Quake done Quicker
(Sequel to Quake done Quick)
(0) Index
(1) Introduction
(1.1) What's Quake done Quicker?
(1.2) Installation instructions
(1.3) Credits
(2) More details about the movie
(2.1) Timing
(2.2) How the run was recorded
(2.3) How the run was turned into a movie
(3) Frequently Asked Questions
(4) Statistics
(5) Contact info
(1) Introduction
(1.1) What's Quake done Quicker?
Quake done Quicker is a new movie by the QdQ team. It is a much improved
version of the original "Quake done Quick" run that was released in June.
With the help of many of the top speed-runners, such as Perkele, and
many cool new tricks and tactics, we improved our previous time to
complete all of Quake on Nightmare skill by more than three minutes,
and refilmed everything with some neat new production effects. We think
this will be the best and most entertaining single-player Quake
performance you are likely to have seen.
The normal version of this run - as seen from the player's perspective
with no special effects - is also available, as all_1635 from our page
(1.2) Installation instructions
Unzip qdq_1635.zip into a directory under Quake (called qdqr or something
like that) and then run: quake -game qdqr. This will start the demo. To
play from one specific level, type in the console: playdemo
- replace with the level (e.g. playdemo e2m4 or playdemo end).
To start the whole demo from the console, type: playdemo qdqr.
Some versions of Quake exhibited unusual playback problems when we tested
this demo. We believe we have now fixed all such problems, but cannot test
the demo on every existent version of Quake. If you *do* get a crash, you
can restart Quake from the level where it crashed with
quake -game qdqr +playdemo
and this should continue as you require.
(1.3) Credits
The people who created Quake done Quicker are:
Everyone listed here also helped with various technical intricacies,
bug-testing and so forth. Also, many people recorded runs that didn't
make it into the final version but were still essential in finding new
ideas or provoking faster ones to be made. Without anybody, this run
would have been slower.
Fredrik Arvidsson [[+]RZA]
running, ideas & tactics
Anthony Bailey
co-ordination, programming & filming, ideas & tactics
Matthias Belz
filming, running, ideas & tactics
running, ideas & tactics
Yonatan Donner (Zem)
running, filming, ideas & tactics
running, ideas & tactics
Berj Doudian
ideas & tactics
Juha Kujala (Perkele)
running, filming, ideas & tactics
Peter Markstr”m
filming, ideas & tactics
Simon Nordberg (Hatti)
running, filming, ideas & tactics
Nolan Pflug (Lord of Radix)
filming, ideas & tactics.
Special credit: Nolan performed the first "grenade-jump by exploding the
grenade against a monster", a tactic we used many times in QdQr and which
saved us a great deal of time.
Jeff Preshing (Pointdexter)
ideas & tactics
Stefan Schwoon
programming, filming, ideas & tactics
Special credit: Stefan tackled and conquered most of the surprise
last-minute technical problems that afflicted the movie version of
this release. He's a star!
Chris Sykes (Drastic_Man)
Thanks also to crt and others on Planet Quake #staff for last-minute
bug-fixing advice, and PQ in general for hosting us!
The utilities we used included:
LMPC by Uwe Girlich (http://www.physik.uni-leipzig.de/~girlich/games/) for
decompiling & recompiling demos so we could use the convenient LS format.
Also Uwe's DEM specs were very useful for us in creating our own tools.
Some in-house utilities; ReMaic for
refilming the demos for the movie, DemoRelise and QdQstats to make
demos that fit into a continuous run, and a tool to use the Razor
Entertainment DeathMatch Essentials models in our finished
demos. Thanks to Razor Entertainment for
allowing us to use the models that show what weapon the player is
(2) More details about the movie
(2.1) Timing
Just a quick explanation of why we say we completed Quake in 16:35.
We recorded every demo separately and then connected them together,
adding the times for the four episodes plus the end level.
On a slow machine, recorded times that were very close to the next
second may display incorrectly and read one second too large. The time
we quite is the correct one, shown when the demo was recorded and
verifiable with any demo tool.
(2.2) How the run was recorded
We recorded each demo separately, on skill 3 (Nightmare), of course without
any cheating. To start with the correct stats we ended the previous level
with, we used a QuakeC patch that allowed us to select the statistics we
started with.
Sometimes we wanted to use an existing demo, but to start with
slightly different statistics, because we had improved a demo earlier
in the run and needed to keep the continuity correct. We used an
in-house tool called DemoRelise to adapt the demos in this way.
We recorded Quake as one big run because Quake was made to be played each
episode in a row, and not as separate levels. There are no weapons in the
higher levels, because you should have them already from previous ones. And
we did it by connecting single demos together because the final product is a
lot more interesting that way and entertaining, and we could include some
very cool tricks that we couldn't do had we recorded it in one sitting.
(2.3) How the run was made into a movie
To make Quake done Quicker (and it's predecessor, Quake done Quick)
more entertaining, we filmed the demos to be shown from an independent
camera perspective. To do that, and add a few other production effects,
we used a utility called ReMaic . The
refilming was done by many different people, check the "credits" section
for details.
In addition, we used some of the models from the DeathMatch Essentials
mod and patched them in with a utility
written by Stefan Schwoon, to show which weapon the player is holding.
We also used a new version of the start map, amended by Nolan Pflug
and Anthony Bailey to have an interesting start to the demo, and
explain why the marine goes through Quake on Nightmare skill...
The more conventional original demos without any special production
can also be watched as all_1635, available for download from our page
at .
(3) Frequently Asked Questions
We received many questions after releasing the first Quake done Quick done
in 19:49. Here are the most common ones. If we get more questions, we'll add
them to .
Q: How did you do (this or that)? I can't do it, did you cheat?
A: No, we did not cheat. Just improve your skill until you can do it too.
Note that the height you reach with rocket and grenade jumps depends on how
fast your computer is. I (Yonatan) sometimes use r_drawflat 1 to speed up
the game so I'll jump higher, and I suggest you do the same if your computer
is slow.
Q: How did you time those grenade jumps?
A: Most of the grenade jumps we just timed by instinct. For some others we
used a counter that started when we threw the grenade, and we tried to jump
when it reached 2.4 seconds. We don't think it's cheating to use this
visual feedback; it doesn't jump for us, just shows us how much time has
passed since throwing the grenade.
Q: Why did you play Quake as a run instead of single levels?
Q: Why did you connect demos together instead of recording one session of
A: Read "how the run was recorded" earlier. More details can be found in
the texts provided on our FAQ page, .
(4) Statistics
Level Map Running Filming RJ GJ Time Damage Saved
Introduction START Anthony/Nolan
The Slipgate Complex E1M1 Yonatan Stefan 0:30 0/140
Castle Of The Damned E1M2 Yonatan Drastic_Man 0:38 0/99
The Necropolis E1M3 Perkele Perkele 2 f 0:35 86/90 0:08
The Grisly Grotto E1M4 Yonatan Peter 1 0:20 47/72 0:08
Gloom Keep E1M5 Yonatan Yonatan 1 2 0:16 145/150 0:06
The Door To Chthon E1M6 Yonatan Peter 1 0:11 25/29 0:01
The House Of Chthon E1M7 BurninSun Peter 4 0:27 170/175 0:04
Episode 1 - Dimension Of The Zoomed 6 5 2:57 473/755 0:27
Introduction START Anthony
The Installation E2M1 Matthias Stefan 0:10 0/15
The Ogre Citadel E2M2 Yonatan Peter 0:51 0/167 0:09
The Crypt Of Decay E2M3 Perkele Perkele 2 0:27 92/155 0:17
The Ebon Fortress E2M4 Perkele Perkele 3,3q p 0:55 100/110 0:36
The Wizard's Manse E2M5 Yonatan Nolan 4 b 0:49 303/429 0:18
The Dismal Oubliette E2M6 Fredrik Anthony 4 + 1 1:22 207/344 0:07
Episode 2 - The Realm Of Track Magic 8 6,3q 4:34 702/1220 1:27
Introduction START Anthony
Termination Central E3M1 Yonatan Stefan/Peter x 0:46 108/239 0:02
The Vaults Of Zin E3M2 Yonatan Anthony 3 0:53 109/209 0:04
The Tomb Of Terror E3M3 BurninSun Stefan 1 0:30 47/208 0:04
Satan's Dark Delight E3M4 Yonatan Matthias 3 0:47 143/315 0:02
The Wind Tunnels E3M5 Yonatan Yonatan 1 + 1 0:46 73/210 0:05
The Chambers Of Torment E3M6 Yonatan Nolan 4 0:31 185/185 0:02
Episode 3 - The Go-Hell-For-LeatherWorld 8 5 4:13 665/1366 0:19
Introduction START Anthony
The Sewage System E4M1 Yonatan Peter x 0:34 82/184 0:14
The Tower Of Despair E4M2 Yonatan Stefan 0:46 0/94 0:03
The Elder God Shrine E4M3 DooMfienD Matthias 2 s 0:55 85/198 0:26
The Palace Of Hate E4M4 Simon Simon 3 0:27 100/143 0:06
Hell's Atrium E4M5 Simon Simon 3 t 0:12 181/181 0:04
The Pain Maze E4M6 Yonatan Stefan 1q 0:24 174/218 0:02
Azure Agony E4M7 Yonatan Peter 3 t 0:59 50/127 0:04
Episode 4 - The Elder Whirled 11,1q 4:17 672/1145 0:59
Introduction START Anthony
Shub-Niggurath's Pit END Yonatan Stefan 0:34 0/159 0:02
Quake done Quicker 22 27+4q 16:35 2512/4645 3:14
RJ = rocket-jumps
GJ = grenade-jumps
Damage = self-inflicted damage / total damage
Saved = time saved on the original QdQ_1949 run
+ = a grenade and rocket-jump were combined
b = blocked cage from descending
f = used fiend to block a barrier
p = used a boost from a fiend pouncing
q = jump was Quadded
s = used a decorative slope to gain height
t = used a boost from a tar-baby explosion
x = used a boost from an exploding box
(5) Contact info
For QdQ news and future projects (at the time of writing, the next
should be a speed-run of Scourge of Armagon), check out page at
or visit the QdQ members' homepages,
listed in the "credits" section.
For questions and comments (even if you just want to say you liked the
demo), email or if you want to write to one member
specifically, our emails are also listed in the "credits" section.
Enjoy Quake done Quicker!
13th September 1997.