TF Sound Conversion Packfile V1.1 READ THIS SO THIS WILL WORK -----v ********************************************************* Important: Look in your quake/fortress directory. if the last pak file you have is pak3.pak, then you are in good shape. If your last pak file is pak2.pak, then simply rename the pak file included in this zip to pak3.pak. (Same goes if your last pak file is pak1.pak) ********************************************************* READ THIS SO THIS WILL WORK -----^ This IS NO CHEAT. Is is not intended as one and sure the hell is not one... just a sound conversion. To install, follow the instructions above then copy your pak file to your quake/fortress directory. To remove, simply delete/rename this pak file from your quake/fortress directory. This pak file will change MOST of your fortress sounds. I got these wavs from Quake2/friends/anonymous ppl/off the net. I made this patch to change some of the fake sounds in TF. Also I made it because I was tired of the old quake sounds. This pak file can also be used to change the original quake sounds (some of them) Just do the pak rename thingie but stick it in /id1 instead of /fortress oh yeah, btw, Have fun ! :) Contact: Jeff ( ^ViRuS^ ) email: ICQ: 6593173 IRC: or (EfNet) Nick: ^ViRuS^ WEB: Telephone: Heheh, yeah right :)