Odyssey '95 was held in Letohallen in Dal, Norway from July 6th to 9th.

                           Odyssey '95 results file

PC Demo
 1.  01  Inferiors               2nd Christianity       222
 2.  02  ATC                     The Creation           142
 3.  04  SubLogic                Natural Born Demomakers 71
 4.  03  The Shadow              Integer                 54

Amiga Demo
 1.  01  Super Mario Brothers    XLN-35                 130
 2.  02  ?                       ?                       50

PC 64K Intro
 1.  01  Mercurite               Slosh                  178
 2.  03  Bed & Breakfast         M&M                    112
 3.  02  Rectum Cauda            Long Live Geir          76
 4.  04  Sjitt Au                Potetmos                65
 5.  05  NostraDame              1st Girltro             27

PC 4K Intro
 1.  02  MLJ/Xenogenesis         XNG4K                  141
 2.  01  Twaddler/Proxima^Inferiors  Hoppla 1,5KByte    129
 3.  05  Joker/ATC               Backward                67
 4.  03  St. George & Cortex/TUC Desperat                54
 5.  04  Solitaire/No Operation  3Kb                     35

Amiga 4K Intro
 1.  01  ?                       ?                      n/a

 1.  03  Dominei/Inferiors       I Need Bux             101
 2.  05  Outzider/DarkZone       Initial Nexxus          84
 3.  04  TMK/Inferiors           NeoDeo                  69
 4.  01  YuNe/Hijack             Anders VIseSang         63
 5.  02  Twaddler/Proxima^Inferiors  Ikke jo             39
 6.  06  Hubert/Overflow         Without Love            33
 7.  07  Erling Lydersen         In the sky, I fly high! 28
 8.  08  VonTroz/Prox            The Joika                7

4 Channel
 1.  04  Superted/Grotesticle    Back 2 Nature           91
 2.  03  ?                       ?                       88
 3.  05  ?                       ?                       67
 4.  08  ?                       ?                       64
 5.  09  ?                       ?                       61
 6.  10  ?                       ?                       35
 7.  06  ?                       ?                       33
 8.  01  Nique/Proxima           Happy Convention        28
 9.  02  ?                       ?                       16
 10. 07  ?                       ?                       23

 1.  05  TMK/Inferiors           Cindy Portrett         129
 2.  03  Mr. Figaro/Mercurite    Bluepen                 82
 3.  04  RNT                     Burnup                  45
 4.  06  ?                       Dust                    42
 5.  13  ?                       ?                       40
 6.  02  Kravitz/SubLogic        2 Dudes                 34
 7.  01  JEM                     Odyssey                 25
 8.  11  Xenogenesis             XNG                     20
 9.  12  ?                       ?                       18
 10. 09  Calvin/Proxima^Inf      Storm                   15
 11. 07  Zmart/Xenogenesis       Lcomp                   12
 12. 08  St. George/TUC          Nuke                    10
 13. 10  Dominei/Inferiors & Pyromaniac   Tiger1          3

 1.  03  Contras                 Oksemann               157
 2.  04  O.B.B.                  The Colour of Love     124
 3.  05  Viper/Destiny           ?                       85
 4.  01  ?                       ?                       64
 5.  02  ?                       ?                       49

Rank Entry Author/Group            Title               Points

                                          Designed & directed by DC-1