/--- QRun32 - the ultimate launcher for Quake ---\
|               Version-history                  |

\--------\   "*"  means "modified"
 > Legend >  "-"  means "bug removed"
/--------/   "+"  means "feature added"

Version 1.23
 + communicating with plug-ins tweaked. Now changing the radio-button-values
   (skill-level, play-mode, teamplay-mode) from a plug-in doesn't interfere
   with the QRun32-settings.
 + added static texts, that appear, when a plug-in disables options

Version 1.22
 - removed bug with TrackBar "MaxPlayers" not updated correctly
 - removed bug with minus-parameters as "additional params"
 * modified the "winmem" command to accept values larger than 32
 + added "heapsize"-command for WinQuake-compability
 + added "QRun32-behaviour" options on the "Options"-page
   (containing "close on execute" and "ignore global params")
 + added "Delete CONFIG.CFGs" on the "Global options"-tab
 + added a SDK version-history file (SDK\VERSION.TXT)
 + added "client-side demo recording"-feature of Quake 1.07
   (you can now record a demo when you select "Connect to server")
 * modified the order of the commandline-params, so that "+map"-params are
   always executed last.
 + added "no auto-aiming" checkbox
Version 1.21
 * renamed "DEL_SDK.ZIP" to "DELP_SDK.ZIP" (sounds better)
 - removed a nasty overseen bug that appeared, when having "record demo" checked
   in a quick-set. If you have "playback demo" checked and select this quick-set,
   the "record demo"-checkbox won't be checked.

Version 1.2
 - the very first final !

all previous versions
<not released>