Modified: March 8, 1998

                ********** NOTE EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGE **********

As many of you know, Gateway 2000 has purchased all rights and
technology to the Amiga computer! Gateway 2000 has also established
Amiga International, Inc. as the worldwide sales organization with
Petro Tyschtschenko as President.

Team AMIGA is excited by these developments and feels that the
time is close for us to realize Rick Lembree's dream of offering
our assistance to Amiga International and Gateway 2000 as their 
"official" Amiga Worldwide User Group! There is currently no 
one group that represents so many Amiga users worldwide and 
we encourage others to join us now!

                     SIGN UP NOW! HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

In the FidoNet AMIGA echo, we started our own "kick in the pants"
response to IBM's TEAM OS/2. It has taken off like wildfire! We'd
like to extend an invitation to every Amiga devotee, everywhere! We
have over 2500 members from countries worldwide ... from Fido,
Usenet, the on-line services, nets and bbs's all over the world.
Some of our members do not have Internet/Fido access, but STILL
they support the Amiga in their local User Groups and on their
local bbs! Hundreds of User Groups, Amiga authors and Amiga companies
worldwide have registered with us to further enhance the support we 
offer Gateway 2000 and Petro Tyschtschenko! You will find Team AMIGA 
logo's and links on many World Wide Web pages! We encourage others 
to do the same!

It's FREE! There are NO dues! There are NO rules! There are only three
officers (Gary Peake-Coordinator, Gary Caine-Asst. Coordinator, 
Asha Develder-Asst. Coordinator)! We are are a worldwide group of 
Amiga enthusiasts who are willing to support the user base, third 
party Amiga developers, commercial Amiga companies, pd/shareware/commercial 
Amiga programmers, and, of course, the Amiga's parent companies, Gateway
2000 and Amiga International Inc.! We do this by paying our registrations
and by buying Amiga every chance we get! As a group, we enjoy our
Amiga's and use them in every facet of computing from casual home
use to commercial applications. Many of our members are the programmers
who have kept the platform alive while waiting for something GOOD to happen
for the Amiga!

To join, all you have to do is:

1)  Be an Amiga enthusiast willing to talk about the virtues of the
Amiga computer whenever possible to those who are interested in computers.

2)  If you decide to join, fill out the application below and send it
to me so I can add your information to our growing database. This database 
is being kept by me and has been forwarded to Amiga International,Inc.
(Petro) in hopes that they will decide to pick up the ball and run with it.
This database may also be shared with Amiga support companies so that they
have an up to date listing of Amiga users worldwide. This means you may get
commercial solicitations from AMIGA companies offering specials or new
product listings!

One objective of Team AMIGA, of course, is to get 
as many Amiga enthusiasts worldwide to make a statement of support, but 
another objective, is to show Amiga International, Inc. how much of a 
mistake it would be to not adequately support Amiga computer users and 
third party companies worldwide, especially in the production of desktop 

3) Always acknowledge that Rick Lembree was the one who started all this! 
Without Rick's solid dedication, enthusiasm, and determination to make 
Team AMIGA happen, none of this would have been possible. We miss you Rick!

4) Know and understand that your stats will be in a database kept
by me (Gary Peake) and not released to anyone without general
consensus of the members (except as noted). Team AMIGA reserves the 
right to release this database to any AMIGA related company for the 
purpose of contacting Team AMIGA members with specials on hardware, 
software or other computer related products.

5)Team AMIGA understands that due to company policy or other work 
related issues, it may NOT be possible for every member to display
"Team AMIGA" in his or her online signature and/or to constantly be 
extolling the virtues of the Amiga computer. Some of our most ardent 
supporters are in this predicament and Team AMIGA welcomes them as 
HONORARY MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING and will continue to seek their advice 
and consent on the directions Team AMIGA should take to enhance the 
future of our platform. These members stats may, at their request, 
be kept confidential.

6)The only other thing we ask of you, is IF you use "Team AMIGA" in your 
online signature, that you type it exactly as shown below:

                          Team AMIGA

The reason is for consistency, and for recognition. The official name
is: "Team AMIGA Worldwide".

Please note that because of the many fluent graphic artists we have in
our membership, Team Amiga is always willing to accept new logos,
designs, and artwork (as long as they are AMIGA related) for
inclusion in our pages and/or sigs.

If you agree to all the above, just send in the following info:

Your Full Name:

Full Mail Address:

Your Fidonet Address:

Your Internet Address:

AMIGA'S Owned:

Primary Use:

Secondary Use:

Company Name:

Programs Authored:

User Group Affiliation:

User Group Contact:

Please type any additional comments for Team AMIGA Worldwide:

This should be sent to:

FidoNet:            Gary Peake, 1:106/7511.1
Internet:           Gary Peake,

US Mail:            Gary Peake
                    ATTN: Team AMIGA
                    19723 Teller Blvd
                    Spring, Texas 77388

Team AMIGA voice : (281) 350-2194

Please note that even with the volume of mail I am receiving, I will
answer every application submission personally, as time permits, to
your email address if you have one so please do NOT send incorrect
email addresses. If you wish to have your address remain anonymous,
that is no problem! Postal mail will not be replied to unless you
provide SASE.

PLEASE take this text (in its entirety and unedited, please!) and
cross post this to all other networks, on-line services and bbs's that
you may be in contact with! Give everyone a chance to sign up!

"Team Amiga is a living memorial to Rick Lembree, and his dream of the
full return of the Amiga platform to it's rightful place in the
computer world." - Skal Loret, 'Chief of Security', Team AMIGA!