Real Fall patch 

**            Requires knowledge of QuakeC Compling           **
** See Matts Quake Page to aquire that knowledge if u lack it **

//Changed a bit by Matt Barnett 
// * plays normal hurt sounds we player falls 2 far eg: gib sound if gibs
// * less fidling required

This patch effects realistic falling damage on unwitting players.  Heh heh.
It scales damage geometrically at increments of 10', and allows players to be
hurt after falling through water if they hit solid ground beneath (they still
have to fall farther than if there wasn't any water however).

It's pretty funny falling from a great height only to gib when you hit the
ground.  Your head even bounces around a few times.  :)

//Mats Notes 
Needs to be compiled with the rest of the souce

 * just replace client.qc and progs.src with the ones in this 
   archive and copy fall.qc into the same directory and Recompile 

on how to do this if u dont know

note i dont take credit for this patch: the guys below done all the work.

Chris (
Wrath, Leader of the Seven Deadly Sins (Quake Clan) (site updated almost daily)
Jesus rules!