====================================================================== Title : journey Author : Greg Campbell E-mail : Web Page : none Description : from the creator of,,,,,, cytomb, khell, Ufokrash, tenchi muyo comes You are Duke Nukem u have a rough couple of months so u decide to take another trip up to your cabin with lani (episode 3 ending girl) even thou u are a bit uncomfortable considering what happened last time (check out Ufokrash). About a half a week in to your erotic vacation with lani u decide to go outside for a smoke when u smell it no not lani but evil it smells like trouble to u. So u grab your shotgun which u accidently left on the roof but oh well. Unfortunately your tank and car are out of gas so u deicde to huff it up the hill good luck sucker. Additional Credits to : my brain with out him this map would not be possible. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User Map Single Player : yup DukeMatch Level : yup Difficulty Settings : none * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : gets a bit slow at the points where there are lots of evil people. There is an ending u just have to kill the big bd guy. * Where to get this MAP file * filefactory