Title    : Hunter V1.0
Filename : Weapons.qc
Version  : 1.00
Date     : 19.9.96
Author   : Dane
Email    : Dane@Hartle-Klug.com
Credits  : tHE oPERATOR, TK, MH, ><-TRA

Type of Mod
Quake C  : yes
Sound    : no
MDL      : no

Format of QuakeC
unified diff  : no
context diff  : no
.qc files     : yes
progs.dat     : no 

Description of the Modification
Modified the rocket launcher to a "homing missile" device.

How to Install the Modification
Compile with Quake - C (I assume that until now everybody nows how to use it,
and if not, look at some other files).

Technical Details
I changed the rocket mesh to the shot of "Shalrath" and altered the sounds.
Then i reprogrammed the rockets to "hunt" down enemys. First, the missiles 
"enemy" is set to the player. Now, as long as no apropriate targets are 
found, the rocket follows its original path. The searching for a target 
is done in a very simple way. First, all entitys within a radius of 1024 are 
saved. Then every is checked if it is a "living" enemy. The rocket checks, if 
it has a direct line of sight to the enemy. In this case, the distance 
etween rocket and enemy is calculated, and the enemy with the least distance
is chosen as target. Once a missile.enemy has been assigned, the missile 
corrects its velocity to the direction of the target every 0.2 time units.

Author Information
Computer Freak.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Freely distributable.

Where did you get it?