This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... 30UV3853.TXT 30UV3853.ZIP 30UV3853.LMP - Ultra Violence This is a Compet-N/Doom2/MOVIE Entry... Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 ! Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 - Only Doom II - ALL levels 01-32 - "Compet-N/Doom2/Movie" Kills Items Secrets And TIME!! Health Armour LV 01 - 3% 0% 0% 07 (100 0) LV 02 - 65% 40% 100% 1" 10 ( 83 147) LV 03 - 30% 22% 100% 42 (163 169) LV 04 - 70% 55% 66% 1" 06 (100 110) LV 05 - 27% 33% 0% 46 (117 126) LV 06 - 39% 5% 0% 1" 34 (144 154) LV 07 - 100% 100% 100% 1" 06 ( 64 39) LV 08 - 22% 60% 0% 39 ! (164 39) LV 09 - 31% 21% 0% 1" 34 (100 119) LV 10 - 13% 25% 16% 54 (102 131) LV 11 - 42% 4% 33% 1" 24 (100 11) LV 12 - 12% 20% 0% 1" 09 ( 46 67) LV 13 - 26% 16% 0% 1" 40 (101 60) LV 14 - 43% 50% 0% 1" 18 (142 125) LV 15 - 11% 12% 18% 48 (109 94) LV 31 - 30% 0% 50% 39 ( 52 46) LV 32 - 57% 100% 33% 22 (194 194) LV 16 - 11% 0% 0% 52 ( 91 83) LV 17 - 67% 50% 0% 3" 22 (110 62) LV 18 - 3% 28% 0% 31 (128 100) LV 19 - 13% 5% 22% 1" 02 (107 100) LV 20 - 14% 11% 14% 54 ( 69 81) LV 21 - 40% 44% 0% 1" 06 (171 175) LV 22 - 76% 42% 100% 1" 15 ( 50 17) LV 23 - 53% 31% 50% 1" 23 (191 190) LV 24 - 5% 0% 0% 1" 37 (161 165) LV 25 - 49% 50% 50% 1" 04 (129 139) LV 26 - 44% 15% 25% 1" 17 ( 90 46) LV 27 - 39% 17% 12% 1" 38 (200 9) LV 28 - 28% 20% 28% 1" 06 (192 193) LV 29 - 63% 72% 0% 3" 14 (114 140) LV 30 - 1400% 66% 0% 1" 34 (200 182) Total Time = 25" 833 25" + 13" 53 ------ TOTAL TIME = 38" 53 -------- Description: A few things about the levels: Level 02: I don't like this one, easy to die... Level 04: Time's not good, haven't played this one for a while.. Level 12: Time's not good. Level 13: Time can be pushed a lot but it's quite easy to die or get stuck.. Level 17: Well, it's a disaster. I fell down... Level 24: I still hate those ...... ledges. Level 27: Can be pushed a lot, but it's too easy to die... and you need a lot of plasma. Level 29: The bloody Archvile... Standing in my way all the time! Level 30: Hard to make this one fast... Author: Daniel "Demonlord" Lindgren E-mail: [ Admin. Note :-) Thanks for creating your own table - mildly inaccurate values corrected [ LV04 was not 00.57 ] and thus: filename changed "30UV3844 --> 30UV3853" - Great Run !!! :-) S.;-) aka. The "Judge". ]