Title    : Carnage (player replacement model)
Filename : Carnage.zip
Included : Carnage.mdl, Carnage.bmp, Carnage.txt (this file)
Date     : 3.7.97
Author   : Rodney Maley
Homepage : http://ezinfo.ucs.indiana.edu/~rmaley
Email    : Rmaley@indiana.edu
Thanks   : id software (for Quake), QuakeMe 2.2 by Renee Post,
           Marvel Comics, Stan Lee, Everyone that made 
	   Amazing Spider-Man #362 and 363 possible.

Type of Mod
Quake C  : no
Sound    : no
MDL      : yes

Description of the Modification
A .MDL replacement for the default player.mdl (and the .bmp image), 
based on Carnage from the Spiderman comics.  It's not exact, 
Carnage doesn't really fit the player model (no tendrils, and the
model's a lot bulkier).

Editors Used
Adobe Photoshop 3.0, QuakeMe 2.2

-If you want to see it, go to: 
-If you like this skin, email me!
-Actually, feel free to email me anyway.
-I've included both the skin .bmp and the player .mdl, for
ease of use.
-Also, I'm assuming that you know how to use skins/models so 
I didn't include any instructions.  They're relatively easy
to find, anyway.  

Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Authors may use this model for anything (just give me a little 

Distribute this as much as you want, just keep it all together 
(including this text file).  Distribute it all over the place.
Oh, and if you want to put it on a CD or something, email me 
(my address is above).

ftp.cdrom.com: /pub/idgames2/graphics/mdl (or /skin textures)