TITLE	            	:Faceoff v1.5
FILE NAME               :faceoff.map    
AUTHOR                  :Mike Ellis
MAP TYPE		:Recommended 4-8 player multi-player or co-op
MISC MAP/AUTHOR INFO	:Believe it or not, this is the first map that I have 			ever completed and is just the third map I have ever 			worked on! There are a few bugs in this map but 			hopefully none that will cause a game to freeze up on 			you.      
DESCRIPTION             :You and your friends battle it out inside a domed 			stadium containing an ice hockey rink including goals 			and goal lights. Run from your buds through hundreds 			of stairs and levels as well as through dark hallways 			containing transporters. 

ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO	:My boys in and on the outskirts of G-Hill.