March 29, 1998
 Title                   : Gom Jabbar
 Filename                : jabbar.bsp
 Author                  : Taltos [Noel Weer] 
 Email Address           :
 Description             : Q2DM map for up to 6-8 players, but probably
			   best for 1-on-1 or 2-on-2.
* Play Information *
 Deathmatch 2-8          : yes! 2-on-2 suggested
			   Speeds are a bit high, so best for LAN or
			   bot play.
 Single Play		 : nope

* Construction *
 Build Time      	 : over about 20 hours
 QBSP3		    	 : 11 seconds
 QVIS3			 : 126 seconds
 QRAD3			 : 891 seconds
 Brushes		 : 565
 Entities		 : 96
 Editor(s) used  	 : qED 2
 Known Bugs      	 : some texture misalignments

* Acknowledgements *
 Many thanks to all on the Quake Workshop Mailing list, the fine reviews
 for concepts at The Ramshackle, headshot for making a level like
 "grind" so I finally decided to make a Q2 DM.

* Notes *
 The idea was to create a level where you are constantly presented with
 options for movement but harder to figure out how to get from one 
 specific place in the level to another. You always have "someplace" to
 go, it just isn't always where you would like to go.

 The central atrium was the initial idea, and the basis for all subsequent
 construction. The effort to keep it all tied together tightly ended
 up with what is essentially one large room for the whole level, so
 speeds are a tad higher than I wanted.

* Distribution *
 Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build 
 additional levels.

 This BSP may only be distributed electronically over the internet
 and only as long as this text file is also distrubuted with the .bsp.
 You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD distribute it in 
 any way without my permission.