Upload Information Template for Hobbes.nmsu.edu

        Archive Filename: Propaganda_04.wpi
       Short Description: Propaganda Background Images Vol 4 (2001-01-23)
        Long Description: The well-known Propaganda series of tile- able background images. Each WarpIN archive contains a few dozen images. These images are a great addition to any background changing app, like The Wall from Pretty Pop Software. (prpgnd04.wpi)

      Proposed directory
           for placement: /pub/multimedia/images/patterns

               Your name: Martin Iturbide 
           Email address: martin@os2world.com
    Program contact name: Timur Tabi
   Program contact email: timur@tabi.org
             Program URL:  http://www.ibiblio.org/propaganda/

      Would you like the
   contact email address
    included in listings? yes

Operating System/Version: JPG Viewer
 Additional requirements: WarpIn
