |________| |__|| _ _ ||__| |__ _ k0-123 : |___ | | - - - - - -- - - - - - | | || | | || || | __ ___ :.. 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( () () ||-|| || || () () || || || || || || || || /ZZ\ /ZZ\ /Z\ /Z\ __ ______|__| __|___|__| __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ___ |___|_|__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __|___|__| | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |___|_|__|+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|___ __|___|__|___(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_) |___|_|__|----------------------------------------------------------------------- w d z i e w i a t y m - s a m e t u c z o n e s w i n i e , _ /\ /\/\__//\\ a(id \ __ __ / k0re. _/(_o)(o_)\_ / _ __ _ \ / / / \ \ \ \ \ ( oo ) / / \ \__/ / \_ __ _/ \______/ w d z i e s i a t y m - k u f r y , p a k i i s k r z y n i e , _____________ | _________ | a(id | | \ / | | k0re. | |\ X /| | ______ | | \ .\/ | | / __ \ _(\/)_ | | /\ \ | | /___||___\ _ _ | || || |/ X \| ||.. _n| ..| _____ |_|_||==||==|| |__/_\__| ||:. ]·[ .:| |__|__| _________|_|_||__||__||___________||____¯_____|_|__|__|_.______ a t y c h w a g o n o w j e s t z e c z t e r d z i e s c i , s a m n i e w i e m , c o s i e w n i c h j e s z c z e m i e s c i . __ |__|___ _ __________ __________ __________ __________ _____|__|___|_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__|_|___ | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |-|__|___|_ +=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|_|__|_|___ /___(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)_|__|___|_ + |.---------------------------------------------------------|__|_|___ ____H || | |_|| l e c z c h o c b y |____(·)| p r z y s z l o t y s i a c .:::. | |¯|| a t l e t o w _| |_ |____|_|| i k a z d y z j a d l b y \,-_o,/ | (·)| t y s i a c ___ )`-'( ___ |____|¯|| k o t l e t o w , _/__ \__/ ___ \__/ __\_ H || i k a z d y n i e /_/ ( / \ ) \_\ + || w i e m j a k // ) \_____/ ( \\ ____H || s i e ( ) _/ . \_ ( ) | |_|| w y t e z a l , \ \ ) . : . ( / / |____(·)| \ \_____/|\_____/ / | |¯|| __ \_ ( _____ _____ ) _/ __ |____|_|| ____| | \_ \ ___:____ / / | |____ | (·)| _| |_____\__ \_________/ __/_____| |_ |____|¯|| -|_| 70 kb |_____/ _ _)_______(_ _ \_____| 70 kb |_|- H || |____ | \_)_)( )(_/_/ | ____| + || |__| /\_/ \_/\ |__| ____H || / \_/ \ | |_|| // \ | / \\ |____(·)| t o n i e ( ).( / ) | |¯|| u d z w i g n a - \\ / | \ / |____|_|| t a k i t o c i e z a r ! \_ (.) _/ | (·)| ( | ) |____|¯|| \_/ | \_/ H || .a(id | | | k0re. + || __.-| : |-.__ ____H || (_,_____)_____,_) | |_|| |____(·)| _ | |¯|| \/ |____|_|| | (·)| |____|¯|| n a g l e - g w i z d ! H || n a g l e - s w i s t ! + || p a r a - b u c h ! ____H || k o l a - w r u c h ! | |_|| |____(·)| | |¯|| _ |____|_|| \/ | (·)| |____|¯|| H || n a j p i e r w p o w o l i + || j a k z o l w o c i e z a l e ____H || __________ | |_|| __/ \___ __, |____(·)| __/ a(id (_/ [o_ | |¯|| _(_ ___ k0re. ___ / ' __) |____|_|| \/\_//~\\_______//~\\)-----' | (·)| _____(()()_______(()()___________ |____|¯|| H ||__________________________________________________________________ + |__________________________________________________________|__|_|___ \ _(_)__(_)_ _(_)__(_)_ _(_)__(_)_ _(_)__(_)_ _(_)_|__|___|_ +=| | | |=+=| | | |=+=| | | |=+=| | | |=+=| | |__|_|___ | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |-|__|___|_ |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|_|__|_|___ |__|___|_ |__| r u s z y l a m a s z y n a p o s z y n a c h o s p a l e , s z a r p n e l a w a g o n y i c i a g n i e z m o z o l e m , i k r e c i s i e , k r e c i k o l o z a k o l e m , i b i e g u p r z y s p i e s z a , i g n a c o r a z p r e d z e j , i d u d n i , i s t u k a , l o m o c e i p e d z i , a d o k a d ? a d o k a d ? a d o k a d ? p o t o r z e , p o t o r z e , p o t o r z e , p r z e z m o s t , _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |--| | | |-- =|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__|__|=+=|__|__ __(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)__(_)_____(_)__ _____________________________________________________________________________________ __|___|___|___|___|___|__||__|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|____/ _\__/_ \____|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| ___|___|___|__/\__\/ \/__/\__|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|_ _|__ ___|___|____/\__\/ \/__/\____|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| _|___|___/\_\/ \/_/\___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___ |___|___/\_/ \_/\___|___|___|___|___|___|___ _ _|___/\_/ \_/\___|___|___|___|___|___|__ ___|/ / \ \|___|___|___|___|___|___|___ __|_/\/ \/\_|___|___|___|___|___|___| |__/ / \ \__|___|___|___|___|___| __/\| |/\___|___|___|___|___| |/\/ \/\|___|___|___|___|__ |_| |_|_|___|___|___|__ | | | |___|___|___ |_| |_|_|___|___| | | : |___|__ : | . |_ : : p r z e z g o r y , p r z e z t u n e l , p r z e z p o l a , p r z e z l a s i s p i e s z y s i e , s p i e s z y , b y z d a z y c n a c z a s , __ ______|__| |___|_|__| ____ _ __.---------. __|___|__| __/ \==[_] __/7_| nato :) | __ __ |___|_|__| _\_\____/__ T____|____ ____| _\_\=== _\_\=== __|___|__| __(o_o_o_o_o) ___ ___(_)____(_)(_)_ )(_)____)(_)____ ______ |___|_|__|+=|_______________|=+=|_______________|=+=|_______________|=+=|______ __|___|__|___(_)(_)___(_)(_)_____(_)(_)___(_)(_)_____(_)(_)___(_)(_)_____(_)(_) |___|_|__|------------------------------------------------------------------- i co wy nato? :) d o t a k t u t u r k o c e i p u k a , i s t u k a t o : t a k t o t o , t a k t o t o , t a k t o t o , t a k t o t o , g l a d k o t a k , l e k k o t a k t o c z y s i e w d a l , j a k g d y b y t o b y l a p i l e c z k a , n i e s t a l , n i e c i e z k a m a s z y n a z z i a j a n a , z d y s z a n a , l e c z f r a s z k a , i g r a s z k a , z a b a w k a b l a s z a n a . a s k a d z e t o , j a k z e t o , c z e m u t a k g n a ? a c o t o t o , c o t o t o , k t o t o t a k p c h a , z e p e d z i , z e w a l i , z e b u c h a b u c h - b u c h ? t o p a r a g o r a c a w p r a w i l a t o w r u c h , t o p a r a , c o z k o t l a r u r a m i d o t l o k o w , ________________ / _ \________/ _ \ \___/ \___/ | | | | _________________________________ | | ____ / _ \_____|_____________|_________ | | ____ \___/ . | | | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_| __/ _ \_____|_________|__/ _ \ | | | | | | \___/ \___/ | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| | | |_|___________________ | | ______/ _ \________________/ _ \ | | / _ \__________________ | |_______\___/______|_________\___/ | | \___/ |_| |_| | | / _ \_________________ _____________ ________/ _ \____ | | \___/____|____________|_____________|________\___/____ | | | | ___|_| __/ _ \ \___/ a t l o k i k o l a m i r u s z a j a z d w o c h b o k o w i g n a j a , i p c h a j a , i p o c i a g s i e t o c z y , b o p a r a t e t l o k i w c i a z t l o c z y i t l o c z y , i k o l a t u r k o c a , i p u k a , i s t u k a t o : t a k t o t o , t a k t o t o , t a k t o t o , t a k t o t o ! . . . _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' , . K O N E C . _______ ___ | || T_T |__||___/___\__ __________ .-|_ : \___/ :\ _____________ | | __ : :_> | | |=]__/_/\_:_______:X\ | | _____\_\/_(_)(_)(_))\\__ | | ------------------------ | ___ T _______ |_/____ _______ ______ _______ T_ ____ | ____ __ ______| | __ | \..| | /.| | \..| T/ L /.| | \..| | __ |../ | |../ \| | \..| |___\|-|___\.|-| /..|-|___\.|-| /..|-|___\_|-|___\|-|./___|-|./_T__|-|___\.| | |_______| | _______ ___ | | | || T_T | | a(id/k0re. |__||___/___\__ | |___________ .-|_ : \___/ :\ _____________| | __ : :_> |=]__/_/\_:_______:X\ _____\_\/_(_)(_)(_))\\__ ------------------------ . K O H E U . _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' [ [ k0re. manufaktories in 1999 ] ] ___ ___ _ |. | ___ . ____ | .| _ |_||___||. \| __ __ |/ .||___||_| | |___. ___|. |. ______ __ . ______| .|______ .| | |____|| |/ .T|__||/ .T|__||/ .T|__|T. \||_____| __| / |____| |____| ___ |____| __ |___ a(id .__ T __| .T. ____ T [/__| T _____| .T __ k0re. | _|| __ | \] | __ | | ||_ | --------[ |___|----]______|___________|----]______|___________|___| ]------- NEWS: @ no news? yep. mEMBERs .................. acid, cnr, kempy, thung c0NTACt ................... a: arkadiusz kajzerek c: konrad szeromski : patriotow 32b/1 rechniweskiego 10/48 : pl-44253 rybnik pl-03980 warszawa : 032 4215195 n/a : : k: przemek kowalczyk t: piotr klimek : kopernika 13/14 zabia 8/3 : pl-34100 wadowice pl-91457 lodz : 033 8235834 042 6551451 : :....... e-mail: acid cnr thung all! pR0Ds ....... 01. "maximalistik98" k0-max98.txt, acid : 024 apr 1998, 040kb : :... 02. "kwiaty" k0-kwiat.txt, acid+fitzroy : 030 sep 1998, 060kb : :... 03. "experiment 25" k0-exp25.txt, acid : 001 oct 1998, 026kb : :... 04. "forgotten in space" k0-forgt.txt, kempy : 018 feb 1999, 090kb : _ :... 05. "strajk pajacow" k0-pajac.txt, kempy : 022 feb 1999, 87kb : :... 06. "the poetry of two colours" k0-2kolo.txt, acid : 028 feb 1999, 050kb : :... 07. "rhythm of life" k0-rofli.txt, cnr+twister : ??? mar 1999, 070kb : :... 08. "na cztery linie" k0-na4li.txt, acid : 010 apr 1999, 070kb : :... 09. "klubbhead loop 89" sea+kore.txt, acid+azzaro+ : (k0operation) kempy+zabora : 017 apr 1999, 400kb : :... 10. "invitation" k0-invte.txt, kempy : 001 may 1999, 054kb : :... 11. "nuclear radiator" k0-nucle.txt, kempy : 029 may 1999, 105kb : :... 12. "spin1" k0-spin1.txt, cnr : 008 jun 1999, 146kb : :... 13. "cyberkartoon" k0-cyber.txt, acid : 015 jun 1999, 080kb : :... 14. "narkotyki" k0-narko.txt, kempy : 010 jul 1999, 080kb : :... 15. "small gift" k0-small.txt, thung : 010 jul 1999, 053kb : :... 16. "state of the world address" k0-st8wa.txt, acid : 012 jul 1999, 120kb : :... 17. "phantasma" k0-phant.txt, kempy : 004 aug 1999, 115kb : :... 18. "lokomotywa" k0-motyw.txt, acid 009 sep 1999, 070kb productions released under kore. label: acid - 7.75 (two cooperations) cnr - 1.5 (one cooperation) kempy - 6.25 (one cooperation) thung - 1.0 ----[ past members ]---- fitzroy - 0.5 (one cooperation) "kwiaty" ---[ guest artisits ]--- twister/deez nuts - 0.5 (one cooperation) "rhythm of life" azzaro+zabora/sative mea - 0.5 (one cooperation) "klubbhead loop 89" [ [ k0re. manufaktories in 1999 ] ] ____________ ____ | |_______ _______ b|z _| )__|_ _) __ (_ _( ___ /_ sea ./ / / || | _)/ \| \__/ \. _ |______\____\ || |_____\_____|___________||_| ________ | | _¸_ |________|-|____________|-theartfortheart-------|- t e c h n i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n nAMe ------------------- " lokomotywa " aCRONYm ------------------- k0-motyw.txt sIZe ------------------- 70'000 bytes aUTHOr ------------------- acid/kore. gUESt aRTISTs ------------------- blaze/sative mea, kempy/kore., tango/twisted, zabora/sative mea sOFTWARe ------------------- ced v4.2 hARDWARe ------------------- a1230t/50mhz fpu/10mb/hdd 1.7gb/cd changer 4x4/m1438s sUPPORt ------------------- julian tuwim and his marvellous "lokomotywa" =) tHANKs tO ------------------- polish national railway (pkp) for beeing the slowest railway in the world... :-) rELEASe dATe -------------------- 09 sep 1999 _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' collections of mine made so far: 01 Ac!D-asc.txt - ascii - 001.001.996 - 057k 02 Ac!D-azn.txt - azki network - 001.003.996 - 092k 03 Ac!D-fcs.txt - faces - 007.004.996 - 150k 04 Ac!D-aqu.txt - aquarium - 010.006.996 - 190k 05 dGs-deep.txt - deep forest - 030.008.996 - 290k 06 dGs-!us!.txt - i love us! - 016.009.996 - 065k 07 dGs-indd.txt - independence day - 009.011.996 - 160k 08 dGs-brwi.txt - broken wiatrak - 015.012.996 - 120k 09 dGs-strk.txt - striking mismatch - 020.012.996 - 080k 10 dGs-retr.txt - retrospection - 031.012.996 - 160k 11 dGs-take.txt - take a deep breathe - 001.002.997 - 170k 12 dGs-krwi.txt - krash'd wiatrak - 022.002.997 - 110k 13 dGs-kulf.txt - plecaki kulfoniaki - 022.002.997 - 110k 14 dGs-14xl.txt - 14 x love - 022.002.997 - 050k 15 dGs-gfti.txt - graffiti! - 030.005.997 - 110k 16 dGs-live.txt - still alive - 012.007.997 - 120k 17 dGs-sun!.txt - sundance! where are you? - 030.008.997 - 060k 18 dGs-jour.txt - journey - 015.009.997 - 100k 19 dGs-mm97.txt - minimalistik97 - 001.010.997 - 030k 20 dGs-mawi.txt - magyari wiatrak - 012.012.997 - 090k 21 dGs-all!.txt - *all logos in one archive* - 031.012.997 -manyk 22 L124-m98.txt - minimalistik98 - 002.002.998 - 140k 23 k0-max98.txt - maximalistik98 - 024.004.998 - 040k 24 k0-kwiat.txt - kwiaty - 030.009.998 060k 25 k0-exp25.txt - experiment 25 - 001.010.998 - 026k 26 k0-2kolo.txt - the poetry of two colours - 028.002.999 - 050k 27 k0-na4li.txt - na cztery linie - 010.004.999 - 070k 28 sea+kore.txt - klubbhead loop 89 - 017.004.999 - 400k 29 k0-cyber.txt - cyberkartoon - 015.006.999 - 080k 30 k0-st8wa.txt - state of the world address - 012.007.999 - 120k 31 k0-motyw.txt - lokomotywa - 009.009.999 - 070k --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ 3'370 ] kbytes in [ 31 ] files during [ 3 years 9 months and 9 days ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' ........ ....... ....... ........ .....:::: ::::.. ::::.... ::::.:::: :::: :::' :::: .... .... :::: :::: ....... ..... ...... :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::.. :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: .... :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: tGø:::: :::: ::::.:::: ::::.:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: r e s p e c t . . . . . ::::.:::: ::::.:::: ::::-T! azzaro budgie cnr dipswitch fighter_for_future filozof garfield kacper kempy krs luk neurodancer renton revi sharp simon_king the_shepherd thung twister x-ball yaneq zabora _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _________ _______ ________ ________ _______ _______ _________ . _\ _ /_ _\ __/_ _\ _ /_ __\ / /_ _\ __/_ __\ _/_ _\__ __/ . | ___/ | __| \ _| /_ | __| \___ | / | . !__]--\_____!--\______!------/__\--\_________!--\______|-\________!--/______! . r.e.q.u.e.s.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zbr!s3a . please made some logos for me and the group mates of mine! --- acid, cnr kempy, thung --- kore. kore. id.diz --- thanks in advance! _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ , `|----|' \ o/ __; - --[ 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 f ]-- - /,)/ -«------------ ¯ \ --------[ KORE. - ONLY ONE STEP TO ETERNITY! ]---------»- / ¯' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' _|____|_ `|----|' @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ k o r e. manufaktories 1999 _______ ___ have developped | || T_T an innovative |__||___/___\__ engine which .-|_ : \___/ :\ will change | __ : :_> the mean- |=]__/_/\_:_______:X\ ing of the _____\_\/_(_)(_)(_))\\___ global ------------------------- trans- "lokomotywa" by kore. port. 31st colly by acid/k0 -----------------------09.09.99- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ________________ | // T appendix |/ | da jormas | t h e s e c t. | ___ node 0 .... +48-91-48794393 teklords | ___ | _ \ _\ node 1 ............. telnet psl ___ | /_ / _ | \----\/ \ node 2 ............. telnet /_ / |_ / \/--/ | _\ _____/__ / \/----/ _\ /____ | / ____/ \ mastered by: _\ /__ / _ \ / \\ \ madbart/appendix / \ / / X_______________\ powered by: / _______X------/________\ a1240t/603e/240mhz/5gb /__________| ___ . supported by: . _ \ _\ | ___ ufok + prefix + madbart floppy | __/---\/ \ | _ \ _\ ___ kore. | \ ______/____ | \----\/ \ _ \ _\ ___ linear | / \_______ \ _\ _____/__ \----\/ \ /_ / _ old bulls | / [/ \ / ____/ \ _\ _____/__ / \/----/ sative mea|/__________________X \] \ / \] \ _\ /__ dinx p. | /_______________X \ / \ mawi | second in the . /_______________X _______\ venus art | world! | a(id/k0re. /__________| nah-kolor | [tsp'01 charts] /| |________________/ __|_________ !still third place in the world! [appendix] | _________ ____ ___ _________ [pic saint loup] | .t.h.e. __\__ __/_·--\ |/ |_ __\ __/__ [teklords] | .s.e.c.t. | / | -- | ___| [floppy] | .b.b.s. ·---/________!____]---\____!-----\_______| [da jormas] | | zbr!s3a [dinx project] | ________ _________ ________ | _________ [mawi] ___\ _/__ __\ __/__ ___\ _/_ __\__ __/_ [kore] | \____ | ___| | / | [linear] ·--\__________!-----\_______!--\_________!---/________! [sative mea] | [powered by amiga1240T/603e/240mhz/4gb warez space] [old bulls] | [nonstop supporters: ufok - prefix - madbart] [venus art] | [master: madbart.appendix] [nah-kolor] -------|---- | |[node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1:telnet] [node2:telnet] --|------------ @BEGIN FILE_ID.DIZ ___ ___ ___ _( _/_____ _____(_ /_l Y ________Y Y ___ ____| l___________ (/____l___| l____/ | | "live at lodz" from linear! | made by thung and guest azzaro | __________________________________|_ [18/08/1999] | Y l_l @END FILE_ID.DIZ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100% cotton ascii collection live from textil city ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________ ___ _ __ _____ _// \\_______ _( _/_____ _(X_)_ ____| )_ _( _/_ Y Y Y Y /l Y ___ )_____ | l__________l______l__ ' ______)/ Y | (________) /________l ___ ____ ¦ _____(_ /_ _( /_ __· Y ___ Y ____// Y _ (/____l___)\ _ (____/ \____l textil city... . ___ ¦ ____ __. ____ _( _/_____ _( /__ _( l_____ ____\_ )_ Y Y __ Y ___ Y ___ Y l__________l___(/___l____(/____l_ /(___l tG!.lA! . (___/ | ___ __ _ l_ / \\______________________________// "live at lodz" performed a n d robotized b y .____ _l //___ | _____/___ l____ \ Y \__ __l _ _l Y _/_________ / tG! Y - //_ lA!l____7 Y l\___ _ ____l _\\ Y _/_____ Y l \/ Y l_____ _ l__ __l .__\ /_________________________ .___ / | \\ /_ _l //____ l_____7 Y __/ Y | ___\_ _ l____________________________l l______l ____ ______ ______ T. (__ ___ T. (__ ______ __) .T ______a(id __| T_____ __) \_ __| __ (___ __) T __)_____ |___ __) .Tk0re. T | .T_) __(_T T .(_) __ |__T ____ (_) ___ |___ ---| l. | | \___( | .n | _____| .| a. \] | [/__| T--- ---|____________ .i |-----|______ e | |___________| r __ |--- ---------------]_________[-----------]___________[-----------]----]______|--- _ .____ / ____| //__ __ ___ ______ ____ / . ..............:.. .. . Y __l__ /_ _l Y _/ _ _l ___/ __ _l //___ _ _____. .:: ______ \ l Y - \// Y _/ // Y _// //_ _\\ l__ ___\___ /___ _ ________l____7 _____\ _____\ Y __ Y ___// Y //_______\ l_____l \\____l \______l_ \_______ \ ______| /_. \ tG! //____l l_____\ lA! l / thung / linear / whelpz / 100% cotton .___ | _.| ____ ___ || || / \ \____ ||__| / _______ ______\___ )__| ___ / _______ _______ _______ _\_____ )\ _________| \ \____ _\_____ )_ _(___ /_ _( /_ | _____ \ \| |__\___ )___| _____ | |/__/ | ______ | | |/ |\_____.\_____ | _________) |/ | __ | \| | |_____/.___| .__ | \| \____/.___|----7.____|___.\_____| / |. ||_____.\________\ /___ ||_|| |___| a(id/k0 .oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo. oO° °Oo .. . ........ OO ..................... OO ...... . . ______ °_____ ____ OO _) __/____ ____\__ (_| |__ ____ _____°______ _______ /________ | ___ | _( |_ | _/ -____|_ /---------`----------`----' ------' `-------' -----------' OO OO ___ sATiVE mEA _____ _) \ ____ ________ ____\__ (_ \ \\/ | -____|_ ___ | \ \/----`----------'--------' ... . . .. /____\ ................. OO ...... . . .. OO OO. .OO °OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOmrc° /\ / \ M A D W I Z A R D S '[999] ___: / \ -×6L / |____·____ ___________:______ · _________ _ _ / |\ // _. | /\----\ _\_ ______\_\/ \/ l/ \| _| / \ \ \ \_____\/ \_____\l_ /\______\\__________/ ·:/_________//_____\ ·/____/ \ s3a! / \ \ / - __ \ /________\ ______ __ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ __ ___ ____( ____/_ _( \/ /__\ __ )_ _(____ /____( ___/___( ___/_ _( Y /_ | ___/ | _________ | ____ ______ ______ | | | | \| | __ / . |/ | |/ | |/ | |/ | |____| | \_____|----\/___|____/ ___|____/_____|___/ |___/_____|______\ |a(id \ / / |k0re.__\ -------------------------------- / / embassy / / --------------- azzaro / sative mea / madwizards / embassy / 100% flax . . . . .: . iiNNDDEEEX . :. . . .::..............::. . . :: ............ :: :: : : :: ___ ______ : : _____ _____· ______ _ __ __\ /____\ \ ___\ _/.\ /______ __/_ /__ _ \ \\\ \\ \ \ \/ / | _/ / _/ // /// / \ \\\_\\_______ /_____/_____/___|___\_____/___/ \\_\\\ \ - -- ---------------------------------------- \_____\ --- - :: : : :: :: : : :: -= some asciis for our beloved spectators =- :: : : :: :: : : :: 01. sative mea ................................. by thung, by azzaro 03. linear .......................... by thung, by azzaro, by azzaro 06. deez nuts .................................. by thung, by azzaro 08. crew ....................................... by thung, by azzaro 10. k0re. ...................................... by thung, by azzaro 12. fff ........................................ by thung, by azzaro 14. the shepherd ............................... by thung, by azzaro 16. passenger .................................. by thung, by azzaro 18. twister .................................... by thung, by azzaro 20. kacper ..................................... by thung, by azzaro 22. acid ....................................... by thung, by azzaro 24. cnr ........................................ by thung, by azzaro 26. kempy ...................................... by thung, by azzaro 28. budgie ..................................... by thung, by azzaro 30. krs ........................................ by thung, by azzaro 32. luk ........................................ by thung, by azzaro 34. yaneq ...................................... by thung, by azzaro 36. azzaro ..................................... by thung, by azzaro 38. x-ball ..................................... by thung, by azzaro 40. renton ..................................... by thung, by azzaro 42. revi ....................................... by thung, by azzaro 44. zabora ..................................... by thung, by azzaro 46. ascii ...................................... by thung, by azzaro :: : : :: :: : : :: -= special bonus track for maximum fans only =- :: : : :: :: : : :: 47. credits .............................................. by azzaro 48. interview ............................................ by azzaro 49. music ................................................ by azzaro 50. colly ................................................ by azzaro 51. graffiti azzaro 52. history .............................................. by azzaro 53. photos ............................................... by azzaro :: : : :: :: : : :: -= ejaculation now? =- :: : : :: :: : : :: :: : : :: diP/a! :: :..........: :: . . ..::..............::.. . . · · __ __ \/ __ \/_ _\/ \/ \/ |::| __|._|__\_______._____\_ _________\_ __________ _______________________. ._\__|\ _ | \__/ \/ \ \ __ | | \ \ \ | / / /_ / / / intro \/ | |_______\____\____|________\_____\______/_________/ /_______________________| |::| \ |::| |::| hello there and welcome. |::| |::| here`s thung on the keyboard!!! |::| i`m in lodz now [the city of textil factories]. this collection was |::| done in two evenings in my birthcity while small meeting at bonzaj`s |::| house. some people comes and we had some fun while listening disko |::| mp3`s and doing nothing special. me and azzaro decide to make a |::| small ascii collection only for our friends on polish ascii scene. |::| it`s also demonstration of our new styles which you can see in some |::| furthcoming collection this summer/autumn, hehe. |::| |::| message of the day goes to acid - i left kore. after krs`s |::| persuasions at summer libation camp #5 and back to linear. sorry |::| and thanks for everything. hope you`re not angry for me =] |::| |::| ok, azzaro now. |::| |::| what to say? as you can see this collection was mostly inspired |::| by works of pc-artists contains no special design but it`s fullfilled |::| by ascii logos only. it`s also a gift to neurodancer who always |::| want to see collection like this one. we hope you enjoy this |::| poor form. this one is my guest release - i`m still a member of |::| sative mea. after renton`s hdd crash i feel like i`m one and |::| only productive member now, ahah =] |::| |::| hmmm... have to go now. collections packed with using [LHA] archiver |::| rules one more time. message to modem traders - please unpack them |::| before uploading, ok? sorry and thanks again. |::| |::| |::| signed by piotr klimek and tomasz wisniewski aka polish ascii duo. |::| |::| |__| ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy sative mea| | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ___ ____ _ __ _____ ____ ___(_ /_ _( /_ __ _(X_)_ ____| )_ _( _/_ _( _/____ _( ___ Y ____// Y Y /l Y ___ )_ Y ___ Y (/____l___)\ _______l__ ' ______)/ Y l___)\ _l____/ \____l (_______\ /_____l \___) __ ___ _____ tG!.lA! ___( Y /___ _( _/_ ___ Y Y ___ )_ _ ___(_ /_ l_ \__) _____)/ Y(( ___ Y /_____| _l /______ (/____l l_____) l____/ _____|_ _|_____ ____ | |__ __| _____|_ .\ ___|/__________|___ /_\ /_|____ __|_/___.___\ |__ \ __|/___ | | ___ | _|___/_.___\_| ___ | /___| _|___/_ |_____|__ __ \_/_|___________| __ |____\ /____| ______| | /|____\/_____|\ /|_____\/____| |_____| /|_____| | | | | | az0!/sea | ____|__ _____|_ _|_____ ._\ | /____\ __|/___ _____|___ /_ | | _|___/_| ___ | | |___\_|_/ _______| \_/_|_____| /|____\ /|___________|\ | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy linear | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ___ _ ____ _____ _( _/_____ _(X_)_ _( /__ _( _/_ ___ _______ Y Y Y __ Y ___ )____ _____(_ /_ _( __ Y l__________l______l___(/________)/ Y ___ Y \l____l /_________ (/____l____\ tG!.lA! l____/ ____ | |__ _____| _____|_ _|_____ _____|_ .\ /_|_____ __|_/____\ ||_____\ __|/___ ._____|___ /_ ____|/____ | | |___\_| __ _ ||_ _|___/_| ___ | \_/ | ___ | |_____| __ |____\/____|| _______| \_/_|___________| \| /|_____|/____| ||____\ /|___________|\ /|_____\ | | | | | az0!/sea | ____ | _|_____ .\ /_|_____._____|___ /. | | | ___ | | |_____| \_/_|_____| /|___________|\ -----------|-----------|----------- linear presents .... [dd/mmm/99] -----------|___________|----------- ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy deez nuts | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | __. _____ _( l_____ _( _/_ _____ Y ___ Y ___ )_ _( _/_ ____ l____(/_________)/ Y ___ )_ ____\_ )_ /__________)/ Y ___ Y /_____l_ /(___l (___/____ __ ____ ____ _( /__ ____| )_ _( /_ __ _( _/____ Y __ Y /l Y ____// Y ___ Y l___(/______ ' ____)\ ____)\ _l tG!.lA! (________) \____l \___) | ____ _____|_ _____|_ _|_____ _____|_\ /_\ __|/___ .\ __|/___ .____\|__ /. | ___ | _|___/_| _|___/_| | | | \_/_|___________| ______| __ ___|_____| |_____|\ az0!/sea/|_____| /|_____\/____|\ | | | | _____| |__ ____ | _____|_ .\ ||____ __| /____\ /_|____ .\ ___|/____ | _ ||_ |___\ | __ _|___/_| | | |____|| __ |____\/_____| ______|__ _| ||____\/_____| /|_____| /|____\ | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy crew | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _____ ___ _______ _( _/_ __ ___ _( _/_____ _( __ Y ___ )___ ___( Y /__ Y \ Y \l____l_____)/ Y l Y l__________l____\ tG!.lA! /______l_____l_/ l_____7 _____| _____|_ _____|_ _____|_ .\ ___|_____| ____|/_____\ __|/___ .\ _|/ ___ | | \_/ | ___ _|___/_| / |¯\ | |_____| ______| \______| ______| _| /|_____| /|_____\ /|_____| /|____\ | | | az0!/sea | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy k0re. | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _ __ _____ _( l /____ ____ _______ _( _/_ Y _/ /_ _( /__ _( __ Y ___ )___ l___\ Y __ Y \l____l_____)/ Y \__________(/___l____\ tG!.lA! /______l. _____|_ _|___________|_ _____|_ .\ |/___ .____\|____ ____|/_____\ __|/___ | |_ /_| | \_/ \_/ | ___ _|___/_. |_____| \/ __ |___________| \______| | _ /|_____\/____|\ az0!/sea/|_____\ /|_____||_| | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy fff | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ______ ___ _( __/ ______ ___// Y __)___ _( __/ ______ l____ ___l____)/ Y __)___ _( __/ (_____l____)/ Y __)___ ___ (_____l____)/ Y \\___ tG!.lA! (_____l___ ____l _|_____ _|_____ _|_____ ____\| |____\| |____\| | | __|______ __|______ __|_____| |_ _|___\ |_ _|___\ |_ _|___\ /____|\ /____|\ /____|\ | | az0!/sea | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy shepherd | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ____ _. _____ _. _( _/____ _( l____ _( _/_ _______ _( l________ ___ __ _ Y ___ Y __ Y ___ )__ _( __ Y __ l___)\ _l___(/___l_____)/ Y \_____l___(/_______ ___ __ _ \___) /_____l____\ tG!.lA! _. _____ __. _ __ ___ __________( l____ _( _/_ _______ _( l_____ __ Y ___ )__ _( __ Y ___ Y _ __ ___ ____________(/___l_____)/ Y \l____l____(/____l /_____l____\ ____ | ____ | _____|_ .\ /_|____ .\ /_|______\ __|/___ | _|___/_| _| _|___/_. |_____| _____/| _______| | /|_____| /_|____\ /|_____| | | | _____|_ ____ | _____|_ _|_____ .\ ___|/_____\ /_|______\ __|/___ .____\|____ | | | _| _|___/_| | \_/ | |_____|__ ______/| _______| __ |_____| /|____\ /_|____\ /|_____|/____|\ | | | az0!/sea | ____ | _____|_ _____|_ | ____ .\ /_|______\ __|/___ | ____|/__________|_\ /. | _| _|___/_| \_/ | ___ ___ | | |____/| _______| ______| \ \_/_|_____| /_|____\ /|_____| /|_____\_____|\ | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy passenger | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ___ ____ ____ _____ _______ _____(_ /_ _( _/____ _( _/____ _( _/_ _( __ Y ___ Y ___ Y ___ Y ___ )_____ Y \______ (/____l___)\ _l___)\ _l_____)/ Y l____\ l____/ \___) \___) /________l ____ ___ _____ tG!.lA!( /__ _( _/_____ _( _/_ _______ Y __ Y \__ Y ___ )_____ _( __ Y l___(/ _____/ _l_____)/ Y \l____l (____l /_____) /________l____\ _|_____ _|_____ _____|_ _____|_ _____|_ ____\|____ |_____|___ /_\ ___|/_____\ ___|/_____\ __|/___ | | \_/ ___ | | | _|___/_. |_ |______ \_/_|___________|__ _______|__ _______| | /____|\ |_____|\ /|____\ /|____\ /|_____| | | | az0!/sea | | _____| _____|_ _____|_ _____|_ .\ ||_____\ __|/_____\ __|/___ | ____|/____ | _ ||_ \ | _|___/_| \_/ | ___ | |____|| _______| ______| ______| \| ||____\ /|_____| /|_____| /|_____\ | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy twister | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ____ __ ___ _ ____ ____ _____ _( /_ __ ___( Y /__ _(X_)_ _( _/____ _( /_ __ _( _/_ _______ Y ____// Y l Y Y ___ Y ____// Y ___ )____ _( __ Y l___)\ ______l_/ _______l___)\ _l___)\ ______)/ Y \l____l \____) l_____) tG!.lA! \___) \____) /_______l____\ ____ | ____|_ |__ _____|_ ____ | ____|_ _____|_ .\ /_|____ .\ _|/ ___ __|_/____\ ___|/____\ /_|___ .\ __|/___ | ____|/___ | _|___/_| / |¯\ |__\_| __ | _|__/_| _|___/_| \_/ | __ | |_____| _____| __ |____\/_____|__ ______| _____| ______| \| /|_____| /|____\/____| /|____\ /|____| /|_____| /|____\ | | | | az0!/sea | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy kacper | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _ __ _( l /____ ___ _____ _____ Y _/ /_ _____(_ /_ _( /_ _______ _( _/_ _______ l___\ Y ___ Y __/ )_ _( __ Y ___ )_____ _( __ Y \_______ (/____l____ Y \_____l_____)/ Y \l____l l____/ \_____l____\ /________l____\ tG!.lA! _____|_ _|_____ _____| _|_____ _____|_ _____|_ .\ |/___ ._____|___ /_\ ___|__________\|____ \ __|/___ | ____|/____ | |_ /_| ___ | | | \_/ _|___/_| \_/ | ___ | |_____| \/ \_/_|___________| __ |___________| ______| \| /|___________|\ az0!/sea/|_____\/____|\ /|_____| /|_____\ | | | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy acid | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ___ _____ _____(_ /_ _( /_ _ __. Y ___ Y __/ )_ _(X_)_ _( l_____ (/____l____ Y Y ___ Y 7____/ tG!.lA! \_____l______l____(/____l _|_____ _____| |__ | ____ _____|___ /_\ ___|_____ __|_/_________|_\ /. | ___ | | |___\_| __ ___ | | | \_/_|___________| __ |____\| \_/_|_____| |_____|\ az0!/sea/|_____\/____| |_____|\ | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy cnr | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _____ _( /_ ____ _______ Y __/ )_ _( /__ _( __ Y l____ Y __ Y \l____l \_____l___(/________\ tG!.lA! _____| _____| _____|_ .\ ___|______\ ||____| ____|/____ | | _ ||_ \_/ | ___ | |_____| _____|| _______| \| /|_____| ||____\ /|_____\ | az0!/sea | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy kempy | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _ __ _( l /____ _____ ___ Y _/ /_ _( _/_ ___ __ _______ _\ | ___ l___\ Y ___ )_____ __\ Y )___ _( __ Y |( Y \______l_____)/ Y (_/ Y \_____l__ `____l /________l_ |______l____\ /_____\ /____l tG!.lA! _____|_ _____|_ ____|__ _|_____ _____|_ .\ |/___ .\ __|/___ ._\ | /________\|____ \ _|/____ | |_ /_| _|___/_| | | \_/ \| | |_____| \/ ______| ____\_|_/ ___ |___________|___ _| /|_____| /|_____| /|____\ /____|\ az0!/sea/|____\ | | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy budgie | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ___ __ __. ___ _ _____ _( _/_____ ____| )_ _( l_____ _( _/_____ _(X_)_ _( _/_ Y ___ Y /l Y ___ Y \__ Y Y ___ )_____ l______(/__l__ ' _____(/____l____/ _l______l_____)/ Y (________) /_____) tG!.lA! /________l ____ | |__ | ____ _____|_ |__ _____|_ .\ /_|_____ __| /_________|_\ /_\ __|/____ __|_/____\ __|/___ | | ___ |___\ | __ ___ | \ | |___\_| __ _|___/_. |_____|_\_/ |____\| \_/_|___________| __ |____\/_____| | /|___________| |_____|\ az0!/sea/|_____\/____| /|_____| | | | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy sexy kris | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _ __ ____ _( l /____ _______ _( _/____ Y _/ /_ _( __ Y ___ Y l___\ Y \l________)\ _l \______l____\ tG!.lA! \___) _____|_ _____|_ _____|_ .\ |/___ | ____|/_____\ ___|/____ | |_ /_| \_/ | ___ | | |_____| \/ ______| \______|__ _| /|_____| /|_____\ /|____\ | az0!/sea | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy luk | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ___ __ _ __ _( _/_____ ____| )_ _( l /____ Y Y /l Y _/ /_ l__________l__ ' ____\ Y tG!.lA! (________) \______l ____ | |__ _____|_ .\ /_|_____ __| /____\ |/___ | | |___\ | __ |_ /_. |_____| |____\/_____| \/ | /|___________| /|_____| | az0!/sea | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy yaneq | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ___ ___ ____ _____ _\ | ___ _____(_ /_ _( /__ _( _/_ ____ Y |( Y ___ Y __ Y ___ )_____ _( /__ l__ `_____ (/____l___(/_________)/ Y __ Y /_____\ (____/ tG!.lA! /________l___(/_ _l \/ _____|_ _|_____ _____| _____|_ _|_____ .\ _|/__________|___ /_\ ||_____\ __|/___ .____\|____ | | \| ___ | _ ||_ _|___/_| | \_/ | |_____|___ __ \_/_|__________|| _______| __ __|_____| /|____\/_____|\ ||____\ /|_____\/--\_|_\ | | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy t.wisnia | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ _______ _( /__ _____(_ /_ ____\_ )_ ____\_ )_ ______(_ /_ _( __ Y __ Y Y ___ Y ___ Y ___ Y ___ Y \l____l___(/_ _l _ (/____l_ /(___l_ /(___l_ (/____l____\ (____/ (___/ (___/ (____/ tG!.lA! ____ | ____ | |__ _____| _____|_ .\ /_|____ .\ /_|_____ __| /___.\ ||_____\ __|/____ | _|___/_| _| |___\ | __ _ ||_ \ | | |_____| _____/| __ |____\/____|| _______| | /|_____| /_|____\/_____| ||____\ /|_____| | | | | az0!/sea | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy x-ball | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | -= X =- ___ ___ ___ ___ _( _/_____ _____(_ /_ _( _/_____ _( _/_____ Y ___ Y ___ Y Y Y l______(/___ (/____l__________l__________l l____/ tG!.lA! _____|__ ____ | _|_____ ____ | ____ | .\ | /____\ /_|___________|___ /_\ /_|______\ /_|_____ | _|/ | ___ ___ | _| _| | |____/|¯ _______|_\_/ \_/_|__________/| ______/| _| /_|____\ /|___________|\ /_|____\ /_|____\ | | az0!/sea | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy renton | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _____ _______ _( _/_ ____ ____ ____ ____ _( __ Y ___ )_____ _( /__ _( /_ __ _( /__ _( /__ Y \l____l_____)/ Y __ Y ____// Y __ Y __ Y l____\ /________l___(/___l___)\ ____\)___l___(/___l \____l tG!.lA! _____|_ _____|_ _____| ____ | _|_____ _____| | ____|/_____\ __|/___ _\ ||_____\ /_|____ ____\|____ \ ||____ | \_/ | ___ _|___/ _ ||_ _|___/_| | \_/ _ ||_ | |_____| \______| _____|| _______| __ |__________|| _| /|_____\ /|_____| ||____\ /|_____\/____|\ ||____\ | | | | az0!/sea | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy revi | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _____ _______ _( _/_ __ _ _( __ Y ___ )_____ ____| )_ _(X_)_ Y \l____l_____)/ Y /l Y Y l____\ /________l__ ' _______l tG!.lA! (________) _____|_ _____|_ __| |__ | ____|/_____\ __|/___ ____\ |__ __|_/___. | \_/ | ___ _|___/_\ | /___.___\_| _| |_____| \______| ______| __ |____\ /|_____\ /|_____| |_____\/____| | | | az0!/sea | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy zabora | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ _______ _____(_ /_ ____\_ )_ _____(_ /_ _( _/_____ _( /__ _( __ Y ___ Y Y ___ Y ___ Y ___ Y __ Y \l_____ (/____l l_ /(____ (/____l______(/______(/___l____\ (____/ (___/ (____/ tG!.lA! _|_____ _|_____ ____ | _|___________|_ _|_____ ____\|__ /______|___ /_\ /_|__________\|____ ____|/__________|___ /_ | | ___ | | ___ | \_/ \_/ | ___ ___ | | |_ ___|______ \_/_|___________|_\_/ __ |___________| \ \_/_|_____| /____|\ |_____|\ /|_____\/____|\ az0!/sea/|_____\_____|\ | | | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy ascii m. | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ___ ____ _____ _____(_ /_ _( _/____ _( /_ _ _ Y ___ Y ___ Y __/ )_ _(X_)_ _(X_)_ _ (/____l___)\ _l____ Y Y Y (____/ tG!.lA! \___) \_____l______l______l _|_____ _____|_ _____|_ |__ |__ _____|___ /_\ ___|/_____\ ___|/____ __|_/___. __|_/___. | ___ | | | |___\_| _|___\_| _| | \_/_|___________|__ _______| __ |____\__ |____\ |_____|\ az0!/sea/|____\ /|_____\/____| /____| | | | | | bonus? bonus! eh, bonus... ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy thung ;] | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _____| _____|_ _____|_ | ____ _____|_ .\ ___|_____| ____|/_____\ __|/___ ._____|_\ /_\ ___|/____ | | \_/ | ___ _|___/_| ___ | | | |_____| ______| \______| \_/_|___________|__ _| /|_____| /|_____\ /|___________|\ /|____\ | | | az0!/sea | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy thung ;] | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | |__ _____| ____ | _____|_ _____|_ __|_/____\ ||_____\ /_|____ .\ __|/___ | ____|/____ .___\_| __ _ ||_ _|___/_| _|___/_| \_/ | ___ | |_ |____\/____|| _______| ______| ______| \| /____| ||____\ /|_____| /|_____| /|_____\ | | | | | __| |__ _____|_ _____|_ .___\ |__ __|_/____\ __|/___ .\ _|/ ___ |_ | /_______\_| __ _|___/_| / |¯\ | /____| __ |____\/_____| ______| _| |_____\/____| az0!/sea /|_____| /|____\ | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy thung ;] | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ____|__ |__ _____|_ |__ _____| ._\ | /___ __| /____\ ___|/____ __|_/____\ ___|_____ | | |___\ | __ | |___\_| __ | | |___\_|_/ __ |____\/_____|__ ___ |____\/_____| | /|____\/_____| az0!/sea /|____\ /____| /|_____| | | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy thung ;] | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _____| _|_____ ____ | ____ | _____|_ .\ ___|__________\|____ \ /_|______\ /_|______\ _|/____ | | | \_/ | | \| | |_____| __ |___________| ______| ______|___ _| /|_____\/____|\ az0!/sea/|_____| /|_____| /|____\ | | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy thung ;] | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _____|_ _____|_ _|_____ _|_____ .\ __|/____| ____|/__________|___ /_____\| | | \ | \_/ | ___ ___ | __|_____| |_____| ______| \ \_/_|_______ _|___\ /|_____| /|_____\_____|\ /____|\ | | az0!/sea | | _|_____ |__ ____ | |__ ____\| | __|_/____\ /_|____ __|_/___. | __|_____|___\_| __ _|___/_____\_| _| |_ _|___\ |_ |____\/_____| __ |____\ /____|\ /____| /|_____\/____| | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy thung ;] | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | ____ | |__ _____|_ ____ | _|___________|_ _____|_ .\ /_|____ __|_/____\ ___|/___\ /_|____ ___\|____ ____|/____\ _|/___ | _| |___\_| __ | _|___/_| | \_/ \_/ | __ \| | |____/| ___ |____\/_____|__ _____| __ |___________| \______|__ _| /_|___\ /____| az0!/sea /|____\ /|_____\/___|\ /|____\ /|___\ | | | | | | | ___ _ (_ \ __ _ /_) | // \______/ | (___.._) _______________________________________________________|___ _ / - \ | | \ ___\\ - / live at lodz / thung plus azzaro makes happy thung ;] | | // \______// _______________________________________________________|___| \ _ _ l tG! |az0! (___)_) \_)_)lA! |sea | _|_____ ____ | _|_____ ____ | _|_____ _____|_ ____\|____ \ /_|__________\|____ \ /_|____ .____\|____ \ ___|/____ | | \_/ _| | \_/ _|___/_| | \_/ | | |_ |__________/| ___ |___________| __ |___________|__ _| /____|\ /_|____\ /____|\ /|_____|/____|\ az0!/sea/|____\ | | | | | | -= end of the road =- ______ ________ _________ __________ _________\ /________________ / /_| _ /_|_ /-\__ / _ /| __/ /___ / / | \ / / ____/| / / \/ | |-\ / _ /___________|___\ /_________|________/| |______|__________/ rX/jA! \/ \____/ |_____| mainly edited by thung/linear and azzaro/sative mea. guest starring in non-alphabetical order: acid/kore., miracle/?, x-ball/sative mea, dipswitch/arcade/100%, wise-k/?, ranx/jedi arts and john doe as independent syrius orbiter 100% last retouches: august 17th, 20:55:04, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100% cotton ascii collection live from textil city ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | // T appendix |/ | da jormas | t h e s e c t. | ___ node 0 .... +48-91-48794393 teklords | ___ | _ \ _\ node 1 ............. telnet psl ___ | /_ / _ | \----\/ \ node 2 ............. telnet /_ / |_ / \/--/ | _\ _____/__ / \/----/ _\ /____ | / ____/ \ mastered by: _\ /__ / _ \ / \\ \ madbart/appendix / \ / / X_______________\ powered by: / _______X------/________\ a1240t/603e/240mhz/5gb /__________| ___ . supported by: . _ \ _\ | ___ ufok + prefix + madbart floppy | __/---\/ \ | _ \ _\ ___ kore | \ ______/____ | \----\/ \ _ \ _\ ___ linear | / \_______ \ _\ _____/__ \----\/ \ /_ / _ old bulls | / [/ \ / ____/ \ _\ _____/__ / \/----/ sative mea|/__________________X \] \ / \] \ _\ /__ dinx p. | /_______________X \ / \ mawi | second in the . /_______________X _______\ venus art | world! | a(id/k0re. /__________| nah-kolor | [tsp'01 charts] /| |________________/ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ::: ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ::: !!! 2nd in the world [in the press #1 charts] 2nd in the world !!! ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ______ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ _|_ __|____ _______ -t- -h- -e- -s- -e- -c- -t- |____ ______|--|_ |_______ ¾¾¾_____¾¾¾__ |· _ ·|· |_____ _| node00: +48-91-487-94-93 |----|_________| _ ·||| ______|----| node01: t e l n e t |------|_______|____________ ·| node02: t e l n e t ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ |----| ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ powered by: amiga 1240t + blizzard 603e/240mhz. 5 gig space master sysop: madbart/appendix - suppoerters: jacobs/apx + ziutek/ryl ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ home of: appendix, anadune, teklords, floppy, dinx project, madwizards, venus art, jormas, pic saint loup, sative mea, linear & kore. ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ _______ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ _| _____|_______ _____¾¾¾_____¾¾¾ ________ ______ |· |_____ _|¾¾|_ ___|_______|_ __|____ |____________ ·||| ______|----| |____ ______|---| |_ || _|____________ ·|· _ _|· _ ·| |_______| ¾¾¾ |----|--|__________||----|__________| ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ !!! 2nd in the world [in the press #1 charts] 2nd in the world !!! ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ _____ _____ . t . h . e . . s . e . c . t . node0: +48-91-4879493 _\ /_ _____\ /_______________ __ _ ____ __ ___ _ node1: telnet /\/ ___ ______/ node2: telnet ___/____/\ _______\ /_____\/____/\ _______ _ ___ __ _ ______ _____ master: __\ /_____________ ___________ ___\ /_ ____ _ madbart/appendix \______ ______/ \ \/ /\/ ________ /____\/____/\ ____/_____/\____/____/\ _ __ _ hardware: kem/k0 / a1240t/603e/240mhz/5g appendix + anadune + teklords + floppy + dinx project supporters: venus art + jormas + mad wizards + pic saint loup jacobs + ziutek kore. + linear + sative mea . . . 2nd in the world: / »-»-»-»-»-»-» . t . h . e . . s . e . c . t . the scene press#01 /_________________________________ _ _____ __ _ ___ _ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _______ _______ _______ _) ___/__ _( ___ /_ _( ___ (_ .|_______ \| \__/ \./ \/ |. ||___________|___________|_____/_____|| |-------------------------------------| |[·d·a·f·l·y·i·n·g·s·a·l·s·a·b·r·o·s·]| |-------------------------------------| | | | "8mm microplastikk asciiform" | | azzaro/sative mea and his cubism | | fascinations one more time | | | `-b|z'sea--------------------01/09/99-' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ "when you dream, there is no rules. people can fly..." ____ _____________________________________ ______________________________ _\ | | /_ _\ | | _| |_ devilfish d-tour session volume 2 | | _| |___\ /____________________________________| |_____________________________\ ......... - -- --- ---- ------ ------------------------- : ----- : i don`t really expect _12345678 and : &&&&& : to make this colly. i _12345678 again : &&&&& : just sat in my o w n _12345678 some : &&&&& : room and start typing _12345678 bytes : &&&&& : some ascii logos made _12345678 of : &&&&& : for my friends. again _12345678 ascii : &&&&& : with no special offer _12345678 bussiness : &&&&& : or requests. just for _12345678 done : &&&&& : your pure fun and to _12345678 by : &&&&& : increase sative m e a _12345678 ascii : &&&&& : productivity in 1999. devil : &&&&& : ÷---------÷ junkie : &&&&& : warm helloes goes t o ¦:::::::::¦ from : &&&&& : our new group member __¦_______·:¦ northwestern : &&&&& : named TWISTER. you`re ___\_______ /__¦__ ________ poland : &&&&& : great because you can \ _\____/ __/_\___ /___ ________ : &&&&& : drink much more vodka \--\_____ \ __/ __/_\___ /___ ____:_____& : than we all. regards. ¦ \ (-----/\_____ \ __/ _/_\_______ /__:__ __________ ¦:.:......¦ (-----/\_____ \ _\____/ __/_\ / ¦:::::::::¦ (-----/ \--\_____ \ _\---/____________ ¦:::::::::¦ \ (-----/\ \ \ ______ / ¦:::::::::¦ most hated public enemy in : &&&&& : \-----\ \ ¦__// ¦:::::::::¦ "the ascii charts", hehe=) : &&&&& : \-----/____/ ¦:tSd!c®w:¦ :=oO= : &&&&& : ¦:::::::::¦ -o0@#####@+ : &&&&& : i feel good as james ÷---------÷ +#####0O8####- : &&&&& : brown. brown sugar.. 0######. .###o : &&&&& : also member of demo o#######= @##o : &&&&& : sweetest thing in ascii scene groups ____ _____0#####O- ###- ____:__ &&& : buisness.. names __) \/ _/o##0+++=: -###.__\_ /____ : _/\_ \ __ .O+8#####o O##@ /\ \_/ \/ \ \ \/____ o###80###o###8________/\ ______\tSd!c®w . --|--------\_____\----+###= @######O----------\_____\--------------|--- o####oO#######@ : &&&&& : O#############. : &&&&& : sweet like chocolate? madwizards. total magic :O@#####8####o : &&&&& : and finish pure :=+=:.=oO80. : &&&&& : technology ______ : &&&&& : entitled ___) (_ _______ ____:_&&&&&_:_________________/___ ____/__ _ / |______ _( ___ (_ _______ _______ _____j__ / _( ___ /__\/____| 7__./ \/ |_) ___/__ _) ___/_\ 7 / | \__/ \. b|z| / |_____/_____|_______ \|_______ \_. / ./ |___________| sea|_____/__________________________|___________||_____| : &&&&& : embassy. the bomfunk squad : &&&&& : remastered by powered by "finlandia" pure grain vodka : &&&&& : some snuff... : &&&&& : ............................................ : &&&&& : "/// //////// : : : : : &&&&& : ////// ///// : &&&&& : c u b i s m fascination : &&&&& : : &&&&& : / ////////// : &&&&& : ______________________ : &&&&& : : &&&&& : /////// //// : &&&&& : \_ __ _ () _ __ _/ : &&&&& : : &&&&& : ////// ///// : &&&&& : \ \ _ /\ _ / / : &&&&& : : &&&&& : / ////////// : &&&&& : ___) \/__/ \__\/ (___ : &&&&& : : &&&&& : ///////// // : &&&&& : \ (___..___) / : &&&&& : : &&&&& : //////////// : &&&&& : ) _____ .. _____ ( : &&&&& : : &&&&& : // ///////// : &&&&& : \ \ @ / /||\ \ @ / / : &&&&& : : &&&&& : ////// ///// : &&&&& : \ \_( .____. )_/ / : &&&&& : : &&&&& : ///////// =)" : &&&&& : )___ ||:||| ___( : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : /_||||||_\ :.......:..:.......: rENTOn/sATIVe mEa : &&&&& : _||||||_ ._____________________________________________. : &&&&& : \~~~~~~/ |\ | : &&&&& : / || \ |¯ h + [ h a l c y o n p l u s 1 9 9 9 ] _| : &&&&& : cRu)__||__( |____________________________________________\| : &&&&& : ______ . ~~. ______ . ______ . _____ . _____ &&& : T \| |/ T |/ T |/ T |/ T ___ a(id &&& :__|_____ |__ _| _____|__ _| |__ _| |_ _| |_| |__ k0re. _ T ____ Y_______ Y _____| Y |____/| Y |____/| |___| | ___|_|_| \] _ | _ | _ _ | | | | || |__________/]__________/]__________/]________/]_________| |____|_ _| ||___| |_| | |____| |__| : umc umc umc umc umc umc ÎUP umc umc umc i îokieê na zewnâtrz... &&& · , : &&& __l _____ ______ ____ .____.________ ______ ________ _______ ) : &&& |/ \_ ___\_\ \| l _/ _ // _ / \| : &&&&& : / \ _| | /__/ \ ___ _ | : &&&&& -×6L \_______ /___\____\_______l_________________\\__\\\\ : : &&&&& __·__ : &&&&& \ \ ____.___ _______. ________ _______ ________ _____ .___·. : && _____\_ \ /| / .___| _/// _____// _ /\\ \l | : & / _/ \ \l | _ | \ \ _| : & \_ 7 ._/________________\______l__________/____________\ \ : & /________l:· ·:\______\ : & ·_ s3a! · i n t r o d u C t i o n · : &&& |_) ____ _ : &&& /___________\ : &&&& : &&&&& : koszalin, norht western poland. september 1999 : &&&&& : : &&&&& : welcome to the sixty fourth asc² collection with azzaro as : &&&&& : the author or cooperator done in three weeks of summertime : &&&&& : at my home between some voyages around the poland. first : &&&&& : i attend xenium`99 party in wloclawek where i met almost : &&&&& : all polish ascii makers except some guys from linear (btw. : &&&&& : where are you luk and krs, heh?). sad thing is that me : &&&&& : and renton asleep and forgot to deliver our works to the : &&&&& : official ascii compo. after all i don`t worry about it - : &&&&& : the only winners was some damn pc lamers which made : &&&&& : standard 8 cols ansi pictures. hehe - how to compare ansi : &&&&& : and ascii logos? only organisers know how to do it. fuck : &&&&& : them all one more time. :.......:..................................................................... : : _12345678 second voyage was my trip to renton`s house in parczew, : &&&&& : _12345678 760km from my house. i go there with my friend from : &&&&& : _12345678 koszalin, where i live, borys/dione. also we met : &&&&& : _12345678 def/floppy, thorr/whelpz, oczek/whelpz, bonzaj/madwizards : &&&&& : _12345678 and evan/madwizards and finally after 13 hours travelling : &&&&& : _12345678 by train we met renton who comes for us to the : &&&&& : _12345678 trainstation. whole meeting was named bubr party 1999 : &&&&& : _12345678 (translated to english - party at blaze renton`s house). : &&&&& : _12345678 we drunk sea of alcohol and work on another ascii : &&&&& : _12345678 collection. our co-operation was finally done and you can : &&&&& : _12345678 download "alice on da second side of the mirror" from our : &&&&& : _12345678 distros from some weeks for sure. renton show the corpse : &&&&& : _12345678 of his new colly named "whiskey bar" and i showed preview : &&&&& : _12345678 of this one. after 3 days of drinking, having fun and : &&&&& : _12345678 eating extremally expensive food we come back to home. : &&&&& : _12345678 bubr party 1999 rules for sure! : &&&&& : .....................................................................:.......: : : : &&&&& : what`s happend next? nothing special. there was another : &&&&& : "party" here in poland in some days named summer libation : &&&&& : camp #5. this is the biggest alcoholical event on polish : &&&&& : amiga/pc scene. totally free from the computers and : &&&&& : network - just the party spirit - talkings, drunking and : &&&&& : sniffing. pure ideal atmosphere. slc party serie rules, : &&&&& : too. year by year there are more and more sceners so i : &&&&& : expect good fun one more time in july, hehe. :.......:..................................................................... : : _12345678 ok, sweet kisses from me goes to chemical brothes and : &&&&& : _12345678 their new album named "surrender" which inspires me a lot. : &&&&& : _12345678 also "8mm" movie - this atmosphere rocks! hardcore porno : &&&&& : _12345678 with live murders on the screen... i`m sick as shit. : &&&&& : .....................................................................:.......: : : : &&&&& : some words about my present style - nice remixes of my old : &&&&& : collections and continuation of the cubism fascination. : &&&&& : hope you like this new style because i work on it. also : &&&&& : request new asciis if you only want. :.......:..................................................................... : : _12345678 regards to leunam/network and skid/ozone - some spanish : &&&&& : _12345678 amiga demo scene rockers. this is dedicated for you guys. : &&&&& : .....................................................................:.......: : : : &&&&& : signed by tommy aka azzaro of sative mea and madwizards : &&&&& : and embassy. true mailtrading domination in 199-9 one more : &&&&& : time. swapping megapower. disconnecting. be my gu[e]st now : &&&&& : h a s t a l a v i s t a k o r e . =] :.......:..................................    _12345678     ok here we go again with this _12345678     s t u f f _12345678     _12345678         [ we live in crazy phase     of our consciousness. ]     _12345678        _12345678 .______: _12345678 ._____ _| | _12345678 _| ___/______________\ | _________ ____ _ \__ / __ \ |/________/______ ................ /___/ /_///________/_____|/ _\ | / /______:______: : : : : |____/| |_______/ / _| ___/________: .:::::::.:::::::. ¦ ¦ /_____________\_ _| /: :::::: : ::::::______ . : -×6L's3a! /_____________/ : :::::: :::::: ___/___________________ : : : : : :::::: _| / __ \ : : : : : _12345678 ::::::_____________/_____|/ _\_ _____ _ : : : : : _12345678 :::::: |____/__//____/ // / : : : : : _12345678 ::::::    : : : : : _12345678 .. .........    ......... .. : : : : : _12345678 : : : : : _12345678 SEA psychedelical attraction'999 : : : : : _12345678 : : : : : _12345678        : : : : : : : : : : proudly PRESENTS selected WASTED dreams FROM azzaro ENTITLED simply : : : : : : : _12345678 m m ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ e i g h t m i l i m e t e r _12345678 m m ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ : : : : : _12345678 m m ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ m i c r o p l a s t i k k _12345678 m m ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ : : : : : _12345678 m m ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ a s c i i f o r m _12345678 ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ : : : : : _12345678 ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ [c] azzaro of sative mea 1ggg _12345678 ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ : : : : : _12345678 ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ____________ ¾¾¾ : : : : : _12345678 ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ |_ |_________ ____________ : : : : : _12345678 ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ | _ _ |_ |_:_:_:_:_: _12345678 ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |· | | |· _ _ | _12345678 ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ `--------|___| ·| | | ·| _12345678 ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |_________|--------|___| __| ___________¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |______| : _ |________ ________ : : : : : | _ _ | _________ _| ___|____________________ : : : : : |· | | ||_ |_ | |_ __ _|____:_:_:_:_: |-------|__| ·| |________|---|· _ _| || ·|____ _| |_______| · ·|--|_________|-· ||-----||| _ ·| _12345678 |----------|___| |_______| |__________|--| _____________ ______ az0!/sea : : : : : _ ____|_ |_________ ______ ________: : : : : |· ||·| |___________ __|________ _|_ __|:_:_: : : | __________|· _ ·|____ ·| _____|______|___ ______|----| |-----| |____|---------||| __ |· |· _ _| |--------|_____|____________ ·|----|_________|: _________ ________ |_ || _| : : : : : |_ |_ |_ |______ ________ |_______| : : : : : | |________|---|· ___ ||_ |______ : : : : : |· ·| __ |_____|·| ___ |__ : : : : : |----------|___|---|___________|· __ |_____|·| : : : : : |---|___________| > > > > > > > > : : : : : _12345678 _______ : : : : : ____________ __|________ ________ _________ _____:_:_: : : |____ ·| _____|_______| ___|_____ |_ |_ |_ |_ : : ||| __ |· ·| ·|-|________|---|-|________|---| |---------|_____|____________ |· _ _|· ·|· ·| |_ || _|--|_________|-----------|___|----------|___| _12345678 |_______| az0!/sea : : : : : _______________ ________________ : : : : : |_ _ |_____________|_ __ _|_________ : : : : : |· |______|____ _| || ·|_ |_______: : : : : | _______| ||| _ ·|· ||-----| _ _ |: : : : | | |__________|--|_______| |· | | ·|: : : : |-------| |-------|__| _|: : : : ........................................ ..... .... ... .. . |_____|: : : : : : : : : : : : 8 m m m i c r o p l a s t i k k a s c i i f o r m : : : : : : e s p e c i a l l y f o r a l l : : : : : : : : : : : :...........................................................................: __l _________ _______. ________ _____ ;____.. _______________________ )__ _ |/ / __/_/ .___|// ____//\ \| ||/ ____/__ __ \| : \___ / | _/ _| _/ // -×6L's3a! | /___________________________ _\ //_____________\\_ _ : : __; ·:\____\ ._|__ ________ / | . _________ _______ ______ s c e n e : | \\ _ \/ |_____||/ ____// _ /// __/___ __ l o v e r s ¦ | \_ \ \_ |\ / _/ /__/ \___ // / _| |______/________/__ / \_ ________________ /_______ _ (_| /________/:· /_ ___________\ _12345678 ._____ _______ _12345678 ____ ______ ____|_ ( ______ ___\ ( _.______ _\__/_____\_ /_\ _/ /__\ __/____\ \ /_ ______._ \|dKS! \ _ / _ \ _ __/ _ _ / |/ ¯|_____ /_____\____/_____\__________\__\|______\____\______\ _____|¯ «------------------------------------------------------------------» _12345678 a u t o m a t i k k f o r t h e p e o p l e a g a i n i n d e x i t y situation on a z z a r o ` s space station. «------------------------------------------------------------------» _1234 acid .......................................... made for acid/kore. _5678 apathy ................................. made for ash/apathy+decree _1234 ash! ................................... made for ash/apathy+decree _5678 taboo ................................... made for madbart/appendix _1234 dione ........................................ made for borys/dione _5678 kempy ................................. made for kempy/kore.+veezya _1234 ascii .................................. made for me, myself and i. _5678 krs ........................................... made for krs/linear _1234 plastic .................. made for bonzaj/plastic+mawi+dcs+endzeit _5678 zosia..............................made for mcr/madwizards+appendix ..... ..............................................................break _5678 renton ......... made for renton/sative mea+floppy+potion+dcs+nah-k _1234 twister ............................... made for twister/sative mea _5678 x-ball ......................... made for x-ball/sativem mea+decree _1234 revi .............................. made for revi/sative mea+whelpz _5678 zabora ....................... made for zabora/sative mea+old bulls _1234 sative mea ..... made for renton/sative mea+floppy+potion+dcs+nah-k _5678 luk ............................... made for luk/linear+phase truce _1234 linear ........................................ made for krs/linear _5678 yaneq ....................................... made for yaneq/linear _1234 cnr ............................................ made for cnr/kore. _5678 thung ....................................... made for thung/linear _1234 kore. ....................................... made for thung/linear _5678 zito ................................... made for zito/zetec+apathy _1234 offworld ............................... made for zito/zetec+apathy _5678 darkus .................................. made for darkus/nah-kolor _1234 thorr ....................................... made for thorr/whelpz _5678 whelpz ...................................... made for thorr/whelpz _1234 frozen ...................................... made for thorr/whelpz _5678 the sect ................................ made for madbart/appendix _1234 zetec .................................. made for zito/zetec+apathy _5678 dione [2] ..................................... made for zomo/dione «------------------------------------------------------------------» and there the good girls fly after eating [jam] and using [spoon] tripomaic fairytale 2001. devilfish d-tour session volume two best medicine doctor gave to me. i felt sick, now i feel free eat jam. use spoon. listen jam&spoon my favourite _ __ ,_ _ __ /. | /. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /\_ __|___ __/\| ____ .___.\ \_ _/ ._ (_._/ /|__ __/\\_ \_ _ _| |/ //.\\ |/ |\\ /\ \_) |/ //. \\\____ |____/ |____/ \____/ | vol\_____| \_____| \ \ \_____| . | \ \ | | _ \ \ | | \\ \ \ _______ ______ /\_ | | .\ \ _/ ._ (._/ _ (_.___.\ \_ _ | | | \ \\\ |/ |\\ _ | |/ //.// | | | \ \___/ |____/ |____ | _| |_ | \_______\ \_____| \_____| \____| _ __\ /__ _ _| download hottest sateve mea releases right from the sect bbs mastered by madbart/appendix. supported by ziutek and jacobs newest ascii releases and request distro. drop your ascii request in any form on this station, please. also don`t hesistate to say some hot words about us to your friends, hehe. no internet = pure fun. mailtrading domination in 1999! : : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : : transmitted from the national radio ... :.: .................................... . ........... _______.:_______ _______ ________ ________ :_________: _ __\____.(__\___ .(_ _\___ .(_ _\_____.(__\__ ./__\ __ .(_ _ /// l/ _ _____/ _ _____/ l/ / l/ /// _ ____________________________________________\ ______________ _ : . ....................................\ ./.... : .:.......: \/ :.......lm! if you`re still lookin` for some quality foreign contacts don`t hesistate to ask for one of them at my home address: azzaro/madwizards+embassy; tomek wisniewski; ul.szeroka 35/8 pl-75814 koszalin; poland. e-mail: still mailtrader, so active & waiting for some new friends worldwide also for joining madwizards or supporting "save da vinyl" package : : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : ._ _ : : _ _. _ _ _:_\\\ \ · · · · · / ///_:_ _ _ : : _ ______ ·______ _______ ___ diP/a! _______ ______ ______ _ \ __\ \ \ /_ __| \__ ___ ______\ /_ \ _/ / / \ \ \ _/ | / _/ / _/ \___\_____/________/__ /_____/______\ ___|____/____\_____/_______\ . . _ _:__ _ c O N T A C T _ __:_ _ : ///···············\\\ : : h e y g i r l , h e y b o y c o n t a c t n o w ! : : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : sponsored by astrosyn staff again. __..__ :.......: cRu) || ( ¦ \ || / wicked knights of small lines ¦ sati\/e mea ------------------ /_...._\ ------ ------------------------------¦------------ _||||||_ .--. --. . . . .--. .-¦-. .--. --. logo named: ___\ |||||| /___ `--. .--¦ ¦-- ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .--¦ ) _ ||:||| _ ( . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ acid....... / / ( §~~~~§ ) \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ / / @ \ \||/ / @ \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 00000000001 ) ~~~~___§§___~~~~ ( ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ /__ (__ §§ __) __\ 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¦ .--¦ ) _ ||:||| _ ( . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ apathy..... / / ( §~~~~§ ) \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ / / @ \ \||/ / @ \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 00000000002 ) ~~~~___§§___~~~~ ( ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ /__ (__ §§ __) __\ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ logo numba: ) /\ \ / /\ ( ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ _/ _~_\ \/ /_~_ \_ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦--' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦--' ¦ ¦ / () \ `--' `--' `--' ` `--' `--' ` ¦ ' `--' `--' ----------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------¦-az0!/sea--- ¦ A Z Z A R O r e n t o n r e v i t w i s t e r x - b a l l z a b o r a ¦ __________________ __________ | | __________ | | | | | | _______ |__________| |__________________| | _________| |_______| ________ _______________ __|______ _____________ __|_____________| _____ _|_ __|____ |_____ | ____||| __ |___ ______|----| ||| __ ·|· |||____________|-----| _ _| |-----------|____| __________|__ az0!/sea |----|_________| |------| |__ _|_________ 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o r a ¦ ______ |-----| |_ | __|_ | _ ___ _|__| | | || | | |___|______| _ __ ___ _||___| |______| | ___________ |--++-| ________ ______________ __|___________ || |__ |______________ |_________ |_ ______|__||____|_ _| ||| _ | | _ | |-------------|_____|_______________ | | | |_ || _|------|_____________| __ |_________| ___ _ az0!/sea //___________||_______\\ __..__ cRu) || ( ¦ \ || / wicked knights of small lines ¦ sati\/e mea ------------------ /_...._\ ------ ------------------------------¦------------ _||||||_ .--. --. . . . .--. .-¦-. .--. --. logo named: ___\ |||||| /___ `--. .--¦ ¦-- ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .--¦ ) _ ||:||| _ ( . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ taboo zine. / / ( §~~~~§ ) \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ / / @ \ \||/ / @ \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 00000000004 ) ~~~~___§§___~~~~ ( ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ /__ (__ §§ __) __\ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ logo numba: ) /\ \ / /\ ( ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ _/ _~_\ \/ /_~_ \_ ¦ 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............. : : : ......... : : : : :.......: : : : : ......... : : :...............................: : : :................................: : &&&&& : : &&&&& : A SHORT GUIDE TO COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS: : &&&&& : taoism: shit happens : &&&&& : buddism: if shit happens, it's not really shit : &&&&& : islam: if shit happens, it's the will of allah : &&&&& : protestantism: shit happens because you didn't work hard enough : &&&&& : judaism: why does this shit always happen to us? : &&&&& : hinduism: this shit happened before : &&&&& : catholicism: shit happens because you are bad : &&&&& : hare krishna: shit happens rama rama : &&&&& : t.v. evangelism: send more shit : &&&&& : atheism: no shit : &&&&& : jehovah's witness: knock, knock, shit happens : &&&&& : hedonism: there's nothing like a good shit happening : &&&&& : christian science: shit happens in the mind : &&&&& : agnosticism: maybe shit happens, maybe it doesn't : &&&&& : existentialism: what is shit anyway : &&&&& : stoicism: this shit doesn't bother me : &&&&& : rastafarianism: let's smoke this shit : &&&&& : ................................. : &&&&& : .................................. : : :.......: : : : : ......... : : : : :.......: : : : :...........: : : : :................................ .................................: :...........: __..__ cRu) || ( ¦ \ || / wicked knights of small lines ¦ sati\/e mea ------------------ /_...._\ ------ ------------------------------¦------------ _||||||_ .--. --. . . . .--. .-¦-. .--. --. logo named: ___\ |||||| /___ `--. .--¦ ¦-- ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .--¦ ) _ ||:||| _ ( . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ sative mea. / / ( §~~~~§ ) \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ / / @ \ \||/ / @ \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 00000000016 ) ~~~~___§§___~~~~ ( ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ /__ (__ §§ __) __\ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ logo numba: ) /\ \ / /\ ( ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ _/ _~_\ \/ /_~_ \_ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦--' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦--' ¦ 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|| / wicked knights of small lines ¦ sati\/e mea ------------------ /_...._\ ------ ------------------------------¦------------ _||||||_ .--. --. . . . .--. .-¦-. .--. --. logo named: ___\ |||||| /___ `--. .--¦ ¦-- ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .--¦ ) _ ||:||| _ ( . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ yaneq...... / / ( §~~~~§ ) \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ / / @ \ \||/ / @ \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 00000000019 ) ~~~~___§§___~~~~ ( ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ /__ (__ §§ __) __\ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ logo numba: ) /\ \ / /\ ( ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ _/ _~_\ \/ /_~_ \_ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦--' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦--' ¦ ¦ / () \ `--' `--' `--' ` `--' `--' ` ¦ ' `--' `--' ----------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------¦-az0!/sea--- ¦ A Z Z A R O r e n t o n r e v i t w i s t e r x - b a l l z a b o r a ¦ ½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½ [] ½½½ _ ½½½ ][ ½½½ \\------------------------------½½½ [] ½½½ _______ ½½½ ][ ½½½ _______| _| ______ ½½½ [] ½½½ | | 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linear & kore. ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ _______ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ _| _____|_______ _____¾¾¾_____¾¾¾ ________ ______ |· |_____ _|¾¾|_ ___|_______|_ __|____ |____________ ·||| ______|----| |____ ______|---| |_ || _|____________ ·|· _ _|· _ ·| |_______| ¾¾¾ |----|--|__________||----|__________| ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ !!! 2nd in the world [in the press #1 charts] 2nd in the world !!! ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ __..__ cRu) || ( ¦ \ || / wicked knights of small lines ¦ sati\/e mea ------------------ /_...._\ ------ ------------------------------¦------------ _||||||_ .--. --. . . . .--. .-¦-. .--. --. logo named: ___\ |||||| /___ `--. .--¦ ¦-- ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .--¦ ) _ ||:||| _ ( . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ zetec...... / / ( §~~~~§ ) \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ / / @ \ \||/ / @ \ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 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[12/3O/95] WATERWORLD [O81.OOOB] [AMF-WTW.TXT] 03 [12/12/95] E=ASC² (with drf) [153.944B] [AMF-ASC².TXT] 04 [12/16/95] 93° FAHRENHEIT [O69.55OB] [AMF-93°F.TXT] 05 [12/2O/95] VIBROBETON [222.OOOB] [DRF_VBET.TXT] TOTAL: [0.770.430 BYTES] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO | DATE | 0 1 9 9 6 TITLE | SIZE | ARCONYM | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06 [01/1O/96] BRING ME NOISE [O81.O2OB] [AMF-BMN.TXT] 07 [02/O7/96] BACK ON PLASTIC (with seti) [O55.OOOB] [AMF-BACK.TXT] 08 [02/12/96] SAYONARA FUCKHEAD [191.2OOB] [AMF-SAYO.TXT] 09 [06/O7/96] RAME [O41.5OOB] [AMF-RAME.TXT] 10 [06/1O/96] FIRESTARTER [O8O.OOOB] [AMF-FIRE.TXT] 11 [06/22/96] TURBO (with covenant) [2OO.OOOB] [AMF-TURB.TXT] 12 [06/22/96] PHUN FAKTORY [193.1OOB] [AMF-PF.TXT] 13 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 1: HEXAGONAL HERETIC [247.OOOB] [AMF-DRE1.TXT] 14 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 2: JERICHO [178.227B] [AMF-DRE2.TXT] 15 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 3: FANTASIA [229.16OB] [AMF-DRE3.TXT] 16 [08/3O/96] RADIATION IN ZOO [121.OOOB] [AMF-RZOO.TXT] 17 [10/O5/96] DREAMLAND 4: EXIT FANTASY [115.OO7B] [AMF-EXIT.TXT] 18 [10/1O/96] 3ER4 MILLENIO [253.5OOB] [AMF-3ER4.TXT] 19 [11/O1/96] STYLEZ RETROSPECTION [173.16OB] [L124-STZ.TXT] 20 [11/1O/96] PAIN AND HEARTBEAT PUMPING [365.O3OB] [L124-PAI.TXT] 21 [11/11/96] AMPHETAMINE DUST [189.5O6B] [L124-DST.TXT] 22 [12/12/96] HAND ON MY PUSSY [141.O1OB] [L124-HOP.TXT] TOTAL: [2.854.420 BYTES] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO | DATE | 0 1 9 9 7 TITLE | SIZE | ARCONYM | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 [01/2O/97] AURORA BOREALIS [21O.15OB] [L124-ABS.TXT] 24 [02/O1/97] PAPARAZZI [161.OOOB] [L124-PZI.TXT] 25 [02/17/97] POETRY OF LOVE [463.OOOB] [L124-POL.TXT] 26 [02/22/97] TURBO 2 (with zorka19) [173.OOOB] [L124-TB2.TXT] 27 [03/O5/97] MORSEDOME [O36.OOOB] [L124-MSD.TXT] 28 [03/2O/97] PLUNGE INTO GOA: POETRY OF LOVE 2 [186.OOOB] [L124-GOA.TXT] 29 [04/16/97] ECLIPSE TRAVEL TO INDIA [14O.OOOB] [L124-E2I.TXT] 30 [05/2O/97] AMBIENT WASTER [197.OOOB] [L124-AWA.TXT] 31 [06/15/97] TO THE SEA [178.352B] [L124-SEA.TXT] 32 [07/11/97] INDUSTRIAL 1: ODYSSEY TO ANYOONA [O96.762B] [L124-ANY.TXT] 33 [07/12/97] INDUSTRIAL 2: KALEIDOSCOPE SKIES [194.O29B] [L124-KSK.TXT] 34 [07/13/97] INDUSTRIAL 3: DETROIT EXPERIMENT [132.OO4B] [L124-DET.TXT] 35 [08/3O/97] DELPHINUS I-DENTITY [18O.185B] [L124-ID.TXT] 36 [10/15/97] GARDEN OF EDEN [12O.OOOB] [L124-GDE.TXT] 37 [10/29/97] TWO SPYS IN THE HOUSE OF LOVE [182.284B] [L124-SPY.TXT] 38 [12/15/97] PHOEBUS APOLLO [125.734B] [L124-PHO.TXT] TOTAL: [2.775.860 BYTES] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO | DATE | 0 1 9 9 8 TITLE | SIZE | ARCONYM | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 39 [01/2O/98] SEN WEZYRA [O66.312B] [L124-SEN.TXT] 40 [03/15/98] PSILOCIBE 1: SUKIA MONOTONE [181.OOOB] [L124-SMO.TXT] 41 [03/17/98] PSILOCIBE 2: EVENT HORIZON [182.OOOB] [L124-EHN.TXT] 42 [03/20/98] PSILOCIBE 3: THE DREAM MACHINE [2OO.OOOB] [L124-TDM.TXT] 43 [04/24/98] HOMEWORK [11O.OOOB] [L124-HOM.TXT] 44 [04/24/98] REBIRTH OF STYLISM [219.338B] [L124-338.TXT] 45 [07/O2/98] IN SEARCH OF SPARKS [21O.OOOB] [L124-ISO.TXT] 46 [08/25/98] 94,7% SMOKED OUT [O87.298B] [L124-9SO.TXT] 47 [10/02/98] EXPERIMENT ENCORE [373.648B] [L124-EXE.TXT] 48 [10/24/98] KLUB VOLTAIRE [136.OOOB] [L124-KLV.TXT] 49 [12/10/98] NEON FLOW [O74.OOOB] [SEA-NEON.TXT] 50 [12/20/98] ORIGAMI [116.314B] [SEA-ORIG.TXT] 51 [12/20/98] 456 ALIEN 3 [124.145B] [SEA-4A3.TXT] 52 [12/20/98] PORTAIT OUT OF THE BLUE [106.009B] [SEA-BLUE.TXT] 53 [12/20/98] PULVERTURM [108.000B] [SEA-PULV.TXT] TOTAL: [2.294.064 BYTES] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO | DATE | 0 1 9 9 9 TITLE | SIZE | ARCONYM | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54 [02/27/99] ZERO REMIX [183.000B] [SEA-ZERO.TXT] 55 [03/06/99] CONSTRUCTION KIT 01 [047.733B] [SEA-CK01.TXT] 56 [04/06/99] DOBERMANN [100.000B] [SEA-DOBM.TXT] 57 [04/17/99] KLUBBHEAD LOOP 89 (+zabora,acid,kempy) [400.000B] [SEA-KORE.TXT] 58 [05/19/99] MORNING LEMON (with renton) [102.558B] [SEA-MLEM.TXT] 59 [06/06/99] DISKOCITIZEN ROCKS YOU BITCH [192.593B] [SEA-DCRY.TXT] 60 [06/20/99] AQUA DI AZOR [250.000B] [SEA-ADIA.TXT] 61 [06/27/99] EX-FAKTOR LITE `99 [117.541B] [SEA-XFL9.TXT] 62 [07/15/99] ALICE ON DA 2ND SIDE OF..(with renton) [139.710B] [SEA-ALIS.TXT] 63 [08/18/99] LIVE AT LODZ (with thung) [062.321B] [LA!-LODZ.TXT] 64 [09/01/99] 8MM MIKROPLASTIKK ASCIIFORM [140.000B] [SEA-8MPF.TXT] TOTAL: [1.735.456 BYTES] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [TOTAL 10.227.909 BYTES] [064 ASCII COLLECTIONS] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ __\ ___/______ _ _____ .____ / azzarorentonrevitwisterx-ballzabora Y \\___ //_ ____\_ //_ _l //___ ___ ___ ______ l_____ / Y __ Y _____/_ _l /_ ____| /_ _l ___/________ /___________ \¦ ___l____ \ Y Y /l Y _/ / /_ _/ 7_______\\ \_______l______l__ ' _____\ sative Y __ ___ ______ /________7 \\__________l tG! ___l Y /___ _l ___/_______ _____ k0. Y Y _/ / //_ ____\_ //_ ________ _______ ___ _ l_ \__l _____\ mea Y __ Y // / /_____| _l \\____________ \¦ ___l______/ //________ ___ _ l_____\ 7_______\\ - Twister joined from DEEZ NUTS. - Darkus released something under our label. Hah. - We are looking for more members/boards woldwide [ o f f i c i a l r e l e a s e s t i l l n - o w ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- no | shortcut | full title | artist | date | lenght ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE-NINE-NINE-EIGHT]. .[07 releases till now ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 | sea-dubt.txt | dubitation | renton | 18/12/98 | 042.104 02 | sea-neon.txt | neon flow | azzaro | 15/12/98 | 074.000 03 | sea-orig.txt | origami | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 116.314 04 | sea-4a3.txt | 456 alien 3 | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 124.145 05 | sea-blue.txt | portrait out of the blue | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 106.000 06 | sea-pulv.txt | pulverturm | azzaro | 20/12/98 | 108.000 07 | sea-jtkn.txt | jak to kurwa nazwac? | zabora | 10/12/98 | 021.550 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE-NINE-NINE-NINE]. .[23 releases till now ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08 | sea-1pos.txt | 100 percent of shit | renton | 10/01/99 | 022.858 09 | sea-1999.txt | najnhundretnajntynajn | renton | 11/01/99 | 048.361 10 | sea-fngr.txt | finger | zabora | 16/02/99 | 050.777 11 | sea-zero.txt | zero remix | azzaro | 27/02/99 | 183.000 12 | sea-psyl.txt | psilocybe semilanceta | zabora | 03/03/99 | 105.352 13 | sea-ck01.txt | construction kit 01 | azzaro | 06/03/99 | 047.733 14 | sea-pead.txt | peanut head | renton | 05/04/99 | 080.548 15 | sea-dobm.txt | dobberman | azzaro | 06/04/99 | 100.000 16 | sea-kore.txt | klubbhead loop 89 | a+a+k+z | 25/04/99 | 400.000 17 | sea-time.txt | timelessness | renton | 03/05/99 | 048.663 18 | sea-mysl.txt | myôl | revi | 05/05/99 | 224.774 19 | sea-nwor.txt | new order | x-ball | 10/05/99 | 112.547 20 | sea-pace.txt | peace | renton | 13/05/99 | 060.927 21 | sea-mlem.txt | morning lemon | az0!+tøn | 16/05/99 | 100.436 22 | sea-agpa.txt | age of panic | renton | 21/05/99 | 068.808 23 | sea-dcry.txt | diskocit. rocks u bitch | azzaro | 06/06/99 | 192.593 24 | sea-celi.txt | the celebration of the. | renton | 14/06/99 | 080.000 25 | sea-adia.txt | aqua di azor | azzaro | 20/06/99 | 250.000 26 | sea-xfl9.txt | ex-factor lite 99 | azzaro | 27/06/99 | 117.541 27 | sea-cdn.txt | counting down [g] | darkus | 05/07/99 | 036.837 28 | sea-garf.txt | garden my flies | x-ball | 07/07/99 | 156.007 29 | sea-alis.txt | alice on da second side..| az0!+tøn | 15/07/99 | 139.710 30 | sea-8mpf.txt | 8mm multiplastikk asc²form azzaro | 01/09/99 | 140.000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FURTHCOMING]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | sea-p.txt | patalonki | azzaro | xx/xx/99 | | sea-omte.txt | omnipotent technocrat | azzaro | xx/xx/99 | | sea-hack.txt | hacka | zabora | xx/xx/99 | | sea-0004.txt | numer 0004 | revi | xx/xx/99 | | sea-wbar.txt | whiskey bar | renton | xx/xx/99 | | sea-near.txt | not to touch the earth | renton | xx/07/99 | | sea-5to1.txt | five to one | renton | xx/07/99 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- total number of collections: 030 total lenght in bytes: 003.276.902 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ s - t a t i s t i c s ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- actual members productivity: azzaro ---------- 15 ascii collections, 12 own made, 03 cooperations renton ---------- 10 ascii collections, 08 own made, 02 cooperations revi ------------ 01 ascii collections, 01 own made, 00 cooperations twister --------- 00 ascii collections, 00 own made, 00 cooperations x-ball ---------- 02 ascii collections, 02 own made, 00 cooperations zabora! --------- 04 ascii collections, 03 own made, 01 cooperations guest collections released: acid ------------ 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation darkus ---------- 01 ascii collection, 01 own made, 00 cooperation kempy ----------- 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ c - o n t a c t ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- azzaro - tommy wisniewski · szeroka 35/8 · 75-814 koszalin · poland e-mail: renton - pat kalinowski · 3 · 21-200 parczew · poland revi - sly ostruszka · sw. jerzego 7a/17 · 43-400 cieszyn · poland e-mail: twister - bart ptaszynski · robotnicza 2 · 14-530 frombork · poland x-ball - mark nowacki · dabrowskiego 66/7 · 41-500 chorzow · poland zabora - gregor zaborowski · balonowa 5/17 · 54-129 wroclaw · poland e-mail: call SEA polish headquarter: DA SECT BBS - +48-91-4879493 look oficial SEA web page: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typed by renton'sative mea, psychikal kreation ----------------------------------------------:-&&&&&-:---------------------- : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : ___ : &&&&& : zbr\s3a---------------------------------\ / _:_____ :________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ / __\ /_ :\__ __/_ __\ _/_ _\ __/_ __\ _ /_ _\ __/_ __\ /__\ \___/ | / | \__ | | | ___/ | ___| ___ \-\_______!--/_______!-\________! ·--\______!____\_____|--\______|_____/-------\\------------[.c.r.e.d.i.t.s.]- : : SATIVE MEA GMBH. presents an AZZARO production "8MM MICROPLASTIKK ASCIIFORM" starring AZZARO guest starring KEMPY RENTON SHEPHERD ACID X-BALL DARKUS VOLATILE LEUNAM DIPSWITCH ZABORA and THUNG as NIUNIA screenplay by AZZARO and MRUWA directed and typed by AZZARO. recorded live at KOSZALIN, POLAND. summer NINETEEN NINETYNINE. : : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : . : && . : . . .::......................::. . . :: .................... :: :: : g r e e t s : :: diP/a! _____ ______ _____ _____ : : _______ ______ _\ /______ _\_ /__\ /______\ /______\ /_\ _/_____ \ __) / / / _/ / _/ / _/ \___ / \__\_____/____\_____\ __\_____/____\_____/_______\ ___ / / .. . . .. · / :: :..................: :: · . . .::......................::.. . . :: :: · · 214 ÷ ace ÷ acid ÷ adam ÷ adamsoft ÷ adonis ÷ aln! ÷ amifan ÷ andy ÷ antibyte ÷ ash! ÷ bay-tek ÷ belos ÷ bonzaj ÷ borys ÷ brutus ÷ bta ÷ budgie ÷ caro ÷ carp ÷ caustic ÷ cd beavis ÷ cerber ÷ chosen ÷ clever ÷ coach ÷ comanche ÷ covenant ÷ cure ÷ curtcool ÷ darkus ÷ dave ÷ def ÷ deixas ÷ digger ÷ dr chiry ÷ dr oczkins ÷ dr szach ÷ drf ÷ dziq ÷ dzordan ÷ elf ÷ emiter ÷ enter ÷ estrogen ÷ evan ÷ flapjack ÷ frequent ÷ garion ÷ ghenesis ÷ grass ÷ grogon ÷ guffaw ÷ guma ÷ hash ÷ humanoid ÷ icetray ÷ idaho ÷ informer ÷ insert ÷ itb ÷ jacko ÷ jim ÷ kazik ÷ kempy ÷ kessel ÷ kierownik ÷ kk ÷ ko$mi ÷ krs ÷ kure ÷ lala ÷ locash ÷ lovelace ÷ madbart ÷ madel ÷ magic ÷ maq ÷ mavey ÷ mcr ÷ metal designer ÷ morino ÷ mr acryl ÷ muffin ÷ mumin ÷ nelson ÷ neuroup ÷ noe ÷ norman ÷ noster ÷ noxis ÷ opi ÷ otton ÷ paplo ÷ peer ÷ pepson ÷ pesti ÷ phaser ÷ pickpoke ÷ pill ÷ pnx ÷ popcorn ÷ protas ÷ psion ÷ psylocyb ÷ punisher ÷ qix ÷ raptor ÷ rebb ÷ rebel ÷ renton ÷ revi ÷ revisq ÷ riddler ÷ sante ÷ scavenger ÷ sharp ÷ shepherd ÷ skid ÷ skope ÷ sly ÷ smajk ÷ starlight ÷ strife ÷ substance ÷ superfml ÷ swonyo ÷ tft ÷ the hooligan ÷ the shepherd ÷ thorr ÷ thung ÷ timer ÷ tomeq ÷ twister ÷ uhu ÷ venom ÷ voicer ÷ wierza ÷ wild ÷ yaneq ÷ yoyo ÷ zabora ÷ zig ÷ zoltan ÷ zomo and all forgotten : : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : ___ : &&&&& : zbr\s3a------------------------\ / _________ :_______: _______ _________ _________ _______ _______ /__\ _ /__\ __/_ __\ _/_ _\__ __/ _\ _ /_ _\ __/_ __\ _/__\ ___/ | __| \ | / | | ___/ | __| \___ \_________|---\______!-\________!--/______! !_____\_____|--\______|-\___________\\----------------------[.r.e.s.p.e.c.t.]- respected ones in random order: darkus, acid, kempy, renton, x-ball, twister, krs, revi, zabora, luk, yaneq, passenger, cnr, voicer, kacper, leunam, thung, budgie, fighter for future, scab, sharp, the shepherd, zito. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- all members in: kore., linear, crew, layout, low profile, save da artists, deez`nuts & independent ones of course. : : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : . : &&&&& : ____ . ____ :.......: _ _:___( ):( )___:_ _ : : : ______ ___ _____ . ______ : ______ _____ _/ /_ _\ \___ _\ /______ _\ /______ _\ \ ___\ _/__ \ _/ \ \ _/ / _/ / \ \/ / / \_____\ __ /_____/____\_____/_ _ ____\_____/___ /_____/______\ _/ . . . : tHE · eND : diP/a! _ _:___ ___ : ___ ___:_ _ · / /___):(___\ \ · . :........ : : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : : &&&&& : q u e s t i o n o f t h e w e e k : &&&&& : ------------------------------------------ : &&&&& : and what do you think about this colly, nd : &&&&& : ? : &&&&& : : : _12345678 the great transformers squad will back in "omnipotent technocrat" _12345678 this summer on your screen for sure. _12345678 eof. ____ _____________________________________ ______________________________ _\ | | /_ _\ | | _| |_ devilfish d-tour session volume 2 | | _| |___\ /____________________________________| |_____________________________\ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _______ _______ _______ _) ___/__ _( ___ /_ _( ___ (_ .|_______ \| \__/ \./ \/ |. ||___________|___________|_____/_____|| |-------------------------------------| |[·d·a·f·l·y·i·n·g·s·a·l·s·a·b·r·o·s·]| |-------------------------------------| | | | "8mm microplastikk asciiform" | | azzaro/sative mea and his cubism | | fascinations one more time | | | `-b|z'sea--------------------dd/07/99-' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ -][-SECOND-IN-THE-WORLD!--(TSP#01-CHARTS)-][- ][ ][ ][ node0: +48-91-4879493 node1+2: telnet ][ ][ amiga1240t/603e/240mhz/5gb warezspace ][ ][ _________ .__ __. _________. ][ ][ _/ _ _ \_| \_ _/ |_/ /o | ][ ][ `---|__ |---'| _-|--|-_ || __ -\----| ][ ][ `-\_| |_/-|--|-\_||_/--------' ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ master ------------------ madbart'apx ][ ][ supporters -------------- ufok+prefix ][ ][ ][ _______ _________. _________. _________ _/ ___/____/ /o |_/ ______|_/ _ _ \_ | ____ || __ -\----|| __ \/ |`---|__ |---' |_/--------'|_/--------'|_/--------' `-\_|[ ][ [ ][ APPENDIX world headquarter ][ ][ DA JORMAS, VENUS ART, PIC SAINT LOUP ][ ][ FLOPPY, OLD BULLS, NAH-KOLOR, DINX P. ][ ][ MAWI, KORE., LINEAR, SATIVE MEA ][ ][ polish headquarter ][ -][--------------------------------b|z'sea][- ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ::: ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ::: !!! 2nd in the world [in the press #1 charts] 2nd in the world !!! ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ______ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ _|_ __|____ _______ -t- -h- -e- -s- -e- -c- -t- |____ ______|--|_ |_______ ¾¾¾_____¾¾¾__ |· _ ·|· |_____ _| node00: +48-91-487-94-93 |----|_________| _ ·||| ______|----| node01: t e l n e t |------|_______|____________ ·| node02: t e l n e t ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ |----| ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ powered by: amiga 1240t + blizzard 603e/240mhz. 5 gig space master sysop: madbart/appendix - suppoerters: jacobs/apx + ziutek/ryl ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ home of: appendix, anadune, teklords, floppy, dinx project, madwizards, venus art, jormas, pic saint loup, sative mea, linear & kore. ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ _______ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ _| _____|_______ _____¾¾¾_____¾¾¾ ________ ______ |· |_____ _|¾¾|_ ___|_______|_ __|____ |____________ ·||| ______|----| |____ ______|---| |_ || _|____________ ·|· _ _|· _ ·| |_______| ¾¾¾ |----|--|__________||----|__________| ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ !!! 2nd in the world [in the press #1 charts] 2nd in the world !!! ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ @"Trzy" __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ! ! ! _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} ! ! ! 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'. '. '.__ ' __.'/ | | | | _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} _ ) ) |\ / / /| : : | {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ ( '.___.' .' | \ \ ./ /_`. '' | _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} '._____.' (__(__'.______.''': | {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ __: | _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} "Trzy kolejna produkcja .' | {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ z przesîaniem.... " `----' _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} . . {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} . .:. . . .:. . {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ | | _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} ___|_________|___ {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ (___. · · .___) _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} :_________: {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ `---------' _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} .__| |__. {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ ( ) _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} \ \· ·/ / {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ \ \ / / _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} |\ \_/ /| {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ | \ / | _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} | \«««/ | {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ \ « / _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} | | | {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ | | | _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} __| | |__ {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ (_____|_____) _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} "Trzy kolejna produkcja z przesîaniem..." {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ I tym cytatem witam was wszystkich jeszcze _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} raz. Macie przed sobâ nowâ ascii kolekcjë {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ w Mojim wykonaniu. Znajdujâ sië tu _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} logosiki na zamówienie, jak i takie które {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ robiîem sobie z nudów. Od tej kolekcji _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} przechodzë na skruty cztero literowe tj. {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ an-xxxx.txt a nie jak byîo dotychczas _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} szeôcio literowe. A czemu? A bo mam taki {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ kaprys. _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ Coraz wiëcej ludzi zaczyna sië _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} przytrzepiaê do mnie o róûne sprawy. Ûe {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ God to i tamto. Coô z tym przydaîo by sië _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} zrobiê. Tylko co? Moûe ktoô ma jakieô {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ pomysîy? Bo w mojej gîowie jest pustka. _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ Zauwaûyîem, ûe ostatnio coraz wiëcej _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} ludzi uûywa jëzyka angielskiego. Jestem {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ ciekawy czemu? Przecierz ludzie jesteôcie _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} z Polski, a nie za Angli lub Ameryki. Tak {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ jak w kawaîku Wzgórza pt"Fast Food" tak ja _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} do was docieram. Ludzie zacznijcie wkoïcu {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ pisaê po Polsku, gdyû jesteôcie Polakami. _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} No chyba, ûe...... Przyznam,ûe sam czasami {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ piszë coô po angielsku. Ale to trzeba _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} zmieniê! {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} Dla zainteresowanych podajë wiadomoôê, ûe {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ dnia 19 wrzeônia w miejscowoôci _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} Bielsko-Biaîa odbëdzie sië Pierwsze {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ Spotkanie Uûytkowników Komputera Amiga. _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} Spotkanie odbëdzie sië o godzinie 11:00 w {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ klubie "44", który znajdujë sië on na rogu _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} ulic Partyzantów z ulicâ Powstaïców {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ Ôlâskich. W tym samym czasie odbywaê sië _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} bëdzie mini gieîda komputerowa, of coz {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ Amiga Rules! _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} A teraz to juû zapraszam do obejrzenia, {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ kolekcji. A zauwaûyliôcie, ûe coraz wiëcej _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} razy uûywam tekstu "coraz wiëcej"......... {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ : {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ .:::. {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ .::::::: {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ .::::::::::. {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ ( + _\ Panowie! {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ \ _/ }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ |/ Co z wami? }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} .:::::::::::. }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} .:::::::::::::. }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} .:::::::::::::::. }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} Juû | | }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} TRZY | # ¡ # | {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ razy `. _____ .' {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ to `-(|||||)-' {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ samo. |_¯¯¯_| {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ / \_/ \ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ : {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ .:::. {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ .::::::: {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{ .::::::::::. }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} ( + _\ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ \ _/ }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} |/ A wy chuja {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ wiecie. Tak ma }{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} byê! {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ .:::::::::::. {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} .::::::::::::: _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ .:::::::::::::::. {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} | | _}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{_ | # ¡ # | {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} `. _____ .' {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} No, niech `-(|||||)-' {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} bëdzie. |_¯¯¯_| {__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__}{__} / \_/ \ I tak oto wypili czwartego kielona..... ______ ______ \ __ \_\ __ /_________ __________________ ______ \ \ \____\ \__________\/________________ /_____/ ___ / \ \______ _______ \/ ______ //_\ ___ / // \_____ \_ \ _ \ / __ /___/ / /_\\ / // \_ \ \ / \_\_ \ \_\ \ _/____ \\ // \ \___\\ / /__/ / \ \ \_________\ \\ _____ \ \/ / \ \______________ \\_/ ___/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_____________ \____ /god \______/ _____________ .' | | `. Panie!!!! | `-' | Po ile ten zegarek? `._____________.' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _|___________|_ { } .-------------------. | Casio | [| .-----------. |] | | 3 : 0 0 | | | `-----------' | [| Zegarek |] | Made in Poland | `-------------------' {_______________} Jak to po ile??? | | | | Tylko TRZY zîote! | | | | | | | | | .-. | | `-' | | .-. | | `-' | | .-. | | `-' | | .-. | | `-' | | | | | | | `-----------' __ __ __ __ __ __ _[__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ [__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ [__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ _[__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__]_ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__].__.[__].__.[__].__.[__]....[__][__][__][__][__][__][ ][__][__][__][__][__]._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._>||<_.[__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__] | . .|| ___|| | || || | [__][__][__][__][__][ ][__][__][__][__][__]| |\/ || __> || | | || || |[__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__] | | || || | || || | [__][__][__][__][__][ ][__][__][__][__][__]| |---'| || |---'| `' |[__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__] `--' `------'`--' `------' [__][__][__][__][__][ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][ ][__][__]_Lp__ _Nazwa __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __Dla Kogo __ ][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][ ][__][__] 01 [__] A-Files [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][ 02 _][_ Amiga _][_ Aragorn __][__][ ][__][__] 03 [__] Ara [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][ 04 _][_ Aragorn _][_ Aragorn __][__][ ][__][__] 05 [__] ArchiwumA [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][ 06 _][_ Bear _][_ Aragorn __][__][ ][__][__] 07 [__] BigBlitter [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][ 08 _][_ Booshman _][_ Booshman __][__][ ][__][__] 09 [__] DemoCompoAt [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][ 10 _][_ Dymek _][_ Aragorn __][__][ ][__][__] 11 [__] Error [__] Error ][__][__] __][__][ 12 _][_ GfxCompoAt _][_ Aragorn __][__][ ][__][__] 13 [__] Grandpa [__] Grandpa ][__][__] __][__][ 14 _][_ GreenDay _][_ Aragorn __][__][ ][__][__] 15 [__] GreetsTo [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][ 16 _][_ Greg _][_ Greg __][__][ ][__][__] 17 [__] Jonson [__] Jonson ][__][__] __][__][ 18 _][_ Juen _][_ Juen __][__][ ][__][__] 19 [__] K-Advert [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][ 20 _][_ Kempy _][_ Kempy __][__][ ][__][__] 21 [__] Lothar [__] Lothar ][__][__] __][__][_ 22 _][_ Mcr _][_ Mcr __][__][ ][__][__] 23 [__] MsxCompoAt [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][_ 24 _][_ OverTime _][_ Lothar __][__][ ][__][__] 25 [__] Scena [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][_ 26 _][_ Soc _][_ Jonson __][__][ ][__][__] 27 [__] Spread [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][_ 28 _][_ Sqlim _][_ Sqlim __][__][ ][__][__] 29 [__] Stazi [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][_ 30 _][_ Syntheze _][_ Aragorn __][__][ ][__][__] 31 [__] Syntheze Sound [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][_ 32 _][_ Szaman _][_ Szaman __][__][ ][__][__] 33 [__] Ô.G.P. [__] Aragorn ][__][__] __][__][_ 34 _][_ Ô.P. _][_ Aragorn __][__][ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][ ][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] __][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][ [__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] [__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] . . [__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] ... ... [__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] ..... . [__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] ....... [__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__][__] ......... 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I \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / sorrki, ûe zgubiîem jednâ \ \ \ / / / literkë. > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ Aragorn _______ _______ Aragorn / ____ /_______ ______/ ____ /____ ______________ ______________ /\/ /_ /____ ____\/_____ /_ /____ / \ ____________\/______\ __ / \____/ __ // _ \/ ______/ __ //_______\ __ ____ \/ _______\ \ \\ / ___ /_/ // _ \ / _____ /_/ //_\ ____ \_\ \ _ \ / \ ___ \ \ _ \ /__¯ / _/ \_\_ \ \_ /__¯ /_ ____\ \ \ \ _\_ \ \_\ \ \ \ \_// \__¯ /_____ / /__/ ___¯ /____/ / __ /\ \_____\ \/ /__/ /_ \_ \ \__/ /___________/ / /_____ _/ /_/ / \_________ / \___\ \____\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / ______ / /\__/gOd ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯\__________/ \__ / / / / ¯¯¯¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A^r^g^o^r^n_ _A^r^g^o^r^n ________\______ ________ ______ _______/______ ___ ___ _\ __ /_\ \__\ __ /_\ \_\ /_\ \__\ \\ \_ _ __/ \ \/ / / \ \/ / ___ ::: / \__ __ )_))__) / : / (__((__( \_/_/__\_\_/__/\__\_/_/__\_\_/_____/_/_____\_/__/\__\_/__/__\__/god &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.r.a.g.o.r.n .___. .__. .___. .__. .__. .__. .__. ._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_. __| __ || || __ || || .. || || | |__ > | <_. || | || <_. || .__:| || || | || | | | ¯¯¯`---'¯¯¯¯`--' \_>`---'¯¯¯¯`------'`------'`--' \_>`--'¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 05 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: ArchiwumA / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Wiëkszoôê \ \ \ / / / logosików w tej kolekcji\ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / jest dla ciebie. \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ .___. .__. .__. .... .. .__. .... .__. ___._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._>||<_.._><_.._>| <_.._>||<_.._> <_.___ \ | __ || || __|| || || || | || || || . .| / > | <_. || | || __.| || || || |/\ || || || |\/ | < / | | || | \-'| || .. || || | ||| || || | | \ `. | `---'| |\ \ | || || || || || `' || |---' .' : `---' `--' \_>`------'`--'`--'`----'`------'`------'`--' : : .___. : .' ._> <_. `. < A.r.c.h.i.w.u.m..A | __ | A.r.c.h.i.w.u.m..A > \ | <_. | / \_____________________________| | |_____________________________/ | `---'god `---' ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 06 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Bear / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Tym razem \ \ \ / / / bez. \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ Bear_______ / ____ / ________ _______ Bear / /_ //___/ _____ \_/ ____ /_______ _____ __/_ / /____ __\ \_ /_ /____ ___\/_____\__/\ / ____/ __ __/ ______ //__/ __ /____ \/ ___\\__/ \/ ___ /_/ / __/ __ /_____ /_/ // _ \ / __/ \ /_ / __ /_/ ___ /__¯ /____ \_\_ \ \_`god ¯/ ¯/___/ /\ /_ __/ / __ /_______/ / /__/ / /________/ /_ /_____/ / /____________/ / /________/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 07 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Big Blitter / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Spoko... \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ .__. .. .__. ______._> <_.._><_.._> <_.______ (____ | || || | ____) / | _:| || .__: \ / | | || || | | \ ______________) | |--'| || | (______________ / Big `---' `----'`------' Blitter \ / .__. .. .. ._____. ._____. .__. .__. \ )._> <_.._><_. ._><_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.( / | || | | || || || ___|| | \ ( | _:| | | |:__. .__::__. .__:| __> || | | ) \ | | || __|_.| | | | | | | || | \-' / ¯| |--'| || |¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯| || |\ \¯¯ `---' `------'`----' `---' `---' `------'`--' \_>god ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 08 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Booshman / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Kombinuje-\ \ \ / / / -my co? Czy nic. Coô \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Booshman/AmigaN-/ / / duûy ten logos nie? \ \ \ -est / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ Booshman _________________ _______ Booshman _________________________________ ___/ __ / _\ ___ ___ \_____/ ____ /____________ / ____ /__________________ ______\_/ __/ //_/ _\ \\ \_______/_ /____ / __ / / /_ //_\ __ __ __ _____/ _____ ___ /_____\ ______/ __ /_____\ \ \\ /_ / /____ \_\ \ _ \_\ \ ____/ _ \ \/ / __ ____ \__\ \ __ /_/ /_\ ___ \ \ /___/ __ _ \ \ \ _____ \\__\ \ / / / / \____\ \___\ \/__¯ /___\ \ \ \ \_ / ___ /_/ / \_____\ \_____\ \__ \ \ ____/__//¯ / /\_______________/ /_________ \_ \ \__\ \ /_ / /\_________________\ \__\ \___ ___¯¯¯ / /_______ \___\ \____/ ¯/ ¯/___/ / \__________/ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯\__________/god /________/ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 09 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: DemoCompoAt / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: No. \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ __.__.____.__.____.__.____.__.__ __/._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.\__ __/__/| || ___|| . .|| .. |\__\__ __/__/ | >= || __> || |\/ || || | \__\__ __/__/ Demo | || || | || || | \__\__ __/__/ | / | || |---'| `' |Compo At \__\__ /__/ `----' `------'`--' `------' \__\ // .__. .__. .__. .__. .__. .___. ._____. \\ // ._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_. ._> <_.._> <_ \\ // | __|| .. || . .|| || .. | | __ || | \\ << | __.| || || |\/ || | || || | | <_. |:__. .__: >> \\ | || || || | || |---'| || | | | | | | // \\ | || `' || |---'| | | `' | | `---' | | // \\`------'`------'`--' `--' `------' `---'god `---' // \\____________________________________________________________// \____________________________________________________________/ :::::::'. :::::'.... :::'. -'. . /\ . / \ ^^ ^^ . / \ / \ ^^ /\ / \ / \ /\/\/\/\/\/\ / \ /\ / \ /\/\/\/\ / \ / \ / \ /\/\/\ /\ / \ /\ / \ / \ /\/\/ \ /\ /\/\ / \ / \/ \ \ /\/\ / \ / \ / \ \ \/ \ / \/ \ / \ \ \ \/ \ \ / \ \ \ / \ \ Îadnâ Nawet mamy >--ª º-- / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 10 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Dymek / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Palenie, \ \ \ / / / albo zdrowie, wybór \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / naleûy do ciebie. \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ Dymek ______________________ ____ ___ / ___________/ ___ /__________________________Dymek/ __ \/_ / __ \ \_/ ____ ___ / // __________ _/_ __\ \___/ / / _///_/ / __/ ____/ _ \\ / // _\ ___ ___ \/__/ _/ ______ /___/ /_/ /__ / / __/ __ / \\ //\_\ _\ \\ \_________/ __ /____ _ ____ / \____ /_/ / /\___\ \\____\ _______ /_/ ____/ / \ \ __/ \ /_____/ //\_____ \ ____ \__\ \ _ /_ / / ___/_ \_\\god \ / \____ \___ \____\ \___\ \\_¯/_____/ / //______\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\_/ \_______\ \ \/________/\__/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 11 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Error / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Ûyjesz \ \ \ / / / jeszcze co? \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Error/BlaBla / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ ____________ _________ ____________________ _______ __\ \______\/_________\/____________________\/______ \ _/ ______ ___ \/ _____ \/ ___ \ __ ______ \/ ___ \/ /__/ __ /____ \ / ___ \ / ____ \_\ \ __ \ / __ \ / __ /_/ ____ \_\_ \ \_ \_\_ \ _ \ \ \ \_\_ \ \___/ \/ /_ / / _ / /__/ / / /__/ / \ \_____\ \_/ /__/ /god \_¯/_____/ // /_______/ / / \_________________/ /________/ \___________/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 12 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: GfxCompoAt / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Znowu Ty. \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ ____.__.____.__.____....____ /__._> <_.._> <_.._>||<_.__\ // | || || || | \\ __// | .__:| ___: \ `' / \\__ /__/ Gfx| | || ___> / .. \ \__\ __________// | || | | || |Compo \\__________ /__________/ `------'`---' `--'`--' At \__________\ // .__. .__. .__. .__. .__. .___. ._____. \\ // ._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_. ._> <_.._> <_ \\ // | __|| .. || . .|| || .. | | __ || | \\ << | __.| || || |\/ || | || || | | <_. |:__. .__: >> \\ | || || || | || |---'| || | | | | | | // \\ | || `' || |---'| | | `' | | `---' | | // \\`------'`------'`--' `--' `------' `---'god `---' // \\____________________________________________________________// \____________________________________________________________/ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 13 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Grandpa / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Ûyjesz \ \ \ / / / jeszcze Artur, bo coô \ \ \ Dla Kogo:Grandpa/AmigaNest/ / / sië opierdalasz. \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ .__. .__. .___. .__. .__. .__. .___. ._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_. ____| || || __ || | || || || __ |____ ( | .__:| | || <_. || | | || >= || | || <_. | ) \ | | || | \-'| | || | || || |---'| | | /god ¯¯¯| || |\ \ | `---'| |---'| / | |¯¯¯¯| `---'¯¯¯ `------'`--' \_>`---' `--' `----' `--' `---' ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 14 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Green Day / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Raz tego \ \ \ / / / packa proszë. \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ .__. .__. .__. .__. .__. .__. .___. ..... ___._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_._._> <_.._> <_.._>| |<_.___ > | || || ___|| ___|| | | | || __ || | | | < < | .__:| | || __> || __> || | | | | >= || <_. | \ `-' / > \ | | || | \-'| || || | | | || | | | | / \ | || |\ \ | || || |---' | / | `---' | | / \`------'`--' \_>`------'`------'`--' `----' `---' `---' / \ Green Day / ) issue numba (god <_________________________________________________________________> (_________________________________________________________________) ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 15 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: GreetsTo / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Greets To:\ \ \ / / / wszyscy co w tej kole- \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-files / / / -kcji. \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ _____ __ ___________ ______________ ______/ __ /_____ ________ \ \____\ _______\/_____ __ \ __\ / \ \______/ _____ \ \___ ____\ __ \/ ____/ ______ \/ ______ __ _______/ _ \ \ / _/ / __ / \ / ____/ __ /___/ __ /__ \_ _\ ____ \\__\ \__ / /__/ /_/ / /\_\_ \ \___ /_/ ____ /_/ __ \_ \ \ __ \ \ ____ / \ \______ / / / /__/ /_ / / /_ / / ___ \___\ \ \__\ \____/ \__ / / / / _¯/_____/ _¯/_____/ _ \ \__________\god / ¯¯¯¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯/ / _/________//________/ \ / /¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / / / Greets To \ \_\ \ \ \ ______ \ \\ \ \ \_\ __ /________________/ // _\ \ ___\ \______ __________ // \___\____ _______\ __ ____// \__ \_ \ __ \_\ \ _/ \_ \ \ ___ \ \ \ \ \___\\ \ \_____\ \ \______\ \_________\ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 16 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Greg / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Mam \ \ \ / / / nadziejë, ûe bëdziesz na\ \ \ Dla Kogo: Greg/AmigaNest / / /spotkaniu w Bielsku. Tak \ \ \ / / /wiëc do zobaczenia > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ ______________________________ ___\ __________ _____ __\ \_ ___________ ____/ ____\ __ ____\/______/ ______ /___/ __________\ / ___/ / __ / / __ \/ _____/ __ /_______\ ______ \ / /____/ /_/ / /\__ \ / ____ /_/ ____ ____\ __ \ \ \___________ / / _ \_\_ \ \__/_ / / __/ / __ / / /\/ \_ / / / / \ / /__/ __ /_____/ / __/ /_/ / / \ / ¯¯¯¯¯ /__/__// / /________/ ______ / / / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \___ / / /\__/ / ¯¯¯¯¯ /god ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 17 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Jonson / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Myôlë, ûe \ \ \ / / / twoja kolekcja jest ql. \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Jonson/Soc / / / Ûyczë powodzenia! \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ .__. .__. .__. .__. .__. .__. ._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_. .--| || .. || | || || .. || | |--. `--`---- || || || | | || `---'| || || | | |--' .----| || || || | |:__. || || || | |----. `----| || `' || |---'| || `' || |---'----' `------'`------'`--'god `------'`------'`--' ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 18 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Juen / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Mam \ \ \ / / / nadziejë, ûe odpiszesz. \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Juen/DarkTeam / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ _____ ___\ \__ / _______ _/ ________ ____/ |___ //__ ______ / _____ \_ \ ____ /_ /_ / / _ \_/ __\ \_/ ________ /__/____ / /_/ / // /\___/ ______ /___\ __ / \\ __ /_/ //__/ // / ____/ __ /________\ \ \ \\_ /_______ __//__/ / ___ /_/ ____\ ___ \ \ \/ /\ ________/ __ /_ / / __ \ \ \ \_ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ / /_ /_____/ / __ \_ \ \__\__ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯/________/\ \___\ \____ / ¯¯\____________/god ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 19 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: K-Advert / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: .... \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ K-Advert K-Advert .__. .___. .__. ._._. .__. .__. ._____. _._> <_. .____._> <_.._> <_.._> | <_ ._> <_.._> <_.._> <_._ )| |/< __ | __ || || | || ___|| || |( / | /(__)| <_. || >= | \ | / | __> || | |:__. .__: \ ( | . / | | || | \ | / | || | \-' | |god ) \ | |\ \ | `---'| / \ / | || |\ \ | | / ¯`---' \__>¯¯¯¯`---'¯¯¯¯`----'¯¯¯¯¯`-'¯¯¯`------'`--'¯\_>¯¯¯`---'¯¯¯¯ 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3 3333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333 3333333333333333 3333 333333333333333 333333333333333 333333333333333 3333333333333333 3 33333333333333333 3333 333333333333333333333 3333333 33333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333 ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 20 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Kempy / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: I co pan \ \ \ / / / na to tym razem? \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Kempy/Kore.^Mns / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ Kempy .__. .__. .__. .__. ..... __._> <_. .._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._>| |<_.__ ( | |/<| ___|| . .|| || | | | ) ) | /| __> || |\/ || | | \ `-' / ( ( | . / | || | || |---' | |god ) \ | |\ \ | || |---'| | | | / ¯`---'¯\__>`------'`--'¯¯¯¯`--'¯¯¯¯¯¯`---'¯¯¯ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ____ ___Kempy / __ \/_ / _____ __________Kempy ____________________ ______/ / / _///___\ \_\ ___ ___ \___/\_/________ ______ \ \ __/ /_/ /__ ______ _\ \\ \_______/ __ ______/ ___ / / \_____ _ _____/ __ /___\ _____ /_/ / _ ___ / // / // / \ \ ___ /_/ _____ \__\ \ / ____/ / \\ / // / //_/_ \_\\ /_ / \____\ \___\_/ / ____/ _\\ // / / //_____ \¯/_____/ /\ \ _/ /______ ___\ \\ \ ¯¯¯¯ \/________/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\________ \_____ \\_\ \_____ \____ \_ god\________/ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 21 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Lothar / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Wielkie \ \ \ / / / SORRY stary za wszystko!\ \ \ Dla Kogo: Lothar/Moons / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ ___________________________ ____________________________ / .. .__. ._____.\/ .... .___. .__. < < ._><_. ._> <_.._> <_.._>||<_.._> <_.._> <_. \ > | | | .. || || || || __ || | > / | | | || |:__. .__:| || || <_. || | | ( ( | __|_.| || | | | | .. || | || | \-' \ \ | || `' | | | | || || `---'| |\ \god > \ `------'`------' `---' `--'`--'`---' `--' \_> / <_________________________________________________________/ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 22 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Mcr / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Znowu \ \ \ / / / byîem w Tarnowie, ale \ \ \ Dla Kogo:Mcr/Mawi^Appendix/ / / brak czasu uniemoûliwiî mi\ \ \ / / / wizytë. > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ ___ __________ _____/ /__ \ ___ ___ \___/ _ ___ /_____ _____/\_ / _\ \\ \_______/ / /__¯ ____\/_____/// /\/ \ ______/ __/____ \/ ___// \___ _ \__\ \ ___ _____ \ / __/ \ \____\ \___\ \ /__ _/ _/\_\_ \ \_ \ \ \_ /__/ _/god/ /__/ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_____/ / / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 23 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: MsxCompoAt / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Proszë \ \ \ / / / Bardzo! \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ __________.__.____.__.____....__________ /________._> <_.._> <_.._>||<_.________\ // | . .|| || || | \\ _______// Msx | |\/ || `---' \ `' / \\_______ /_______/ | | |:__. | / .. \ \_______\ << | |---'| || || | Compo at >> // `--' `------'`--'`--' \\ // .__. .__. .__. .__. .__. .___. ._____. \\ // ._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_. ._> <_.._> <_ \\ // | __|| .. || . .|| || .. | | __ || | \\ << | __.| || || |\/ || | || || | | <_. |:__. .__: >> \\ | || || || | || |---'| || | | | | | | // \\ | || `' || |---'| | | `' | | `---' | | // \\`------'`------'`--' `--' `------' `---'god `---' // \\____________________________________________________________// \____________________________________________________________/ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 24 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: OverTime / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Pack jest \ \ \ / / / Ql. \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Lothar/Moons / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ .__. ._._. .__. .__. ._____. .. .__. .__. ___._> <_.._> | <_ ._> <_.._> <_._._> <_.._><_.._> <_.._> <_.___ ( | .. || | || ___|| | | || || . .|| ___|god) \ | || | \ | / | __> || | | :__. .__:| || |\/ || __> | / \ | || | \ | / | || | \-' | | | || | || | / >| `' | \ / | || |\ \ | | | || |---'| |< < `------' `-' `------'`--' \_> `---' `----'`--' `------' > \ issue xx / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 25 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Scena / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Juû mi ich\ \ \ / / / brakuje. \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ Scena Scena ________ ___ _____ ________ ___________ /\_/ _____ \ ___/ /__ __\ \____\ __ //___/ ____ /____ / __/ _ \ \ /_ ___ /___/ ______ / _____\ \ \\\_/ /_ /____ / \__ ____ \\__\ \__/ / /__¯/ __/ __ /___\ ___ \ \\____/ __ // \__ \ \ _______/ __/_____ /_/ ______ \ \ \ \____ /_/ //_ \ \__\ \____ _ ______ /_ / / ___ \_ \ \__ /__¯ /__ \ \__________\ /__ _/____ /_____/ / \___\ \______¯ /_______/ \\_ /__/ _\ /________/ /¯¯\___________________/ \/_____/ \____________/god ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 26 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Soc / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Roôniecie \ \ \ / / / w siîë. \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Jonson/Soc / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ .__. .__. .__. __._> <_._____._> <_.__._> <_.__ `. | |[god]| .. | | __| .' .'| `---' | || | | __.`. ( :__. | | || | | | ) \ | |kutki| `' |of| |zarnobyl ¯`------'¯¯¯¯¯`------'¯¯`------'¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 27 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Spread / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: No wîaônie\ \ \ / / / \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ Spread ________ ______________ _______________ Spread ____________ _/ _____ \/ __________\/______________ \__ _______ / _______ \_ / __/ _ \ \___/________ \/ ___ __ \_ / / ____ /____\ \_/ ____\ / \ ____ \\__\ __/ __ _ \ / ___/ ______ /_/ /_ /____ /¯ _____/ __// \__ \ \ ____ /_/ / \_\_ \ \____/ __ /______/ __ //__/ __ / / \ \__\ \___ / ____/ / / /__/ ____ /_/ _______ /_/ // _ /_/ / /¯¯ \________ / / ____/ / / _ /_ / / _ /__¯ // //_____/ /goD / /_/ ________/¯¯¯¯¯¯ //_¯/_____/ / __¯ /______// / \____/ /________/¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ \_______/_/___________/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 28 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Sqlim / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Cisza... \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Sqlim/Soc / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ _________ ________ _________/ _____ / ______ / _____ \ / _______ __/ _//___/____ /__________ _/__/ _ \ \___/ / __ _// _ /______/ //_\ ___ ___ \___ \ ____ \\__\ \___/ /_/ /_/ // _______ //_\ _\ \\ \____\_/\ \__ \ \ ________ ____/_/ / / /_ /_____\ _____/ \ \__\ \______ / /_ /______/ _/ _/ ______ \__\ \ _\ \__________ / /____/ /\ /___/ ___ \____\ \___\ \god /________/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_____/ \ \ \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 29 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Stazi / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: W ilu Ty \ \ \ / / / teraz jesteô grupach? \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ Stazi ______ _______ Stazi ____________\ __ /_____ / ____ /_________________ ______ / _____ \_____\ \______\/ /_ /____ / __________ /___/____ / _/__/ _ \ \ ___ _____ __/ __ // / _ /_____/ /// /______ \\__\ \ \ \_ \ \___ /_/ // / //___/ / / __ //___ __ \ \ ______\_ \ \ _ /__¯ /__/ / \ _/______/_ /___ \_ \ \__\ \_________ \___\\\__¯ /_______//\ \ \ __ _/ ___/\ \ \____________/ \ \ /__________/ \ \______\ /___/ ______\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_______________/god ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 30 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Syntheze / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz:.... \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ ............................S.y.n.t.e.h.e.z.e............................... : .__. ..... .__. ._____. .__. .... .__. .__. .__. : :_> <_.._>| |<_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._>||<_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_: | || | | || | || || ___|| || || ___|| || ___| | `---' \ `-' / | | | |:__. .__:| __> || || || __> |`---' || __> | :__. | | | | | | | | | || .. || || ...:| | | | | | | |---' | | | || || || || || | :------' `---' `--'god `---' `------'`--'`--'`------'`------'`------: :..........................................................................: ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Syntheze Sound / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Jeszcze \ \ \ / / / tylko dwa logosiki dla \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / ciebie. \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ ............................S.y.n.t.e.h.e.z.e............................... : .__. ..... .__. ._____. .__. .... .__. .__. .__. : :_> <_.._>| |<_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._>||<_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_: | || | | || | || || ___|| || || ___|| || ___| | `---' \ `-' / | | | |:__. .__:| __> || || || __> |`---' || __> | :__. | | | | | | | | | || .. || || ...:| | | | | | | |---' | | | || || || || || | :------' `---' `--' `---' `------'`--'`--'`------'`------'`------: :..............................S.o.u.n.d...................................: : .__. .__. .... .__. .__. :god :_> <_.._> <_.._>||<_.._> <_.._> <_: | || .. || || || | || | | `---'| || || || || | | || >= | :__. || || || || || | || | | || `' || `' || |---'| /: :------'`------'`------'`--' `----' : :......................................: ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 32 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Szaman / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Proszë cië\ \ \ / / / o przesîanie AMP'a. \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Szaman/AmigaNest/ / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ .__. .__. .___. .__. .___. .__. _._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_.._> <_._ < | || || __ || . .|| __ || | | > >| `---'`---' || <_. || |\/ || <_. || | | |< / :__. || ...:| | || | || | || | | \ \ | || || `---'| |---'| `---'| |---' /god ¯`------'`------'`---'¯¯¯¯`--'¯¯¯¯`---'¯¯¯¯`--'¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 33 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Ô.P.G. / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: Tylko 1) \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ Ô.G.P. __ Ô.G.P. ____/_/_ ______________ ____/ _____ \Ô.G.P.___________/________ ___/ / __/ _ \ \ ___\ _______/ __ __ \ \ ______ \\__\ \/_ ____\ ____ /_/ / ___/ \_\ __ \ \ _____/ / __ / / ____/ //god \ \__\ \______/ /_/ / / / / ____/ \____ \_________ _____ / / /_/ /__________/ \_ / / /_____/ / ¯¯¯¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ /\ /\ \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / /\ \ / \ \ / / \ \ __ / /\ \ \ ___ . __ \_/ /\ \ \ ___/ \ / / \ \ \ | |> / \_/ ____ / \ \ \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | |\ /_ | / \ /Lp. \ \_/ / \ / / /___\ \__\________________/ \ / 34 \___/___________/___/__/____/ / /____________________ \ / Nazwa: Ô.G. / / / \ \ < / / / Komentarz: No i co? \ \ \ / / / Pasuje? \ \ \ Dla Kogo: Aragorn/A-Files / / / \ \ \ / / / > / \ \__________________________/ / /_____________________ / / \\____ \_______\ \ \/ / /________ ______\ /_ / \___ \ \ / / / \ /god/ \ \ / \/ \ \/ / / \____/ \ \ \ / _ \ / / \ \ \/ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ / / \ \/ / \/__/ \ / \ / \/ Ô.P. __ Ô.P. ____/_/_ _____________ ____/ _____ \Ô.P. /_______ ___/ / __/ _ \ \ _____/ __ __ \ \ ______ \\__\ \/ ____ /_/ / ___/ \_\ __ \ \ _____/ / / ____/ /god_ \ \__\ \______/ / / / /___/ \ \_________ __/_/ /__________/ /_______/ kOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeC kOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeC kOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeCkOnIeC _____ .----. _____ ( )____________________________|Info|______________________________( ) ( )________________________________________________________________( ) (_____) (_____) | | Trzy | | | | | | | | Nazwa produktu: Trzy (an-trzy.txt) | | | | | | | | Sprzët Twardy: cd32-promodule-4mbfast-1.3gbhdd | | | | -mouse-mousepad-monitor | | | | | | | | Bardziej miëkki: ced4.15-hippoplayer | | | | | | | | Pomoce: Muzyka(Liroy,Moduîy MaxSofta&Timera) | | | | | | | | | | | | Pozdrowienia: argorn-booshman-chudy-error-franc-gordon-grandpa- | | | | jonson-jurek-kempy-lili-lothar-lucas-mcr-oldtad- | | | | sqlim-szaman-tomi-zybi | | | | | | | | Produkcje: an-voodoo.txt | | | | an-polska.txt | | | | an-trzy.txt | | | | | | | | | | _|_|_ "Poraz Trzeci nie jak kaleka..." _|_|_ ( )________________________________________________________________( ) ( )________________________________________________________________( ) (_____) (_____) ________ ) / ___ /¯¯ / \ \ \ ___/ / /'jns \ \ |/¯¯¯\/¯¯¯ / \ / / / \ / |/ / |/ /\ :\__\ ' /\ ' /:::: :: ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ::: ::: GOD :: ::::::::::::::::::::: 4 Swapp + Join to AmigaNest + Ascii writte to: god.amiganest/michaî warzecha ul11listopada8.40/32-590 libiâû 997%answer to all Libiâû 8.9.99r. k o r e. manufaktories 1999 _______ ___ have developped | || T_T an innovative |__||___/___\__ engine which .-|_ : \___/ :\ will change | __ : :_> the mean- |=]__/_/\_:_______:X\ ing of the _____\_\/_(_)(_)(_))\\___ global ------------------------- trans- "lokomotywa" by kore. port. 31st colly by acid/k0 -----------------------09.09.99- _______ _______ _______ _) ___/__ _( ___ /_ _( ___ (_ .|_______ \| \__/ \./ \/ |. ||___________|___________|_____/_____|| |-------------------------------------| |[·d·a·f·l·y·i·n·g·s·a·l·s·a·b·r·o·s·]| |-------------------------------------| | | | "8mm microplastikk asciiform" | | azzaro/sative mea and his cubism | | fascinations one more time | | | `-b|z'sea--------------------01/09/99-' ___ ___ ___ _( _/_____ _____(_ /_l Y ________Y Y ___ ____| l___________ (/____l___| l____/ | | "live at lodz" from linear! | made by thung and guest azzaro | __________________________________|_ [18/08/1999] | Y l_l FILE.ID_DIZ no avaiable! [damn! - too big..] kore .-----------------ikro ||¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯pkak ____ || orei _| )__||___ - - krop ./ / / o o kako |______\_______ reik | || (____ ropk | koreore. || ) akor | .orekore ||________________eikr | ___. `-----------------opka-. | __|_\|_. ___ __ ___ __ | | |____\_| | Y || Y | kore.| | l o n g h a i r | | | | the ascii collection by | | one and only ...... acid/kore. | | | |-tøn'sea---------------12/sep/99-| editorial - - - -------------------------- - - - WELCOME IN ASCII PACK #1 FROM BREATHE! date: 22.09.99 - - - -------------------------- - - - Tiaaa, i oto nadszedî.. pierwszy peîny [w miare..] numerek.. Co dziô? Napewno dwie wspaniaîe kolekcje Acid'a, o niebo lepszy text shower i wciâû brak grafiki [sîyszycie! =)].. Acha, od nastëpnego numerku wprowadzamy statystyki kolekcji oraz produktywnoôê poszczególnych ascii makerów.. Strzeûcie sië! =). I na koniec - nadal czekamy na support od Was!: - - - -------------------------- - - - juen/harvester+breathe san/breathe nowak paweî andrzej karkula ul.szpitalna 7/13 ul.pszenna 3/53 31-024 kraków 30-654 kraków poland poland editorial - - - -------------------------- - - - TEXT SHOWER HELP [v1.3] LMB, UP ARROW - 1 lines down RMB, DOWN ARROW - 1 line up --> - page down <-- - page up F1 - save colly as.. F10 - quit editorial - - - -------------------------- - - - and credits: edit: juen/brth+hvr code: juen/breathe+harvester gfx: none mzx: dëbol'97/breathe[?] ascii - - - -------------------------- - - - 1 - acid/k0re. - 8mm long hair 2 - acid/k0re. - lokomotywa 3 - thung/linear! + azzaro - live at lodz 4 - azzaro/sea - 8mm microplastikk asciiform 5 - god/amiganest - trzy _______ ____ _______ _\ |\ /__ \ /_az0!/ may99 | []| / _/_ _ |/sea ______ |_ \____|_ _|_ | |______ \ /__\ /_____\ /___|__| 1999 | \ | ___ ___ ___ ___ ___________| \ | \_/ | | \_/ \ / \ | \__|---------------------\ analog. | | | | swapping da latest/modules ex | | change/interesting people/fre | | ak support/everythinganything | | | | blaze'potion, patryque k. | | 3, 21-200 parczew | | polandia/europe/earth | | | | NO! for stamps fakers | | _ _| |__________________________\---/| _.__________________________ \| _ / | for friendly swapp \/| ____· ____________ ____ | _____ ____\ /______) ___ (_ /___ ____)__ | _) \/ __ \_/ __ (_ \/ | |_____ __ /_____| ____\/ _____| )__| )___/ |__( /________( · ·az0!/l124 | [ i d a h o ] | | | | dariusz ciecka | | marcinkowskiego 13/1 | |_ 88-100 inowroclaw _| |/ poland! \| /_________________________\ ___ __ __ __ __ ___ (_ _)(_)(_ (_ (_ ( (_ _) <_> ( )(__( (__(__ <_> -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- Morino of Thefect WrItE Marcin Kesikiewicz fOr Gotycka 8/3 fAst & 62-505 Konin friEnDly POLAND sWaP,jOIn -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- iMPRESSIOn iN yOUr mINd ._____ ... sInCe 1994 ... .___| /_ _____ ________ __| \ _ |_( ___(__.__\___ /_.__ | |___\\/ | \ | _/ _/ | | | \/___|_________|____\______| | | | | mcr/mawi^appendix | | wojtek nowak·czerw. klonow 5/2 | | 33-101 tarnow·poland | | 100% answer 4 all sceners | `-------------------------------------' _______ b|z ____ _______ _______ //. ______\\__\\____\ . \\/ __. /__ \ _// \ /. \\ \ ____\ \__// \ \._______/\._/_____\.______\ \._______/ -[=] case/nah-kolor/whelpz [=]- If you want swap demo scene files write to: Peyrassi Bruna corso Agnelli 103 10134 Torino Italy Email: ______ _______ __ _______ ___ ___ _\ __/__\ |__ / /_\ |\ | /_ | _ \ [] \/ [] | | |_/ ___ ______ _ __ \_________ _| /_____\ /____\ /___\/_|/__\ /____\ az0!/sea veezya + k0re. + twilight kempy a.k.a przemek kowalczyk os. kopernika 13/14 34-100 wadowice istnieje tyle powodów ûeby tu napisaê no a500 beginners, please ! ___. ____/\ ___/\_) |__ ) _ \_\__ \ _ \ _/\___t0!/ | _ | \e^D___/\_ .) \ \___| __________|___/ / (. | `---' | | pix/endzeit+nah-kolor | | espen terjesen | | karmsundsgata 6b | | 55oo haugesund | |_ norway _| /_______________________________________\ _____ ____ ____ _____ ___ _____ / __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ \/__ \/ ____\ \ \__/\ \ /\ \ \__ __/ \ \_____\ \__/ \_/\__/\____/ \_/ \_____\_____/ -------------------------------- · for fast'n'friendly modules swap · -------------------------------- j u s t w r i t e : -------------------------------- · pROTAS/fREEZERS^nAH-kOLOR · Piotr Protasiuk Ul.Wyszynskiego 2/3 08 - 110 Siedlce · P O L A N D · -------------------------------- · fast^friendly swapping · : : ¦_ thorin·veezya _¦ _\/_ arek jalowiec _\/_ \/\/ nowiniarska 12/27 \/\/ ¦ oo·235 warszawa ¦ : poland : · · :answer guaranted: -sh. -|---------------------------|- | _|_ _ _|_ ___ __ | | \_ \/\/ | _\ \_ \_/_ \ | | | -|---------------------------|- | twister/garbage+veezya | | bartosz ptaszynski | | robotnicza 2 | | 14-53o frombork | | poland | -|---------------------------|- | write for: friendly swapp | | and ascii request | -|---------------------------|- against frustration!!! _________ \ __ __ / zito / apathy \\_|_// pf 100522 \ _ / 04005 leipzig \_/ germany `99 do the real swap! __ __ __T`__TT/'T /'T T T _'T_ -T- ((_1((_11 1/\.1_,1 1__l1 l 1 ` `' ' ' ` '' ' ` darklight/high voltage szymek paluchowski góralska 30 34-123 chocznia poland