Bounty Hunter's Quake Configuration Script ------------------------------------------ Compatability: This configuration is the best all-around setup I can find to use with a two-button mouse. It is set up for playing deathmatch and Capture The Flag over the Internet. There are no "Cheat Codes" except for Implulse 9, which is there only so you can test out and practice keyboard settings in single player mode (It won't work in Multiplayer). Standard Features: Circle strafe, Crosshair toggle, Full zoom with crosshair, Sniper zoom toggle, Wide-angle view, and Weapon Select with text and sound. Internet Features: Keys for checking player status and ping times, and messagemode2 (to send messages only to teammates). Capture The Flag Features: Keys for CTF only Impulses including the Grappling Hook, dropping backpacks with ammo and weapons (for helping a teammate in "hurtin" status), checking flag status, checking server status, and a few pre-typed, often-used messages that only team members can see. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation: First, back-up or rename any files with the .cfg extension in your ID1 directory (Just in case something doesn't work). Then extract files to your ID1 directory. Next, create a folder in the ID1 directory and name it sound. Then move zoom02.wav into that directory. Thats it. Launch Quake and kick some butt! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keyboard and Mouse Mapping: Note: All unaltered or "standard" Quake keys are not listed. Movement// W=Forward S=Backward A=Sidestep Left D=Sidestep Right Q=Circle-strafe Left E=Circle-strafe Right Space=Jump Mouse// Mlook is always on, which means mouse movement only moves the direction of your view/aim. If you haven't played with Mlook it takes some getting used to. But it is the only way to play if you want to be competitive. Learn it, Embrace it, or get your ... kicked on the net! Mouse Button 1=Fire selected weapon Mouse Button 2=Select next weapon (If you don't have the next weapon, it will say no weapon or not enough ammo, continue cycling until you have the next available weapon. I left out the axe as its usually a last resort and key #1 is right above your finger if you need it. Special Keys// F=Cycle weapons in reverse (opposite of Mouse 2) G=Messagemode2 (send message only to team members) INS=Check player ping times HOME=Check player status 9=Gives you all the goodies to play with in single player modes I=Toggles crosshair on/off ALT=Sniper-zoom toggle on/off X=Full zoom with crosshair hotkey V=Wide-angle view hotkey (handy for watching two hallways at once) Capture The Flag Keys// R=Use grappling Hook (holding R down selects the grappling hook and releasing it returns you to your previous weapon. While the hook is selected (holding R down), press Mouse 1 to launch it. The grappling hook takes a lot of practice. Master it and you will be become a vesatile CTF player. I won't go into tactics, I will suggest you checkout on the net. They've got a plethora of tips and tactics for playing CTF. B=Drops a backpack with 20 rounds of ammo for currently selected weapon N=Drops current weapon M=Displays current status of flags (where they are or whos got them) ,=Displays team settings for current server CTF messages// (Messages only team members can see) H=Need help at base J=Enemy in control of base K=I'll take defense L=Got key, is base safe? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P.S Don't forget to change you name, colors, video mode, etc... to your own preferences. I set them to defaults in case you don't have VESA 2 support. If you like this config. or can suggest any improvements, please E-Mail me at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Copyright / Permissions Quake is a registered TM and Copyright © of id Software //Legal Disclaimer I am not responsible for anything that happens to your computer when using this script. Let the Carnage Begin, Bounty Hunter