the credits          
           the files           
       contact addresses       

Desire/Chip Chap
Scoopex/CeBit Invitation
pack compiled by...?                              party staff!
coding and design by...?                           microforce!
music composed by...?                                        !
logo and scrollfont by...?                            cruiser!
menufont pixeled by...?                             the pride!

  trasher of sanity  nightmare of elicma
  oliver plink       manfred fischer    
  im kirchen.  6     fuessenerstr. 15a  
  w-7904 erbach 2    w-8968 durach      
  west germany       west germany       
  savage ind.        thor of nuance     
  postlagernd        juergen kopfmueller
  w 8972 sonthofen   konigsbergerstr.45 
  west germany       w-8960 kempten     
                     west germany       

    'trasher'             'virgill'     
   oliver plink      jochen feldkoetter 
  im kirchen.  6      ledderstrasse 50  
  7904 erbach 2       4530 ibbenbueren  
      germany              germany      
   'microforce'           'diddle'      
   joerg  simon         marc vasters    
  schlosstr.  28       fichtenweg  36   
 6680 neunkirchen       4290 bocholt    
     germany               germany      

lmb to stop scroll         rmb for exit

greets from...

Trasher of Sanity to...

...all guys at this party here
...all my contacts in the world

Exumer of Sanity to...

Killraven of Interpol
Highlander of Desert
Joker of Tech
Slicer of Essence
Mr. King of Analog
Killtech of Paranoid
and so on.....

news from sanity

kr.33 left for lemon.
pride left for lemon.
zaphod was kicked out
virgill was kicked out
cosmos left the scene
exumer joined
trasher joined
virgill joined trsi

      a party pack in `93      


hello and welcome to a new party pack done on a little meeting between some
guys from traveller / nuance / elicma / sanity / scoopex / platin
by the way this is trasher of sanity writing at the moment but i hate it
to write scrollies so i give the keys over to cougar the gameboy.......
(der suchtler hat koi zeit...... muss lionheart suchteln!!)  ... jantiff/tra
online now ... half past eleven and noone drunken ... tsts ... what a meeting!
(as most of the ppl have to drive home by car, there is no alcohol for them
here) exumer and i are trying to fill the screen with a nice text, but we
have empty brains (no alc, no idea...) uuuuh, nightmare/eca had a brain damage ...
he killed zooz/tra solving chaos engine when reseting the computer ...
now he will continuerr (tickle tickle aaargh) heheeee jantiff now i got the keys
.... heheee like a goood thief should do :) . by the smile i and jantiff
will send some greetings to tolpan (holla!), findulas, gargamel nesti (when will
your letter arrive, hmmm?) and the rest from cidre, a1000, larsha (still waiting 
for 16bit?), hezu, graus (ohhh edler ...), blue-eyes (i am sorry that i could
not phone you anymore, but the booth is now working correctly again   snief   i
and funzel will soon visit you in the states !!!!), kirin, arcchild, man, pse,
jeffclev, sine (thanks for the picture!) , moogli, panky (hihii), daryl (thanx
for the latest irc versions :) )supernova (yep, some bubbles from funzel/tra,
jantiff, too) hupsa now i have to end (and like always at the end i feel my bits
fading away .... zooz balu cugel signing off  brrrzzzpppppp   transmission
interrupted (the last thing the audience can see is a bear throwing
snowballs and hoppeling laughing away humble humble ...) viva traveller !!!