·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
       [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·]
            [· rUNNiNG oN 7 nICE nODES · iSDN/aNALOGUE/tELNET ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
         [· aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · pPH eHQ · lP! gHQ ·]
                [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]
- -- --- ^ addys abowe ^ ------------ -  -   -    -     -      -       -

                               .... ::  :: ....
                               ::   ::  ::   ::  _
                               ::   ::  ::   ::  /
                  ___    ______ :   ::  ::   :: /\     ___
                 /   |___\   _/______ ___ _____/  \ __(__/___
               _/    |    \____     /   _/     /   \        /
               \_____|_______ /    /____\_____/     \ ______\
               ------------- /    / ------- /        \ ------
                            ·    ·  ::  :: /__________\ dip/a!
                     __         __  ::  _____    ______    ______
       _____ ______ _\ \___ ___|  \__ __\_  /___ \    /__ _\   _/______
       \   _/     /   \    \   |    /    /     /       _/   \____     /
       /___\_____/___ /____/___|___/_____\_____\ ______\ ______ /    /
       ------------------------------------------------------- /    / -
                               ::   ::  ::   ::               ·    ·
                               ::.. ::  :: ..::

                     ÷  t A B L E  o F  c O N T E S T S  ÷

                               1.  cOLLY rEViEWS

                      2.  iNTERViEW wiTH nEURODANCER\1oo%

                         3.  rELEASE liST oF tHE mONTH

                                 4.  cHARTS'99

------\ 1 \----------\ r e v i e w s \------- -  -   -    -      -

 _)        _______      ____________     (_
 |_______ _\     /______\  _       /______|
 |_       \    _/      _   \______/      _|    sCALE:
 |/______ /____\_______\______\ _________\|
 | «------------------------------------» |      o1      o5        1o
 |..LOW PROFILE PRESENT A NEW COLLECTION..|    [ x x x x x x x x · · ]
 |      . ...BY DARKUS & MARKUS... .      |
 )________________________________________(¯    eiGHT pOiNTS !

 Very, very nice... Darkus kickin' his unique style as ever, and Markus...
Well, I have never seen a single colly from him before, did you ? His style is
strange, but perhaps you notice that the letters have very fine proportions.
Ok, they look quite unusual for ascii art, but they have some similarity to
graffiti writing, especially the K's... This fact makes this style even more
sympathic to me. Well, Markus, can we expect more ascii from you in the
future ?  The design is quite nice, not very inordinary, but solid and
good-looking... All in all one of the nicest collies of the month !

----------// next colly //--- -  -   -    -

Azki colly by k0RE called RHYTHM OF LIFE       sCALE:

                                                 o1      o5        1o
                                               [ · · · · · · · · · · ]

                                               zERO pOiNTS !

My hairs nearly stood up on my head as i viewed this 'colly'...
The 'style' of Twister is 99% a rip on Tango's style ! well, perhaps not every
letter is ripped, but the kind of setting the letters and starting/ending
a logo is absolutely the same as Tango's. Well that is more than obvious.
It reallyx hurts to see like ascii artists have no own ideas how to build
a logo. Well, Twister, say something ! Come on try to show me that this style
is yours !? The style of Cnr, the co-op partner of Twister in this colly,
is probably his own, but ehhhmm quite boring..! the design is absolutely
boring, instead of preface, contents etc the two 'artists' put some polish
poems in the colly. Ok, under normal circumstances there would be one-two
points from me, but Twister's style smells like RIPPED ! And this spoils
the within boring colly.

----------// next colly //--- -  -   -    -

   __ :-----------------------------: __
  _\ ||                             || /_
 |   ||   pHunk & aRcade pResents   ||   |     sCALE:
_|_  ||_   ¯       ¯      ¯        _||  _|_
\_   __   d O n ' t   s C r e a m   __   _/      o1      o5        1o
 |   ||     ¯           ¯           ||   |     [ x x x x x x x x · · ]
 |__ ||   by vOlatile and dEzibel   || __|
   /_||       ¯            ¯        ||_\       eiGHT pOiNTS !
      :-----------------( dz\a! )---:

March'99 is the month of co-ops, eh ? This time Dezibel and Volatile.
Dezibel is THE master of design, he already showed that in co-op projects
like 'Lassie - The Killer Collie' with Mortimer and Acorn. He simply rocks
with his '¼'-design... Also his letter style is getting better and better.
I am sure that in one-two years, if there will still be ascii, Dezibel will
have the status of the second Mogue...!  Volatile did also pretty work on
hius letters. But Vola dear why do you do file description logos that are
longer than 45 lines ?  Have you never called boards ?  Tell me, who needs
a desc that is 50 lines or longer ?!  Well i talked to Volatile on IRC and
he stated that he have done this descs just for fun and he gives a fuck if
they will be used or not... Ok man but than these are no descs but simple
logos !  Vola your style is nice but if you want to see your styles flying
from board to board you must do descs so everyone can use them !  This
masterpiece of colly would earn full 9 points but the fact of these 'wrong'
descs allow me to give 'only' 8... But: keep on good work !

----------// next colly //--- -  -   -    -

    _______     _______   ________
 ___\    _/__ __\   __/_ _\   _  /_
|    \___    |        __|     _    |
·--\_________!----\_____!-----/____!           sCALE:
s.a.t.i.v.e  m.e.a           zbr!s3a
------------------------------------             o1      o5        1o
                 construction kit 01           [ x x x x x · · · · · ]
         sative mea proudly presents
  azzaro [the man who made too much]           fiVE pOiNTS !

Hmmmm... I don't know... One one hand, it's a quite nice idea to do style
alphabets. (Although this idea is not new, some pc ansi artists did this
already in 1995). One the other hand, it is the start of the death of amiga
ascii. If every artist do this, there will be no need in future collies;
every artist will do one colly with his style, and no further collies filled
with requests will be needed. This vision horrifies me. This is no way !
But, i think, just now is no reason to worry. No one will use such
construction kits to build logos, i think and hope...
But because some of these styles are quite nice, this colly will get its five

----------// next colly //--- -  -   -    -

      _________     :
_ ___(        /     .  ________
      `______/________/        \               sCALE:
_ ___________\       /          \________
.d w a r f.\________/\__________/      __\       o1      o5        1o
                    . '99 /     ` ________\    [ x x · · · · · · · · ]
  .p r e s e n t s. :    /__________/
                    ·                          tWO pOiNTS !
  a s c i i c o l l y c a l l e d.
             .t h e f l a t m a s t e r.

Well another beginner colly... The artist claims this to be his fourth colly...
I must confess that i never heard of a Dwarf before he asked me for some guest
logos some time before this colly was released. Mhhh... The colly is nicer as
some other newbie collies... But I absolutely can not accord to the style of
the letters sorry... Hehe I cant explain what I dislike on this letters, but
there is something about proportions and readability. Sorry only two points.
But Drawf please dont get dismotivated !  I'm expecting more in the future !
But please overthink your style...

----------// next colly //--- -  -   -    -

conclusion at the same....
time commencement.........
by krs/linear............                      sCALE:

                                                 o1      o5        1o
                                               [ x x x x x x x · · · ]

                                               sEVEN pOiNTS !

I think Krs is the best polish ascii styler of today... If someone still says
that polish ascii sucks in general he should look at this colly. Well
hehe the polish asciiers alvays loved some very strange colly building styles
like doing crypted collys etc... This colly should be viewed backwards, from
the end of file to the start. Not very original idea, and in my opinion it
also sucks because it's not very comfortable to view. But the letter style
of Krs is really GREAT !  Really ! Very nice logo design, proportional
correct, readble but still styled as hell letters... Hehe okee.. Another
'sucking' factor are the guest logos: they all suck big time hehe ;)
Not comparable to the artist's style... Whoah seven points ! Respect !
It's the style which's kickin' up the points !
ps: Hey Krs why not use a Linear diz !??!?! Forgotten ?

----------// next colly //--- -  -   -    -

   _  . l i n e a r . _____
   \\ .______.   ____ \   |
    \\| _    |___\__ )|___|
  __ \\ \____|____l/__|____  __                sCALE:
  \   \__\     Bd!/La! \___\  /
  |                           |                  o1      o5        1o
  |  luk give you today 11th  |                [ x x x x x · · · · · ]
  |     ascii colly called    |
  |     [ c o l d c u t ]     |                fiVE pOiNTS !
  |                           |
  |  klimatt design + versEs  |
  |   [ peer/phase truce ]    |
  |                           |
  |  linear production'1999   |

Luk seems to have worked hard on his letters in the past months... Nice, nice !
Although there are still some, in my opinion illogical, parts in his style
alphabet, but all in all the logos are quite nice, the iff2ascii letters are
really nice !  The colly design seems to be also quite ok, its a pitty that
i cant read the polish texts... All in all a nice production, but it still
can't reach the level of Krs, whose skills, i think, are now the quality
level of polish ascii to compete with the west-european styles. Five points.

----------// next colly //--- -  -   -    -

     /\_      /     /                          sCALE:
__ _/__/ /\  / _/__/ _______________________
   /    /  \/  /  \_                             o1      o5        1o
       /                 hard knock life       [ x x x x x x x x · · ]
                                               eiGHT pOiNTS !

For me, it was definitively the biggest ascii surprise of the month...
Taxi, the author of this collection, is one of the last 'old' ones, with
a really great style. Such a great style is a seldom nowadays... Ok there is
strictly no colly design, and the colly is extremely short, but this great
style lets every asciier's heart beat faster !  If this colly was a little
bit bigger and had some design i would give it _full_ ten points.
ps: this was a guest release, Taxi is _no_ member of Phunk Ascii !

Well, there was also a colly from me this month, a!-diz2.txt, but i won't
review it eheheh...;) Check it yourself !

------\ 2 \----------\ i n t e r v i e w \--- -  -   -    -      -

dip/a! = diPSWiTCH\aRCADE!^1oo%  / <dipswitch@losendos.ourfamily.com>
    nD = nEURODANCER\1oo%  / <neurodancer@gmx.de>

dip/a!: How long are you in "scene" and how long are you doing ascii ?

    nD: I started with the Amiga 1987. My first "scene" contact was in...
        hmmm, 1989, when I joined "Venom" as a musician. Before that, I've
        never been in any group except some selfmade bunch o' lamers. :)
        Ascii is one part of the stuff I do since... hmmm... my first contact
        with the modem scene, I think that was 1992. I saw the board logos and
        stuff at a friend's who was pretty active calling around (1600 DM in
        his first month - grin), and I really liked it. Just to satisfy my
        very own interest, I started doing a logo for the BBS my pal spent a
        lot of time on, Kiwi's "Digital Implosion". The logo was fantastic,
        brilliant, gorgeos, wonderful (of course, haha) - and too big. :) You
        know, back in these days people barely knew that they could use more
        that 80x24 terminal emulation on their Amiga... :) my friend himself
        used to call BBS' with a 4 color terminal, using the standard 4 Amiga
        WB 2.x colors (grey/white/black/blue)... hoho. :)

dip/a!: How did you get into the computer scene in general and why you
        started doing ascii ?

    nD: Uhmm... shit... isn't this nearly the same as question #1? :) Well, I
        "really" started doing Ascii when I was in Abyss. I did "Abyss" logos
        and File_ID.diz stuff for this group (I was a co-founder of Abyss,
        don't let yourself be fooled by texts other guys whose handle starts
        with "P" wrote for some disk mag), mainly as a front-end for the packs
        we did (well, the "Abyss presents blabla" you know until the menu was
        loaded from disk), and of course for trading.
        Skindiver (one of the very active swappers in Abyss) was in an Ascii
        group (called "Scontrax") as well, long before I myself did Ascii with
        the goal in mind to actually see my logos *used* :) - the logos
        weren't appreciated very much by many of the "new" members (even
        though two years after I *left* Abyss I found them using my logos,
        then, pretty crazy). I started my own Ascii group, as a side-project
        of Abyss first, together with Michael aka "Dreamer" and soon after
        Peter aka "Aerosoul" - that was the birth of 1oo%.

dip/a!: How many collies did you release till now ?

    nD: Not many... if you count the coloured and IBM-Ansi packs in, its only
        12 collections over all the years. I'm still mainly a musician with
        whole of my heart, and I had the most requests for my IBM-Ansi stuff,
        and those requests came from Amiga sysops who used IBM screens in
        their BBS', pretty strange... :)

dip/a!: Everybody knows the 1oo% clique... Tell us about 1oo% in general !
        What were the aims of 1oo%, when and how it began, why it is so quite
        around 1oo% nowadays ?

    nD: As I already said, 1oo% was initially the result of Dreamers and my
        own Ascii activities. That was 1995. However, soon after we also
        started doing doors for our beloved CNet BBS program, and 1oo% became
        more and more a group concentrating on that goal. Aerosoul was never
        really active in 1oo%, it was mostly me doing the Ascii/Ansi stuff. I
        tried to re-activate Skindiver/ex-Scontrax after he finished his
        military service, but he wasn't really that much interested in Ascii
        anymore as he went the Intel way. When Hawkwind joined we thought it
        might give the Ascii branch of 1oo% a better output, but he's a lazy
        bastard just like the rest of us. Besides that, the "BBS tools" branch
        expanded with Anti-g who did nice doors for Tempest BBS - until
        Tempest development was stopped (maybe you know the "why"), and his
        Amiga broke, soon after.
        Well, why is it so quiet around 1oo% these days? People moved into all
        different directions. Aerosoul left soon after he joined. Mxlprx set
        priority to his studies. Anti-g's Amiga went broke as I already told,
        and I understand perfectly well that he didn't had it fixed and
        continued on the PC he had for quite a while, only. Devil closed his
        BBS due to no response from the callers and is on the IBM route now,
        the same goes for Dreamer. Bud's Amiga was long broken and has just
        been fixed. Adolescent vanished somewhere in California, maybe under
        his Toyota pickup truck :) - Miracle was pretty good and active but
        also went to the PC because of his future studies, he's concentrating
        on graphics design now.
        1oo% still consists of Anti-g, Bud, Devil, Dreamer, Fate, Hawkwind,
        Miracle, myself and *you*, though we don't really know what all these
        people do, anyway?! :)
        To sum it up: most of the activity died when people moved to other
        platforms than the Amiga, and we missed to find a way to keep the
        activity up after that. This especially goes for Dreamer, he was
        really one of the persons who was quite motivating for me all the
        time. That doesn't mean the group died, we're still in contact now and
        then (via a mailinglist and telephone calls, some even call my BBS,
        unbelievable - grin), and actually, we're looking for a way to get all
        the people together again, but it ain't easy since we've never been
        all-Ascii, but coders, as well. 1oo% was always based on friendship
        and *contact* amongst its members. There was never ever something like
        a "leader" pressuring people to release something, nor would I in my
        role of one of the founders of the group ever use this to push the
        people into a certain direction. I only see what people do and comment
        it, and at this very moment we're of course in a struggle of what fits
        1oo% and what not.

dip/a!: Who were the artists who motivated and inspired you in the beginning ?

    nD: Treach's old big style was gorgeos. Phase was simple but stylish, same
        goes for Juan. I can't remember others that really influenced me.
        There are many good names in the Ascii world.

dip/a!: What, in your opinion, was the best colly ever released ?

    nD: This might sound stupid, but the best thing with those character
        graphics was, no doubt, "Bubonik teenage walruss in the funafied
        kingdom of sodomatron" (did I spell that one right?!) by dHM/Arclite.
        I really laughed my arse off when I saw those funny moomin paintings
        with the obscene and anarchistic speech bubbles. :)

dip/a!: What was the lamest production ever (rip attempts etc.) ?

    nD: I think that there are only very few guys who actually *really* ripped
        other's work for their own use/fame. Personally, I think many of the
        accusations going around are just based on strong influence and,
        really, coincidence.
        I looked at some styles and often thought "wow, this pretty looks like
        my own stuff", yet I *know* I haven't seen the stuff before. I can't
        blame anyone for being a beginner, yet I think that some people in the
        Ascii scene didn't develop their style into the right direction. It
        seems to me as if some people out there rely on their reputation and
        that the masses will accept anything, anyway. No names.
        What really pisses me off though is a) the "ghettoish" behaviour of
        some dudes (eg. putting rude/aggressive lyrics in the collection,
        maybe for the sake of being cool, I don't know), be it due to the
        inspiration of music or whatever. When I see something like that I
        always imagine some spot-covered teen face in front of a screen,
        wanking while watching porn pics, and then raise their self esteem by
        being "cool" in their Ascii work; and b) the "show of superiority" or
        how one might call it, by saying "bow down to the evil mothafuckaz
        from hell and pray to us" (totally self invented but would fit some
        dudes perfectly well I'd say) and stuff like that in their
        collections. For me, this is childish and most ridiculous, but then
        again, this is a matter of taste and personality, as well.

dip/a!: Nowadays many ascii artists, even some "legends", draw on pc. Do you
        think this has an influence on the quality, even if the people draw
        on pc with amiga charset ?

    nD: I can't really say if the PC Ascii guys influenced (former) Amiga
        artists, or if Amiga artists now on the PC... well, whatever. There
        are very good artists on the PC, though. One name that immediately
        comes to my mind is Hiro Protagonist/Remorse. Very readable, very
        stylish, small gimmicks that make each logo unique, I really have a
        hang on his stuff. For me, its not important on what platform the art
        was made, and one of the main reasons for that attitude indeed was
        HP's work: when I first saw his work, I thought "this must be an Amiga
        artist", and I was wrong. This really changed my mind. It doesn't
        matter if you're using a PC or an Amiga for Ascii... IMO, of course.

dip/a!: Do you think the ascii newbies of today should be better informed
        about the past of the ascii scene ?

    nD: Well... life goes on. I don't want to teach anyone a history lesson.
        The important thing is that you DO it. I mean... I myself don't know
        all the history of Ascii'ing. When I started my BBS in 1994, I even
        explicitely stated that I don't want Ascii collections uploaded. :)
        But, I do have a look at the old collections now and then, to remind
        myself whats the key of Ascii art (and that itself is a question of
        definitions), and thats the advise I should like to give new
        artists... break the rules while melting own ideas into the great
        link. :)

dip/a!: Whom of the artists which started in the last two years you would give
        respect ?

    nD: I'm sorry to say that, but I don't really follow all the development
        in the Ascii scene with that much interest - to be honest, I never
        did, and besides that, I think that many of todays collections are
        rather boring.

dip/a!: Why are you avoiding the IRC ?
        Well, at first there's the cost. I don't have the money to spend hours
        online. Then its a question of time. I don't see much sense in
        spending my time in a channel with loads of smalltalk and, no doubt,
        funny nonsense. I don't have the foggiest idea what really might go on
        there, and I think I'm spending too much time in front of that screen
        already. Besides that, I'm not a pupil or student but do regular work
        during the daytime, which leaves the evenings and weekends for both
        relaxation and the housework in my flat. :) I mainly use the internet
        for email and very few ftp sessions now and then, thats all. If I
        spend money on my phonebill, I enjoy it more to call BBS'.

dip/a!: As every ascii artist, you will do bbs addys from time to time i think.
        But you are usually the one who fucks about bbs addys, and you also
        do not add an addy in your bbs... Isn't that a controverse ?

    nD: Lets keep the difference between a BBS logo (used on logon screens)
        and adds. I think I mostly did BBS logos intended for usage on logon
        screens, and thats ok for me. I provided many of the requestors with
        colored versions of the logo I did right from the start, to make clear
        what the logo was done for from my point of view, or what I thought
        the logo should be used for in the first place.
        I did some aggressive adding time ago, too, with random or shifting
        names and all the usual bullshit. I even did a small ARexx program for
        shifting the adds' name around, "1oo% Puzzle" - it picks a name for
        the add out of a list randomly. Now *thats* controverse, I must agree.
        But what is it good for except lifting the supreme ego of the sysop? I
        enjoy viewing an Ascii collection in CEd without wading thru pages of
        adds first. I enjoy unpacking an archive without having the directory
        littered with countless obsolete files. I mean... most of the adds are
        full of bragging, and every add I've seen just looks like you *have*
        to be on that board or your life won't be fulfilled and your existence
        is imcomplete. So? Its the usual commercial crap, and I avoid it. Just
        like when you switch the TV channel when the programme is interrupted
        by commercials. Luckily, the computer allows me to remove the
        commercials, not just zapping. :)
        I remove adds on my BBS manually most of the time - because I don't
        see why my callers need to download useless bytes, and because you
        can't trust any of the clever "strippers" (except for textfiles). I
        think 90% of the files in my BBS are free of obsolete files/bytes, and
        I'm actually proud of that. If adds were for the sake of following the
        "path" a file took (as you once said), there were other ways to do
        this, but they were not accepted by the scene. For me, massive adds
        are something like saying "fuck you" to the "others" out there, and a
        show of disrespect. I don't mind a single textfile with 1 or two
        kilobytes. What really pisses me off are multiple adds from the same
        board, or even executables/pictures etc. Due to the nature of the
        scene, adds don't have numbers or IP addresses, so we end up with the
        same question: what is it good for?

dip/a!: Doesn't it makes you worry that the ascii scene distances more and more
        from the bbs scene and moves over to the internet, though on the
        internet itself there is quasi no use for ascii art ?

    nD: I'm not only worried about the conflict "internet<>ascii". I'm worried
        of the increased internet activity in general. Its so unpersonal,
        everything is so much torn apart. You get the latest stuff from ever
        changing FTP sites. You download files from anonymous sites or bots.
        Everything is becoming more and more anonymous and private, the
        feeling of "general sharing" isn't there, anymore. BBS' can offer
        more. BBS' have a real personality... *but* being on a BBS also
        demands something from the caller, and many guys out there aren't
        willing to give away files, time and knowledge easily, while on the
        other hand hanging around in the internet hours and hours. Thats sad.
        Times have changed, and life goes on. But the development doesn't make
        me happy. People tend to be want-only.

dip/a!: Do you see a future for the ascii art, or is it dying slowly ?

    nD: As long as there are people who do it, it won't die. But the glorious
        days are over, no doubt. I think its time for a change of Ascii art.
        Collections of logos chained into a single file, "logo clusters" as
        they were called in the PC Ansi scene, are boring for me now.

dip/a!: What do you think about iff2ascii a la mortimer twang ?

    nD: I really like it if its balanced with "real" art, or if it is "real"
        art itself. But I prefer the stuff thats reduced to fewer characters,
        such as dots or whatever. I really liked that "sos-coop.txt"
        collection with the dotted style ONLY. With interest I followed the
        quarrels of "oldskool" vs. "newskool", meaning the old Amiga style vs.
        the "$" (or whatever) style of many PC artists, which actually looked
        a lot like iff2ascii at times.

dip/a!: "Readable" versus "unreadable" style ?

    nD: Hehe... sucker :) - I knew this would come. I prefer readable style. I
        mean... whats the point if you *really* need the header on top of a
        logo that says whats crypted below there as a logo? Style and
        readability do not exclude each other, on the contrary: the better the
        artist, the more he can make his stuff readable WITH style. And Ascii
        art can be stylish by adding certain gimmicks and stuff to it, as
        well. On the razor's edge of readable or not, Mogue's style marks the
        border of readability for me, but its a really really great style,

dip/a!: Some words about your board ?

    nD: "Some words?" - you bet. :) Hmmm... it started in early 1994, named
        "Floodland", then "Spiceland", then "The Ambush", and now its "Aurora
        Borealis" and I think :) I'm gonna keep that name, hehe.
        I'm not using any of the AmiExpress clones, I'm running CNet BBS. Many
        of those "hard core" AmiEx users can't cope with the program, but hey,
        that must've something to do with activity of the brain (ahem).
        Nowadays my BBS is not open for the public anymore as it used to - I
        was totally fed up with idiots logging in as new users without
        answering ANY of the questions in the questionaire, not leaving their
        voice phone number, not even their real name. In return they expected
        immediate full access to the system... hey, whats this all about? If
        some people have such a divine paranoia, why do they call with ISDN
        and transmit their number, anyway? :)
        So I closed the open gates of Aurora Borealis. I'm concentrating on my
        art collection (mainly modules, but also ascii and some pixel gfx) and
        keep my Amiga collection, which I think is one of the best maintained
        and a very good archive for every Amiga user (it dates back to they
        days when the BBS initially started and beyond). People who are really
        interested can contact me via email for an account, thats no problem.
        I strictly follow the "30 days no call means account gone" rule. I
        *expect* interest and activity from my users. I do *not* expect
        excessive uploading, repeat, I *expect* interest, and this does mean
        *downloading* as well. It gives me the creeps seeing people browsing
        thru the directories with new files, barely reading the descriptions,
        and logging off as if they don't care at all. Those people should sell
        their modem, turn of their computer, throw their mouse into the toilet
        (and flush), and their monitor out of the window. Why do they switch
        it on at all, why do they call a BBS? To frustrate the sysop?

dip/a!: Wanna greet some people ?

    nD: My greetings list is always incomplete. Everytime I released a
        collection or a module, just after I started spreading it, I noticed
        someone was missing whom I really wanted to greet. So, here's some
        handshakes to all out there who know me, support me, talk to me.
        You're the air that I breathe.

dip/a!: Thanks for the nice interview !

------\ 3 \----------\ r e l e a s e  l i s t \---- -  -   -     -

.-- mARCH 1999 - -   -     -
| filename     | colly title                | artist    | crew    | date     |
| lp!-hup.txt  | ?                          |darkus&markus| lo'pro| 03.03.99 |
| sea-ch01.txt | construction kit 01        | azzaro    | sea     | 06.03.99 |
| k0-rofli.txt | rhythm of life             |twister&cnr| k0re    | 08.03.99 |
| a&pnk-ds.txt | don't scream               | dez&vola  | a! & pnk| 09.03.99 |
| la!-cld.txt  | coldcut                    | luk       | linear  | 12.03.99 |
| dwf-fm.txt   | flatmaster                 | dwarf     | -       | 13.03.99 |
| la!-csc.txt  | conclusion at the same...  | krs       | linear  | 20.03.99 |
| pnk-hkl.txt  | hard knock life            | taxi      | phunk   | 28.03.99 |
| a!-diz2.txt  | get a dizzie vol.2         | dipswitch | arcade  | 30.03.99 |

 totally ca.550kb (+- bbs ads) in 9 collections !

 'tWAS a bAAD bAAD aSCii mONTH...;( a liTTLE mORE pLEEASE !

------\ 4 \----------\ c h a r t s ' 9 9 \---- -  -   -     -

             -  /  -     c   h   a   r   t   s   '   9   9  -  /  -

                   1.  arcade (a!)           -  10  collections

                   2.  sative mea (sea)      -   5  collections

                   3.  remorse (r)           -   4  collections

                   4   low profile (lp!)     -   3  collections
                       phunk (pnk)           -   3  collections
                       save our souls (sos)  -   3  collections
                       style (se)            -   3  collections

                   5.  faction (ftn)         -   2  collections
                       kore (k0)             -   2  collections
                       linear (la!)          -   2  collections
                       tasg/tesg             -   2  collections

                   5.  black maiden (bm)     -   1  collection
                       die kranken bomber (dkb)  1  collection
                       element (e)           -   1  collection
                       extreme arts (ea)     -   1  collection
                       mimic (m)             -   1  collection
                       mo'soul (m's)         -   1  collection
                       shrimps design (shd)  -   1  collection
                       up rough (up!)        -   1  collection

----- -  -   -     -       -

  yo that was it ! a slow month but i hope there'll be more in april !

  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo%  // <dipswitch@losendos.ourfamily.com>

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|_ __ _          fEATURiNG:          _ __ _|
\_\\_\\\\     ÷ cOLLY rEViEWS ÷    ////_//_/
|                ÷ cHARTS ÷                |
|__  ÷ iNTERViEW wiTH nEURODANCER\1oo% ÷ __|
 /    -/-  1  2  /  0  4  /  9  9  -/-    \

      ._____            ______________________________________________.
      |    |            | · aMiGA · aLL cONSOLES · gRAFFiTi · aSCii · |
      |____|      ._____  · hiPhOP · liNUX · pC/iBM · cLASSiC gAMES · |
                 _|    /________     ____                             |
   ______________\    _        /_ __(  _/_________ ·aSK fOR tHE nUP!· |
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| 3 diAL-uP sLOTS       |   ____    <<(·THE YARD·))>   _____.
| 4 iSDN tELNET sLOTS ______\_  )__    ____    ________\    |_ lOCATED iN 
|_______ _________    \      _    /____\_  )___\        _    /  gERMANY!
         \_      /---//______/____\\    /     //________\ ___\ ----------·
          /______   /              /____\_______\                    .   |
               /____\ aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · pPH eHQ   __|___|
                lP! gHQ · pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ |__|
                         · hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS ·