This is a DooM .LMP "COMPET-N/f-doom/" Entry - Please forward it... EV02-536.TXT EV02-536.ZIP EV02-536.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using Final Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with (only) Final DooM Final DooM - TNT Evilution - Level 02 - Human BBQ Kills 100% (Items 100) Secrets 100% and Time 05:36 ----- Description: Do you smell the fresh meat? Does it makes you angry you throw away your pacifism so you turn into a killer? There is not much health at the start and too much later. And no real good weapon, the SSG is too far away. I Dunno any secret or which teleporter kills which Baron or Hell Knight. Only an initial entry, hope there will be improvements. Author: Kai-Uwe Humpert E-mail: WWW: (~gazelle/doom.html)