... Welcome by CodersMod 11, ahh yes, this one is verry nice too, kick'um !.. The coder who makes music is back .. ... Here is the one ... the treu, ... the Only ... Slam !! ... ahhh yes, why not ehh ? I have 2 write some text or not ? Well maybe you better just listen 2 the music instead of reading this crap, but that's up 2 yourself ! ... Hey joghem, how's live ??? Try 2 develope some nice modules, if i can do it, then even you can make some ... Thanks for doom, i like that game, here's tetris, it's also one off the nice games on Amiga !! .... Gotta go now, have 2 repair a tv from a friend ! ... greeting 2: Mirage, Richard, Imar, DCS, Pulse, S!P, Taurus, Interactive, Illusions, Illusion, Fairlight, Reality, Spaceballs, Optical, TFA, Abnormal, damm can't remember the rest que ? well next time .....Wanna contact me .... then write 2: Rob Peters, Nijenheim 6301, 3704 BL Zeist, Holland .... 100% reply 2 people who send disk&letter ..... Chears !!!......... | | |Arpeggio | |PortaUp | |PortaDown | |TonePortamento | |Vibrato | |TonePlusVolSlide | |VibratoPlusVolSlide | |E_Commands | |Tremolo | |Volumeslide | |SampleOffset | |PositionJump | |PatternBreak | |SetSpeed | |VolumeChange | | | C-1 C#1 D-1 D#1 E-1 F-1 F#1 G-1 G#1 A-1 A#1 B-1 C-2 C#2 D-2 D#2 E-2 F-2 F#2 G-2 G#2 A-2 A#2 B-2 C-3 C#3 D-3 D#3 E-3 F-3 F#3 G-3 G#3 A-3 A#3 B-3 ??? 000000 00:00:00 000 0000 Num Name Size Num Name Size SongPos: 000/000 Patt: 000 PattPos: 00/63 Time: 00:00:00 Size: 000000 »»» Coder's mod by Slam/Trance 1994 !! ««« Protracker MusicInt by Slam/Trance!