Upload Information Template for Hobbes.nmsu.edu

        Archive Filename: PMSheet_2-1.zip
       Short Description: PMSheet 2.1 (2008-02-27)
        Long Description: PMSHEET is a file explorer like program, showing at the left a directory tree and at the right the images in the selected directory. The images are shown as thumbnails. Source Code included.The size of the thumbnails can be varied in three different sizes, small, medium and large. A very important property of the program is that almost any action can be done by the keyboard thereby minimizing the dependancy of the mouse. Each thumbnail uses a maximum of 10 kb. The program support the standard drag & drop of OS/2 Warp, even the tree at the right accepts dropped files. This makes it easy to maintain your image folders. On the images simple functions can be applied like rotating, zooming and slideshow of sellected images etc. (PMSheet-2_1.zip)

      Proposed directory
           for placement: /pub/os2/apps/graphics/viewer

               Your name: Martin Iturbide 
           Email address: martin@os2world.com
    Program contact name: Jasper de Keijzer
   Program contact email: jasper.dekeijzer@worldonline.nl
             Program URL: http://web.archive.org/web/20070218220532/http://home-5.worldonline.nl/~jdekeij/pmsheet.html

      Would you like the
   contact email address
    included in listings? yes

Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp 4 or later.
 Additional requirements: 

                Replaces: /pub/os2/apps/graphics/viewer/PMSheet-2_1.zip