                 DISPOSABLE HEROES

   To install the Quake II section of Disposable Heroes,
run the Setup program.

   If you have any problems with the Setup program, you
can also use WinZip to open the file dh2.zip from the dh2
folder on your CD-Rom.  Extract the contents of the file
into your quake2 directory, making sure to enable "use
folder names".

   If you are prompted to overwrite quake2/baseq2/pak6.pak,
select no.  Go to your quake2/baseq2 folder, rename the
file you have there called pak6.pak to something else
(eg, pak5.pak), and then extract our pak6.pak...


1.0 Intro
 1.1   What is Disposable Heroes?
 1.2   How do I get updates?
 1.3   Where do I get tech support?

2.0 Disposable Heroes
 2.1   How do I use Disposable Heroes?
 2.2   What are the patches?
 2.3   What are the maps?

3.0 Credits

4.0 Copyright


       ---------- 1.0 THE BASICS ----------


   Disposable Heroes is a deathmatch pack for Quake
and Quake II, created by The Coven.  The Quake II
section features 35 maps, 3 patches, new player skins
and models.


   If any more maps are made for Disposable Heroes, or
if we find any bugs that need fixing, you will find the
updates at the Coven website -



   If you have problems with Disposable Heroes, visit
the Coven website.  If there are any problems we'll
post information on them there.  If your question isn't
answered, you can e-mail us from there...

DO NOT contact id for Tech Support for Disposable Heroes!


    ---------- 2.0 DISPOSABLE HEROES ----------

2.1 HOW DO I USE Disposable Heroes?

   We have included GameSpy tabs to help you
find servers running Disposable Heroes.

   To install the GameSpy tabs, start up GameSpy,
then pull down the "view" menu, go to "custom tab"
and select "import".  The tabs should be in your
quake2 directory - mad.qst finds MAD servers,
ab.qst finds ArmourBack servers, and dh.qst finds
servers running any of our maps.

   You can also find a list of servers currently
running Disposable Heroes on our website -


   You can join a server using a frontend (try
Tectonic at http://www.frag.com/tectonic), or using
the following command line -


   where "ip" is the ip address of the server, as
listed on our website.

   We have also included a Quake II frontend (Tectonic
Special Edition) which will help you set up Quake II
and run our mods either as a player or a server.

   To play using the frontend, simply use the Hostname
section of the frontend - select "Join Game" and type
the IP address of the server (as listed on our website)
in the "Join A Game At" box.  Then hit the "Join Game"
button at the bottom of the screen.

   To set up a server using the frontend, select the
standard options and dm flags with the main page, then
set up any additional mod-specific flags and options
with the appropriate page.  To launch the server, go
back to the front page then click on the "Host Game"
button at the bottom of the screen.

   If you have any problems joining or setting up a
server, e-mail feedback@thecoven.com for help.

   If you are running Disposable Heroes on a dedicated
server, please e-mail us at feedback@thecoven.com so
that we can list your server on our website.

   Note that all our Quake II mods include map cycling
and message of the day options.  Check the text files
in the mod's directories for details on setting it up.



   Choose from six battle suits and a range of 12 weapons
before inflicting pain on your fellow marines in a
free-for-all or teamplay deathmatch...

   The first time you play ArmourBack you should type
"exec ab.cfg" at the console in Quake II.  This will bind
the new commands you need for ArmourBack.


   Mutually Assured Destruction with this rocket launcher
patch.  Master a variety of different rocket types,
including the awe-inspiring "Tactical Nuclear Warhead".
Find one, and you are truly become Shiva, destroyer of worlds!

   The first time you play MAD you should type "exec mad.cfg"
at the console in Quake II.  This will bind the new commands
you need to select the different types of rocket and new items.


   14 maps were converted from Quake I.  To make sure
the conversions were as close to the originals as possible
we have coded some new entities - torches, flames, lava
balls, Q1-style teleporters...

   This entities patch is included in both MAD and ArmourBack,
as well as seperately.  Several of the maps with names 
beginning with C2DM require the entities, and must be played
with one of our mods...


Original Quake II maps -
DH01 - Skin Factory		by Jaan-Madis Uusvali
DH02 - Testament		by Jaan-Madis Uusvali
DH03 - Hatred			by Jaan-Madis Uusvali
DH04 - Atlantis			by John Bye
DH05 - The Installation		by John Bye
DH06 - Midnight			by John Bye
DH07 - Midwinter		by John Bye
DH08 - Vurt			by John Bye
DH09 - Twisted Renaissance	by Warren Marshall, Owen Marlowe
DH10 - Abandoned Place		by Owen Marlowe
DH11 - BloodWorks		by Owen Marlowe
DH12 - Tempest Fugit		by Owen Marlowe
DH13 - Ice Station Alpha-Zed	by Owen Marlowe
DH14 - Zelt			by Owen Marlowe
DH15 - Fortress			by Anders Gustavsson
DH16 - Marine Base		by Anders Gustavsson
DH17 - Arena			by Chris Mayers
DH18 - Bunka			by Chris Mayers, Owen Marlowe
DH19 - Bitter			by Ken Nichols
DH20 - FirstryCoven		by Ken Nichols
DH21 - Underseage		by Ken Nichols
DH22 - Frenzy			by Dan Nolan

Converted from Quake I -
C2DMO1 - Thanatopia		by Jon Hendricks, John Bye
C2DMO2 - The Lost City		by Jon Hendricks, John Bye
C2DMO3 - Asylum			by Jon Hendricks, John Bye, Owen Marlowe
C2DM08 - Village		by Chris Mayers
C2DM09 - Lord Fudge		by Neil Manke, Owen Marlowe
C2DM10 - Quatuor Elementa	by Neil Manke, Owen Marlowe
C2DM11 - Hexed			by Neil Manke, Owen Marlowe
C2DM13 - Tomb Of The Lavalord	by Rich Carlson, Owen Marlowe
C2DM14 - Caves Of Carnage	by Rich Carlson, Owen Marlowe
C2DM15 - Hall Of The Gods	by Trebz
C2DM17 - Slip Of The Tongue	by Warren Marshall, John Bye
C2DM18 - Quartet		by John Bye, Owen Marlowe
C2DM20 - NiteDM			by Dan Huff, John Bye

   We have included several map lists for server ops
to use with the map cycling features included in all
our mods.

maps_dh.txt		-	all dh** maps
maps_c2dm.txt		-	all c2dm** maps
maps_4.txt		-	small maps for 2-4 players
maps_8.txt		-	medium maps for up to 8-16 players
maps_32.txt		-	large maps for up to 16-32 players
maps_64.txt		-	huge maps for up to 32-64 players
maps_id.txt		-	id's standard q2dm* maps

   All these lists are in plain text, and it is easy
to edit our map lists or create your own with any text
editor - Windows NotePad, DOS Edit...


        ---------- 3.0 CREDITS ----------

The Quake II section of Disposable Heroes features the
combined talents of -

Jacob Bielanski
John Bye
Richard Dale Carlson
Andrew Eglington
Anders Gustavsson
Jon Hendricks
Dan Huff
Kyle Mallory
Neil Manke
Owen Marlowe
Warren Marshall
Patrick Martin
Jens Matthies
Chris Mayers
Andreas Moller
Ken Nichols
Daniel Nolan
David Ottvall
Dave Porcello
Eric vonRothkirch
Shawn Swift
Jaan-Madis Uusvali

Additional Personnel -

Quake II Frontend -
			Chris "Wilka" Wilkinson

Solaris / sparc ports -
			Zoran Lazovski

Linux ports -
			Kevin Waugh

Source for Mercury sfx -
			Eve Peeterson

Additional Rhino skins -
			Loon The Slayer
			Curtis McCartney
			Tim Sturman


       ---------- 4.0 COPYRIGHT ----------

Disposable Heroes (TM) is (C) 1997-2000 The Coven

   Disposable Heroes is open source - you can redistribute
it by any means, so long as 1) you do not sell it for profit,
and 2) you include this text file in full.

   You may use any of the contents of this zip file - maps,
textures, code, models, whatever - in your own projects, as
long as you credit The Coven for any of our work you have
used. If you want to use any of our work in a commercial
project, please contact me first.

	John Bye,
	   President of the Coven

E-mail us at - john@thecoven.com