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   |      \______/  Y     _____/     Y         \___    Y      \______/  |
 |                                                                        |
 |  tELNET theedgebbs.dyndns.org       aMiGA 4ooo cYbERStORM o6o / 5omHz  |
 |   dIALuP +44 (0) cOMiNG s00N          0 to 3 dAYS aMiGA sCENE sTUFF    |

                       >< aMi-eXpReSs v3.x (rEg.) ><
    >< 2.0 gIg TaPe >< A4000/040/25mhz >< 4.2 gIgS >< 28 mEgS rAm ><
                    ___  __          ___ __  ______  ___ ____   
           /\  /\  / _ \/ /\  /\    / _//  \/ / /  \/ _// __/AFL WHQ  
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          \/\__/\/\//_/_/\/\__/    \__/\__/\__/_/\_\__/\__/-bBs-
         nOdE #1 <> ( 2 1 5 )/4 2 6 - 9 4 6 1 <> 21.6K uSr dS
         nOdE #2 <> ( 2 1 5 )/4 2 6 - 7 2 3 8 <> 21.6K uSr dS
         nOdE #3 <> ( 2 1 5 )/4 2 6 - 6 7 1 9 <> 16.8K uSr dS
         nOdE #4 <> ( 2 1 5 )/4 2 6 - 8 2 4 8 <> 16.8K uSr dS
                           Wed Jul 20 08:24:53 1994

  d¡G¡T/\L E×T/\s¥ ! HLM & DLT uSHq's! cALL ¡T nOW ! wH¡Le yA sT¡LL cA/\/ !
_   _  _ ___________________________________________________________ _  _   _
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              - -+-8 MøZ 32 B¡t rAm ruNn¡nG /X rEG¡STerEd !-+- -
                  - -+-sUpPørt¡nG aM¡gA / cøNsOLes / Pc-+- -

           - --+-nOdE-1: +1 2ø1-345-1196 (-USR 16.8 ds HST-)-+-- -
       - ------+-NØDe-2: +1 2ø1-RiNG-DWN (-USR 16.8 dS hSt-)-+------ -
       - ------+-NøDe-3: +1 2ø1-RiNG-DWN (-USR 16.8 DS HST-)-+------ -
           - --+-n0dE-4: +1 2ø1-RiNG-DWN (-USR 14.4 Ds HsT-)-+-- -
                        -   -  - ---++--- -  -   -
 	- ----- +- [R i N G D o W n  o N   A L L  NoDES!] -+ ----- -

		     .__:                      .            
		  ___|  |      /\________:     |\____  /\'94
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                         -   -  - ---++--- -  -   -

              NoW aN øFFiCaL HøøDLuM WøRLD CHaRTs VoTiNG SiTE!!!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
   ____/\    /\_______  __________/\    /\_______  /\________               
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 |  //    //    /    /¯¯  /   ///    //    /    //   /    /\      InSaNe   |
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 \_____\/\___\__\/ /\_______\_____\/\______\/ /______\/ /   A 2ooo / o3o   |
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 |   /\_\   * 2 nOdeS * uS iMPoRtS *               _____       16.8 dS     |
 |   \/_/                               /\______  /    /_____/\_________   |
 |  nODE 1 +46-346-58697 28.8k DS  /\  /  \__   \/    /     /  \_ _____/\  |
 |  nODE 2 +46-346-59245 16.8k DS // \//   \/   //   /     //    /\____\/  |
 `-------------------------------//   \    /   //   /     //    / /--------'
 .------------------------------/______\      /    /     /     / /---------.
 | MaSTeR oF HuMaNiTY  ^  CaTeYe    \_______ /\________ /____ / /          |
 | rUnNiNg LaTeSt VeRsIoN oF TEMPEST \_____\/ /\______\/\___\/ /-----[EaZ]-'
 `--------------------------------------'   \/         \/    \/

       __.                                    __.
____  /  |_____________________.       ____  /  |_______.___ :    /Y\________.
\_  \/   \_  ___/  _     / _   |       \_  \/   |   _   |   \|   /   \   _   |
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M|  \/  /  |   \_ \_   |   _   | - LO - |  \/   |   _   |        |   |   _   |
b|   \__\_______/__|   |___|   |        |   \___|___|   |___\____|   |___|   |
 `---'             `---'   `---'        `---'       `---'        `---'   `---'

  LSD USHQ - AMbiANCE WHQ - iV nODeS riNGDoWn - AmiGa/CoNSolE/ModuLEs/AsCIi!


                       ###  BLOOD_TXT bY xRAY/MSQ  ###

                      \           /                   _______
 ________ ___________  \         /_  _________    ___|___    |        /\
_\_____  \____  ____/___\      _/  \_\_      /____\_    /    |___    /  \
    _____ \   \__     \  \_______   \       /    \_    /     | _ \  / _  \
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+-----\    /------\____/-mNt/aC!\____/---------------  `-----' ---\/        \+
       \  /                                                       /__________\

1@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ[----- bObO & aXY / mYSTIC sPEAKS oUT -----]
Mystic is a fucking faggot group! We were
kicked just bcuz we told everyone that the
leader (killerraven) wanted to fuck our cute
little asses! read all about it!
Signed : aXY / Ex. Mystic..
[----- bObO & aXY / mYSTIC sPEAKS oUT -----]

Hi, this is axy ex mystic, i and bobo got kikked.. we think it was bcuz
of killerravens faggot activitys.. i have recently been kikked out of
alot of the swedish boards bcuz i am such an asshole... boooho..
I don't know what to do.. I ## REALLY ## wanna b in powerful mystic,
who has VERY good boards and /X designers.. Bobo (The Swedish Leader),
who steals alot of code from others, and write his name (I.ex. LOOBY/INSANE)
is also kikked... Bobo stealing code?! yepp.. bobo made an buggie version
of CONFTOP, and looby converted it to good c-code, but bobo stole it,
and now they r fighting... looby did the conftop, not bobo...
And that's not ALL he have stolen from others... The new sent and file ID
is also stolen... fuck bobo, gaaaah!
eeh.. i mean, we were kikked, so i feel cp for us.. hej macroman!

                                                      Axy / Mistake ©94

                |         cALL a kIKK aSS bOARD!         |
                |   [- aSYLUM - tRSI sHQ ^ dPL ScHQ -]   |
                |           [- SWEdENS bEST! -]          |
       __.                                    __.
____  /  |_____________________.       ____  /  |_______.___ :    /Y\________.
\_  \/   \_  ___/  _     / _   |       \_  \/   |   _   |   \|   /   \   _   |
 |       / __/\/  _|____/  |   |        |       |   |   |    \   \___/   |   |
M|  \/  /  |   \_ \_   |   _   | - LO - |  \/   |   _   |        |   |   _   |
b|   \__\_______/__|   |___|   |        |   \___|___|   |___\____|   |___|   |
 `---'             `---'   `---'        `---'       `---'        `---'   `---'

  LSD USHQ - AMbiANCE WHQ - iV nODeS riNGDoWn - AmiGa/CoNSolE/ModuLEs/AsCIi!


                       ###  BLOOD_TXT bY xRAY/MSQ  ###


       On it's journey around the globe, this file passed through:
     _______    ______    _____  _____    ____
     \.   \ \   \   \ \   \ .  ><   \ \   \ \ \   There is still light,
     //    \ \  /.   \ \  //  /  \.  \ \  /  \ \   There is still energy,
    /\__    \ \//     \ \//  / /\_\\  \ \/\.  \ \
   /.^ _\.   \//  .    \/    \/  \//   \/  \\  \ \  While there is all this
  //  /_//   /    |.    \.     /\.     /  . \\  \ \  we can never be stopped
 /          //    ||    /\\   / /\\   /   \\ \   \_\
/__________/\_____|____/_/\__/_/  \__/_____\_____/_/  Friendly sysop: TAS
                                 _______    ______     __        _______
 Access by private invitation    \.   \ \   \   \ \   |\ \       \.   \ \
 and personal reference only!    //    \ \  /.   \ \  | \ \      //    \ \
                                /\____  \_\//     \ \ |. \ \    /\__    \ \
 Medell¡n UKHQ - Delight UKHQ  /.  ._/  /_//  .    \ \||  \ \  /.^ _\.   \_\
  global distribution sites   //   .     /    |.    \_||   \ \//  /_//   / /
                             /     |    //    ||    / ||    \/          / /
  If ya cool, then find us!  \____/|___/\_____|____/_/|_____/__________/_/

  Latest US & European importz daily - Relaxed Ratioz - Group conferences
     Amiga & PC only - 4 nodez - V32bis - o4o power - 4.2 GIGS online

       ·                              ·                              ·   
    . .:...... .  .                   :   ·              .  . .......:. .
       :        ________ __  _   _    ¦   :     _  _  __ ___         :   
       : _ __ _/   ___ _______________|   ¦ _______   ____ _\_ __ _  :   
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      |:    /    |    ¡    |          \   |          \         \     :|  
      |:    \____|____|    |_____      \  |____       \___      \    :|  
      |::             |    ¦    \______/  l_  _\¡_____/  \______/   ::|  
      |::.            ¦  __:____   ___|   _/ _/ |__                .::|  
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      !::::::::::... .· /   l    \/   !    \/   l    \ . ...::::::::::!  
    <----------- -  -  /          \         \         \ -  - ----------->
      ¡ 2 pRiVATE nODES\_____      \___      \___      \ aSK fOR nUMBA¡  

    * uSR 16.8 dS * 0-1 dAY aMiGA/pC! * fOREiGN uSERS * aSCii cONFERENCE *
                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.1 By A¡Rcø]

   - -- --- ---(itS WiLD ­ itS WiCKEd ­ iTS tHE PlACE 2 bEE)--- --- -- -

              _____.                    tELNET  theedgebbs.dyndns.org
      ._____  \   _|____                 pHONE  +44 (0)  cOMING sOON
     _|   _/__/   __    \___________
     __   ___/____ |     \______   /_
     /     |     /_|______/  _____/ /
 - --\__________/--------\_________/ -- -
                         ___________     .____ _ _______
                         \______   /_____|_  /  _______/___ _______
  [ nERVE aXiS uKHQ ]    /   _____/ /   __   \   \_      /_____   /_
                         \_________/    |     \_________/   _____/ /
                       - -- ------\___________/-{@dY}--\__________/-- -

                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.6 by SieGeL/tRSi]