++==============Clan Death Deathmatch Demos================++
||                                                         ||
|| Title    - The DarkNite Zone                            ||
|| Filmed by- CD-Nite                                      ||
|| Featuring- BTEAM_LFB, Femto.ufK, JiMBoB, scheff,        ||
||            doste, CD-Nite                               ||
|| Server   - Zeta (non-QW)                                ||
|| Date/time- 30/03/97, around 17:00                       ||
|| Stat page- http://home.clara.net/nite/stat/cddem_01.htm ||
||                                                         ||

This demo was recorded as a test. I just found out that you could
record client-side demos in WinQuake, so I tried it out. I went onto
a random server, and lo-and-behold, IT WORKED!! After years (well, 
months) of trying this, I finally found out it worked. Now all I'm 
waiting for is a QuakeWorld client that will do the same... =)

A few things of note was in the room with a rocket launcher and 
100 health. I think it was three people, all of them concentrating
on killing me, but none of them succeeded. The other interesting
bit is throughout the demo. doste and I killed each other quite a few
times (see the chart at the page), probably the most amusing was
when I fired two rockets into the previously mentioned room and gibbed
him. You didn't see it in the demo, but doste made quite a few remarks
which amused me. Thanks doste! =)
