THIS LEVEL IS NEITHER MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS. /==================================================/ / / / Festival Park Map V4.8 İAndrew Pemberton Oct 1998/ / / /==================================================/ W H A T S N E W F O R V 4 . 8 The whole map has been totally redisigned, and fine tuned! H I S T O R Y V1.7 Everything is new, not released to anyone V2.4 Released to testers (2 people), made map more stable! V3.5 Not released to anyone, more bugS fixed, added more health, a new sector, and put buttons to close the curtains in the cinema! V3.8 Released to testers, swinging door opens automaticaly, and in the Quasar door frame doesn't move wuth the door, Key card moved! V3.9 Crack added in weapons store instead of door! V4.8 Official release The map was totaly redesigned, the whole Quasar (Laser Tag) was taken out and a new one, with more lighting etc... was placed in! The toilets in the cinema were redesigned, camera's were fine tuned! More arcades were added and two screens in the cinema were removed! As I reached the Sector limit, back door of the cinema was taken out, all textures were revised and fine tuned, more shape added to buildings and different textures added, room sizes were ajusted in parts! F I L E S Y O U S H O U L D H A V E Festpark.Map (The actual map) Festpark.Txt (Your reading it.) Tiles014 (The extra art in this map) Tiles015 (more art) also theres a cheat list at the end of this Txt file P L E A S E N O T E If you do not have Tiles014 and Tiles015 (The art files) then this map will not work properly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Title : Festival Park Filename : Festpark.Zip Author : Andrew Pemberon V4.8 Release Date : Ocober 1998 Email Address : Web Page : Misc. Author Info : This is my first Duke level I've decided to release and it's better than most levels I've seen, I plan to do more, and create levels, for DUKE NUKEM FOREVER, when that is realesed! Other Levels : None, this is my first map, but watch for more! Description: Duke are you reading this, this is command central, Nevada U.S.A., the aliens have struck again this time in England in a small city called Stoke on Trent they've captured a small retail park called Festival Park, they are currently planing an attack against us. We have capured one of the aliens and toutured him into telling us their plans, he said that they plan to take over London and capture the Queen. They are creating 3 monsters that could wipe out the universe, but only one of them is fully complete. They are in a small hut near the supermarket, get to there and wipe out all three of the monsters, but be carefull there may be another monster on the loose somewhere, wipe out all the alien force, and then NUKE the place to get rid of any remaining force, England are depending on you Duke. About The Map : My first map I've decided to release, and it's great. This map is based in a small retail park, called FESTIVAL PARK, it has a huge cinema, a snooker & pool place, bar\nightclub, book shop, toy shop, security room, super market, resturant, a quaser (LASER TAG), swimming pool and a weapons shop, and there's loads more cool stuff too Additional Credits to : The makers of Duke Nukem Penthouse for the Art file no.014 and the makers of Platoon for thier art file No.015 (Cheers lads) David Pemberton (My Brother) for testing! And David Wood for testing, And also Jonah Bishop\Brett Gmoser for the Build FAQ's! Thanks ALL! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- P L A Y I N F O R M A T I O N Episode and Level : E1L1 Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Plutonium Pak Required : No New Art : Yes, Tiles014.Art & Tiles015.Art New Music : Not Yet! New Sound Effects : No Maybee sometime in the future New .CON Files : No Demos Replaced : No C O N S T R U C T I O N Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build (Very Weird) Art Editor(s) Used : Editart I suppose, but I didn't draw the Art! Construction Time : The original map took about 1 month but then the revisions took about 3 weeks! Then I redesigned the level this took about 1 Month! So I'd say about 3 Months in Total! Known Bugs/Problems : If you jump through the crack, leading to the weapons store, it flicks you over to another room for a second, it's got something to do, with the huge mirror in the Quasar (laser Tag) Also it may crash on s-l-o-w Computers, from time to time but thats life! REPORT ANY BUGS TO: O T H E R S T U F F This map is best suited to a fast computer such as a P133 and above it should work on a 486 but will s-l-o-w from time to time. I want feedback on my map, I've spent a long time designing this map, and I need to no what you people think of it, E-Mail us and tell us! W H E R E T O G E T T H I S M A P F I L E The most popular Duke sites And My HOMEPAGE: L E G A L S T U F F You MAY distribute this MAP ( FREE OF CHARGE, provided you include this text file (Festpark.txt), with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. It may be put in any complation of duke maps etc... I will not accept responsibility for any damages caused to your computer after the use of this map, if duke3d doesn't work properly, try using it with out this map! 3D REALMS WILL NOT SUPPORT THIS MAP! Any questions to: _____________________________________________________________________ D U K E N U K E M 3 D C H E A T S Here's a list of EVERY Cheat in Duke3d, to get them work type in: DNCORNHOLIO - Toggles god mode DNKROZ - Also toggles god mode DNSTUFF - Gives you all weapons, inventory, and keys DNITEMS - Gives you all keys, inventory, and full armor DNINVENTORY - Gives you all inventory DNWEAPONS - Gives you all weapons DNKEYS - Gives you all keys DNHYPER - Gives you steroids DNSCOTTY### - Warps to a level (the first is for episode, the last two are for level number. DNSCOTTY 203 takes you to episode 2, level 3) DNMONSTERS - Toggles monsters DNCASHMAN - When the spacebar is pressed, money is thrown out DNVIEW - Same as hitting F7 (also displays message saying "You're too good to be cheating!") DNRATE - Shows the Frames per second (FPS) DNDEBUG - Shows some debugging information DNSKILL# - Changes the skill level to whatever you input for # DNBETA - Displays the message "Pirates Suck!" DNTODD - Displays the message "Register Cosmo" DNALLEN - Displays the message "Buy Major Stryker" DNCOORDS - Displays your coordinates DNSHOWMAP - Displays the entire map DNCLIP - Toggles Clipping Mode (if you walk into empty space, you die) In versions 1.4/1.5, walking into empty space will not kill you. DNUNLOCK - Unlocks all doors and opens those that are not locked. _____________________________________________________________________ F E S T I V A L P A R K M A P B Y A N D R E W P E M B E R T O N