Title                   : Tony CTF III - Don't Stop
Finish Date             : 2-2-97
Current Revision        : 4-7-97
Filename                : tonyctf3.bsp
Author                  : Anthony J. Distler
Email Address           : adistler@ace.cs.ohiou.edu
Description             : CTF/Deathmatch Quake map.  This is my 
                          third CTF level and my second level
                          designed for the CTFBOT.  Once again
                          I've included the waypoints that I use,
                          they're in the tonyctf3.way file. This
                          level is very tight and very fast
                          actioned.  Three of us played three
                          bots with a 100 fraglimit, and it ended
                          in about 10 minutes.  

Places to go            : CTFBOT homepage 
                          3wave homepage
                          TonyCTF homepage

Additional Credits to   : id, hipnotic, rogue. 


* Play Information *

Single Player           : Not really.  Look around if you want.
Cooperative             : No
Deathmatch              : Yes, 10 starts
3Wave CTF               : Yes, 10 starts 

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used          : WorldCraft version 1.0a, 1.2 for the revision
Known Bugs              : None.
Build Time              : About 10 hours during two days.
QBSP Time               : 3 minutes(1 1/2 for revision)
Light Time 	        : 4 1/2 minutes(2 for revision)
VIS Time                : 2 1/2 minutes(1 for revision)
QBSP, Light and VIS times were cut in half during the revision due to a
PentiumPro 200/Venus motherboard "upgrade".

* A note about my revisions *

I have left the file names the same through out my revision process
to had less confusion to Internet play.  We have tested old versions
and new versions together(one version on the server, one version on
the client) without a problem.  Therefore, you should be able to play
on a server with an older or newer version no matter what version you have.
The only advantages so far in the revision processes seems to be newer
TonyCTF III versions that don't have the green poison on the base floors
and older TonyCTF II versions that have a bigger RL platform.  Of course
in the older TonyCTF II versions, you wont be able to get to the megahealth
or Quad that will appear if a server is running the 4-7-97 version of II.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional

This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my permission.