
Title:    jumptest
Author:    Bruce W. Krueger
Email Address:    Krueger@slip.net
Description:    Demo level for a platform jumping Quake total conversion.
This is a serious test of your running and jumping skills.


* Play Information *

Single Player:   Yes. ( It's primarily a single player level )
Cooperative:    Yes, 4 starts.
Deathmatch:    Yes, 8 starts and all locked doors are gone.
Difficulty Settings:    Yes. ( Easy = no monsters speed test, my best time so far a pitiful 2:15 ).
New Sounds:    Yes.
New Graphics:    Yes, all new terrain textures.
New Monster:    Yes, Sexdroid.


* Construction *

Level:    New level from scratch with all new terrain textures.
Monster:    New .mdl from scratch ( Sexdroid ).


* Comments *

This is a demo level for a Quake platform jumping TC I'm working on. It is a serious test of your running and jumping skills.
There are NO jump on the head of a pin type puzzles in this level, all platforms are reasonably large.
I have taken the high speed, split second timing puzzles from side scroll games and put them into a Quake level.
Many players will not have the running / jumping skills needed to finish this level.
I'm trying to find out if enough people are interested in playing this kind of level for me to make a 12+ level TC or whether I should put my time into making a more traditional TC.


* How to use *

Unzip jumptest.zip preserving the directory structure.
Copy the resulting jumptest folder into your Quake folder ( cut and paste may be your best approach ).
Go into the jumptest folder ( that is now in your Quake folder ) and
Double click on jumpbat.bat. ( The icon has a gear on it ).
This should put you into the level at normal difficulty setting.
( jumpbat.bat is a MS DOS batch file that you can open and modify with any text editor, even notepad )

In your Quake folder make a new folder named jumptest ( Upper and lower case may matter ).
Inside the new jumptest folder make another folder named Maps, then put the unzipped file jumptest.bsp into that folder ( Maps ).
It should look something like this:
Then go into the jumptest folder and make a new folder named Progs.
Copy into the Progs folder the two files Enforcer.mdl and h_mega.MDL. 
It should look something like this:
Then go into the jumptest folder and make a new folder named Sound.
Go into the Sound folder and make another new folder named Enforcer.
Copy into the Enforcer folder all the files with the .wav extension.
It should look something like this:

Then in DOS go to the jumptest sub directory in your Quake directory, and start Quake by entering:

quake -game jumptest +map jumptest


*JumpTest Back Story*

Are the "nether regions" on line?


Tools/Editor(s) used for jumptest.bsp:
WorldCraft, 3D Studio v4, 3ds2map, mipdip, Deluxe Paint, Photo Shop.


* jumptest Copyright / Permissions *

This level and it's new textures are copyright 1997 Bruce Krueger.
Feel free to distribute this level as long as it is for non commercial
purposes and this document is included.

SexDroid info:

Title:    SexDroid (This is the bikini version)
Filename:    enforcer.mdl, h_mega.mdl.
Author:    Bruce W. Krueger
Email Address:    krueger@slip.net
Description:    New monster for quake, it replaces the enforcers with mechanical love dolls that have been programmed to kill.


* Construction *

Base                    : New Quake mdl from scratch.
Tools/Editor(s) used          : 3D Studio Max, 3D Studio v4, QuakeMe, Cool Edit, Deluxe Paint.


* SexDroid Copyright / Permissions *

SexDroid is Copyright 1997 Bruce Krueger.
Anyone can distribute this for free as long as it is for non commercial
purposes and this document is included.


* SexDroid Back Story *

Corporate bean counters decided it was cheaper to use reprogrammed "adult entertainment" androids for security rather than human personnel.


* My keyboard set up *

always run = on
mouse 1 = fire weapon
mouse 2 = mouselook
u = forward
j = backward
h = strafe left
k = strafe right
g = jump
l = change weapon
In Hexen2 I also use alt = crouch, "," = health, o = tome of power.

These are the solutions to the jumping puzzles.

* Walk thru *

Room 1:
  Shoot computer screen to open door connected to computer by red fiber optic cable.

Room 2:
  Get nailgun.
  Jump down well.

Y platform room:
  If there are sexdroids about you might want to run into the small tunnel that ends in a locked door to take out the droids one at a time.

Red armor room:
  You can ignore the red armor and just go thru this room fast.
  If you want the red armor:
    Jump onto large platform, turn right pause.
    Jump onto red armor platform, turn around.
    Jump onto middle platform and wait until the large platform rises.
    Jump onto large platform, turn right, run jump.

4 platforms together room:
  Get onto the ledge and push the blinking yellow button.
  Arrows on top of the platforms tell you where to jump.
  You can ignore the supernailgun or you can:
    Shoot the bullseye while on the third platform or while jumping to it.
    Jump fast onto the supernailgun platform.

Multi platform over lava room:
  Arrows on top of the platforms tell you where to jump.
  Start out staying to the left side of the first two platforms.
  Turn and jump towards the left side of the third platform.
  Turn and jump towards the right side of the fourth platform.
  The fourth platform has a platform edge showing just above it on the wall, when you land on the fourth platform STOP and wait until the upper platform comes out of the wall and then goes back in. Then run to the far end, turn left and jump.
  You can ignore the rocket or grenade launcher but if you want it the jump is simple but get off the platform fast because it sinks into the lava.
  Landing on the longest platform causes it to drop and form a path from one side of this room to the other.
  Go thru the path to the left.

Y platform room again:
  Jump fast on the Y platform because it drops.

Center room:
  Shoot the purple wall just inside the door to get the lightning gun.
  Shoot computer screen to open door connected to computer by white fiber optic cable.

Gold key room:
  Go thru the door to room 2.
  Stand so your back is just in front of the switch that raises the key enclosure.
  Back up to trigger the switch.
  Run and jump like heck to get the key before the enclosure drops, I go sideways alot doing this puzzle.

Return to Y platform room.
Go thru GURLZ door.

Disco bathroom:
  Stand on bowl and push against handle to get to quad damage.

Disco office:
  Shoot computer screen to open door connected to computer by yellow fiber optic cable.
  Ride elevator back to room 1.
  Go to door controlled by yellow fiber optic cable.
  Arrows on top of the platforms tell you where to jump.
  While on second platform shoot bullseye to get platform 3 moving.
  jump to platform 3, if you wait until platform 2 stops moving to do this you'll be too late.
  While on third platform shoot the bullseye on the exit ledge to get platform 4 moving.
  Jump on platform 4 and wait until it carries you to where you can jump to the exit ledge, warning the wall plat 4 rests against can scrape you off the platform if you are not careful.
  Walk into exit.