______ _______ _______    ______  ___     ___        ____ ___  ______ ______
 _\__   |_  _   |  ____/  _|  ___/_|   |__ |   |___ ___\   |___|_\__  _|  ___/_
|   _   _/  |   |   __|   \_____   |   __/_|   |   |   _   |   |   |  \_____
|   |   |   |___|   |   !  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|____   |___|sns|___|      |____   |_______|____   |_______|___|_______|____
    |___|reservation form v.021|___|           |___|updated:26/03/99       |___


   - da Arf!Party'99 - 16,17,18 april 1999 - http://arfparty.citeweb.net -
                          - The Fun, Nowhere Else ! -

    >  Official IRC-Channel:   #ArfStd [IRCnet]
    >  Official NetSite :      http://ArfStudios.cjb.net
    >  Official Founder :      ArraKiS / k!Prod (arrakis@netexit.fr)
    >  Official Coordinator :  Shodan / Skytech (shodan@revolutionist.com)
    >  Official PartySite :    http://arfparty.citeweb.net

In order to make it easier for us to organize and plan the party, blah-blah-bla
please send a 90FF cheque (per person) to the following address, and please tak
5 minutes off your precious coding time to fill in the following form.
Thank you for establishing a reservation sheet for EACH person reserving.

   Family Name: .................................
    First Name: .................................
       Address: ..............................................................
      ZIP Code: .........
          City: .................................
          Nick: ...................
         Group: .................................
         Email: ...................
           Age: ..........

People under 18 will be allowed under their parents' responsibility.

Reservation, although it's not obligatory, is STRONGLY recommended.
We have vonluntarily limited the number of computers inside to 250, so it would
be too bad not to be able to come in...

Send your reservation cheques, labeled to "Association ARF Studios"

                                 Association  ARF Studios
                                  29, rue Clement Michut
                                    69100 Villeurbanne