system 5 .... .. cauz speed rules first some credits: all coding and sin-calculation by killroy, sound by bio-exorzist, text by mengele and killroy... the greetings follows in abc order... ..abandon, alpha flight, amaze, anarchy uk, animate, aofcf, apex, arcadia (norway), avoid int., bloodsuckers, brainstorm, brainwave (arakis), bytebusters, cave, clones, crionics, cryptoburners, darkside, defcon 1, d-tect, dynax 2001, e+l, fraxion, g.o.d., hellas, humanoids, level 4, marauders, mindkillers, mirage int., nukebusters/acu, olmecs, paranomia, phegasus, powerlords, red sector inc., setrox, silents uk, slipstream uk, spirit, stoneage, subway uk, supplex, tarkus team, team-x, thalysis, the magic arts, the perfects, the special brothers, the specters, the travellers, top swap, tornado, tristar, undertakers, vision, visual arts ....thats all i think??? end of transmission.... .