Title                   : MarTim 9 "The Dark Demise"    
Filename                : Martim9.bsp
Authors                 : Tim van Hal,		Head Builder
			  Marco van Schriek,	Head Designer
			  Roel Tiemessen,	Co-Designer
			  AKA "The MarTim Team"
Email Address           : roeltiem@pi.net 
Misc. Author Info       : Creators of :
			  MarTim 3 "First Encounter"
			  MarTim 4 "The Silent Corridors"
			  MarTim 5 "Satan's Fifth Sin"
			  MarTim 6 "Lucifer's Path"
			  MarTim 7 "Certified Serial Killers"
	          	  MarTim 8 "Contempt of Death"
			  The MarTim Commemorative PAK
Description		: We said farewell to editing Quake when we made 
			  the Commemorative PAK. But we still had an extra 
			  level lying around which we didn't release. 
                          MarTim 9 "The Dark Demise" was used for another 
			  project, so we couldn't release it right away. 
			  As normally this level was played by our great 
			  team of beta testers. They were so enthousiastic 
			  (some even saying it is MarTim's best work ever) 
			  that we just had to release this level.
			  More info on MarTim 9 can be found at our homepage.

Story                   : Using the now well known slipgate technology
			  you've travelled back in time to retrieve an
			  important artifact. This artifact is assumed 
			  to be somewhere in a small castle in Western
			  Europe. But on arrival you notice that there
			  are other lifeforms present, you already have
			  a hunch on who they might be. During briefing 
			  you had already heard of another team also going 
			  after the artifact. At that moment you hear a
			  door opening.....
Additional Credits to   : Rogue
			  Kees Rosendaal, DjDaan, Arne & Hein 

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : No
Single Player           : No 
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No 
Deathmatch 2-8 Player   : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : Yes (Rogue textures used in D.O.E)
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used          : Quakeed, BSP Nodebuilder.
Known Bugs              : None
* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this BSP as a base to build additional levels.  

This ZIP-file may be freely spread over the internet, as long as you 
include this TXT file, and keep it intact.

If you intend to use this BSP in any way (TC's, Mission 
Packs, CD's, Freebee's, etc.) please contact us and ASK PERMISSION
first at roeltiem@pi.net

* Where to get this BSP *

At the MarTim Homepage: 
also for the latest news, screenshots and info about our projects.
