Date: 8 April, 1998
Title                   : Abyss of Abysmal Death  (That means Abyss of Unmeasurable Death)                        
Filename                :			 

Author                  : Justin "Stryker" Siek  (Yes, I did put my REAL name this time!)
Email Address           :

Description             : VERY COOL MAP!!!

			  Originally started out as a Quake 1 map last year, I liked the design
  			  so I decided to remake it for Q2. There are 6 levels on this fairly
  			  small map. Don't be deceived though, the level is plenty large enough
 			  for 4-8 players. I have used good lighting, not too much colored, but
  			  just enough for variety. I have also used the TEAM flag for many of my
  			  items to add variety (if you don't know what I mean pick up an item
  			  within the level - not any weapons or ammo - but health armor etc. and
  			  wait for it to respawn, you'll see what I mean!

Installation		: Place the aoad.bsp file into x:\quake2\baseq2\maps. (x being the 
			  drive quake2 is installed on)
			  Run quake2 with:  quake2 +map aoad.
			  If you want to use the Eraser bots with the level place the file 
			  aoad_rt.zipped in the x:\quake2\Eraser\routes directory. 

Additional Credits to   : My family and friends for offering suggestions and the play 
			  testers, and ID software for Quake2
* Play Information *

Game                    : Quake 2 Registered Version
Map Name                : Aoad.bsp
Single Player           : No
Co-op                   : No
Deathmatch 2-16         : YES - 3-8 perferred
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Graphics            : No 
Extras			: Included is the route table for the Eraser bots. If you don't have 
			  the Eraser bots then goto this site HTTP://IMPACT.FRAG.COM to 
			  download the latest version.                          

* Construction *

Base                    : None
Editor used             : Qoole v2.31
Level info		: Brushes - 203	(!)
			  Entities - 106 (!)
Other Programs          : QBSP3.EXE, QVIS3.EXE, QRAD3.EXE modified by Geoffrey DeWan 

			You can download it here -

	Options used  - QBSP3 -glview (7 secs)
		      - QVIS3 -level 64 (21 secs) - I am unsure whether -level 64 does anything!
		      - QRAD3 -glview -bounce 100 (7:07)

Compile Machine		: P200, 64 MB ram, Diamond Monster 3D
Construction time       : 1 week on & off - About 8 hours total work
Known bugs              : None!


* Copyright / Permissions *

Fell free to put this BSP on web sites etc. for public 

* Comments *

Send me some e-mail, let me know what you think of the level.

If you don't know how to reduce the compiling time for your
level send me an e-mail (my address is at the top of this 
readme) me and I'll give you some tips. (Through 'optimizing' 
one of my level I reduced the time it took QBSP3 -level 4 to
compile from 15 minutes to 26 seconds!)