April 27, 1999

	- Map Information -

Title:			Burn Cycle
File Name:              burn.bsp  
Author:                 Chris "Kanaeda" Voss
Email:			tetsuo@allways.net

Description:		Quake 2 DM map designed for 3 - ? player FFA.
			This is the first playtest version. Hopefully
			there won't have to be too many more.

Other Maps:		None yet, but I got more on the way. 

	- Play Information -

Game:			Quake2
Single Player:		Only to look around.         
Co-op:			Nope 
Deathmatch:		Now you're catching on. 	
New Textures:		No
New Sounds:		No

	- Construction Information - 

Base:			None other than my imagination and 
			some inspiration.
Build Time:		Long enough
Compile Time:		Does it really matter to you?
Editor used:		QERadiant
Compile tools:		QBSP3, QVIS3, ArghRAD2.0
Known Bugs:		None so far. 

	- Thanks to the Following: -

   My family and friends for all their love and support. 

   id Software for starting the FPS revolution.

   Robert Duffy for QERadiant - You da man!

   Shane 'Fishman' Sherman for starting RUST, the best site around for 
	all your editing info. needs, as well as some killer forums.

   Mike Malakhov for writing the awesome CRBot, my personal choice for
	playtesting without other people.
   Dr.Smoke for introducing me to the world of mapping.

   Any and all the playtesters out there.

	- Copyright / Permissions -

You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without
explicit permission of the author, namely me. Also this level may NOT
be used for any kind of commercial product or CD compilation of any kind
without explicit permission from me first.

You MAY distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
etc.) as long as include this file intact in the original archive.
You also MAY enjoy this map if you feel so inclined. ya never know, 
it just might happen. :o)