 = prevail pack 194 =
&pacmag 28  by vanity
&tikka      by vd/flt
             by lasol
&bbs intro by obscene
&contro   by hypnotic
   for pack support: 
 radavi / effect     
 p.o.box 7143        
 3430 jc  nieuwegein 
 for friendship swap:
 hawk / effect       
 souverijnburg 13 r  
 3437 al  nieuwegein 

 radavi of effect is proud to present:

    p r e v a i l   p a c k   1 9 4

 well well well   on this pack you will find again some old wares, but i guess you all know that there is the summer time madness which means no productions, or maybe a few....today it is a little less hot, so i like that, because it was just too hot this week.....more text about joost....euhuehu ik heb weer wat gemist...ik heb beavis and butt-heads island gezien, maar niet opgenomen...stom he....ik dacht dat ik hem op timer had gezet, maar dat had ik dus niet gedaan.....    bye!