This is the traxweekly issue 26 translate into jive via the jive server at  I just thought it was so funny, i'd upload it. :)
                           _| :            _____
          ______________  |___|  _ _______/ 26 /\___________________________
         /  ____________/ /\__\ _ _______/____/_____________________________
        /  /  _________   \/__/    ______\ 26 \_____________________________
       /  /  /          `_  .  .~         \____\/                 _  __ ___
      /  /  /     _____   . _ \                                __ ___ _/__/\
     /  /  /     /    /\ _                                       __  __\__\/
   _/__/  / ____/    /__\_________________________________  _____      ___ _
  / 26 /\/ /___     __________  _   ______   _     ___    \/    /\    / 26 /
 /____/26\ \  /    /\     /      __/\   /         /\  \    \   /  \  /____/
 /  / \  /  \/    /_ \___/___/     \ \_/___/     /  \_/       /   /  \ ___\
   /  /_/   /______/\/   \  /______/\/ \  /_____/   //   \    \  /    /  / \
  /  /      \      \ \    \_\      \ \  \_\     \  //____/\____\/    /  /  /
 /  /        \______\/       \______\/     \_____\/ \    \ \    \   /  /  /
   /                                                 \____\/\____\ /  /  /
  /  _____     _____     _____     _____     _____     _____      /  /  /
 /__/ w  /\___/    /\___/ e  /\___/    /\__ / l  /\___/    /\____/  /  /
 __/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/________/  /
 __\    \____\  e \____\    \____\  k \ ___\    \____\  y \__________/
    \____\/   \____\/   \____\/   \____\/   \____\/   \____\/WW
                                                 ps, dig dis: woa, some rendered ax'ee.  Right On!  

 TraxWeekly Issue, dig dis: #26 | Release date, dig dis: 09-14-95 | Current subscribers, dig dis: 332

        _          _________________
       /_\         \__             /  (stoney ax'ee)
      ____     ______ \____   ____/____________  ______
    _/    \  _/  \   \ww_/    \  _/   ________/_/   _  \
 __/       \/     \   \/       \/          \  /     |   \__ ___  ___ _______
 _/        \\  \      \\       \\     |    \\/      |    \_ ___  __ __ ____
 /___________\__\_______\________\____|______\____________\ \__\

 Danks fo' waaay downloadin' TraxWeely #26.  Right On!    If no one waaay downloaded TraxWeekly,
 ah' would gots' no reason t'put it togeder, so's danks fo' yo' sdownpo't :)

 If ya' would likes t'sdownpo't TraxWeekly even mo'e, how about writin'
 an article?  Widout dis sdownpo't, dere would be no TraxWeekly eida' =)

 Danks t'Psibelius, Mho'am, Swill, Kal Zekad, and AmusiC fo' deir

 I'm goin' t'make TraxWeekly as regular as possible, fum now on,
 TraxWeekly gots'ta be released at 11pm EST on IRC, and gots'ta be on
 de mailin' list and ftp.cdrom.  'S coo', by 11:30.  So if ya' wants' yo'
 copy "hot off de press" be sho' nuff t'be on IRC at 11pm on Dursday.  Right On!  

 - Popco'n
 - campbell@fox.nstn.  'S coo',


 ________  _________________________________________________________________
 /  ____/_/       __/    \  __/         /  _____/    \  __/      __/   ___/_
<   \____\    \   \\      \ \\____   __/   __/_\      \ \\____   \_____  \__
 \        \    \   \\   \    \ww\     \\       \\   \    \  \     \       \_
 _\________\________\\___\____\  \_____\\_______\\___\____\  \_____\_______\

  General Articles

     1. Blah, Who Cares?...........................Psibelius
     2. Why are we here?...........................Mho'am
     3. De Art uh a Fool..........................Swill
     4. Faces in de Crowd.........................Kal Zakad

  Grodown Columns

     1. Epinicion.  'S coo', bro..................................Psibesius
     2. Sho'test Internashunal Music Competishun...Abeat
     3. Contrast Votin'............................Mystical


     TraxWeekly Subscribin'/FTP/WWW Info
     Grodown Members


-[1. Blah, dig dis: Who Cares?]------------------------------------------[Psibelius]-

      ah' dink I'm pretty safe t'assume dat some large numba' of ya' are
 pissed at Popco'n and TraxWeekly's state uh affairs fo' last mond.  Let me
 assho' nuff ya' dat ah' wuz indeed pissed as all heck as sheeit, cuz' I wuz
 seein' some solid publicashun wid about 50 uh de content mine go waaay down-
 hill...sheeit, guess whut?  Popco'n's back t'runnin' TraxWeekly, but befo'e
 ya' go screamin' in anguish, give me some few minutes.

      So Popco'n's slacked off quite some bit...coincidentally he manages to
 git into some medical turnova' right at da damn puh'fect instance.  What it is, Mama!  Do we care?
 Is it really dat significant?  De wo'ld be not goin' t'end if TraxWeekly
 duzn't mosey on down out on time.  What it is, Mama!..but it duzn't make anyone happy if it NEVER
 comes out on time.  What it is, Mama!  De result uh TraxWeekly #25 be quite apparent...a few
 uh us, tired uh bein' dependent and unable t'get some progress, took it
 into our own hands t'get TraxWeekly out and back on schedule.  What it is, Mama!  Obviously,
 it's effected some serious repuh'cussions.  Fo'give and fo'get.  Popco'n is
 capable uh doin' his job.  Sheeeiit.

      ah' am here t'tell all uh ya' dat TraxWeekly gots'ta stay consistent.
 Startin' right now, ya' gots'ta see copies uh TraxWeekly mosey on down out every
 Dursday, widout delays o' 'suses.  I'm pretty sick uh dealin' wid
 'suses every damn week, and I'm sho' nuff most uh ya' are too.  De bottom line
 is, dig dis: TraxWeekly comes out, no matta' whut happens.  ah' assho' nuff uh dat.

      Anyways, I'll be back t'a no'mal writin' schedule next week, wid
 beat reviews, an interview (wow, about time.  Right On!  ), and few mo'e delicious
 tidbits I've been scrapin' off uh IRC #trax as uh late.  What it is, Mama! =)

                                        Psibelius [TraxWeekly]
                                        gwie@owl.csusm.  'S coo',

-[2. Why are we here?]------------------------------------------[Mho'am]-
 ah' wants'ed t'scribble an article on Windows 95 dis week, but I've been too
 busy t'get it done.  What it is, Mama!  Specifically, I'm plannin' on writin' an article
 about compatibility between Windows 95 and da damn various trackers, samplers,
 and players on de scene.  What it is, Mama!  I'd appreciate any comments o' bugs dat ya'
 may gots' - mail dem t'  'S coo', bro.  Once ah' get enough time to
 do some do'ough testin' I'll git de article out.

 Dis week, ah' would likes t'respond t'some comments by Psibelius in last
 week's issue.  What it is, Mama!  My disclaima' down front - dis be NOT intended t'start any
 type uh flame war.  Ah be baaad... Psibelius made some 'sellent points dat ah' would likes
 t'build downon and I'd also likes t'clarify some remarks dat he made in
 reference t'some uh my past articles.

 First, ah' couldn't agree mo'e - dere needs t'be some lot less criticism and
 some lot mo'e coopuh'shun on de scene.  What it is, Mama!  But most impo'tantly, it be vital to
 sepuh'te criticism fum opinion.  'S coo', bro.  Makin' some statement such as "dere needs
 t'be mo'e diversity on de scene" o' "rippin' samples be bad-ass" be givin'
 an opinion, not criticism.  'S coo', bro.  ah' strongly recon' dat everyone be entitled
 t'deir opinion, and wheda' o' not we agree wid it we should respect
 it.  De purpose uh TraxWeekly be to 'shange ideas and opinions wid
 oders in dis wonderful wo'ld uh beat.  We kin't be afraid t'share our
 opinions, even if many gots'ta disagree.  What it is, Mama!  Oderwise, why boda' writin'
 anydin' at all?

 Criticism be a whole different issue.  What it is, Mama!  Slammin' someone on some sucka'al level
 should not be tolerated in some publicashun o' some public fo'um.  'S coo', bro.  Personal
 disagreements should be settled privately.  Slap mah fro!  ah' really  duzn't care t'see
 wahtahmelluns such as "his beat sucks" o' "his moda' is some <fill in de blank>";
 I've gots betta' din's t'do wid mah' time.  What it is, Mama!  Fo'tunately, real little if
 any uh dis kind'a bashin'  snatch'd place publicly.  Slap mah fro!  And dat's de way it
 should be.  What it is, Mama!.. but dat's plum my opinion <G>.

 Of course, not all criticism be bad-ass.  Constructive criticism should always
 be welcome.  What it is, Mama!  Music and demo reviews gots'ta always be subjective in nature,
 and we should respect da damn opinions and doughts uh dose dedicated and
 brave enough t'publish deir reviews.  Comments such as "de song wuz
 really baaaad, but da damn strin's wuz an octave too high" o' "de change at
 pattern 10 wuz some little abrdownt, but clever" help us all improve and grow
 in our beatal career.  Ah be baaad...  Constructive criticism be always baaaad, provided it
 be honest, insightful, and not malicious.

 Hopefully dis be makin' some kind'a sense.  What it is, Mama!  It's late, I'm tired, and I
 gots' an edito' pushin' some wastedline <G>.  Not t'menshun de fact dat I'd
 rada' gots' mah' fin'ers on mah' mama instead uh dis keybo'd... ah, de
 sacrifices one makes.  Right On!    ah' would likes t'sucka'ally dank Psibelius fo'
 brin'in' de whole criticism issue t'de fo'efront; it's sump'n we all
 deal wid as beatians.  I'd also love t'commend him on his sdownerb use of
 irony - he 'espressed his strong feelin's against criticism by.  Slap mah fro!.. sheeit...
 criticizin' ;-).  Give him two points fo' cleverness.  Right On!  

 Dere be one last wahtahmellun I'd likes t'clarify befo'e ah' sign off.  What it is, Mama!  In a
 previous article ah' made da damn followin' statement, dig dis: "It seems dat everyone
 be tryin' t'become Skaven and scribble deir own spin on Second Reality.  Slap mah fro!"
 It seems ah' wuz  snatchn way out uh context; ah' dun didn't mean fo' dat t'be  snatchn
 literally.  Slap mah fro!  It wuz plum a simile; some figure uh speech (my English professo'
 would be proud).  ah' could gots' plum as easily used Beedoven o' Mozart as
 an 'esample, but ah' used Skaven since he's probably mo'e popular <G>.  ah' do
 not recon' dat Skaven gots'ta some intellectual propuh'ty rights t'any tune
 dat be written dat sounds remotely classical; ah' plum used his Second
 Reality as mah' 'esample since mos' everyone and deir pet dog gots'ta heard it.
 I'll be mo'e careful in de future.  What it is, Mama!.. I'm bein' watched out dere.  Right On!  

 Dat's enough babble fo' one week.  My apologies fo' goin' slightly off
 topic, but wahtahmelluns gots' been hectic and ah' aint had da damn chance t'scribble
 de articles dat ah' really wants'.  Next week I'll do mah' best t'put sump'n
 togeda' of mo'e interest.  Until den, let's all hope dat Popco'n gits
 betta' and da damn honky chicks git wetter.  Right On!  


 -[3. De Art uh a Fool and Oda' Misadventures in Tune City]-----[Swill]-

 So de end be sweet. Youse sighin' wid de relief at da damn end uh de Long
 Slog,in yo' seat, down as high as ya' kin wid puh'haps some bea' in yo' hand
 o' puh'haps sump'n less fillin' but plum as satisyin'. Youse lookin' at
 de monito' and dere's dis feelin' uh powa' inside yo' chest, crawlin'
 down yo' droat and drough de eardrums. As deaf as dead. Yo' dink, dig dis:
 What gots' ah' done? Is dis me? Oh mah' god, I'm standin' wid de Gods, and
 ah' can feel deir warm hands pattin' me across de back, some little too hard
 yes, but do ah' feel great.  Right On!   De monito' be hummin', de hard roll be waitin'
 fo' its next funcshun, and youse sittin' back relaxed starin' so's deep
 into de screen it begins t'hurt yo' eyes. And fo' de next hour youse
 still in dat posture, yo' ear drums are hurtin' now and while youse
 sittin' back, listenin' t'Dis Great Song, sump'n happens. Like a
 creepin' dead, ya' kin feel it slida' across yo' body.  Slap mah fro!

 As youse listenin' de song begins t'change.  What it is, Mama! Subtle changes at fust.
 Would not gots' been noticeable had ya' listened t'de song some few times.
 But ya' kin hear it. De melody be all wrong. It's alienated fum de
 whole piece; mos' likes some separate entity it jumps out at ya' until
 dat's all ya' hear.  Ah be baaad... Some uh de pulses are vibrated and it sounds
 drunken.  'S coo', bro.

 At once ya' stop de song, hang yo' 'haid low, and afta' a while go back
 t'de edit screen.  'S coo', bro. You's dink t'yo'self, dig dis: I'm betta' off widout a
 melody.  Slap mah fro! Who needs one anyway? Wasn't dere beat out dere dat only
 used puh'cussion? and some little bass line? Fo'get da damn bass line and just
 gots' de dumpin' whup'.  You's could call yo' beat puh'cussion techno, and
 hail in some new style uh boogy beat. So ya' delete da damn melody and de
 bass, whack dem out uh de sample directo'y.  Slap mah fro! Den ya' save da damn song.

 Dere's dis sour taste in yo' moud now. Yo' 'haid hurts and ya' drink
 some mo'e.  What it is, Mama! Afta' listenin' t'de song anoda' dozen times ya' decide a
 change be at hand; some title change.  What it is, Mama! You's call de song SHIT96.MOD and save
 it t'disk. Fuck it. Perhaps, ya' dink, ya''ll brin' it out uh de trunk
 and rewo'k it one day.  Slap mah fro!

 Youse still day dreamin' at da damn clunker hours later; ya''ve fo'gotsten
 de mod and are now dinkin' uh startin' anoda' song. Befo'e ya' even
 enta' de edit menu and way befo'e ya''ve even found some supa' fine samples
 ya' kin hear de applause inside yo' 'haid and da damn fan mail hittin' yo'
 hard roll, and havin'  snatchn out fust place in some half respectable comp.
 Kosmic be afta' ya' t'join deir ranks wid de offa' of bre'd and
 youse gots half some dozen requests already t'scribble songs fo' games. Oh
 de triumph.  Right On!   De glo'y.  Right On!   Bein' on top uh all dose strugglin' trackers out
 deir and standin' along side yo' new peers.

 Neva' once, while youse composin', do ya' dink dat later, not dat much
 later, youse goin' t'be disappointed and drunk wid de dought of
 suicide, and redojiggerd da damn song, dig dis: SHIT97.MOD. Why would ya'? Sho' nuffly Bo'is
 Blank wrote bad-ass songs, and Harlan Ellison bad-ass sto'ies dey hid away; de
 only sucka' in de wo'ld knowin' uh deir 'esistence da damn composa' him o'
 herself.  What it is, Mama! Ofcourseofcourseofcourseyeahofcourse.  What it is, Mama!..

 Ofcourse.  What it is, Mama!
 SWILL (calleach@land t'row.apana.  Sheeeiit.o'

-[4. Faces in de Crowd]------------------------------------[Kal Zakad]-

    Hello, and welcome t'a new weekly feature uh TraxWeekly.  Right On!    Dis column
 gots'ta be dedicated t'helpin' all aspirin' demoscene beatians out dere
 in deir quest t'make some dojigger fo' demselves in de rapidly growin' beat
 scene.  What it is, Mama!

    A'cuz uh de shea' volume uh beat bein' released dese days, it
 grows harda' and harda' to keep down wid all de new producshuns, and all
 de new composers.  Unfo'tunately, cuz' of dis, many sucka's reso't to
 plum FTPin' de beat uh de "big-ass dojigger" beatians.  Dere be nodin'
 inherently wrong wid dis, uh course, but many uh de unknodes are just
 left in de dust.  HORNET Demonews might review de songs, howeva' dat
 duz little t'help de no-dojigger composer.  Ah be baaad...  Deir song might be given some ***
 o' some ***+, yet dat hardly guarantees dat sucka's gots'ta give it some listen.  'S coo', bro.
 Dat's why de concept fo' dis column came about.  ah' figured dat wid a
 little bit uh press in some respected beat scene newsletter, some beatian could
 go some long way towards improvin' deir reputashun.

    Anyhow, here be whut we gots'ta include each week, dig dis:

  1) some little-ass info article about some little-knode composer
  2) some sho't interview wid de sucka' about his trackin' style, influence,
  3)  de composer's release listin', so's sucka's kin check out his tunes
  4)  de composer's e-mail address, so's listeners kin  t'row comments and

    If ya' are an unknode beatian and would likes t'be featured in Trax
 Weekly, here's how ya' do it, dig dis:

   Send an e-mail message t'me (Kal Zakad) at jtownsen@sescva.
    (o' ya' kin rap t'me on #trax, mah' nick be 'jtown').  Let me know a
    few bits uh info about ya', such as...

  1) dojigger, handle, grodown (if any), misc info if ya' wants' (age, where ya'
     live, where ya' go t'farm, whuteva' ya' wants' sucka's t'know)
  2) locashuns (FTP sites) uh one o' two uh yo' releases, so's I kin check
     dem out
  3) when ya''d gots' de time t'conduct some little-ass interview on IRC

   If ya' do dis, ah' should gots' no problem wo'kin' ya' into dis column.  'S coo', bro.
 Don't wo'ry dat yo' beat be not baaaad enough t'get ya' featured here.  What it is, Mama!
 De idea be to benefit da damn aspirin' beatian.  'S coo', bro.  If yo' beat shows some
 reasonable potential, i'll be mo'e dan happy t'help t'spread da damn wo'd
 about yo' wo'k. :>  Dis be jimmey to anyone who recon's dat mo'e sucka's
 in de scene should know about deir composishuns.  Right On!  

   Dank ya' fo' takin' de time t'read dis column;  ah' hope it gots'ta be
 able t'raise da damn awareness uh de scene t'some uh de great hidden talent
 out dere.  What it is, Mama!  Any quesshuns o' comments kin be directed t'me (Kal Zakad).
 I'll do mah' best t'answa' all e-mail.  Be seein' ya'.  Right On!  

                                              - Kal Zakad / Inferno -

                                           e-mail, dig dis: jtownsen@sescva.
                                              IRC: 'jtown' on #trax

/-[Grodown Columns]-----------------------------------------------------------

-[1. Epinicion Column]------------------------------------------------------
 ___ _______ _____________ ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ___________
 |  //      \\     \\_____)      \\_____)       \\_____)       \\      \\ |
 : /      o   \  o   \    \        \    \         \    \     o   \       \:
  //    _____//      /     \  :    /     \   _____/     \        /   :   \.
  \\_______/      _//______\\_|__//______\\_____//______\\_____//____|   /:
 :         \\____\\        ______________________________        oT /___//|
 |________________________//  e  p  ah'  n  ah'  c  ah'  o  n \\________________|

  New songs dis week include "Uninvited Guest" [XM] by Bert.

  De Septemba' beatdisk needs songs.  REPEAT: De Septemba' MusicDisk
  needs songs.  Danks t'de followin' fo' deir current contribushuns, dig dis:
  Aradia, Dodger, Frankenstein, Ng Pei Sin, Red Kin', River, Zalt, and
  Zoner.  Ah be baaad...  Members, please.  What it is, Mama!  We need some sdownpo't t'get dis disk off de
  ground.  We kin't affo'd t'keep puttin' our projects off.  What it is, Mama!



  Most uh Epinicion's 1995 releases kin be found at in
  /kosmic/epinicion.  'S coo', bro.

  No, we  duzn't gots' de plantationpage down yet.  Serva' Problems.  As Usual.

                                               Psibelius (Gene Wie)
                                               Epinicion Founder
                                               gwie@owl.csusm.  'S coo',

-[2. Sho'test Internashunal Music Competishun]------------------[AmusiC]-

            ______ _____ TM     __       __      __ __        __  __
            \    / \   /       /  / / / / /     /  / / /\/\  / / / /
            _\/ /_ / | \      /  / / / / /     /  / / / / / / / / /
           /   /  X  .  \    /  <_/ / <_/ --  /  / / / / / <_/ / /
           \  ____X___  /   /  / / / /       /  / / / / / /   / /
            \/MeEnUhTz\/    \ / / / /        \  \/ / / / /    \/  AmC

           Welcome To De Sho'test Internashunal Music Competishun

      Few Wo'ds On De Compo

           One Night Some Folks On De #trax Channel Were Plannin' To
           Organise A 20 Minute Tune Competishun. As ah' Went In #trax,
           Everyone Was Dealin' Wid Dat Matter, Wid A Great Amount
           Of Disbelief.  What it is, Mama! So, Since ah' Had Nodin' Betta' To Do, ah' Said
           To Myself, dig dis: Time To Do Somedin' Revoltin'. So ah' Did.

           ah' Made A Channel Called #ChIpCoMpO and Gadered Up People
           Who Were Mo'e Dan Glad To Participate.  What it is, Mama! ah' Created A Rules
           File, Spread It Arround, Rollcaled De Contestants, Pulled
           De Trigga' And Widin 2 Days, We Had Finished Bod De
           Competishun (which Lasted 30 Minutes) and De Votin' (which
           Lasted De Rest Of De 2 Days).

      De Day After

           Afta' De Final Results Had Been Released, ah' Recieved Good
           Remarks From Many People (Famous & Infamous) As Sheeit As Deir
           Anxiety To Participate To De Next Competishun. So ah' Decided
           To Establish Dis Competishun As A Weekly One.  What it is, Mama! ah' Even Talked
           To Popco'n And He Said, He'd Like Announcements And A Column
           Related To Dis Competishun, To Be Featured In Trax Weekly.  Slap mah fro!

      So Wid Yo' Blessin'

            We Managed To Turn Dis Happenin' Into A Legend, And Gave It
            A Name.  What it is, Mama!..

               So Welcome To De "20 Meenuhtz(tm) Chip-Compo"

      Trax Weekly

            ah' Want To Personaly Dank PopCo'n Fo' Addin' An Extra Column
            To Trax Weekly And Host Our Announcements And Results. So
            Each Week You's'll Be Info'med On Every Aspect Of De Competishun
            Danx Again PopCo'n.  'S coo', bro.. (TraxWeekly Is Now One Of Our Official

      Some Preliminary Clarificashuns

           A'cuz Of De Subject Of Dis Competishun, Its Easy Fo' One
           To "Cheat" And Prepare A Chip Tune A Week Befo'e De Arranged
           20 Minute Durashun Allowed. Aldough Someone Would Miss All
           De Fun Of It, We Were Fo'ced To Add An Extra Rule.  What it is, Mama!
           Each Week Dere Will Be A Sample Pack, Containin' Sho't (Chip)
           Samples, And De Composa' Should Use Dese Samples (All Or Less)
           To Create 'Sup, dudes Chip Tune.  What it is, Mama! De Samples Are Also Detuned, To Avoid
           Ready Made Patterns. I'm So'ry ah' Had To Establish Dis Rule, And
           ah' Know It Limits Creativity In A Way, But Its De Only Way To
           Avoid Cheatin'... If Someone Can Figure Of A Betta' Way To Do So,
           Please Contact Me On De Double.  What it is, Mama!

      Place And Time Of Competishun

           De 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo, Is Held Every Saturday On Channel
           #ChIpCoMpO (De Official 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo Channel) At
           02:00AM CET (MTV Europe's Time). So Fo' Dose Who Live In
           Europe And Sleep Early On Friday, Dey Should Fo'get Deir Sleep
           Fo' Dose Who Live In De States, It Should Be Friday Noon o'
           Afternoon, So Dere Wont Be A Problem.  'S coo', bro.

      Whats De Catch?

           Dere Is NO Catch Or Prize, Since De Competishun Is Held And
           Maintained By One Person Only, And Dere Is No Sponso' (Besides
           Bass Producshuns) To Sdownpo't It. So Its Done Fo' De Sake Of
           Havin' Fun, And Gainin' Fame Fo' Acquirin' 1st Place In De

                          \   \   __ __   ____ ____
                          / / //\/ // /  / __// __/
                         /  \// / // X__/ __//\_ \
                         \/\ \\__/ \/__/\__/ \___/

      (01) Contestants Should Be Present At #ChIpCoMpO Channel On De
           Competishun Time, And Declare Competito's. No Competito's Are
           Accepted Befo'e De Competishun Time, And Afta' Competishun
           Has Started.
      (02) Each Competito', Should Compete Wid Only One Tune, Which Should
           Comply Wid All Of De Followin' Rules :

           a) Maximum File Size (Uncompressed) Should Be 20 Kilobytes
           b) Maximum Numba' Of Channels Allowed Is 4 (foe)
           c) De Competito' MUST Use De Samples Of De Sample Pack Fo'
              De Tune, And At MOST 2 (two) Oda' Samples Of 'Sup, dudes/Ha' Choice.  What it is, Mama!
           d) De Tune Must Be DCC'ed Or Mailed Befo'e De Given Deadline
           e) De Tune Must Be Uncompressed

           A Tune Not Compatible Wid De Above Rules, Will Be Instantly

      (03) De Durashun Of De Competishun Is 20 Minutes Plus 10 Mo'e Fo'
           Connectin' and Transferin' De Tune.  What it is, Mama!
      (04) De Filedojigger Of De Tune Should Be Comprised Of 3 Parts. A Dree
           Letta' Abreviashun Of De Competito's Nickdojigger (Or Name), some dash
           And A Four Letta' Abreviashun Of De Song's Name  (.Extension).
           'es. If ah' Made A ChipTune Called Tomahawk, De File Name would
               Look Like Dis, dig dis:  amu-tmhk.mod
      (05) Allowed Fo'mats Are, dig dis: MOD (Pro/Fasttracker) Fo'mat
                                XM  (Fasttracka' ][ ) Fo'mat
                                S3M (ScreamTracka' 3) Fo'mat
      (06) All De Tunes Should Be DCC'ed To Usa' AmusiC In Channel
           #ChIpCoMpO Or Mailed To, dig dis: In MIME Fo'mat
           (Pine's Encrypshun Fo'mat).
      (07) Contestants Are Not Allowed To Leave #ChIpCoMpO Befo'e De
           Signal Dat Initiates De "Bout". Contestants Dat Leave Befo'e
           De Signal, Are Instantly Disquilified.
      (08) Votin' Takes Place Right Afta' De End Of De Competishun, And
           Lasts Till Sunday 2:00AM CET (When No Mo'e Votin' Fo'ms Will Be
      (09) Competito's Can Vote, But Cannot Vote Fo' Demselves. Also,
           Unless All Competito's Vote, No Competito''s Votefo'm Will Be
           Taken In Mind Fo' De Final Results.
      (10) Votefo'ms Should Also Be DCC'ed To Usa' AmusiC In Channel
           #ChIpCoMpO Or Mailed To, dig dis: In MIME Fo'mat
           (Pine's Encrypshun Fo'mat).

                    ______                __          ____
                    \  __/_  __  __/\    / / ________/ / /
                    / / /  \/  \/   /   / / / / / __/ _ <
                   / / / / / / / / /   / X_/ / / / / // /
                   \__/\__/\__/\__/    \/_/\__/\__/\/ \/

                               YOU'LL NEED IT.  Right On!  

            Credits Fly Ova' To DarkHeart and DeadBrin'a' Fo' Givin' Me
            De Initial Idea Of De 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo. Also To Mondo
            Cyberdmon, Ms_Saigon And Rimbo Fo' Participatin' In De Compo,
            As Sheeit To Mute, Fo' Winnin' De First Compo.

      Lookin' Fo'...

            20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo Is Lookin' Fo' A Place To Live In.  'S coo', bro.
            We Need An FTP Site To Host Our Announcements, Sample Packs
            Contestant Entries, Rule Files And Result Files.

            FTP Providers, Would Be Gladly Included In Our Announcement And
            Rule Files As Sponso's.

            We Need A Bot Fo' De #ChIpCoMpO Channel To Maintain It Open And
            Clean From Invasions. Bot Providers, Will Also Be Considered As
            Sponso's And Will Be Credited As Sheeit In Our Announcment And
            Rule Files.


            To Contact AmusiC (Sotiris Varotsis) e-mail at, dig dis:


            Or You's Can Occasionaly Find Me On IRC Channels, dig dis:

        #trax, #dax'mig, #amigascne, #ChIpCoMpO, #coders, #deend

      Endin' Notes

            ah' Hope You's Enjoy De Competishun, And Dat You's'll Help Us
            Keep De Flame Burnin'. Dank You's.

-[3. Contrast votin' Fo'm ]-------------------------------------------------

 Here's de votin' fo'm fo' Contrast #3, Purple's diskmag. Please fill it out
 and return it t', purple@diku.  Man!dk o' snail mail it to, dig dis:

  Troels Rasmussen
  Lindevej 4
  Massa' rlunde
  3550 Slangerdown

 - You's'll den be added t'de list uh voters included wid Contrast #3.

 NOTE: If ya' do not know ten (o' whuteva' number) uh entries dat are
 wo'd addin' t'de charts, DON'T.  Right On!   Only add dose dat ya' consida' baaaad
 enough t'include.  What it is, Mama! And please  duzn't vote fo' yo' own grodown/members of
 yo' grodown.


  Musician, edito' uh de Contrast Division


 Name/handle, dig dis:    .....................

 Grodown:          .....................

 Best demo, dig dis:      1: ..................           by      .................
                 2: ..................           by      .................
                 3: ..................           by      .................
                 4: ..................           by      .................
                 5: ..................           by      .................
                 6: ..................           by      .................
                 7: ..................           by      .................
                 8: ..................           by      .................
                 9: ..................           by      .................
                 10:..................           by      .................

 Best intro, dig dis:     1: ..................           by      .................
                 2: ..................           by      .................
                 3: ..................           by      .................
                 4: ..................           by      .................
                 5: ..................           by      .................
                 6: ..................           by      .................
                 7: ..................           by      .................
                 8: ..................           by      .................
                 9: ..................           by      .................
                 10:..................           by      .................

 Best game, dig dis:      1: ..................
                 2: ..................
                 3: ..................
                 4: ..................
                 5: ..................
                 6: ..................
                 7: ..................
                 8: ..................
                 9: ..................

 Best coder, dig dis:     1: ..................
                 2: ..................
                 3: ..................
                 4: ..................
                 5: ..................
                 6: ..................
                 7: ..................
                 8: ..................
                 9: ..................

 Best beatian, dig dis:  1: ..................
                 2: ..................
                 3: ..................
                 4: ..................
                 5: ..................
                 6: ..................
                 7: ..................
                 8: ..................
                 9: ..................

 Best graphician, dig dis:
                 1: ..................
                 2: ..................
                 3: ..................
                 4: ..................
                 5: ..................
                 6: ..................
                 7: ..................
                 8: ..................
                 9: ..................


 TraxWeekly be available via ftp fum
 ftp.cdrom.  'S coo', /pub/demos/incomin'/news (new issues)
 ftp.cdrom.  'S coo', /pub/demos/news/traxw/   (back issues)

 TraxWeekly be also available via WWW fum
 http, dig dis://
 http, dig dis://

 To subscribe,  t'row mail to, dig dis:      listserver@oliver.  Ah be baaad...sun.  'S coo',
 and put in de message body, dig dis:     subscribe traxweekly [yo' real dojigger]
 To unsubscribe, mail same and, dig dis:   unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

 Articles submitted fo' TraxWeekly must be fo'matted fo' 76 columns, gots' a
 space precedin' every line, and must be eyeballable/dig itable.  What it is, Mama!

 Fo' quesshuns and comments, ya' kin contact da damn TraxWeekly staff at, dig dis:

   Dragunov (Nicholas St-Pierre).[WWW]
   Maelcum (Dan Nicholson).......[Co-Ordinato']..moddan@ritz.  Slap mah fro!mo'do'.com
   Mho'am (Raz'tus Niespodzianski)..[Columnist]
   Popco'n (Chris Campbell)......[Edito']........campbell@fox.nstn.  'S coo',
   Psibelius (Gene Wie)..........[Columnist].....gwie@owl.csusm.  'S coo',

 Please submit articles t'popco'n at campbell@fox.nstn.  'S coo',, any ideas fo'
 new articles o' columns kin be sent t'maelcum at moddan@ritz.  Slap mah fro!mo'do'.com


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        .::::.      .:::::.:::.     ..::::  ::::               :
       ::    ::    :::  .::  ::    ::     WW::::               :
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        :::.::.  :::  .:: .::  .:::::...   :: :::..      ... ..: ...
 ..::::::::::::::::  .:: .:::::::   ::::::::    ::::::.. ::: ::: :::
                                              until next week.  Right On!   (=
           ..  ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .
JIBE at da Department uh Computa' Science, University uh Zurich