Title                 : DARK
Author                : KF Baker
E-mail                : kf.baker@uk.online.co.uk
Web Page              : http://web.ukonline.co.uk/Members/index.htm
Description           : Six month's ago the Jupiter mining probe on a
			routine mission discover a small moon on the
			Dark side of Jupiter that is mistersly maintaining
			orbit an the far side and is there for been hidden
			from the earth. Two month's ago a recon shuttle
			touched down and found strange underground workings,
			no further trans-missions have been received and they
			are now a month overdue.
			Your mission is to find out what happened to them.
			You have just touched down in your shuttle and all
			appears quiet, strangely though a landing gantry has
			just docked with your ship. Are the still alive, have
			you triggered of some automatic system or is some thing
			monertring you.

Additional Credits to : Anybody that you would like to thank for helping
you, etc.

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #   : single
Single Player         : Yes
DukeMatch Level       : No, to big.
co-op                 : Yes
Difficulty Settings   : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                  : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used        : build
Known Bugs            : 

* Where to get this MAP file *

FTP sites:

BBS numbers:

