All tapes have handwritten labels, in white and yellow pencil. None have official CDC labeling. Tape images have leading nulls removed, trailing nulls remain. Some images contain punched block letters labeling the tape, these have not been stripped from the tape images. Tape 0: Label: "AA 1.01 - I Master OSAS-A Assembler" Tape 1: Label: "AA1.01L" Tape 2: Label: "AA1.01L" Tape 3: Label: "AA1.03D" Tape 4: Label: "AC 1.00 2-D (CDC)" Tape 5: Label: "AC 1.00 3-D" Tape 6: Label: "AC1.05A" Tape 7: Label: "AC1-00-1D" Tape 8: Label "Fortran Compiler I 167 Input [AC 1.00 - IE]" Tape 9: Label "MASTER OSASA MOD1F V=055 (66)" Tape 10: Label "OSAS-A 3000" Tape 11: Label "OSAS-A AA 1.01-I" Tape 12: Label "OSAS-A MOD1F #3000" Tape 13: Label "OSAS-A MOD1F 3000 (66)" Tape 14: Label "OSAS-A "Punch Version"" Tape 15: Label "OSAS-AL A1.01L" Tape 16: Label "SICOM ABB04A MASTER" Note: Label very worn, difficult to read.