This is a DooM .LMP "COMPET-N/Doom2/Net-X/" Entry, Please forward it. 30UbNET2.TXT 30UbNET2.ZIP COOPUV30.LMP - Ultra Violence - 2 Players - Cooperative ! [ Admin. Notes :-) [ Copied from 30UVNET2.TXT - It is such a very similar story... ] First of all this Recording takes over _TWO_HOURS_ to -PlayDemo ! Because it is so long you may have trouble getting Doom2 to start but if you only have a total of 8 Mb of RAM, it will NOT all load load into the -PlayDemo buffer, though you CAN still watch levels COOP1-XX _IF_ you can somehow split this .LMP at offset 2,083,957 * and add an end-of-game byte (decimal 128 - 80 hex), such that the .LMP is 2,083,958 bytes long... [ * plus or minus (+/-) X * 8 bytes (for however many gametics) ] Don't forget this end-of-game byte "€" or else your savegames may get overwritten if a -PlayDemo misses one and crashes at the very end... You have been warned. Copy /B SplitLMP.LMP + € COOP1-XX.LMP [ Del SplitLMP.LMP ] Also if you think that a co-operative recording of Doom2 would be boring to watch [ OKay it is a bit, to begin with ] then you have obviously not tried it... You can only pick up a Rocket-Launcher, Plasma Rifle, BFG9000 or Super Shotgun ONCE - unless you die - it is difficult NOT to frag each other AND there are MORE bigger and badder .NET monseters on maps 11, 12, 13... 15... 17... 19, 20... We're talking CyberDemon "cross-fire" here ! If you do not really want to watch the initial, ten or so, levels but would like to see some of the later better levels - you could start the .LMP from the beginning (the only way), and go away for a while... eat something, watch some TV ( not much difference ;-) or whatever... then return [ ~30 minutes ] for the later action ! Finally, if you want to "beat" this [ as if ] I would like to see it done FASTER - miss out all of the the non-vital areas - and do not ALL get killed on a level as simple as 24 ? ;-) But remember: -*> NO Respawning <*- !!! - If (or when) you die, you stay DEAD ! Really lastly, the/my prefered table format is to be found in the file "07UVNET2.TXT" though all the stats given here are even more detailed so they've been left as they were/are :-) Well done to Demonlord and Stefan too ! S,;-) aka. The "Judge". ] COOPUV30.TXT COOPUV30.ZIP COOPUV30.LMP - Ultra Violence - 2 Players - Cooperative ! Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 ALL 32 Levels of DooM II - All Secrets ! - Without Dying Once ! TWO-Player UltraViolence - 100% Kills & Secrets ! Authors: Daniel "Demonlord" Lindgren Stefan Larsson e-mail: Statistics: Ammo & health statistics ------------------------ Green (Daniel) Indigo (Stefan) ------------------------ Level Health Armour Kills Items Secrets Time ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------- ------ 1 88 0 74 0 60 0.34 106 100 25 66 40 2 144 145 64 52 100 1.13 99 73 28 9 0 3 89 93 62 20 100 1.19 190 163 28 10 0 4 154 190 70 54 66 1.06 169 157 25 34 33 5 88 96 70 71 66 2.24 188 110 26 14 33 6 143 148 59 29 66 2.55 159 164 35 17 33 7 200 200 68 42 100 0.59 177 178 31 28 0 8 165 129 62 100 85 3.04 139 140 30 0 14 9 195 188 61 61 66 4.54 123 100 32 2 33 10 200 187 55 63 72 5.47 157 159 40 32 27 11 100 119 76 77 100 4.11 200 122 23 4 0 12 100 100 47 40 50 5.00 182 35 50 60 50 13 101 153 71 31 62 5.34 195 0 28 31 37 14 168 172 56 50 0 2.21 123 0 41 0 0 15 182 182 56 77 81 7.36 93 87 31 22 9 31 200 118 66 18 100 2.49 67 20 20 6 0 32 194 112 51 66 66 0:52 164 167 24 33 33 16 200 200 63 80 100 3:56 121 124 17 0 0 17 197 200 59 77 100 6:17 104 62 30 17 0 18 200 200 60 48 75 4:42 104 92 28 25 25 19 181 172 68 18 100 6:00 133 200 30 62 0 20 131 140 84 73 100 5:00 180 181 9 2 0 21 192 194 63 61 0 2:47 179 174 16 38 0 22 117 117 75 12 100 1:43 195 85 19 75 0 23 96 66 52 50 100 3:48 200 100 17 45 0 24 103 99 84 83 100 7:58 179 186 15 10 0 25 37 27 57 50 50 3:06 140 154 23 0 50 26 189 192 73 63 75 5:08 100 107 23 22 25 27 200 133 69 89 75 8:07 100 77 22 8 12 28 198 148 65 92 100 4:31 100 100 24 0 0 29 97 58 72 96 0 5:56 100 82 17 0 0 30 200 200 600 33 0 0:40 159 163 100 22 0 ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------- ------ Level Health Armour Kills Items Secrets Time The percent value is (Ep-run single/Our) a measurement of "how effective" the coop really is (should, if optimal, be 200!) compared to best single player time starting with pistol only... And also "100/100" episode runs for a single player... |Starting |Best |Our |Per- |Comments... |w. Pistol |time in |Time |cent.| |Single |Ep-run |this | | |Best... |single. |coop. | | | |Mine... | | | "Episode 1" : | | | | | | | | | | Entryway 0:49 0:53 0:34 156 Not that hard to plan... Underhalls 1:22 1:28 1:13 121 Should be better... The Gantlet 1:42 1:43 1:19 130 Hmmm... The Focus 1:18 1:22 1:06 124 Very bad planning... none. The Waste Tunnels 3:06 3:00 2:24 125 A little better... The Crusher 3:20 3:04 2:55 105 Indigo has no key! Dead Simple 0:54 1:08 0:59 115 Not a good time. Tricks & Traps 4:08 4:25 3:04 144 Damn Cyber! Refuses to die! The Pit 8:19 7:13 4:54 147 Not good... Refueling Base 7:03 7:31 5:47 130 Hmm. Have to work on this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32:01 31:47 24:15 131 Should be a lot better !!! "Episode 2" : "O" Of Destruction 2:51 3:31 4:11 84 Trapped him on the bridge! The Factory 6:11 5:53 5:00 118 Very bad... Downtown 6:01 5:31 5:34 99 Should be under 4:30. The Inmost Dens 2:36 2:41 2:21 114 Good plan! Run more! Industrial Zone 7:14 8:07 7:36 107 Not good enough... Suburbs 3:45 3:31 3:56 89 Saved plasma for Cyber. Tenements 6:37 5:56 6:17 94 Very hard Cyber... The Courtyard 5:10 5:16 4:42 112 Not good... The Citadel 7:58 6:58 6:00 116 Very complex level... Gotcha! 6:34 5:57 5:00 119 Trapped BW Arch and Cybie! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54:57 53:21 50:37 105 NOT good enough...... "Episode 3" : Nirvana 3:48 3:29 2:47 125 Indigo !!!!!! The Catacombs 1:34 1:53 1:43 110 Quite nice! No good plan. Barrels Of Fun 3:13 3:48 3:48 100! Dangerous... The Chasm 6:57 7:50 7:58 98 Complex. Better single! Bloodfalls 2:11 2:51 3:06 92 A lot of people... The Abandoned Mines 5:35 5:23 5:08 105 Hard Cyber - Played safe. Monster Condo 6:10 8:09 8:07 100 Secrets !!! The Spirit World 3:37 4:38 4:31 103 Incredible! Indigo 3% !!?? The Living End 5:30 7:08 5:56 120 Hard Cyber - Q. easy now. Icon Of Sin 0:32 1:24 0:40 210! This is COOP !!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39:07 46:33 43:44 106 Hmm... Not good at all... Secret Levels: Wolfenstein 3:03 2:57 2:49 105 No plan at all... Grosse 0:39 1:00 0:52 115 Same here... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:42 3:57 3:41 107 Overall 01-32 137:36 135:38 122:17 111 Tried as good as possible but without a good plan at each level... Final Comments: We tried to beat Kai and Sven's "Coop1-30" and we made it about 20 minutes faster... The Cyberdemons are really hard and especially the ones at levels 17, 26 and 29 are VERY hard Think the time could quite easily be pushed to around 1.40-1.50 (?). This is however our best attempt so far... Never thought co-op could be that much fun ! Author: Daniel "Demonlord" Lindgren e-mail: