Interdata Simulator Configuration

Interdata was founded in the mid 1960's. It produced a family of 16b minicomputers loosely modeled on the IBM 360 architecture. Microprogramming allowed a steady increase in the functionality of successive models.

In the early 1970's, Interdata was purchased by Perkin-Elmer. In 1974, it introduced one of the first 32b minicomputers, the 7/32. Several generations of 32b systems followed:

Interdata was spun out of Perkin-Elmer as Concurrent Computer Corporation.


Option Description Capacity
16b CPU and memory Interdata 3, 4, 7/16, 8/16, 8/16e 8KB-64KB (256KB on 8/16e)
32b CPU and memory Interdata 7/32, 8/32 64KB-1024KB
   32b options double precision floating point
DMA Selector channels 1-4
Console KSR-33 Teletype
PASLA-based terminal
Paper tape reader and punch
Clocks     line time clock
precision real-time clock
Line printer line printer
Terminal multiplexor PASLA-based terminal multiplexor 32 lines
Disk floppy disk 256KB
cartridge disk 2.5MB/10MB
mass storage module controller 13.5MB - 268MB
Magnetic tape 9 track magnetic tape

Updated 18-Jun-2003 by Bob Supnik (bob AT supnik DOT org - anti-spam encoded)