Title : CarnageQW Client Filenames : CQW_02_maps.zip, CQW_02_nomaps.zip Author : Damion (AKA Not God) Email Address : notgod@eng.asparagus.com or notgod@best.com Misc. Author Info : http://www.best.com/~notgod Description : A QuakeWorld Deathmatch Expansion Thos Great Mod Features: o Bort's Swinging Grapple Hook - Bind a key to +hook and go! o The Soul Swapper! Uses gibbed heads for ammo. Pick up a head, switch to the soul swapper (impulse 20), and go get that guy with the pent! o Weapons and items that respawn depending upon the number of connected clients! The Pent, Quad, and Ring are exempt from this bonus! o VOTE-EXIT so clients can choose to exit! Installation: Extract into /quake/qcarnage directory Note: CQW_02_maps.zip has the maps used on our main server ( and CQW_02_nomaps.zip does not. If you have a low-speed connection I recommend getting the one with the maps. More info is available on the website at http://www.best.com/~notgod NOTE: These files replace qcarnage_nomaps.zip and qcarnage.zipt http://www.best.com/~notgod