QuakeC Mod :: DeathBot BETA release

Filename :: death-XX.zip <XX is the Version number>
Version  :: 0.64 <Alpha release of this Beta, or something...>
Date     :: 17/02/97 
Author   :: James "FlashFire" boswell
Email    :: Flashfire@inorbit.com
Credits  :: iD software for releasing the Quake sourcecode :)
	   Rachel for neck-rubs, coffee and moral support. <As well as demonstrating how to use handcuffs properly :)>
	   Jonathan Wright <nelno@interpath.com> for some code from Cujo, and the dog MDL
Disclaimer :: Use this patch at your own risk, so don`t come crying to me if your system dies/spouse leaves/anything else.

 Type of Mod  
Quake C  : yes
Sound    : Yes
MDL      : Yes

Format of Quake C
*.qc files    : no, get your own sourcecode :)
progs.dat     : yes

editors used ::
Quake v1.06
Ms Word

Description of modification ::
	This mod does ::-
1.Gives you a Friendly Dog that attacks monsters (Not Zombies though) and `should` attack other players.
2.Grappling hook
3.Replaces the Guns with rapid fire versions

Commands :-
(Precede the number i.e. 98, with impulse in the console)
CUJO_TOGGLE             = 98; // Turns cujo on and off.
CUJO_TELEPORT           = 99; // Teleports Cujo to your location
CUJO_LIGHT_TOGGLE       = 97; //Turns Collar light on/off
CUJO_GIVE_STATUS        = 96; //Status report from cujo
CUJO_ATTACK_TOGGLE      = 95; //tells cujo to attack/stand still
Grappling_hook_on       = 90; // Turns the Grappling hook on
Grappling_hook_off      = 91; //Turns the Grappling hook off

How to Install the Modification
Copy everything in the directory containing this readme.txt into a sub directory off your main Quake dir, i.e. c:\quake\DEATHbot\     then move bot.bat and winbot.bat into your quake dir (then add them to your start menu, or similar.). then just type bot or winbot in your Quake folder to begin. 

Several Sounds relating to the dog are not precached,  even though the CODE IS THERE!!!!
Please email about any other bugs you find!
NOTE:: This patch has not been tested with QuakeWorld or Winded, it could blow up it your face, but i say go for it :)

Still to come!:-
Deathbot the Enforcer will return in v0.65, i`ve misplaced the code for the AI (needed work anyway!)
Tractor Beam... Maybe...
Anything anyone asks for...

Copyright `n` stuff

Authors may NOT use these modifications as a basis for other
publically available work. unless they ask very nicely, or are Beta testing for me, otherwise they ain`t getting the sourcecode

You may distribute this Quake modification in any electronic
format as long as this description file remains intact and unmodified
and is retained along with all of the files in the archive.

Where to get the latest version of this patch...
Try my homepage
email me and i`ll send it to you, or
http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/s.boswell/death-64.exe (self-depressing zip =) )
Join My QuakeC mailing list, and chances are each new version will land in your inbox