9/11/98        This Level is Designed for Team Fortress
Title                   : Bounce (aka "That map troop knocks us into the lava on")

Filename                : Bounce00.bsp

BSPFileSize             : 178 KB uncompressed

Author                  : valar (formerly of void?)

Email Address           : Due to religious convictions unable to supply this information

ICQ			: 1107678

WebPage			: Pixie MaPeRs GuilD (summer home of the 'ablo cows)
Play info:

Single Player           : Yep Great Fun.. even better than 2forts single player

Coop                    : Not with any of the ppl I know..

Deathmatch              : Pity it wouldn't work right...

Team Fortress           : Yes as a matter of fact

Difficulty Settings     : Yes, However they are entirely dependent on those that you play with

Base                    : Tag1.bsp damn it, and I will finish it after I finish warBall,
			 chaosflags, Shaft, AirBounce, TeleCampaign, MegaBounce, TheFields,
			 Support, and the others that are sitting on my drive as half finished
			 maps or ent sets... I swear I'll finish one of them
Tools used              : WorldCraft 1.6 (Registered) and what a bad idea it was really should
			 have un-upgraded it (btw could this program handle wads in a worse way I
			 mean pls. I want more flexibility and options to use just view one wad 
			 at a time without losing my already textured brushes settings, I don't
			 know about you ppl but I have a few hundred textures to look through in
			 multiple wads (even though I only use 5 of them) and when I narrow down
			 my browsing to one wad I'm always clicking on a brush with a texture not
			 in that wad and it goes white, then its back through the other wads to
			 restore it, not to mention that the q2 implementation is so intrusive 
 			 and unganly practicly making use for q1 entirly impracticle), Ented,
			 notepad and wordpad (blast that limit on file size in notepad)

HandBuild Time          : Ummmmm don't know.. I'm lazy and have no sense of time

Compile Time            : ok its damn small so I imagine it didn't take long at all

Vis Time 		: Hey I know this one... 21 seconds don't ask me why..

Known Bugs              : Well none that aren't Features of a sort..
Players                	: 2 - 4 - 6
			 2 seems best thus far for tests of skill, aim and deviousness
			 4 is just utter bloody chaos but extremely fun.
			 6 I can't imagine ever scoring.

Goal			: Wow just remembered to include this...
			 Simple just grab the damn torch and try to survive, Oh did I mention
			 your all on the same team and cant kill each other? I'm sure you'll
			 figure out the rest.

Server Notes		: This map most definitely would do best without having team kills
			 enabled, I believe that it would kinda destroy the intent.. However
			 mirror damage might make an interesting modification.. hmmmm think
			 I'll have to try that sometime.

How This Travesty Of TF Came About :

	Simply stated we (being troop deids and myself) have far to much free time and unfortunately tend to automatically join team 1. That and a few stints with troop on lava laden dm levels and the amazing random pc battles on sod (not sod1 I'll have you but the much more entertaing dm version).
Install Info:		: Just put the map in the maps dir.. thats not so hard is it?


Thanks:               : [  ] Splendid Hatred for the server and finally fixing the ftp.
			[  ] Deids for the crappy ass private server off her cable modem where
			 I get 50% pl and a 500+ ping on a good day and always adding that little
			 extra bit of fun to all of our our TFing.
			[  ] Trooper for all the good ideas he spawns due to his extraordinary
			 grasp of what makes a good playing map and for the countless hours
			 of whuppin my ass into shape so I can almost manage to keep the kill
			 ratio 2 to 1 in his favor.
			The rest of Void for being so unbearable that I'm forced to make maps to
			 entertain myself.....	

			And finaly to the nice cow in 'ablo that im very sorry for molesting
Legal:                  : (c) 1998 valar & PiXiE MaPeRs GuilD
                          All rights reserved.
                          Distribution via Internet for TF Game play
                          on TF servers is granted without charge
                          and at own risk.
-= PiXiE MaPeRs GuilD =- New Ways Of Seeing Old Things -= PiXiE MaPeRs GuilD =-