All tapes have handwritten labels, in white and yellow pencil. None have official CDC labeling. Tapes came in a box labeled "Mystery Tapes". Tape images have leading nulls removed, trailing nulls remain. Tape 0: Label: "#3" Tape 1: Label: "510-570 40 INT" Tape 2: Label: "BORN D=/=0, D=0" Note: "=/=" in the label represents the "not equal" sign. Tape 3: Label: "C&F by CWA" Tape 4: Label: "DATA (??) MACH LD FMT" Tape 5: Label: "DATA x66" Tape 6: Label: "Err 140 MACH LOAD" Tape 7: Label: "IDATAF MLF 23.1.67" Tape 8: Label: "Lichtenstein (unintelligible)" Note: Second word in label text is unreadable. Tape 9: Label: "PRINTOUT PROG ONLINE PROG ? LK FLEX SOURCE" Tape 10: Label: "TABLE MLF" Tape 11: Label: "TAP TRNSF." Tape 12: Label: "tater"