Title                   : Earth Embassy
Filename                : ee.bsp
Author                  : Orbital (Brian Ricks)
Email Address           : orbital@planetquake.com
Homepage                : http://rampages.onramp.net/~bwr/

Description             : Earth Embassy is a Single Player map for
                          Quake2.  I also added Cooperative and
                          Deathmatch support.  This map takes place
                          after the defeat of the Makron.  The Human
                          forces decided to colonize parts of Stroggos
                          to control the inhabitants of the planet, to
                          make sure that another uprising doesn't take
                          place.  Most Strogg object to this, but have
                          almost no leadership amongst themselves to do
                          much about it.  The Human forces turn about
                          half of the Strogg buildings and structures
                          into their own living quarters and various
                          other kinds of places.  The Humans decide to
                          build an Embassy representing Earth in a
                          secluded area of Stroggos.  They do this so
                          the Strogg wouldn't be able to find the
                          Embassy if an uprising were to occur.  They
                          decided to name the Embassy "Earth Embassy". 
                          Earth Embassy consists of two parts, the main
                          complex, and jail complex.  All inhabitants
                          of Earth Embassy are soldiers of the Human
                               But, as fate would have it, the location
                          of Earth Embassy was discovered by a group of
                          Strogg wondering the area.  The Human forces
                          of Earth Embassy were able to capture some,
                          but not all, and the word of Earth Embassy's
                          location soon spread through the Strogg
                          population.  3 leaders soon arose from the
                          Strogg population, and a small group of
                          Strogg was formed to take over Earth Embassy.
                           The Strogg forces took the Human forces on
                          Earth Embassy by surprise, and were soon
                          overpowered.  All surviving Humans were taken
                          to the jail complex and thrown in the jails. 
                          You are one the the survivors of the attack
                          who is locked up in the jail complex.  The
                          jail system was designed after the Strogg
                          jail systems, and you know that it is almost
                          impossible to break out of.  Your Commlink
                          still works, and you secretly listen to the
                          transmissions.  You know that if you can
                          escape, then you might have a chance to
                          ambush the Strogg attackers, and regain
                          control of Earth Embassy.  You might also
                          have a chance to teleport back to your
                          Homebase, as a teleportation unit is located
                          on Earth Embassy.  You sit back, holding the
                          blaster you conceiled so the Strogg guards
                          can't see it, hoping for someway to break

Additional Credits to   : id Software for all their great games, the guys 
			  at Xatrix Entertainment for telling me their
			  awesome terrain method, Puck, Progg, Thunder Dan, 
			  Tyrannakaotic, and DrPaine for playtesting, and 
			  Dolomite for test compiling the map on his machine.

* Play Information *

Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative             : Yes
Deathmatch              : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No
New Monsters            : No
New Demos               : No
New Models              : No

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch.
Editor(s) used          : QERadiant Build 0.77
Known Bugs              : None
Build Time              : about 4 months on and off
Build Machine		: P200MMX, 128MB
Compile machine         : P200MMX, 128MB
Qbsp3 time		: 4.7 minutes
Qvis3 time		: 20.5 hours	
Qrad3 Time     		: 6.2 hours
Brushes                 : 4587
Entities                : 726
Comments                : I kept the r_speeds low through out the map. 
                          The highest count is in the 700's, but only
                          in 2 areas.  The average r_speeds count is in
                          the 300-500's.  I made the difficulty levels
                          pretty fair, not making the map extra easy or
			  extra hard.  Note: when playing in Multi-Player
			  Cooperative Mode, all players start out in the 
			  same prison cell.  You break free the same way 
			  as in Single Player, except when you die, you 
			  start back in the same cell.  Make sure to 
			  leave the force field for that jail cell off 
			  (this makes sure that other players wont have 
			  to get you out if you die.  This also makes 
			  sure that if all players die at the same time, 
			  you all wont be trapped in the cell, though 
			  that is highly unlikely.)
* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build 
additional levels.

This BSP may be distributed over the Internet 
and/or BBS systems. You may NOT distribute this BSP
commercially without my express permission, so tell
me first.