Title : QdQ velocity display v2.0
Filename : PROGS.DAT - Game data file.
QDQVEL2.TXT - This file.
Author : Anthony Bailey
Email Address : QdQ@PlanetQuake.com
Description : This patch provides the user with information
about how fast they are going. It includes a
graphical bar display. It is intended for use
when practising techniques to increase one's
velocity by zigzagging or bunny-hopping or
Installation : Unzip, put the PROGS.DAT in a new games
directory in your main Quake directory, and
start Quake with the "-game" command-line option.
It's an absolutely standard patch.
Instructions : The patch displays the follow information:
The graphical bar on the top line represents
some velocity statistic. The further
you can push it to the right, the faster you
are going.
The left-hand side of the bar is 170 or less.
The bump on the bar represents 320, which is
the value of SV_MAXSPEED. Only running tricks
will get your velocity much above this.
The right-hand side of the bar is 500 or more.
Fwd: This is your horizontal (xy) velocity
relative to the direction in which you
are facing. i.e. your forward velocity.
This is particularly useful when measuring
zigzagging or bunny-hopping velocities.
Strafe: This is your horizontal velocity
perpendicular to the forward velocity.
For the bar display and other calculations,
if this is more than your forward velocity
it is used instead.
Total: This is your total horizontal velocity.
This is useful for normal running and for
e.g. wall-hugging.
Average: This is your average velocity (total
or forward) since the last reset.
Maximum: This is your maximum velocity (total
or forward) since the last reset.
Angle: This is the angle at which you are facing.
Vel: This is the angle in which you are headed,
i.e. the angle of your total velocity.
Rel: This is the difference between the two
angles above. When 0, it is not displayed,
and at these times your instantaneous
facing and total velocities should be equal.
You will want to bind keys to IMPULSE 55 and
IMPULSE 55 moves between modes:
Off - no display or calculations
Tn - bar displays total velocity, now.
Ta - bar displays average total velocity.
Tm - bar displays maximum total velocity.
For all T? modes, average and maximum values
displayed use the total velocity value.
Fn - bar displays forward velocity, now.
Fa - bar displays average forward velocity.
Fm - bar displays maximum forward velocity.
For all F? modes, average and maximum figures
displayed use the forward velocity value.
IMPULSE 56 resets the maximum and average
velocity calculations. So to measure an average
or maximum velocity, get up to speed and then hit
IMPULSE 56 to start calculating.
Read more about techniques for running fast at
Additional Credits to : The rest of the QdQ team for their suggestions
* Play Information *
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative : Yes
Deathmatch : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Models : No
* Construction *
Base : id Quake-C modules
Utilities used : Ultra-edit, ProQCC
Build Time : a few hours
* Copyright information *
This file, and all accompanying files (see list at top of page) may
NOT be used for commercial purposes. I'd prefer you didn't go altering
the source without asking as well. Thanks!
* Where to Get This *
The latest version of this patch can be obtained from Cdrom.com or a
mirror, and should be got by going via the Quake done Quick page at