*************************** * C O D E R E D * *************************** Demo 1.3 What: Demo of upcoming TC for Quake II Why: I was bored, and can't get enough of making these things, I'm sick I ya<g> By Who: John Diamond(irritant@planetquake.com). This is an official Team Reaction Production What's In it: Play it and see!(It's a futuristic setting) The Format: In the demo, you will not complete a normal episode - instead you are placed in various training arenas, in which you will attemp to either disable a robot spawner or destroy the boss to get out of the arena. Everything is very carefully tweaked, so that you will have just enough ammo to destroy the spawner or boss when you pick up the weapon. After completing five of these such stages, you will then enter an outdoor arena, with all five types of spawner. To exit, you will need to kill two of them, and then you can face the bossbrain in level7. There are also several other arenas for you to face robots that were created by the robots...good luck ;) 1999 was a landmark year. With the government finally unveiling to the public the technology and power that it had been hiding for years, as a result of the Roswell Incident fifty years before, the U.S was on the brink of something truly great. An entire industry was born instantly from these revelations, and companies scrambled to gather the monies necessary to purchase the information from the Air Force. What a dirty trick that was, fooling the public into thinking that they were being so honest. Yeah sure, they sold the technology all right, to build robots, weapons, vehicles, etc, all with the incredible intelligence created by the alien research. But nobody really stopped to think about what they were doing, they just saw the lush fields of green cash, when they though of all the people who would rush out and buy a 'bot that would all clean their house, mow their lawns, protect their homes. Nobody thought that anything could go wrong, and soon the world would be filled with these artificial life forms, doing all of man's dirty work for him. But that was the plan. Fool the people into a false sense of security and hope. Get them weak from having everything done for them. Destroy them when the moment was right. Use their own creations to do the Governments dirty work. The Mission: As Sentry Bot #213, you are programmed to defend your owner at all costs. Sentries were privately built, very powerful, and not connected to the neural net that the government robots were, therefore not part of the evil plot to destroy the world! Five Stages. Five spawners were built by five separate companies. Now under mysterious control, they have gone berserk, spewing forth newly created 'bots, who don't seem to respond to any commands, as if they were under some type of spell. They also like to kill people. Each spawner must be disabled, in order to complete the level. You will travel to each location, and figure out how to shut the bastards off. It isn't gonna be easy, but at least you'll have loads of firepower at your disposal. When you have successfully disabled the spawners, you will then head to the first arena, a big outdoor complex, and face multiple spawners. Here, you will need to get them all destroyed before you can continue on. In the seventh level, you face the first Neural Net Center, and face a Boss Brain. There are also several other arenas to choose from. You can get to them from the start level, and these are not easy to defeat. You would be better served to complete the first stage, then go to these arenas, with a few weapons to use, rather then the bare minimum. The Human constructed Robots: Type 1 Walker: Upright walking robot, fires charges of electricity from its electrode arms. When in distress, it can fire dangerous laser blasts. Type 1 Tractor: A four wheeled 'bot, with a menacing laser cannon mounted on top. Type 1 AirBot: Fast, very hard to hit flying, flying mechanisms that fire lasers. Type 2 Walker: Carry's a pair of chainguns for arms. Prolly the weakest of the 'bots, but it's spawner is hard to shut off. Type 2 Tractor: The most dangerous of the robots. Fires cruise missiles, in burst of two. Type 3 Walker: Carries a buzzsaw, a cruise missile launcher, and has a large brain upon it's shoulders. Sentry: This is you! Designed to protect those whom you serve, you are not connected to the governments Neural Net, therefore you remain loyal to your master. You are sentry #213, and though few of you have survived, you remain among the most powerful of the robots. Sentry Mk II: This is the big bad version of yourself - but was not finished at the time the other 'bots went berserk! He is wildly in- accurate with it's rocket firing, but is also equiped with an inbuilt laser launcher that works pretty damn good! Boss Brain: Controls the 'bots. One of these controls each Neural Center. 'Bot's built by 'Bot's:(Yes the Robots are smart, and decided they needed some help to take you out!) Type 1 Mechbeast: Sorta like a giant cat, a pet or something, that is bent on crushing everything in site, including it's creators. Type 2 Airbot: Massive flying robot, fires twin rockets, and is extremely agile, dodges your attempts to fire upon it. Type 2 Mechbeast: Otherwise known as Dr Death! Prolly the most menacing of the robots, and can either blast you with a rocket or puncture you with a large metal spear. The Weapons: Weapons in CodeRed are among the most powerful ever in any game. Each weapon is an attachment to your body frame, and has a limited supply of ammo with it. 1. Blaster - Never runs out of ammo, it is your best friend when you exhaust the supply of your featured weapons. 2. Dual Armour Piercing Rifle - This attachment fires twin piercing spikes. 3. Equalizer - Does exactly that! Evens the playing field. 4. Laser Rifle - A high powered, rapid firing gun. Uses ammo like candy. 5. Dual Rocket Launcher - How does two missiles at a time sound? Nice eh? The rockets travel a bit slower then Quake's, but the impact is oh so much sweeter! 6. Quad Lighting Unit - Sends a sheet of electricty at enemies, very easy to aim and hit things, and packs a wallop. Two shots take out any bot, and one usually can cause the robots to malfunction. 7. Cruise Missile - The most powerful weapon ever! Launches the missiles, which slowly fly towards their targets, and an impact can take out a bot that is even fifty feet away! Missile jumps? You will surely fly many stories into the air! Other Unique Features: Activate the chase cam with impulse 30 'Bots can malfunction if hit hard enough, but not hard enough to die. You get five hundred health points to start, and always start a level with at least two hundred fifty. The first five levels are the same Battle Rooms, each with a different spawner and a different weapon needed to kill it. If more than one 'bot manages to spawn while you are uncorking your weapon on the spawner, your chances of disabling the spawner decrease quite a bit. Your gonna die alot. The stages *ARE* beatable. It's just hard...but fun;-) Installation: Just create directory, say 'codered' in your quake dir. Copy the codered1.zip file into it and type pkunzip -d and to run it just type quake -game codered. Future Plans: The goal of this release is to showcase the weapons, 'bots and graphics. Also you will notice that except for level6, Codered is lighting fast. This is because all the unused QC was deleted, including all of quakes monsters, and any weapon code that was not needed. The progs.dat is only 330k, which is 1.2k smaller then the original. You can save twenty percent speed, by doing this. The full release of CR will be a Quake II mod, with a true episode. The episode, tenatively called 'CodeRed World', will take place on a wasteland that was formerly Earth. Destroyed complex's, buildings, factories, etc, will house Neural Net Nodes, which you must find and destroy to complete the level. It won't be easy. You can play the Quake DM maps with CodeRed. You will get some spawn errors at startup, but they are for ammo boxes that CodeRed does not support. Each weapon contains a designated ammount of ammo when you pick it up. When the full release of CR is finished, there will be a series of DM maps, and a box of ammo that can be picked up. There will also be true DM bots to play against and possibly you will get to play as different types of robots. This may make for one of the most interesting DM scenarios possible. CREDITS: Guardian and Serpent Lord for the use of the Sentry model The makers of Worldcraft, Qme, Corel, and of course Id for Quake! My partners at Team Reaction! The News sites who have helped with all the hype and posting of updates, etc... Hosebag at NAWC for letting us upload to Mpog.com, and for following the development so closely. Anybody else I forgot? Several games have influenced me in creating this. First and foremost, the old game Robotron....that was the coolest game when I was a kid! Mdk, prolly the best single player game ever imho, gave me the idea for spawners, and the whole futuristic thing. Meatpuppet, which I don't even think is out yet, but the demo was pretty cool. This game kinda gave me the neural net idea.... LEGAL No fees are permitted to be charged for the distribution of CodeRed, and this may not be used as a base for another project without express written consent by *ME*. CodeRed *can* be distributed on any media, provided no fee is charged, including CDROM, floppy, tape. Questions, comments - email me, or see the CodeRed homepage at www.planetquake.com/rxn/codered My email is irritant@planetquake.com or jdiamond@orange.com This is a Team Reaction Production - see our page www.planetquake.com/rxn for other great games such as Horrorshow, and Omen I, II.... Other impending releases: Horrorshow - Oct 3rd 12:00 am Est 1997 Omen II - Halloween!