... CodersMod 10 is brought 2 you by me !!! Yes, slam's here writing some crap here !! This one got his name from an lighter, how strange, i don't think you get the idea !!... .. Do you know you better play all my music in mono, coz this marchine handles 4 channels, and that sounds better in mono, and i'm composing it in mono ! Let's start with the greetings ... greeting 2: Mirage, Richard, Imar, DCS, Pulse, S!P, Taurus, Interactive, Illusions, Illusion, Fairlight, Reality, Spaceballs, Optical, TFA, Abnormal, damm can't remember the rest que ? well next time .....Wanna contact me .... then write 2: Rob Peters, Nijenheim 6301, 3704 BL Zeist, Holland .... 100% reply 2 people who send disk&letter ..... Chears !!!......... No i'm not finnished .... TFA, your new assmone is great, infact, it's damm good ! .... keep up the work, but try 2 spread it MUCH better ! ... why are you still reading this scroller ??? wanna know by who this is brought ... ?? | | |Arpeggio | |PortaUp | |PortaDown | |TonePortamento | |Vibrato | |TonePlusVolSlide | |VibratoPlusVolSlide | |E_Commands | |Tremolo | |Volumeslide | |SampleOffset | |PositionJump | |PatternBreak | |SetSpeed | |VolumeChange | | | C-1 C#1 D-1 D#1 E-1 F-1 F#1 G-1 G#1 A-1 A#1 B-1 C-2 C#2 D-2 D#2 E-2 F-2 F#2 G-2 G#2 A-2 A#2 B-2 C-3 C#3 D-3 D#3 E-3 F-3 F#3 G-3 G#3 A-3 A#3 B-3 ??? 000000 00:00:00 000 0000 Num Name Size Num Name Size SongPos: 000/000 Patt: 000 PattPos: 00/63 Time: 00:00:00 Size: 000000 »»» Coder's mod by Slam/Trance 1994 !! ««« Protracker MusicInt by Slam/Trance!