Title                   : Castle Dukenstein 5.3 Total Conversion
Filename                : DS-53.ZIP
Author                  : Myles Edmonds aka Deadeye
Email Address           : medmonds@netaccess.on.ca
Web site		: http://www.netaccess.on.ca/~medmonds
Description             : A Castle Wolfenstein TC for Duke Nukem 1.3
Additional Credit to    : - Id software and 3D Realms
			  - An anonymous German friend for the translations.
			  - Ken (Scorpion) Wallrich for mirroring the download.
			  - Matthew Harris for doing the Duke 1.4/5 conversion.

* Play Information *

Single Player           : Yes.
Cooperative 2-8 Player  : Yes.
Deathmatch 2-8 Player   : Yes.
Difficulty Settings     : Yes.
New Sounds              : Yes.
New Graphics            : Yes.
New Music               : Yes.
Demos Replaced          : Yes. 1

1) Unzip into an empty directory.
2) Backup any files in your DUKE3D directory that clash with the new files.
3) Copy the new files into your DUKE3D directory.
4) Run Duke Nukem and play episode #1.

* Construction *

Base                    : 2 Wolfenstein levels converted from DOOM II.
			  8 Wolfenstein levels redrawn by hand.
Editors used            : DMDKCONV.EXE, BUILD.EXE
Build Time              : Way too much.
Known Bugs              : NONE

I was getting sick of fighting monsters from the id, or aliens.  I wanted to fight a real enemy...  One you could really hate!  I yerned for the good old days of blowing away nazis in Castle Wolfenstein, but with a more modern game engine.  This is the result.

This started out as a straight conversion of the 2 DoomII Wolfenstein levels into Duke maps.  It is now a TC (Total Conversion) including graphics, sound, music, and 10 reworked Wolfenstein levels.

There is another Dukenstein for Duke Nukem 1.4/5 due out at http://www.totalconversions.com/tc-duke3d/released.shtml.

Mine works with Duke 1.3 only.

Future Plans:
 - New Episodes.

1.0: Premier Release
 - Removed dependency on "Duke it out in DC" textures.
 - Redimentioned map to a more reasonable size.
 - Improved shading.
 - Castle Wolfenstein style doors.
 - Finally got nuke button to work.
 - Improved shading.
 - Added Bonus Level.
 - Secret exit now goes to Bonus Level.
 - Improved shading.
 - Added Dog & Guard Graphics.
 - Added Wall Graphics.
 - Added Maps 2-8.  Phew...
 - Improved old levels.
 - Wrote Dog code from scratch.
 - Added water areas.
 - Changed "Exit" sign in map 9 to German.
 - Added missing multiplayer positions to maps 6-8.
 - Fixed some broken lighting/shading effects.
 - Added missing "Exit" signs.
 - Gave levels 2-8 names.
 - Friend from Germany emailed more accurate translations.  Changed signs accordingly.
 - I realised that sewer systems are open air systems.  Changed them accordingly.
 - Added outside areas, windows, trees, water and sharks.
 - Added working gallows and guiotine in "Swastika" level.
 - Fixed HOM problem in "Vaults" level.
 - Added fire extinguishers, and fire plugs.
 - Varied the colour of some some objects.
 - Fixed podium speach problem in Central Command.
 - Pickup chaingun now looks like Wolfeinstein gun.
 - Powerups now look like Wolfenstein powerups.
 - Fixed HOM on one of the deathrow cells in Central Command level.
 - Put door closers on all the metal doors.
 - Added a Demo

* Copyright / Permissions *

Do with it what you will!  I hearby release this TC into the Public Domain!

Send your comments to medmonds@netaccess.on.ca .  But be kind.  Remember I did this all on my own.  No "team" was involved.

* Where to get this TC *

- Wherever all good TC's are found.
- I release all my works in the "alt.games.duke3d.binaries" newsgroup.
- At http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/1286/duke.html (Mirror)
- At http://www.totalconversions.com/tc-duke3d/released.shtml
- At http://www.netaccess.on.ca/~medmonds/sw/sw.html (Try not to download from this web site, as I am unemployed at present and can ill afford the download charges)