DC 341


                                   Rev. 3.00

                      Contact: Andy Olesin (RICKS::OLESIN)

                     C O M P A N Y  C O N F I D E N T I A L

   Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation

   The information in this document is subject to change without  notice  and
   should  not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation.
   Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no  responsibility  for  any  errors
   that may occur in this document.

   This specification does not describe  any  program  or  product  which  is
   currently  available from Digital Equipment Corporation.  Nor does Digital
   Equipment Corporation  commit  to  implement  this  specification  in  any
   product  or  program.   Digital  Equipment Corporation makes no commitment
   that this document accurately describes any product it might ever make.
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           1       INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
           1.1       Scope  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
           1.2       Applicable Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
           1.3       CVAX CPU Chip Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
           1.3.1       Instruction Unit (I Box) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
           1.3.2       Execution Unit (E Box) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
           1.3.3       Memory Translation Unit (M Box)  . . . . . . . . 3
           1.3.4       Bus Interface Unit (BIU) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
           1.3.5       Microsequencer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
           1.3.6       Interrupt Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
           1.3.7       Control Store  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
           1.3.8       Cache  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
           1.3.9       Clock Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
           1.4       Block Diagram  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
           2       INSTRUCTION (I) BOX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
           2.1       Prefetcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
           2.1.1       Prefetcher Data Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
        Instruction Prefetch Queue . . . . . . . . . . 6
        Instruction Byte Rotator . . . . . . . . . . . 6
        Instruction Data (ID) Register . . . . . . . . 6
           2.1.2       Prefetch Controller  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
           2.2       The Instruction PLA (IPLA) . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
           2.3       Microaddress Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
           2.3.1       IID Dispatch (used When SPEC.CTR = 0)  . . . . . 9
        IID Exception Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
        IID Execution Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . .  10
        Specifier Dispatch . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
           2.3.2       Second IID Dispatch ( Spec Counter = 0)  . . .  11
           2.3.3       Specifier Decode Dispatches  . . . . . . . . .  12
           2.3.4       MicroAddress Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
           2.3.5       Delta PC Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
           2.4       Miscellaneous Register Descriptions  . . . . . .  15
           2.4.1       Current Specifier / Register Number Latch 
                       (SPEC.RN)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
           2.4.2       FPU Present  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
           2.4.3       VAX Trap Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
           2.4.4       Specifier Counter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
           2.4.5       Data Length And Access Type  . . . . . . . . .  17
           2.4.6       PSL Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
           2.4.7       Second IID Flag  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
           2.4.8       Index Expected Flag  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
           2.5       I Box Initialization At RESET Signal . . . . . .  18
           2.6       I Box Related Microinstructions  . . . . . . . .  18
           2.7       Microcode Restriction Summary  . . . . . . . . .  20
           2.8       SN Output  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
           2.9       I Box Testability Hardware . . . . . . . . . . .  21
           2.10      I Box Schematics And Their Functions . . . . . .  23
           2.10.1      I_ADDRESS_GENERATOR (IAG)  . . . . . . . . . .  23
           2.10.2      I_AT_DL_REG (IAD)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
           2.10.3      I_DATAPATH (IDP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
           2.10.4      I_DP_DRIVERS (IDD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
           2.10.5      I_DISPATCH_PLA (IP1) . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
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       I_DISPATCH_PLA PLAD File . . . . . . . . . .  23
       I_DISPATCH_PLA Binary File...  . . . . . . .  27
           2.10.6      I_FPA_BUFFERS (IFB)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
           2.10.7      I_IID_LOGIC (IIL)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
           2.10.8      I_IPLA (IPL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
           2.10.9      I_MIB_DECODE (IMD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
           2.10.10     I_MISC_STATE (IMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
           2.10.11     I_OP_MUX (IOM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
           2.10.12     I_OTHER_MIB_DECODER (IM2)  . . . . . . . . . .  29
           2.10.13     I_PFQ_CONTROL (IQC)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
           2.10.14     I_SECOND_IPLA (I2P)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
           2.10.15     I_SPEC_COUNTER (ISC) . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
           2.10.16     I_SPEC_RN_REG (ISR)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
           2.10.17     I_SPUR_UTEST_DRIVE (ISU) . . . . . . . . . . .  30
           2.11      Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
           2.11.1      Dispatch Types, STALL And UTrap Behavior   . .  31
           2.11.2      NOTE ON UPDATING I BOX STATE . . . . . . . . .  31
           2.11.3      CVAX IPLA Assignments  . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
           2.11.4      Other Opcodes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
           2.11.5      Internal/External Signal Timing  . . . . . . .  43
           2.12      Glossary Of Mnemonics  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  87
           2.14      ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  88
           3       EXECUTION (E) BOX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91
           3.1       Register File  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  93
           3.1.1       Triple Ported Registers (W Registers)  . . . .  93
           3.1.2       Dual Ported Registers (GP Registers) . . . . .  93
        Data-Length Dependent Writes . . . . . . . .  93
           3.1.3       Dual Ported Registers (T Registers)  . . . . .  94
           3.1.4       Functional Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  94
        Register File Addressing . . . . . . . . . .  94
        Source Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  96
        Implementation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . .  96
        Destination Control  . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
        Timing Of Writes And Control Signals From The 
                         M BOX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
           3.1.5       W_Bus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
           3.1.6       Zero Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
           3.1.7       W_SPUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  98
           3.1.8       Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . .  99
           3.2       Program Counter (PC Register)  . . . . . . . . . 100
           3.2.1       PC Register  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
           3.2.2       PC Adder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
           3.2.3       BPC Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
           3.2.4       Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
           3.3       Constant Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
           3.3.1       Constants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
        KDL Constants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
        SHIFT Microinstruction Constants . . . . . . 102
        CONSTANT Microinstruction Constants  . . . . 102
        A_Bus Constants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
           3.3.2       Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
           3.4       Shift Counter (SC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
           3.4.1       Functional Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
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           3.4.2       UTest And The SC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
           3.4.3       Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
           3.5       Shifter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
           3.5.1       Functional Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
        Implementation Note  . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
           3.5.2       Raw SHFT Condition Codes . . . . . . . . . . . 107
           3.5.3       Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
           3.6       Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)  . . . . . . . . . . 108
           3.6.1       Functional Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
        ALU Implementation Notes . . . . . . . . . . 109
        SMUL Step Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
        UDIV Step Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
        Raw ALU Condition Codes  . . . . . . . . . . 112
           3.6.2       Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
           3.7       Multiplier Quotient Register . . . . . . . . . . 114
           3.7.1       Functional Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
           3.7.2       Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
           3.8       PSL Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
           3.8.1       I BOX Usage Of The PSL And Trace Logic . . . . 115
           3.8.2       M BOX, INT_CTRL And BIU Usage Of PSL . . . . . 115
           3.8.3       PSL Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
           3.8.4       PSL<3:0> - Condition Code Bits . . . . . . . . 116
           3.8.5       Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
           3.9       Condition Code Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
           3.9.1       PSL CC Register, PSL<3:0>  . . . . . . . . . . 118
        Loading Of The PSL CC Register . . . . . . . 118
        PSL Condition Code Map . . . . . . . . . . . 119
           3.9.2       ALU CC Register  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
           3.9.3       VAX Restart Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
           3.9.4       Integer Overflow Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
           3.9.5       Branch Test Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
           3.9.6       Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
           3.10      RLOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
           3.10.1      Implementation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
           3.10.2      Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
           3.11      State Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
           3.11.1      Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
           3.12      Opcode Register  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
           3.12.1      Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
           3.13      Summary Of E BOX Microcode Restrictions  . . . . 127
           3.13.1      Register File  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
           3.13.2      Program Counter (PC Register)  . . . . . . . . 127
           3.13.3      Constant Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
           3.13.4      SC Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
           3.13.5      Shifter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
           3.13.6      ALU  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
           3.13.7      Q Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
           3.13.8      PSL Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
           3.13.9      CC Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
           3.13.10     RLOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
           3.13.11     STATE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
           3.13.12     OPCODE REGISTER  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
           3.14      E BOX Microcode Visible State  . . . . . . . . . 130
           3.15      E BOX Schematic Inventory  . . . . . . . . . . . 131
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           3.16      E BOX Global Signal Timing . . . . . . . . . . . 133
           3.17      E BOX Internal Signal Timing . . . . . . . . . . 140
           3.18      Change Requests (ECO)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
           3.19      ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
           4       MEMORY (M) BOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
           4.1       M Box Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
           4.1.1       Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
           4.1.2       Microinstruction Control Of The M Box  . . . . 173
        Memory Requests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
        Non Memory Request Microinstructions . . . . 178
           4.1.3       Translation Buffer Description . . . . . . . . 178
           4.1.4       Microcode Flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
        Longword References  . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
        Memory References That Use DL  . . . . . . . 181
           4.1.5       Registers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
           4.2       Function Descriptions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
           4.2.1       Memory Address Logic   . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
        VA (Virtual Address) Register  . . . . . . . 184
        VAP (VA Prime) Register  . . . . . . . . . . 184
        VIBA (Virtual Instruction Buffer Address) 
                         Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
        + 4 Adder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
           4.2.2       TB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
        PTEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
        NLU  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
        TB Data Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
        TB Fills From Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
        TB Invalidate Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
        TB Miss Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
        TB Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
           4.2.3       Access Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
        Privilege Check Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . 193
        Length Check Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
        Inhibit IB Fill Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . 194
        MMGT.STATUS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
        MBOX.STATUS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
        MREF.STATUS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
           4.2.4       Memory Management Microtrap Logic  . . . . . . 196
        Partial PSL Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
        Cross Page Detection Logic . . . . . . . . . 197
        Microtrap And Abort Determination Logic  . . 197
           4.2.5       Memory Management Controller . . . . . . . . . 199
        Trap Disable Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
        Reexecute Reference Logic  . . . . . . . . . 199
        REPROBE Flag - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
        Memory Management Enable Logic . . . . . . . 200
           4.2.6       Second IDAL Cycle Detection Logic  . . . . . . 200
        REQ_2ND_REF Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
           4.2.7       M Box Data Latches And Positioners . . . . . . 201
        M Box Data Latch And Byte Rotator  . . . . . 201
        Internal Byte Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
           4.2.8       Control Signals Sent To BIU  . . . . . . . . . 203
        BIU_NOP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
           4.2.9       IB_FILL_VALID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
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           4.2.10      MBOXBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
           4.2.11      Control Signals Sent To E Box  . . . . . . . . 204
       WSEL_UPDATE_H  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
       REG_WRITE_H  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
       SET_RESTART  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
       NOT_MEM_REQ_R_H  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
       MW_TO_W_H  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
           4.3       M Box Intersection And Intrasection Signals  . . 205
           4.3.1       M BOX Global Signal Timing . . . . . . . . . . 205
           4.3.2       M BOX Internal Signal Timing . . . . . . . . . 214
           4.4       ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
           5       CACHE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
           5.1       Ram Array And Sense Amps . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
           5.2       Address Selection And Decode . . . . . . . . . . 255
           5.3       Tag Data Path  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
           5.3.1       M Box Address Latch  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
           5.3.2       Parity Generator/Checker . . . . . . . . . . . 258
           5.3.3       Match Address Latch  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
           5.3.4       Address Match Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . 258
           5.3.5       Tag Write Mux  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
           5.4       Data Array Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
           5.4.1       IDAL Input Buffer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
           5.4.2       Data Multiplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
           5.4.3       IDAL Output Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
           5.5       Cache Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
           5.5.1       Operation Decode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
           5.5.2       Set Selection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
           5.5.3       Multiple Write Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
           5.5.4       Refresh Counter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
           5.6       Cache Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
           6       BUS INTERFACE UNIT (BIU)-  . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
           6.1       BIU Controlled Pins  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
           6.1.1       Internal Pin Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
           6.2       BIU Controlled Internal Bus - IDAL BUS 
                     (G_S%IDAL_H<31:0>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
           6.3       BIU Logic Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
           6.3.1       IDAL Control Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
           6.3.2       DAL Control Machine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
           6.3.3       Cache Disable Register (CADR)  . . . . . . . . 268
           6.3.4       Low Memory System Error Register (MSER)  . . . 269
        DAL H Parity   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
           6.3.5       MIB Decoder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
           6.3.6       CFPA Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
           6.4       Descriptions Of BIU Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . 272
           6.4.1       DMA Cycle -  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
           6.4.2       Data Read Cycle -  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
           6.4.3       Data Write Cycle - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
           6.4.4       CFPA Cycles -  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
        Passing Opcode Information To The CFPA . . . 274
        Passing Operands To The CFPA . . . . . . . . 276
        Passing Results Back From The CFPA . . . . . 277
        POLY Protocol  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
        CFPA Present Indication  . . . . . . . . . . 279
        CFPA Forced Termination  . . . . . . . . . . 279
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        Sample CFPA Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
        CFPA Interface Overhead  . . . . . . . . . . 285
           6.4.5       Instruction Stream Read Cycle  . . . . . . . . 287
           6.4.6       IDLE Cycle - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
           6.4.7       Output Pin Status On RESET L . . . . . . . . . 288
           6.4.8       Table Of Interesting Pad Values And Chip 
                       Functions During Memory Cycles . . . . . . . . 288
           6.5       IDAL State Machine Definition  . . . . . . . . . 289
           6.6       DAL State Machine Definition . . . . . . . . . . 291
           6.7       Stall And Trap Behavior Of The BIU - A Summary . 292
           6.7.1       Mbox_stall - What It Means And When It's Used  292
           6.7.2       Stall  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
           6.7.3       BIU Trap Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
           6.7.4       BIU Trap Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
           6.7.5       CFPA Trap Request  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
           6.7.6       CFPA Exception Trap Vectors  . . . . . . . . . 294
           6.8       BIU Internal Signal Timing . . . . . . . . . . . 295
           6.9       BIU Internal Signal Timing . . . . . . . . . . . 296
           7       MICROSEQUENCER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
           7.1       Busses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
           7.1.1       Microaddress Bus (MAB) <10:0>  . . . . . . . . 333
           7.1.2       I Box Microaddress Bus (IMAB) <10:0>   . . . . 333
           7.1.3       Microtest Bus (UTEST) <2:0>  . . . . . . . . . 334
           7.1.4       Microinstruction Bus (MIB) <40:0>  . . . . . . 334
           7.1.5       Current Microaddress Bus (CMAB) <10:0> . . . . 334
           7.1.6       Incremented Current Microaddress Bus (ICMAB) 
                       <10:0> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
           7.1.7       Microstack Input Bus (USIB) <10:0> . . . . . . 334
           7.1.8       Microstack Data Bus (USDB) <10:0>  . . . . . . 335
           7.1.9       Microstack Output Bus (USOB) <10:0>  . . . . . 335
           7.1.10      Test_MAB Bus (TEST_MAB) <10:0> . . . . . . . . 335
           7.1.11      Microtrap Address Bus (UTRAB) <6:4>  . . . . . 335
           7.2       Microsequencer Sections  . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
           7.2.1       Microstack (USTACK) [0:7]  . . . . . . . . . . 335
           7.2.2       Current Microaddress Latch (CMAL)  . . . . . . 336
           7.2.3       Current Microaddress Incrementer And Latch 
                       (CMAI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
        Microcode Notes (MICROCODE ALLOCATION 
                         RESTRICTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
           7.2.4       Microstack Input Mux (USIM)  . . . . . . . . . 336
           7.2.5       Microstack Write Buffer (USWB) . . . . . . . . 337
           7.2.6       Microaddress Bus Mux (MAB Mux) . . . . . . . . 337
           7.2.7       Microaddress Bus Latch (MAB Latch) . . . . . . 338
           7.2.8       Microtrap Address Generator (UTRAG)  . . . . . 338
           7.2.9       STALL Latch (SL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
           7.3       Control Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
           7.3.1       MAB Mux Control Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
           7.4       Timing Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
           7.5       Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
           7.5.1       Microsequencer Control Interpretation  . . . . 340
           7.5.2       Branch Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
           7.5.3       Branch Offset (BO) MIB<6:0>  . . . . . . . . . 341
           7.5.4       Branch Condition Select (BCS) MIB<11:7>  . . . 342
           7.5.5       Jump Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                              Page 8

           7.5.6       Subroutine Control Bit (SB) MIB<11>  . . . . . 343
           7.5.7       Jump Address Field MIB<10:0> . . . . . . . . . 343
           7.5.8       Microtrap Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
           7.5.9       Microsequencer Test Mode . . . . . . . . . . . 344
           7.6       Microsequencer Test Hooks  . . . . . . . . . . . 344
           7.7       Microsequencer Global Signal Dictionary  . . . . 345
           7.8       Microsequencer Internal Signal Dictionary  . . . 348
           7.9       Microsequencer Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . 351
           7.10      Change Requests ( ECO )  . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
           7.11      ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
           8       CONTROL STORE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
           8.1       Functional Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
           8.2       MIB Latch/MIB Drivers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
           8.3       Control Store Test Hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
           8.4       Control Store Block Diagram  . . . . . . . . . . 356
           8.5       Control Store Signal Dictionary  . . . . . . . . 357
           8.6       Change Requests ( ECO )  . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
           8.7       Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
           9       INTERRUPT LOGIC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
           9.1       Interrupt Latches  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
           9.2       Highest Software Interrupt Register (HSIR).  . . 361
           9.3       Interrupt Priority Encoder   . . . . . . . . . . 362
           9.4       Interrupt IPL And Comparator . . . . . . . . . . 363
           9.5       Microcode Notes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
           9.6       Microcode Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
           9.7       Block Diagram  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
           9.8       OPEN ISSUES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
           10      CLOCK LOGIC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
           10.1      Clock Input Buffer - Phase Separator . . . . . . 368
           10.2      RESET_L Input Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
           10.3      Phase Select Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
           11      CONTROL FIELDS SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
           11.1      Data Path Control Formats  . . . . . . . . . . . 369
           11.2      Microsequencer Control Formats . . . . . . . . . 369
           11.3      General Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
           11.3.1      B_Bus Select (B) Field . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
           11.3.2      Destination (DST) Field  . . . . . . . . . . . 371
           11.3.3      Condition Code (CC) Field  . . . . . . . . . . 371
           11.3.4      A_Bus Select (A) Field . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
           11.3.5      Miscellaneous (MISC) Field   . . . . . . . . . 372
           11.4      BASIC Microinstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
           11.4.1      BASIC Function (BASIC.FNC) Field . . . . . . . 374
           11.4.2      Length (L) Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
           11.5      CONSTANT Microinstruction  . . . . . . . . . . . 376
           11.5.1      CONSTANT Position (POS) Field  . . . . . . . . 376
           11.5.2      CONSTANT Destination (DS) Field  . . . . . . . 376
           11.5.3      CONSTANT Function (CONST.FNC) Field  . . . . . 376
           11.6      SHIFT Microinstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
           11.6.1      SHIFT Value (SHIFT.VAL) Field  . . . . . . . . 378
           11.6.2      SHIFT Function Fields (SHIFT.DIR, DST) . . . . 378
           11.7      MEM REQ Microinstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
           11.7.1      MEM REQ Function (MEMREQ.FNC) Field  . . . . . 379
           11.7.2      MEM REQ Length (L) Field . . . . . . . . . . . 380
           11.7.3      MEM REQ Read/Write (RW) Field  . . . . . . . . 380
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                              Page 9

           11.7.4      MEM REQ Access Control (MEMREQ.ACC) Field  . . 380
           11.8      SPECIAL Microinstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
           11.8.1      SPECIAL Condition Code (MISC1) Field . . . . . 383
           11.8.2      SPECIAL Function (MISC2) Field . . . . . . . . 383
           11.8.3      SPECIAL Control Flags (MISC3) Field  . . . . . 384
           11.9      BRANCH Microinstruction  . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
           11.9.1      Branch Condition Select (BCS) Field  . . . . . 385
           11.9.2      Branch Offset (BO) Field . . . . . . . . . . . 386
           11.10     JUMP Microinstruction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
           11.10.1     Subroutine (SB) Field  . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
           11.10.2     Jump Address Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
           12      TEST LOGIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
           12.1      Observability Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
           12.1.1      CWB Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
           12.2      Control Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
           12.2.1      Normal State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
           12.2.2      Test State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
       TEST Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
       Internal MAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
       External MAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
       Force Broadcast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
       Configuration Latch  . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
       Loading Configuration Latch  . . . . . . . . 390
           12.3      Shift Register Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
           12.3.1      MIB (Shift Register #1)  . . . . . . . . . . . 390
           12.3.2      I Box IPLA (Shift Register #2) . . . . . . . . 391
           12.3.3      Cache Refresh Address Generator/Reducer (Shift 
                       Register #3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
           12.3.4      Main Reducer (Shift Register #4) . . . . . . . 392
           12.4      Test Control Pins  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
           12.5      Block Diagram  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
           13      APPENDIX: GLOBAL SIGNAL DICTIONARY . . . . . . . . 395
           14      APPENDIX: BLOCK DIAGRAM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
           15      APPENDIX: CHIP INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM  . . . . . . . 416
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 10

                                REVISION HISTORY

   REV     DATE            REASON
   ---     ----            ------
   3.00                    Pass 3.00 changes incorporated into spec.
   2.00    20-Feb-87       Pass 2.00 changes incorporated into spec.  
   1.06    23-Jun-86       ALL ECOs (as of 1-Jun-86) incorporated into spec.
   1.05    28-Oct-85       ALL ECOs (as of 15-Oct-85) incorporated into spec.
                           Section 6: rewritten to reflect microarchitecture.
                           Section 12 : Renamed TEST_0 to TEST and TEST_1 to TEST_OUT (mux'ed with CWB, all registers now sample on PHI1.
                           Section 14 : deleted CM and BR, added CWB, INHIB_CP_OUT and MW_TO_W, 
                                        changed TEST_0 to TEST, TEST_1 to TEST_OUT, FPU_CC<2:0> to FPU_CCZ, FPU_CCV, FPU_CCN
                                        changed timing on LOAD_PSL
   1.04     6-Sep-85       Section 12.4.3 : Changed BROADCAST bit definition to forcing BASIC_BROADCAST only.
                           Section 14 : deleted BCOND_TRUE, added all test reducer outputs and scan/reducer controls
                                        added TEST_BRO and ONE_SLOT_FREE.
   1.03    20-Aug-85       All ECOs (as of 5-14-Aug-85) incorporated into spec.
                           Section 9 : changed microcode restriction on use of BRANCH IID after changing HSIR,IPL, or ICCS<6>,
                                       changed value of WSPUR<7:4> during a READ HSIR to 111, added restrictions on
                                       what kind of cycle can immediately follow a READ INT.ID
                           Section 14 : add LD_VIBA_AND_PC, remove WILL_LOAD_VIBA and WILL_LOAD_PC, modify waveforms on 
                                        IID_IRQ and FPD_INT_PENDING, assertion of IB_FILL_ERR is now LOW
                           Section 14 : added ICCS_6, deleted DPC_VALID, modified timing of DELTA_PC,IB_FILL_REQ,IID_LD
   1.02    26-Jun-85       Section 2 : fixed address specifications, added WSN definition, fixed testability stuff
                           Section 3.9 : Change CC Logic to reflect FPU CCs being mapped through CC Map.  Also added
                                         ACBD, ACBF, and ACBD to Branch Test Logic.
                           Section 3.11 : Change State Logic to reflect bit clearing groups.
                           Section 3.14 : Updated Microcode Restrictions for Q Register, PSL and RLOG.
                           Section 9 : modified spec to reflect redefinition of SISR to HSIR
                           Section 10 : modified spec to reflect change in method of inplementing phase synchronization
                           Section 14 : added G_S%FLUSH_H chged CLK1_IN to CLKA and CLK2_IN to CLKB and LD_PSL_FROM_FPU to LOAD_FPU_CC
                           Section 14 : added G_S%FPD_INT_PENDING_H AND G_S%FP_INTEGER_H deleted IBOX_TRAP_DRY and IBOX_TRAP_HLT
                           Section 14 : added G_S%PSL_T and G_S%READ_HIT
   1.01    3-May-85        Section 2 : edits based on RMS's comments...notably integer overflow, 2.1.2 was wrong, syntax problems
                           Sections 2.3.1,2.3.4 : Changed I-box microaddress format for execution dispatch, specifier dispatch
                           Section Removed dual A-Bus addresses where not needed
                           Section 3.5.1: Changed default ALU operation to PASS.B for MEMREF/MXPR/READ.
                           Section Defined PSL.V for SMULS Step 
                           Section 3.8.3: Removed notes section and added PSL Distribution Section
                           Section 3.9.4: Modified Integer Overflow Logic.  It is now a trap line to uSEQ.
                           Section 9.* : Added SISR to spec
                           Section 9.2 : Changed MXPS[INT.ID] to read out to W_SPUR<4:0>
                           Section 9.4 : Added MEMERR and CRD to verbal description
                           Section 11.* : Control field summary changed to reflect actual microcode
                           Section 12.3 : Added internal pull-down resistor on TEST_0
                           Section 12.6 : Changed CP to CP.STA and CP.DAT
                           Section 13.0 : Eliminated from Design Specification
                           Section 14.* : Added BIU <-> CACHE signals
                           Section 14.* : Added WILL_LOAD_VIBA,chg'd LD_PSL_FROM_FPU,LOAD_PSL,READ_DATA_PRS
                           Section 14.* : Added MBOX_BM,MW_BUS,MW_DRIVE to signal list, chg assertion of all traps and STALL 
                                          to '_L', chg spacing to allow longer names. Added chip pins, and bus capacitance
                                          removed MBOX from IB_DATA_PRS dest.
   1.00    26-Mar-85       Preliminary version.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 11


   1.1  Scope

   This document specifies  the  design  of  a  CMOS/VLSI  chip  (CVAX)  that
   implements  a  VAX  central  processor.   This specification describes the
   internal  organization  and  characteristics  of  the  CPU   chip.    This
   specification  does  not  describe  the  operation  of  CVAX.  For further
   information, the applicable documents should be consulted.

   1.2  Applicable Documents

           VAX Architecture Standard (DEC Standard 032)
           CVAX CPU Chip Engineering Specification
           CVAX Clock Chip Engineering Specification
           CVAX Microcode

   1.3  CVAX CPU Chip Organization

   The CVAX CPU chip consists of the following major sections.

   1.3.1  Instruction Unit (I Box) -

   The Instruction Unit contains the instruction prefetch buffer, the initial
   decode  PLA,  and associated logic.  It prefetches the instruction stream,
   generates microprogram fork addresses, and provides  instruction  data  to
   the E Box.

   1.3.2  Execution Unit (E Box) -

   The Execution Unit contains the VAX register file, the  microcode  scratch
   register  file, the page table base registers, the arithmetic/logical unit
   (ALU), and other computational facilities.  It performs address  and  data
   computations for executing VAX instructions and address translations.

   1.3.3  Memory Translation Unit (M Box) -

   The Memory Translation Unit contains  the  translation  buffer,  the  page
   table length registers and comparators, and the address translation logic.
   It performs virtual to physical address translations.  In addition, the  M
   Box  controls  the  incoming  and  outgoing  data  latches,  rotators, and
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 12

   1.3.4  Bus Interface Unit (BIU) -

   The Bus Interface Unit controls the arbitration  of  the  major  intrachip
   data bus (IDAL); the protocol on the external interface; and the operation
   of the Cache.

   1.3.5  Microsequencer -

   The Microsequencer determines the address of  the  next  microword  to  be
   fetched  and  executed  from  the  Control  Store.   It  also oversees the
   generation and execution of microtraps.

   1.3.6  Interrupt Logic -

   The Interrupt Logic  mediates  hardware  interrupt  requests  against  the
   current IPL and generates an interrupt request to the I Box, if necessary.

   1.3.7  Control Store -

   The Control Store contains 1600 x 41 words of microcode which  direct  all
   operations in the chip.

   1.3.8  Cache -

   The onchip Cache contains 1k bytes of high-speed memory for local  storage
   of frequently referenced memory data.

   1.3.9  Clock Logic -

   The Clock Logic shapes the two  MOS  level  input  clocks  into  the  four
   precision internal clocks.

   1.4  Block Diagram

   A block diagram of the chip may be found at the end of this specification.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 13


   The I Box controls instruction sequencing  and  prefetching.   During  the
   microcycle, the I box predicts what the next dispatch should be.  Once the
   microinstruction arrives, the I Box executes the appropriate dispatch  and
   state changes.

   The I Box cycle begins when the Microsequencer issues  a  microinstruction
   with  a  DEC.NEXT  code in the Branch Condition Select (BCS) field and the
   specifier counter is set to 0 (by the completion of a previous instruction
   or  the  execution  of  a  LOAD_V&PC microinstruction).  At IID, the I Box
   selects  a  microcode  address  to  drive  to  the  Microsequencer.   This
   microcode  address  points  to  the  start  of  the  microprogram  for the
   instruction being processed.   If  the  instruction  has  specifiers,  the
   microaddress  dispatches  to the appropriate Specifier Decode routine.  If
   there are no specifiers, the microaddress points at the execution flow for
   the instruction, and the execution phase happens immediately.

   The specifier flows end with  a  microinstruction  that  contains  another
   DEC.NEXT  command in the BCS field.  At this point, the I Box sends either
   the address for the routine to analyze the second specifier, or, if  there
   are  no  other  specifiers, the address of the execution microcode for the
   instruction.  The specifier flows are called for  each  specifier  in  the
   instruction.   Once  all  specifiers  have been decoded, the I box sends a
   dispatch address for the execution flow for the instruction.

   The I Box instruction prefetcher operates in parallel with  the  execution
   hardware  on  the  chip.   Whenever  a longword in the queue is empty, the
   queue is not halted, and the BIU has free cycles, a request is  issued  to
   read  the  next aligned longword in the instruction stream.  This longword
   is copied into the PFQ.  When a LOAD_V&PC  microinstruction  is  detected,
   the  PFQ  is  flushed,  and  new  instructions  must be fetched before the
   processor can proceed.  In this case, the I Box sends a dummy address as a
   reply  to  any  DEC.NEXT request, and microcode casing handles all LOAD_ID
   requests.  In either case, the microcode enters a loop  until  instruction
   data arrives at the I Box.

   The I Box has four sections:  the Prefetcher, the IPLA, the  Next  Address
   Generator, and some miscellaneous registers and control.

   2.1  Prefetcher

   2.1.1  Prefetcher Data Path -

   The Prefetcher Data Path  handles  I  Stream  data.   It  holds  up  to  3
   prefetched  longwords  from  memory, rotates the instructions to bring the
   opcode to the front, and stores literals and displacements for the E  Box.
   The  datapath  is maintained by the Prefetcher Control and consists of the
   following blocks:
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 14
   INSTRUCTION (I) BOX  Instruction Prefetch Queue -

   The Instruction Prefetch Queue consists of three longword registers,  each
   of which can hold an aligned longword from memory.  The registers comprise
   a three-entry queue.  Data is loaded into the tail of the queue  from  the
   the  Internal  DAL and stored in the empty register closest to the head of
   the queue.  Instruction Byte Rotator -

   The Instruction Byte Rotator can select up to six contiguous bytes in  the
   Prefetch  Queue  (for  example,  an opcode, a specifier, and four bytes of
   data) starting at any byte in the lowest longword.  The  position  of  the
   starting byte is specified by the IB Pointer (low two bits of the PC).  Instruction Data (ID) Register -

   This longword register is the mechanism by which the E Box data path  gets
   data  from  the  instruction stream (displacements, etc.).  Data is loaded
   from the Byte Rotator, either automatically by the I Box or explicitly  by
   the microinstruction; it is sign extended to longword in the same cycle in
   which it is loaded.

   The ID register is automatically loaded by the I Box when:

         o  The Microaddress Generator detects that the opcode  is  a  branch
            instruction  (opcodes 10-15,18-1F,30-31).  The IDR is loaded with
            the byte  or  word  branch  displacement  and  sign  extended  to
            longword length.

         o  The Microaddress Generator detects that  the  specifier  mode  is
            byte,  word, or longword displacement (specifier mode A, B, C, D,
            E,  F).   The  bytes  containing  the  byte,  word,  or  longword
            displacement  are  loaded.  The register is then sign extended to
            longword length.  NOTE:  Specifiers of type 8F are  NOT  included
            here.   Immediate operands must be explicitly moved to the IDR by

         o  The Microaddress Generator detects that the specifier byte is  9F
            (absolute).  The four bytes containing the address of the operand
            are loaded into the ID register.

   Explicit loads of the ID register can be  done  by  microcode  CASE.   The
   amount  of data extracted from the instruction stream is based on the Data
   Length register.  When LOAD ID CASE is issued, any  of  three  things  may
   happen.  The IDR may be loaded properly, not loaded because the PFQ is dry
   and not halted, or not loaded because the PFQ is dry and halted.   In  the
   second case, the microcode cases to a location which contains another LOAD
   ID case, forcing a loop.  In the third case, a different  case  target  is
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 15

   used;  the  target  address contains a call to a subroutine to resolve the
   prefetching problem.

   The ID register is sign extended based on the value of  the  DL  register.
   Note  that  the sign extension may change from its original value if DL is
   changed before the data is read.  For example:  suppose  the  ID  register
   was  loaded  with  a  word offset for a branch.  Now suppose that the MISC
   field DL.BYTE is issued before the data is read to the B-bus.  The data in
   the  ID  register  will  now  look like a sign- extended byte, effectively
   destroying half of the offset  data.   Now  suppose  the  DL  register  is
   changed  to  WORD again before the data is read.  In this case, there will
   be no change in the ID register contents, and it will still  look  like  a
   sign-extended  byte.   The  ID  register  may be read to the B-bus.  It is
   addressed through the B port as register 0A#16.

   2.1.2  Prefetch Controller -

   The BIU fetches I stream data whenever the Prefetch Controller requests it
   and the DAL is available.  The Prefetch Controller signals the BIU that it
   wants I Stream data by asserting the IB_REQ line.  It asserts IB_REQ  only
   when the PFQ has an empty longword AND the prefetcher is not halted.

   If the I Stream read results in any kind of error (TB  miss,  data  parity
   error,  etc.),  the  Hardware  Prefetch  Halt  Bit  is  set  and  no  more
   prefetching is done.  This  prevents  prefetching  from  interfering  with
   memory management operations.  When the Prefetch Stack runs out of data, a
   special microaddress (IE.IB.HALTED)  is  sent  to  the  Microsequencer;  a
   microcode  subroutine  then handles the problem.  The I Box does not react
   immediately to prefetching errors because the prefetched data may  not  be
   used.   The  Hardware Prefetch Halt Bit is cleared by the RESTART PREFETCH
   command, and as a side effect of the MISC fields that load VIBA and PC.

   The microcode can stop prefetching by setting the Microcode Prefetch  Halt
   Bit  in the I Box.  This microcode-controllable bit can be set and cleared
   by the commands DISABLE PREFETCH and ENABLE PREFETCH.  It  is  cleared  by
   the RESTART PREFETCH command.

   A four bit register called the IB Pointer is kept to  point  to  the  next
   valid byte in the lowest longword of the Prefetch Queue.  As data is drawn
   out  of  the  stack  by  the  Microaddress  Generator,  this  pointer   is
   incremented  by  Delta  PC.   When  the  macroinstruction stream branches,
   nothing in the stack is usable.  It is flushed as a  side  effect  of  the
   MISC  fields  that load VIBA and PC.  Prefetching is started up again, and
   the IB Pointer is set to the start of the new instruction ,i.e.  it is set
   equal to bits <1:0> of the PC.

   2.2  The Instruction PLA (IPLA)

   The IPLA contains information about VAX  macroinstructions.   IPLA  inputs
   are  the  eight-bit  opcode and a ninth bit called XFD, which indicates an
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 16

   extended opcode.  The IPLA stores the following data for all valid opcodes
   with one or more specifiers:

     23    22    21    20    19    18    17    16    15    14    13    12    11    10     9
   | FPO | FPA |     Execution Dispatch Address          |Data Length|Data Length|Data Length|
   |Instr|Instr|                                         |  spec 1   |  spec 2   |  spec 3   |

      8     7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0
   |Access Type|Access Type|Access Type|    Number of    |
   |  spec 1   |  spec 2   |  spec 3   |   Specifiers    |

   <23>       The  FPO  bit  is  true  if  the  instruction  is  an   integer
              instruction  that is accelerated via the FPA.  This bit is used
              in conjunction with the F  Box  Instruction  bit  and  the  FPA
              Present bit to enable data broadcasts to the FPA.

   <22>       The F Box Instruction bit is true if the opcode is for an F, D,
              or  G floating point instruction.  It is NOT true if the opcode
              is served by the CFPA but included  in  "warm"  FPA  functions.
              This  prevents  an illegal opcode dispatch on optimized integer
              instructions when there is no FPA in the system.  If  this  bit
              is true and there is no FPA present, an illegal opcode dispatch
              is taken.

   <21:15>    These bits represent 7 of 11 bits for  the  execution  dispatch

   <14:3>     The IPLA has a multiplexor on some of its  outputs.   This  mux
              selects  one  of  the six Data Length fields and one of the six
              Access Type  fields.   This  data  is  loaded  into  the  AT/DL

   <2:0>      The specifier counter field contains the number of operands the
              instruction  requires.   At  IID, this value is loaded into the
              specifier counter, which is decremented every time a  specifier
              dispatch  is  given.   When the counter reaches 1, an execution
              dispatch is done.  When  the  counter  reaches  0,  an  IID  is

                                EXTRA AT/DL PLA

           There is a supplementary PLA which holds  the  AT  and  DL
           values  for  specifiers four through six if an instruction
           has more than three operands.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 17

   2.3  Microaddress Generator

   The Microaddress Generator creates microaddresses for  entry  points  into
   microcode  flows for instruction execution, illegal opcodes, and specifier
   decode.  During PHI2 and PHI3, the  Microaddress  Generator  predicts  the
   next  dispatch  based  on  the data in the Prefetch Queue (PFQ).  The next
   values of important I Box state registers are also  predicted.   At  PHI4,
   the  microinstruction  is  decoded and selection from the possible choices

   2.3.1  IID Dispatch (used When SPEC.CTR = 0) -

   The IID dispatch takes one of three  forms:   exception  dispatch,  if  an
   unusual  condition is pending when IID is detected; execution dispatch, if
   the IID PLA shows that an instruction has no operands or  the  instruction
   is  a  simple  branch; and first specifier dispatch, which is used for all
   other cases.  Priority for IID dispatches is determined from the following

         o  Exception dispatches, as ordered in the exception dispatch table

         o  Execute dispatches for  zero  operand  instructions  as  per  the
            execution dispatch table

         o  Specifier dispatches as per the specifier dispatch table  IID Exception Dispatch -

   Several exception conditions are checked by the I  Box  prior  to  an  IID
   dispatch.   If  one of these conditions is present, a special microaddress
   is driven to handle the problem.  Note that IID is not asserted for  these
   cases.   The  following  table shows the exceptional conditions recognized
   and the dispatch taken for each:

   | VAX      |INTERRUPT|PSL<TP>|   IB   | uADDR
   | TRAP     | PENDING |       |   DRY  | (hex)
   | REQUEST  |         |       |        | 
   |          |         |       |        | 
   |    1     |    x    |   x   |    x   | IE.VAX.ARITH.TRAP       280
   |    0     |    1    |   x   |    x   | IE.VAX.INTERRUPT        302
   |    0     |    0    |   1   |    x   | IE.VAX.TRACE.TRAP       200
   |    0     |    0    |   0   |    1   | IE.IID.STALL            7FE

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 18
   INSTRUCTION (I) BOX  IID Execution Dispatch -

   If no exceptions are pending at IID and the IID PLA output indicates  that
   the  instruction  being  decoded has no operands, an execution dispatch is
   issued immediately.  Note that an opcode  of  FD  will  be  treated  as  a
   zero-operand  instruction.   An  illegal  opcode  dispatch  occurs  if the
   instruction is a floating point type and there is no FPU  present  in  the
   system,  or  if  the  opcode  is  illegal.   Note that illegal opcodes are
   treated as zero operand instructions by the I Box.  The table below  shows
   dispatch  addresses  for  execution  flows reachable from IID, in order of
   decreasing priority:

      (PC)     |  PSL.FPD  |       ADDRESS         | DELTA PC | IDR FUNCTION | COMMENTS
   XXXXXXXX    |     X     |  RSRV.INST.FLT 282    |    0     |   NONE       | ILLEGAL OPCODE DISPATCH
   NOT FD#16   |     1     |  FPD           380    |    1     |   NONE       | FIRST PART DONE DISPATCH
   00000XXX    |     0     |  SEE TABLE OF "OTHER  |    1     |   NONE       | 0 OPERAND INSTRUCTIONS
   00X10000    |     0     |  OPCODES" IN SECTION  | 1 + b,w  | IDR <-IB(b,w)| BSBB...BSBW
   00X10001    |     0     |  2.10.4               |   ""     |    "         | BRB...BRW
   0001001X    |     0     |                       |          |              |
   0001010X    |     0     |                       |   ""     |    "         | ALL BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS
   00011XXX    |     0     |                       |          |              |
   00000011    |     0     |                       |    1     |   NONE       | BPT INSTRUCTION
   11111100    |     0     |                       |    1     |   NONE       | XFC INSTRUCTION
   11111101    |     X     |                       |    1     |   NONE       | XFD (TWO BYTE OPCODES)  Specifier Dispatch -

   If an instruction has  specifiers,  detection  of  an  IID  will  cause  a
   dispatch to the general specifier flows based on the first specifier.  The
   table below describes the dispatch possibilities:
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 19

                         <7:4>  <3:0>
   Specifier Type     |  Spec  | RN  | Dispatch Address            | Delta PC     | IDR LOAD          | 
                      |        |     |                             |(add 1 at IID)| FUNCTION          |
   short literal      |  0-3   | 0-F | SPEC.SH.LIT         080     | 1            | NONE              |
   index              |    4   | 0-E | SPEC.INDEX          082     | 1            | NONE              |
   index              |    4   |  F  | SPEC.RSRV.ADDR      08A     | 1            | NONE              |
   register           |    5   | 0-E | SPEC.REG            084     | 1            | NONE              |
   register           |    5   |  F  | SPEC.RSRV.ADDR      08A     | 1            | NONE              |
   register deferred  |    6   | 0-E | SPEC.REG.DEFER      086     | 1            | NONE              |
   register deferred  |    6   |  F  | SPEC.RSRV.ADDR      08A     | 1            | NONE              |
   autodecrement      |    7   | 0-E | SPEC.AUTODEC        088     | 1            | NONE              |
   autodecrement      |    7   |  F  | SPEC.RSRV.ADDR      08A     | 1            | NONE              |
   autoincrement      |    8   | 0-E | SPEC.AUTOINC        08C     | 1            | NONE              |
   autoincrement def  |    9   | 0-E | SPEC.AUTOINC.DEFER  090     | 1            | NONE              |
   displacement       |  A,C,E | 0-F | SPEC.BWL.DISP       094     | 2,3,5        | IDR <- IB(BWL).SXT|
   displacement def   |  B,D,F | 0-F | SPEC.BWL.DISP.DEFER 096     | 2,3,5        | IDR <- IB(BWL).SXT|
   immediate          |    8   |  F  | SPEC.IMMEDIATE      08E     | 1            | NONE              |
   absolute           |    9   |  F  | SPEC.ABSOLUTE       092     | 5            | IDR <- IB(LW)     |

   The following table shows the dispatch addresses for INDEXED operands:

                         <7:4>  <3:0>
   Specifier Type     |  Spec  | RN  | Dispatch Address            | Delta PC     | IDR LOAD          | 
                      |        |     |                             |(add 1 at IID)| FUNCTION          |
   short literal      |  0-3   | 0-F | INDEX.SH.LIT        0C0     | 1            | NONE              |
   index              |    4   | 0-E | INDEX.INDEX         0C2     | 1            | NONE              |
   index              |    4   |  F  | INDEX.RSRV.ADDR     0CA     | 1            | NONE              |
   register           |    5   | 0-E | INDEX.REG           0C4     | 1            | NONE              |
   register           |    5   |  F  | INDEX.RSRV.ADDR     0CA     | 1            | NONE              |
   register deferred  |    6   | 0-E | INDEX.REG.DEFER     0C6     | 1            | NONE              |
   register deferred  |    6   |  F  | INDEX.RSRV.ADDR     0CA     | 1            | NONE              |
   autodecrement      |    7   | 0-E | INDEX.AUTODEC       0C8     | 1            | NONE              |
   autodecrement      |    7   |  F  | INDEX.RSRV.ADDR     0CA     | 1            | NONE              |
   autoincrement      |    8   | 0-E | INDEX.AUTOINC       0CC     | 1            | NONE              |
   autoincrement def  |    9   | 0-E | INDEX.AUTOINC.DEFER 0D0     | 1            | NONE              |
   displacement       |  A,C,E | 0-F | INDEX.BWL.DISP      0D4     | 2,3,5        | IDR <- IB(BWL).SXT|
   displacement def   |  B,D,F | 0-F | INDEX.BWL.DISP.DEFER0D6     | 2,3,5        | IDR <- IB(BWL).SXT|
   immediate          |    8   |  F  | INDEX.IMMEDIATE     0CE     | 1            | NONE              |
   absolute           |    9   |  F  | INDEX.ABSOLUTE      0D2     | 5            | IDR <- IB(LW)     |

   2.3.2  Second IID Dispatch ( Spec Counter = 0) -

   If the opcode at IID is FD, the microcode branches  to  a  location  which
   reissues  the IID.  Furthermore, the E Box sets the opcode register to 0FD
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 20

   and increments PC by 1.  When the  second  IID  is  executed,  the  opcode
   register  is  set  to  1xx,  where  xx  is  the  second opcode byte.  With
   second.iid set, the I Box interprets an IID operation  differently.   This
   special  IID  acts  much like the normal one, but interrupts and the trace
   bit are ignored.  Furthermore, second IID  prevents  the  backup  PC  from
   being  loaded with the current PC (this is an E Box function).  This keeps
   the backup PC from pointing to the  second  byte  of  a  two-byte  opcode.
   Second  IID  is  also  used by microcode while waiting for the PFQ to fill
   after a dispatch to XFD (due to PFQ dry and not  halted  condition)  takes
   place.  The following table describes the dispatch possibilities at Second
   IID time, in order of decreasing priority:

   Specifier Type                    | Dispatch Address             | Delta PC     | IDR LOAD          |
   or Condition                      |                              |              | FUNCTION          |
   PFQ DRY, NOT HALTED               | XFD                7FE       | 0            | NONE              |
   PFQ DRY, HALTED                   | DEC.NEXT.HALTED    382       | 0            | NONE              |
   Execute Dispatch                  | As per IID dispatch          | 0            | NONE              |
   SPECIFIER DISPATCH                | SEE SPECIFIER DISPATCH TABLE (TREAT AS IID)                     |

   2.3.3  Specifier Decode Dispatches -

   The specifier dispatch causes the I Box to examine the specifier byte.  As
   described  above,  if  the  spec counter is 1, the dispatch will be to the
   execution flows.  If the spec  counter  is  2,  the  dispatch  logic  must
   examine  the  specifier  mode and dispatch to optimized execution flows if
   the mode is  5  (register).   Otherwise,  the  dispatch  will  be  to  the
   specifier  flows.   If the dispatch is to the execution flows, the address
   will look like this:

   Specifier Type|   Dispatch Address         |   Comments
   Register Mode |   10xxxxxxx10              |  optimized 
   Other Mode    |   10xxxxxxx00              |  similar to IID opcode dispatch

   The dispatch will be from the following  table,  in  order  of  decreasing

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 21

   Specifier Type                    | Dispatch Address    | Delta PC     | IDR LOAD          |
   or Condition                      |                     |              | FUNCTION          |
   EXECUTE (SPEC COUNTER = 1)        | EXECUTION FROM IPLA | 0            | NONE              |
   PFQ DRY, NOT HALTED               | DEC.NEXT.STALL      | 0            | NONE              |
   PFQ DRY, HALTED                   | DEC.NEXT.HALTED     | 0            | NONE              |
           OPTIMIZE                  | DISP. TO OPTIMIZED  |              |                   |
   (SPEC.MODE = 5,SPEC.CTR = 2)      | EXECUTION FLOWS     | 1            | NONE              |
    NOTE: THIS CLEARS SPEC COUNTER   | AS PER ABOVE TABLE  |              |                   |
   SPECIFIER DISPATCHES              | SEE SPECIFIER DECODE TABLE                             |

                            Illegal addressing modes

           The illegal mode/access combinations are Register Mode (5)
           with  access  type  of Address (A) and Short Literal (0-3)
           with access types of Address, Modify, or  Field  (A,M,  or
           V).   If  such a condition is detected, the MICROCODE will
           go to RSRV.ADDR.FLT.


           The index mode prefix is treated as a one-byte  specifier.
           The   microcode  issues  a  DEC.NEXT  to  parse  the  real
           specifier; the I box sets a flag at  index  dispatch  time
           that indicates to the next cycle I box decode the presence
           of the index mode specifier.

   2.3.4  MicroAddress Format -

   The following table shows the  format  for  the  I  box  microaddress  bus

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 22

   Dispatch Type         Spec Counter  Microaddress       Comments
   Exception            |  0          | Fixed CONSTANTS                    | SEE TABLE IN SECTION
   Execute              |  1          | 10xxxxxxx00                        | SEE TABLE IN SECTION 2.10.3
   Optimized Execute    |  2          | 10xxxxxxx10                        | SEE TABLE IN SECTION 2.10.3
   0-operand Execute    |  0          | 001100xxxx0                        | SEE TABLE IN SECTION 2.10.3
   Illegal Opcode       |  0          | RSRV.INST.FLT      282             |
   IB Dry               | any         | DEC.NEXT.STALL     300             |        
   IB Halted & Dry      | any         | DEC.NEXT.HALTED    382             | 
   Normal Specifier     | > 1         | 000100xxxx0                        | SEE TABLE IN SECTION
   Indexed Specifier    | > 1         | 000110xxxx0                        | SEE TABLE IN SECTION

   2.3.5  Delta PC Logic -

   The Delta  PC  logic  is  integrated  with  microaddress  generation.   It
   generates  a  three bit value to be added to the PC when the next piece of
   instruction data is used.  Whenever data is not being requested  from  the
   Prefetch  Stack,  delta  PC  must  be  zero.   Delta  PC is used by the PC
   function of the E Box data path, and  by  the  Prefetch  Controller.   The
   controller  uses  it  to  increment the IB Pointer that specifies the next
   byte to be used in the Prefetch Stack.

                         PREFETCH QUEUE DRY CALCULATION

           These values for Delta PC may also be interpreted  as  the
           minimum  number  of  valid  bytes which must be in the PFQ
           prior to a dispatch for the dispatch to be  succesful  and
           the PFQ to be considered NOT dry.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 23

   Condition               Delta PC
   IID forks ( spec counter = 0 ):
     Exceptions               0
     FPD                      1
     Opc = Branch byte disp.  2
     Opc = Branch word disp.  3
     Opc = FD (hex)           1
     Zero operand opc.        1
     First Specifier       see note ( + 1 for opcode)
     PFQ dry                  0

   Specifier forks ( spec counter > 0 ):
     Specifier Decode      see note
     Optimize (CTR=2,MODE=5)  1 (to skip over register specifier)
     PFQ dry                  0

     DL=0  (BYTE)             1
     DL=1  (WORD)             2
     DL=2  (LONG)             4
     DL=3  (QUAD)             4
     PFQ DRY                  0

   In these cases the amount of data taken out of the Prefetch Stack  depends
   on the specifier mode.

   Spec Mode               Spec Code  Delta PC
   byte disp.                  A          2
   byte disp. deferred         B          2
   word disp.                  C          3
   word disp. deferred         D          3
   longword disp.              E          5
   longword disp. def.         F          5
   ABSOLUTE                    9(F)       5
   other                     0-9          1

   If this is an IID fork, delta PC is increased by  1  to  account  for  the

   2.4  Miscellaneous Register Descriptions

   This section describes some of the registers in the I Box.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 24

   2.4.1  Current Specifier / Register Number Latch (SPEC.RN) -

   The Current Specifier / Register Number Latch holds the address  mode  and
   GPR  address of the last specifier decoded.  It is also used with the RLOG
   facility in the E Box data path section.  When RLOG is pushed, RN supplies
   four  bits  of  the data that is pushed.  The SPEC.RN register can be read
   via  a  mem_req  microinstruction;  RN  can  be  written  via  a   mem_req
   microinstruction, as well.

   SPEC.RN is loaded during any DEC.NEXT when the specifier counter is not  =
   1 with bits <7:0> of the specifier.  Note that when the specifier is short
   literal (modes 0-3), the SPEC.RN  register  holds  the  entire  specifier.
   Microcode  gets  the literal by reading it from this register.  The RN.OLD
   register is also part of the SPEC.RN logic.  RN.OLD is updated  only  when
   the  specifier  being  decoded  may  be  a  destination  address  for  the
   instruction in progress.  There is also a microcode  command  to  load  RN
   with RN.OLD .

   2.4.2  FPU Present -

   Whenever RESET is asserted, one of the CP_STA lines is pulled down by  the
   CFPA  if it is present.  If the CFPA is not present, that CP_STA line will
   be pulled up by an external resistor.  The status  of  this  pin  will  be
   sensed   by   the  FPA  logic  on  CVAX,  which  will  assert  the  signal
   G_S%FPU_IS_THERE_H if the  FPA  is  present.   The  I  box  will  set  the
   FPU_PRESENT  bit  only  if  RESET  is  asserted  and G_S%FPU_IS_THERE_H is
   asserted.  If the FPU_PRESENT bit is set, floating point instructions will
   cause  a normal GSD dispatch at IID.  If this bit is clear and the IID PLA
   entry for an instruction specifies F  Box  execution,  an  illegal  opcode
   dispatch occurs.

   2.4.3  VAX Trap Request -

   This bit can be set or cleared by SPECIAL MISC1  microinstructions.   When
   set, the I Box's next IID dispatch will be to a trap routine.  The VTR bit
   must be cleared by the handling routine before  normal  execution  can  be

   2.4.4  Specifier Counter -

   This facility  indicates  which  specifier  is  presently  being  decoded.
   During an IID dispatch (spec counter = 0) where a normal dispatch happens,
   the specifier counter is loaded with the  number  of  specifiers  for  the
   instruction  as  listed  in  the  IPLA.  At each specifier dispatch, it is
   decremented.  When the counter reaches 1, the next dispatch will be to the
   execution  flow.  When the counter reaches 0, the next dispatch will be an
   IID.  The specifier counter is also used to address the working  registers
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 25

   for specifier decode addressing.  The specifier counter is not decremented
   at index mode dispatches (i.e.  dispatches where INDEX_EXPECTED  is  set).
   SPEC.CTR  is cleared at execution of any microinstruction which loads VIBA
   and PC.  It is also cleared whenever  a  register-mode  optimized  execute
   dispatch is generated.

   2.4.5  Data Length And Access Type -

   The data length and access type of the specifier presently being worked on
   are kept in the AT/DL register.

   The codes for the access type are:

               0 A  Address Source
               1 V  Field Source
               2 R  Read Source
               3 M  Modify Source

   The access type portion of the AT/DL  register  may  be  written  only  on
   specifier dispatches with a value from the IPLA.

   The data length portion of the  AT/DL  register  may  be  written  in  the
   following ways:

         o  Automatically with a value from the IPLA on specifier dispatches.

         o  Forced by the MISC field.

         o  Forced  to  byte  (00)   at   execution   dispatches   for   four
            instructions:  SOBGTR,SOBLEQ,BLBC,BLBS.

   The codes for the data lengths are:

               0    BYTE
               1    WORD
               2    LONG
               3    QUAD

   2.4.6  PSL Bits -

   The following PSL bits are shadowed in the I Box:

           < 4>    T
           <27>    FPD
           <30>    TP

   These bits are loaded  whenever  A  port  address  28  is  detected  as  a
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 26

                                 MICROCODE NOTE

           IID  may  not  occur  during  or  FOR  2  CYCLES  after  a
           microinstruction   in  which  these  bits  (T,FPD,TP)  are

   2.4.7  Second IID Flag -

   This flag is set whenever the I box detects  that  it  is  dispatching  to
   address XFD or IE.IID.STALL .  It is cleared during a succesful dispatch.

   2.4.8  Index Expected Flag -

   This flag is set whenever the I box dispatches to an index mode specifier.
   It is cleared at a succesful dispatch.

   2.5  I Box Initialization At RESET Signal

   The following state bits of the  I  Box  are  initialized  when  RESET  is

               STATE                                      INITIALIZED TO
         PFQ VALID BITS <2:0>                           |        0 
         HARDWARE PREFETCH HALT                         |        1 
         DELTA_PC <2:0>                                 |        0 
         VAX TRAP REQUEST BIT                           |        0 
         FD bit                                         |        0 
         SPECIFIER COUNTER                              |        0
         INDEX EXPECTED                                 |        0
         SECOND IID EXPECTED                            |        0

   2.6  I Box Related Microinstructions

   In the B field:

   Code    Operation       Comment
   0A    B port is ID register (read only when B port is source, not dest)
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 27

   In the MISC field:

   Code    Operation       Comment
   05    RESTART.PREFETCH        clear both prefetch disable bits (at phi1)
   06    DISABLE.PFQ.PREF        set ucode prefetch disable bit ( at phi1)
   07    ENABLE.PFQ.PREF         clear ucode prefetch disable bit ( at phi1)
   08    CLEAR.RN                clear RN register (master at phi1, slave at phi3)
   09    RN.MINUS.1              decrement RN register (master at phi1, slave at phi3)
   0A    RN.PLUS.1               increment RN register (master at phi1, slave at phi3)
   0B    RN.PLUS.DL.Q            increment RN if DL=quad (master at phi1, slave at phi3)
   0C    DL.BYTE                 DL <-- byte (master at phi1, slave at phi3)
   0D    DL.WORD                 DL <-- word (master at phi1, slave at phi3)
   0E    DL.LONG                 DL <-- long (master at phi1, slave at phi3)
   0F    DL.QUAD                 DL <-- quad (master at phi1, slave at phi1)
   17    RN.LOAD.OLD             LOAD RN with RN.OLD during PHI3 (slave only)

   In the SPECIAL MISC1 field:

   MIB<37:33>       Operation            Comment
   1xx1x      CLEAR.VAX.TRAP.REQ      clear VAX TRAP REQUEST bit 
                                      (master at phi1, slave at phi3)
   0xx1x      SET.VAX.TRAP.REQUEST    set VAX TRAP REQUEST bit 
                                      (master at phi1, slave at phi3)

   In the MEMREQ.REG field:
   (NOTE: These registers may be read via the W-spur; only RN may be written via the SPUR)

   Code  Operation              Comment
   03   OPCODE                  OPCODE.REG in bits <7:0>  (Drive of spur is done by E Box)
   04   SPEC.RN                 SPECIFIER MODE in bits <7:4>, RN in bits <3:0>

   In the BR.BCS field (Branch Microinstruction Only)

   Code  Operation                         Comment 
   28   DEC.NEXT                           request for decoder next dispatch
   2B   AT.RVM_DEC.NEXT                    IF AT R, V, OR M  DEC.NEXT ELSE GOTO
   2D   AT.R_DEC.NEXT                      IF AT = R DEC.NEXT ELSE GOTO
   2E   AT.AV_DEC.NEXT                      IF AT = AV THEN DEC.NEXT ELSE GOTO
   2F   DL.BWL_DEC.NEXT                     IF DL = B,W, OR L THEN DEC.NEXT ELSE GOTO

   3B   FPU/DL                             FPU.PRESENT,DL<1:0> = UTEST<2:0> (drive utest at phi2)
   3C   I                                  I Box STATUS (FPD.IRQ, RMODE.OLD, RMODE) = UTEST<2:0> (drive utest at phi2)
   3D   OPCODE2-0                          OPCODE<2:0> = UTEST<2:0> (drive utest at phi2) (Drive is done by E Box)
                                           AT<1>,PFQ DRY & HALTED,PFQ DRY (whether halted or not)  = UTEST<2:0>                    
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 28

   2.7  Microcode Restriction Summary

   o A  recoverable  microtrap  may  not  happen  in  the  same  cycle  as  a
   CASE.ID.LOAD operation.

   o There must be 2 cycles after a  change  of  the  PSL  before  a  DECNEXT
   operation can be done.

   o A load of VIBA and PC must be done after a PC<-BPC operation before  any
   I Box call.

   o The following I Box state bits may be changed by the  microcode  in  the
   same  cycle  as,  or  immediately  before,  any I Box dispatch or IDR load
   function, but the requested dispatch or load function will be based on the
   value of these bits BEFORE the requested change:

           FPU Existence bit
           Vax Trap Request bit

   o A case on PSL bits cannot immediately follow a write to the PSL bits

   o Loading of the PC in the same cycle as an I Box dispatch is allowed only
   in  the  case  of  the  conditional  branch  code  to  enable  a one-cycle
   branch-not-taken to be implemented.

   o The LOAD.IDR command can only use the DL register.  The FORCE.LONG field
   is ignored.

   o Execution dispatch addresses for  opcodes  SOBGTR,  SOBLEQ,  BLBC,  BLBS
   (addresses  SOBX,  BLBX)  must  differ  in only one bit position.  This is
   negotiable if there is STRONG need.

   o MXPS0[OPCODE] may be done in the same cycle as DEC.NEXT, but the results
   will be unpredictable.

   o MISC field operations INCR.RN,  DECR.RN,  and  INCR.RN.IF.DL.Q  may  not
   occur  in  the  same  microinstruction  as  any operation that may cause a
   recoverable microtrap.

   o Note that SPEC.RN will keep its previous value  for  1  microinstruction
   after a write.rn is executed.

   o Further detail and other restrictions can  be  found  in  the  following

   1.  Undefined W-spur bits are not driven and therefore return the

   precharged value, 1 (ECO 5JUN01PIR.1).

   2.  Invert MIB<12> (ECO 5JUL01AO.1).

   3.  Redefinition of global IID signal (ECO 5AUG01DWA.1).
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 29

   4.  The PSL (PSL<dv,fu,iv,cc's) cannot be explicitly written

   in the same cycle as DEC.NEXT (RMS 26-Jul-1985 memo).

   5.  The privileged part  of  the  PSL  (PSL<tp,fpd,is,cm,pm>)  and  psl<t>
   cannot be

   changed in the same cycle as, or the cycle before,

   DEC.NEXT (RMS 26-Jul-1985 memo).

   6.  The IPL part of the PSL cannot be changed in the same cycle as,

   or the cycle before, DEC.NEXT, or the cycle before that

   (interrupt) (RMS 26-JUL-1985 memo).

   must not

   happen in the same cycle as or in the cycle  before  and  I  Box  dispatch

   2.8  SN Output

   The I Box must generate a working register address for use by the  E  Box.
   This  value is dependent on the specifier counter, and is updated whenever
   an I Box dispatch is done.  The following table shows the working register
   address as a function of the current specifier number.

                 Specifier       WR       Value sent to E Box
                   Number      number      as G_S%SN_H<2:0>
                        1        0                0
                        2        2                2
                        3        4                5
                        4        7                4
                        5        3                7
                        6        1                6

   2.9  I Box Testability Hardware

   There will be a LFSR attached to the outputs of the  IPLA  sense  amp  for
   testing the contents of the IPLA ROM.  The order of bits in this LFSR will
   be the same as the order  described  above  for  the  IPLA  outputs.   The
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 30

   feedback taps in the LFSR are located as follows:

       DATE = 04-24-86   TIME = 09:14 HRS
       No. of Stages in LFSR  =  12
       No. of XOR Gates used for feedback =   3
       Primitive Table:
            ||  #  |       POLYNOMIAL *         |  FEEDBACK TAP POSITIONS             ||
            ||   1 |  1000001101001 B1          |   12  6  5  3                       ||
            ||   2 |  1000010011001 B1          |   12  7  4  3                       ||
            ||   3 |  1110000000101 B1          |   12 11 10  2                       ||
            ||   4 |  1000110000101 B1          |   12  8  7  2                       ||
            ||   5 |  1001000001101 B1          |   12  9  3  2                       ||
            ||     5  primitives found in     40 trials                               ||
                              <--| | | | | | | | | | | | |<--
                                  |     |           | |   
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 31

   2.10  I Box Schematics And Their Functions

   2.10.1  I_ADDRESS_GENERATOR   (IAG) - The   address   generator    creates
   addresses  on the IMAB (G_S%IMAB_H) based on dispatch information from the
   dispatch pla (see I_DISPATCH_PLA) and the IID logic (see I_IID_LOGIC).  10
   bits of address are generated, and bit <0> of the IMAB is always 0.

   2.10.2  I_AT_DL_REG (IAD) - This schematic contains  two  2-bit  registers
   for  storing the access type and data length of the current specifier.  It
   also includes a multiplexor which chooses one of six possible  AT  and  DL
   values  from  the  outputs  of  the IPLA (see I_IPLA).  The multiplexor is
   controlled by a value based on the specifier counter  and  the  number  of
   specifiers the current instruction has.

   2.10.3  I_DATAPATH (IDP) - The datapath receives instruction data from the
   IDAL  bus  and  stores  it in three longword registers.  The datapath also
   sorts this data and selects the next six bytes of the  instruction  stream
   for  processing.   Some  of  this data is loaded into the Instruction Data
   Register for use by the E Box.  The first two  bytes  of  the  instruction
   data  are decoded by the I Box control hardware to determine the correct I
   Box dispatch for the next DEC.NEXT operation.

   2.10.4  I_DP_DRIVERS (IDD) - This logic is  primarily  composed  of  large
   drivers  for  controlling  the  datapath.   Inputs  come  mainly  from the
   prefetch queue controller (see I_PFQ_CONTROL).

   2.10.5  I_DISPATCH_PLA (IP1) - The dispatch PLA determines  what  kind  of
   dispatch  will be done at the next DEC.NEXT operation.  It is a self-timed
   PLA, needing only one clock to operate.   The  programming  file  for  the
   dispatch  PLA  is  found  below in both PLAD and binary format.  Note that
   some outputs of this PLA are taken directly from  product  terms,  so  the
   number  of  true PLA outputs is less than the number indicated in the PLAD
   format data.  I_DISPATCH_PLA PLAD File -

   ! Description for the address prediction PLA in the I-box
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 32

                                   ! FPD WHEN FPD IS ILLEGAL.
                                   ! NOTE: VALID ONLY IF SPEC_CTR EQ 0
                                   ! BYTE DISPLACEMENT...AGAIN, ONLY VALID IF SPEC_CTR EQ 0
                                   ! VALID ONLY IF SPEC_CTR EQ 0
           FPD_DISPATCH,           ! SAME AS FPD_BIT
           I_PSL_TP,               ! TRACE PENDING BIT...VALID ONLY WHEN SPEC_CTR EQ 0
                                   ! WILL BE A DECNEXT.INDEX

           I_S%DISP_ADR_CHOICE<10:0> /DEFAULT=00000000000, ! CHOOSES ADDRESS 
           I_S%EN_ADD_TO_IB_PTR_H /DEFAULT=0,              !

                            (NEED1         = 00,
                             NEED2         = 01,
                             NEED3         = 10,
                             NEED5         = 11);

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 33

                            IB_HLT          =  00000000001,
                            VTR_ADR         =  10000000000,
                            INT_ADR         =  01000000000,
                            TBIT_ADR        =  00100000000,
                            XFD_ADR         =  00000000000,
                            FPD_ADR         =  00010000000,
                            ILLEGAL_OPC     =  00001000000,
                            USE_EXE_ADR     =  00000100000,
                            USE_IID_EXE_ADR =  00000010000,
                            USE_SPEC_ADR    =  00000001000,                         
                            USE_SPEC_ADR_NDX = 00000000100,
                            IB_DRY           = 00000000010);

                           (IDR_BYTE       = 00,
                            IDR_WORD       = 01,
                            IDR_LONG       = 10);

                           (DPC_0          = 000000,
                            DPC_1          = 001000,
                            DPC_2          = 001100,
                            DPC_3          = 001110,
                            DPC_4          = 001111,
                            DPC_5          = 100111,
                            DPC_6          = 110011);

   ! 2/3/86 took ^FPD_DISPATCH out of term # 2 below
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 34



   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 35



   END;  I_DISPATCH_PLA Binary File... -

    i 23
    o 18
    p 37
    x x x x x x 1 x 1 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x 1 x x   0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
    x x x x x x 1 x 1 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    x x x x x x 1 x 1 1 x x x x x 0 x x x x x 0 x   0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    x x x x x x 1 x 1 1 x x x x x 1 x x x x 0 x x   0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
    x x x x x x 1 x 1 0 x x x 1 x x x x x x 1 x x   0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
    x x x x x x 1 x 1 0 x x x 0 x x x x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    x x x x x x 1 x 1 0 x x x 0 x x x x x x x 0 x   0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    x x x x x x 1 x 1 0 x x x 1 x x x x x x 0 x x   0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
    x x x x x x 1 x 0 1 x x 1 x x x x x x x 1 x x   0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
    x x x x x x 1 x 0 1 x x 0 x x x x x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    x x x x x x 1 x 0 1 x x 0 x x x x x x x x 0 x   0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    x x x x x x 1 x 0 1 x x 1 x x x x x x x 0 x x   0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
    x x x x x x 1 x 0 0 x 1 x x x x x x x x 1 x x   0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
    x x x x x x 1 x 0 0 x 0 x x x x x x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 36

    x x x x x x 1 x 0 0 x 0 x x x x x x x x x 0 x   0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    x x x x x x 1 x 0 0 x 1 x x x x x x x x 0 x x   0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
    x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -->use_exe output
    0 0 x x 1 1 x 0 1 1 x x x x x x 0 x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 x x x 1 x 0 1 1 x x x x x x 1 0 0 0 x x x   0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
    0 0 x x 1 1 x 0 1 0 x x x x 0 x x x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 x x x 1 x 0 1 0 x x x x 1 x x 0 0 0 x x x   0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
    0 0 x x 1 1 x 0 0 1 x x x 0 x x x x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 x x x 1 x 0 0 1 x x x 1 x x x 0 0 0 x x x   0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
    0 0 x x 1 1 x 0 0 0 x x 0 x x x x x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 x x x 1 x 0 0 0 x x 1 x x x x 0 0 0 x x x   0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
    0 1 0 0 x 1 x 0 x x 0 x x x x x x 0 0 0 x x x   1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
    0 1 x 1 1 1 x 0 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 1 x 1 x 1 x 0 x x x x x 1 x x x 0 0 0 x x x   1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
    0 1 1 x 1 1 x 0 x x x x 0 x x x x x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 1 1 x x 1 x 0 x x x x 1 x x x x 0 0 0 x x x   1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
    0 x x x x 1 x 1 x x 0 x x x x x x 0 0 0 x x x   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 --> use_fpd output
    1 x x x x 1 x x x x 0 x x x x x x 0 0 0 x x x   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --> use_illeg_opc output
    x x x x 1 1 x x x x 1 x x x x x x x x x x 1 x   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    x x x x 0 1 x x x x x x x x x x x 1 0 0 x x x   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --> use_tbit output
    0 x x x x 1 x x x x 0 x x x x x x 0 0 0 x x x   0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    x x x x 0 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 0 x x x   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --> use_int output
    x x x x 0 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 x x x   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --> use_vtr output 

   2.10.6  I_FPA_BUFFERS (IFB) - The fpa  buffer  logic  sends  opcode  class
   information  to  the  FPA  logic.  The FPA present bit also lives here, as
   does the logic used to generate the G_S%BRDCST_OK_H signal.

   2.10.7  I_IID_LOGIC (IIL) - The IID logic examines the next two  bytes  of
   instruction  data.   Part  of  this  logic  generates an execution address
   offset for  opcodes  with  no  specifiers.   Another  part  of  the  logic
   generates  a specifier dispatch address offset for specifier parsing.  The
   IID logic examines the opcode to see if it is  illegal.   Furthermore,  it
   determines  if  the opcode is a simple branch or jump, the number of bytes
   needed for the next specifier dispatch, and whether or not the  opcode  is
   FD, the first part of a 2-byte opcode.

   2.10.8  I_IPLA (IPL) - This logic forms the instruction PLA in the I  Box.
   It  examines the opcode to determine access types, data lengths, number of
   specifiers, floating point flags, and partial execution addresses for  the
   current  instruction.   The  programming  of  the IPLA is contained in the
   following four schematics:
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 37

         o  I_IPLA_BANK_0  IB0

         o  I_IPLA_BANK_1  IB1

         o  I_IPLA_BANK_2  IB2

         o  I_IPLA_BANK_3  IB3

   2.10.9  I_MIB_DECODE  (IMD) - The  MIB  Decoder  decodes   part   of   the
   microinstruction, specifically the BCS field and MISC field.  In addition,
   the logic which controls I Box stalls is contained in this schematic.  The
   global  IID  signal  is  generated  here,  as  is  the  I Box WRITE clock,

   2.10.10  I_MISC_STATE (IMS) - The misc state logic contains the I Box  PSL
   bits, the XFD bit, and some additional miscellaneous logic.

   2.10.11  I_OP_MUX  (IOM) - The  operation  multiplexor  generates  control
   signals  for  modifying  some I Box state based on the occurence of either
   DEC.NEXT or CASE.LD.ID BCS functions.  The delta_pc value for ID  register
   loading  is  generated  here, as are the status bits used on the microtest
   bus during a CASE.LD.ID .

   2.10.12  I_OTHER_MIB_DECODER (IM2) - This mib decoder decodes the  SPECIAL
   functions and the MXPS functions for the I Box.

   2.10.13  I_PFQ_CONTROL  (IQC) - The   prefetch   queue   controller   uses
   calculated delta_pc values as well as MIB decoder outputs to determine the
   correct way to update the prefetch queue registers.  It also generates the
   global  delta_pc  value  and the state bits which indicate the validity of
   longwords in the prefetch queue.  Another part of  this  logic  creates  a
   code  which  informs the dispatch PLA of the number of bytes available for
   the next operation, while yet another part controls the generation  of  IB
   fill requests.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 38

   2.10.14  I_SECOND_IPLA (I2P) - This PLA augments the IPLA (see I_IPLA) for
   determining  access  types  and  data  lengths  for  some  specifiers.  In
   particular, this PLA contains the codes for access types and data  lengths
   for the forth through sixth specifiers of an opcode.

   2.10.15  I_SPEC_COUNTER (ISC) - The specifier counter logic keeps track of
   the  number  of  specifiers already parsed during instruction decode.  The
   two primary registers in this schematic contain the current  spec  counter
   and  the  number  of  specifiers for the instruction.  This schematic also
   generates two I Box state bits for use in INDEX specifier decoding.  Other
   logic  on this schematic generates a difference code from the spec counter
   and the number of specifiers.  This difference code is used to generate an
   index  for  selecting  the  correct  AT  and  DL  code  in the I_AT_DL_REG
   schematic.  The code produced is also  used  to  generate  the  global  SN
   register index for the E Box.

   2.10.16  I_SPEC_RN_REG (ISR) - The  spec.rn  register  holds  the  current
   specifier.   The OLD.RN register is here, as is the RMODE detection logic.
   Another part of this schematic holds the second.iid bit.

   2.10.17  I_SPUR_UTEST_DRIVE  (ISU) - This  logic  drives  the  WSPUR   and
   microtest bus when the spirit moves it.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 39

   2.11  Tables

   2.11.1  Dispatch Types, STALL And UTrap Behavior -

   The following table shows, for all I Box requests,  the  behavior  of  the
   Microaddress Generator:

           DEC.NEXT (0)    OK              NORMAL          
                           DRY             IE.IID.STALL

           DEC.NEXT (<>0)  OK              NORMAL          
                           DRY, NOT HLT    DEC.NEXT.STALL
                           DRY, HALTED     DEC.NEXT.HALTED 

           LOAD IDR        OK              CASE ON ID LOAD STATUS  
                           DRY, NOT HLT    CASE ON ID LOAD STATUS
                           DRY, HALTED     CASE ON ID LOAD STATUS

   2.11.2  NOTE ON UPDATING I BOX  STATE - There  are  two  conditions  under
   which  the  I  Box  must freeze most dispatch and state change operations.
   These conditions arise as a result of events  that  interrupt  the  normal
   flow of microcode, namely microtraps and STALLs.

   The I Box must retire instruction data used by an I  Box  dispatch  before
   the  microinstruction containing the dispatch can be stalled or completed.
   In the event of a STALL or microtrap, however, the microinstruction may be
   retried.   In  the  event  of  a retry, the I Box must ignore the reissued
   microinstruction, since the intended data  for  the  microinstruction  has
   already been discarded from the instruction stream.  The INOP mechanism in
   the I Box is used to insure that reissued  microinstructions  are  ignored

   There are two cases in which a reissued microinstruction must  be  ignored
   by  the I Box.  The first case occurs when a microtrap is signalled in the
   same cycle that a DEC.NEXT microinstruction is executed.   In  this  case,
   the  I  Box  must ignore all DEC.NEXT operations until after a DEC.NEXT is
   received and STALL is not asserted.  In this way, the I  Box  will  resume
   operation  at  the  correct  point in the microcode flow.  The second case
   occurs when STALL is asserted.  In this case, almost all I Box  operations
   must  be  suspended  until STALL is deasserted.  Both cases are handled by
   the INOP logic in the I Box.

   The INOP signal inhibits:

         o  all actions associated with  DEC.NEXT  or  CASE.LD.ID  operations
            (except drive of case status for the CASE.LD.ID)
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 40

         o  all I Box MISC field operations except DISABLE.PFQ

         o  update of the delta PC value sent to the E Box

         o  update of:  SPEC.RN, OPCODE,  VAX.TRAP.REQ,  DL,  AT,  PSL  BITS,
            AT_EQ_MOD, IID_LD, COPY_TRACE.

   The INOP signal does NOT inhibit:

         o  MISC operations DISABLE.PFQ,DL.BYTE,DL.WORD,DL.LONG,DL.QUAD,  and

         o  CASE operations (excluding CASE.LD.ID)

         o  FLUSH of the I Box by LOAD.V&PC

         o  FLUSH of the I Box by RESET

   In summary,

         o  INOP is set by a microtrap  occuring  in  the  same  cycle  as  a
            DEC.NEXT .  In this case, it is cleared by RESET, LOAD.V&PC, or a
            DEC.NEXT while STALL is not asserted.

         o  INOP is set by assertion of STALL.  In this case, it  is  cleared
            by deassertion of STALL, assertion of RESET, or LOAD.V&PC.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 41

   2.11.3  CVAX IPLA Assignments -

           OPCODE  is listed in the first two to four characters
           AN "O"  between the opcode and mnemonic indicates an opcode 
                   which is optimized with the help of CFPA
           AN "F"  between the opcode and mnemonic indicates an opcode
                   that can only be executed with the CFPA coprocessor
           MNEMONIC is next
           AT / DL fields for all operands follow the mnemonic

           NOTE: Access Types of "w" are treated as "v".   
     1     94       CLRB   wb   wb                                 CLRX                    588
     1     D4       CLRL   wl   wl                                 CLRX                    588
     1     7C       CLRQ   wq   wq                                 CLRX                    588
     1     B4       CLRW   ww   ww                                 CLRX                    588
     1     97       DECB   mb   mb                                 DECX                    584
     1     D7       DECL   ml   ml                                 DECX                    584
     1     B7       DECW   mw   mw                                 DECX                    584
     1     96       INCB   mb   mb                                 INCX                    580
     1     D6       INCL   ml   ml                                 INCX                    580
     1     B6       INCW   mw   mw                                 INCX                    580
     1     DD       PUSHL  rl   rl                                 PUSHX                   444
     1     95       TSTB   rb   rb                                 TSTX                    400
     1     D5       TSTL   rl   rl                                 TSTX                    400
     1     B5       TSTW   rw   rw                                 TSTX                    400
     1     9F       PUSHAB ab   ab                                 PUSHX                   444
     1     DF       PUSHAL al   al                                 PUSHX                   444
     1     7F       PUSHAQ aq   aq                                 PUSHX                   444
     1     3F       PUSHAW aw   aw                                 PUSHX                   444
     1     E9       BLBC   rl   rl                                 BLBX                    500
     1     E8       BLBS   rl   rl                                 BLBX                    500  
     1     17       JMP    ab   ab                                 JMP                     480  
     1     16       JSB    ab   ab                                 JSB                     484  
     1     F4       SOBGEQ ml   ml                                 SOBX                    504  
     1     F5       SOBGTR ml   ml                                 SOBX                    504  
     1     B9       BICPSW rw   rw                                 BISPSW                  520 
     1     B8       BISPSW rw   rw                                 BISPSW                  520  
     1     DC       MOVPSL wl   wl                                 MOVPSL                  58C  
     1     BA       POPR   rw   rw                                 POPR                    4A0     
     1     BB       PUSHR  rw   rw                                 PUSHR                   4A4  
     1     BD       CHME   rw   rw                                 CHME                    4BC  
     1     BC       CHMK   rw   rw                                 CHMK                    4B8  
     1     BE       CHMS   rw   rw                                 CHMS                    4C0  
     1     BF       CHMU   rw   rw                                 CHMU                    4C4  
     1     73    F  TSTD   rd   rd                                 TSTDG                   518  
     1     53    F  TSTF   rf   rf                                 TSTF                    528
     1     53FD  F  TSTG   rg   rg                                 TSTDG                   518
     2     58       ADAWI  rw   aw                                 ADAWI                   448
    ;2                                                             ADAWI.RMODE             44A
     2     80       ADDB2  rb   mb                                 ADDX2                   40C
    ;2                                                             ADDX2.RMODE             40E
     2     C0       ADDL2  rl   ml                                 ADDX2                   40C
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 42

    ;2                                                             ADDX2.RMODE             40E
     2     A0       ADDW2  rw   mw                                 ADDX2                   40C
    ;2                                                             ADDX2.RMODE             40E
     2     D8       ADWC   rl   ml                                 ADWC                    420
    ;2                                                             ADWC.RMODE              422
     2     8A       BICB2  rb   mb                                 BICX2                   418
    ;2                                                             BICX2.RMODE             41A
     2     CA       BICL2  rl   ml                                 BICX2                   418
    ;2                                                             BICX2.RMODE             41A
     2     AA       BICW2  rw   mw                                 BICX2                   418
    ;2                                                             BICX2.RMODE             41A
     2     88       BISB2  rb   mb                                 BISX2                   414
    ;2                                                             BISX2.RMODE             416
     2     C8       BISL2  rl   ml                                 BISX2                   414
    ;2                                                             BISX2.RMODE             416
     2     A8       BISW2  rw   mw                                 BISX2                   414
    ;2                                                             BISX2.RMODE             416
     2     93       BITB   rb   rb                                 BITX                    408
    ;2                                                             BITX.RMODE              40A
     2     D3       BITL   rl   rl                                 BITX                    408
    ;2                                                             BITX.RMODE              40A
     2     B3       BITW   rw   rw                                 BITX                    408
    ;2                                                             BITX.RMODE              40A
     2     91       CMPB   rb   rb                                 CMPX                    404
    ;2                                                             CMPX.RMODE              406
     2     D1       CMPL   rl   rl                                 CMPX                    404
    ;2                                                             CMPX.RMODE              406
     2     B1       CMPW   rw   rw                                 CMPX                    404
    ;2                                                             CMPX.RMODE              406
     2     98       CVTBL  rb   wl                                 CVTBX                   44C
    ;2                                                             CVTBX.RMODE             44E
     2     99       CVTBW  rb   ww                                 CVTBX                   44C
    ;2                                                             CVTBX.RMODE             44E
     2     F6       CVTLB  rl   wb                                 CVTXY                   598
    ;2                                                             CVTXY.RMODE             59A
     2     F7       CVTLW  rl   ww                                 CVTXY                   598
    ;2                                                             CVTXY.RMODE             59A
     2     33       CVTWB  rw   wb                                 CVTXY                   598
    ;2                                                             CVTXY.RMODE             59A
     2     32       CVTWL  rw   wl                                 CVTWL                   450
    ;2                                                             CVTWL.RMODE             452
     2     86       DIVB2  rb   mb                                 DIVX2                   468
    ;2                                                             DIVX2.RMODE             46A
     2     C6    O  DIVL2  rl   ml                                 DIVX2                   468
    ;2                                                             DIVX2.RMODE             46A
     2     A6       DIVW2  rw   mw                                 DIVX2                   468
    ;2                                                             DIVX2.RMODE             46A
     2     92       MCOMB  rb   wb                                 MCOMX                   428
    ;2                                                             MCOMX.RMODE             42A
     2     D2       MCOML  rl   wl                                 MCOMX                   428
    ;2                                                             MCOMX.RMODE             42A
     2     B2       MCOMW  rw   ww                                 MCOMX                   428
    ;2                                                             MCOMX.RMODE             42A
     2     8E       MNEGB  rb   wb                                 MNEGX                   42C
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 43

    ;2                                                             MNEGX.RMODE             42E
     2     CE       MNEGL  rl   wl                                 MNEGX                   42C
    ;2                                                             MNEGX.RMODE             42E
     2     AE       MNEGW  rw   ww                                 MNEGX                   42C
    ;2                                                             MNEGX.RMODE             42E
     2     90       MOVB   rb   wb                                 MOVX                    59C
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     D0       MOVL   rl   wl                                 MOVX                    59C       
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     7D       MOVQ   rq   wq                                 MOVX                    59C
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     B0       MOVW   rw   ww                                 MOVX                    59C
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     9B       MOVZBW rb   ww                                 MOVX                    59C
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     9A       MOVZBL rb   wl                                 MOVX                    59C
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     3C       MOVZWL rw   wl                                 MOVX                    59C
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     84       MULB2  rb   mb                                 MULX2                   510
    ;2                                                             MULX2.RMODE             512
     2     C4    O  MULL2  rl   ml                                 MULX2                   510
    ;2                                                             MULX2.RMODE             512
     2     A4       MULW2  rw   mw                                 MULX2                   510
    ;2                                                             MULX2.RMODE             512
     2     D9       SBWC   rl   ml                                 SBWC                    424
    ;2                                                             SBWC.RMODE              426
     2     82       SUBB2  rb   mb                                 SUBX2                   410
    ;2                                                             SUBX2.RMODE             412
     2     C2       SUBL2  rl   ml                                 SUBX2                   410  
    ;2                                                             SUBX2.RMODE             412
     2     A2       SUBW2  rw   mw                                 SUBX2                   410
    ;2                                                             SUBX2.RMODE             412
     2     8C       XORB2  rb   mb                                 XORX2                   41C
    ;2                                                             XORX2.RMODE             41E
     2     CC       XORL2  rl   ml                                 XORX2                   41C
    ;2                                                             XORX2.RMODE             41E
     2     AC       XORW2  rw   mw                                 XORX2                   41C
    ;2                                                             XORX2.RMODE             41E
     2     9E       MOVAB  ab   wl                                 MOVX                    59C        
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     DE       MOVAL  al   wl                                 MOVX                    59C
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     7E       MOVAQ  aq   wl                                 MOVX                    59C
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     3E       MOVAW  aw   wl                                 MOVX                    59C
    ;2                                                             MOVX.RMODE              59E
     2     F3       AOBLEQ rl   ml                                 AOBX                    488
    ;2                                                             AOBX.RMODE              48A
     2     F2       AOBLSS rl   ml                                 AOBX                    488
    ;2                                                             AOBX.RMODE              48A
     2     E1       BBC    rl   vb                                 BBX                     490                
    ;2                                                             BBX.RMODE               492
     2     E0       BBS    rl   vb                                 BBX                     490
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 44

    ;2                                                             BBX.RMODE               492
     2     E5       BBCC   rl   vb                                 BBX                     490
    ;2                                                             BBX.RMODE               492
     2     E3       BBCS   rl   vb                                 BBX                     490
    ;2                                                             BBX.RMODE               492
     2     E4       BBSC   rl   vb                                 BBX                     490
    ;2                                                             BBX.RMODE               492
     2     E2       BBSS   rl   vb                                 BBX                     490          
    ;2                                                             BBX.RMODE               492
     2     E7       BBCCI  rl   vb                                 BBX                     490
    ;2                                                             BBX.RMODE               492
     2     E6       BBSSI  rl   vb                                 BBX                     490   
    ;2                                                             BBX.RMODE               492
     2     FA       CALLG  ab   ab                                 CALLX                   498
    ;2                                                             CALLX.RMODE             49A
     2     FB       CALLS  rl   ab                                 CALLX                   498
    ;2                                                             CALLX.RMODE             49A
     2     5C       INSQHI ab   aq                                 INSQXI                  4CC
    ;2                                                             INSQXI.RMODE            4CE
     2     5D       INSQTI ab   aq                                 INSQXI                  4CC
    ;2                                                             INSQXI.RMODE            4CE
     2     0E       INSQUE ab   ab                                 INSQUE                  4A8
    ;2                                                             INSQUE.RMODE            4AA
     2     5E       REMQHI aq   wl                                 REMQXI                  4F8
    ;2                                                             REMQXI.RMODE            4FA
     2     5F       REMQTI aq   wl                                 REMQXI                  4F8
    ;2                                                             REMQXI.RMODE            4FA
     2     0F       REMQUE ab   wl                                 REMQUE                  4AC
    ;2                                                             REMQUE.RMODE            4AE
     2     DB       MFPR   rl   wl                                 MFPR                    4B4
    ;2                                                             MFPR.RMODE              4B6
     2     DA       MTPR   rl   rl                                 MTPR                    4B0
    ;2                                                             MTPR.RMODE              4B2
     2     60    F  ADDD2  rd   md                                 ADDDG2                  4D4
    ;2                                                             ADDDG2.RMODE            4D6
     2     40    F  ADDF2  rf   mf                                 ADDF2                   4D0
    ;2                                                             ADDF2.RMODE             4D2
     2     40FD  F  ADDG2  rg   mg                                 ADDDG2                  4D4
    ;2                                                             ADDDG2.RMODE            4D6
     2     71    F  CMPD   rd   rd                                 CMPDG                   4DC
    ;2                                                             CMPDG.RMODE             4DE
     2     51    F  CMPF   rf   rf                                 CMPF                    4D8
    ;2                                                             CMPF.RMODE              4DA
     2     51FD  F  CMPG   rg   rg                                 CMPDG                   4DC
    ;2                                                             CMPDG.RMODE             4DE
     2     6C    F  CVTBD  rb   wd                                 ADDDG3                  464
    ;2                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     2     4C    F  CVTBF  rb   wf                                 ADDF3                   460                
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     4CFD  F  CVTBG  rb   wg                                 ADDDG3                  464                 
    ;2                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466 
     2     68    F  CVTDB  rd   wb                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     76    F  CVTDF  rd   wf                                 ADDF3                   460
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 45

    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     6A    F  CVTDL  rd   wl                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     69    F  CVTDW  rd   ww                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     48    F  CVTFB  rf   wb                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     56    F  CVTFD  rf   wd                                 ADDDG3                  464
    ;2                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     2     99FD  F  CVTFG  rf   wg                                 ADDDG3                  464
    ;2                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     2     4A    F  CVTFL  rf   wl                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     49    F  CVTFW  rf   ww                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     48FD  F  CVTGB  rg   wb                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     33FD  F  CVTGF  rg   wf                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     4AFD  F  CVTGL  rg   wl                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     49FD  F  CVTGW  rg   ww                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     6E    F  CVTLD  rl   wd                                 ADDDG3                  464
    ;2                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     2     4E    F  CVTLF  rl   wf                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     4EFD  F  CVTLG  rl   wg                                 ADDDG3                  464
    ;2                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     2     6D    F  CVTWD  rw   wd                                 ADDDG3                  464
    ;2                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     2     4D    F  CVTWF  rw   wf                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     4DFD  F  CVTWG  rw   wg                                 ADDDG3                  464
    ;2                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     2     6B    F  CVTRDL rd   wl                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     4B    F  CVTRFL rf   wl                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     4BFD  F  CVTRGL rg   wl                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     66    F  DIVD2  rd   md                                 ADDDG2                  4D4
    ;2                                                             ADDDG2.RMODE            4D6
     2     46    F  DIVF2  rf   mf                                 ADDF2                   4D0
    ;2                                                             ADDF2.RMODE             4D2
     2     46FD  F  DIVG2  rg   mg                                 ADDDG2                  4D4
    ;2                                                             ADDDG2.RMODE            4D6
     2     72    F  MNEGD  rd   wd                                 ADDDG3                  464
    ;2                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     2     52    F  MNEGF  rf   wf                                 ADDF3                   460
    ;2                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     2     52FD  F  MNEGG  rg   wg                                 ADDDG3                  464
    ;2                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     2     70    F  MOVD   rd   wd                                 MOVDG                   594
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 46

    ;2                                                             MOVDG.RMODE             596
     2     50    F  MOVF   rf   wf                                 MOVF                    590
    ;2                                                             MOVF.RMODE              592
     2     50FD  F  MOVG   rg   wg                                 MOVDG                   594
    ;2                                                             MOVDG.RMODE             596
     2     64    F  MULD2  rd   md                                 ADDDG2                  4D4
    ;2                                                             ADDDG2.RMODE            4D6
     2     44    F  MULF2  rf   mf                                 ADDF2                   4D0
    ;2                                                             ADDF2.RMODE             4D2
     2     44FD  F  MULG2  rg   mg                                 ADDDG2                  4D4
    ;2                                                             ADDDG2.RMODE            4D6
     2     62    F  SUBD2  rd   md                                 ADDDG2                  4D4
    ;2                                                             ADDDG2.RMODE            4D6
     2     42    F  SUBF2  rf   mf                                 ADDF2                   4D0
    ;2                                                             ADDF2.RMODE             4D2
     2     42FD  F  SUBG2  rg   mg                                 ADDDG2                  4D4
    ;2                                                             ADDDG2.RMODE            4D6
     3     81       ADDB3  rb   rb   wb                            ADDX3                   430
    ;3                                                             ADDX3.RMODE             432
     3     C1       ADDL3  rl   rl   wl                            ADDX3                   430
    ;3                                                             ADDX3.RMODE             432
     3     A1       ADDW3  rw   rw   ww                            ADDX3                   430
    ;3                                                             ADDX3.RMODE             432
     3     78       ASHL   rb   rl   wl                            ASHX                    45C
    ;3                                                             ASHX.RMODE              45E
     3     79       ASHQ   rb   rq   wq                            ASHX                    45C
    ;3                                                             ASHX.RMODE              45E
     3     8B       BICB3  rb   rb   wb                            BICX3                   43C
    ;3                                                             BICX3.RMODE             43E
     3     CB       BICL3  rl   rl   wl                            BICX3                   43C
    ;3                                                             BICX3.RMODE             43E
     3     AB       BICW3  rw   rw   ww                            BICX3                   43C
    ;3                                                             BICX3.RMODE             43E
     3     89       BISB3  rb   rb   wb                            BISX3                   438
    ;3                                                             BISX3.RMODE             43A
     3     C9       BISL3  rl   rl   wl                            BISX3                   438
    ;3                                                             BISX3.RMODE             43A
     3     A9       BISW3  rw   rw   ww                            BISX3                   438
    ;3                                                             BISX3.RMODE             43A
     3     87       DIVB3  rb   rb   wb                            DIVX3                   46C
    ;3                                                             DIVX3.RMODE             46E
     3     C7    O  DIVL3  rl   rl   wl                            DIVX3                   46C
    ;3                                                             DIVX3.RMODE             46E
     3     A7       DIVW3  rw   rw   ww                            DIVX3                   46C
    ;3                                                             DIVX3.RMODE             46E
     3     85       MULB3  rb   rb   wb                            MULX3                   514
    ;3                                                             MULX3.RMODE             516
     3     C5    O  MULL3  rl   rl   wl                            MULX3                   514
    ;3                                                             MULX3.RMODE             516
     3     A5       MULW3  rw   rw   ww                            MULX3                   514
    ;3                                                             MULX3.RMODE             516
     3     9C       ROTL   rb   rl   wl                            ROTL                    458
    ;3                                                             ROTL.RMODE              45A
     3     83       SUBB3  rb   rb   wb                            SUBX3                   434
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 47

    ;3                                                             SUBX3.RMODE             436
     3     C3       SUBL3  rl   rl   wl                            SUBX3                   434
    ;3                                                             SUBX3.RMODE             436
     3     A3       SUBW3  rw   rw   ww                            SUBX3                   434
    ;3                                                             SUBX3.RMODE             436
     3     8D       XORB3  rb   rb   wb                            XORX3                   440
    ;3                                                             XORX3.RMODE             442
     3     CD       XORL3  rl   rl   wl                            XORX3                   440      
    ;3                                                             XORX3.RMODE             442
     3     AD       XORW3  rw   rw   ww                            XORX3                   440      
    ;3                                                             XORX3.RMODE             442
     3     9D       ACBB   rb   rb   mb                            ACBX                    48C
    ;3                                                             ACBX.RMODE              48E
     3     F1       ACBL   rl   rl   ml                            ACBX                    48C
    ;3                                                             ACBX.RMODE              48E            
     3     3D       ACBW   rw   rw   mw                            ACBX                    48C
    ;3                                                             ACBX.RMODE              48E              
     3     8F       CASEB  rb   rb   rb                            CASEX                   494
    ;3                                                             CASEX.RMODE             496                   
     3     CF       CASEL  rl   rl   rl                            CASEX                   494
    ;3                                                             CASEX.RMODE             496                  
     3     AF       CASEW  rw   rw   rw                            CASEX                   494
    ;3                                                             CASEX.RMODE             496
     3     28       MOVC3  rw   ab   ab                            MOVCX                   524
    ;3                                                             MOVCX.RMODE             526
     3     0C       PROBER rb   rw   ab                            PROBEX                  4C8        
    ;3                                                             PROBEX.RMODE            4CA
     3     0D       PROBEW rb   rw   ab                            PROBEX                  4C8        
    ;3                                                             PROBEX.RMODE            4CA
     3     6F    F  ACBD   rd   rd   md                            ACBDG                   4E4
    ;3                                                             ACBDG.RMODE             4E6
     3     4F    F  ACBF   rf   rf   mf                            ACBF                    4E0
    ;3                                                             ACBF.RMODE              4E2
     3     4FFD  F  ACBG   rg   rg   mg                            ACBDG                   4E4
    ;3                                                             ACBDG.RMODE             4E6      
     3     61    F  ADDD3  rd   rd   wd                            ADDDG3                  464                        
    ;3                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     3     41    F  ADDF3  rf   rf   wf                            ADDF3                   460                        
    ;3                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     3     41FD  F  ADDG3  rg   rg   wg                            ADDDG3                  464                        
    ;3                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     3     67    F  DIVD3  rd   rd   wd                            ADDDG3                  464                        
    ;3                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     3     47    F  DIVF3  rf   rf   wf                            ADDF3                   460                        
    ;3                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462 
     3     47FD  F  DIVG3  rg   rg   wg                            ADDDG3                  464                        
    ;3                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     3     65    F  MULD3  rd   rd   wd                            ADDDG3                  464                        
    ;3                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     3     45    F  MULF3  rf   rf   wf                            ADDF3                   460                        
    ;3                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     3     45FD  F  MULG3  rg   rg   wg                            ADDDG3                  464                        
    ;3                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     3     75    F  POLYD  rd   rw   ab                            POLYDG                  4EC
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 48

    ;3                                                             POLYDG.RMODE            4EE
     3     55    F  POLYF  rf   rw   ab                            POLYF                   4E8
    ;3                                                             POLYF.RMODE             4EA
     3     55FD  F  POLYG  rg   rw   ab                            POLYDG                  4EC
    ;3                                                             POLYDG.RMODE            4EE
     3     63    F  SUBD3  rd   rd   wd                            ADDDG3                  464                        
    ;3                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     3     43    F  SUBF3  rf   rf   wf                            ADDF3                   460                        
    ;3                                                             ADDF3.RMODE             462
     3     43FD  F  SUBG3  rg   rg   wg                            ADDDG3                  464                        
    ;3                                                             ADDDG3.RMODE            466
     3     29       CMPC3  rw   ab   ab                            CMPCX                   4F0        
    ;3                                                             CMPCX.RMODE             4F2
     3     35       CMPP3  rw   ab   ab                            EMULATE.A               474        
    ;3                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     3     F9       CVTLP  rl   rw   ab                            EMULATE.A               474        
    ;3                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     3     36       CVTPL  rw   ab   wl                            EMULATE.3W              478        
    ;3                                                             EMULATE.3W.RMODE        47A
     3     3A       LOCC   rb   rw   ab                            LOCC.SKPC               454        
    ;3                                                             LOCC.SKPC.RMODE         456
     3     34       MOVP   rw   ab   ab                            EMULATE.A               474        
    ;3                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     3     3B       SKPC   rb   rw   ab                            LOCC.SKPC               454        
    ;3                                                             LOCC.SKPC.RMODE         456
     4     7B       EDIV   rl   rq   wl   wl                       EDIV                    51C
    ;4                                                             EDIV.RMODE              51E
     4     7A    O  EMUL   rl   rl   rl   wq                       MULX3                   514
    ;4                                                             MULX3.RMODE             516
     4     EC       CMPV   rl   rb   vb   rl                       FIELDX                  508
    ;4                                                             FIELDX.RMODE            50A
     4     ED       CMPZV  rl   rb   vb   rl                       FIELDX                  508
    ;4                                                             FIELDX.RMODE            50A
     4     EE       EXTV   rl   rb   vb   wl                       FIELDX                  508
    ;4                                                             FIELDX.RMODE            50A
     4     EF       EXTZV  rl   rb   vb   wl                       FIELDX                  508
    ;4                                                             FIELDX.RMODE            50A
     4     F0       INSV   rl   rl   rb   vb                       INSV                    470        
    ;4                                                             INSV.RMODE              472
     4     EB       FFC    rl   rb   vb   wl                       FIELDX                  508
    ;4                                                             FIELDX.RMODE            50A
     4     EA       FFS    rl   rb   vb   wl                       FIELDX                  508
    ;4                                                             FIELDX.RMODE            50A
     4     20       ADDP4  rw   ab   rw   ab                       EMULATE.A               474
    ;4                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     4     37       CMPP4  rw   ab   rw   ab                       EMULATE.A               474
    ;4                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     4     0B       CRC    ab   rl   rw   ab                       EMULATE.A               474
    ;4                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     4     08       CVTPS  rw   ab   rw   ab                       EMULATE.A               474
    ;4                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     4     09       CVTSP  rw   ab   rw   ab                       EMULATE.A               474
    ;4                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     4     38       EDITPC rw   ab   ab   ab                       EMULATE.A               474
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 49

    ;4                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     4     39       MATCHC rw   ab   rw   ab                       EMULATE.A               474
    ;4                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     4     2A       SCANC  rw   ab   ab   rb                       SCANC.SPANC             47C
    ;4                                                             SCANC.SPANC.RMODE       47E
     4     2B       SPANC  rw   ab   ab   rb                       SCANC.SPANC             47C
    ;4                                                             SCANC.SPANC.RMODE       47E
     4     22       SUBP4  rw   ab   rw   ab                       EMULATE.A               474
    ;4                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     5     2D       CMPC5  rw   ab   rb   rw  ab                   CMPCX                   4F0
    ;5                                                             CMPCX.RMODE             4F2
     5     24       CVTPT  rw   ab   ab   rw  ab                   EMULATE.A               474
    ;5                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     5     26       CVTTP  rw   ab   ab   rw  ab                   EMULATE.A               474
    ;5                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     5     74    F  EMODD  rd   rb   rd   wl  wd                   EMODF                   4F4
    ;5                                                             EMODF.RMODE             4F6
     5     54    F  EMODF  rf   rb   rf   wl  wf                   EMODF                   4F4
    ;5                                                             EMODF.RMODE             4F6
     5     54FD  F  EMODG  rg   rw   rg   wl  wg                   EMODF                   4F4
    ;5                                                             EMODF.RMODE             4F6
     5     2C       MOVC5  rw   ab   rb   rw  ab                   MOVCX                   524
    ;5                                                             MOVCX.RMODE             526
     6     0A       INDEX  rl   rl   rl   rl  rl   wl              INDEX                   49C
    ;6                                                             INDEX.RMODE             49E
     6     21       ADDP6  rw   ab   rw   ab  rw   ab              EMULATE.A               474
    ;6                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     6     F8       ASHP   rb   rw   ab   rb  rw   ab              EMULATE.A               474
    ;6                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     6     27       DIVP   rw   ab   rw   ab  rw   ab              EMULATE.A               474
    ;6                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     6     2E       MOVTC  rw   ab   rb   ab  rw   ab              EMULATE.A               474
    ;6                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     6     2F       MOVTUC rw   ab   rb   ab  rw   ab              EMULATE.A               474
    ;6                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     6     25       MULP   rw   ab   rw   ab  rw   ab              EMULATE.A               474
    ;6                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
     6     23       SUBP6  rw   ab   rw   ab  rw   ab              EMULATE.A               474
    ;6                                                             EMULATE.A.RMODE         476
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 50

   2.11.4  Other Opcodes -

   The following opcodes have no entry  in  the  IPLA.   They  are  0-operand
   instructions,  illegal  opcodes,  and  simple branch instructions.  ALL of
   these instructions dispatch directly to execution flows  at  IID  time  if
   there are no exceptions pending:

           OPCODE          MNEMONIC                DISPATCH ADDRESS
           03              BPT                     BPT             186
           1B              BLEQU                   BRCOND          19E
           04              RET                     RET             188
           11              BRB                     BRX             192
           19              BLSS                    BRCOND          19E
           05              RSB                     RSB             18A
           31              BRW                     BRX             192
           12              BNEQ                    BRCOND          19E
           07              SVPCTX                  SVPCTX          18E     
           1F              BCS                     BRCOND          19E
           10              BSBB                    BSBX            190
           FC              FC                      XFC             198
           1E              BCC                     BRCOND          19E
           30              BSBW                    BSBX            190
           FD              FD                      XFD             19A
           13              BEQL                    BRCOND          19E
           1C              BVC                     BRCOND          19E
           FE              FE                      RSRV.INST.FLT   282
           18              BGEQ                    BRCOND          19E
           1D              BVS                     BRCOND          19E
           FF              FF                      RSRV.INST.FLT   282
           1E              BGEQU                   BRCOND          19E
           00              HALT                    HALT            180
           57              57                      RSRV.INST.FLT   282
           14              BGTR                    BRCOND          19E
           01              NOP                     NOP             182
           59              59                      RSRV.INST.FLT   282
           1A              BGTRU                   BRCOND          19E
           06              LDPCTX                  LDPCTX          18C
           77              77                      RSRV.INST.FLT   282
           15              BLEQ                    BRCOND          19E
           02              REI                     REI             18E
           5A              5A                      RSRV.INST.FLT   282
           5B              5B                      RSRV.INST.FLT   282

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 51

   2.11.5  Internal/External Signal Timing -
                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LATE_PHI4_L          |_____/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\______|  PRECHARGE CLOCK FOR DATAPATH; TO: IDP      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 14.57PF                          |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_1                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |PHI4+7 - phi1+5|     IDP      |phi4+7 - phi1+5 |     none      |   yes       |       no              |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_C%PFQ_2_GETS_IDAL_H    |/~~~~~~~\______________________________| LOADS PFQ[2] WITH IDAL; TO: IDP             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 3.79PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+4 -phi1+17|     IDP      |PHI1+4 - PHI1+17|     none      |   no        |     yes               |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |    I_C%PFQ_2_GETS_IDAL_L   |\________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| AS ABOVE                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 4.16PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+5 -phi2+1 |     IDP      |PHI1+5 - PHI2+1 |     none      |   yes       |     no                |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_C%PFQ_1_GETS_IDAL_H    |/~~~~~~~\______________________________| LOADS PFQ[1] WITH IDAL; TO: IDP             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 3.83PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+4 -phi1+17|     IDP      |PHI1+4 - PHI1+17|     none      |   no        |     yes               |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |    I_C%PFQ_1_GETS_IDAL_L   |\________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| AS ABOVE                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 4.28PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+5 -phi2+1 |     IDP      |PHI1+5 - PHI2+1 |     none      |   yes       |     no                |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_C%PFQ_0_GETS_IDAL_H    |/~~~~~~~\______________________________| LOADS PFQ[0] WITH IDAL; TO: IDP             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 3.83PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+4 -phi1+17|     IDP      |PHI1+4 - PHI1+17|     none      |   no        |     yes               |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 52

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 53

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |    I_C%PFQ_0_GETS_IDAL_L   |\________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| AS ABOVE                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 4.23PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+5 -phi2+1 |     IDP      |PHI1+5 - PHI2+1 |     none      |   yes       |     no                |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_C%PFQ_1_GETS_Q2_H      |/~~~~~~~\______________________________| LOADS PFQ[1] WITH PFQ[2]; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 3.80PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+4 -phi1+17|     IDP      |PHI1+4 - PHI1+17|     none      |   no        |     yes               |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |    I_C%PFQ_1_GETS_Q2_L     |\________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| AS ABOVE                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 4.26PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+5 -phi2+1 |     IDP      |PHI1+5 - PHI2+1 |     none      |   yes       |     no                |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_C%PFQ_0_GETS_Q2_H      |/~~~~~~~\______________________________| LOADS PFQ[0] WITH PFQ[2]; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 3.82PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+4 -phi1+17|     IDP      |PHI1+4 - PHI1+17|     none      |   no        |     yes               |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |    I_C%PFQ_0_GETS_Q2_L     |\________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| AS ABOVE                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 4.20PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+5 -phi2+1 |     IDP      |PHI1+5 - PHI2+1 |     none      |   yes       |     no                |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_C%PFQ_0_GETS_Q1_H      |/~~~~~~~\______________________________| LOADS PFQ[0] WITH PFQ[1]; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 3.90PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+4 -phi1+17|     IDP      |PHI1+4 - PHI1+17|     none      |   no        |     yes               |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 54

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |    I_C%PFQ_0_GETS_Q1_L     |\________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| AS ABOVE                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 4.36PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+5 -phi2+1 |     IDP      |PHI1+5 - PHI2+1 |     none      |   yes       |     no                |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |    I_CL%IB_PTR_EQ_0_H      |_______/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\________| QMUX ORIGIN = PFQ BYTE 0; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 14.66PF                          |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     | phi1+15 - phi4|      IDP     | PHI1+15 - PHI4 |      none     |    no       |     yes               |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |    I_CL%IB_PTR_EQ_1_H      |_______/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\________| QMUX ORIGIN = PFQ BYTE 1; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 14.61PF                          |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     | phi1+15 - phi4|      IDP     | PHI1+15 - PHI4 |      none     |    no       |     yes               |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |    I_CL%IB_PTR_EQ_2_H      |_______/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\________| QMUX ORIGIN = PFQ BYTE 2; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 14.65PF                          |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     | phi1+15 - phi4|      IDP     | PHI1+15 - PHI4 |      none     |    no       |     yes               |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |    I_CL%IB_PTR_EQ_3_H      |_______/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\________| QMUX ORIGIN = PFQ BYTE 3; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 14.94PF                          |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     | phi1+15 - phi4|      IDP     | PHI1+15 - PHI4 |      none     |    no       |     yes               |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_SL%IDR_POS_EQ_2_H      |___________________________/~~~~~~~~~\_| ID DATA ORIGIN = QMUX[2]; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.31PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi3+15-phi4+20|      IDP     |phi3+15-phi4+20 |      none     |    no       |     yes               |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 55

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_SL%IDR_POS_EQ_1_H      |___________________________/~~~~~~~~~\_| ID DATA ORIGIN = QMUX[1]; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.98PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi3+15-phi4+20|      IDP     |phi3+15-phi4+20 |      none     |    no       |     yes               |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_SL%IDR_POS_EQ_0_H      |___________________________/~~~~~~~~~\_| ID DATA ORIGIN = QMUX[0]; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.94PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi3+15-phi4+20|      IDP     |phi3+15-phi4+20 |      none     |    no       |     yes               |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_SL%IDR_POS_EQ_2_L      |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\__________/~| ID DATA ORIGIN = QMUX[2]; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.55PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi3+15-phi4+20|      IDP     |phi3+15-phi4+20 |      none     |    yes      |     no                |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_SL%IDR_POS_EQ_1_L      |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\__________/~| ID DATA ORIGIN = QMUX[1]; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.35PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi3+15-phi4+20|      IDP     |phi3+15-phi4+20 |      none     |    yes      |     no                |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_SL%IDR_POS_EQ_0_L      |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\__________/~| ID DATA ORIGIN = QMUX[0]; TO: IDP           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.42PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi3+15-phi4+20|      IDP     |phi3+15-phi4+20 |      none     |    yes      |     no                |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_CL%READ_IDR_H          |//~~~~~~~~~~~\_________________________| B.BUS <-- IDR; TO: IDP                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 7.53PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi1+6 - phi2+6|      IDP     |phi1+6 - phi2+6 |      none     |    no       |     yes               |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 56

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_CL%BYTE_SXT_H          |~~~\___________________________/~~~~~~~| SIGN EXTEND IDR, DL = BYTE; TO: IDP         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.25PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi4+10 -phi1+8|      IDP     |PHI4+ - PHI1    |               |             |                       |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_CL%BYTE_SXT_L          |___/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______| SIGN EXTEND IDR, BL = BYTE; TO: IDP         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.85PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi4+10 -phi1+8|      IDP     |PHI4+ - PHI1    |               |             |                       |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_CL%WORD_SXT_H          |~~~\___________________________/~~~~~~~| SIGN EXTEND IDR, DL = WORD; TO: IDP         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.15PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi4+10 -phi1+8|      IDP     |PHI4+ - PHI1    |               |             |                       |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_CL%WORD_SXT_L          |___/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______| SIGN EXTEND IDR, BL = WORD; TO: IDP         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.79PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IDD     |phi4+10 -phi1+8|      IDP     |PHI4+ - PHI1    |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 57

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%BUFF_LOW_BYTE_H<7:0> |~~~~~~~~~~~\=================/~~~~~~~~~| LOW BYTE BUFFERED TO I2P                    |
   |   INTERCONNECT MAX : 2500um|         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.30PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: none                                                       Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IDD      |phi2+10 - phi4 |     I2P      | PHI2+10 - PHI3 |               |             |                       |
   |IDP                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_SL%PFQ_LOW_BYTE_H<7:0> |~~~~~~~\=====================/~~~~~~~~~| LOW BYTE FROM I-STREAM;                     |
   |   INTERCONNECT MAX : 150um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 4.36PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IDP      | phi1+17 = phi4|     ISR      | PHI2 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |   IDP      |               |     IIL      | PHI1+17 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |   IDP      |               |     IDD      | PHI1+17 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |   IDP      |               |     IPL      | PHI1+17 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |IDP                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_SL%PFQ_2ND_BYTE_H<7:0> |~~~~~~\======================/~~~~~~~~~| 2ND BYTE FROM I-STREAM; TO: ISR,IIL         |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1800um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 3.15PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path1_ss_4                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IDP      | phi1+17 = phi4|     ISR      | PHI2 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |   IDP      |               |     IIL      | PHI1+18 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |IDP                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_PH%B_BUS_H<31:0>       | SEE GLOBAL SIGNAL TIMING SHEETS       | B-BUS; TO: EBOX                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 3pF                                 |
   | SPICE REF: i_datapath_sim idp_path2_ss_2                              Last updated: 4/18/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IDP      |  phi1+18      |  EBOX        |  PHI1+18       |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 58

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IPL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%NEW_FPO_INSTR_H      |XXXXXXXX=======================XXXXXXXX| FP OPTIMIZE FLAG; TO: IFB                   |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:NO LIMIT|         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.21PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IPL_PATH3                                                  Last updated: 5/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IPL      | PHI1+12 - LATE|      IFB     | PHI2 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |IPL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%NEW_FPA_INSTR_H      |XXXXXXXX=======================XXXXXXXX| FP ACCELERATE FLAG; TO: IFB                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:NO LIMIT|         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.25PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IPL_PATH3                                                  Last updated: 5/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IPL     | PHI1+12 - LATE|      IFB     | PHI2 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |IPL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%IPLA_EXE_ADDRESS_H<6:0>|XXXXXXX========================XXXXXXXX| PARTIAL EXEC ADDRESS;                       |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: NO LIMIT |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.02PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IPL_PATH3                                                  Last updated: 5/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IPL     |PHI1+12 - LATE |      IAG     | PHI4 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |    IPL     |               |      IOM     | PHI4 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IPL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IPLA_DL_{2:0}_H<1:0> |XXXXXX=========================XXXXXXXX| OPERAND DL'S FOR OPS 1-3; TO: IAD           |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:1200um  |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.15PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IPL_PATH3                                                  Last updated: 5/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IPL     | PHI1+12 - LATE|    IAD       | PHI1+12        |               |             |                       |
   |IPL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IPLA_AT_{2:0}_H<1:0> |XXXXXXX========================XXXXXXXX| OPERAND AT'S FOR OPS 1-3; TO: IAD           |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:1200um  |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 957FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IPL_PATH3                                                  Last updated: 5/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IPL     | PHI1+12 - LATE|     IAD      | PHI1+12        |               |             |                       |
   |IPL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IPLA_SPECS_H<2:0>    |====================XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX===| # OF SPECS FOR OPCODE;                      |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1100um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.94PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IPL_PATH3                                                  Last updated: 5/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IPL     | PHI4+14 - PHI3|       ISC    | PHI4+18 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 59

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 60

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IM2                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%B_GETS_IDR_H         |====================/~~~~~~~~~XXXXXXX==| TO: IDD                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1500um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.85PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_other_mib_decoder_sim im2_path1                          Last updated:  4/11/86                     |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IM2     | phi1-7 - phi3 |     IDD      | PHI1 - PHI2+5  |    no         |     no      |       no              |
   |IM2                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%SET_VTR_H            |===================/~~~~~~~~~~XXXXXXX==| TO: IMS                                     |   
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.49PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_other_mib_decoder_sim im2_path1                          Last updated:  4/11/86                     |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IM2     | phi1-7 - phi3 |     IMS      | PHI1 - PHI2    |    no         |     no      |       no              |
   |IM2                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%CLEAR_VTR_H          |===================/~~~~~~~~~~XXXXXXX==| TO: IMS                                     |   
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.47PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_other_mib_decoder_sim im2_path1                          Last updated:  4/11/86                     |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IM2     | phi1-7 - phi3 |     IMS      | PHI1 - PHI2    |    no         |     no      |       no              |
   |IM2                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%READ_SPEC_H          |XXXXXXXXX==============================| TO: ISU                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:NO LIMIT|         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 848.1FF                          |
   | SPICE REF: none                                                       Last updated: 4/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IM2      |  ~phi2 - ~phi1|      ISU     | PHI3 - PHI4    |     none      |   no        |    no                 |
   |IM2                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%WRITE_RN_H           |=============================XXXXXXXXX=| TO: ISR                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1200um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.11PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: none                                                       Last updated: 4/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IM2      | ~phi1 - ~Phi4 |     ISR      | PHI1+15 - PHI3 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 61

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%IB_FILL_REQ_H        | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: MBOX                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |             LOAD = 3.1pF                      |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH3_SS_2                                             Last updated: 6/6/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IQC     |phi4-1 to phi2 |    MBOX      |   PHI4 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%PFQ_HALTED_H         |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX======================|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.51PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PAT3_SS_1                                              Last updated: 6/6/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |PHI2+15 - PHI1 |     IOM      | PHI2+15 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |   IQC      |               |     IP1      | PHI2+10 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%HAVE_ATL_6_BYTES_H   |\_______________/======================| TO: IP1                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.21PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH5                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |PHI2+18 - PHI1 |     IP1      | PHI2+18 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%HAVE_ATL_5_BYTES_H   |\_______________/======================| TO: IP1                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.39PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH5                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |PHI2+18 - PHI1 |     IP1      | PHI2+18 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%HAVE_ATL_4_BYTES_H   |\_______________/======================| TO: IP1,IOM                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.60pf                           |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH5                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |PHI2+18 - PHI1 |     IOM      | PHI3 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |   IQC      |               |     IP1      | PHI2+18 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 62

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%HAVE_ATL_3_BYTES_H   |\_______________/======================| TO: IP1                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.21PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH5                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |PHI2+18 - PHI1 |     IP1      | PHI2+18 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%HAVE_ATL_2_BYTES_H   |\_______________/======================| TO: IP1,IOM                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.38PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH5                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |PHI2+18 - PHI1 |     IOM      | PHI3 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |   IQC      |               |     IP1      | PHI2+18 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%HAVE_ATL_1_BYTE_H    |\_______________/======================| TO: IP1,IOM                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.34PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH5                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |PHI2+18 - PHI1 |     IOM      | PHI3 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |   IQC      |               |     IP1      | PHI2+18 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%HAVE_0_BYTES_H       |\_______________/======================|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.96PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH5                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |PHI2+18 - PHI1 |     IOM      | PHI3 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |   IQC      |               |     IP1      | PHI2+18 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |   IQC      |               |     ISC      | PHI3 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%ONE_SLOT_FREE_H      | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: MBOX                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |           LOAD: 2.7pF                       |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH1_SS_1,SS_2                                        Last updated: 3/5/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |PHI2+24 - PHI2 |     MBOX     |   PHI3+5 - PHI2|               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 63

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IB_PTR_L<3:0>        |X============================XXXXXXXXXX| TO: IDD                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 200um  |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 995.5FF                          |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH4                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IQC     |PHI4+25 - PHI4 |     IDD      | PHI1 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LD_Q?_FRM_*_L        |==========XXXXXXXXXX/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\==| TO: IDR                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:400um   |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.42PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH1_SS_*                                             Last updated: 6/6/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |PHI4+22        |     IDR      | PHI4+21 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |IQC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%DELTA_PC_L<2:0>      |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             | TO: EBOX                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |            LOAD = 2pF                       |
   | SPICE REF: IQC_PATH2                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IQC      |phi1+20 to phi3|    EBOX      | PHI1+20 - PHI3 |               |             |                       |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%SWAP_RN_H            |===================////~~~~~~~XXXXXXXXX| TO: ISR                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 919.3FF                          |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1 -phi3     |     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%DL_QUAD_H            |_____/===\_____________________________| TO: IAD                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.76PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%DL_LONG_H            |____/====\_____________________________| TO: IAD                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.71PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 64

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%DL_WORD_H            |_____/===\_____________________________| TO: IAD                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.72PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%DL_BYTE_H            |_____/===\_____________________________| TO: IAD                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.60PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%INCR_RN_IF_DL_Q_H    |_____/===\_____________________________| TO: ISR                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 917.5FF                          |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%INCR_RN_H            |____/====\_____________________________| TO: ISR                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 930.7FF                          |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%DECR_RN_H            |_____/===\_____________________________| TO: ISR                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 738FF                            |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%CLEAR_RN_H           |_____/===\_____________________________| TO: ISR                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 836FF                            |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 65

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%ENABLE_PFQ_H         |_____/===\_____________________________| TO: IQC                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.38PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%DISABLE_PFQ_H        |_____/===\_____________________________| TO: IQC                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.44PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%RESTART_PFQ_H        |_____/===\_____________________________| TO: IQC                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.52PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                              Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+16-phi2+10|     ISR      | PHI1+16 - PHI2 |   no          |   no        |       no              |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%CASE_LD_ID_H         |============\\\\\\\\_______________/===| TO: IOM,IQC                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 3.60PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path5                              Last updated: 3/31/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi4+15-phi2+10|     IDD      | PHI4+17 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |     IOM      | PHI4+14 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |     IQC      | PHI4+14 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%CASE_LD_ID_DRIVE_H   |___/=====\_____________________________| TO: ISU                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.43PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_mib_decode_sim imd_path1                                 Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+8 - phi2  |     ISU      | PHI1+8 - PHI2  | no            |    no       |       yes             |
   |   IMD      |               |     IQC      | phi1+8 - phi2  | no            |    no       |       yes             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 66

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%CASE_INT_RM_DRIVE_H  |___/=====\_____________________________| TO: ISU                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 794FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: i_mib_decode_sim imd_path1                                 Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+8 - phi2  |     ISU      | PHI1+8 - PHI2  | no            |    no       |       yes             |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%CASE_FPA_DL_DRIVE_H  |___/=====\_____________________________| TO: ISU                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 709FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: i_mib_decode_sim imd_path1                                 Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |phi1+8 - phi2  |     ISU      | PHI1+8 - PHI2  | no            |    no       |       yes             |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%DECNEXT_H            |============\\\\\\\\_______________/===| TO: IMS,ISC,ISR,IAG,IOM,IQC                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 700um  |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 7.86PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path6                              Last updated: 4/1/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      | phi4+15 - phi2|     IAG      | PHI4+16 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |     IMS      | PHI4+16 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |     IOM      | PHI4+16 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |     IQC      | PHI4+16 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |     ISC      | PHI4+16 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |     ISR      | PHI4+16 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |     IDD      | PHI4+17 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%DECNEXT_REQ_H        |XXXX==========================XXXXXXXXX| TO: ISC,ISR                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1500um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.50PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IMD     |  PHI1 - PHI4  |              |  PHI1 - PHI2   |               |             |                       |
   |    IMD     |               |     IQC      |  PHI1 - PHI4   |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 67

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%IID_LD_H             | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: EBOX,IFB                                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 4.1pF                               |
   | SPICE REF: i_mib_decode_sim imd_path9                                 Last updated: 4/1/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IMD     | phi3+17 - phi1|     IFB      | PHI3+17 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |    IMD     |               |     EBOX     |                |               |             |                       |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%INOP_H               |=========XXXXXXXXXXXXX=================|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1500um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 3.38PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: i_mib_decode_sim imd_path8, imd_path9                      Last updated: 4/1/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      | phi3+13 - phi2|     IMD      | PHI4 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |     IQC      | PHI4+5  - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |     ISR      | PHI4 - PHI1    |               |             |                       |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_C%LOAD_STATE_H         |____________________/==========\_______|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 6.69PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    i_mib_decode_sim imd_path9                              Last updated: 4/1/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      | phi3+12-phi4+5|   IAD        |    PHI3+10     |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |   IDD        |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |   IFB        |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |   IMD        |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |   IOM        |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |   ISC        |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |   IMD      |               |   ISR        |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |I2P                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IPLA_DL{5:3}<1:0>    |XXXX=========================XXXXXXXXXX| TO: IAD                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:NO LIMIT|         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 691.89FF                         |
   | SPICE REF:    none                                                    Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   I2P      | early - late  |     IAD      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 68

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |I2P                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IPLA_AT{5:3}<1:0>    |XXXX=========================XXXXXXXXXX| TO: IAD                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:NO LIMIT|         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.04PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:    none                                                    Last updated: 4/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   I2P      | early - late  |     IAD      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |ISU                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_PH%UTEST_L<2:0>        | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: USEQ                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 4.5pF                               |
   | SPICE REF: i_mib_decode_sim imd_path3                                 Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    ISU     | phi1+15       |   USEQ       | phi1+15        |               |             |                       |
   |ISR                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   I_S%I2D_EXP_H            |XXXX===================================| TO: IOM,IP1                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1400um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.00PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:7/15/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISR      | PHI2-3 - PHI1 |      IOM     | PHI3 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |   ISR      |               |      IP1     | PHI2+10 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |ISR                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%SPEC_H<7:4>          |===================XXXXXXXXX===========| TO: ISU                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:NO LIMIT|         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.27PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: I_SPEC_RN_REG_SIM SPEC_RN_REG_CRIT_PATH_SS                 Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISR      |PHI4+6 - PHI3  |     ISU      | PHI1+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |ISR                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   G_S%OPCODE_H<7:0>        | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |    LOAD = 1.75pF                            |
   | SPICE REF: I_SPEC_RN_REG_SIM DATA_FLOW                                Last updated: 7/2/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISR      |phi2+10 to phi4|     EBOX     |PHI2+11 TO PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 69

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |I2P                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%FPA_OPCODE_H<5:0>    | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: FPA LOGIC                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = .9pF                                |
   | SPICE REF: none - hand estimate done                                  Last updated:7/15/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   I2P      |phi2+13 to phi1|    FPA       | PHI2+13 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |ISR                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%RMODE_H              |===================XXXXXXXXXXXXX=======| TO: ISU                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:NO LIMIT|         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 919.7                            |
   | SPICE REF: I_SPEC_RN_REG_SIM SPEC_RN_REG_CRIT_PATH_SS                 Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISR      |PHI4+6 - PHI3  |     ISU      | PHI1  -  PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |ISR                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%RMODE_LAST_H         |===================XXXXXXXXXXXX========| TO: ISU                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:NO LIMIT|         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 821FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: I_S[EC_RN_REG_SIM SPEC_RN_REG_CRIT_PATH_SS                 Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISR      |PHI4+10 - PHI3 |     ISU      | PHI1  -  PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |ISC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%INDEX_EXP_H          |XXXXXXXX===============================| TO:IP1                                      |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 450um  |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 726FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: ISC_PATH2                                                  Last updated: 6/25/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISC      |PHI2+5 - PHI1  |     IP1      | PHI2+15 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |ISC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%FAST_INDEX_EXP_H     |XXXXXXX================================| TO: IIL                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.31PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: ISC_PATH2                                                  Last updated: 6/25/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    ISC     |PHI1+18 - PHI1 |     IIL      | PHI1+18 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 70

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |ISC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%SPEC_CTR_H<2:0>      |XXXXXXXXXX=============================| TO: ISR,IP1                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 700um  |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.84PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: ISC_PATH                                                   Last updated: 6/27/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISC      |PHI2+11 - PHI1 |    ISR       | PHI2+11 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |   ISC      |               |    IP1       | PHI2+11 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |ISC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%FAST_SPEC_CTR_H<2:0> |XXXXXX=================================| TO: IIL                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:1400um  |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 2.00PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: ISC_?                                                      Last updated: 6/27/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |  ISC       |PHI1 + 17      |     IIL      | PHI1+19 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |ISC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%SN_H<2:0>            | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: EBOX                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 1.8pF                               |
   | SPICE REF: ISC_PATH1_SS_2                                             Last updated: 6/25/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISC      | phi4 - phi3   |    EBOX      | PHI4 - PHI3    |               |             |                       |
   |ISC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%AT_DL_INDEX_H<2:0>   |=============================XXXXXXXXXX| TO: IAD                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 400um  |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 1.15PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: ISC_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/25/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISC      |PHI1+1 - PHI4  |      IAD     | PHI1+3 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |ISC                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%SPECIAL_CASE_H       |===================XXXXXXXXXX==========| TO: IOM                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1500um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 736FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: ISC_PATH2                                                  Last updated: 6/25/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISC      |PHI3+15 - PHI2 |    IOM       | PHI4 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 71

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IAD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%DATA_LENGTH_H<1:0>   |===================XXXXXX==============| TO: ISR,ISU,IMD,IOM,IQC                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1200um |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 3.21PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IAD_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/6/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IAD      | PHI4 - PHI3   |    IOM       | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IAD      |               |    IMD       | PHI4    - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IAD      |               |    IQC       | PHI4    - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IAD      |               |    ISR       | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |   IAD      |               |    ISU       | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |IAD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%LAT_ACCESS_TYPE_H<1>   |XXXXXX=================================|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT:NO LIMIT  |         |         |         |         |  Node Cap: 684FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IAD_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/6/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IAD     |PHI2+8 - PHI1  |     IFB      | PHI2+15 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |IAD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%AT_EQ_MOD_H          | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: MBOX                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 4pF                                 |
   | SPICE REF: I_AT_DL_REG_SIM IAD_PATH1                                  Last updated: 6/6/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IAD      | phi4+3 - phi3 |   MBOX       |   PHI4+3 - PHI3|               |             |                       |
   |IAD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%ACCESS_TYPE_H<1:0>   | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: USEQ                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 3pF                                 |
   | SPICE REF: i_at_dl_reg_sim ext_sig_1_ss_1                             Last updated: 6/6/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IAD      | phi4 - phi3   |   USEQ       | PHI4 - PHI3    |               |             |                       |
   |   IAD      |               |   IMD        | PHI4    - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IAD      |               |   ISU        | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 72

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IAD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%DL_H<1:0>            | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO:USEQ,EBOX                                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 4pF                                 |
   | SPICE REF: i_at_dl_reg_sim ext_sig_1_ss_1                             Last updated: 6/6/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IAD      | phi4+2 - phi3 |    USEQ      |                |               |             |                       |
   |   IAD      |               |    EBOX      |  PHI4+2 - PHI3 |               |             |                       |
   |   IAD      |               |    MBOX      |                |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 73

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IMS                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%COPY_TRACE_H         | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: EBOX                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |   LOAD = 3pF                                |
   | SPICE REF: IMS_PATH1_SS_4                                             Last updated: 6/23/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMS      |phi1+9 -phi2+10|   EBOX       |PHI1+9 - PHI2+10|               |             |                       |
   |IMS                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LAT_XFD_BIT_H        |=============================XXXXXXXXXX| TO: IFB,IPL,I2P,IIL                         |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1500um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 2.65PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IMS_PATH1_SS_4                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMS      |PHI1+16 - PHI4 |     IFB      | PHI3 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |   IMS      |               |     IPL      |                |               |             |                       |
   |   IMS      |               |     I2P      |                |               |             |                       |
   |   IMS      |               |     IIL      | PHI2 - PHI1    |               |             |                       |
   |IMS                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LAT_VAX_TRAP_REQ_H   |XXXX===================================| TO: IOM,IP1                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.62PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IMS_PATH1_SS_3                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMS      |PHI1+13 - PHI1 |     IOM      | PHI3 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |   IMS      |               |     IP1      | PHI2+10 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |IMS                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LAT_PSL_TP_H         |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=====================| TO: IOM,IP1                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.26PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IMS_PATH1_SS_4                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMS      |PHI1+18 - PHI1 |     IP1      | PHI2 - PHI1    |               |             |                       |
   |   IMS      |               |     IOM      | PHI3 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |IMS                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LAT_PSL_FPD_H        |=========XXXXXXXXX=====================| TO: IP1                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:no limit|         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.11PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: NONE NEEDED                                                Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMS      | 1 CYCLE EARLY |     IP1      | PHI2 - PHI1    |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 74

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IFB                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%FD_BIT_L             | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: FPA                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 1.25pF                              |
   | SPICE REF: IFB_PATH1_SS_1,2                                           Last updated: 5/13/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IFB      |phi2+10 - phi4 |      FPA     | PHI2+9 - PHI4  |               |             |                       |
   |IFB                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%FP_INTEGER_L         | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: FPA                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 1.2pF                               |
   | SPICE REF: IFB_PATH1_SS_2,1                                           Last updated: 5/13/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IFB      |phi2+10 - phi4 |      FPA     | PHI2+9 - PHI4  |               |             |                       |
   |IFB                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%BRDCST_OK_H          | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: EBOX                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 4.2pF                               |
   | SPICE REF: IFB_PATH1_SS_1,2                                           Last updated: 5/13/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IFB      | phi4 to phi3  |   EBOX       |  PHI4          |               |             |                       |
   |IFB                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LAT_FPU_PRESENT_H    |=======================================| TO: ISU,IIL                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:no limit|         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 2.68PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IFB     | ALWAYS        |     IIL      | PHI1 - PHI4    |               |             |                       |
   |    IFB     |               |     ISU      | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 75

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IAG                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%IMAB_H<10:0>         | SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS              | TO: USEQ                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = .9pF                                |
   | SPICE REF: i_address_generator IAG_PATH1                              Last updated: 6/13/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IAG      |phi1+9 to phi4 |    USEQ      | PHI1+9 - PHI3  |               |             |                       |
   |IIL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |  I_S%IID_EXE_ADDRESS_H<3:0>|====================XXXXXX=============| TO: IAG                                     |
   |  MAX INTERCONNECT:no limit |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.21PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IIL_PATH2                                                  Last updated: 6/26/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |  IIL       |PHI3+13 - PHI3 |     IAG      | PHI4 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IIL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%BYTES_NEEDED_H<1:0>  |\______________/=======================| TO: IP1                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2500um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.83PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IIL_PATH2_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/26/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IIL      |PHI2+16 - PHI1 |     IP1      | PHI2+20 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |   I_S%SET_INDEX_EXPECTED_H |====================XXXXXXX============| TO: ISC                                     |@
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:no limit|         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.40PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IIL_PATH2                                                  Last updated: 6/26/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IIL      |PHI3+16 - PHI2 |     ISC      | PHI4 - PHI1    |               |             |                       |
   |IIL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%SPEC_ADDRESS_OFFSET  |====================XXXXXXX============| TO: IAG,ISC                                 |
   |   _H<3:0>                  |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:no limit|         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.67PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IIL_PATH2_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/26/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IIL      |PHI3+16 - PHI2 |    IAG       | PHI4 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |   IIL      |               |    ISC       | PHI4 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IIL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%ILLEGAL_OPCODE_H     |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=======================| TO: IP1                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2500um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 2.65PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IIL_PATH2                                                  Last updated: 6/26/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IIL     |PHI2+16 - PHI1 |     IP1      | PHI2+15 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 76

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 77

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IIL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%SET_XFD_H            |==========XXXXXXXXXXXXX================| TO: IMS                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:no limit|         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.36PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IIL_PATH2 (EXTRAPOLATED)                                   Last updated: 6/27/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IIL      |PHI3+16 - PHI2 |     IMS      | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |IIL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%BRANCH_WORD_H        |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\======================|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2500um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.96PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IIL_PATH2_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/26/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IIL      |PHI2+13 - PHI1 |     IOM      |  PHI4 - PHI1   |               |             |                       |
   |   IIL      |               |     IP1      |  PHI2+15 - PHI1|               |             |                       |
   |IIL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%BRANCH_BYTE_H        |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\======================|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2500um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.96PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: ILL_PATH2_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/26/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IIL      |PHI2+13 - PHI1 |     IOM      | PHI4 - PHI1    |               |             |                       |
   |   IIL      |               |     IP1      | PHI2+15 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |IIL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%NO_SPECIFIERS_H      |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\======================| TO: IP1                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2500um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 2.06PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IIL_PATH2_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/26/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IIL      |PHI2+13 - PHI1 |     IP1      | PHI2+15 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |IIL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LOW_BYTE_EQ_FD_L     |XXXXXXXXXXXX=================XXXXXXXXXX|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.75PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IIL_PATH2_SS_1                                             Last updated: 5/8/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IIL      |PHI2+6 - PHI4  |     IP1      | PHI2+10 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 78

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IPL                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%I_RED_OUT_H          |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             | TO: USEQ                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF: none - don't care                                          Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IPL      |               |    USEQ      |                |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%EN_NEW_DELTA_PC_H<5:0> |=========\___________///////////=======| TO: IQC                                     |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 2.20PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |  IP1       |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |      IQC     | PHI4+7 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%EN_IDR_EFF_DL_H<1:0> |=========\___________///////////=======| TO: IOM                                     | 
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1500um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 698FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |     IOM      | PHI4+7 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%EN_ADD_TO_IB_PTR_H   |=========\___________///////////=======| TO: IQC                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 2.08PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |    IQC       | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%EN_RESET_SPEC_CTR_H  |=========\___________///////////=======| TO: ISC                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.07PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |    ISC       | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%EN_DECR_SPEC_CTR_H   |=========\___________///////////=======| TO: ISC                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 714FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |     ISC      | PHI4+7 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 79

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IID_THINGS_OK_H      |=========\___________///////////=======| TO: IOM                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 928FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IP1     |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |    IOM       | PHI4+7 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |I_S%IDR_NEW_DELTA_PC_H<2,0> |===================XXXXXXXX============| TO: IQC                                     |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 1500um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.22PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH2_SS_2                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM      |PHI3+18 - PHI3 |     IQC      | PHI3+18 - PHI3 |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IDR_UTRAP_HLT_H      |===================XXXXXXXXXX==========| TO: ISU                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.24PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH2_SS_2                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM      |PHI4+0 - PHI3  |    ISU       | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IDR_UTRAP_DRY_H      |===================XXXXXX==============| TO: ISU                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.12PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH2_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM      |PHI1-3 - PHI3  |    ISU       | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%ADD_TO_IB_PTR_H      |===================XXXXXX==============| TO: IQC                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT:2500um  |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.77PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH2_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM      |PHI4+14 - PHI3 |    IQC       | PHI4+16 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 80

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IDR_EFF_DL_H<1:0>    |====================XXXXXXXXX==========|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 2.19PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH1_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM      |PHI4-3 - PHI3  |     IDD      |   PHI4 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%IDR_LOAD_INDEX_H<1:0>|=========XXXXXXX=======================|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 2.09PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH1_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM      |PHI2+11 - PHI2 |     IDD      | PHI2+15 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%CATCH_IPLA_H         |~~~~~~~~~\__________________________/~~| TO: IPL,I2P                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1500um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 3.31PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH1_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM      |PHI4+22 - PHI2 |     IPL      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |   IOM      |               |     I2P      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%EN_ASSERT_IID_H      |=========XXXXXX========================| TO: IMD,ISR                                 |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1200um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.24PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: NONE NEEDED                                                Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM      |PHI3 - PHI2    |     IMD      | PHI3 - PHI1+5  |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 81

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%EN_CLR_XFD_BIT_H     |==========\__________________/XXXXXXX==| TO: IMS                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 500um  |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.03PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: NONE NEEDED                                                Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM      |PHI1 - PHI2    |     IMS      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%TP_GETS_T_H          |==========\__________________/XXXXXXX==| TO: IMS                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 500um  |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 693FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH1_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IOM    |RISES W/PHI1-PHI2|    IMS      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LOAD_AT_DL_REG_H     |==========\__________________/XXXXXXX==| TO: IAD                                     |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 949.5FF                          |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH1_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM     |RISES W/PHI1-PHI2|   IAD       | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LOADING_OPCODE_H     |==========\__________________XXXXXXXX==| TO: ISR                                     |
   |   MAX  INTERCONNECT:1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 2.05PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH1_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM     |RISES W/PHI1-PHI2|    ISR      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |   IOM      |               |     I2P      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |   IOM      |               |     IMS      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LOADING_SPEC_RN_REG_H|=========\____________________XXXXXXX==|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.21PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IOM_PATH1_SS_1                                             Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IOM    |RISES W/PHI1-PHI2|   ISR       | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 82

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |ISR                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%RN_H<3:0>            |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 2.3pF                               |
   | SPICE REF: i_spec_rn_reg_sim SPEC_RN_REG_CRIT_PATH_H_SS               Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   ISR      | PHI4+1 TO PHI3|     ISU      |  PHI4+2  - PHI3|               |             |                       |
   |   ISR      | phi4+1 to phi3|     EBOX     |                |               |             |                       |
   |CHIP                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_PH%STALL_L             |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |            |               |  IMD         |PHI3-1 TO PHI1  |    YES        |   YES       |       YES             |
   |            |               |              |PHI3+5 TO PHI4  |    NO         |   YES       |       YES             |
   |PADS                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%RESET_S_H            |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   BIU      |               |    IFB       | ANY OLD TIME   |               |             |                       |
   |   BIU      |               |    IMD       |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |   BIU      |               |    IMS       |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |   BIU      |               |    IQC       |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |   BIU      |               |    ISC       |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |   BIU      |               |    IPL       |      ""        |               |             |                       |
   |EBOX                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%LD_VIBA_AND_PC_H     |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   EBOX     |               |    IQC       | PHI3+7 - PHI4  |     NO        |             |                       |
   |   EBOX     |               |    IMD       | PHI3+10 - PHI4 |     NO        |             |                       |
   |   EBOX     |               |    IMS       | PHI4 - PHI1    |     NO        |             |                       |
   |   EBOX     |               |    IOM       | PHI4 - PHI1    |     NO        |             |                       |
   |   EBOX     |               |    ISC       | PHI3+10 - PHI4 |     NO        |             |                       |
   |   EBOX     |               |    ISR       | ANY OLD TIME   |     NO        |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 83

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |EBOX                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_PH%W_SPUR_H<7:0>       |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 6.5pF                               |
   | SPICE REF: i_spur_utest_drIVE_sim ISU_PATH1_SS_1                      Last updated: 4/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |  ISU       | phi4-2        |    EBOX      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     ISR      |PHI2 TO PHI3    |      NO       |     YES     |       YES             |
   |            |               |     ISU      |       X        |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IMS      | G_S%LOAD_PSL_H |      NO       |     YES     |       YES             |
   |EBOX                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%PSL_T_H              |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   EBOX     |               |     IMS      |ON G_S%LOAD_PSL_H|              |             |                       |
   |EBOX                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%LOAD_PSL_H           |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   EBOX     |               |     IMS      |      PHI2      |               |             |                       |
   |INTL                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%FPD_INT_PENDING_H    |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   INTL     |               |    ISU       | phi3+10- phi4+5|               |             |                       |
   |BIU                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%BIU_TRAP_L           |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |            |               |   IMD        |  PHI3 - phi1   |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 84

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |FPA                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%FPU_TRAP_L           |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   FPA      |               |    IMD       |   PHI3   -PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |MBOX                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_PH%MMGT_TRAP_L         |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |            |               |  IMD         |   PHI3  -PHI1  |               |             |                       |
   |EBOX                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%INT_OVFL_L           |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   EBOX     |               |     IMD      |   PHI3   - PHI1|               |             |                       |
   |USEQ                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%MIB_H,G_S%MIB_L<40:7>|  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    USEQ    |               |     IMD      |   PHI4-1 - PHI2|               |             |                       |
   |    USEQ    |               |     IM2      |   PHI4-1 - PHI2|               |             |                       |
   |FPA                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%FPU_IS_THERE_H       |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   FPA      |               |    IFB       |   AT POWERUP   |               |             |                       |
   |BIU                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%IDAL_H<31:0>         |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   BIU      |               |     IDP      | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 85

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 86

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |INTL                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%IID_IRQ_H            |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   INTL     |               |      IP1     |PHI2+16 - PHI1  |               |             |                       |
   |   INTL     |               |      IOM     |PHI3+15 - PHI1  |               |             |                       |
   |EBOX                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%NEW_IB_PTR_H<1:0>    |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |  EBOX      |               |     IQC      | PHI2+14 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |BIU                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_PH%IB_FILL_ERR_L       |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    BIU     |               |   IQC        | PHI2+21 - PHI1 |               |             |                       |
   |BIU                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%IB_DATA_PRS_H        |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   BIU      |               |    IQC       | PHI1+15 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |TEST                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%LOAD_REDUCERS_L      |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   TEST     |               |     IPL      |                |               |             |                       |
   |TEST                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_C%REDUCE_PHI1_H        |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |            |               |    IPL       |                |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 87

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 88

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |TEST                        |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_C%SCAN_PHI1_H          |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |            |               |    IPL       |                |               |             |                       |
   |CLK                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_C%PHI1_H               |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |            |               |    IAG       |                |               |             |                       |@
   |            |               |    IAD       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IDD       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IIL       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IPL       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IMD       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IMS       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IOM       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IM2       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IQC       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    I2P       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IWC       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    ISR       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    ISU       |                |               |             |                       |
   |CLK                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   G_C%PHI2_H               |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |            |               |    IDP       |                |               |             |                       |@
   |            |               |    IP1       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IDD       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IIL       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IPL       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IMD       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IOM       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IQC       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    I2P       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    ISC       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    ISR       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    ISU       |                |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 89

   |CLK                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_C%PHI3_H               |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |            |               |     IAG      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IAD      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IDP      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IDD      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IIL      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IPL      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IMD      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IMS      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IOM      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IM2      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IQC      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     I2P      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     ISC      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     IDR      |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |     ISU      |                |               |             |                       |
   |CLK                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_C%PHI4_H               |  SEE GLOBAL TIMING SHEETS             |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |            |               |    IAG       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IAD       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IDP       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IPL       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IMD       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IMS       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IOM       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IM2       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    IQC       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    I2P       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    ISC       |                |               |             |                       |
   |            |               |    ISR       |                |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_IB_HLT_ADDRESS_H   |===========\_________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.01PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IP1     |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |     IAG      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 90

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_IID_EXE_ADDRESS_H  |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.55PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |     IAG      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |   IP1      |               |     ISR      | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_SPEC_ADR_H         |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.57PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |     IAG      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |   IP1      |               |     IOM      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |   IP1      |               |     ISC      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_SPEC_ADR_NDX_H     |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.32PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |     IAG      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |   IP1      |               |     IOM      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |   IP1      |               |     ISC      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_IB_DRY_ADR_H       |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 997FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |     IAG      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_VTR_ADR_H          |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 707FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IP1     |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |    IAG       | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 91

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_INT_ADR_H          |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 697FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |     IAG      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_TBIT_ADR_H         |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 622FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IP1     |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |    IAG       | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_FPD_ADR_H          |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.54PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IP1     |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |      ISR     | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |    IP1     |               |      IAG     | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_ILLEG_OPC_ADR_H    |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 765FF                            |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |     IAG      | PHI4+5 - PHI2  |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_EXE_ADR_H          |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.29PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH1                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IP1     |PHI4+7 - PHI2  |     IOM      | PHI4+10 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |    IP1     |               |     IAG      | PHI4+5  - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 92

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   | I_S%USE_XFD_ADR_H          |=========\___________////////==========|                                             |
   | MAX INTERCONNECT: 2000um   |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.06PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH2                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IP1     |PHI4+22 - PHI3 |     ISR      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IAG                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%CLR_XFD_H            |===================XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX===|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 350um  |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.29PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IAG_PATH3                                                  Last updated: 6/13/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IAG      |PHI4+14 - PHI2 |     IMS      | PHI4+16 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |   IAG      |               |     ISR      | PHI1 - PHI2    |               |             |                       |
   |IAD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LAT_DL_REG_H<1:0>    |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX========================|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.03PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: I_AT_DL_REG_SIM DL4_TO_MLATCH_H_SS                         Last updated: 6/24/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IAD      |PHI2+16 - PHI1 |    IOM       | PHI2+18 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%SPEC_CTR_GEQ_2_H     |XXXXXXXXXXXXXX=========================|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.21PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH3                                                  Last updated: 6/13/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IP1     |PHI2+18 - PHI1 |     IOM      | PHI2+18 - PHI3 |               |             |                       |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%SPEC_CTR_ZERO_L      |XXXXXXXXXXXXXX=========================|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 1000um |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.88PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH3                                                  Last updated: 6/13/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |    IP1     |PHI2+18 - PHI1 |     IOM      | PHI2+18 - PHI3 |               |             |                       |
   |    IP1     |               |     IFB      | PHI2+18 - PHI4 |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 93

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IP1                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%NOT_XFD_H            |====================/~~~~~~~~~~\\\=====|                                             |
   |   MAX INTERCONNECT: 500um  |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 1.40PF                           |
   | SPICE REF: IP1_PATH2                                                  Last updated: 6/11/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IP1      |PHI4+16 - PHI3 |    IAG       | PHI4+16 - PHI2 |               |             |                       |
   |IOM                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%LOAD_MASTER_OPCODE_H |===============================XXXXXXX=|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  LOAD = 2.2pF                               |
   | SPICE REF: I_OP_MUX_IM LOAD_MASTER_1_SS_1                             Last updated: 7/10/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IOM      |PHI1+12 - PHI4+|   EBOX       |    phi1+12     |               |             |                       |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%LOAD_SLAVE_OPCODE_H  |_____________________/========\________|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         | CAP: 1.20PF                                 |
   | SPICE REF: I_MIB_DECODE_SIM IMD_PATH9                                 Last updated: 4/14/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |PHI3+16-PHI4+10|   EBOX       |    phi3+16     |               |             |                       |
   |IM2                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%SPUR_GETS_OPCODE_H   |XXXXXXXXX==============================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPICE REF: NONE - HAND ESTIMATE DONE                                  Last updated: 7/8/86                       |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IM2      | PHI2 - PHI1   |   EBOX       |    phi3        |               |             |                       |
   |IMD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   G_S%UTEST_GETS_OPCODE_H  |===================/~~~~~~~~~XXXXXXXXXX|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  CAP: .5PF                                  |
   | SPICE REF: I_MIB_DECODE_SIM IMD_PATH2                                 Last updated: 3/28/86                      |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IMD      |PHI1 - PHI2+   |   EBOX       |    phi1        |               |             |                       |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LD_ID_MASTER_H       |/========\_____________________________|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 3.45PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IDD      |PHI1 - PHI2+   |   IDP        |    phi1        |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 94

                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |@
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |IDD                         |         |         |         |         |                                             |@
   |   I_S%LD_ID_MASTER_L       |\========/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Node cap: 4.08PF                           |
   | SPICE REF:                                                            Last updated:                              |
   | Driven by     When valid      Used by         When needed     Hidden cap?     Pullups?        Pulldowns?         |
   |   IDD      |PHI1 - PHI2+   |   IDP        |    phi1        |               |             |                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 95

   2.12  Glossary Of Mnemonics

   The following is a partial list of mnemonics  and  their  translations  or

   BCS - Branch Condition Select - A field in the microinstruction
   BIU - Bus Interface Unit
   BPC - Backup PC register
   CFPA - CVAX Floating Point Accelerator chip
   DL - Data Length
   FPA - see CFPA
   FPU - see CFPA
   GPR - General Purpose Register
   IB - Instruction Buffer
   IDAL - Internal Data/Address Lines
   IDR - Instruction Data Register
   IID - Initial Instruction Decode
   IPLA - Instruction PLA
   MAB - MicroAddress Bus
   PFQ - Prefetch Queue (see also IB)
   QMUX - Prefetch Queue Output Multiplexor
   RLOG - Register Modification Log
   RN - Register Number
   TB - Translation Buffer
   VIBA - Virtual Instruction Buffer Address Register
   WR - Working Register

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 96


   The following change requests have been reflected in this rev of the spec:

         o  5MAY12DWA.1

         o  5JUN01PIR.1

         o  5JUL01A0.1

         o  5AUG01DWA.1

         o  5AUG20DS.1

         o  5AUG20DWA.1

         o  5AUG30AO.1

         o  5SEP25AO.1

         o  5SEP25PEG.1

         o  5NOV05DWA.1

         o  5NOV05DWA.2

         o  5DEC05DWA.1

         o  5DEC11DWA.1

         o  6JAN03DWA.1

         o  6JAN08DWA.1

         o  6JAN31DWA.1

         o  6JAN31DWA.2

         o  6JAN31DWA.3

         o  6FEB19DWA.1

         o  6FEB19DWA.2

   2.14  ISSUES

   The following issues must be resolved in order to finish this spec.   Note
   that  items  followed  by  a  [RESOLVED]  have  been decided, and the spec
   updated to reflect that decision.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 97

        1.  Can the registers addressed in the memreq MXPS operation become A
            port addresses 30-3F?


        2.  What must the I Box do about integer overflow?  Should this be an
            E Box function?

            ANS:  6/29/84 D.W.A.  - THE I  BOX  DOES  NOTHING  ABOUT  INTEGER

        3.  How do you set the FPD bit?


        4.  What is the performance hit if the I Box requires a cycle between
            setting AT or DL and doing a dispatch or LOAD ID?

            ANS:  6/29/84 D.W.A.  - THERE ARE NO AT OR DL  DEPENDENT  INITIAL

        5.  Is the ability to load  IDR  automatically  on  detection  of  an
            immediate  operand  helpful?   Such  operands appear very seldom,
            according to Emer and Clark.

            BE DONE.

        6.  Should the IPLA be a ROM or a true PLA?

            ANS:  7/9/84 D.W.A.   -  ROM,  FOR  UCODE  FLEXIBILITY  AND  AREA

        7.  Can the FPA Instruction flag bit in the  IPLA  be  removed?   The
            microcode  at  the  FPA  execute  address  could do a case on FPU
            present using one of the partially empty branch  fields  like  1A
            (MREF.STATUS) and go to illegal opcode if FPU present is clear.

            ANS:  7/16/84 D.W.A.  - NO, THE FPA BIT CANNOT BE REMOVED.

        8.  We must have a way to explicitly clear XFD  during  error  flows;
            probably  a  MISC  field.   This  is for use where some exception
            occurs between parsing FD and the opcode byte  that  follows  it.
            We must remove the functionality that clears XFD during LOAD VIBA
            and PC commands.  Alternatively, we might want to make  two  MISC
            fields  that  load  VIBA and PC, and have only one of them do the
            CLR XFD function.

            ANS:  7/16/84 D.W.A - NO WAY.  WE'LL LEAVE THE XFD CONTROL AS IS,
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 98

        9.  We should grab the new values of PC<1:0> (at  branch  time)  from
            the  W-bus  via  the spur instead of loading from dedicated lines
            running from the PC to the I Box.

            ANS:  7/18/84 D.W.A.  - NO.  CAN'T LOAD FROM BPC IF WE DO THIS.

       10.  How  does  Integer  Overflow  Trap  affect  the   PSL.T,   PSL.TP
            functionality?   In  the  case  of an integer overflow when PSL.T
            should be set at the end of the instruction, we must insure  that
            the  overflow  trap  routine is executed properly.  Check out how
            the T and TP  bits  function  in  uVAX.   The  implementation  is
            correct there.

            ANS:  9/1/84 D.W.A.  - THE TRACE BIT GETS  COPIED  AT  IID  TIME.

       11.  We must insure that  uTraps  issued  by  memory  management  take
            priority  over  those  issued  by  the  I  Box due to prefetching

            ANS:  7/2/84 D.W.A.  - yes.

       12.  How does the FPA get the opcode for FPA  instructions?   We  must
            insure  that  the  FPA  gets  one  opcode  which  is  unique  per
            instruction, i.e., the XFD code MUST  NOT  be  sent  to  the  FPA
            before the real opcode.  We will need another PLA to determine if
            the opcode being decoded is an accelerated integer instruction.

            ANS:  3/7/85 D.W.A.  - OPCODE<5:0> WILL BE SENT, ALONG  WITH  THE

       13.  What testability functions should we have?


       14.  Do we need to break R=PC  out  of  the  mode  A-F  dispatches  as
            separate addresses?

            ANS:  3/1/85 D.W.A.  - NO.  E BOX CAN  HANDLE  THE  PC  REFERENCE
            JUST FINE

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                       Page 99


   The E BOX contains the main execution data  path  and  associated  control

   It consists of the following major functions:

         o  Register File

         o  Program Counter (PC Register)

         o  Constant Generator

         o  Shift Counter (SC)

         o  Shifter

         o  Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU)

         o  Multiplier Quotient Register (Q)

         o  Processor Status Longword (PSL)

         o  Condition Code Logic

         o  Register Logging (RLOG) Stack

         o  State Logic

         o  Opcode Register

   The E BOX performs most calculations for the  micromachine.   It  receives
   memory  data from the I BOX.  It is controlled by the microinstruction and
   a limited amount of internal state.

   The key innovative concept  in  the  CVAX  E  BOX  is  the  pipelining  of
   operations  in the data path.  In each cycle, the E BOX reads two operands
   out of the register file, performs an operation on them (either in the ALU
   or  the  Shifter),  and latches the result.  The latched result is written
   back to the register file during the very end of the CURRENT cycle and the
   first part of the NEXT microcycle.  The pipeline timing is shown below:
                            |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |    PHI4  |
   |      FUNCTION          |0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0|                                                   |
   |       Name             |0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0|                     Comments                      |
                             +         +         +         +         +
     A & B_BUS SELECT        ///~~~~~~~~\\\\_________________________/  Read Selects Driven G_C%PHI1_H
                             +         +         +         +         +
     G_PH%B_BUS_H<31:0>      ~~XXXXXXX=====================HHHHHHHHHHH  B Bus
                             +         +         +         +         +
     E_PH%A_BUS_H<31:0>      ~~XXXXXXX=====================HHHHHHHHHHH  A Bus
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 100

                             +         +         +         +         +
     ALU OPERATION           __________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_____  Operates from G_C%PHI2_H through the middle of G_C%PHI4_H
                             +         +         +         +         +
     SHIFT OPERATION         ____________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_____  Operates from G_C%PHI3_H through the middle of G_C%PHI4_H
                             +         +         +         +         +
     W_BUS SELECT            ~~~~~~~~~~\___________________/~~~~~~~~~~  Select During G_C%PHI4_H and G_C%PHI1_H 
                             +         +         +         +         +
     G_S%W_BUS_H<31:0>       ==============================XXXXXXXXXX=  Write Bus.  Guarenteed valid by t0.
                             +         +         +         +         +

   The principal complications caused by this structure are:

        1.  The   W_Bus   decode   is   determined    from    the    previous
            microinstruction; i.e., the register file write is pipelined.

        2.  Since the write is pipelined, the data path must be  designed  so
            that  when  either  (or  both)  of  the  A_Bus and B_Bus register
            selects match the previous W_Bus select, the new  W_Bus  data  is
            used instead of the stale register data.

   This is illustrated in the following microcode sequence:

           [W0]<--[W0]+[W1]                ; B_Bus select = [W1]
                                           ; A_Bus select = [W0]
                                           ; W_Bus select = [W0]

           [SP]<--[SP]-[W0]                ; B_Bus select = [W0],
                                           ; W_Bus data must appear
                                           ;  on the B_Bus
                                           ; A_Bus select = [SP]
                                           ; W_Bus select = [SP]

   This is achieved by a fast write  back  which  alters  the  register  cell
   before a read occurs.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 101

   3.1  Register File

   The Register File is logically divided into three  sections:   The  triple
   ported  W  Registers;  the dual ported GP Registers; and the dual ported T
   Registers.  All three sections  can  be  written  as  longwords.   The  GP
   Registers,  with  the  exception  of  the  PC,  can  all  be  written in a
   data-length dependent manner.

   3.1.1  Triple Ported Registers (W Registers) -

   Eight of the locations in the register file are triple  ported;  that  is,
   they  may be read through the A port and B port, and written through the W
   port,  simultaneously.   These  registers  are   the   microcode   working
   registers, W[0:7].

   In some cases, a W Register can be used as the destination register for  3
   address  arithmetic.   A  W  Register  is  written  (independent of A or B
   selects) when the DST=WSN is selected in the  microinstruction.   W[6]  is
   reserved  for  memory  management, with W[6]<1:0> being hardwired to 00 to
   optimize memory management microcode.

   W[7] is the SC  register.   While  SC  is  useable  as  a  normal  working
   register,  it  has  other  functions  as well.  For a description of these
   functions, see the SC Logic section.

   3.1.2  Dual Ported Registers (GP Registers) -

   There are fifteen dual ported general purpose registers, GPR[0:14], in the
   register  file.   They  may be read through the A port and written through
   the W port simultaneously.  GPR[0:13] are the user visible registers R0  -
   R13.   GPR[14] is the user visible SP.  GPR[15], the PC, is not located in
   register file.  The GPR's, with the  exception  of  the  PC,  can  all  be
   written in a data-length dependent manner.  Data-Length Dependent Writes -

   Writes to the general purpose registers can be to the low-order byte only,
   the low-order word (16-bits) only, or the whole longword.

   The BASIC and MEM_REF microwords have a 1-bit L field.  If the L-bit =  0,
   then  the  GPR writes are longword.  When the L-bit = 1, the length of the
   GPR  write  is  dictated  by  the  data-length  register  in  the  I  BOX,
   G_S%DL_H<1:0>, as shown below.

                   00 = byte
                   01 = word
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 102

                   10 = longword
                   11 = quadword

   The longword and quadword codes both cause a longword write to the GPR's.

   The other 3 microword formats (CONSTANT, SHIFT, and SPECIAL) do  not  have
   an L field.  For these microwords, all GPR writes are longword.

   The DL value which is used is the DL value that becomes valid at the  same
   time as the MIBs that specify the write.

   3.1.3  Dual Ported Registers (T Registers) -

   There are  sixteen  dual  ported  temporary  registers,  T[0:15],  in  the
   register  file.   They  may be read through the A port and written through
   the W port simultaneously.  T[15] is used  to  shadow  the  hardware  SISR
   registers; bit<31:16,0> are hardwired to 0.

   3.1.4  Functional Summary -

   This section lists the register file names and  addresses  and  summarizes
   the  read/write  operation  of  the  register  file  as  a function of the
   microinstruction.  Register File Addressing -

   The register file (and other "register-like" functions) are addressed from
   the  A-field  and B-field of the microinstruction; see the "Control Fields
   Summary".  The register file decoder is set up as follows:
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 103

           register        Name                 A-decoder          B-decoder
           --------        ----            -----------------       ---------
           GPR[0]                          000000                  --      
           GPR[1]                          000001                  --      
           GPR[2]                          000010                  --      
           GPR[3]                          000011                  --      
           GPR[4]                          000100                  --      
           GPR[5]                          000101                  --      
           GPR[6]                          000110                  --      
           GPR[7]                          000111                  --      

           GPR[8]                          001000                  --      
           GPR[9]                          001001                  --      
           GPR[10]                         001010                  --      
           GPR[11]                         001011                  --      
           GPR[12]         AP              001100                  --      
           GPR[13]         FP              001101                  --      
           GPR[14]         SP              001110                  --      
           GPR[15]         PC              001111                  --      

           T[0]            KSP             010000                  --      
           T[1]            ESP             010001                  --      
           T[2]            SSP             010010                  --      
           T[3]            USP             010011                  --      
           T[4]            IS              010100                  --      
           T[5]            SAVEPSL         010101                  --      
           T[6]            SAVEPC          010110                  --      
           T[7]            AST.TRAP        010111                  --      
           T[8]            TXPAGE          011000                  --      
           T[9]            TMMGT           011001                  --      
           T[10]           SCBB            011010                  --      
           T[11]           PCBB            011011                  --      
           T[12]           P0BR            011100                  --      
           T[13]           P1BR            011101                  --      
           T[14]           SBR             011110                  --      
           T[15]           SISR            011111                  --      

           W[0]                            100000                  0000    
           W[1]                            100001                  0001    
           W[2]                            100010                  0010    
           W[3]                            100011                  0011    
           W[4]                            100100                  0100    
           W[5]                            100101                  0101    
           W[6]                            100110                  0110    
           W[7]                            100111                  0111    

           NOTE: The PC is not located in the register file

   Note that the remaining register addresses are used to address other logic
   in the micromachine:

                   register            A-decoder           B-decoder
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 104

                   --------        ----------------        ---------
                   W[SN]           101000 or 111000        --      
                   W[SN.PLUS.1]    101001 or 111001        --      
                   GPR[RN]         101010 or 111010        --      
                   PSL             101011                  --      
                   Q               101100                  --      
                   --              101101                  --
                   K[1]            101110                  --
                   K[SEXT.N]       101111                  --
                   W[SN]           --                      1000
                   W[SN.PLUS.1]    --                      1001    
                   MID.BUFF        --                      1010
                   K[DL]           --                      1011    
                   VA              --                      1100    
                   VA'             --                      1101    
                   VIBA            --                      1110    
                   --              --                      1111

   NOTE:  PC and MID.BUFF cannot be  written  using  the  DST  field  in  the
   microinstruction;  PC  is  written using the MISC field.  K[1], K[SEXT.N],
   and K[DL] are read only pseudo-registers.  Source Control -

   When the code for W[SN] or W[SN.PLUS.1] appears in the A-field or B-field,
   SN  or  SN.PLUS.1  should  be  used  to  generate  the W register address.
   Similarly, when GPR[RN] appears in the  A-field,  RN  should  be  used  to
   generate the GPR address.

   The mapping between the SN codes and the W Registers is given in the table

             G_S%SN_H<2:0>     W[SN]     W[SN.PLUS.1]
             =============     =====     ============
                  000            0             1
                  010            2             3
                  100            7             0
                  101            4             5
                  110            1             2
                  111            3             4  Implementation Notes -

   When implementing the A and B select decode logic, it will be necessary to
   latch the decoded address as this may be needed on the subsequent write.

   It  must  be  possible  to  write  two  registers  in  the  register  file
   simultaneously.   This  occurs  when  a  write is being done using the DST
   field in the microinstruction while the MISC field is WRITE.SC.   In  this
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 105

   case,  register  W[7]  is  written in parallel with the actual destination
   register.  When W[7] is updated, the shadow SC is also updated.  Destination Control -

   During the first part of a microcycle, register file data is placed on the
   A_Bus  and  B_Bus, and the pipelined result from the previous microcyle is
   written from the W_Bus.  The selection  of  the  destination  register  is
   determined by the DST field in the microword.  The write logic will choose
   either the A port select, B port select, W[SN], or the bit bucket  (ZILCH)
   as the destination.  In addition, W[7] may be written under the control of
   the MISC field.  Timing Of Writes And Control Signals From The M BOX -

   The M BOX passes two signals to the E BOX to control register file writes:


   This signal is used during PHI2 to load the write select (WSEL) latch with
   the register to be written by the W_BUS.  The write length is also latched
   by this signal during PHI2.


   This signal is used during PHI4 and PHI1 to enable the write.

   3.1.5  W_Bus -

   The W_Bus is the write path for the register file; it is the actual  W-bit
   lines  of  the  register  file.   The  W_BUS receives data from one of the
   following sources:  M BOX (via the G_S%MW_BUS_H), W_SPUR, and E  BOX  (ALU
   output  and  Barrel  Shifter output).  It also has the capability to drive
   data onto the W_SPUR and MW_BUS.  It is a single-ended static  bus  driven
   by  push-pull drivers.  The drivers have a built in latch which is updated
   during G_C%PHI4_H.  The drivers are located just below the shifter.

   The M BOX writes data to the E BOX register file via the MW_BUS; and reads
   data from the E BOX via the G_S%W_BUS_H.

   3.1.6  Zero Extension -

   Zero extension is carried out in the W_BUS drivers.  Zero extension  of  a
   byte  causes  bits  G_S%W_BUS_H<31:8>  to be cleared.  Zero extension of a
   word causes bits G_S%W_BUS_H<31:16> to be cleared.  Zero  extension  of  a
   longword or quadword has no effect.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 106

   For the 3 microword formats (CONSTANT, SHIFT, and SPECIAL)  which  do  not
   have an L field, no zero extension is performed.

   The two other microword formats (BASIC and MEM_REF) have a 1-bit L  field.
   If  this  L  bit  = 1, then zero extension is performed as dictated by the
   data-length dependent register in the I BOX G_S%DL_H<1:0>.

                   00 = byte
                   01 = word
                   10 = longword
                   11 = quadword

   The DL value which is used is the DL value that becomes valid at the  same
   time  as the MIBs that specify the zero extention.  When the L bit = 0, no
   zero extension is carried out.

   3.1.7  W_SPUR -

   The W_Spur is a single-rail, 8-bit bidirectional bus  which  connects  the
   W_Bus  to registers not in the data path.  It passes through the Interrupt
   Controller, I BOX, E BOX, M BOX, and BIU.  When the W_Spur  is  driven  by
   the  W  Bus  drivers,  its  data corresponds to the lower byte of the data
   path, with one exception:  When the PSL is written, various PSL  bits  are
   moved  onto  the  W_Spur.   See  the  section titled PSL Distribution, for
   further details.  It can be read from, or written to and is accessed using
   the  MEM_REF  microinstruction  with  FNC/MXPS  selected.  The MEM_REF.REG
   field defines the register number which drives/is written from the  W_Spur
   in an MXPS internal operation as shown below:

       MEM_REF.REG     Register Selection                  Access    Section
       -----------     ------------------                  ------    -------
       INT.ID          highest interrupt in bits<4:0>        ro      INT_CTL
       OPCODE          opcode register in bits<7:0>          ro       IBOX
       SPEC.RN         specifier in bits<7:4>, RN in <3:0>  ro/rw     IBOX
       ATDL            AT in bits<3:2>, DL in <1:0>          ro       IBOX
       HSIR            HSIR in bits <7:0>                    rw       IBOX
       ICCS            ICCS<6> in bit<6>                     rw       IBOX
       EBOX.STATE      STATE<5:0> in bits<5:0>               ro       EBOX
       EBOX.CCS        RESTART, ALU CC's in bits<7,3:0>      ro       EBOX
       RLOG.STACK      RLOG[0]<7:0> in bits<7:0>             ro       EBOX
       MAPEN           MAPEN in bit<0>                       rw       MBOX
       MMGT.STATUS     MMGT.STATUS in bits<2:0>              wo       MBOX
       PROBE.MODE      alternate probe mode in bits<1:0>     wo       MBOX
       MSER.HIGH       memory system error register          rw        BIU
       MSER.LOW        MSER low bits                         rw        BIU
       CADR            cache disable register                rw        BIU

   The Shadow_SC is also attached to the W_Spur.  It  is  written  using  the
   MISC/WRITE.SC function in all microinstructions.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 107

   Spur reads have bits<31:8> = 0, and unused bits on the spur will  be  read
   as 1.

   NOTE:  Doing a MISC/WRITE.SC in parallel with  any  MEM_REF.MXPS  function
   will  result  in the MXPS data being stored in the Shadow_SC.  See the PSL
   distribution section for further details on the use of the W_SPUR.

   3.1.8  Microcode Restrictions -

        1.  W_SPUR - A W_SPUR read cannot immediately follow a W_SPUR  write.
            This  restriction  applies even when the W_SPUR write is implicit
            as when W<7> (SC) is updated.  (The shadow SC is written via  the

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 108

   3.2  Program Counter (PC Register)

   The PC Logic function consists of the PC register, the PC adder,  and  the
   BPC register.

   3.2.1  PC Register -

   This longword register is used to hold the Program Counter.  It is read as
   [PC]  (see  Register  File section for addressing details) and written via
   two MISC fields.  Whenever it is not addressed as a destination, the PC is
   loaded from the PC adder which adds G_S%DELTA_PC_H<2:0>, a value furnished
   by the I BOX, to the previous value of the PC.

   The PC is readable as [GRN] where RN=15, or as GPR[15].  However,  the  PC
   can  only  be  written under control of the MISC and MISC2 fields as shown
   below.  An explicit write of  PC  (i.e,  a  microcode  write  to  register
   GPR[15] or GPR[RN] when RN = 15) is ignored.

       MISC         Operation
       ----     ------------------
        16      LOAD.V&PC
        18      IF.BCOND.LOAD.V&PC.TRAP
        19      IF.BCOND.LOAD.V&PC

       MISC2        Operation
       -----    ------------------
         0      NOP
         1      LOAD.PC.FROM.BPC

   The first function, MISC/LOAD.V&PC, unconditionally  updates  the  PC  and
   VIBA    from   G_S%W_BUS_H   and   flushes   the   instruction   pipeline.
   update  the  PC  and  VIBA  (and  flushes  the  instruction pipeline) from
   G_S%W_BUS_H  if  the  instruction  dependent  branch  condition   is   met
   (EBT_PH%BCOND_MET_L  asserted).   If the branch condition fails, the PC is
   not loaded from the G_S%W_BUS_H.  Loading the PC in this manner is enabled
   by  the  signal  G_S%LD_VIBA_AND_PC_H.  G_S%LD_VIBA_AND_PC_H is derived as
   shown below:

                             MISC/IF.BCOND.LOAD.V&PC.TRAP) AND NOT EBT_PH%BCOND_MET_L)

   The PC can also be loaded from the BPC  using  the  MISC2/LOAD.PC.FROM.BPC
   field  of  the SPECIAL microinstruction as shown above.  Note that VIBA is
   not changed, and the instruction pipeline is not flushed.

   The lower two bits of the PC register, G_S%NEW_IB_PTR_H<1:0>, are sent  to
   the  I  BOX to be loaded into the IB-PTR if a conditional or unconditional
   LOAD.V&PC is executed.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 109

   3.2.2  PC Adder -

   The PC adder is used for incrementing  the  PC  as  macroinstructions  are
   parsed.  Its inputs are the 32-bit PC register, and the 3-bit value, delta
   PC, which can have the values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.  G_S%DELTA_PC_H<2:0>
   is  provided  by the I BOX during instruction stream processing.  Whenever
   there is nothing to add to the PC, G_S%DELTA_PC_H<2:0> is set to  zero  by
   the I BOX.

   The PC adder  value  is  loaded  into  the  PC  register  during  PHI4  if
   G_PH%STALL_L is not asserted and the PC is not being loaded from the W_Bus
   or the BPC during this cycle.

   3.2.3  BPC Register -

   This longword register is used to snapshot the PC during  G_S%IID_LD_H  in
   case  the  instruction  faults  or  an  interrupt is to be taken.  The BPC
   register is not loaded during an IID  of  the  second  byte  of  a  2-byte

   3.2.4  Microcode Restrictions -

        1.  For PC writes of other  than  data  length  LONG,  the  unwritten
            portion of PC is unpredictable.

        2.  The PC cannot be written via GPR[RN] or GPR[15].

        3.  The PC cannot be written via A = PC and DST = DST.A.

        4.  In the SPECIAL microinstruction, the PC cannot be  written  using
            the MISC2 and MISC field simultaneously.

        5.  The PC cannot be written explicitly in one cycle and then read in
            the next cycle.

        6.  The PC cannot be written during a read from memory.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 110

   3.3  Constant Generator

   The Constant Generator is  used  to  create  constants,  and  handle  sign
   extension on the E_PH%A_BUS_H and the G_PH%B_BUS_H busses.

   3.3.1  Constants -  KDL Constants -

   The Constant Generator can generate  constants  on  the  G_PH%B_BUS_H  bus
   based  solely  on  the value of G_S%DL_H<1:0> when MKDL is selected as the
   B_Bus address (B-field = MKDL) as shown below.  Forced Long has no  effect
   on the constants.

               G_S%DL_H<1:0>           Constant Value
               -------------       -----------------------
               00 = byte           G_PH%B_BUS_H<31:0> =  1 
               01 = word                              =  2 
               10 = longword                          =  4 
               11 = quadword                          =  8  SHIFT Microinstruction Constants -

   Some SHIFT microinstructions require that the A_Bus or B_Bus is set to #0.
   This  bus  zeroing is done in the SHIFTER hardware block.  See the section
   entitled "Shifter" for more details.  CONSTANT Microinstruction Constants -

   The constant generator creates a 32-bit B_Bus constant from  ten  bits  in
   the microinstruction during all CONSTANT microinstructions.  The eight bit
   CONSTANT.BYTE field supplies the value  of  the  constant.   The  two  bit
   CONSTANT.POS  field  specifies in which byte the constant is to be placed.
   The constant is always zero filled.

                            G_PH%B_BUS_H<31:0> Value
     CONSTANT.POS      <31:24>      <23:16>        <15:8>        <7:0>
     ------------  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
          00            ZERO          ZERO          ZERO     CONSTANT.BYTE
          01            ZERO          ZERO     CONSTANT.BYTE      ZERO
          10            ZERO     CONSTANT.BYTE      ZERO          ZERO
          11       CONSTANT.BYTE      ZERO          ZERO          ZERO

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 111
   EXECUTION (E) BOX  A_Bus Constants -

   Constants which are provided by the  KMUX  for  use  on  E_PH%A_BUS_H  are
   defined below.

       Reg Addr(Reg)                      Constant Value
       -------------       -------------------------------------------------
          A = 2E           A_Bus = K1        =  1
          A = 2F           A_Bus = K[SEXT.N] =  0 (00000000#16) if alu.n = 0
                                               -1 (11111111#16) if alu.n = 1

   3.3.2  Microcode Restrictions -

   No known restrictions.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 112

   3.4  Shift Counter (SC)

   The SC is a 32-bit register located in the triple  ported  register  file.
   It may be addressed as working register W[7], or via the MISC field in the
   microinstruction as the SC.  Whenever W[7] is loaded, the lower  six  bits
   are  shadowed  to  the  Shadow_SC  on  the  W_SPUR for use in microprogram
   branching or controlling of the shifter.

   There is a latency associated with the value in the Shadow_SC as follows:

           assume VALUE 1 is in SC

           [SC]<--[Value 2]                        ; Case here is on Value 1

           [SC]<--[Value 3]                        ; Case here is on Value 1

           [SC]<--[Value 4]                        ; Case here is on Value 2

           ...                                     ; Case here is on Value 3
           ...                                     ; Case here is on Value 4

   The SHIFT control operates with the same latency.

   3.4.1  Functional Summary -

   The SC may be addressed as W[7] and as  such  may  be  read/written  as  a
   working  register  would  be.  When addressed as W[7], the SC is read onto
   the A_Bus or B_Bus, and written from the W_Bus, as required.  The  SC  can
   also be written in parallel with other registers through the MISC/WRITE.SC
   function.  (See Register File Section for addressing details.)

   3.4.2  UTest And The SC -

   A shadow copy of the lower 6 bits of the SC register,  Shadow_SC<5:0>,  is
   testable via the Microtest Bus, as specified by the BCS field, as follows:

            BCS            Branch Command
           -----           --------------
           SC2-0           SC<2:0>   case
           SC5-3           SC<5:3>   case
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 113

   3.4.3  Microcode Restrictions -

        1.  Shadow_SC - A W_SPUR read  cannot  immediately  follow  a  W_SPUR

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 114

   3.5  Shifter

   The Shifter is a full 64-bit in, 32-bit out shift network.  It is used for
   shift  operations  as specified in the macro instruction.  It is also used
   by microcode for general purpose use, to concatenate data, etc.

   Its inputs are the A_Bus and B_Bus, with the A_Bus being more significant.
   Its  output  is  the  W_Bus.   It can do 0 to 32 bit right shifts, where a
   zero-bit shift selects the B_Bus.  It can also do a pseudo  0  to  31  bit
   left  shift,  where  a  zero-bit  shift selects the A_Bus, by performing a
   right shift of 31 to 0 bits, respectively.  Note that the  explicit  shift
   values  (the  SHIFT.VAL  field  in  the microinstruction, or the Shadow_SC
   register) are interpreted modulo  32.   Therefore,  it  is  impossible  to
   generate  a  32-bit  right shift except by the pseudo-left shift mechanism

   The shift operation to be done is specified by the SHIFT microinstruction.
   If  MISC/SHIFT.DL  is  asserted, the shifter executes left shifts only, as
   shown below:

           G_S%DL_H<1:0>           Shift Value
           -------------           -----------
           00   (byte)                0 Left
           01   (word)                1 Left
           10 (longword)              2 Left
           11 (quadword)              3 Left

   If MISC/SHIFT.DL is not asserted, the  shift  operation  is  specified  by
   either SV or 32-SV, depending on SHIFT.DIR.  When SV = 0, however, the low
   five bits of the Shadow_SC are used in place of SV.

   The shifter can effectively zero out the A_BUS when the shift direction is
   right  and  the  DST field is DST.A.  The B_BUS is effectively zeroed when
   the shift direction is left and the DST field is DST.B.

   3.5.1  Functional Summary - See the "Control Fields Summary" section.

                      Dir   Dst    A_Bus  B_Bus  Dest    Dir   Shift   Reg if SV=0
                      ---  -----   -----  -----  ----   -----  -----   -----------
   A.B..ZILCH...R(SC)  R   DST.Z     A      B     none  right   SV      Shadow_SC
   A.B..ZILCH...L(SC)  L   DST.Z     A      B     none  left    32-SV   Shadow_SC
   0.B..A...R(SC)      R   DST.A     #0     B      A    right   SV      Shadow_SC
   A.B..A...L(SC)      L   DST.A     A      B      A    left    32-SV   Shadow_SC
   A.B..W0...R(SC)     R   DST.W[SN] A      B     W[SN] right   SV      Shadow_SC
   A.B..W0...L(SC)     L   DST.W[SN] A      B     W[SN] left    32-SV   Shadow_SC
   A.B..B...R(SC)      R   DST.B     A      B      B    right   SV      Shadow_SC
   A.0..B...L(SC)      L   DST.B     A      #0     B    left    32-SV   Shadow_SC
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 115
   EXECUTION (E) BOX  Implementation Note -

   The shifter doesn't actually zero the E_PH%A_BUS_H or G_PH%B_BUS_H bus but
   the  output  of the shifter is identical to that which would result if the
   appropriate input bus had been zeroed.

   The shifter has been designed to begin evaluating on G_S%PHI3_H.

   3.5.2  Raw SHFT Condition Codes -

   In addition to the shifted data generated by the  operation  specified  by
   the  SHIFT microinstruction, the Shifter also generates a set of condition
   codes based on the results of that operation.  These condition codes  will
   be referred to as the RAW_SHFT condition codes to avoid confusion with the
   ALU Condition Code bits located in the ALU.CC register.   These  condition
   codes are defined as follows:

        1.  N bit (SHIFTER) - The sign bit of the result, literally the  most
            significant bit of the result.

        2.  Z bit (SHIFTER) - The zero condition bit of the result.  This  is
            true if the result is exactly zero.

   The C bit and V bit are the carry and overflow conditions,  but  they  are
   always zero for shift operation.

   The condition codes are derived as shown below:

       N bit (SHIFTER) = E__PH%ALU__SHFT__H<31>

       Z bit (SHIFTER) = E__PH%ALU__SHFT__H<31:0> EQL 0

       V and C bits (SHIFTER) = 0

   These RAW_SHFT condition codes may be loaded into  the  ALU  CC  Register.
   Refer to the section entitled "Condition Code Logic" for more details.

   The E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H<31:0> bus is shared by the SHIFTER and the  ALU.   Its
   operation is described in the ALU Functional Summary Section.

   3.5.3  Microcode Restrictions -

        1.  When MISC/SHIFT.DL is asserted, the SHIFT.DR field must specify a
            left shift.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 116

   3.6  Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

   The ALU is a general purpose Arithmetic Logic  Unit,  used  for  microcode
   specified  operations.   The ALU operates upon the data presented over the
   A_Bus and B_Bus and puts its results on the W_Bus,  as  specified  by  the

   3.6.1  Functional Summary -

   The ALU data path consists of a full 32-bit block capable of  addition  or
   any  combination  of  A,  .NOT.A,  B,  and  .NOT.B  with  the  carry input
   programmable as well as any logical function of A and B.  It also includes
   a one bit left/right shifter for multiply and divide operations.

   The ALU always generates 32 bits of valid data; the results are  not  data
   length dependent.

   The ALU also generates  condition  codes  based  on  the  results  of  its
   operation.   These Raw ALU CC's are data length dependent, as specified by
   the microinstruction (based on the  DL  register  or  forced  to  LONG  as
   specified by the L-bit in the microword).

   The ALU is controlled by the microinstruction.  In the BASIC and  CONSTANT
   microinstructions,  specific fields specify the function the ALU performs.
   During MEM_REF write microinstructions, the ALU function is always PASS.A.
   When  a MEM_REF read of an MXPR register (MEMREF/MXPR/READ) occurs the ALU
   should be configured to PASS.B.  All other cases  are  don't  cares.   The
   result  of  the  ALU  is  driven onto the G_S%W_BUS_H via E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H.
   E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H is a result  bus  shared  by  the  ALU  and  the  SHIFTER.
   E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H  is  driven  by  the  ALU for all microinstructions except
   SHIFT; it is driven by the SHIFTER during  SHIFT  microinstructions.   The
   G_S%W_BUS_H  is  driven  with  the  data  on E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H during BASIC,
   CONSTANT, SHIFT,  and  MEM_REF  write  and  MXPR  read  microinstructions.
   During  execution  of  a  SHIFT microinstruction the G_S%W_BUS_H is driven
   with data on E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H from the SHIFTER, not the ALU.

   For the following functional description, the notation is as follows:

         o  ALU_SUM<n> is the nth order bit of the generated ALU result.

         o  EAD_PH%ALU_CY_L<n> is the nth order carry bit from the  ALU  data
            path.   Note  that  it  is  the carry bit INTO the nth bit slice.
            (This is consistent  with  the  full  adder  description  S(i)  =
            A(i).XOR.B(i).XOR.C(i)  ).   Under this convention, the low order
            carry input to the ALU would actually be  EAD_PH%ALU_CY_L<0>  and
            the high order carry out of the ALU would be EAD_PH%ALU_CY_L<32>.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 117
   EXECUTION (E) BOX  ALU Implementation Notes -

   The ALU is implemented using a 32-bit carry chain with P  &  G  (Propagate
   and  Generate)  Logic.   The carry chain is implemented in negative logic,
   that is, it is precharged to a logic high  level  and  then  conditionally
   discharged  according to the P and G terms.  The propagate term propagates
   the carry from the previous bit of the carry chain while the generate term
   generates a carry.

   The P and G terms are generated as a  function  of  the  data  input  from
   E_PH%A_BUS_H<31:0> and G_PH%B_BUS_H<31:0>, and the decoded micro-opcode as
   shown below.



   The ALU output is then determined by the equation:


   Where  the  terms  E_S%P_FCT_H<N>,  E_S%G_FCT_H<N>,  and  the   carry   in
   (E_S%ALU_CIN_H<0>)  are  derived  from  the  opcode  and the ALU operation
   specified in the microinstruction as shown in the table below.  Note  that
   E_S%G_FCT_H<0>  is  always 0 for all implemented ALU functions.  The value
   of ALU_SUM_H<N> is the output of the ALU before the one-bit shifter.


    E_S%P_FCT_H<N>    E_S%G_FCT_H<N>
    <3> <2> <1> <0>    <3> <2> <1> ALU_CY_H<0> ALU_SUM_H<31:0>                               Description
    --- --- --- ---    --- --- --- ----------- ---------------             -------------------------------------------------
     1   0   0   0      0   0   0       0       A.AND.B                    W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> and B<31:0>
     0   1   0   0      0   0   0       0       A.AND.NOT.B                W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> and ~B<31:0>
     0   1   1   0      0   0   0       0       A.XOR.B                    W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> xor B<31:0>
     1   1   1   0      0   0   0       0       A.OR.B                     W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> or B<31:0>
     0   1   0   1      0   0   0       0       .NOT.B                     W<31:0> <-- ~B<31:0> (one's complement of B)
     1   1   0   0      0   0   0       0       PASS.A                     W<31:0> <-- A<31:0>
     1   0   1   0      0   0   0       0       PASS.B                     W<31:0> <-- B<31:0>


    E_S%P_FCT_H<N>    E_S%G_FCT_H<N>
    <3> <2> <1> <0>    <3> <2> <1> ALU_CY_H<0> ALU_SUM_H<31:0>                               Description
    --- --- --- ---    --- --- --- ----------- ---------------             -------------------------------------------------
     1   1   0   0      0   0   0       1       A.PLUS.1                   W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> plus 1
     0   0   1   1      1   1   0       0       A.MINUS.1                  W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> minus 1
     0   1   1   0      1   0   0       1       A.PLUS.B.PLUS.1            W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> plus B<31:0> plus 1
     0   1   1   0      1   0   0       0       A.PLUS.B                   W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> plus B<31:0> 
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 118

     0   1   1   0      1   0   0     PSL.C     A.PLUS.B.PLUS.(PSL.C)      W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> plus B<31:0> plus PSL.CC<C>
     1   0   0   1      0   1   0       1       A.MINUS.B                  W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> minus B<31:0>
     1   0   0   1      0   1   0   .NOT.PSL.C  A.MINUS.B.MINUS.(PSL.C)    W<31:0> <-- A<31:0> minus B<31:0> minus PSL.CC<C>
     1   0   0   1      0   0   1       1       B.MINUS.A                  W<31:0> <-- B<31:0> minus A<31:0>
     0   1   0   1      0   0   0       1       .NEG.B                     W<31:0> <-- -B<31:0> (two's complement of B)

   When using the CONSTANT microinstruction the constants are placed  on  the
   G_PH%B_BUS_H.   Thus,  the  above  table  is  valid for all ALU operations
   resulting from the CONSTANT microinstruction.  Instruction Decode For The ALU -

   Instruction decode is performed by a PLA with 7 output bits.  A mux at the
   PLA  output  is  controlled  by  whether  an  SMUL  or  UDIV or neither is
   occuring.  SMUL and UDIV are decoded outside of the PLA so  that  the  mux
   can  be  set  up  before  the  PLA  output is valid.  The control mux is a
   two-way 8-bit mux with the 7 PLA output bits and the ALU carry in  on  one
   leg and the code corresponding to A.PLUS.B on the other.  The ALU carry in
   bit is a function of the ALU operation and  the  PSL.C  bit.   This  logic
   exists outside the PLA as speed is critical.

   The multiplexer always passes the PLA  output  except  for  SMUL.STEP  and
   UDIV.STEP.   For each of these steps, the multiplexer will pass either the
   PLA output or the hardwired A.PLUS.B, depending on the state of the  ALU.C
   (E_S%UDIV_ALU_C_H for UDIV) or Q_REG<0> (E_S%Q0_BUF_L for SMUL).  SMUL Step Definition -

   The signed  multiplication  step  is  used  to  implement  the  sequential
   add-shift  multiplication  algorithm.  It allows for multiplication of two
   operands of length byte, word, or longword.  The smul  step  utilizes  the
   ALU,  the  single-bit left/right shifter located at the bottom of the ALU,
   the Q register, and the microcode working registers.   The  operation  and
   description  of  the smul step is given below.  Consult the CVAX Microcode
   for a more detailed explanation.

   Operation:  For Ra <- Ra.SMULS.Rb (In the microcode Ra=W[1] and Rb=W[0])

      o  If Q_Reg<0> = 1        (E_S%Q0_BUF_L = 0)

         THEN ALU_OUT<31:0> <-- Ra + Rb (Partial Product + Multiplicand)
         ELSE ALU_OUT<31:0> <-- Ra      (Partial Product)

      o  G_S%W_BUS_H<31:0>  <-- (P<31>.XOR.ALU_CY<32>)'ALU_OUT<31:1>

      o  Q_REG<31:0>        <-- ALU_OUT<0>'Q_REG<31:1>

      NOTE: ALU_OUT is the output of the ALU proper, not of the ALU +
            single-bit shifter.  ALU 
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 119

   Description: The lsb of the Q register  is  tested  for  a  0  or  1.   If
                Q_reg<0>  = 0, then the partial product is passed through the
                ALU unmodified.  If Q_reg<0> = 1, then  partial  product  and
                the  multiplicand are added together.  Then the output of the
                ALU and the Q register is shifted right one bit.   The  shift
                into   the   msb   of  W_BUS  (via  E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H)  is  the
                exclusive-or of the ALU's  output  sign  and  the  arithmetic
                overflow   out   of  the  ALU  (arithmetic  overflow  is  the
                exclusive-or of the carry-in and carry-out of the msb).   The
                shift into the msb of Q_REG comes from ALU_OUT<0>.  UDIV Step Definition -

   The  unsigned  division  step  is  used  to   implement   the   sequential
   shift-subtract/add   non-restoring   division   algorithm.   Non-restoring
   division uses the fact that:

       2 * (Partial Remainder - Divisor + Divisor) - Divisor =
       2 * (Partial Remainder - Divisor) + Divisor

   That is, after a failed  attempt  at  division  (-  Divisor),  instead  of
   restoring  the  Partial  Remainder  by  adding  the  divisor  back  in  (+
   Divisior), the non-restored Partial Remainder is rotated and  division  is
   tried again by adding the Divisor.

   The udiv step utilizes the ALU, the single-bit left/right shifter  located
   on  the  bottom  of  the  ALU,  the  Q register, and the microcode working
   registers.  The operation and description of the udiv step is given below.
   Consult the CVAX Microcode for a more detailed explanation.

   Operation:  For Ra <- Ra.UDIV.Rb (In the microcode Ra=W[3] and Rb=W[0])

   This operation will result with the Q register containing the quotient and
   Ra (W[3]) containing the remainder.

      o  If ALU.C = 1     (E_S%UDIV_ALU_C_H = 1)

         THEN ALU_OUT <-- Ra - Rb (Partial Remainder/Quotient - Divisor)
         ELSE ALU_OUT <-- Ra + Rb (Partial Remainder/Quotient + Divisor)

      o  G_S%W_BUS_H<31:0> <-- ALU_OUT<30:0>'Q_REG<31>

      o  Q_REG<31:0>       <-- Q_REG<30:0>'ALU_OUT_L<31>

      o  ALU.C             <-- ALU_CY_OUT<31>, as in normal instruction

      NOTE: ALU_OUT is the output of the ALU proper, not of the ALU +
            single-bit shifter.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 120

   Description: ALU.N is tested for a 0 or 1.  If  ALU.N  =  0,  then  Rb  is
                subtracted  from  Ra.   If  ALU.N = 1, then the Ra and Rb are
                added together.  The output of the ALU is then rotated to the
                left  one-bit  and driven onto the W_BUS via G_PH%ALU_SHFT_H,
                with W_BUS<0> being driven by Q_REG<31>.   Additionally,  the
                Q_Register is rotated left one-bit with the complement of the
                bit shifted out of the ALU result becoming Q_REG<0>.  The bit
                shifted  out  of  the  ALU  result also becomes the new ALU.N
                condition flag.  UDIV Step Issues -

   The unsigned divide algorithm in microcode requires that the remainder  be
   shifted  one  bit to the right after the final UDIV.STEP.  This final step
   is done by the microcode and no additional hardware assist is needed.  Raw ALU Condition Codes -

   In addition to the results generated by the  operation  specified  by  the
   microinstruction, the ALU also generates a set of condition codes based on
   the results of that operation.  These condition codes will be referred  to
   as  the  RAW_ALU condition codes to avoid confusion with the ALU Condition
   Code bits located in the  ALU.CC  register.   These  condition  codes  are
   defined as follows:

        1.  N bit (ALU) - The sign bit of  the  result,  literally  the  most
            significant bit of the result.

        2.  Z bit (ALU) - The zero condition bit of the result.  This is true
            if the result is exactly zero.

        3.  C bit (ALU) - The carry-out of  the  operation.   This  only  has
            meaning  during  ADD and SUBTRACT operations.  It is exactly zero
            for PASS and all logical functions.

        4.  V bit (ALU) - The integer overflow bit.  This  bit  indicates  an
            integer  overflow  of  the  operation, including two's complement
            operations.  It is defined as the exclusive-OR of the carry-in to
            the last stage and the carry-out of the last stage.

   These conditions are dependent on the  microinstruction  data  length,  as
   follows (where CY = carry in):

         o  Length = USE.DL,  DL = BYTE:
                N bit (ALU) = E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H<7>
                Z bit (ALU) = E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H<7:0> EQL 0
                V bit (ALU) = (ALU_CY<7>).XOR.(ALU_CY<8>)
                C bit (ALU) = ALU_CY<8>
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 121

         o  Length = USE.DL, DL = WORD:
                N bit (ALU) = E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H<15>
                Z bit (ALU) = E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H<15:0> EQL 0
                V bit (ALU) = (ALU_CY<15>).XOR.(ALU_CY<16>)
                C bit (ALU) = ALU_CY<16>

         o  Length = USE.DL, DL = LONG or QUAD; or Length = FORCED.LONG
                N bit (ALU) = E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H<31>
                Z bit (ALU) = E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H<31:0> EQL 0
                V bit (ALU) = (ALU_CY<31>).XOR.(ALU_CY<32>)
                C bit (ALU) = ALU_CY<32>

   Note:  For all logical and PASS operations, the C and V bits for  the  ALU
   will always be zero.

   These RAW_ALU condition codes may be loaded  into  the  ALU  CC  Register.
   Refer to the section entitled "Condition Code Logic" for more details.

   3.6.2  Microcode Restrictions -

   No known restrictions.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 122

   3.7  Multiplier Quotient Register

   The multiplier quotient (Q) register is a 32-bit left/right shift register
   which  is  used in combination with the ALU shifter to implement efficient
   multiply and divide operations.  The Q register can be read onto the A_Bus
   and written from the W_Bus as register [Q].

   3.7.1  Functional Summary -

   The Q register is used as a shift register only during multiply and divide
   operations via the BASIC.FNC field in the microword.

   For  a  detailed  description  of  the   Q   register   operation   during
   muliplication  and  division  refer  to  the sections on the UDIV and SMUL

          BASIC.FNC                 Q-Register Operation
       --------------       --------------------------------------
       SMUL.STEP = 0D       Q_Reg<30:0> <-- Q_Reg<31:1>
                            Q_Reg<31>   <-- E_S%ALU_SUM_H<0>

       UDIV.STEP = 06       Q_Reg<31:1> <-- Q_Reg<30:0>
                            Q_Reg<0>    <-- .NOT.E_S%ALU_SUM_H<31>

   3.7.2  Microcode Restrictions -

        1.  The Q Register cannot be read in the cycle immediately  following
            a Q Register write.

        2.  The Q Register cannot be read in the cycle immediately  following
            an SMUL or UDIV operation.

        3.  An SMUL operation cannot immediately follow a Q  Register  write.
            (Note:  No such restriction applies to UDIV.)

        4.  The Q Register cannot be written during a read from memory.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 123

   3.8  PSL Logic

   The user visible PSL is maintained in the E BOX data path.  It is a 32-bit
   register  which  can  be  read  onto  the  A_Bus  using the A field in the
   microword, or written via the DST.A when  A  =  2B  (PSL).   Additionally,
   PSL<30,3:0> may be selectively modified.

   Shown below is the layout of the user visible PSL.  Note that PSL<3:0> are
   the PSL Condition Code bits which are generated in the CC Logic.  Refer to
   the section called "Condition Code Logic" in this spec for further details
   on the PSL CC Bits.

        3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2       1 1
        1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0       6 5             8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
       | | |   |F| |   |   |M|         |               | | | | | | | | |
       |C|T|   |P|I|CUR|PRV|B|         |               |D|F|I| | | | | | :PSL
       |M|P|MBZ|D|S|MOD|MOD|Z|   IPL   |      MBZ      |V|U|V|T|N|Z|V|C|

   3.8.1  I BOX Usage Of The PSL And Trace Logic -

   The TP (Trace Pending, PSL<30>) and T (Trace, PSL<4>) bits are  copied  to
   the  I BOX when the PSL is written from the W_BUS.  In addition, the I BOX
   sometimes transfers its copy of the T bit into its copy  of  the  TP  bit.
   When  this  occurs,  the  I BOX asserts a signal (G_S%COPY_TRACE_H), which
   causes the T bit to be written into the TP bit of the user visible PSL.

   Additionally, the I BOX uses the FPD bit in the PSL, PSL<27>.  This bit is
   not modified in the I BOX.

   3.8.2  M BOX, INT_CTRL And BIU Usage Of PSL -

   The M BOX keeps a local copy of PSL<26:24>.  This  copy  is  updated  from
   G_S%W_BUS_H<26:24>  when  the  PSL  is  written from the W_BUS.  The E BOX
   signals a  load  of  the  PSL  from  the  W_BUS  by  asserting  a  signal,

   Similarly, the Interrupt Controller  uses  PSL<20:16>  and  the  BIU  uses
   PSL<6> (FU bit), and neither modifies them.

   3.8.3  PSL Distribution -

   PSL<30,6,27,20:16> are all available on the W_SPUR<7:0>  when  the  signal
   G_S%LOAD_PSL_H  is  asserted.   PSL<4>, used by the IBOX, is buffered from
   G_S%W_BUS_H<4>  and  sent  to  the   IBOX   via   a   dedicated   line   -
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 124

   3.8.4  PSL<3:0> - Condition Code Bits -

   See section "Condition Code Logic."

   3.8.5  Microcode Restrictions -

        1.  The PSL cannot be written (A field = PSL, DST field =  DST.A)  at
            the  same  time  the  PSL  condition  code bits are being updated
            (LOAD.PSL.CC or LOAD.ALU.CC&PSL.CC).

        2.  A write to PSL is not allowed during IID (TP load conflict).

        3.  The PSL cannot be written during a read from memory.

        4.  The PSL cannot be read immediately following a PSL write.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 125

   3.9  Condition Code Logic

   On each data path operation, new condition codes, RAW_ALU CC's or RAW_SHFT
   CC's,  are  generated  within  the  E  BOX.  These raw condition codes are
   generated from the result of the ALU or the  SHIFTER  depending  upon  the
   type of microinstruction being executed.  In addition, condition codes are
   sent from the Floating Point Chip (FPU), FPU.NZV0, which are  used  during
   MEMREF FPA Data transfers.

   The RAW_CVAX condition codes are generated  from  the  RAW_ALU  CC's,  the
   RAW_SHFT CC's, and the FPU CC's based on the microinstruction type and the
   data length (G_S%DL_H<1:0>) as follows:

       o SHIFT               DECODE: MIB<40:38> = 010
                                    (SHIFT instruction)

                             RAW_CVAX.NZVC <- RAW_SHFT.NZ00
                             RAW_CVAX.N    <- E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H<31>
                             RAW_CVAX.Z    <- E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H<31:0> EQL 0
                             RAW_CVAX.V    <- 0
                             RAW_CVAX.C    <- 0

       o MEM_REF.FPA.DATA    DECODE: MIB<40:38> = 001  AND  MIB<37:33> = 11000 
                                    (MEM_REF instruction)  (FPA.DATA function)

                             RAW_CVAX.NZVC <- FPU.NZV0
                             RAW_CVAX.N    <- G_S%FPU_CCN_H
                             RAW_CVAX.Z    <- G_S%FPU_CCZ_H
                             RAW_CVAX.V    <- G_S%FPU_CCV_H
                             RAW_CVAX.C    <- 0

   For all instruction types  other  than  SHIFT  and  MEM_REF.FPA.DATA,  the
   RAW_CVAX  Condition Codes are selected as BYTE, WORD, or LONGWORD as shown

       o SPECIAL             DECODE: MIB<40:38> = 000
         CONSTANT            DECODE: MIB<40:38> = 1XX
         BASIC (L=FORCED_LONG)   
         BASIC (L=USE_DL, DL=LONG or QUAD)
         MEM_REF (not FPA.DATA and L=FORCED_LONG)
         MEM_REF (not FPA.DATA and L=USE_DL, DL=LONG or QUAD)

                             RAW_CVAX.NZVC <- CVAX_ALU.NZVC (LONGWORD)
                             RAW_CVAX.N    <- E_S%ALU_SHFT_H<31>
                             RAW_CVAX.Z    <- E_S%ALU_SHFT_H<31:0> EQL 0
                             RAW_CVAX.V    <- E_S%ALU_LONG_V_H
                             RAW_CVAX.C    <- E_S%ALU_LONG_C_H

       o BASIC (L=USE_DL, DL=WORD)
         MEM_REF (not FPA.DATA and L=USE_DL, DL=WORD)
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 126

                             RAW_CVAX.NZVC <- CVAX_ALU.NZVC (WORD)
                             RAW_CVAX.N    <- E_S%ALU_SHFT_H<15>
                             RAW_CVAX.Z    <- E_S%ALU_SHFT_H<15:0> EQL 0
                             RAW_CVAX.V    <- E_S%ALU_WORD_V_H
                             RAW_CVAX.C    <- E_S%ALU_WORD_C_H

       o BASIC (L=USE_DL, DL=BYTE)
         MEM_REF (not FPA.DATA and L=USE_DL, DL=BYTE)

                             RAW_CVAX.NZVC <- CVAX_ALU.NZVC (BYTE)
                             RAW_CVAX.N    <- E_S%ALU_SHFT_H<7>
                             RAW_CVAX.Z    <- E_S%ALU_SHFT_H<7:0> EQL  0
                             RAW_CVAX.V    <- E_S%ALU_BYTE_V_H
                             RAW_CVAX.C    <- E_S%ALU_BYTE_C_H

   These RAW_CVAX condition codes can be loaded into the ALU CC  Register  or
   into the PSL CC Register via the Condition Code Map.

   3.9.1  PSL CC Register, PSL<3:0> -

   This four bit register  latches  the  architecturally-specified  condition
   codes  for  use  on  subsequent cycles.  The PSL CC Register can be loaded
   from one of two sources, depending on the microword.   It  can  be  loaded
   with  RAW_CVAX.NZVC  via  the condition code map, or with G_S%W_BUS_H<3:0>
   when the PSL is written from the W_BUS.  Loading Of The PSL CC Register -

   The PSL CC register is loaded under the control of the  CC  field  in  the

           CC                Function
           --      ----------------------------------------------
           00      NOP
           01      NOP
           10      Load PSL CCs from RAW_CVAX.NZVC via the CC Map
           11      Load PSL CCs from RAW_CVAX.NZVC via the CC Map

   The operation of the Z bit is changed when MISC = OLD.Z.   In  this  case,
   the new Z bit is SET only if the current Z data being supplied and the old
   Z bit are both SET.

   If G_PH%STALL_L is asserted, the load will be inhibited.

   The PSL.C bit is buffered (E_S%PSL_C_H) and sent to the ALU  Control  PLA.
   It  is  used as the ALU carry in on certain operations.  Additionally, the
   PSL condition code bits are used by the Branch Test Logic.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 127

   The PSL CC register can be read onto bits<3:0> of the A_Bus as [PSL].  PSL Condition Code Map -

   The map logic takes the RAW_CVAX.NZVC, the C bit of the PSL,  G_S%IID_LD_H
   from  the I BOX, and the MISC field as input and generates the PSL CC's as

   There are four different mapping functions called iiip,  jizj,  iiii,  and
   iiij.   Each  of  these mapping functions (called MAP_CODEs) is defined in
   the following table.

           MAP_CODE                           Map Function
       ----------------      ---------------------------------------------
       MISC = 1E (iiii)      PSL.NZVC   <--   RAW_CVAX.NZVC

       MISC = 1F (iiij)      PSL.NZV    <--   RAW_CVAX.NZV,
                             PSL.C      <--   .NOT.RAW_CVAX.C

       DEFAULT   (iiip)      PSL.NZV    <--   RAW_CVAX.NZV,
                             PSL.C      <--   PSL.C

       MISC = 1D (jizj)      PSL.N      <--   RAW_CVAX.N .XOR. RAW_CVAX.V,
                             PSL.Z      <--   RAW_CVAX.Z
                             PSL.V      <--   0,
                             PSL.C      <--  .NOT.RAW_CVAX.C

   The MAP_CODEs are set up as follows:  When G_S%IID_LD_H is  asserted,  the
   MAP_CODE   is   set   to  iiip  during  the  following  G_C%PHI2_H.   When
   G_S%IID_LD_H is not asserted, the MAP_CODE takes on the mapping  specified
   by the MISC field.

   The MAP_CODE changes only when the MISC field has a valid mapping or  when
   G_S%IID_LD_H  is  asserted and the MISC field is not selecting a MAP_CODE.
   Otherwise the previous MAP_CODE is retained.  If G_S%IID_LD_H is asserted,
   and  the MISC field has a valid MAP_CODE, then the map is set as specified
   by the MISC field.

   MICROCODE  NOTE:   After  a  RESET,  the  condition  code  map  is  in  an
   unpredictable  state  until  the  next  IID,  or until a valid map setting
   appears on the MISC field.

   3.9.2  ALU CC Register -

   This four bit register latches the RAW_CVAX condition  codes  for  use  on
   subsequent  cycles.  It is loaded under the control of the CC field of all

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 128

           CC                Function
           --      -----------------------------------
           00      NOP
           01      Load ALU CCs from RAW_CVAX.NZVC
           10      NOP
           11      Load ALU CCs from RAW_CVAX.NZVC

   The operation of the Z bit is changed when MISC = OLD.Z.   In  this  case,
   the new Z bit is SET only if the current Z data being supplied and the old
   Z bit are both SET.

   If G_PH%STALL_L is asserted, the load will be inhibited.

   The ALU.C bit is buffered (E_S%UDIV_ALU_C_H) and sent to the  ALU  Control
   PLA.   It  is  used  to  control  the  UDIV  step.   Additionally, the ALU
   condition code bits are used by the Branch Test Logic.

   The ALU CC register can be read onto bits<3:0> of the W_Bus via the W_Spur
   as  MXPS[EBOX.CCS].  It cannot be written as an MXPS.  The ALU CC register
   can effect conditional branches under control of the microinstruction  BCS
   field via the microtest bus as shown below.

                BCS                Branch Condition
           ------------            ----------------
           10 = ALU.NZV              ALU.NZV case
           11 = ALU.NZC              ALU.NZC case    

   3.9.3  VAX Restart Flag -

   The VAX Restart Flag is a one-bit register which helps the system evaluate
   instruction  restartability  following  a  memory error.  It is cleared by
   G_S%IID_LD_H.  (Implementation Note:  G_S%IID_LD_H  is  asserted  only  on
   FIRST_IID.) It is set by:

        1.  Any write to memory that was not aborted by memory management.

        2.  Any write to a GPR register that did not invoke RLOG.

            The first condition, writing to memory, is detected in the M BOX.
            If  the  condition  occurs,  the  M  BOX  will  assert  a  signal
            G_S%SET_RESTART_H to indicate to the E BOX that the restart  flag
            should be set.

   Note:  The other VAX-visible resources are some of the internal  registers
   and  the  PSL.   Any  changes  to  these will be tracked explicitly by the
   microcode.  Copying a GPR register to itself will set VAX restart.

   This flag can be  read  onto  bit<7>  of  the  W_Bus  via  the  W_Spur  as
   MXPS[EBOX.CCS].  It cannot be written via this MXPS.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 129

   3.9.4  Integer Overflow Logic -

   This logic network examines the PSL.V bit, the PSL.IV bit and the MAP_CODE
   from  the  previous  macroinstruction at IID.  If the IV bit in the PSL is
   set and PSL.V is 1, and MAP_CODE is iiii or iiij then an optimized integer
   overflow  has  been detected.  A trap line, G_S%INT_OVFL_L, is asserted on
   PHI2 the cycle after G_S%IID_LD_H is detected by the EBOX.  The stall line
   is  also  asserted; this is the only time that the EBOX will assert stall.
   The trap dispatches to IE.INTOV in the microcode at  an  address  of  110.
   The EBOX does not process the trap.

   The signal G_S%IID_LD_H is asserted during G_C%PHI3_H.  At this time,  the
   PSL.IV  bit  and the map is checked.  If PSL.IV is asserted and the map is
   set to iiii or iiij,  then  E_S%EN_INT_OVFL_H  is  asserted.   During  the
   following  G_C%PHI2_H,  if  PSL.V is set and E_S%EN_INT_OVFL_H is asserted
   then an integer overflow has occurred and G_S%INT_OVFL_L is asserted.

   3.9.5  Branch Test Logic -

   The branch test logic network examines the current PSL  CC  Register,  the
   current  ALU  CC  Register, the macro opcode (G_S%OPCODE_H<7:0> from the I
   BOX),  and  the  current  microinstruction.   It  generates  two  signals:
   asserted if a conditional branch has been met.  This signal is  then  used
   to determine if G_S%LD_VIBA_AND_PC_H is asserted.  G_S%LD_VIBA_AND_PC_H is
   asserted  when  a  conditional  load  of  V&PC  is  called  for   by   the
   microinstruction  and the branch condition is met, or if and unconditional
   load of V&PC is called for by the microinstruction.

   EBT_PH%BCOND_MET_L is generated based on the  condition  codes  and  macro
   opcode  as  shown  in  the  table  below.   It is asserted when the branch
   condition is met.

             Branch Condition                     Macro Opcode
          PSL.N                                  BLSS        19 *

          PSL.Z                                  BEQL,BEQLU  13 *

          PSL.V                                  BVS         1D *
                                                 ACBF        4F
                                                 ACBD        6F
                                                 ACBG        4F

          PSL.C                                  BCS,BLSSU   1F *

          .NOT.(PSL.N)                           BGEQ        18 *
                                                 SOBGEQ      F4

          .NOT.(PSL.Z)                           BNEQ,BNEQU  12 *

          .NOT.(PSL.V)                           BVC         1C *
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 130

          .NOT.(PSL.C)                           BCC,BGEQU   1E *

          (PSL.C).OR.(PSL.Z)                     BLEQU       1B *

          (PSL.N).OR.(PSL.Z)                     BLEQ        15 *

          .NOT.((PSL.C).OR.(PSL.Z))              BGTRU       1A *

          .NOT.((PSL.N).OR.(PSL.Z))              BGTR        14 *
                                                 SOBGTR      F5

          ALU.Z                                  BBC         E1
                                                 BBCS        E3
                                                 BBCC        E5
                                                 BBCCI       E7
                                                 BLBC        E9

          .NOT.(ALU.Z)                           BBS         E0
                                                 BBSS        E2
                                                 BBSC        E4
                                                 BBSSI       E6
                                                 BLBS        E8

          (ALU.N).XOR.(ALU.V)                    AOBLSS      F2

          ((ALU.N).XOR.(ALU.V)).OR.(ALU.Z)       AOBLEQ      F3
                                                 ACBB        9D
                                                 ACBW        3D
                                                 ACBL        F1

        * - Indicates a "simple" branch (branch taken in next cycle).

   Additionally, if the branch condition is met and  a  conditional  load  of
   V&PC.TRAP  is  called  for  by  the  microinstruction  (indicated  by  the
   assertion     of     E_S%BCOND_LD_PC_TRAP_L),      the      trap      line
   G_S%BRANCH_TAKEN_TRAP_H is asserted; the stall line is not asserted.

   The trap dispatches to IE.COND.BRANCH in the microcode at  an  address  of
   100.  The EBOX does not process the trap.

   3.9.6  Microcode Restrictions -

        1.  The PSL cannot be written (A field = PSL, DST field =  DST.A)  at
            the  same  time  the  PSL  condition  code bits are being updated
            (LOAD.PSL.CC or LOAD.ALU.CC&PSL.CC).

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 131

   3.10  RLOG

   This is a six entry LIFO stack onto which a GPR's address and  the  amount
   it  is being changed are pushed.  It is used to restore GPR contents under
   certain   exception   conditions.    It    is    used    primarily    with
   auto-increment/decrement mode instructions, and when addressing GPR[RN]:

        RLOG<3:0> <- RN<3:0>
        RLOG<5:4> <- encoded incr/decr amount (contents of the DL reg if 
                     K(DL) is selected to B_Bus, otherwise #2) 
        RLOG<6>   <- 1 for add, 0 for subtract

   The stack is pushed when executing a microinstruction in  which  the  misc
   function  is  MISC/RLOG.   The stack is cleared by IID.  It is popped when
   read via its MXPS address.  The RLOG is implemented as  a  7-bit  register
   stack  with a single one-bit register being used as RLOG<7>.  When popped,
   RLOG<7> will be SET if the stack is empty and CLEAR if the  stack  is  not

   3.10.1  Implementation Notes -

   RLOG<5:4> and RLOG<6> are implemented as follows:

            RLOG<5:4> <-- encoded incr/decr amount (contents of DL
                          register) if BASIC; else #2.

            RLOG<6>   <-- 1 for [BASIC.(A.PLUS.B) + CONST.(A.PLUS.CONST)];
                          else 0.

   The empty bit is sticky in both directions.  RLOG  correctly  pushes  data
   when  it  is  not  full; all attempts to push when full are ignored and no
   corruption occurs.  Push and pop both cause state changes and consequently
   are inhibited when G_PH%STALL_L is asserted.

   3.10.2  Microcode Restrictions -

        1.  Push/pop of RLOG is not allowed during IID.

        2.  Push and pop are mutually exclusive.

        3.  See Implementation Notes above.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 132

   3.11  State Logic

   STATE<5:0> is a general purpose state register whose bits can  be  set  or
   cleared in a variety of ways.

   STATE<5:0> may be read  onto  G_S%W_BUS_H<5:0>  via  G_P%W_SPUR_H<5:0>  as
   MXPS[EBOX.STATE].  The STATE register may not be written via the W_SPUR.

   STATE<3:0> may be cleared using the MISC field  in  all  microinstructions
   and  STATE<5:4>  may  be  cleared  using  the  MISC3  field of the SPECIAL
   microinstruction.  Additionally STATE bits <2:0> can be  individually  set
   using  the  MISC  field and STATE bits <5:3> can be individually set using
   the MISC3 field.  This is shown below.

                MISC3                     MISC
          -----------------        ------------------
          1 = CLR.STATE.5-4        10 = CLR.STATE.3-0
          2 = SET.STATE.3          11 = SET.STATE.0
          4 = SET.STATE.4          12 = SET.STATE.1
          8 = SET.STATE.5          13 = SET.STATE.2

   During Initial Instruction Decode (IID), STATE<3:0> are CLEARED.

   In addition to being readable on the G_S%W_BUS_H, STATE bits are  testable
   on the Microtest Bus (G_P%UTEST_L<2:0>), via the BCS field, as follows:

          BCS                 Branch Condition
       -------------         ------------------
       16 = STATE2-0         STATE <2:0>   Case
       17 = STATE5-3         STATE <5:3>   Case

   There is a latency associated with the value of the  STATE  Register  when
   read onto the uTEST Bus as follows:

           assume VALUE 1 is in STATE

           [State]<--[Value 2]                     ; Case here is on Value 1

           [State]<--[Value 3]                     ; Case here is on Value 2

           ...                                     ; Case here is on Value 3
           ...                                     ; Case here is on Value 3

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 133

   3.11.1  Microcode Restrictions -

        1.  An MXPS.STATE must not occur during the same instruction  as  any
            clear   or   set   of  the  STATE  bits.   This  will  result  in
            unpredictable data on the W_SPUR.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 134

   3.12  Opcode Register

   The opcode register is an 8-bit, 3-stage master-slave register which holds
   the current VAX opcode byte.  It is written from the prefetch queue at IID
   time, and may be read by MXPS0[OPCODE] to the  W-spur,  G_PH%W_SPUR_H<7:0>
   or by CASE[OPCODE2-0] to the microtest bus, G_PH%UTEST_L<2:0>.

   The first stage of the opcode register is always loaded on phase  2.   The
   second stage is loaded on phase 1 when the signal G_S%LOAD_MASTER_OPCODE_H
   is asserted by the I Box.  The third  stage  is  loaded  when  the  signal
   G_S%LOAD_SLAVE_OPCODE_H is asserted (this occurs during Phi3).  The source
   lines for driving the opcode to the w-spur and utest lines are the outputs
   of  the  third  stage  of  the  register.  Likewise, the lines used in the
   branch logic are also the outputs of the  third  stage.   Outputs  of  the
   other two stages are used ONLY as inputs to the next register stage.

   All eight opcode bits are driven onto the w-spur during phase 3  when  the
   signal  G_S%SPUR_GETS_OPCODE_H  is asserted by the I Box.  The lower three
   bits, opcode<2:0>, are inverted and driven to the utest bus during phase 1
   when the signal G_S%UTEST_GETS_OPCODE_H is asserted by the I Box.

   3.12.1  Microcode Restrictions -

        1.  An MXPS0[OPCODE] may not be done in the same cycle as DEC.NEXT.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 135

   3.13  Summary Of E BOX Microcode Restrictions

   3.13.1  Register File -

        1.  W_SPUR - A W_SPUR read cannot immediately follow a W_SPUR write.

   3.13.2  Program Counter (PC Register) -

        1.  For PC writes of other  than  data  length  LONG,  the  unwritten
            portion of PC is unpredictable.

        2.  The PC cannot be written via GPR[RN] or GPR[15].

        3.  The PC cannot be written via A = PC and DST = DST.A.

        4.  In the SPECIAL microinstruction, the PC cannot be  written  using
            the MISC2 and MISC field simultaneously.

        5.  The PC cannot be written explicitly in one cycle and then read in
            the next cycle.

        6.  The PC cannot be written during a read from memory.

   3.13.3  Constant Generator -

   No known restrictions.

   3.13.4  SC Logic -

        1.  Shadow_SC - A W_SPUR read  cannot  immediately  follow  a  W_SPUR

   3.13.5  Shifter -

        1.  When MISC/SHIFT.DL is asserted, the SHIFT.DIR field must  specify
            a left shift.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 136

   3.13.6  ALU -

   No known restrictions.

   3.13.7  Q Register -

        1.  The Q Register cannot be read in the cycle immediately  following
            a Q Register write.

        2.  The Q Register cannot be read in the cycle immediately  following
            a SMUL or UDIV operation.

        3.  An SMUL operation cannot immediately follow a Q  Register  write.
            (Note:  No such restriction applies to UDIV.)

        4.  The Q Register cannot be written during a read from memory.

   3.13.8  PSL Logic -

        1.  The PSL cannot be written (A field = PSL, DST field =  DST.A)  at
            the  same  time  the  PSL  condition  code bits are being updated
            (LOAD.PSL.CC or LOAD.ALU.CC&PSL.CC).

        2.  A write to PSL is not allowed during IID (TP load conflict).

        3.  The PSL cannot be written during a read from memory.

        4.  The PSL cannot be read immediately following a PSL write.

   3.13.9  CC Logic -

        1.  The PSL cannot be written (A field = PSL, DST field =  DST.A)  at
            the  same  time  the  PSL  condition  code bits are being updated
            (LOAD.PSL.CC or LOAD.ALU.CC&PSL.CC).

   3.13.10  RLOG -

        1.  Push/pop of RLOG is not allowed during IID.

        2.  Push and pop are mutually exclusive.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 137

   3.13.11  STATE -

        1.  An MXPS.STATE must not occur during the same instruction  as  any
            clear   or   set   of  the  STATE  bits.   This  will  result  in
            unpredictable data on the W_SPUR.

   3.13.12  OPCODE REGISTER -

        1.  An MXPS0[OPCODE] may not be done in the same cycle as DEC.NEXT.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 138

   3.14  E BOX Microcode Visible State

   The table below shows all the microcode visible storage registers  located
   in the E Box and how they are modified or changed.
             Name                   Size                           Alteration Conditions
             W[0:7]                  32    DST field = DST.A, and A field = W[n]; Write to W[n]
     MicroCode Working Registers           DST field = DST.B, and B field = W[n]; Write to W[n]
                                           DST field = DST.W[SN]; Write to W[SN] 
                                           MISC field = WRITE.SC; Write to register W[7]
            GPR[0:15]                32    DST field = DST.A, and A field = GPR[n]; Write to GPR[n]
     General Purpose Registers      16,8   DST field = DST.A, A field = GRN, with RN being specified by SPEC.RN<3:0> from the I BOX 
             T[0:15]                 32    DST field = DST.A, and A field = T[n]; write to T[n]
    MicroCode Temporary Registers
          Shadow_SC                   8    DST field = DST.A, and A field = W[7]
                                           DST field = DST.W[SN] and SN = 7
                                           MISC field = WRITE.SC; Writes SC(W[7]) as well as the Shadow_SC
              PSL                    32    DST field = A, and A field = PSL
     Processor Status Longword
           Q-Register                32    DST field = A, and A field = Q
    Multiplier Quotient Register           BASIC.FNC = SMUL.STEP or UDIV.STEP (activates single-bit shifting)
            ALU.CC                    4    CC field = LOAD.ALU.CC
       ALU Condition Codes                 CC field = LOAD.ALU.CC&PSL.CC
            PSL.CC                    4    CC field = LOAD.PSL.CC
       PSL Condition Codes                 CC field = LOAD.ALU.CC&PSL.CC
            STATE                     6    MISC field = CLR.STATE.3-0; Clear State<3:0>
                                           MISC field = SET.STATE.0; Set State<0>
                                           MISC field = SET.STATE.1; Set State<1>
                                           MISC field = SET.STATE.2; Set State<2>
                                           MISC3 field = CLR.STATE.5-4; Clear State<5:4>
                                           MISC3 field = SET.STATE.3; Set State<3>
                                           MISC3 field = SET.STATE.4; Set State<4>
                                           MISC3 field = SET.STATE.5; Set State<5>
                                           IID Clears State<3:0>
              PC                     32    MISC field = LOAD.V&PC; Unconditionally load PC
         Program Counter                   MISC field = IF.BCOND.LOAD.V&PC; if EBT_S%BCOND_MET_L is asserted, then load PC
                                           MISC field = IF.BCOND.LOAD.V&PC.TRAP; if EBT_S%BCOND_MET_L is asserted, then load PC
                                           MISC2 field = LOAD.PC.FROM.BPC
           PSL Map                    4    MISC field = MAP.JIZJ; set map to jizj
                                           MISC field = MAP.IIII; set map to iiii
                                           MISC field = MAP.IIIJ; set map to iiij
                                           IID; set map to default of iiip
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 139

   3.15  E BOX Schematic Inventory

   The following table lists all of the schematics in the  E  BOX,  with  the
   corresponding schematic ID and a brief description of the contents of each
       Schematic Name           Schematic ID                Contents
       ==============           ============   ======================================================================================
       E_ALU_CON                   EAC         SMUL, UDIV mux and its control logic.

       E_ALU_CON_MIB               EACM        ALU decode PLA.  Carry in, SMUL, and UDIV logic.

       E_ALU_DP                    EAD         Contains the ALU Datapath Logic     

       E_ALU_DRIVERS               EAR         Contains the Control line drivers for the ALU Datapath as well as the
                                               associated control logic.

       E_BARREL_DEC                EBDEC       This circuit drives the 33 Shifter control lines.  It decodes the shift
                                               value and direction.

       E_BARREL_DEC_CON            EBDECC      Slave latches for SHFTVAL, SHIFT_DIR, ZERO_A, and ZERO_B.

       E_BARREL_DEC_CON_MIB        EBDECM      Shadow SC, muxing SC to UTEST, generation of SHFTVAL to control the shifter.
                                               Generation of the signals to activate the shifter, shift direction,
                                               and shift zeroing.

       E_BARREL_LATCH              EBL         Shifter latch.  Latches A and B Busses and performs Shifter zeroing.

       E_BARREL_LATCH_CON          EBC         This controls the precharging, enabling, and zeroing of the shifter latch.

       E_BARREL_SFT                EBS         Shifter with N bit detect on byte, word and long word.

       E_BT_LOGIC                  EBT         Opcode Decode, Branch Test Logic, Branch Taken Trap, Load VIBA&PC,
                                               Integer Overflow.

       E_BUS_DRIVERS               EBD         W Bus, M Bus, and W SPUR Drivers.  Zero extention.  Three way mux to select 
                                               SPUR, ALU_SHFT, or MW.  Muxes PSL bits to Spur.  Zero detection on each byte.

       E_BUS_DRIVERS_CON           EBDC        Bus Driver Control circuit.

       E_BUS_DRIVERS_CON_MIB       EBDCM       MIB decode for the Bus Driver Control circuit.
       E_CC_DECODE                 ECD         MIB decodes for the Condition Code Logic Block.  Early portion of Integer 
                                               Overflow Logic

       E_CC_LOGIC                  ECL         Condition Code Logic: Raw CC select logic, ALU CC's, PSL CC's, PSL Map, 
                                               SPUR and uTest Drive Logic.

       E_KMUX_CTRL                 EKC         Control and MIB decodes for the KMUX.  Two random decodes for EMC.

       E_MISC_CTRL                 EMC         Contains the datapath drivers and  control (excluding MIB decodes) for
                                               the following sections:  KMUX (additional loaction for KMUX control is
                                               in EKC), PSL, Q Register, and PC.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 140

       E_MISC_DP                   EMD         Contains the following Datapath logic:  KMUX, PSL, and Q Register.

       E_OPCODE_REG                EOR         Contains the Opcode Register.  Three deep by 8 wide.

       E_PC_DP                     EPC         Contains the Entire PC Datapath.  Includes PC, Backup PC, and PC incrementer.

       E_RF                        ERF         Register File: T, GP, and W registers.  Sense amps.

       E_RF_B_FIELD_DEC            EBF         B field decode array.

       E_RF_DEC_DST_CON            ERD         MIB decode.  Detects whether the B field address is direct, SN, or SN+1.  Also 
                                               controls the DST selection.  Vax Restart Flag and associated logic.

       E_RF_TG_DEC                 EDTG        A field decode, RN decode, select line generation for T and GP registers; DL
                                               logic for writes.

       E_RF_W_DEC                  EDW         A field decode, SN and SN+1 decode, select line generation for W registers;
                                               misc A field decodes and select line control logic.

       E_RLOG                      ERL         Contains R Log and its control.  Also has some control for the Vax Restart Flag.
                                               U Test and Spur drivers for E_OPCODE_REG.

       E_STATE_LOGIC               ESL         EBOX State Registers: Includes uTest and Spur drive logic.

       E_ZERO_DET_CTRL             EZD         Generates Zero Detection (Byte, Word, and Long) from the byte wide zero detection 
                                               in the datapath.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 141

   3.16  E BOX Global Signal Timing

   The diagram below gives a list of global signals used or generared in  the
   E  BOX.   The  cycle  shown  here is 100nS long.  But all the Spice timing
   results are for an 92nS cycle with clock skews  of  2nS  between  adjacent
   clock phases.

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%B_BUS_H<31:0>        |~~xxxxxx======================HHHHHHHHH|  B_BUS                        C Load = 3pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 4pF (erf), 3.2pF (emd)    |
   |                                                                       * Valid PHI1 + (17nS - emd), (20nS - erf)  |
   |  Source - EBOX (emd,erf),MBOX,IBOX             Destination - EBOX (ead,ebl)                                      |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%BRANCH_TAKEN_TRAP_L   |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx======================|  BRANCH TAKEN TRAP LINE     C Load = 2.5pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |
   |                                                                       * Valid 7nS before PHI3 to PHI1            |
   |  Source - EBOX (ebt)                           Destination - USEQ                                                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%COPY_TRACE_H          |___/=====\_____________________________|  COPY TRACE BITS FLAG         C Load = 3pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Conditioned with STALL in the IBOX       |
   |                                                                       * Asserted PHI1 + 9nS to PHI2              |
   |  Source - IBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (emd)                                          |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%DELTA_PC_L<2:0>       |xxxxx==============xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  NUMBER BYTES RETIRED BY IBOX  CLoad = 2pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI1 + 20nS to End of PHI2         |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (epc)                                          |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%DL_H<1:0>             |=====================xxxxxxxxx=========|  DATA LENGTH REGISTER        C Load = 5.4pF | 
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI4 + 2nS to PHI3                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                 Destination - MBOX,USEQ,EBOX (ekc, ecd, ebdc  , ebdecm , erl    , edtg  )         |
   |                                                                        late 4, early 4, early 4, late 4)         |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 142

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%FPU_CCZ_H             |xxxxxxxx===============================|  CONDITION CODES FROM FPU    C Load = 2.9pF |
   |  G_S%FPU_CCV_H             |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI1 + 20nS                        |
   |  G_S%FPU_CCN_H             |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - FPA LOGIC                            Destination - EBOX (ecl)                                          |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%IID_LD_H              |__________________________/============|  IID SIGNAL TO CHIP          C Load = 4.1pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI3 + 17 to PHI1                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX             Destination - MBOX,EBOX (emc, ecd, esl, erl          , erd          )                 |
   |                                                                    not time crit, latched in 3 )                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%INT_OVFL_L            |HHHHHHHHHH~~xxxx=======================|  INTEGER OVERFLOW LINE       C Load = 2.1pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.5pF                     |
   |                                                                       * Driven High PHI1; valid PHI3 - 9nS       |
   |  Source - EBOX (ebt)                           Destination - IBOX,USEQ                                           |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%LD_VIBA_AND_PC_H      |==========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==============|  GOING TO LOAD VIBA and PC   C Load = 9.6pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Not conditioned with Stall               |
   |                                                                       * Simulated with 10pF                      |
   |                                                                       * Valid PHI3 - 2nS through PHI1            |
   |  Source - EBOX (ebt)                           Destination - IBOX,MBOX,BIU,EBOX (emc)                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   G_S%LOAD_MASTER_OPCODE_H |____/=====\____________________________|  LOADING OPCODE IN MASTER    C Load = 2.2pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI1 + 12ns to PHI2                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (eor)                                          |
   |                                                                                                                  |

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 143

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%LOAD_PSL_H            |_____________/=======\_________________|  LOADING PSL ENABLE          C Load = 5.6pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Conditioned with Stall                   |
   |                                                                       * Simulated with 6.0pF                     |
   |                                                                       * Valid PHI2 + 12nS, Trails PHI2 by 6nS    |
   |  Source - EBOX (emc)                           Destination - MBOX,IBOX,INT LOGIC,BIU                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   G_S%LOAD_SLAVE_OPCODE_H  |__________________________/======\_____|  LOAD SLAVE OF OPCODE REG    C Load = 1.2pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI3 + 16nS through PHI4 + 10nS    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (eor)                                          |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%MIB_H<40:0>           |===================xxxxxxxxx===========|  MICRO-INSTRUCTION BUS        C Load = ~5pF |
   |  G_S%MIB_L<40:7>           |         |         |         |         |  * Valid low 1nS before rising edge of PHI4 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - CONTROL STORE                        Destination - GLOBAL                                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%MW_BUS_H<31:0>       |=========HHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~XXXXX=====|  THE BIDIRECTIONAL BUS BETWEEN THE IDAL     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  AND THE WBUS THAT IS AN INPUT TO THE       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  WBUS DRIVER      C Load = 1.3pF (MW_BUS) + |
   |                                                                                                 3.1pF (LMW_BUS)  |
   |                               * Valid PHI4 + 8nS (need by 10) on READ    MW_BUS  Valid PHI1 + 18nS on WRITE      |
   |  Source - MBOX,EBOX (ebd)      Destination - MBOX, EBOX (ebd)            LMW_BUS Valid PHI1 + 21nS on WRITE      |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%MW_DRIVE_H            |===================xxxxxx/=============|  WHEN ASSERTED ENABLES THE EBOX TO DRIVE    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  THE MW_BUS                  C Load = x.xpF |
   |                                                                       * Valid PHI3 + 12ns                        |
   |  Source - MBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (ebdc)  Must embrace PHI1                      |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 144

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%MW_TO_W_H             |=========xxxxxxxxxxx/==================|  WHEN ASSERTED SELECTS THE MW_BUS AS THE    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  DATA SOURCE FOR DRIVING THE W_BUS          |
   |                                                                       * Valid PHI3 + 1nS            C Load 1.9pF |
   |  Source - MBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (ebdc)   Must embrace PHI4                     |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%NEW_IB_PTR_H<1:0>     |=========xxxxxx========================|  LOW TWO BITS OF PC REGISTER  CLoad = 1.9pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |                                                                       * Valid PHI2 + 14nS until next PHI2        |
   |  Source - EBOX (emc)                           Destination - IBOX                                                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   G_S%OPCODE_H<7:0>        |~~~~~~\\\\\\\===================/~~~~~~| EIGHT BITS TO OPCODE REGISTER CLoad = 1.8pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         | Note: Valid PHI2 + 11 to PHI4               |
   |  Source - IBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (ebt,eor)                                      |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_C%PHI1_H                |/~~~~~~~\\\____________________________|  PHASE 1 CLOCK               C Load = 140pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_C%PHI2_H                |_________/~~~~~~~~\\\__________________|  PHASE 2 CLOCK               C Load = 114pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_C%PHI3_H                |___________________/~~~~~~~~\\\________|  PHASE 3 CLOCK               C Load = 117pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_C%PHI4_H                |\\___________________________/~~~~~~~~~|  PHASE 4 CLOCK               C Load = 133pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%PSL_T_H               |<       buffered W_BUS waveform       >|  PSL Trace bit               C Load = 2.4pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Buffered W_BUS                           |
   |                                                                       * Valid while LOAD_PSL is asserted         |
   |  Source - EBOX (emd)                           Destination - IBOX     * NOT SIMULATED                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 145

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%REG_WRITE_H           |==================xxxxx================|  WRITE REGISTER ENABLED IN   C Load = 4.2pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  THE EBOX                                   |
   |                                                                       * Valid PHI3 + 11nS                        |
   |  Source - MBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (erd         , edtg)                           |
   |                                                                   (embrace PHI4, same but setup time reqd.)      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%RN_H<3:0>             |====================xxxxxxxxxxx========|  RN PART OF SPECIFIER BYTE   C Load = 2.7pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI4 + 2nS to PHI3                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (edtg)                                         |
   |                                                                    (required inverter delay before end of PHI3)  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%SET_RESTART_H         |===================xxxxxx==============|  NO MMGT_ERROR ON WRITE      C Load = 4.2pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI3 + 12nS                        |
   |                                                                       * EBOX strobes SET_RESTART with PHI4       |
   |  Source - MBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (erd              )                            |
   |                                                                   (Must embrace PHI4)                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%SN_H<2:0>             |===================xxxxxxxxxx==========|  WORKING REGISTER NUMBER     C Load = 1.8pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI4 - 1nS to PHI3                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (edw, edtg)                                    |
   |                                                                   (required inverter delay before end of PHI3)   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   G_S%SPUR_GETS_OPCODE_H   |XXXXXXXXX==============================|  DRIVE SPUR WITH OPCODE      C Load = 1.1pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid LE PHI2 through PHI4               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (erl)                                          |
   |                                                                   (embrace PHI3 )                                |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 146

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%STALL_L              |HHHHHHHHHH~~xxxxxxx====================|  CHIP-WIDE STALL SIGNAL       C Load = 12pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Must be Valid PHI2 + 21nS                |
   |                                                                       * Valid (ebt) PHI2 + 18nS with 11.5pF      |
   |  Source - MBOX,BIU,IBOX,uSEQ,EBOX (ebt)        Destination - GLOBAL,EBOX (emc,ecd,esl, erl       )               |
   |                                                                                      , Prech only)               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   G_S%UTEST_GETS_OPCODE_H  |===================/~~~~~~~~~XXXXXXXXXX|  Drive uTEST with OPCODE     C Load = 0.5pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI1 through PHI2                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (erl         )                                 |
   |                                                                   (embrace PHI1)                                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%UTEST_L<2:0>         |~xxxx===============HHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~|  MICRO-TEST BUS              C Load = 4.5pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Must be Valid 15nS after LE of PHI1      |
   |                                                                       * Valid (ecl)    PHI1 + 15nS with 5.0pF    |
   |                                                                       * Valid (esl)    PHI1 + 17nS with 5.0pF    |
   |                                                                       * Valid (ebdecm) PHI1 + 15nS with 5.0pF    |
   |                                                                       * Valid (erl)    Not simmed. Same as above |
   |  Source - GLOBAL,EBOX (ecl,esl,ebdecm)         Destination - USEQ                                                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%W_BUS_H<31:0>         |=============================xxxxxxxxx=|  W-BUS                      C Load = 4.4 pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 4.4pF (ebd)               |
   |                                                                       * Valid 2ns before 1 thru start of PHI4    |
   |  Source - EBOX (ebd)                           Destination - MBOX,EBOX (epc,emd,erf)                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%W_SPUR_H<7:0>        |         |         |         |         |  W-BUS SPUR                 C Load = 6.5 pF |
   |                     WRITE  |~xxxxxxxx=====================HHHHHHHHH|  * Must be Valid before PHI2                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                     READ   |==========HHHHHHHHHH~xxxxxxxxxxxxx=====|  * Speced at 10 nS into PHI4, spice below:  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid (ebd) PHI1 + 18nS with 6.6pF       |
   |                                                                       * Valid (ecl) PHI3 + 20nS with 6.6pF       |
   |                                                                       * Valid (erd) PHI4 -  5nS with 6.6pF       |
   |                                                                       * Valid (erl) PHI4 -  4nS with 6.6pF       |
   |                                                                       * Valid (esl) PHI1 + 18nS with 5.0pF       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - GLOBAL, EBOX (ecl,esl,ebd,erl,erd)   Destination - GLOBAL, EBOX (ebdecm)                               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 147

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%WSEL_UPDATE_H         |xxxxxxxxx==============================|  UPDATE WSEL LATCHES IN EBOX C Load = 2.7pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Valid PHI1 + 21nS                        |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - MBOX                                 Destination - EBOX (ebdc        , edw )                           |
   |                                                                   (embrace PHI3, same)                           |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 148

   3.17  E BOX Internal Signal Timing

   The diagram below  lists  all  the  internal  E  BOX  signals  that  cross
   schematic  boundaries.   The  cycle shown here is 100nS long.  But all the
   Spice timing results are for an 92nS cycle with clock skews of 2nS between
   adjacent clock phases.

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_PH%A_BUS_H<31:0>       |~~XXXXXXX====================HHHHHHHHHH|  A Bus  Precharged high                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_RF_SIM, E_PC_SIM (Valid PHI1 + 17nS), E_MISC_CTRL_SIM   Last Updated: 9/09/86        |
   |             (Valid PHI1 + 20, 1.35pF), E_QREG_SIM (Valid PHI1 + 17nS, 1.35pF),      Cl = 1.25 pF                 |
   |             E_PSL_SIM (Valid PHI1 + 16nS, 1.35pF)                                                                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   erf, epc, emd    LE PHI2         ead           2 gate delays before LE PHI2               Yes                  |
   |                                    ebl           latched in PHI2                                                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_PH%ALU_SHFT_H<31:0>    |=========HHHHHHHHHH~~XXXXXXXXXXXX======| When driven by the SHIFTER                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |===================XXXXXXXXXXXXXX======| When driven by the ALU                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM        (Valid PHI1 - 24nS, 2.5pF)     Last Updated: 9/09/86   Cl = 2.3pF     |
   |                           E_BARREL_SFT_SIM (Valid PHI1 - 17nS, 2.4pF) This speed is for EBD_S%ALU_SHFT_H, ie     |
   |                                               two inverters later.  Otherwise the slope is too shallow to spec.  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   ead,ebs         See above         ebd        PHI1 - 10.5ns      Latch in ebd             No                    |
   |   ebl Prech Only                                                                                                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_PH%LA_BUS_H<31:0>      Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_PH%LB_BUS_H<31:0>                                                                                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebl                                 Used by: ebs                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ALU_BYTE_C_H         |==XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=============|  BYTE Carry From ALU                        |
   |   E_S%ALU_BYTE_V_H         |         |         |         |         |  BYTE oVerflow From ALU                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.1 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ead          PHI3 + 15nS        ecl          LE PHI4          mux in ecl               No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 149

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ALU_CIN_H<0>         |XXXXXXXX=====================XXXXXXXXXX|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/09/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.5 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:   When Valid:         Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      eac       PHI2 - 4ns (0.48pF)   ead            LE PHI2                                                      |
   |                until end of PHI3                 ENTIRE PHI2                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ALU_LONG_C_H         |==XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==============|  LONGWORD Carry From ALU                    |
   |   E_S%ALU_LONG_V_H         |         |         |         |         |  LONGWORD oVerflow From ALU                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.7 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ead          PHI3 + 15nS        ecl           LE PHI4         mux in ecl               No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ALU_N_XOR_V_H        |XXXXXX========================XXXXXXXXX|  ALU.N XOR ALU.V for Branch Test            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.29pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.27 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI1 + 17nS        ebt           LE PHI2             No                    No                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ALU_N_XOR_V_OR_Z_H   |XXXXXX========================XXXXXXXXX| (ALU.N XOR ALU.V) OR ALU.Z for Branch Test  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.33pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.33 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI1 + 17nS        ebt           LE PHI2             No                    No                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ALU_PCH1_L           |\_________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|  PHI1 precharge signal for ALU              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 2/18/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 14.3 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ear          EARLY PHI1         ead         PHI1 preharge         No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 150

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ALU_SHFT_TO_W_H      Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%ALU_SHFT_TO_W_L                                                                                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdc                                Used by: ebdc, ebd                                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ALU_SUM_H<0>         |===================XXXXXXXXXXXX========|  ALU sum bit <0>, used with QREG in         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  SMUL step                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.4 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ead          PHI4 + 2nS         emd             PHI1          mux in emd                No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ALU_SUM_L<31>        |===================XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=|  ALU sum bit <31>, used with QREG in        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  UDIV step                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.4 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ead          PHI4 + 21nS        emd             PHI1          mux in emd                No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ALU_WORD_C_H         |==XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=============|  WORD Carry From ALU                        |
   |   E_S%ALU_WORD_V_H         |         |         |         |         |  WORD oVerflow Carry From ALU               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.3 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ead          PHI3 + 15nS        ecl           LE PHI4         mux in ecl               No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ALU_Z_H              |XXXXXXXX===============================|  ALU.Z for uTest and Branch Test            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.76pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.76 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI1 + 18nS        ebt           LE PHI2             No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 151

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ASEL_H<GP14:0>       Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edtg                                Used by: erf                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ASEL_H<T15:0>        Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edtg                                Used by: erf                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ASEL_H<W7:0>         Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edw                                 Used by: erf                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%B7_L thru            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%B0_L                                                                                                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebf                                 Used by: edw                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%B_READ_L             Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: erd                                 Used by: edw                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%BCOND_LD_PC_L        |XXXXXXX================================|  BCOND.LD.V&PC                              |
   |   E_S%BCOND_LD_PC_TRAP_L   |         |         |         |         |  BCOND.LD.V&PC.TRAP                         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_DECODE_SIM (sim with 1.1pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.1 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecd          PHI1 + 18nS        ebt          PHI2 thru            No                    No                  |
   |                                                   EARLY PHI4                                                     |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 152

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%BCS_ALU_NZC_H        |///=========\__________________________|  Drive ALU.NZC onto uTest                   |
   |   E_S%BCS_ALU_NZV_H        |         |         |         |         |  Drive ALU.NZV onto uTest                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.8pF)                           Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.78 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecd       PHI1 delayed by       ecl          PHI1 ctrl            No                   Yes                  |
   |               5nS when asserted                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%BSEL_H<W7:0>         Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edw                                 Used by: erf                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%CIN_IS_1_L           Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%CIN_IS_PSL_L                                                                                               |
   |   E_S%CIN_IS_PSLBAR_L                                                                                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: eacm                                Used by: eac                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%DEC_ALU_DR_L         |XXXXXXXXXXXX===========================|  Instruction is ~SHIFT.  ALU result to be   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  driven onto ALU_SHFT.                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/09/86        |
   |                              Spiced but not recorded - lots of margin               Cl = 1.15 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      eacm     Late 1 or early 2      ear        PHI3 thru PHI4     lat in ear                No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%DEC_ALU_SHL_H        |XXXXXXXXXXXX===========================|                                             |
   |   E_S%DEC_ALU_SHR_H        |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/09/86        |
   |                             Spiced (1.12pF) but not recorded - lots of margin             Cl = 1.1 pF            |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      eac       Late 1 or early 2   ear,emc           PHI3              No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 153

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%DEC_BACKUP_PC_H      |===================XXXXXXXXXXXXXX     =|  Decode PC -> Backup PC                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_KMUX_SIM (sim with 1.21pF)                              Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.22 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ekc          PHI4 + 11nS        emc             PHI1          lat in emc                No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%DEC_DST_A_H          |===================XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX====|  Decode DST = DST.A                         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_KMUX_SIM (sim with 1.07pF)                              Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.1 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ekc          PHI4 + 12nS        emc             PHI1              No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%DEC_K1_H             |====================XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==|  Decode A = K1                              |
   |   E_S%DEC_KSEXT_H          |         |         |         |         |  Decode A = K.SEXT                          |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/09/86        |
   |                                    Simmed with extracted cap                        Cl = 0.57 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      edw          PHI4 + 16ns         emc             PHI1              No                    Yes                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%DEC_PC_ASEL_H        |====================XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==|  Decode A = PC                              |
   |   E_S%DEC_PSL_ASEL_H       |         |         |         |         |  Decode A = PSL                             |
   |   E_S%DEC_Q_ASEL_H         |         |         |         |         |  Decode A = Q                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/09/86        |
   |                                    Simmed with extracted cap                        Cl = 0.81 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      edw          PHI4 + 16ns         emc             PHI1              No                     No                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 154

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%DR_ALU_H             |\\_________________//==================|  Drive ALU result onto ALUSHFT              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%DR_ALU_L             |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 2/18/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 6.3/13.3 pF (H/L)       |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ear          PHI3 + PHI4        ead        PHI3 thru PHI4         No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%DRIVE_MW_H           Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                            Valid from PHI1 + 9nS to PHI2 + 11.5nS                                |
   |   Driven by: ebdc                                Used by: ebd                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%DRIVE_SPUR_L         Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdc                                Used by: ebd                                                    |
   |                                     Valid from PHI1 + 7nS to PHI2 + 5.5nS                                        |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%DST_A_H              Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%DST_A_L                                                                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: erd                                 Used by: edw, edtg                                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%DST_B_H              Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%DST_B_L                                                                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: erd                                 Used by: edw                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%DST_WSN_H            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%DST_WSN_L                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: erd                                 Used by: edw                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 155

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%DST_ZILCH_L          Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: erd                                 Used by: edw                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%EBD_PHI4_L           Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdc                                Used by: ebd                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%EN_INT_OVF_H         |=============================XXXXXX====|  PSL.V set, Overflow Map set, IID previous  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  phase 3.  Condition with PSL.IV.           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_BT_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.45pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.4 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecd          PHI4 + 13nS        ebt         ENTIRE PHI2           No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ENABLE_LA_LB_BUS_H   Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebc                                 Used by: ebl                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ERF_PHI4_L           Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edw                                 Used by: erf                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ERF_PHI3_L           Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edw                                 Used by: erf                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%G_FCT_DP_L<3:0>      |~~~~~~~~~\\\========//////~~~~~~~~~~~~~|  G Function in ALU DataPath                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM (See simulation for simulation loading)         Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.54 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ear          If asserted,       ead         ENTIRE PHI2          Yes                    No                  |
   |                 Low PHI1 + 10nS                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 156

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 157

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%G_FCT_H<3:1>         |XXXXXXXXX===========XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_CON_SIM (simmed with 0.41pF)                        Last Updated: 9/09/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.43 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      eac          At 3.6v by PHI2     ear         ENTIRE PHI2           No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%G_H<3:1>             Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: eacm                                Used by: eac                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%GA_RN_H              Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%GA_RN_L                                                                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edw                                 Used by: edw, edtg                                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%KMUX_ALU_N_L         |===========XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|  Buffered version of ALU.N, used by K.SEXT  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.89pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.91 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI1 - 1nS         emc          LE PHI1 for          No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                   ENTIRE PHI1                                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%LAT_PK_H             |_________//=========\\_________________|  Latch Prop and Kill for PC adder           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PC_SIM                                                  Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.9 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI2         epc          PHI2 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 158

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%LATCH_AND_PRECH_L    Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebc                                 Used by: ebl                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%LATCH_H              Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebc                                 Used by: ebl                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%LD_BPC_H             |___________________//========\\________|  Load PC into Backup PC                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PC_SIM                                                  Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.8 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI3         epc          PHI3 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%LD_PSLDP_CC_H        |___________________//========\\________|  Load New PSL CCs into datapath register    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PSL_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.7 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI3         emd          PHI3 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%LD_Q_SLAVE_H         |___________________//========\\________|  Load Q(master) into Q(slave)               |
   |   E_S%LD_Q_SLAVE_L         |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_QREG_SIM                                                Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.81/2.42 pF (H/L)      |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI3         emd          PHI3 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 159

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%MAP_IIII_H           |==========XXXXXXXX=====================|  CC Map set to IIII                         |
   |   E_S%MAP_IIIJ_H           |         |         |         |         |  CC Map set to IIIJ                         |
   |   E_S%MAP_IIIP_H           |         |         |         |         |  CC Map set to IIIP                         |
   |   E_S%MAP_JIZJ_H           |         |         |         |         |  CC Map set to JIZJ                         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_DECODE_SIM (sim with 0.45pF)                         Last Updated: 2/18/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.67 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecd          PHI2 + 18nS        ecl        PHI3 thru PHI1         No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%MW_TO_W_H            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%MW_TO_W_L                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdc                                Used by: ebd                                                    |
   |                                        Valid PHI4 + 9ns to PHI1 + 11ns                                           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%MXPS_RD_CCS_H        |XXXXXXXX===============================|  Read ALU.CCs and VaxRestart to W_SPUR      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 2/14/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.26 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      erl            Late 1         ecl,erd       Entire PHI3           No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%N_B_H                |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%N_LW_H               |=========XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=|  Raw Negative Detect signals                |
   |   E_S%N_W_H                |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM                                            Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.1 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:   When Valid:         Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ebs       PHI1 - 10nS (1.0pF)   ecl          PHI1 - 7nS       mux in ecl                No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 160

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%NEW_ALU_CC_H         |==========XXXXXXXX=====================|  Load New ALU CCs into ALU.CC Register      |
   |   E_S%NEW_PSL_CC_H         |         |         |         |         |  Load New PSL CCs into PSL.CC Register      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_DECODE_SIM (sim with 1.3pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.35 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecd          PHI2 + 21nS        ecl        PHI4 thru PHI1         No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%NOT_ALU_Z_H          |XXXXXXX================================|  NOT ALU.Z for Branch Test                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.76pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.75 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI1 + 17nS        ebt           LE PHI2             No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%NOT_PSL_C_H          |=============================XXXXXXXXXX|  NOT PSL.C for Branch Test                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.36pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.35 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI4 + 24nS        ebt           LE PHI2             No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%NOT_PSL_C_OR_Z_H     |XXXXXX=======================XXXXXXXXXX|  NOT (PSL.C OR PSL.Z) for Branch Test       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (same as E_S%NOT_PSL_N_OR_Z)               Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.34 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI1 + 17nS        ebt           LE PHI2             No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 161

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%NOT_PSL_N_H          |XXXXXXX================================|  NOT PSL.N for Branch Test                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.44pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.42 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI1 + 17nS        ebt           LE PHI2             No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%NOT_PSL_N_OR_Z_H     |XXXXXX=================================|  NOT (PSL.N OR PSL.Z) for Branch Test       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.3pF)                           Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.34 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI1 + 14nS        ebt           LE PHI2             No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%NOT_PSL_V_H          |=============================XXXXXXXXX=|  PSL.V for Integer Overflow Logic           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.2pF)                           Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.2 pF                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI4 + 21nS        ebt           LE PHI2             No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%NOT_PSL_Z_H          |XXXXXXX================================|  NOT PSL.Z for Branch Test                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.83pF)                          Last Updated: 9/04/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.83 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI1 + 17nS         ebt           LE PHI2             No                   Yes                 |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  E_S%OPCODE_H<7:0>         |===================xxxxxxxxxxxxxx======|  EIGHT BITS OF OPCODE REGISTER              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):  E_OPCODE_REG_SIM ( C = 1.52 pF )                         Last Updated: 9/09/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.52 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      eor          PHI4 + 6nS         ebt     Setup time before falling PHI4            ?         Yes             |
   |                                      erl     By PHI3 ( 1 cycle after loading )                                   |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 162

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%P_FCT_DP_L<3:0>      |~~~~~~~~~\\\========//////~~~~~~~~~~~~~|  P Function in ALU DataPath                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM (See simulation for simulation loading)         Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.52 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ear          If asserted,       ead         ENTIRE PHI2          Yes                    No                  |
   |                 Low PHI1 + 10nS                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%P_FCT_H<3:0>         |XXXXXXXXX===========XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_CON_SIM (0.41pF)                                    Last Updated: 9/09/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.41 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      eac          3.6v by PHI2        ear         ENTIRE PHI2           No                    No                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%P_H<3:0>             Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: eacm                                Used by: eac, eacm                                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PASS_ALU_H           |___________________//=========\\_______|  Use ALU result as is (no SHL or SHR)       |
   |   E_S%PASS_ALU_L           |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 2/18/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.31/2.78 pF (H/L)      |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ear             PHI3            ead            PHI3               No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PC_ADDSEL_H          |\____________________________//========|  Load PC from PC Adder (PC <-- PC + DPC)    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PC_SIM                                                  Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.57 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI4         epc          PHI4 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 163

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PC_ASEL_H            |//========\____________________________|  Read PC onto A_BUS                         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PC_SIM                                                  Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 3.25 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI1         epc          PHI1 ctrl            No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PC_BPCSEL_H          |//========\____________________________|  Load PC from BPC                           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PC_SIM                                                  Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.36 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI1         epc          PHI1 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PC_DP_H<1:0>         |==============================XXXXXXXXX|  When PC loaded from PC incrementer         |
   |                            |XXXXXXXXX==============================|  When PC loaded from BPC or W_BUS           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Low two-bits of PC.  Buffered into         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  NEW_IB_PTR and sent to IBOX.               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PC_SIM                                                  Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.45 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      epc          PHI4 (PHI1)        emc             PHI2          lat in emc                No                  |
   |                     + 24nS                                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PC_PCH_L             |\\________//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|  Precharge PC Adder Logic                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PC_SIM                                                  Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 5.71 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI1         epc        PHI1 precharge         No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PC_WSEL_H            |//========\____________________________|  Load PC from W_BUS                         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PC_SIM                                                  Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.77 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI1         epc          PHI1 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 164

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 165

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%PHI1_EDTG0_L         Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%PHI3_EDTG1_L                                                                                               |
   |   E_S%PHI3_EDTG2_L                                                                                               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edw                                 Used by: edtg                                                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%PREC_MW_L     PHI3 + 9nS to PHI4 + 10nS   Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary  |
   |   E_S%PREC_SPUR_L   PHI2 + 8nS to PHI3 + 9.5nS or                                                                |
   |                     PHI4 + 8nS to PHI1 + 9.5nS                                                                   |
   |   Driven by: ebdc                                Used by: ebd                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSL_ASEL_H           |///=========\____________________________|  Read PSL onto A_BUS                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PSL_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 3.49 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc             PHI1            emd          PHI1 ctrl           No                    Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSL_C_H              |=============================XXXXXXX===|  PSL.C for ALU Carry In                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.35pF)                          Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.29 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI4 + 17nS        eac        Ideally LE PHI1        No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSL_C_OR_Z_H         |XXXXXXXXX====================XXXXXXXXXX|  PSL.C OR PSL.Z for Branch Test             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (NOT SIMULATED)                            Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.27 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl            LE PHI2          ebt           LE PHI2             No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 166

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSL_IV_H             |XXXXXXXXX==============================|  PSL.IV for Integer Overflow Logic          |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PSL_SIM (sim with 1.35pF)                               Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.35 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emd          PHI1 + 23nS        ecd         ENTIRE PHI2           No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSL_N_OR_Z_H         |XXXXXXX================================|  PSL.N OR PSL.Z for Branch Test             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.35pF)                          Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.29 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI1 + 17nS         ebt          LE PHI2             No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                  entire PHI2                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSL_SPUR_H           |===================XXXXXXXX============|  Inform SPUR to drive PSL                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_MISC_CTRL_SIM                                           Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.23 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          PHI3 + 16nS       ebdc             PHI4              No                   No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%PSL_TO_SPUR_H         PHI4 + 11.5nS, cleared by rising PHI2                                                |
   |   E_S%PSL_TO_SPUR_L         PHI4 + 10 nS,  cleared by rising PHI2                                                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdc                                Used by: ebd                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSL_WSEL_H           |/=========\____________________________|  Load PSL Register from W_BUS               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PSL_SIM                                                 Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.14 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI1         emd           PHI1 ctrl           No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 167

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSLIN_C_H            |==============================XXXXXXXXX|  PSL.C and PSL.V for Branch Test and to     |
   |   E_S%PSLIN_V_H            |         |         |         |         |  put CCs into Datapath register.            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 1.05pF)                          Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.05 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI4 + 21nS      emd, ebt      ebt - PHI2            No                    Yes                 |
   |                                                  emd - PHI3        pass in emd                No                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSLIN_N_H            |XXXXXXX================================|  PSL.N and PSL.Z for Branch Test and to     |
   |   E_S%PSLIN_Z_H            |         |         |         |         |  put CCs into Datapath register.            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (Sim with 1.1/0.8pF Z/N)                   Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.1/0.78  pF (Z/N)      |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl        PHI1 + 15nS (N)    emd, ebt      ebt - PHI2            No                    Yes                 |
   |                 PHI1 + 18nS (Z)                  emd - PHI3        pass in emd                No                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSLOUT_C_H           |         |         |         |         |  Buffered version of PSL CC bits.           |
   |   E_S%PSLOUT_N_H           |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%PSLOUT_V_H           |XXXXXXXXX==============================|  Load from W_BUS.                           |
   |   E_S%PSLOUT_Z_H           |====================XXXXXXXXX==========|  Load from CC Logic.                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_PSL_SIM (sim with 0.9pF)                                Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.89 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emd          24nS after         ecl             PHI4          mux in ecl                No                  |
   |                   Load Phase                                                                                     |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 168

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%Q0_BUF_L             |=============================XXXXXXXXXX|  Buffered version of Q(slave)<0> - Controls |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  SMUL step. Waveform for SHR operation of   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Q Register.                                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_QREG_SIM (sim with 0.625pF)                             Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.63 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emd          PHI4 + 24nS        eac          EARLY PHI1           ?                    ?                    |
   |               (when used with SHR)                                                                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%Q0_SHR_LD_H          |\____________________________//========|  Early SHR mechanism for Q0.  Q0 is need    |
   |   E_S%Q0_SHR_LD_L          |         |         |         |         |  earlier then E_S%Q_SHR_H allows - to       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  control the SMUL step.                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_QREG_SIM                                                Last Updated: 2/19/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.21/0.28 pF (H/L)      |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI4         emd          PHI4 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%Q_SHL_H              |/=========\____________________________|  Load Q(master) from SHL Q(slave)           |
   |   E_S%Q_SHL_L              |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%Q_SHR_H              |         |         |         |         |  Load Q(master) from SHR Q(slave)           |
   |   E_S%Q_SHR_L              |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_QREG_SIM                                                Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.88 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI1         emd          PHI1 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%QM_WSEL_H            |/=========\____________________________|  Load Q(master) from W_BUS                  |
   |   E_S%QM_WSEL_L            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_QREG_SIM                                                Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.85 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc          EARLY PHI1         emd          PHI1 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 169

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%QR31_BUF_H           |XXXXXXXXXXX============================|  Q(slave) bit 31, sent to ALU during UDIV   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Waveform for SHL operation of Q Register.  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_QREG_SIM (sim with extracted cap)                       Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.42 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emd          PHI1 + 27nS        ead            PHI3           mux in ead               No                   |
   |               (when used with SHL)                                                                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%QR_ASEL_H            |__/=========\__________________________|  Read Q(slave) onto A_BUS                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_QREG_SIM (sim with extracted cap)                       Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 3.15 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc       Trail PHI1 by 5nS     emd          Early PHI1           No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%R_SHFT_H<32:0>       Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdec                                Used by: ebs                                                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%RAW_RN15_L           Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edtg                                Used by: edw                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%RN_H<3:0>            |===================XXXXXXXXXXX=========|  Buffered version of g_s%rn_h<3:0>          |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 2/14/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.72 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      edtg          BUFFERED          erl             Phi1         Drives reg cell            No                  |
   |                    G_S%RN_H                       Timing not crit                                                |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 170

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%SEL_BYTE_CC_H        |==========XXXXXXX======================|  Select BYTE condition codes                |
   |   E_S%SEL_FPA_CC_H         |         |         |         |         |  Select FPA condition codes                 |
   |   E_S%SEL_LONG_CC_H        |         |         |         |         |  Select LONG condition codes                |
   |   E_S%SEL_SHFT_CC_H        |         |         |         |         |  Select SHIFTER condition codes             |
   |   E_S%SEL_WORD_CC_H        |         |         |         |         |  Select WORD condition codes                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_DECODE_SIM (sim with 0.7pF)                          Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.73 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecd          PHI2 + 19nS        ecl        PHI3 thru PHI1         No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%SELECT_ALU_SHFT_L       Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdecm                                Used by: ebdc                                                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%SELECT_SPUR_H           Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdecm                                Used by: ebdc                                                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%SET_RESTART_H           Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: erl                                   Used by: erd                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 171

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%SH_DIR_H             |===================XXXXXXXXXXXXX=======|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):  E_BARREL_DEC_CON_MIB_SIM  (0.85pF)                       Last Updated: 9/10/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.87 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |     ebdecm        PHI4 + 3nS       ebdecc        By rising PHI1      Latch                                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%SHFTVAL_H<4:0>       |===================XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):  E_BARREL_DEC_CON_MIB_SIM (0.58pF)                        Last Updated: 9/10/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.64 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |     ebdecm        By PHI1          ebdecc          By PHI1           Latch                                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%SHIFT_H           Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                          |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdecm                                   Used by: ebdec, ebc                                        |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%SHIFT_DIR_H          Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%SHIFT_DIR_L                                                                                                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdecc                              Used by: ebdec                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 172

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%SHL_ALU_H            |___________________//=========\\_______|  SHL ALU output (used in UDIV)              |
   |   E_S%SHL_ALU_L            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%SHR_ALU_H            |         |         |         |         |  SHR ALU output (used in SMUL)              |
   |   E_S%SHR_ALU_L            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_ALU_SIM (look at sim for exact speed of signal)         Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.2/2.6 pF (H/L)        |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ear             PHI3            ead          PHI3 ctrl            No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%SMUL_L               Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: eacm                             Used by: eac                                                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%SN_L<2:0>            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edtg                                Used by: edw                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%SPUR_TO_W_H          Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%SPUR_TO_W_L                                                                                                |
   |                              Valid from PHI4 + 9nS to PHI1 + 11nS                                                |
   |   Driven by: ebdc                                Used by: ebd                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%SV_H<4:0>            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%SV_L<4:0>                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdecc                              Used by: ebdec                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 173

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%UDIV_ALU_C_H         |=============================XXXXXXXXX=|  ALU Carry bit used in UDIV Step            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM (sim with 0.27pF)                          Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.27 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecl          PHI4 + 20nS        eac       Ideally LE PHI1         ?                     ?                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%UDIV_L            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                          |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: eacm                              Used by: eac                                                      |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%UNCOND_LD_PC_L       |XXXXXXX================================|  Unconditional Load of V&PC                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_DECODE_SIM (sim with 1.1pF)                          Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.75 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecd          PHI1 + 18nS        ebt        PHI2 thru PHI3         No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%UPD_PSLDP_CC_H       |XXXXXXXX===============================|  Datapath copy of PSL.CCs should be updated |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): NOT SIMULATED                                             Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.83 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecd           LATE PHI1         emc             PHI3              No                    No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 174

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%UPDATE_SHADOW_SC_H   |__________//XXXXXXXX\\_________________|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 2/14/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 1.93 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      edw      Delayed ~1 & 2 & ~3   ebdecm  Valid after 1 and low     No                     No                  |
   |               Else must be low              be 4                                                                 |
   |   Note  For further details see Spice Schematic.  Not speced since Spice Sims cross schematic boundary.          |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%UPDATE_WSEL_H        Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%UPDATE_WSEL_L                                                                                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edw                                 Used by: edw, edtg                                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%USE_DL_ZEXT_H          Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                     |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdcm                              Used by: ebdc                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%USE_OLD_Z_H          |==========XXXXXXX======================|  Use Old Z function                         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_DECODE_SIM (sim with 0.7pF)                          Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.68 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ecd          PHI2 + 19nS        ecl         ENTIRE PHI1           No                    No                  |
   |                                                   and PHI2+                                                      |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 175

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%WB_PURE_H            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%WB_PURE_L                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%WB_SN_H                                                                                                    |
   |   E_S%WB_SN_L                                                                                                    |
   |   E_S%WB_SNP1_H                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%WB_SNP1_L                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: erd                                 Used by: edw                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%WRITE_REG_H          Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edtg                                Used by: edw, edtg                                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%WRITE_SC_L           Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: erd                                 Used by: edw                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%WSEL_15_8_HPG<14:0>  Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%WSEL_31_16_HPG<14:0>                                                                                       |
   |   E_S%WSEL_7_0_HPG<14:0>                                                                                         |
   |   E_S%WSEL_HT<15:0>                                                                                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edtg                                Used by: erf                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%WSEL_HW<7:0>         Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: edw                                 Used by: erf, <7> edw                                           |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 176

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |   E_S%Z_B_H                |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%Z_LW_H               |=========XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=|                                             |
   |   E_S%Z_W_H                |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_CC_LOGIC_SIM, E_ZERO_DET_SIM                            Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.91 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:   When Valid:          Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:       |
   |      ezd       PHI1 - 5nS (1.2pF)    ecl          LATE PHI4        mux in ecl                No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ZD_15_8_L            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%ZD_23_16_L                                                                                                 |
   |   E_S%ZD_31_24_L                                                                                                 |
   |   E_S%ZD_7_0_L                                                                                                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebd                                 Used by: ezd                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ZD_PHI4_L            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ezd                                 Used by: ebd                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ZERO_15_8_L          Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%ZERO_31_16_L                                                                                               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdc                                Used by: ebd                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ZERO_A0_H            |////=========\_________________________|  Zero A_BUS<0> for K.SEXT                   |
   |   E_S%ZERO_A1_TO_A31_H     |         |         |         |         |  Zero A_BUS<31:1> for K.SEXT and K1         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_MISC_CTRL_SIM (sim with extracted caps)                 Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.44/3.2 pF (A0/A1..)   |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      emc        PHI1 + 11/12nS       emd           PHI1 ctrl           No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 177

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ZERO_A_H             |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX========================|                                             |
   |   E_S%ZERO_B_H             |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):   E_BARREL_DEC_CON_SIM (0.43pF)                           Last Updated: 10/09/86       |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 0.44 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ebdecc       PHI1 + 11nS        ebc        Two gate delays        No                    No                  |
   |                                                 before 3 thru 3                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ZERO_A_L          Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                          |
   |   E_S%ZERO_B_L                                                                                                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebdecm                              Used by: ebdecc                                                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ZERO_BYTEx_H         |/////=========\________________________|  Zero bytes on B_BUS (KMUX)                 |
   |     x is 0 through 3       |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_KMUX_SIM (sim with 3.0pF)                               Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.93 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ekc          PHI1 + 13ns        emd           PHI1 ctrl           No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   E_S%ZERO_CONST_BITx_H    |/////=========\________________________|  Drive constants onto B_BUS (KMUX)          |
   |     x is 0 through 7       |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): E_KMUX_SIM (sim with 3.0pF)                               Last Updated: 9/03/86        |
   |                                                                                     Cl = 2.48 pF                 |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |      ekc          PHI1 + 13ns        emd           PHI1 ctrl           No                   Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 178

     EBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   E_S%ZERO_LA_H            Timing not speced - Spice simulation crosses schematic boundary                       |
   |   E_S%ZERO_LB_H                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by: ebc                                 Used by: ebl                                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 179

   3.18  Change Requests (ECO)

   The following change requests have been reflected in this revision of  the

         o  5MAY06PIR.1

         o  5JUN01PIR.1

         o  5JUN11PEG.1

         o  5JUL01AO.1

         o  5JUL15PIR.1

         o  5JUL18PIR.1

         o  5JUL18PIR.2

         o  5AUG20DS.1

         o  5SEP19A0.2

         o  5SEP19FF.1

         o  5SEP25PEG.1

         o  5OCT02PEG.1

         o  5DEC20TFF.1

         o  5DEC27DWA.1

         o  6FEB19DWA.1

         o  6FEB21DWA.1

         o  6FEB21PEG.1

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 180

   3.19  ISSUES

   The following items are unresolved issues about the E  BOX  design.   Note
   that  items  followed by a [RESOLVED] have been decided, and are reflected
   in the spec.

        1.  Should the VAX Restart Flag Bit be set if the  PSL  is  modified?
            Currently it is not.

            ANS:  1-2-85 P.E.G.  - ANSWER:  NO.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 181

   4  MEMORY (M) BOX

   The Memory (M) Box is responsible for memory management in the CVAX.   The
   M  Box  description is divided into two sections:  an M Box overview and a
   detailed M Box functional description.

   4.1  M Box Overview

   The M Box Overview provides a general discussion of the operation of the M
   Box.  It describes the individual microinstructions which directly control
   the M Box.  A flow chart of the various events that can  occur  during  an
   address  translation  is presented.  Also included is a chart of all the M
   Box registers.

   4.1.1  Introduction -

   The M Box is responsible for memory management.  Its primary  function  is
   to  translate  virtual  addresses into physical addresses and determine if
   the process is allowed immediate access to memory.  In determining  access
   the  M  Box  checks  to  see  if the process has the required privilege to
   reference the requested page, if the page is swapped out,  if  a  page  is
   being  modified for the first time, if there is a length violation, and if
   the reference crosses page boundaries.  The M Box informs the microcode of
   various exceptions by generating a microtrap and driving specified bits on
   the Microtest bus.

   The  microcode  can   never   request   more   than   one   longword   per
   microinstruction,  and  since a longword reference can be unaligned, the M
   Box must determine if the memory reference requires  more  than  one  IDAL
   transaction.   On unaligned accesses the M Box will use VAP for addressing
   the second longword of data, but VAP is  not  incremented  when  used  for
   unaligned  accesses.   When  this occurs a single MEMORY REQUEST (MEM REQ)
   microinstruction causes two bus cycles to occur.  The M Box also  contains
   a  byte  rotator  which  can rotate the position of data bytes transferred
   between the W Bus and the IDAL during unaligned accesses.

   4.1.2  Microinstruction Control Of The M Box -

   There are many types of microinstructions that control  the  M  Box.   The
   microinstruction  type that generates the most control of the M Box is the
   MEMORY REQUEST (MEM REQ) type  of  microinstruction  which  causes  memory
   requests  to  occur.   Other types of microinstructions, such as BASIC and
   SPECIAL, also control the M Box and  are  used  for  reading  and  writing
   registers in the M Box and for controlling the Microtest bus.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 182
   MEMORY (M) BOX  Memory Requests -

   The MEMORY REQUEST (MEM REQ) microinstructions cause various functions  to
   be executed in the M Box.  The MEM FUNC (Memory Function) MIB<37:33> field
   of the MEM REQ microinstruction specifies  the  type  of  function  to  be
   performed.   The  table below lists all the memory request functions.  The
   privilege check and  access  mode  for  a  virtual  memory  reference  are
   determined  by  the  MREQ.ACC field MIB<30:28>.  MREQ.ACC specifies if the
   privilege check is read, write, AT=M, or none, and whether the access mode
   is  the  current  mode  (in  the partial PSL) or a mode stored in the MODE
   register.  If  the  access  requested  by  the  virtual  memory  reference
   (privilege  check/access  mode)  is  not  allowed  by  the protection code
   associated with the page, then an access  control  violation  will  occur.
   This  will  cause  a  microtrap  if  it  is  not a probe and traps are not


                                       Reference    Address   VAP after 
   MIB<37:33>   Function               Type         Source    Reference 
   ----------   ---------              ---------    -------   ---------
      00        MREQ.VIRT.VA            Virtual      VA        VA +4
      04        MREQ.VIRT.VAP           Virtual      VAP       VAP+4
      08        MREQ.PHYS.VA            Physical     VA        VA +4
      0C        MREQ.PHYS.VAP           Physical     VAP       VAP+4
      10        PROBE.VIRT.VA           Virtual      VA        unchanged
      14        PROBE.VIRT.VAP          Virtual      VAP       unchanged
      05        MREQ.VIRT.VAP.PTE       Virtual      VAP       VAP+4
      0D        MREQ.PHYS.VAP.PTE       Physical     VAP       VAP+4
      0B        MREQ.PHYS.VA.IPR        Physical     VA        VA +4
      0F        MREQ.PHYS.VAP.INTVEC    Physical     VAP       VAP+4
      02        MREQ.VIRT.VA.LOCK       Virtual      VA        VA +4
      18        FPA                       -          -        unchanged
      1D        MXPR (Proc. Reg. Trans.)  -          -        unchanged
      1E        MXPS0 (Spur Trans. 0)     -          -        unchanged
      1F        MXPS1 (Spur Trans. 1)     -          -        unchanged

   All virtual references use the MREQ.ACC field to determine  the  privilege
   and  access modes to be checked against the value stored in the Protection
   field of the TB entry.

   MIB<30:28>   Privilege Check       Access Mode
   ----------  ---------------       -----------

       0       none                  current (PSL)   <-- Arbitrary since no check is performed
       2       read                  current (PSL)
       3       read                  mode    (MODE)
       4       write                 current (PSL)
       5       write                 mode    (MODE)
       6       AT=m                  current (PSL)

   note: AT=m (Access-type = modify) means that the privilege check is write if AT=m, 
         otherwise check for read; the I BOX sends a signal (G_S%AT_EQ_MOD_H) to the
         M Box indicating that AT=m.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 183

   The DST field determines the destination control for that instruction.

   MIB<27:26>  Destination
   ----------  -----------
      00       destination is bit bucket
      01       destination is A-port select
      10       destination is W[SN]
      11       destination is B-port select

   The RW field determines whether a READ or WRITE is performed for that  MEM

   MIB<31>     Read/Write
   -------     ----------
      0        Read
      1        Write  Microcode Restrictions -

   The following is a  list  of  microcode  restrictions  and  general  facts
   concerning the use of the M Box.

        1.  All D-stream TB misses load the tag pointed to  by  the  NLU  and
            clear  the  TB.V  bit.  The microcode must guarantee that after a
            D-stream TB miss, if the PTE associated with the just loaded  TAG
            is  to  be  brought into the TB, a READ PTE must occur before any
            memory translations occur that could miss  the  TB  (and  load  a
            different TAG in the NLU).

        2.  A memory cycle immediately following a READ MREQ.PTE must use the
            same PTE that was just written, as this is the only PTE that will
            translate correctly in the  very  next  cycle.   If  an  MEM  REQ
            microinstruction   does   not   follow   a  READ  MREQ.PTE,  then
            prefetching must be disabled during the  microcycle  following  a
            READ  MREQ.PTE to avoid an attempt to access a PTE other than the
            one just written.

        3.  A BCS = MMGT.STATUS or BCS = MREF.STATUS during an MEM  REQ  that
            loads  the MMGT.STATUS register will use the value of MMGT.STATUS
            from the previous microcycle for the BRANCH.

        4.  An instruction that cases on Status bits must not be  capable  of
            trapping on a fault and modifying the Status bits being cased.

        5.  A  WRITE  changing  the  PSL  current  mode  bits   or   a   MXPS
            WRITE[MODE<1:0>] can not be followed in the next cycle by a MREQ.
            A prefetch can not occur in the cycle following a WRITE  changing
            the PSL current mode bits.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 184

        6.  ZAP.TB.IF.HIT or ZAP.TB can  only  be  selected  in  the  SPECIAL
            microinstruction if prefetching is disabled.  Virtual -

   Execute a  READ  (or  WRITE)  function.   Use  VA  (or  VAP)  as  address.
   Translate  using  TB.   Cross  Page checking only occurs on VA references.
   Check for none, READ, WRITE,  or  AT  privilege.   Note  that  on  virtual
   references with no privilege checking, the TB.V tag, and the PTE.V bit are
   still examined.  The PTE.M is checked during  write  access  check.   Data
   length  is  given by the microinstruction and is either DL or LONG.  DL is
   the data length received from the I Box.  Virtual Lock -

   Same as virtual but the BIU issues a READ LOCK  (or  WRITE  UNLOCK)  CYCLE
   STATUS CODE on the CS pins.  Physical -

   Execute a READ (or WRITE) function.  Use VA (or VAP) as address.   Do  not
   translate  or  update MEMORY MANAGEMENT STATUS REGISTERS; bypass TB.  Data
   length is either DL or LONG.  Probe References -

   Probe references are used to determine if a memory data transfer  will  be
   successful,  ie,  whether  memory  management  will  allow  it.   No  data
   transfers are done under any circumstances.  The  probes  test  reads  and
   writes  of  bytes using the Current (PSL) or the MODE bits as the mode for
   access checking.   VAP  is  unchanged.   Probes  can  only  take  TB  miss
   microtraps.   Probes  do  not  take  ACV/TNV microtraps because this would
   result in an exception, and a probe is only a test of  the  success  of  a
   memory  reference.   Cross  Page  and  M=0  traps  are disabled on probes.
   MMGT.STATUS and MBOX.STATUS are  loaded  during  probe  microinstructions;
   this  allows  the  microcode  to  test  whether  there  has been an access
   violation, or a translation not valid.  Virtual PTE Reference -

   Do a virtual access of memory for Read PPTE.  Put the modified  data  into
   the  not last used entry (NLU) of the TB and set TB.V.  VAP is incremented
   by 4.  The NLU pointer indicates the entry was not the last one to be used
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 185

   of the entries in the TB.  The TAG will be overwritten on a READ PPTE with
   a miss.  Cross Page traps do not occur  because  microcode  guarantees  an
   aligned reference always takes place.  Physical PTE Reference -

   Do a physical access of memory for Read SPTE.  Put the modified data  into
   the not last used entry (NLU) of the TB and set TB.V.  Read Interrupt Vector -

   Execute an interrupt identify sequence.  The decoded level  is  passed  to
   the bus via VAP.  The TB is bypassed as in physical reads.  In response to
   this command,  the  memory  system  responds  with  the  interrupt  vector
   received  from  the  interrupting device.  Microcode guarantees an aligned
   reference always takes place.  Force data length to word.  Internal Processor Register -

   MREQ.PHYS.VA.IPR is the same as Physical but send out a IPR type in the CS
   code  and  force  a Cache Miss if a READ.  Data Length is LONG.  Microcode
   guarantees that an aligned reference always takes place.  MXPS Transfer -

   The MXPS Transfer is used for reading and writing the MAPEN register,  and
   writing MODE and MMGT.STATUS in the M Box via the W bus Spur.  MXPR Transfer -

   The MXPR Transfer is used for reading and  writing  the  SLR,  P0LR,  P1LR
   registers  in  the  M  Box.   When the register is the source the register
   contents are read onto the B-bus.  When the register  is  the  destination
   the register is written to from the W-bus.  FPA Transfer -

   The FPA Transfer is used to Latch data off the IDAL and drive it onto  the
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 186
   MEMORY (M) BOX  Non Memory Request Microinstructions -

   Besides the Memory Request type of microinstruction,  a  number  of  other
   types  of  microinstructions and fields of microinstructions control the M
   Box.  BCS Field -

   The BCS field of the microinstruction is used to control  writing  to  the
   Microtest  bus.   Registers  in  the  M  Box selected by the BCS field are

   The B field of the SHIFT and BASIC microinstructions is used to  read  and
   write VA, VAP, or VIBA.  MISC Field -

   The MISC field is used to clear MMGT_TD (Trap Disable), set MMGT_REXE,  or
   write   VA,  VAP,  or  VIBA  (in  parallel  with  another  operation),  or
   conditionally load VIBA based on the state of the BRANCH CONDITION  signal
   (G_S%BCOND_TRUE_H) from the E Box.  SPECIAL -

   The MISC1 field of the SPECIAL microinstruction is used to invalidate  all
   TB entries (and clear REPROBE and MMGT_REXE), invalidate a TB entry if Hit
   by the address in VA, or  set  MMGT.TD.   Microcode  will  guarantee  that
   prefetching is disabled before any ZAP.TB or ZAP.TB.IF.HIT is executed.  BROADCAST -

   If G_S%BRDCST_WBUS_H is asserted, then the M Box will latch  the  contents
   of  the  WBUS  during PH1 of the next cycle, and drive the latched data on
   the IDAL during PH2 and PH3.

   4.1.3  Translation Buffer Description -

   The Translation Buffer provides virtual to physical address translations.

   TB Hit - There is  a  TB  hit  if  bits  <31:9>  of  the  virtual  address
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 187

   undergoing translation match one of the tags in the TB and the TB.V stored
   in the corresponding PTE is SET.  When there is a TB hit, TB_MISS  remains
   de-asserted.  The TB drives the physical address out onto the IDALs.

   TB Miss - There is a TB miss if the REPROBE  flag  is  not  set  and  bits
   <31:9> of the virtual address undergoing translation do not match any tag,
   or they do match a tag and the TB.V bit stored in the corresponding PTE is
   CLEARed.   If  there  is  a  miss  during  a D stream translation, The TAG
   pointed to by the NLU circuit is written, its TB.V bit is cleared,  and  a
   TB  miss microtrap is taken if the MMGT_TD (trap disable flag) is not set.
   If there is a miss during an I  stream  prefetch,  then  no  microtrap  is
   taken, the TAG is NOT written, VIBA is not incremented, and IB_FILL_ERR is

   4.1.4  Microcode Flows -

   The following tables present  an  overview  of  various  memory  reference
   sequences.   The  first  table  presents  longword  references, the second
   presents references that use DL.

   The microcode flows are presented in tabular form.  Each line in the table
   represents one machine cycle.  First the MEM REQ microinstruction mnemonic
   is given.  If there is "----" in  the  microinstruction  entry  then  that
   indicates  that  the previous microinstruction is still being executed (as
   would be the case if STALL was asserted before T50 of the previous cycle),
   "xxxx"  signifies  that  the next microinstruction is executing.  Then the
   source and destination fields are given.  The following tables assume that
   all  READ  cycles complete in one microcycle (which is the fastest allowed
   by CVAX with a cache hit) and all WRITE cycles require three  microcycles.
   The  term  REGn  indicates  any register allowed in the source destination
   field.  2ND_REF (internal to the M Box) and BM  are  the  state  of  these
   signals  for  that  given cycle.  The entries under the VA and VAP columns
   are defined as the state of these registers at the beginning of the cycle.
   STALL is the state of that signal at T50 for that cycle.

   The term ROT refers to a byte rotator and RL is  the  rotator  latch  used
   during  unaligned references that cross longword boundaries.  BM refers to
   the byte mask; the four bits refer to byte3,  byte2,  byte1,  byte0.   The
   term  'xxxx'  indicates  a don't care.  Note that VA<7:0> and VAP<7:0> are
   given in hex.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 188
   MEMORY (M) BOX  Longword References -

       microinstruction                          VA    VAP
           mnemonic   S/D   2ND_REF  STALL  BM  <7:0> <7:0>   comments
   ALIGNED LONGWORD READ                                                   
           READ       REG1    0        0   1111   10   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VA];  W-bus<--cache data;
           xxxx       xxxx    x        0   xxxx   10   14     REG1<--W-bus;

           WRITE      REG1    0        0   1111   10   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VA];  W-bus<--REG1;
      (b)  xxxx       xxxx    x        0   1111   10   14     DAL<--BIU data latch<--M Box latch<--W-bus;
      (a)  xxxx       xxxx    x        0   1111   xx   xx     DAL<--BIU data latch; ---> RDY
           READ       REG1    1        1   1100   12   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VA];  RL<-- ROT(cache data);
           ----       ----    1        0   0011   12   16     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VAP]; W-bus<-- RL+ROT(cache data);
           xxxx       xxxx    x        x   xxxx   12   16     REG1<-W-bus;

           WRITE      REG1    1        1   1100   12   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VA]; W-bus<-REG1;
           ----       ----    1        1   1100   12   16     DAL<--BIU data latch<--M Box latch<--ROT(W-bus);
           ----       ----    1        1   1100   12   16     DAL<--BIU data latch; --->RDY 
           ----       ----    1        0   0011   12   16     DAL<--BIU addr latch; BIU addr latch<--PA[VAP];
      (b)  xxxx       xxxx    x        x   0011   xx   xx     DAL<--BIU data latch; 
      (a)  xxxx       xxxx    x        x   0011   xx   xx     DAL<--BIU data latch; ---> RDY
      READ(WRITE)     REG1    0        0   1111   10   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--xxxx;  microtrap is forced; Uinstr. is aborted;

      READ(WRITE)     REG1    1        1   0011   12   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--xxxx;  microtrap is forced; Uinstr. is aborted;

   notes: (a) during this cycle the DAL is busy (no instruction which uses the DAL can execute during this cycle)
          (b) during this cycle the DAL and IDAL are busy (no instruction which uses the IDAL or DAL can execute during this cycle)

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 189
   MEMORY (M) BOX  Memory References That Use DL -

   All of the above examples assumed that the data length was equal to  LONG.
   The  following cases show what happens when DL is equal to a WORD and when
   DL is equal to a QUADWORD.  Note that when a byte or  word  is  read  from
   memory,  the  upper  bytes  are  zero  extended  by  the  E Box before the
   destination register is loaded.  When a QUADWORD transaction takes  place,
   it is convenient to use a MREQ using VA for the first reference and a MREQ
   using VAP for the second reference.

       microinstruction                          VA    VAP
           mnemonic   S/D   2ND_REF  STALL  BM  <7:0> <7:0>   comments

           READ       REG1    0        0   0011   10   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VA]; W-bus<--cache data;
           xxxx       xxxx    x        x   xxxx   10   14     REG1<-- 00+W-bus; 

           WRITE      REG1    0        0   0011   10   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VA]; W-bus<-REG1;
       (b) xxxx       xxxx    x        x   0011   10   14     DAL<--BIU data latch<--M Box latch<--W-bus;
       (a) xxxx       xxxx    x        x   0011   xx   xx     DAL<--BIU data latch;  ---> RDY

           READ       REG1    0        0   1100   12   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VA]; W-bus<--ROT(cache data);
           xxxx       xxxx    x        x   xxxx   12   16     REG1<-- 00+W-bus;

           WRITE      REG1    0        0   1100   12   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VA]; W-bus<-REG1;
      (b)  xxxx       xxxx    x        x   1100   12   16     DAL<--BIU data latch<--M Box latch<--ROT(W-bus);
      (a)  xxxx       xxxx    x        x   1100   xx   xx     DAL<--BIU data latch; ---> RDY

           READ       REG1    0        0   1111   10   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VA]; W-bus<-- cache data;
           READ       REG2    0        0   1111   10   14     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VAP]; REG1<--W-bus; W-bus<-- cache data;
           xxxx       xxxx    x        x   xxxx   10   14     REG2<--W-bus;

           READ       REG1    1        1   1100   12   xx     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VA]; RL<--ROT(cache data);
           ----       ----    1        0   0011   12   16     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VAP]; W-bus<--RL+ROT(cache data);
           READ       REG2    1        1   1100   12   16     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VAP]; REG1<--W-bus; RL<-ROT(cache data);
           ----       ----    1        0   0011   12   1A     DAL<--BIU addr latch<--PA[VAP]; W-bus<--RL+ROT(cache data);
           xxxx       xxxx    x        x   xxxx   12   1A     REG2<--W-bus;

           READ       REG1    0        0   1111   FC   xx     microtrap is forced;

           READ       REG1    1        1   1100   12   xx     microtrap is forced; Uinstr. is aborted.

   notes: (a) DAL-busy 
          (b) DAL-busy and IDAL-busy 

   * This word is unaligned in the sense that the lowest two address bits  do
   not  equal  00.   It is not unaligned in the sense that the word crosses a
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 190

   longword boundary.

   4.1.5  Registers -

   This section is a summary of the registers and latches located within  the
   M  Box  and  the  methods  available for reading and writing these storage

   |  Register or latch  | Bits      |     Access    |     Addressing Method                        |   Bus                |
   |  VA                 | <31:0>    |     read      |     BASIC/SHIFT [B-port = VA]                |   B-bus              |
   |                     |           |     write     |     BASIC/SHIFT [B-port = W-bus = VA]        |   W-bus              |
   |                     |           |     write     |     MISC.WRITE.VA                            |   W-bus              |
   |  VAP                | <31:0>    |     read      |     BASIC/SHIFT [B-port = VAP]               |   B-bus              |
   |                     |           |     write     |     BASIC/SHIFT [B-port = W-bus = VAP]       |   W-bus              |
   |                     |           |     write     |     MISC.WRITE.VAP                           |   W-bus              |
   |  VIBA               | <31:0>    |     read      |     BASIC/SHIFT [B-port = VIBA],             |   B-bus              |
   |                     |           |               |         Bits <1:0> read only zero            |                      |
   |                     | <31:2>    |     write     |     BASIC/SHIFT [B-port = W-bus = VIBA]      |   W-bus              |
   |                     | <31:2>    |     write     |     MISC=IF.BCOND.LOAD.V&PC                  |   W-bus              |
   |                     | <31:2>    |     write     |     MISC=IF.BCOND.LOAD.V&PC.TRAP             |   W-bus              |
   |                     | <31:2>    |     write     |     MISC=LOAD.V&PC                           |   W-bus              |
   |  P0LR               | <30:0>    |     read      |     MEM REQ MXPR [P0LR]                      |   B-bus              |
   |                     | <30:9>    |     write     |     MEM REQ MXPR [P0LR]                      |   W-bus              |
   |  P1LR               | <30:0>    |     read      |     MEM REQ MXPR [P1LR]                      |   B-bus              |
   |                     | <30:9>    |     write     |     MEM REQ MXPR [P1LR]                      |   W-bus              |
   |  SLR                | <30:0>    |     read      |     MEM REQ MXPR [SLR]                       |   B-bus              |
   |                     | <30:9>    |     write     |     MEM REQ MXPR [SLR]                       |   W-bus              |
   |  MMGT.STATUS        | <2:0>     |     read      |     BCS = MMGT.STATUS                        |   uTest-Bus<2:0>     |
   |                     |           |     write     |     Written with status during all MEM REQ's |   logic              |
   |                     |           |               |   MMGT.STATUS <2:0> is frozen if REPROBE set |                      |
   |                     |           |     write     |     MEM REQ  MXPS [MMGT.STATUS]              |   W-Spur<2:0>        |
   |  MBOX.STATUS        | <2:0>     |     read      |     BCS = MBOX.STATUS                        |   uTest-Bus<2:0>     |
   |                     |           |     write     |     Written with status during all MEM REQ's |   logic              |
   |                     |           |               |   MBOX.STATUS <2:0> is frozen if REPROBE set |                      |
   |                     |           |               |     MBOX.STATUS <2> is frozen if MMGT_TD set |                      |
   |  MREF.STATUS        | <0>       |     read      |     BCS = MREF.STATUS                        |   uTest-Bus<0>       |
   |                     |           |               |        ( NAND of MMGT.STATUS<2:0> )          |                      |
   |                     | <1>       |     read      |     BCS = MREF.STATUS                        |   uTest-Bus<1>       |
   |                     |           |     write     |     Set by IB_FILL_ERR asserted by BIU       |                      |
   |                     |           |     write     |     Cleared by IB_FILL_REQ                   |                      |
   |  PSL                | <26:24>   |     read      |     BCS = PSL 26-24                          |   uTest-Bus<2:0>     |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 191

   |                     |           |     write     |     A-port = W-bus = PSL (LOAD_PSL=1)        |   W-Bus<26:24>       |
   |                     |           |               |         shadows full PSL                     |                      |
   |  MODE               | <1:0>     |     write     |     MEM REQ MXPS [MODE]                      |   W-Bus Spur         |
   |  MAPEN              | <0>       |     read      |     MEM REQ MXPS [MAPEN]                     |   W-Bus Spur         |
   |                     |           |     write     |     MEM REQ MXPS [MAPEN]                     |   W-Bus Spur         |
   |                     |           |               |        cleared by RESET pin                  |                      |
   |  REPROBE            | <0>       |               |     Cleared by:                              |                      |
   |                     |           |               |             (a) IID_LD                       |                      |
   |                     |           |               |             (b) MEM REQ                      |                      |
   |                     |           |               |             (c) SPECIAL MISC1=ZAP.TB         |                      |
   |                     |           |               |     Set by SPECIAL MISC1=SET.REPROBE         |                      |
   |  MMGT_REXE          | <0>       |               |     Cleared by:                              |                      |
   |                     |           |               |             (a) IID_LD                       |                      |
   |                     |           |               |             (b) MEM REQ                      |                      |
   |                     |           |               |             (c) SPECIAL MISC1=ZAP.TB         |                      |
   |                     |           |               |     Set by MISC field=SET.REEXECUTE          |                      |
   |  MMGT_TD            | <0>       |               |     Cleared by MISC field=CLR.MMGT.TD        |                      |
   |                     |           |               |     Set by hardware if a mmgt microtrap (other than XPAGE)          |
   |                     |           |               |       occurs during MREQ                     |                      |
   |                     |           |               |     Set by SPECIAL MISC1=SET.MMGT.TD         |                      |
   |  TAG[15:0]          | <31:9>    |    write      |     TAG[NLU] written on a D stream TB Miss   |   Compare-bus        |
   |  PTE[15:0]          |<29:9,7:3,1>,TB.V          |     PTE[NLU] Written from IDAL during MREQ PTE                      |
   |                     |           |               |     TB.V[15:0] cleared by SPECIAL MISC1=ZAP.TB                      |
   |                     |           |               |     TB.V[NLU] set by MREQ PTE with no access violations             |
   |                     |           |               |     TB.V[NLU] cleared by TB MISS                                    |
   |                     |           |               |     TB.V[HIT] cleared by:                                           |
   |                     |           |               |             (a) SPECIAL MISC1=ZAP.TB(HIT).IF.HIT                    |
   |                     |           |               |             (b) hit with PTE.V=0 ;TNV does not                      |
   |                     |           |               |                 have to occur (to kill TB.V on probes)              |

   4.2  Function Descriptions

   The  major  function  blocks  of   the   M   Box   include   the   central
   microinstruction  decoding  logic,  the memory address logic for producing
   the starting address for  memory  transactions,  the  TB  for  translating
   virtual  addresses  into physical addresses, the access logic for assuring
   that memory is protected and access is allowed  to  translated  addresses,
   the  microtrap  logic  for flagging memory management conditions requiring
   trap routines to correct them,  unaligned/multiword  reference  logic  for
   controlling  IDAL  data formatting and forcing, IDAL second cycles, length
   checking logic, data latch and byte rotator.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 192

   The M Box passes E Box data as well as virtual or  physical  addresses  to
   the  IDAL.   Whenever  addresses  are delivered the BIU operand size logic
   transmits a two bit size code on the IDAL as well.

   4.2.1  Memory Address Logic -

   The Memory Address Logic consists  of  the  memory  address  registers,  a
   longword   incrementer,  and  associated  control  for  supplying  virtual
   addresses to the TB or physical addresses to the IDAL.  The Memory Address
   Logic consists of the following blocks.  VA (Virtual Address) Register -

   The VA is a longword register used to hold the initial address for  memory
   references.  The address may be virtual or physical.

   The VA register is never incremented.

   The VA register is explicitly read and written via  the  BASIC  and  SHIFT
   microinstructions  when  B-port  select = VA.  It is also written when the
   MISC field = WRITE.VA.

   STALL inhibits the writing of VA.  VAP (VA Prime) Register -

   The VAP is a longword register used during  unaligned  memory  references,
   multi-word memory sequences, and Memory Management microtrap processing.

   The M Box selects the VAP register during MREQ  microinstructions  if  the
   request  uses  VAP  as  the address source or during the second half of an
   unaligned data reference.

   The VAP register is  incremented  during  MREQ  microinstructions,  EXCEPT
   during  MREQ  PROBE,  MXPS,  MXPR,  FPA,  and  the  second bus cycle of an
   unaligned reference (to prevent two increments  in  an  unaligned),  or  a
   microtrap  request  (to  preserve  VAP  for  when  the microinstruction is
   retried after the microtrap).  The +4 adder  requires  one  microcycle  to
   add; VAP is loaded at the beginning of the next microcycle.

   The VAP register is explicitly read and written via the  BASIC  and  SHIFT
   microinstructions  when  the  B-port select = VAP (written when WBUS=VAP).
   It is also written when the MISC field = WRITE.VAP.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 193
   MEMORY (M) BOX  VIBA (Virtual Instruction Buffer Address) Register -

   The VIBA  is  a  longword  register  used  to  hold  the  address  of  the
   instruction  stream  that  is  being  prefetched.   IB  Fills use the VIBA
   register for the instruction address.  The VIBA register  is  selected  if
   the  current  microinstruction  is  not  a  MEM  REQ  or  BRDCST_WBUS, and
   IB_FILL_REQ is asserted, but GS%ONE_SLOT_FREE_H was not  asserted  in  the
   previous  microcycle  (i.e.   on  a cache hit during a prefetch, the I Box
   can't deassert IB_FILL_REQ in time to prevent a prefetch in the very  next
   cycle,  so  ONE_SLOT_FREE  is sent to prevent prefetching in the very next

   The VIBA register is incremented by four if a memory management  violation
   does  not occur during the prefetch.  Since a load from the VA Adder and a
   microcode write to VIBA may occur at the  same  time  in  the  cycle,  the
   explicit  write  always  takes precedence.  The M Box determines when VIBA
   will be written and sends WILL_LOAD_VIBA to the BIU.  If the BIU  receives
   WILL_LOAD_VIBA then IB_DATA_PRS is inhibited for any prefetch currently in
   progress.  The potential conflict occurs during a BRANCH microinstruction.

   The VIBA register is explicitly read and written via the BASIC  and  SHIFT
   microinstructions  when  the  B-port  select  =  VIBA (VIBA bits <1:0> are
   always read zero).  It is also written via a BRANCH microinstruction  when
   indicates that  specified  branch  conditions  are  met,  or  when  BCS  =

   Prefetches  from  VIBA  are  guaranteed  to   be   aligned   by   hardware
   (VIBA<1:0>=00).  + 4 Adder -

   The 32-bit VA adder is used to increment longword addresses from  VA,  VAP
   or VIBA by four.  The result can be loaded into the VAP or VIBA register.

   4.2.2  TB -

   The Translation Buffer is a 32 entry fully associative  memory  management
   array  for  fast  virtual  to  physical  address translation and supplying
   information to the Access Logic for page protection.

   The TB is utilized in the following three ways:

   1.  TB access - This is the normal virtual to physical address translation
   process  which  results  in  the  driving of the physical address onto the
   IDALs.  In the case of an TB Hit, a portion of the  PTE  is  sent  to  the
   Access  Logic  to  determine  whether  the access should be allowed.  This
   process is described in the TB Data Path.

   2.  TB Fill from Memory - This operation loads a new PTE into the TB  from
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 194

   Memory  as  a  result  of a Read PTE.  This process is described in the TB
   Read/Write Control block.

   3.  Invalidate - This operation invalidates one or all of the PTEs.  It is
   described  in the TB Invalidate Logic block.  When TB.V is CLEAR the state
   of  the  rest  of  the  PTE  is  irrelevant.   The  SPECIAL   MISC1=ZAP.TB
   microinstruction  causes  all  TB.V  bits  to  be  cleared.   The  SPECIAL
   MISC1=ZAP.TB(HIT).IF.HIT does a TB lookup using VA and invalidates any  TB
   entry hit.  PTEs -

   The CVAX_PTEs are stored in the TB in a modified format.   The  unmodified
   PTEs,  corresponding  to the format in memory, are called VAX_PTEs because
   the field assignments correspond to those defined in the SRM.

   The unmodified and modified PTE's are shown below.

   VAX_PTE (Unmodified PTE)

        3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
        1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
       |P|       |P|XXXXXXXXX|                                         |
       |T| PROT  |T|XXXXXXXXX|               PFN                       |
       |E|       |E|XXXXXXXXX|                                         |
       |.|       |.|XXXXXXXXX|                                         |
       |V|       |M|XXXXXXXXX|                                         |

   CVAX_PTE (Modified PTE)

        2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
        9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9
       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+     +-+
       |                                         |    |               |P|P|     | |
       |                                         |    |               |T|T|     |T|
       |                                         |    |               |E|E|     |B|
       |           PFN                           |    |     PROT      |.|.|     |.|
       |                                         |    |               |M|V|     |V|
       |                                         |    |               | | |     | |
       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+     +-+

   PTE.V is the PTE Valid bit.  It governs the validity of the Modify (M) bit
   and  the  Page  Frame  Number (PFN).  When PTE.V = 1, M and PFN are valid;
   when PTE.V = 0, M and PFN are reserved.  The PTE.V bit is not altered when
   PTEs are read from memory into the TB.

   PROT is the PTE Protection code.   This  field  is  always  valid  in  the
   VAX_PTE  but is only valid in the CVAX_PTE if the TB.V is valid.  The PROT
   field describes the accessibility (read, write, no access)  of  the  given
   page  for  each  mode  (kernel, executive, supervisor, user).  The VAX_PTE
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 195

   codes are partially decoded before being stored in the CVAX_PTE, the table
   below shows how the CVAX_PTE Protection field is decoded from the VAX_PTE

        VAX_PTE    CVAX_PTE      K   E   S   U

        0000       0000 0000     -   -   -   -

        0001       0000 0000     -   -   -   -

        0010       1000 1000     RW  -   -   -

        0011       1000 0000     R   -   -   -

        0100       1111 1111     RW  RW  RW  RW

        0101       1100 1100     RW  RW  -   -

        0110       1100 1000     RW  R   -   -

        0111       1100 0000     R   R   -   -

        1000       1110 1110     RW  RW  RW  -

        1001       1110 1100     RW  RW  R   -

        1010       1110 1000     RW  R   R   -

        1011       1110 0000     R   R   R   -

        1100       1111 1110     RW  RW  RW  R

        1101       1111 1100     RW  RW  R   R

        1110       1111 1000     RW  R   R   R

        1111       1111 0000     R   R   R   R

   PTE.M is the PTE Modify bit.  If PTE.M = 1, the page has been recorded  as
   modified  and if PTE.M = 0 the page has not been recorded as modified.  It
   is used only if PTE.V = 1.  It is SET  by  microcode  on  a  valid,  write
   access check.

   PFN is the Page Frame Number, which is the upper 21 bits of  the  physical
   address.  This page address is valid only if PTE.V = 1.

   TB.V is the TB Valid bit.  There is a TB.V bit associated with  each  PTE.
   The  TB.V  bit  is not part of the PTE or TAG but is in the control logic.
   When TB.V = 1, the CVAX_PTE entry is valid and corresponds  to  a  VAX_PTE
   entry.   When  TB.V = 0, the entry is invalid.  A SPECIAL microinstruction
   may be used to invalidate the entire TB.  There is a TB hit when there  is
   a tag match and the TB.V bit associated with the PTE corresponding to that
   tag is SET.  When there is an TB hit but PTE.V = 0,  hardware  clears  the
   TB.V bit associated with the accessed PTE.  When a PTE is read from memory
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 196

   into the TB via a MREQ PTE, TB.V is set by the M Box.  NLU -

   When a D stream TB_MISS occurs, a new tag must be written with bits <31:9>
   of  the  virtual  address  that  resulted in a miss.  This new tag must be
   written over an existing tag entry in the TB.  Statistics  show  that  the
   least  recently used entry is the best one to replace; however the control
   logic required to implement this algorithm  is  rather  complex.   A  much
   simpler  approach to implement is the not last used (NLU) algorithm, which
   which has only slightly degraded performance from that of  LRU.   The  NLU
   circuit  merely guarantees that its pointer is not pointing at the last TB
   entry to be used.  This is accomplished by moving the  pointer  if  it  is
   pointing  to  the  PTE/TAG  pair that has just been hit.  Thus the pointer
   rotates to the next sequential TB entry (PTE/TAG pair) each time the entry
   it  is  presently  pointing  to  is  hit, and will replace the entry it is
   pointing to if a TB miss occurs.  Both D stream and I  stream  hits  cause
   the  NLU  to  cycle.  However, an I stream miss does not cause the PTE/TAG
   entry, pointed to by the NLU,  to  be  replaced.   RESET  forces  the  NLU
   POINTER  to  a  particular PTE/TAG pair, while clearing the NLU POINTER at
   all other PTE/TAG locations.  TB Data Path -

   The TB data path consists of 32 TB entries (which can be used for  both  I
   and  D  stream),  plus  logic  to facilitate data formatting and transfers
   described below.  Each  TB  entry  consists  of  a  23-bit  Tag/Comparator
   register (CAM), a 31-bit PTE register (21-bits for PFN, 8-bits for PROT, 1
   for PTE.V and 1 for PTE.M), and a TB.V bit.

   If the Memory Management Enable (MME) bit of the MAPEN register is  CLEAR,
   or if the reference is physical, then the TB is turned off and the virtual
   address is transmitted as the physical address.  Otherwise, a TB access is
   performed as described below.

   Note that a TB hit requires that two conditions be met:   first  that  the
   TAG  and  the  appropriate  field of the virtual address agree, and second
   that the TB.V bit of the CVAX_PTE pointed to by the TB_TAG is SET.  I Stream Access -

   Whenever the microinstruction is not a MEM REQ or BRDCST_WBUS,  MMGT_TD=0,
   IB_FILL_REQ is asserted and ONE_SLOT_FREE was not asserted in the previous
   cycle, and M_STALL is not asserted, the TB attempts an address translation
   using  VIBA.   M_STALL  is  generated  by the BIU whenever the arbitration
   logic has determined that the IDAL will not be available.  IB_FILL_REQ  is
   generated by the I Box whenever prefetch data is desired.  Even though the
   TB attempts a translation, a prefetch will not occur (address strobe  will
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 197

   be  inhibited)  if  the  translation results in IB_FILL_ERR being asserted
   (BIUNOP will be asserted), or M_STALL is asserted  before  internal  clock
   Phase 2.  I Stream TB Hit -

   During a virtual I stream access, the TAGS are compared to bits <31:9>  of
   the VIBA register.  If the comparison is successful and TB.V is SET, there
   is a TB hit and the NLU is cycled (if it was pointing to the tag that  was
   hit,  its  pointer  will  be moved).  A physical address composed from the
   CVAX_PTE and VIBA<8:0> is passed to the IDAL.  The  CVAX_PTE  is  compared
   with  PSL<25:24>,  and read access check is performed, to determine if the
   access is allowed or whether the IB_FILL_ERR signal  should  be  asserted.
   No  microtraps  are  ever taken; MMGT.STATUS and MBOX.STATUS in the Access
   Logic are not altered.  If the access is allowed VIBA is incremented.  I Stream TB Miss -

   If  the  comparison  was  unsuccessful,  or  if  the  tag  comparison  was
   successful  but  TB.V  is  CLEAR  (the  CVAX_PTE may not correspond to the
   VAX_PTE), if PTE.V is not asserted or if an access violation occurs,  then
   the  signal  IB_FILL_ERR  is  sent to the I Box to disable prefetching and
   VIBA is not incremented.  No  microtraps  occur  because  the  data  being
   prefetched  may not be used.  Only when the prefetcher eventually runs out
   of valid data  does  the  microcode  force  an  I  stream  related  memory
   management fault.  D Stream Access -

   Besides I stream accesses  described  above,  the  TB  is  also  activated
   whenever  the  microinstruction is a virtual MREQ, and MME is enabled, and
   the IDAL is not busy, the exception being that PROBES execute even if  the
   IDAL is busy.  D Stream TB Hit -

   On a D stream translation, the TAGS are compared to bits <31:9> of  either
   the  VA  or the VAP register, depending on the type of memory request.  If
   the comparison is successful and TB.V is SET, there is a TB hit.  The  NLU
   is  cycled  (if  the  entry  pointed to is hit).  For a TB hit, a physical
   address is passed to the IDAL as in  the  I  stream  case.   The  CVAX_PTE
   protection  field is compared with PSL<25:24> or MODE<1:0> to determine if
   the access is allowed or whether a MMGT_TRAP should be issued and a Memory
   Management microtrap taken.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 198
   MEMORY (M) BOX  D Stream TB Miss -

   If  the  comparison  was  unsuccessful,  or  if  there  was  a  successful
   comparison  but  TB.V  was  CLEAR  (the CVAX_PTE may not correspond to the
   VAX_PTE), then a TB_MISS occurs.  A tag is written when a  D  stream  miss
   occurs.  If MMGT_TD = 0, REPROBE = 0, and BIU_TRAP is not asserted, then a
   TB_MISS microtrap occurs.  TB Data Formatting -

   This logic properly formats addresses delivered to the IDAL.  TB Bypasses -

   If the MME bit of the MAPEN register is CLEAR, or if the MREQ is physical,
   then the contents of one of the address registers (VIBA, VAP, or VA), bits
   <29:0>, are passed to the IDAL.  The  operand  size  bits  are  placed  on
   <31:30>  by  the  Memory  Operand  Size  Logic in the BIU.  The NLU logic,
   memory management status registers, and memory management trap  logic  are
   all disabled.  TB Accesses -

   Whenever there is a TB hit, the physical address must be  constructed  and
   driven  onto  the  IDAL  during  the  address  portion  of the cycle.  The
   physical address is built as follows.  The upper two bits of the IDAL (the
   operand  size  of the request) are driven by the Memory Operand Size Logic
   in the BIU.  The next 21 bits are the page  frame  number  (PFN)  and  are
   driven  by bits <29:9> of the CVAX_PTE.  The low nine bits of the IDAL are
   driven from the selected address register,  bits  <8:0>.   The  protection
   (PROT)  field  is  compared  against  either  PSL<25:24>  or MODE<1:0> and
   whether the reference is a READ or WRITE.  If the MREQ.ACC  field  of  the
   microinstruction specifies NONE, access is always granted.  TB Fills From Memory -

   Memory fills to the TB are performed during  Read  PTE  microinstructions.
   The TB fill happens during the execution of that microinstruction.

   During a Read PTE, the NLU pointer identifies the CVAX_PTE to be  written.
   The  associated  tag  was written when the D Stream TB miss occurred.  The
   CVAX_PTE is written from the IDAL via a hardwired rotator and  the  access
   decoder logic.

   Whenever the TB is loaded from memory, the TB.V bit is  set  by  hardware,
   indicating that the entry is valid.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 199

   If an ACV/TNV or TB miss is detected during a READ PTE, the M Box  asserts
   BIU_NOP, a TB fill does not occur and TB.V is not set.  TB Invalidate Logic -

   The  TB  entries  may  be  invalidated  (the  TB.V  bits  cleared)  either
   collectively  or  individually.  The reason for marking entries invalid is
   to prevent TB hits.

   The SPECIAL microinstruction is used to  invalidate  the  entire  TB  (via
   MISC1 = ZAP.TB).  MISC1=ZAP.TB(HIT).IF.HIT invalidates the TB location hit
   by VA (this type of microinstruction must  not  allocate  TAG  entries  on
   misses  or  take any MMGT traps).  When TB entries are loaded from memory,
   they are marked valid (TB.V is SET) by the M Box.

   When there is an TB Hit but PTE.V is not  asserted,  hardware  clears  the
   TB.V  bit  in the accessed PTE to prevent future incorrect TNV microtraps.
   Since the software can validate a VAX_PTE without notifying the  hardware,
   unless  the  TB entry is replaced with an updated version of the CVAX_PTE,
   TB hits with TNV microtraps will continue to occur (at that  TB  location)
   even  after  the VAX_PTE in memory has become valid.  Thus TB.V is cleared
   by hardware to cause a TB Miss to occur and a new entry to  be  loaded  in
   the  TB.   Note  that  I  stream  references cannot cause TNV or any other
   microtrap.  TB Miss Logic -

   If the microinstruction is a virtual MREQ, REPROBE is not set, and  memory
   management  is  enabled, and there is no TB hit, then TB_MISS is asserted.
   If a memory reference using VIBA is attempted, and  memory  management  is
   enabled, and there is no TB hit, then TB_MISS is asserted.

   TB_MISS is asserted only if there is no match in the TB.   A  match  means
   that the TAG comparison was successful and that the selected CVAX_PTE TB.V
   bit was SET.  TB Summary -

   ! No TB translation attempted

           If VIBA is the selected address source
                   IDAL <== PA[<31:30> = 11, <29:0> = VIBA<29:0>]

           If VAP is the selected address source
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 200

                   IDAL <== PA[<31:30> = 11, <29:0> = VAP<29:0>]

           If VA is the selected address source
                   IDAL <== PA[<31:30> = 11, <29:0> = VA<29:0>]

   Note:  PA<31:30> are driven to there correct value by the BIU when written
   to the DAL.  They are driven to 11 so that the IDAL does not just float.

   ! I Stream TB translation attempted

           If  TB Hit                                      ! TB Hit
                   IDAL <== PA[<31:30> = 11, <29:9> = CVAX_PTE<29:9>, <8:0> = VIBA<8:0>];

           If no TB Hit                                    ! TB Miss
                   Assert IB_FILL_ERROR            

   ! D Stream TB translation attempted using VAP as the address source

   If MME AND (MREQ using VAP OR second half of unaligned reference)
           If TB Hit                                       ! TB Hit
                   IDAL <== PA[<31:30> = 11, <29:9> = CVAX_PTE<29:9>, <8:0> = VAP<8:0>];

           If no TB Hit                                    ! TB Miss
                   TB_TAG[NLU] <== VAP<31:9>
                   TB_MISS, TB MISS MICROTRAP

   ! D Stream TB translation attempted using VA as the address source

   If MME AND MREQ using VA
           If TB Hit                                       ! TB Hit
                   IDAL <== PA[<31:30> = 11, <29:9> = D_STREAM_CVAX_PTE<29:9>, <8:0> = VA<8:0>];

           If no TB Hit                                    ! TB Miss
                   TB_TAG[NLU] <== VA<31:9> 
                   TB_MISS, TB MISS MICROTRAP

   ! TB Fill from Memory, D Stream only

   If Read PTE AND no access violation                     ! Read SPTE or PPTE
           CVAX_PTE[NLU] <== [<29:9>=IDAL<20:0>, PROT=IDAL<30:27>(decoded),CVAX_PTE.V=IDAL<31>],CVAX_PTE.M=IDAL<26>;
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 201

   ! TB Invalidate

   If SPECIAL AND (MISC1 = ZAP.TB)                                                 ! All entries invalidated
           CVAX_PTE[0:31] TB.V = 0

   If SPECIAL and (MISC1 = ZAP.TB(HIT).IF.HIT)             ! invalidate entry HIT by VA
           CVAX_PTE[HIT] TB.V = 0

   4.2.3  Access Logic -

   The Access Logic function  determines  if  the  memory  reference  request
   produces an access violation.  It is made up of the following blocks.  Privilege Check Logic -

   The Privilege Check Logic compares the CVAX_PTE protection  code  bits  to
   the  bits  specified  by the MREQ.ACC field and then determines whether or
   not there is a privilege violation.

   The Privilege Check Logic compares the PSL.CURM (the two CURRENT MODE bits
   from  the  PSL<25:24>)  or  MODE<1:0>  with  the Protection Code (PROT) to
   determine whether Read or Write Access is allowed to  the  addressed  page
   for  the  given  memory  request.   Read  Access is granted whenever Write
   Access  is  granted.   If  the  MREQ.ACC  field  of  the  microinstruction
   specifies NONE, then access is always granted.

   A privilege violation occurs if a Read Access Check is  requested  and  no
   Read  Access  is  allowed,  or if a Write Access Check is requested and no
   Write Access is allowed.

   Note that Write Access is independent of PTE.M.  However if the  PTE.M  is
   not  set  when  a Write Access is determined, and MMGT_TD is cleared, then
   the memory management microtrap M=0 is taken  to  set  PTE.M  in  the  PTE
   stored in memory and in the modified version in the CVAX_PTE.

   A privilege violation during IB Fills can be determined by checking for  a
   Read Access and PSL.CURM when fills are taking place.

   If the MME bit in the MAPEN register  (bit  0)  is  clear  then  privilege
   checking  is  disabled.   If  MME  is set and the reference is to reserved
   address space (VA<31:30>=11), then a length violation occurs.  Length Check Logic -

   The length check logic consists of three registers and a subtracter.   The
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 202

   three  registers  are  the  System  Length Register (SLR), Process Space 0
   Length Register (P0LR),  and  Process  Space  1  Length  Register  (P1LR).
   During  a virtual memory request the upper two bits of the virtual address
   select one of the  three  length  registers.   The  selected  register  is
   compared against the page frame number (PFN) of the virtual address.  This
   comparison is performed by the  length  subtractor.   For  P0  and  System
   address space, length violations occur if the PFN is greater than or equal
   to the associated length register.  For P1 space, length violations  occur
   if   the   PFN   is  less  than  the  P1LR.   For  reserved  system  space
   (VA<31:30>=11), length violations always occur.  Inhibit IB Fill Logic -

   When prefetching is halted and data is needed by the  instruction  buffer,
   microroutines  are  entered which load VIBA into VA and do a MREQ to bring
   the VAX_PTE into the TB if it is not already there and check for ACVs  and
   TNVs.   Microtraps  are  enabled.   The result of this MREQ is not stored.
   Prefetching is restarted only if there is no ACV or TNV.

   This guarantees that  no  ACV  or  TNV  will  occur  when  prefetching  is
   restarted.   However,  there are other cases where an ACV or TNV may occur
   when VIBA is used.  If mapping VIBA results in a TB  Miss,  ACV,  or  TNV,
   IB_FILL_ERROR  and BIU_NOP are asserted, but since the microinstruction is
   allowed to continue MMGT_TRAP and  STALL  are  not  asserted.   No  memory
   reference is started and VIBA is not incremented.  MMGT.STATUS -

   The MMGT.STATUS register  contains  three  status  bits.   MMGT.STATUS  is
   loaded  on  every  DEMAND Virtual MREQ, including PROBE, unless REPROBE is

           MMGT.STATUS<2> = 0 for ACV, 1 for TNV or TB miss or reference ok
           MMGT.STATUS<1> = 0 for ACV or TNV or TB miss, 1 for reference ok
           MMGT.STATUS<0> = 0 for ACV or TNV, 1 for TB miss or reference ok

                   ------------- ACV (access violation)
                   |  ---------- TNV (translation not valid)
                   |  |  ------- TB-miss
                   |  |  |  ---- Reference OK
                   |  |  |  |
                   V  V  V  V

   MMGT.STATUS<2>  0  1  1  1
   MMGT.STATUS<1>  0  0  0  1
   MMGT.STATUS<0>  0  0  1  1

   NOTE:  reference ok means that there was not a ACV/TNV, and there was  not
   a TB miss.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 203

   With the above encoding, four of  the  legitimate  values  of  MMGT.STATUS
   (000,  100,  101,111)  are  generated  automatically  by hardware, and the
   others are generated within the memory management flows.  All are unique:

           MMGT.STATUS<2:0> = 000 for process ACV (hardware)              <-
                              001 for process length violation (microcode)
                              010 for ppte ACV - impossible PER VAXB ECO
                              011 for ppte length violation (microcode)
                              100 for process TNV (hardware)              <-
                              101 for TB miss (hardware)                  <-
                              110 for ppte TNV (microcode)
                              111 for reference ok (hardware)             <-

   MMGT.STATUS can be accessed as a  case  branch  or  written  with  a  MXPS
   Transfer.   When  accessed  as  a  case  branch, its three bits are mapped
   directly  onto  the  Microtest  Bus.   When  written  via  MEM  REQ   MXPS
   [MMGT.STATUS], MMGT.STATUS<2:0> are written from W_Bus<2:0>.

   A BCS = MMGT.STATUS or BCS = MREF.STATUS during  a  MREQ  that  loads  the
   MMGT.STATUS  register  will use the value of MMGT.STATUS from the previous
   microcycle for the BRANCH.

   The definition of "memory reference  ok"  is  MMGT.STATUS<2:0>  =  111  or
   MREF.STATUS<0>  =  0.   These  codes  are  used for testing certain branch

   PROBE microinstructions must exercise the TB and Access Logic to determine
   if   the   CVAX_PTE   is   present   and   access   is  permitted.   PROBE
   microinstructions take TB miss but do not take ACV/TNV, M=0, or cross page
   microtraps.   MMGT.STATUS  is  loaded during probe microinstructions.  The
   result of a PROBE is determined by examining MMGT.STATUS.

            MMGT.STATUS is NOT updates during prefetching.
            MMGT.STATUS is NOT updated if REPROBE is set.
            MMGT.STATUS is NOT updated if MME=0.
            MMGT.STATUS is NOT updated if MREQ PHYS.
            MMGT.STATUS is NOT updated if (M_STALL AND NOT PROBE) is asserted.
            MMGT.STATUS is NOT updated if STALL is asserted by another box.

   When set MMGTTD disables prefetching, inhibits further TB  Miss,  ACV/TNV,
   cross  page  or M=0 microtraps (NOT, however, bus error microtraps).  With
   memory management traps disabled, an M=0 microtrap  situation  is  ignored
   completely,  and  the memory access completes normally; however a TB miss,
   ACV/TNV, and cross page situation will cause the M Box to perform  a  NOP,
   while  updating MMGT.STATUS.  When set REPROBE suppresses the execution of
   the next MREQ.  No TB lookup occurs; MMGT.STATUS and MBOX.STATUS  are  not
   updated.  MBOX.STATUS -

   This  three  bit  register  is  loaded  during  all  DEMAND  virtual  MREQ
   microinstructions,   unless   REPROBE   is   set.    If   MMGT.TD  is  set
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 204

   MBOX.STATUS<2> is frozen.

            MBOX.STATUS<2>   = 0  NOT Write Check
                               1  Write Check

            MBOX.STATUS<1:0> = 00 P0 Space Reference with no length violation
                               01 P1 Space Reference with no length violation
                               10 System Space Reference with no length violation
                               11 Length Violation or Reserved Space Reference

   The contents of  this  register  are  tested  by  microcode  using  BCS  =

   A length error will always cause a MISS of the  TB  and  during  the  MISS
   flows  the  microcode cases on the MBOX.STATUS register to detect a length

            MBOX.STATUS is NOT updated during prefetching.
            MBOX.STATUS is NOT updated if REPROBE is SET.
            MBOX.STATUS is NOT updated if MME=0.
            MBOX.STATUS is NOT updated in MREQ PHYS.
            MBOX.STATUS is NOT updated if (M_STALL AND NOT PROBE) is asserted.
            MBOX.STATUS is NOT updated if STALL is asserted by another box.  MREF.STATUS -

   This two bit register is defined as follows:

   MREF.STATUS<1>   = 1  BIU has asserted IB_FILL_ERR
                      0  I Box has asserted IB_FILL_REQ

   MREF.STATUS<0>   = 0 if  MMGT.STATUS = 111 else,

   MREF.STATUS<0> is used for a simple case on whether the reference  was  OK
   or not.

   MREF.STATUS<1> is used to indicate whether VIBA contains  the  address  of
   the prefetch fault or address +4.

   4.2.4  Memory Management Microtrap Logic -  Partial PSL Logic -

   The following processor status longword register bits are stored locally:
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 205

   PSL.IS - INTERRUPT STACK flag,  PSL<26>,  indicates  use  of  the  special
   interrupt  stack  and  kernel  mode.   Although  PSL.IS  is  only used for
   Microtest Bus testing, the bit is located in this block.

   PSL.CURM - CURRENT MODE Bits, PSL<25:24>, indicate the privilege level  of
   the  currently  executing  program.   PSL.CURM  bits  are  used for access
   checking (see Privilege Check Logic).  Testing by  the  Microtest  Bus  is
   also done on these bits.

   These bits are loaded whenever the E Box asserts LOAD_PSL.   They  may  be
   tested via Branch microinstructions with BCS = PSL<26:24>.  Cross Page Detection Logic -

   The Cross Page logic examines the VA, the data length, and the  L  bit  of
   the  microinstruction  to  determine  if  the  reference will cross a page
   boundary.  The Cross Page  logic  examines  VA  and  data  length  and  is
   activated  only  during  virtual  references  that  use  VA as the address
   source.  The Cross Page conditions are summarized in the following table:

       DATA LENGTH    VA<8:0>           IF         CROSS PAGE ?
       -----------    -------           --         ------------

       BYTE           -------           --              NO
       WORD           11111111x       x.NE.0            YES
       LONG           1111111xx      xx.NE.00           YES
       QUAD           111111xxx     xxx.NE.000          YES

   MMGT_REXE disables the Cross Page Detection Logic.  MMGT_REXE may  be  set
   by  microcode, and is reset by any MREQ microinstruction, by IID_LD, or by

   After a cross page microtrap is taken, the  microcode  routine  probes  on
   both  sides  of  the page boundary.  If everything is OK then MMGT_REXE is
   set and the original memory  reference  is  re-tried.   Setting  MMGT_REXE
   inhibits  the cross page microtrap during the retry.  The trailing edge of
   the retry resets MMGT_REXE so that ensuing references  will  microtrap  if
   they cross a page boundary.  Microtrap And Abort Determination Logic -

   Before an access is deemed valid or not, one or more microtraps may occur.
   There   are   four   memory   management   microtraps   initiated  by  the
   Microsequencer as a result of trap requests by the M Box.  The microtraps,
   in the order of their priority and with their associated microtrap vectors

           highest:        Cross Page                       0
                           TB Miss                          1
                           ACV/TNV                          2
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 206

           lowest:         M=0                              3
   The M Box will have one trap line (M Box_TRAP) that will indicate  to  the
   u-sequencer  that a M Box trap has occured.  The M Box will then drive the
   uTest bus  with  a  trap  code  as  shown  below.   However,  if  the  BIU
   simultaneously  asserts  BIU_TRAP, then the M Box will NOT drive the uTest

   uTest<2:0>    TRAP type 
        000      MISS
        001      M=0
        010      ACV/TNV
        011      XPAGE

   A LENGTH ERROR will always cause a miss of the  TB  and  during  the  MISS
   flows  the  microcode cases on the MBOX.STATUS register to detect a LENGTH

   The following describes when these microtraps are generated.   If  MMGT_TD
   is  set,  or  if MME is clear, or if an MREQ PHYSICAL, then only bus error
   microtraps are enabled.

   1.  The cross page microtrap occurs as a result of a Cross Page  condition
   (described  above), and MMGT_REXE = 0, and MREQ VA, and not MREQ PROBE and
   REPROBE = 0.

   2.  The TB Miss microtrap occurs because of a miss in the TB and REPROBE =

   3.  The ACV/TNV microtrap is taken if not MREQ PROBE and MMGT_TD =  0  and
   (the  memory  request  has insufficient privilege or REPROBE is set or the
   page is not in memory).  A page is not in memory when PTE.V is  clear  and
   there  is  a hit.  When a page is not in memory (TNV), reading the VAX_PTE
   from memory to guarantee a fresh CVAX_PTE is not necessary,  since  a  TNV
   can only take place after a TB miss/fill routine and return and retry have
   taken place.  Therefore, if a TNV takes place the CVAX_PTE in  the  TB  is

   4.  The M=0 microtrap occurs if there is a hit and the PTE.M bit is 0  and
   there  is  a  write  check, REPROBE = 0, and the microinstruction is not a

   5.  If the external Bus Error signal is asserted during a D stream read or
   write, the transaction is terminated and one of seven bus error microtraps
   is taken.  The Bus Error microtrap cannot be disabled.   If  a  Bus  Error
   occurs  during  an  I  Stream read, then the transaction is terminated and
   IB_FILL_ERROR is asserted by the BIU, but a microtrap is not taken.  The M
   Box   sets   MREF.STATUS<1>   =   1  if  the  BIU  asserts  IB_FILL_ERROR.
   MREF.STATUS<1> is cleared by IB_FILL_REQ.  If MMGT_TRAP and  BIU_TRAP  are
   asserted together the M Box does not drive the uTest bus.

   The I Box prefetcher needs to know when microtrap conditions occur so that
   it  can  halt  loading  of  its  instruction  buffer  stack.   The  memory
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 207

   management microtrap logic notifies the I Box of an IB Fill Error if abort
   conditions  are  detected.  Note that no microtraps are taken and MTRAP is
   not asserted during attempted IB Fills.  If mapping VIBA results in  a  TB
   miss,  access  violation,  or  PTE  not  valid,  then the IB_FILL_ERROR is
   asserted.  If mapping VIBA  results  in  a  bus  error  assertion  by  the
   external  pin  then  prefetching  is  halted, a microtrap is NOT taken and
   MREF.STATUS<1> is set.

   No memory management microtraps are taken when VIBA is  mapped.   This  is
   true  because  when IB is dry and halted, prefetch requests a microtrap to
   locations where VIBA is loaded into VA, then a  MREQ  VA  with  microtraps
   enabled  is  used  to  bring  the  VAX_PTE  into  the  TB and do validity,
   protection, and length checks.  Bus error microtraps  can  also  occur  at
   this  point.  CVAX has no provision for memory management microtraps using

   The M Box will have to STALL any MREQ or Broadcast on the cycle  following
   a  write.  In order to do this the BIU will assert MSTALL on a MREQ_WRITE.
   The M Box will ignore this on the data-cycle of the write, but will  STALL
   the CVAX if a new MREQ or BRDCST_WBUS is encountered.

   4.2.5  Memory Management Controller -  Trap Disable Logic -

   The Memory Management Trap (and Prefetch) Disable (MMGT_TD) bit is set  by
   a TB Miss, ACV/TNV, or M = 0 memory management microtrap (NOT, however, by
   a cross page or bus error microtrap), and by a SPECIAL  MISC1=SET.MMGT.TD,
   and  cleared  by a MISC=CLR.MMGT_TD field in an executed microinstruction.
   When set, MMGT_TD disables prefetching, inhibits further TB Miss, ACV/TNV,
   cross  page,  or  M  =  0 microtraps (NOT, however, bus error microtraps).
   With memory management traps disabled, an M =  0  microtrap  situation  is
   ignored completely, and the memory access completes normally; however a TB
   Miss, ACV/TNV, and Cross Page situation will cause the M Box to perform  a
   NOP, while updating MMGT.STATUS.

   Memory Management Trap  Disable,  MMGT_TD,  enables  and  disables  I  Box
   prefetching during Memory Management exceptions because it is necessary to
   preserve the NLU pointer to allow writing to the correct PTE.   Note  that
   probes may result in an ACV or TNV, and since no microtrap occurs, MMGT_TD
   is not set; if prefetching is desired to be disabled in this case it  must
   be  disabled  using the MISC field= DISABLE.IB.PREFETCH (this does not set
   MMGT_TD).  Reexecute Reference Logic -

   MMGT_REXE is used after the Memory Management microcode has made sure that
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 208

   a  reference  that  trapped will now execute properly.  MMGT_REXE disables
   the Cross Page detection logic.  MMGT_REXE is  CLEARed  after  one  memory
   reference by hardware.  It is also CLEARed by the SPECIAL microinstruction
   with MISC1 = ZAP.TB.  IID_LD also CLEARs MMGT_REXE.  This bit  is  SET  by

   REPROBE is set via MISC1 field=SET.REPROBE.  REPROBE  is  cleared  by  any
   MREQ,  by  IID_LD,  or  by  a  ZAP.TB  microinstruction.  When set REPROBE
   suppresses  the  execution  of  the  next  MREQ.   No  TB  lookup  occurs;
   MMGT.STATUS   and  MBOX.STATUS  are  not  updated.   Instead,  an  ACV/TNV
   condition is forced.  If the MREQ was not a  probe,  a  ACV/TNV  microtrap
   occurs;  if  it was a probe, a microtrap does not occur.  In order to stop
   the BIU from executing the next microinstruction, BIU_NOP is asserted.  Memory Management Enable Logic -

   The TB function is enabled by the MME bit being set.  This bit is  written
   by  the microcode by writing to bit zero of MREQ.REG = MAPEN with the MXPS
   microinstruction.  It is read by reading bit zero of MREQ.REG = MAPEN with
   the  MXPS  microinstruction.   This  function  controls all TB writing and
   access control in normal running and in maintenance operations.

   When MME is clear, the entire TB mechanism is turned off.  No  traps  will
   occur  for  any  reason related to Memory Management, including cross page

   When MME is  clear,  addresses  are  not  translated  and  are  considered
   physical.   Access  privilege  is  not  checked.  When MME is set, address
   translation is enabled.

   4.2.6  Second IDAL Cycle Detection Logic -

   This logic determines if the data transfer  requested  will  require  more
   than  one  cycle per four bytes (or less) of data.  The data length and VA
   are examined.  If no extra cycle is required, based upon the  address  and
   data  length,  the  REQ_2ND_REF is not asserted and control goes on to the
   next microinstruction.  If an extra  cycle  is  required,  REQ_2ND_REF  is

   Probe, Read PTE, and Read Interrupt Vector memory  request  functions  are
   always  aligned.   When  using  VIBA  there  is  no REQ_2ND_REF, since all
   prefetching is guaranteed to be aligned by hardware (i.e.  since VIBA<1:0>
   = 00).

   The memory request microinstructions use the data length (DL) from  the  I
   Box or assume the length is long.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 209

   Once the correct data length is determined, the low two  bits  of  VA  are
   examined  to  decide  whether the (first/last) register-worth of data will
   take one or  two  IDAL  cycles  to  transfer  from/to  memory.   When  the
   microinstruction  is  determined to require two references, REQ_2ND_REF is
   asserted.  The MREQ microinstruction is  re-executed  in  the  sense  that
   another  request  is  to  be  done.   The M Box will use VAP on the second
   reference.  REQ_2ND_REF Logic -

   The following table indicates when REQ_2ND_REF is asserted.

   DATA LENGTH     VA<1:0>         REQ_2ND_REF 
   -----------     -------         -----------

   BYTE              --            NO...bytes are never unaligned
   WORD              11            YES
   LONG            01,10,11        YES
   QUAD            01,10,11        YES

   4.2.7  M Box Data Latches And Positioners -  M Box Data Latch And Byte Rotator -

   This logic will latch write data from the W-bus destined for the BIU  data
   latches,  and place it on the IDAL during the proper clock phase.  It also
   will latch read data on the IDAL destined for  the  W-bus.   Between  this
   latch and the W-bus is a byte rotator used to rotate data during unaligned
   writes to or reads from memory.

   The table below shows how bytes are rotated  as  a  function  of  Physical
   Address (PA<1:0>).


   PA<1:0>    W4  W3  W2  W1

        00    I4  I3  I2  I1     no rotation

        01    I3  I2  I1  I4     rotate 1 byte

        10    I2  I1  I4  I3     rotate 2 bytes

        11    I1  I4  I3  I2     rotate 3 bytes

   W is W-bus byte #
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 210

   I is IDAL byte #  Internal Byte Mask -

   This logic generates the internal byte mask used by the BIU and the M  Box
   Data  Latch.   The  BIU  uses  the  internal byte mask to generate BM<3:0>
   during a write MEM REQ.  The M Box Data Latch uses the internal byte  mask
   to select the bytes to be latched during a read MEM REQ.

   The internal byte mask will be a function of  Physical  Address  (PA<1:0>)
   and the Data Length (DL<1:0>) as follows:


                   00      01      10      11

   byte    00     0001    0010    0100    1000

   word    01     0011    0110    1100    1000*

   long    10     1111    1110*   1100*   1000*

   quad    11     1111    1110*   1100*   1000*

   * these are unaligned references and require a second access with 
     internal byte masks as shown below:

   2nd reference


                   00      01      10      11

   byte    00     ----    ----    ----    ----

   word    01     ----    ----    ----    0001

   long    10     ----    0001    0011    0111

   quad    11     ----    0001    0011    0111

   The Byte Mask is generated by a PLA with PA<1:0>, DL<1:0> and 2nd ref
   as inputs and BM<3:0> as the outputs as shown in the table below.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 211

           2nd ref | DL<1:0> | PA<1:0> | BM<3:0> 

           0         00        0X        00PP

           0         00        X0        0P0P

           0         XX        11        P0PP

           0         XX        X1        PPP0

           0         XX        1X        PP00

           0         0X        0X        0PPP

           0         0X        00        P0PP

           1         0X        XX        P00P

           1         XX        XX        0PPP

           1         XX        0X        P00P

           1         XX        X0        P0PP

   note: a X in the input terms means don't care and a P in
         BM<3:0> means that output remains precharged '1' unless
         discharged by another minterm.

   4.2.8  Control Signals Sent To BIU -  BIU_NOP -

   This signal is sent to the BIU when the M Box  encounters  a  MMGT  error.
   This  tells  the  BIU  that the instruction has run into a MMGT error, and
   that the BIU should not continue with this instruction.  This occurs  when
   the M Box gets a MMGT_TRAP, or when the M Box gets an IB_FILL_ERR.

   4.2.9  IB_FILL_VALID -

   This signal is sent to the BIU when the  M  Box  can  perform  a  prefetch
   cycle.   When  the  I  Box  asserts  IB_FILL_REQ,  and  the  M  Box is not
   performing any other MEMREQ operation, and Traps are disables, then the  M
   Box asserts this signal.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 212

   4.2.10  MBOXBM -

   This is the Byte-Mask that is in current use by the M Box, it is  sent  to
   the BIU where it is used for Cache, and Memory control.

   4.2.11  Control Signals Sent To E Box -  WSEL_UPDATE_H -

   WSEL_UPDATE_H is used by the E Box during PH2 to  enable  loading  of  the
   register  file  WRITE latch.  During a D-stream READ that misses the CACHE
   the update of the WRITE latch with the write destination from the  current
   microinstruction  must be inhibited until the BIU indicates that READ data
   has been received.


               EXT_MEMREQ_READ  is SET by CACHE MISS on a D-stream read <---- during PHI_4
                                is RESET by IDAL_DATA_PRS <--- during PHI_1  REG_WRITE_H -

   REG_WRITE_H is used to enable the write of the E Box  registers  from  the
   WBUS  if true during PHI_4 and PHI_1.  If the current cycle is STALLed for
   any reason other than a CACHE MISS the registers should not be written.

         REG_WRITE_H   = (~STALL + EXT_MEMREQ_READ)<-- sampled at the
                                                        rising edge of PHI_3  SET_RESTART -

   If the M  Box  successfully  translates  a  write  to  memory  it  asserts
   SET_RESTART  which  is  sent  to the E Box.  The E Box sets a flag marking
   this macroinstruction non-restartable.  NOT_MEM_REQ_R_H -

   This signal is sent to the E Box in order to  enable  precharging  of  the
   MW_Bus.   This  Bus  must  not  be precharged for cases where the M Box is
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 213

   writing to the MW_Bus.  Writes to the MW_Bus occur for MREQ READ.  MW_TO_W_H -

   This signal is sent to the E Box to enable MW_Bus  writes  to  the  W_Bus.
   This occurs for MREQ and MREF_READ, and for WBUS_BRDCST.

   4.3  M Box Intersection And Intrasection Signals

   4.3.1  M BOX Global Signal Timing -

   The diagram below gives a list of global signals used or generated in  the
   M  BOX.  C Load refers the capacitance on that signal, which was extracted
   from the CVAX Layout (the actual worst-case capacitance).
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 214

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_C%PHI1_H                |/~~~~~~~\\\____________________________|  PHASE 1 CLOCK               C Load = 123pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_C%PHI2_H                |_________/~~~~~~~~\\\__________________|  PHASE 2 CLOCK               C Load = 107pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_C%PHI3_H                |___________________/~~~~~~~~\\\________|  PHASE 3 CLOCK               C Load = 105pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_C%PHI4_H                |\\___________________________/~~~~~~~~~|  PHASE 4 CLOCK               C Load = 142pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%B_BUS_H<31:0>        |~~xxxxxx======================HHHHHHHHH|  B_BUS                      C Load = 2.9pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                      *  Simulated with 4pF  |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI1 + 18ns                    |
   |  Source - EBOX, IBOX, MBOX (mlr)               Destination - EBOX                                                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%IB_FILL_ERR_L        |HHHHHHHHHH~~~~~xxxx====================|  Error Signal for I-Steam    C Load = 3.7pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                      *  Simulated with 4pF  |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI2 + 21ns to BPHI1           |
   |  Source - BIU, MBOX (mts)                       Destination - IBOX                                               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%MMGT_TRAP_L          |HHHHHHHHHH~~xxxxxxx====================|  Memory-Management Error                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                              C Load = 3.0pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                       * Simulated with 4pF  |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI2 + 21nS to BPHI1           |
   |  Source - MBOX (mts)                            Destination - USEQ,IBOX, MBOX (mps,mut)                          |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 215

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%MW_BUS_H<31:0>       |         |         |         |         |  The Bi-Directional Data Bus between IDAL   |
   |                      Write |xxxxxxx======================HHHHHHHHHH|  and the W-Bus                              |
   |                            |         |         |         |^-- Precharged Conditionally                           |
   |                      Read  |=============================xxxx======|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                             C Load = 1.6 pF |
   |                                                                                           * Simulated with 1.5pF |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI4 + 10ns on READ            |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI1 + 21ns on WRITE           |
   |  Source - EBOX,MBOX (mrot)                      Destination - EBOX,MBOX (mrot)                                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%STALL_L              |HHHHHHHHHH~~xxxxxx=====================|  CHIP-WIDE STALL SIGNAL  C Load = 12.23 pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid  PHI2 + 21ns to BPHI1          |
   |  Source - EBOX,BIU,IBOX,uSEQ,MBOX (mts)         Destination - GLOBAL,MBOX (mdpc,mic,mps,mrs,mst,mut)             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%UTEST_L<2:0>         |~xxxx===============HHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~|  MICRO-TEST BUS            C Load = 4.4 pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Latched on falling edge of PHI1.  Must     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  be valid 15 nS after rising edge of PHI1   |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid  PHI1 + 14ns                   |
   |  Source - GLOBAL,MBOX (mut)                     Destination - USEQ                                               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PH%W_SPUR_H<7:0>        |         |         |         |         |  W-BUS SPUR                C Load = 7.1 pF  |
   |                     WRITE  |~xxxxxxxx=====================HHHHHHHHH| * Valid PHI1 + 21ns                         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                     READ   |==========HHHHHHHHHH~xxxxxxxxxxxxx=====| * Valid PHI4 + 10nS                         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - GLOBAL, MBOX (mut)                    Destination - GLOBAL, MBOX (mut)                                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_PL%CASH_BUS_H<5:0>      |__xxx=========================LLLLLLLLL| Address Bus for CACHE      C Load = 2.1 pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                      Note: Valid PHI1 + 14ns                     |
   |  Source - MBOX (mar)                            Destination - CACHE                                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 216

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%AT_EQ_MOD_H           |===================xxxxxxxxxxxx========|  Access-Type = Modify (WRITE) C Load = 4pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                       Note: Assumed valid PHI4 + 3ns to BPHI3    |
   |  Source - IBOX                                  Destination - MBOX (mpd)                                         |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%BIU_NOP_H             |xxx~~~~~~xxxxxxxxx=====================|  BIU should NOP this microinstruction       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                      * Simulated with 1.5pF |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI2 + 21ns to BPHI1           |
   |  Source - MBOX (mts)                            Destination - BIU                                C Load = 2.2 pF |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%BIU_TRAP_L            |==========xxxxxxx======================|  BIU Trap cond. detected    C Load = 3.8pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: Assumed Valid at PHI2 + 18ns         |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - BIU                                   Destination - IBOX,USEQ,MBOX (mst,mut)                           |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%BRDCST_BASIC_H        |xxx==========================xxxxxxxxxx|  BASIC Broadcast Cycle     C Load = 2.9 pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: Assumed Valid at PHI1 + 11ns         |
   |                                                                             BIU has it valid at PHI4 + 23ns      |
   |  Source - BIU                                   Destination - MBOX (mmc,mrc,mst,mts)                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%BRDCST_OK_H           |====================xxxxxxxxxx=========|  FPU BASIC O.K. Flag       C Load = 4.2 pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: Assumed Valid at PHI3 + 21ns to BPHI3|
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                  Destination - BIU,MBOX (mmd)                                     |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 217

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%DL_H<1:0>             |=====================xxxxxxxxx=========|  Data-Length Reg. Content   C Load = 5.4pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: Assumed Valid at PHI4 + 1ns to BPHI3 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                  Destination - EBOX,USEQ,MBOX (mdpc)                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%IB_FILL_REQ_H         |=========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==========|  IB Fill Request           C Load = 3.1 pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: Assumed Valid at PHI3 + 21ns to BPHI2|
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                  Destination - MBOX (mst)                                         |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%IB_FILL_VALID_H       |=============================xxxxxxx===|  Validate IB Fill Request for BIU           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                        * Simulated with 3pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: Valid PHI4 + 13ns to BPHI4           |
   |                                                                                                  C Load = 2.1 pF |
   |  Source - MBOX (mst)                            Destination - BIU                                                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%IDAL_H<31:0>          |         |         |         |         |  Internal DAL              C Load = 10.5 pF |
   |                      WRITE |=========xxxxxxxxxx====================|  note: Valid PHI2 + 19ns            12.3 pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                     ^       |
   |                       READ |=============================xxxxxxxx==|  note: Valid PHI4 + 08ns   IDAL<29> ^       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                       * Simulated with 10pF |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - CACHE,BIU,MBOX (mdrv)                 Destination - CACHE,BIU,IBOX,MBOX (mdrv)                         |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%IID_LD_H              |________________________/==============|  IID signal to Chip        C Load = 4.0 pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: Assumed Valid PHI3 + 17ns to BPHI1   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - IBOX                                  Destination - EBOX,MBOX (mps)                                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 218

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%LOAD_VIBA_AND_PC__H   |==========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==============| LOADING VIBA and PC        C Load = 6.0 pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: Valid PHI3 + 6ns to BPHI2            |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - EBOX                                  Destination - IBOX,BIU,MBOX (mrs)                                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%LOAD_PSL_H            |____________/======\___________________|  LOADING PSL ENABLE        C Load = 5.6 pF  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - EBOX                                  Destination - IBOX,INT LOGIC,BIU,MBOX(mut) * Valid PHI2 + 7ns    |
   |                                                                                            * thru EPHI2          |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%MBOX_BM_L<3:0>        |=xxxxxxxxxxxxx=========================|  MBOX Generated Byte-Mask                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                      * Simulated with 1.9pF |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI2 + 15ns to BPHI1           |
   |  Source - MBOX (mmc)                            Destination - BIU                                C Load = 1.0 pF |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%MIB_H<40:7>           |===================xxxxxxxxxx==========|  Micro-Instruction Bus                      |
   |  G_S%MIB_L<40:7>           |         |         |         |         |                           C Load = 8.0 pF   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Note: Assumed Valid PHI3 + 21ns to BPHI3   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - Control Store                         Destination - GLOBAL,MBOX (mmd,mpd)                              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%M_STALL_H             |xxxxxxxxx====================xxxxxxxxxx|  MBOX can NOT use the IDALs                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                           C Load = 5.2 pF   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Note: Assumed Valid PHI1 + 21ns to BPHI3   |
   |                                                                       Currently BIU has it valid at PHI1 + 24ns  |
   |                                                                          >>>>> MBOX needs it sooner <<<<<        |
   |  Source - BIU                                   Destination - MBOX (mdpc,mic,mrs,mst,mts,mut)                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 219

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%MOD_INTENT_H          |xxxxxxxxxxx========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  Modify Intent                              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                      * Simulated with 2.0pF |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI2 + 5ns to BPHI3            |
   |  Source - MBOX (mpd)                            Destination - BIU                                C Load = 1.0 pF |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%MW_DRIVE_H            |===================xxxxx/==============|  When asserted enables the EBOX to drive    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  the MW_BUS                                 |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI3 + 12ns to BPHI3           |
   |                                                                                           * Simulated with 1.7pF |
   |  Source - MBOX (mst)                            Destination - EBOX                               C Load = 4.1 pF |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%MW_TO_W_H             |=========xxxxxxxxxxx/==================|  When asserted selects the MW_BUS as        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  the data source for driving the W_BUS      |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI3 + 1ns to BPHI2            |
   |  Source - MBOX (mst)                            Destination - EBOX                        * Simulated with 2.3pF |
   |                                                                                                  C Load = 1.9 pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%ONE_SLOT_FREE_H       |========xxxxxxxxxxxx===================|  Only One slot left in the Prefetch queue   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                             C Load = 2.7 pF |
   |                                                                       Note: Assumed Valid PHI2 + 21ns to BPHI2   |
   |  Source - IBOX                                  Destination - MBOX (mst)                                         |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%READ_DATA_PRS_H       |___/===============xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  IDAL has Read Data on it   C Load = 2.1 pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Note: Assumed Valid PHI1 + 08ns to BPHI3   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - BIU                                   Destination - MBOX (mdpc,mic,mst)                                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 220

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%READ_HIT_H            |_/=================xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\_|  Cache Hit Gated by BIU     C Load = 3.3 pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Note: Assumed Valid PHI4 + 24ns to BPHI3   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - BIU                                   Destination - MBOX (mdpc,mic,mmd,mrc,mst)                        |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%REG_WRITE_H           |===================xxxxx===============|  Write register enabled in EBOX and MBOX    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Note: Valid PHI3 + 11ns to BPHI3           |
   |                                                                                           * Simulated with 6.1pF |
   |  Source - MBOX (mst)                            Destination - EBOX, MBOX (mrs)                   C Load = 4.1 pF |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%RESET_S_H             |~~\____________________________________|  RESET Stretched           C Load = 19.5 pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |      Assertion is asynchronous              |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |  Source - Clock Logic                           Destination - Global,MBOX (mdpc,mhit,mst,mut)                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%SET_RESTART_H         |===================xxxxxx==============|  NO MMGT_ERROR on Write                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Note: Valid PHI3 + 12ns to BPHI3           |
   |                                                                                           * Simulated with 4.2pF |
   |  Source - MBOX (mst)                            Destination - EBOX (strobed with PHI4)           C Load = 0.8 pF |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%WSEL_UPDATE_H         |xxxxxxxxx==============================|  Update WSEL Latches in EBOX                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Note: Valid PHI1 + 21ns to BPHI1           |
   |                                                                                           * Simulated with 4.0pF |
   |  Source - MBOX (mst)                            Destination - EBOX                               C Load = 2.7 pF |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 221

        GLOBAL DICTIONARY      |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  G_S%W_BUS_H<31:0>         |=============================xxxxxxxxx=|  W-BUS                      C Load = 4.3 pF |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                     * Simulated with 4.0 pF |
   |                                                                                          * Valid before 1 thru   |
   |  Source - EBOX                                  Destination - EBOX,MBOX (mar,mlr)        * start of PHI4         |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 222

   4.3.2  M BOX Internal Signal Timing -

   The diagram below  lists  all  the  internal  M  BOX  signals  that  cross
   schematic  boundaries.   C  Load  refers to the capacitance on that signal
   line.  This capacitance value was extracted from the CVAX layout.  This is
   that 'actual' worst-case capacitance on this signal line.

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%B_BIT_H<31:0>       |~~xxx========================HHHHHHHHHH|  B Bit Bus Precharged high                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW_SS_1                               Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.57 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mlr,mar         PHI1 + 13ns      mlr           1 gate delay                               No                   |
   |                                                  before LE PHI2                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%C_BUS_H<31:0>       |~~xxx========================HHHHHHHHHH|  C Bus Precharged high                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_ADDRESS_REG_SEL TOO_HIT_5_SS                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |                           M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW_SS_1                                                            |
   |         C Load = 0.46 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mlr,mar         PHI1 + 12ns      mar           early in PHI1                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%C_BUS_L<31:0>       |~~xxx========================HHHHHHHHHH|  C Bus Precharged high                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_ADDRESS_REG_SEL TOO_HIT_5_SS                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |                           M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW_SS_1                                                            |
   |         C Load = 0.62 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mlr,mar         PHI1 + 11ns      mar           early in PHI1                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%HIT_H<28:1>         |~~xxxxxx=====================HHHHHHHHHH|  HIT lines of TAG Array Precharged high     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_ADDRESS_REG_SEL TOO_HIT_5_SS                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |                           M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW_SS_1                                                            |
   |         C Load = 1.81 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mtag            PHI1 + 21ns      mhit          late in PHI1                              Yes                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 223

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%LEN_RESULT_L        |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=========HHHHHHHHHH|  Length Violation Precharged high           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                       ^-- Input C-Bus and B-Bus in PHI2                                          |
   |                                                 ^-- Valid result 5 phases later                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.31 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mlr             PHI3 + 0ns       mdpc          early in PHI3                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%PHI2_COND_L         |HHHHHHHHH~~========xxxHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH|  Is a Translation to be Performed           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW_SS_1                               Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 9.35 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI2 + 03ns      mhit          early in PHI2                              Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%PHYS_BUS_H<29:9>    |         |         |         |         |  Physical Address (TRANSLATED) Bus          |
   |                    Read -> |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=============HHHHHHHHHH|        Precharged High                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                   Write -> |=========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |     ^   |                                             |
   |                                                                ^-- PTE entry written here, no Precharge Cycle    |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_ADDRESS_REG_SEL TOO_HIT_5_SS                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |                           M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW_SS_1                                                            |
   |         C Load = 2.73 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mpte,mdrv,mpp   PHI2 + 20ns      mdrv          late in PHI2                              No                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%PH_C_BUS_L<2:0>     |xxxxx========================HHHHHHHHHH|  External C-Bus Precharged High, Valid Low  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.47 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mar             PHI1 + 15ns      mdpc,mxp      middle of PHI1                            No                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 224

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%PTE_M_H             |         |         |         |         |  PTE.M Signal for HIT entry of PTE          |
   |                    Read -> |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=============HHHHHHHHHH|        Precharged High                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                   Write -> |=========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |     ^   |                                             |
   |                                                                ^-- PTE.M entry written here, no Precharge Cycle  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_ADDRESS_REG_SEL TOO_HIT_5_SS                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |                           M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW_SS_1                                                            |
   |         C Load = 2.48 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mpte,mdrv,mpp   PHI2 + 20ns      mts           late in PHI2                              No                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%PTE_V_H             |         |         |         |         |  PTE.V Signal for HIT entry of PTE          |
   |                    Read -> |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=============HHHHHHHHHH|        Precharged High                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                   Write -> |=========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |     ^   |                                             |
   |                                                                ^-- PTE.M entry written here, no Precharge Cycle  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_ADDRESS_REG_SEL TOO_HIT_5_SS                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |                           M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW_SS_1                                                            |
   |         C Load = 2.49 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mpte,mdrv,mpp   PHI2 + 20ns      mts           late in PHI2                              No                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%P_CODE_H<8:1>       |         |         |         |         |  Protection Code for ACV Check              |
   |                            |xxxxx=====_____________________________|        NOT Precharged High                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_PROT_GEN_SIM SIM_40                                     Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.76 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mpl             PHI1 + 07ns      mpte          late in PHI1                              Yes                   |
   |                   ^-- At Vtn                                                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PH%RAW_ACV_L           |         |         |         |         |  Unconditioned Access Violation (ACV)       |
   |                            |HHHHHHHHHHxxxxxxx======================|            Precharged High                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_PROT_GEN_SIM SIM_F                                      Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.47 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 225

   |   mpte,mpp        PHI2 + 15ns      mts           late in PHI2                              No                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 226

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PL%HIT_SEL_H           |         |         |         |         |  Conditioned HIT Line (a Translation will   |
   |                            |~~~~~~~~~xxxx=================LLLLLLLLL|     occur) Precharged Low                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_ADDRESS_REG_SEL TOO_HIT_5_SS                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |                           M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW_SS_1                                                            |
   |         C Load = 2.62 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mhit            PHI2 + 12ns      mpte          early in PHI2                              Yes                  |
   |                   ^-- At Vtn                                                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PL%LOAD_PTE_H          |         |         |         |         |  Load a PTE Entry                           |
   |                            |=========LLLLLLLLLL~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|     Precharged Low                          |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.89 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mhit            PHI4 + 06ns      mpte          early in PHI4                              Yes                  |
   |                   ^-- At Vtn                                                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PL%MISS_H              |         |         |         |         |  There is a TB Miss (not conditioned)       |
   |                            |_________xxxxxxx=============xxxxxxx___|  Precharged Low (this signal burns power)   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW_SS_1                               Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.46 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mhit            PHI2 + 21ns      mdpc          late in PHI2                                No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_PL%PXPAGE_L            |         |         |         |         |  A POSSIBLE Cross-Page Condition            |
   |                            |xxxxxxx======================LLLLLLLLLL|     Precharged Low                          |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = ?.?? pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mlr             PHI1 + 18ns      mdpc, mxp     early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 227

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%2ND_CYCLE_H          |         |         |         |         |  We are in the 2nd_cycle of an unaligned    |
   |                            |xxxxxxx============xxxxx===============|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 4.7pF                     |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_STATE_SIM MSTA3_SS_1                                    Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 3.96 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mlr             PHI1 + 16ns      mdpc,mmc,mrs, early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                   PHI3 + 10ns      mrc,mst                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%2ND_CYCLE_L          |         |         |         |         |  inverted 2nd_cycle_h                       |
   |                            |xxxxxxxxx===========xxxxx==============|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.49 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI1 + 21ns      mts           early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                   PHI3 + 15ns                                                                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%2ND_REF_H            |         |         |         |         |  A 2nd reference is required for this MREQ  |
   |                            |xxxxxxxxx===========xxxx===============|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.4pF                     |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_STATE_SIM MSTC3_SS_1                                    Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.69 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mst             PHI1 + 19ns      mmd, mrs      early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                   PHI3 + 14ns                                                                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ACV_H                |         |         |         |         |  There is an Access Violation               |
   |                            |=========xxxxx=========================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.00 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mts             PHI2 + 15ns      mut           early in PHI3                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 228

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ACV_PREC_L           |         |         |         |         |  RAW_ACV Precharge signal                   |
   |                            |xxxx_____xxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.33 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI1 + 07ns      mpp           early in PHI1                              Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ADD_PREC_H           |         |         |         |         |  +4 Adder precharge signal                  |
   |                            |xxxx~~~~~xxxx__________________________|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.88 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI1 + 07ns      mpp           early in PHI1                              Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ADD_SELECT_H<3:1>    |         |         |         |         |  Select which address is written to         |
   |                            |_________xxxx======xxxxx_______________|      the IDAL                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 4.14, 2.12, 6.83 pF for <3>, <2>, and <1>                                                       |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mic             PHI2 + 05ns      mdrv          early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ASSERT_MMGT_TRAP_H   |         |         |         |         |  There is a MMGT_TRAP condition             |
   |                            |_________xxxxxxxx======================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_TRAP_STALL SS_M_TRAP_STALL_SIMULATIONS                  Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.72 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mts             PHI1 + 22ns      mst           early in PHI2                              Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 229

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%BM_L<3:0>            |         |         |         |         |  M Box Byte-Mask Conrol Signals             |
   |                            |=========xxxx________________xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 5.97 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mic             PHI4 + ??ns      mdrv          early in PHI4                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%BM_UNCLK_H<3:0>      |         |         |         |         |  M Box Byte-Mask Unclocked Control Signals  |
   |                            |=========xxxx________________xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.24 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmc             PHI2 + ??ns      mic           early in PHI4                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%BUF_BIT_30_H         |         |         |         |         |  Buffered C_BUS, Bit 30                     |
   |                            |xxxxxxx======================xxxx~~~~~~|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.03 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrl             PHI1 + 21ns      mdpc,mrs,mut  early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%BUF_BIT_31_H         |         |         |         |         |  Buffered C_BUS, Bit 31                     |
   |                            |xxxxxxx======================xxxx~~~~~~|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.14 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrl             PHI1 + 21ns      mrs,mut       early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 230

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%CHECK_EQ_NONE_H      |         |         |         |         |  No Access Check is to be performed         |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.04 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mts           early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%CHECK_XPAGE_H        |         |         |         |         |  No Access Check is to be performed         |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.04 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mts           early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%CROSS_PAGE_H         |         |         |         |         |  A Cross-Page error has occured             |
   |                            |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=====================___|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.77 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mts             PHI2 + 21ns      mps,mut       early in PHI3                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%DATA_SELECT_H        |         |         |         |         |  Drive Data out on IDAL                     |
   |                            |_________xx========xxxx________________|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 4.68 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mic             PHI2 + 05ns      mdrv          early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 231

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%DL_H<1:0>            |         |         |         |         |  Data Length for M Box use, which includes  |
   |                            |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=====================___|  the L (forced long) Bit in the MIB field   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.86 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI1 + 10ns      mmc,mun,mxp   early in PHI1,                              No                  |
   |                                                  before the C_BUS's                                              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%DRIVE_B_BUS_L        |         |         |         |         |  Drive the data which is on the B_BIT Bus   |
   |                            |x________x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|  to the B_BUS                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 6.00 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mbbc            PHI2 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI1                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%DR_PRECHARGE_L       |         |         |         |         |  Precharge the Tri-State node in the IDAL   |
   |                            |xxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx________|  driver                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 3.15 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mic             PHI4 + 05ns      mdrv          early in PHI4                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%DST_B_L              |         |         |         |         |  DST.B MIB Decode                           |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxx===|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM1                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.03 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI4                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 232

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%DST_VIBA_1_H         |         |         |         |         |  WSEL_VIBA (Writing VIBA from the W-Bus)    |
   |                            |===================xxxxxx==============|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.44 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI3 + 14ns      mut           early in PHI3                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%DST_VIBA_2_H         |         |         |         |         |  Load VIBA and PC Occured                   |
   |                            |===================xxxxxx==============|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.80 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI3 + 14ns      mut           early in PHI3                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%EXT_MREF_RD_H        |         |         |         |         |  Missed the cache, and had to go external   |
   |                            |xxxxxxx================================|  for the data                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.6pF                     |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_STATE_SIM MSTB3                                         Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.80 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mst             PHI1 + 18ns      mdpc,mut      late in PHI1                               No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%FLUSH_TB_H           |         |         |         |         |  Flush (set TB.V = 0) the entire TAG Array  |
   |                            |xxxxx==============~~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM6                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.56 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mdpc,mps      early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 233

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%FPA_READ_H           |         |         |         |         |  This is a MEM_REQ FPA Inst.                |
   |                            |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=====================___|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.97 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI2 + 21ns      mic           early in PHI4                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |<
   |   M_S%INVAL_ON_HIT_H       |         |         |         |         |  set TB.V=0 for the TB entry with is HIT    |< This might
   |                            |xxxxx==============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |< have to be
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |< sped up,
   |                                                                                                                  |< M_STATE
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM3                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |< needs it
   |         C Load = 1.17 pF                                                                                         |< early in
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |< PHI1
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mdpc,mst      early in PHI1                              No                   |<
   |                                                                                                                  |<
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LATCH_REG_SEL_H      |         |         |         |         |  Latch the register selects before they     |
   |                            |~~~~~~~~~xxxxxx______________xxxx~~~~~~|  go away                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.12 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI4 + 05ns      mrs           early in PHI4                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LATCH_REG_SEL_L      |         |         |         |         |  Latch the register selects before they     |
   |                            |_________xxxxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xxxx______|  go away                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.00 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI4 + 05ns      mrs           early in PHI4                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 234

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LATCH_ROT_BM_H       |         |         |         |         |  Latch the Rotator and the Byte-Mask        |
   |                            |_________xxxxx=====xx__________________|  Control Signals                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.85 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrc             PHI2 + 10ns      mmc           early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LD_ADDER_H           |         |         |         |         |  Load inputs into the +4-Adder              |
   |                            |xxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xxxx________________|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 3.34 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI1 + 10ns      mar           early in PHI1                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LD_ADDER_L           |         |         |         |         |  Load inputs into the +4-Adder              |
   |                            |xxx________________xxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 5.44 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI1 + 10ns      mar           early in PHI1                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LD_VAP_ADD_H         |         |         |         |         |  Load VAP Register with the output of the   |
   |                            |xxx__________________________xxxx======|  +4-Adder                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.40 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI4 + 07ns      mar           early in PHI4                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 235

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LD_VIBA_ADD_H        |         |         |         |         |  Load VIBA Register with the output of the  |
   |                            |xxx__________________________xxxx======|  +4-Adder                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.31 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI4 + 07ns      mar           early in PHI4                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LD_VIBA_ADD_LAT_H    |         |         |         |         |  Latched signal to load VAP Register with   |
   |                            |===================xxxx================|  the output of the +4-Adder                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.64 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI3 + 14ns      mut           early in PHI3                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LEN_LOAD_H           |         |         |         |         |  Load the inputs into the Length-Compare    |
   |                            |_________xx========xxxxx_______________|  Logic                                      |
   |                            |         | ^       |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):              ^-- Input C-Bus and B-Bus (conditionally)    Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.27 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI2 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI2                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LEN_PREC_L           |         |         |         |         |  Precharge the LEN_RESULT line              |
   |                            |xx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx========|  Logic                                      |
   |                            |         | ^       |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):              ^-- Input C-Bus and B-Bus (conditionally)    Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = ?.?? pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI4 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI4                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 236

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%LEN_VIO_STROBE_L     |         |         |         |         |  Strobe out the Length-Violation in PHI3    |
   |                            |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx=======xxxxx~~~~~|                                             |
   |                            |         | ^       |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):              ^-- Input C-Bus and B-Bus (conditionally)    Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.39 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI3 + 05ns      mut           early in PHI3                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |  M_S%LMW_BUS_H<31:0>       |         |         |         |         |  The Bi-Directional Data Bus between IDAL   |
   |                      Write |xxxxxxx======================~~~~~~~~~~|  and the MW-Bus (the Rotator Latch)         |
   |                            |         |         |         |^-- Precharged Conditionally                           |
   |                      Read  |=============================xxxx======|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                            C Load = 3.12  pF |
   |                                                                                           * Simulated with 3.2pF |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI4 + 10ns on READ            |
   |                                                                       Note: Valid PHI1 + 21ns on WRITE           |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrot,mdrv       PHI1 + 21ns      mrot,mdrv     early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |   (E Box)         PHI4 + 10ns                    early in PHI4                                                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MBOX_STALL_H         |         |         |         |         |  The STALL condition was caused by the MBox |
   |                            |xxx______xxxxxxxx======================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_STATE_SIM MMS                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.97 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mst             PHI3 + 04ns      mps,mut       early in PHI3                              No                   |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MDPC_PHI4_L          |         |         |         |         |  Data-Path control signal (~PHI4)           |
   |                            |xx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx________|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 11.79 pF                                                                                        |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI4 + 03ns      mhit,mar,mlr  early in PHI4                              Yes                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 237

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MEM_REQ_FPA_H        |         |         |         |         |  FPA Data Transfer decoded of the MIB's     |
   |                            |xxxxx==============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM3                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.41 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mdpc,mmc,mrc  middle of PHI1                              No                  |
   |                                    mts                                                                           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MEM_REQ_READ_H       |         |         |         |         |  A MEM_REQ Read operation on the MIB's      |
   |                            |xxxxx==============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM6                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.98 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mst           middle of PHI1                              No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MEM_REQ_WRITE_H      |         |         |         |         |  A MEM_REQ Write operation on the MIB's     |
   |                            |xxxxx==============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM6                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.28 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mrs,mst       middle of PHI1                              No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MISC_CLR_MMGT_TD_H   |         |         |         |         |  A Clear MMGT Trap Disable operation        |
   |                            |xxxxx==============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM5                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.52 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mps           middle of PHI1                              No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 238

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MISC_SET_MMGT_TD_H   |         |         |         |         |  A SET MMGT Trap Disable operation          |
   |                            |xxxxx==============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM5                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.66 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mps           middle of PHI1                              No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MISC_SET_REEXECUTE_H |         |         |         |         |  A SET Re-Execute operation                 |
   |                            |xxxxx==============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM5                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.55 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mps           middle of PHI1                              No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MISC_SET_REPROBE_H   |         |         |         |         |  A SET Reprobe operation                    |
   |                            |xxxxx==============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM5                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.53 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mps           middle of PHI1                              No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MISS_COND_L          |         |         |         |         |  Control signal to write a TB Entry on a    |
   |                            |~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====xxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|  TB Miss                                    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 4.57 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI2 + 07ns      mhit          early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 239

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MISS_SEL_H<28:1>     |         |         |         |         |  Control signal to write a TB Entry         |
   |                            |~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====xxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|  pointed to by the NLU                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.73 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mhit            PHI2 + 10ns      mtag          early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MME_H                |         |         |         |         |  Memory Management Enable (MME) signal,     |
   |                            |=========xxxxxxxx======================|  basically says Translations are enabled    |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.88 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mut             PHI2 + 21ns      mdpc,mic,mts  early in PHI3                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MME_READ_H           |         |         |         |         |  Control signal to Read the MME register to |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|  the W-Spur (W-spur <-- MME)                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.98 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mut           early in PHI3                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MME_WRITE_H          |         |         |         |         |  Control signal to Write the MME register   |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|  from the W-Spur (W-spur --> MME)           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.68 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mut           early in PHI3                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 240

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MMGT_ERROR_H         |         |         |         |         |  There was a MMGT Error                     |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_TRAP_STALL SS_M_TRAP_STALL_SIMULATIONS                  Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.33 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mts             PHI3 + 03ns      mrs,mst       early in PHI3                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MMGT_TD_H            |         |         |         |         |  MMGT Trap Disable Decoded from the MIB's   |
   |                            |xxxx===================================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.19 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mps             PHI1 + 10ns      mmd,mst,mts,  early in PHI3                               No                  |
   |                                    mut                                                                           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MODE_H<1:0>          |         |         |         |         |  Output of the MODE Register                |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.55 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mut             PHI2 + 21ns      mpl           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MREF_H               |         |         |         |         |  This is a TRUE MEMORY TRANSFER Operation   |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|  on the MIB's                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM6                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.98 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mps,mst,mts   early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 241

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MREF_PHYS_H          |         |         |         |         |  This is a TRUE PHYSICAL MEMORY TRANSFER    |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|  Operation on the MIB's                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM7                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.43 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mic           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MREF_PTE_H           |         |         |         |         |  This is a TRUE PTE READ Operation          |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|  on the MIB's                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM6                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.72 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mdpc,mic      early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MREQ_PROBE_H         |         |         |         |         |  This is a MEM_REQ PROBE Operation          |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM7                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.80 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mic           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%MREQ_VIRT_H          |         |         |         |         |  This is a Virtual MEM_REQ Operation        |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|  on the MIB's                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM7                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.43 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mic           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 242

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%M_EQ_ZERO_H          |         |         |         |         |  This is the PTE.M = 0 signal               |
   |                            |_________xxxxxxxxxxxxx=======__________|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.82 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mts             PHI3 + 06ns      mut           early in PHI3                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%PAGE_OVFL_H          |         |         |         |         |  There is a Cross-Page Condition            |
   |                            |___xxxxxxxxx=================__________|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.83 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mxp             PHI2 + 08ns      mts           middle of PHI2                               No                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%PHYS_PREC_L          |         |         |         |         |  Precharge control for M_PH%PHYS_BUS_H,     |
   |                            |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx========|  conditional on ~LOAD_PTE                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.59 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI4 + 05ns      mpp           early in PHI4                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%PL_C_BUS_H<1:0>      |         |         |         |         |  A buffered C_BUS, acts like it was         |
   |                            |xxx==========================xx________|  precharged Low, valid High                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 3.90 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI1 + 16ns      mmc,mrc,mua   middle of PHI1                              No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 243

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%PREFETCH_CYCLE_H     |         |         |         |         |  This is a PREFETCH CYCLE, a prefetch WILL  |
   |                            |___xxxxxxxxx=================__________|  occur                                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_STATE_SIM MSTE3                                         Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 3.62 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mst             PHI4 + 21ns      mdpc,mic,mmc  early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                    mrs,mts,mut                                                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%PROT_COMP_PREC_L     |         |         |         |         |  Precharge control for M_PH%PROT_COMP_H     |
   |                            |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx________|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.71 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mic             PHI4 + 05ns      mpte          early in PHI4                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%PROT_DEC_H<8:1>      |         |         |         |         |  The re-decoded Protection Field to write   |
   |                            |========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx======|  into the PROTECTION cell                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.28 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mid             PHI4 + 12ns      mpte          early in PHI4                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%PSL_L<26:24>         |         |         |         |         |  The PSL Bits (buffered W-Bus<26:24>)       |
   |                            |xxx==========================xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.47 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mar             PHI1 + 05ns      mdpc          early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 244

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%PSL_OUT_H<25:24>     |         |         |         |         |  The Latched PSL Bits                       |
   |                            |==========xxxxxxxxx====================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.37 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mut             PHI2 + 21ns      mpl           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_B_SEL_P0LR_L     |         |         |         |         |  This is an MXPR Operation with B Select    |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|  P0LR                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM1                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.99 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_B_SEL_P1LR_L     |         |         |         |         |  This is an MXPR Operation with B Select    |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|  P1LR                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM1                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.10 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_B_SEL_SLR_L      |         |         |         |         |  This is an MXPR Operation with B Select    |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|  SLR                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM1                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.17 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 245

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_B_SEL_VAP_L      |         |         |         |         |  This is a BASIC Inst. with B Select VAP    |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM1                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.03 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_B_SEL_VA_L       |         |         |         |         |  This is a BASIC Inst. with B Select VA     |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM1                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.02 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_B_SEL_VIBA_L     |         |         |         |         |  This is a BASIC Inst. with B Select VIBA   |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM1                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.22 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_C_SEL_VAP_H      |         |         |         |         |  This is a MEM_REQ Inst. with VAP           |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM2                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.39 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 246

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_C_SEL_VA_H       |         |         |         |         |  This is a MEM_REQ Inst. with VA            |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM2                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.62 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_LD_VAP_ADD_H     |         |         |         |         |  Possible Load VAP with the +4-Adder Result |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM2                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.86 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_MISC_VAP_L       |         |         |         |         |  This is a MISC VAP Inst.                   |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM1                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.51 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_MISC_VA_L        |         |         |         |         |  This is a MISC VA Inst.                    |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxx=====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM1                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.02 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 247

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_MXPS_MMGT_H      |         |         |         |         |  This is a MEM_REQ MXPS (Spur Transfer)     |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|  with MMGT.STATUS as the source/dest.       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM5                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.75 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mut           early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_MXPS_MODE_H      |         |         |         |         |  This is a MEM_REQ MXPS (Spur Transfer)     |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|  with PROBE.MODE as the source/dest.        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM5                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.68 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mut           early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RAW_PREFETCH_CYCLE_H |         |         |         |         |  Thiis is possibly a PREFETCH Cycle         |
   |                            |===================__________xxxxxx====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 2.0pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM5                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.99 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mrs,mst       early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RD_IN_PROG_H         |         |         |         |         |  There is a MEM_REQ Read in Progress (i.e   |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|  missed the cache and went external)        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 3.6pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_STATE_SIM MST3                                          Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 3.83 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mst             PHI3 + 15ns      mdpc,mic,mmd  early in PHI4                               No                  |
   |                                    mrc                                                                           |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 248

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RD_P0LR_B_H          |         |         |         |         |  Put P0LR on the B_Bus                      |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.90 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI1 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RD_P1LR_B_H          |         |         |         |         |  Put P1LR on the B_Bus                      |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.90 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI1 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RD_SLR_B_H           |         |         |         |         |  Put SLR on the B_Bus                       |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.94 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI1 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RD_VAP_B_H           |         |         |         |         |  Put VAP Register contents on the B_Bus     |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.54 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI1 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 249

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RD_VAP_C_H           |         |         |         |         |  Put VAP Register Contents on the C_Bus     |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 3.93 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI1 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RD_VA_B_H            |         |         |         |         |  Put VA Register contents on the B_Bus      |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.52 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI1 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RD_VA_C_H            |         |         |         |         |  Put VA Register contents on the C_Bus      |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 3.93 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI1 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RD_VIBA_B_H          |         |         |         |         |  Put VIBA Register contents on the B_Bus    |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.51 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI1 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 250

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%RD_VIBA_C_H          |         |         |         |         |  Put VIBA Register contents on the C_Bus    |
   |                            |xxxx===============~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 3.80 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI1 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%READ_CHECK_H         |         |         |         |         |  Check Read Access on this MREQ             |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxx====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.92 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mpl           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%READ_PTE_OK_L        |         |         |         |         |  Control signal to read a PTE Entry         |
   |                            |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx========|  (i.e. write too the PFN and PROT Cell)     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 6.22 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI4 + 05ns      mhit          early in PHI4                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%REEXECUTE_L          |         |         |         |         |  Re-Execute (MMGT_REXE) Bit                 |
   |                            |xx=====================================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.69 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mps             PHI1 + 05ns      mts           early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 251

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%REPROBE_L            |         |         |         |         |  Re-Probe (REPROBE) Bit                     |
   |                            |xx=====================================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.84 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mps             PHI1 + 05ns      mdpc,mts,mut  early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ROT0_H               |         |         |         |         |  Rotate Data (from or too IDAL) 0-Bytes     |
   |                            |xx=======____________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 6.80 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrc             PHI1 + 05ns      mts           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                   PHI4 + 05ns                    early in PHI4                                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ROT0_L               |         |         |         |         |  Rotate Data (from or too IDAL) 0-Bytes     |
   |                            |xx=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 5.92 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrc             PHI1 + 05ns      mts           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                   PHI4 + 05ns                    early in PHI4                                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ROT1_H               |         |         |         |         |  Rotate Data (from or too IDAL) 1-Bytes     |
   |                            |xx=======____________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 6.84 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrc             PHI1 + 05ns      mts           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                   PHI4 + 05ns                    early in PHI4                                                   |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 252

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ROT1_L               |         |         |         |         |  Rotate Data (from or too IDAL) 1-Bytes     |
   |                            |xx=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 5.82 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrc             PHI1 + 05ns      mts           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                   PHI4 + 05ns                    early in PHI4                                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ROT2_H               |         |         |         |         |  Rotate Data (from or too IDAL) 2-Bytes     |
   |                            |xx=======____________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 6.72 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrc             PHI1 + 05ns      mts           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                   PHI4 + 05ns                    early in PHI4                                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ROT2_L               |         |         |         |         |  Rotate Data (from or too IDAL) 2-Bytes     |
   |                            |xx=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 5.78 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrc             PHI1 + 05ns      mts           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                   PHI4 + 05ns                    early in PHI4                                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ROT3_H               |         |         |         |         |  Rotate Data (from or too IDAL) 3-Bytes     |
   |                            |xx=======____________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 6.74 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrc             PHI1 + 05ns      mts           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                   PHI4 + 05ns                    early in PHI4                                                   |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 253

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ROT3_L               |         |         |         |         |  Rotate Data (from or too IDAL) 3-Bytes     |
   |                            |xx=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 5.62 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrc             PHI1 + 05ns      mts           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                   PHI4 + 05ns                    early in PHI4                                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ROT_DRIVE_H          |         |         |         |         |  Rotate Driver Control Signal               |
   |                            |xx=======____________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.28 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI1 + 05ns      mrc           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                   PHI4 + 05ns                    early in PHI4                                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%SELECT_MW_H          |         |         |         |         |  MW Bus data is to go too W-Bus             |
   |                            |xx=======____________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM8                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.94 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mst           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%SEL_MODE_H           |         |         |         |         |  Selects the 'mode' of Protection to check  |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxx====|  (psl.curr or mode)                         |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.04 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mpl           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 254

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%TAG_H<31:9,2:0>      |         |         |         |         |  The TAG Bus (used to find a CAM Match)     |
   |                            |xxxx=========================xxx_______|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW                                    Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.67 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mar             PHI1 + 18ns      mdrv,mtag     late in PHI1                                Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%TAG_L<31:9>          |         |         |         |         |  The TAG Bus (used to find a CAM Match)     |
   |                            |xxxx=========================xxx~~~~~~~|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW                                    Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.28 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mar             PHI1 + 18ns      mtag          late in PHI1                                Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%TBV_RESET_H          |         |         |         |         |  Clear (TB.V=0) TB entry pointed at by NLU  |
   |                            |___________________xxxx======xxx_______|  on a TB miss or an ZAP.TB(HIT).IF.HIT      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.61 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdrv            PHI3 + 05ns      mhit          early in PHI3                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%TB_HIT_H             |         |         |         |         |  Translation IS enabled, and there was a    |
   |                            |_________xxxxxxxxxx==========xxxxxxx___|  hit in the TB                              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.64 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI2 + 16ns      mdpc,mut      late in PHI2                                No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 255

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%TB_MISS_H            |         |         |         |         |  Translation IS enabled, and there was a    |
   |                            |_________xxxxxxxxxx==========xxxxxxx___|  MISS on the TB                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.30 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI2 + 16ns      mts           late in PHI2                                No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%TNV_H                |         |         |         |         |  TNV error (Translation Not Valid, PTE.V=0) |
   |                            |_________xxxxxxxxxx==========xxxxxxx___|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL TOO_IDAL_NEW                                    Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.22 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mts             PHI2 + 21ns      mdpc,mut      early in PHI3                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%UNALIGNED_H          |         |         |         |         |  This reference is un-aligned               |
   |                            |_________xxxxxxxxxx==========xxxxxxx___|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_UNALIGNED_SIM SIM1                                      Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.13 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mua             PHI2 + 09ns      mst,mts       early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%UTEST_MBOX_STAT_H    |         |         |         |         |  Write MBOX.STATUS to uTEST Bus             |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxx====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM4                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.73 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mut           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 256

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%UTEST_MMGT_STAT_H    |         |         |         |         |  Write MMGT.STATUS to uTEST Bus             |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxx====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM4                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.76 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mut           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%UTEST_MREF_STAT_H    |         |         |         |         |  Write MREF.STATUS to uTEST Bus             |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxx====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM4                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.74 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mut           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%UTEST_PSL_H          |         |         |         |         |  Write PSL Bits to uTEST Bus                |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxx====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  * Simulated with 1.5pF                     |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_MIB_DEC SIM4                                            Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 0.75 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mut           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WRITE_CHECK_H        |         |         |         |         |  Check Write Access on this MREQ            |
   |                            |===================~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxx====|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.03 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI4 + 15ns      mpl           early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 257

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WR_CHECK_H           |         |         |         |         |  Latched version of M_S%WRITE_CHECK_H       |
   |                            |xxxx===================================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.46 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mmd             PHI1 + 15ns      mts,mut       early in PHI2                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WR_ENABLE_H<3:1>     |         |         |         |         |  Enable IDAL drivers, for both Data and     |
   |                            |_________xx========xx__________________|  Address writes                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 5.61, 11.22, 2.75 pF for <3>, <2> and <1>                                                       |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mic             PHI2 + 05ns      mdrv          early in PHI2                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WR_PFN_H             |         |         |         |         |  Drive data from the IDAL up to the PTE     |
   |                            |xx___________________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 3.36 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mic             PHI4 + 05ns      mdrv          early in PHI4                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WR_PFN_L             |         |         |         |         |  Drive data from the IDAL up to the PTE     |
   |                            |xx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 4.73 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mic             PHI4 + 06ns      mdrv          early in PHI4                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 258

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WSEL_P0LR_H          |         |         |         |         |  Write to the P0LR from the W-Bus           |
   |                            |xx___________________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.15 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI4 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI4                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WSEL_P1LR_H          |         |         |         |         |  Write to the P1LR from the W-Bus           |
   |                            |xx___________________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.14 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI4 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI4                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WSEL_SLR_H           |         |         |         |         |  Write to the SLR from the W-Bus            |
   |                            |xx___________________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.18 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI4 + 05ns      mlr           early in PHI4                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WSEL_VAP_H           |         |         |         |         |  Write to VAP Register from the W-Bus       |
   |                            |xx___________________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.54 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI4 + 05ns      mar           early in PHI4                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 259

     MBOX INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|                COMMENTS                    |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WSEL_VA_H            |         |         |         |         |  Write to VA Register from the W-Bus        |
   |                            |xx___________________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.54 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI4 + 05ns      mar           early in PHI4                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%WSEL_VIBA_H          |         |         |         |         |  Write to VIBA Register from the W-Bus      |
   |                            |xx___________________________xx========|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): M_REG_SEL                                                 Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 2.40 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mrs             PHI4 + 05ns      mar           early in PHI4                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%W_PSL_H<26:24>       |         |         |         |         |  The Double Buffered PSL Bits (buffered     |
   |                            |xxx==========================xxxxxxxxxx|  W_BUS<26:24>)                              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.03 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mar             PHI1 + 05ns      mdpc          early in PHI1                               No                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   M_S%ZAP_TB_H             |         |         |         |         |  Clear (TB.V=0) the entire TB on a ZAP.TB   |
   |                            |_________xx========xx__________________|  or during a global reset                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated: 9/30/86        |
   |         C Load = 1.98 pF                                                                                         |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   mdpc            PHI2 + 06ns      mhit          early in PHI2                               Yes                 |
   |                                                                                                                  |

   4.4  ISSUES

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 260

        1.  What happens to TB.V on a PPTE load with a ACV/TNV or other uTrap
            and MMGT_TD=1?  If loaded anyway then you've got to clean it out.

            ANS:  2-Apr-85 R.M.S.  - Although  a  trap  isn't  taken  because
            MMGT_TD  =  1,  the  PTE  is  not  written  and  TB.V is not set.
            ZAP.TB(NLU) is no longer necessary.  Must assert BIU_NOP.

        2.  Does microcode guarantee that the Read Interrupt Vector uinstr is
            always aligned or is it done in hardware?

            ANS:  ?  A.O.  - microcode guarantees.

        3.  Does PSL<26:24> get loaded into the M Box from the  WBUS  or  the
            WSPUR ?

            ANS:  ?  D.S.  - PSL<26:24> are loaded from W_BUS<26:24>.

        4.  Can VIBA be incremented at the end of a cycle or does it have  to
            wait  till  it  gets  IB_DATA_PRS, if so it must keep a temporary
            copy of the incremented VIBA.

            ANS:   25-Mar-85  A.O.   -  increment  it,  add  status  bit   to

        5.  Are PROBES guaranteed not to cause crosspages by being aligned or
            inhibiting crosspage checking?

            ANS:  ?  A.O.   -  No,  PROBEs  are  not  aligned,  don't  invoke
            crosspage checking.

        6.  Does the VIBA register have bits <1:0>, or on reads are they just
            driven to zero?  This may limit other uses of VIBA.

            ANS:  20-Apr-85 A.O.  - bits<1:0> must be read as zeroes.

        7.  Do registers that read from W_Spur have to drive all 8-bits?

            ANS:  ?  A.O.  - Yes, all bits must be driven to a legal value,

        8.  M Box may have to STALL  any  MREQ  or  Broadcast  on  the  cycle
            following a write.

            ANS:  1-May-85 A.O.  - The BIU will assert MSTALL during the data
            portion  of  a write cycle.  The M Box then stalls the machine if
            any MREQ is detected on the cycle following the  write.   Once  a
            write  MREQ  starts,  the  write  data  is  sent  out on the IDAL
            irrespective of MSTALL.  Broadcast cycles  that  follow  a  write
            MREQ require no special action.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 261

   5  CACHE

   The idea behind a cache is that data recently referenced is likely  to  be
   referenced  again,  and that data near that reference is also likely to be
   used.  By storing this data in a high speed,  on  chip  memory,  both  bus
   traffic and data access time are reduced.

   A cache entry consists of both the address (address<28:9>) and data from a
   memory  reference.   The  address is stored in a tag array at the location
   specified by bits<8:3> of the virtual address.  Each address stored in the
   tag  array  is  associated  with seventy two bits of data.  A valid bit is
   associated with each cache entry, and is used  to  determine  whether  the
   data is present in the cache.

   When the CPU requires data from the main memory, it first checks the cache
   to see if that data is stored in the cache.  Virtual address bits<8:3> are
   used to index into the tag and data arrays.  If the address stored in that
   tag  location  matches  the  current physical address and the valid bit is
   set, there is a hit in the cache and 32-bits of data are driven  onto  the
   IDALs.  Parity is also checked on the tag entry to make sure that data has
   not been corrupted in the array.  If there is a tag parity error, the  CPU
   is informed and the cache is flushed.

   The combination of a tag array and data array in a cache is called a  set.
   The  cache  currently  being  designed  contains  two  sets.  When data is
   written to the cache, the set allocated to store the data is determined by
   a random allocation scheme.  On a cache read, both tag entries are checked
   to see if the data is present in the cache.

   The cache can be broken down into five sections (See Figure below):

        1.  Ram Array and Sense Amps

        2.  Address Selection and Decode

        3.  Tag Data Path

        4.  Data Array Drivers

        5.  Cache Control

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 262

                                                         | ADR<1:0>
       +-------------------------------------+    +----------+ REF
       |                                     |    |          |<---6
       |                                     |    | ADDRESS  | MBX    6
       |           RAM ARRAY                 |    | SELECTION|<----------+-
       |                                     |<---| AND      | DMA       |
       |                                     | 64 | DECODE   |<---6      |
       |                                     |    |          | OLD +---+ |
       |                                     |    |          |<----| O |6|
       +-------------------------------------+    +----------+  6  | L |-+
       |           SENSE AMPS                |<-+      |           | D |
       +-------------------------------------+  | +----------+     +---+
          ^                     ^               | |          | CTL   
          |88                   |288            +-|          |<---3
          V                     V                 |          | MISC
       +------------+  +---------------------+    | CACHE    |<---4        
       |            |  |                     |    | CONTROL  | OUT
   +-->| TAG DATA   |  |   DATA ARRAY DRIVER |<---|          |--->3
   |   |   PATH     |  |                     |    |          | BTMK
   |   |            |  |                     | +->|          |<---4
   |   +------------+  +---------------------+ |  +----------+ 
   |         ^ 20                   ^36        |   
   |         |                      |          |   
             |                      |        
             |                      V
                                               IDAL<31:0> + PARITY 

   5.1  Ram Array And Sense Amps

   The ram array is 33 cells in the short dimension and 376 cells in the long
   dimension.  The cell implemented is a one transistor dynamic ram cell with
   a storage capacitance of 110 fF.  The ram array uses  a  folded  bit  line
   structure.  In a folded bit line implementation the two bit lines that are
   being sensed are located next to each other in the array.  The array  also
   incorporates  a  dummy cell which is used in place of a voltage reference.
   The dummy cell contains a storage  capacitance  half  that  found  in  the
   storage  cell.   When data is read from the array, the actual storage cell
   is read onto one bit line, and the dummy cell  is  read  onto  the  other.
   Since the dummy cell has half the capacitance of the storage cell, it will
   only take half as much charge off its bit line.

   The sense amp detects the difference in charge between the two bit  lines,
   and  amplifies  it.   The  output from the sense amp is data and data_bar,
   each driven to the rail.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 263

   The only exception in the array is the valid bit.  In  order  to  simplify
   the  cache  flush  operation,  the cell which stores the valid bit differs
   from the rest of the array.  The storage capacitance of the valid bit cell
   will be twice that of other storage cells.  The dummy cell associated with
   the valid bits will also have twice the capacitance  of  the  other  dummy
   cells.   Another  difference  is that there will be a pulldown in the cell
   which will clear the valid bit on a cache flush operation.  Because of the
   larger  cell  size,  the  valid  bit  will  not  be included in the parity
   generation/checking.  This eliminates the need for  inverting  the  parity
   bit on a flush of the cache.

   5.2  Address Selection And Decode

   The cache can receive its address from four sources:

        1.  M Box address

        2.  Refresh Counter

        3.  DMA address

        4.  Latched M Box address

   Each address is six bits wide.  These addresses are brought into a four to
   one  multiplexer  (MUX)  which selects the appropriate address via the two
   address select lines.  The two address select lines  are  decoded  locally
   and  driven  into  the MUX.  The decode for the address select lines is as

           g_s%cache_addr_src<1> | g_s%cache_addr_src<0> | Address Selected        
                      0          |            0          | Refresh Address 
                      0          |            1          | M Box Address
                      1          |            0          | Latched M Box Address
                      1          |            1          | DMA Address

   The selected address is latched on phase two and  driven  into  the  first
   stage  of the row decoder.  This stage does some of the initial decode and
   avoids having long AND stacks in the row decoder.  The  outputs  from  the
   first  stage are decoded further by the final stage of the row decoder and
   the appropriate row is enabled in the ram array.

   If the address selected by the address multiplexer was an M  Box  address,
   the  address  is  latched into the Latched M Box address register on phase
   two.  This address is used to address into  the  ram  array  during  cache
   write operations.

   The DMA address is used to check if a DMA transfer is  changing  a  memory
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 264

   location  that  is currently in the cache.  A cache read is performed with
   the DMA address and if a hit  occurs,  the  data  in  the  cache  must  be

   The refresh address is required in order to make sure that the data stored
   in the cache does not leak away.  Because the storage cell is dynamic, the
   charge stored on the capacitor has to be refreshed.  The  refresh  address
   makes sure that every location in the cache is refreshed.

   5.3  Tag Data Path

   The tag data path is responsible for getting  data  into  the  tag  array,
   generating  and  checking  parity, and determining if there is data in the
   cache.  The tag data path consists of  the  following  logic  blocks  (see
   Figure below):

        1.  M Box Address Latch

        2.  Parity Generator/Checker

        3.  Match Address Latch

        4.  Match Address Drivers

        5.  Address Match Detection

        6.  Tag Write Multiplexer

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 265

   Note :  All busses contain true and complement data (except IDALs). 

                              TO TAG ARRAY1    TO TAG ARRAY0                 
                               ^                ^   
                               |44              |44   
           Write Tag 1 --->|   Tag Write Mux       |       
           Write Tag 0 --->|                       |
                           +-----------------------+     |FROM BOTH TAG ARRAYS     
                      Valid  ^   ^     ^                 |84       
                      -------+4  |4    | 40   +----------+ 
                      Parity     |     +------(----------+  
                      -----------+            |          |
                                              V          |
                           +-----------------------+     |
                           |  Address Match Detect |-----(-----> Match Set 0
                           |       (21 bits)       |-----(-----> Match Set 1
                           +-----------------------+     |
                                       ^                 |
                                       |42               |
                                       |                 |
                           +-----------------------+     |
                           | Match Address Drivers |     |
           Match Enable--->|                       |     |
                           +-----------------------+     |
                           2 ^         ^                 | 
             Valid Bit ------+         |                 | 
                                       |40               |
                                       |                 |
                           +-----------------------+     |
                           | Match Address Latch   |<----(---- phi2        
                           |                       |     |
                           +-----------------------+     |
           To Tag write mux                 ^            |         
                     ^      Parity Bits     |20          |
                     |4    from tag array   +---------+  |
                     +-------+   |4                   |  |
                             |   V                    |  |
                           +-----------------------+  |  |
      Tag Parity Error <---|   Parity Gen/Check    |  |  |
                           |       (21 bits)       |  |  |
                           +-----------------------+  |  |
                                       ^              |  |
                                       |              |  |
                                       |40            |
                           +-----------------------+  |
                           |  M Box Address Latch  |<-(---- M Box Address strobe
                           +-----------------------+  |
                                       ^ 20           |            
                                       |              |    IDAL

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 266

   5.3.1  M Box Address Latch -

   The M Box Address Latch samples the IDAL whenever  an  M  Box  address  is
   indicated  on  the  g_s%cache_addr_src<1:0>  lines.   During a cache write
   operation, the data stored in the M Box address latch is written into  the
   tag  array.  Tag parity is also calculated using the address stored in the
   M Box address latch.

   5.3.2  Parity Generator/Checker -

   The parity generator calculates parity only on the physical address stored
   in the M Box address latch.  On a cache write operation, the tag parity is
   calculated and driven into the tag array.  On  a  cache  read  cycle,  tag
   parity  is  calculated  and  compared  to the parity bit stored in the tag
   array.  If the calculated parity is different from the stored  parity  and
   the  read  operation  resulted  in a cache hit, then a tag parity error is
   reported to the BIU.  The tag parity error signal is valid midway  through
   phase  four.   A  tag parity error is NOT reported on a cache miss.  A tag
   parity check is only performed when an mbox address is  decoded  from  the
   cache  address  source  lines.   Tag  parity  is  not checked during a DMA
   invalidate look up.

   5.3.3  Match Address Latch -

   The match address latch samples the IDAL every phase two.  This  latch  is
   primarily  used  to store either the DMA address or the M Box address.  To
   determine if there is stale data in the cache, a cache read  is  performed
   using  the  DMA  address.  If there is a hit in the cache, the cache entry
   must be invalidated.  The M Box address is used to determine if  there  is
   current data in the cache.

   5.3.4  Address Match Detection -

   During a cache read, the data from both tag  arrays  is  compared  to  the
   current  physical  address.   The valid bits from both tag arrays are also
   compared to a one.  If the two addresses are identical and the  valid  bit
   is  true,  a cache hit is signaled to the bus interface unit.  If the data
   from the matching set is required by the bus interace unit,  the  data  is
   driven onto the IDALs at the beginning of phase four.

   5.3.5  Tag Write Mux -

   The physical address bits <28:9> can be stored in one of two  tag  arrays.
   The  tag write mux places the address into the tag array determined by the
   cache allocation logic.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 267

   5.4  Data Array Drivers

   The data array drivers are primarily responsible for getting data into and
   out  of  the data array.  The data array driver is composed of three logic

        1.  IDAL Input Buffer

        2.  Data Multiplexer

        3.  IDAL Output Buffer

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 268

                                To/From Ram array
                    |               Data Mux               |<-- Mux Ctrl<3:0>
                    |                                      |
                       |               ^           |
              +--------+               |36         +------------+  
              |                        |                        |
              |    +---------------------------------------+    |
              |    |               Input Buffer            |<---(-- Data_Enable
              |    |                                       |<---(-- Data_in
              |    +---------------------------------------+    |
              |         ^             ^                         |
              |         |4            |32                       |
              |         |             |                         |  
              |         |             +-------------------------(-----------+
              |  +------+                                       |           |
              |  |                                              |           |
              +--)----------+                      +------------+           |
                 |          |36                    |36                      |
           Parity Logic     V                      V                        |
                   +---------------+       +---------------+                |
         Phi3  --->| Output Latch  |       | Output Latch  |<--- Phi3       |
                   |               |       |               |                |
                   +---------------+       +---------------+                |
                            |36                    |36                      |
                            V                      V                        |
                   +---------------------------------------+                |
                   |            Output Multiplexer         |                |
                   |                                       |<--- Match_set1 |
                   +---------------------------------------+                |
                                       |36                                  |
                                       V                                    |
                   +---------------------------------------+                |
                   |             Output Driver             |<--- Phi4       |
                   |                                       |                |
                   +---------------------------------------+                |
                                       |                                    |
                                       |36                                  |
   IDAL                                V                                    |

   5.4.1  IDAL Input Buffer -

   The IDAL input buffer stores the 36-bits of data  which  will  be  written
   into  the  cache.   The data is valid at the cache on two different phases
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 269

   depending on where the data is sourced.  If the data is  coming  from  the
   MBOX,  it  is  sampled  on phase three, and if the data is coming from the
   BIU, it is valid on phase one.  The cache uses the read cycle which occurs
   prior  to  the write to determine when to latch data.  If a read with data
   cycle was indicated, the data is latched on  phase  one.   Otherwise,  the
   data is sampled on phase three.

   The data input buffer for each parity bit of the data array, stores either
   the  correct  parity  bit or the inverted parity bit.  The inverted parity
   bit is stored in the array in order to test the parity checking  logic  of
   the  bus  interface unit.  The parity bits are not read from the four IDAL
   parity lines, but are direct inputs from the four IDAL parity generators.

   The data input buffer also allows for byte, word, and longword  writes  to
   the cache.  The four byte mask inputs are used to drive only the specified
   bytes into the data multiplexer.

   5.4.2  Data Multiplexer -

   On a cache read operation, the data multiplexer determines which  longword
   (two  longwords accessed simultaneously from each set) is latched into the
   output buffer.  The data  multiplexer  uses  physical  address  bit<2>  to
   select the appropriate longword.

   On a cache write, the data multiplexer  uses  the  set  select  input  and
   physical  address  bit<2>  to  determine where to write the incomimg data.
   The set select input is used to write  the  allocated  set,  and  physical
   address bit<2> determines which longword within the quadword block.

   5.4.3  IDAL Output Buffer -

   The  IDAL  output  buffer  latches  the  information  from  a  cache  read
   operation,  and  enables the data onto the IDAL on phase four depending on
   the following set of conditions.  Data is driven on the IDALs only when it
   is  requested  by the bus interface unit.  The data from set one is driven
   if there was a hit in set one.  Data from set two is driven on a  miss  in
   set  one.  This scheme insures that the IDAL is always driven during phase
   four on a cache read-with-data cycle.

   Because it is possible to hit in both sets (parity error)  it  has  to  be
   guaranteed  that  the two output drivers are not both enabled.  By driving
   data from set two only on a miss in set one, you assure  that  there  will
   not  be  a conflict.  This scheme also guarantees that data will be driven
   when the cache misses in both sets.

   5.5  Cache Control

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 270

   The cache control logic performs the following functions:

        1.  Operation Decode

        2.  Set Selection

        3.  Multiple Write Control

        4.  Refresh Counter

   5.5.1  Operation Decode -

   The cache receives two encoded control  lines,  and  one  dedicated  flush
   signal  from  the  bus  interface  unit.  These lines determine what cache
   operation is performed.  The table below summarizes the decode of the  two
   encoded control lines.

                       g_s%cache_fcn<1>  g_s%cache_fcn<0>  OPERATION
                              0        |        0        | READ WITH DATA
                              0        |        1        | READ NO DATA
                              1        |        0        | CACHE WRITE
                              1        |        1        | INVALIDATE

   The two other cache operations, refresh and flush, are not encoded in  the
   cache  function control lines.  A refresh cycle is requested via the cache
   address source control lines.  Whenever the  refresh  address  is  decoded
   from  the  cache address source signals, a refresh operation is performed.
   The cache flush operation has its own dedicated control line.

   The refresh operation restores the stored charge inside the ram cell.  One
   row  of  the  ram array is read each refresh cycle.  No action is taken on
   the data except to write it back into the ram array.  All match  detection
   logic  is  disabled  during  a refresh.  The row address is generated by a
   six-bit refresh counter.

   The cache write operation stores both the address and data  from  a  given
   memory  reference.   The  physical address is stored in the tag array, the
   data (byte,word,longword) is stored in the data array, parity is generated
   for  the  tag  entry, and the valid bit for the cache entry is set to one.
   If the cache operation is a cache fill, the valid bit is set to  one  only
   after  the  second  longword  write.   If  the  cache operation is a write
   through, the valid bit is always written to a one.

   If the cache has valid data for a given memory location, and  that  memory
   location has been altered without updating the cache, the cache entry must
   be invalidated.  The invalidate operation clears the  valid  bit  for  the
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 271

   cache entry, removing that memory location from the cache.

   The flush operation clears out the cache.  On a flush, every valid bit  in
   both  tag arrays is set to zero.  Because the valid bit is not part of the
   parity calculation, no other data manipulation has  to  be  performed.   A
   flush  is  performed  on the following phase one.  A cache flush operation
   also initializes the set allocation logic.  In the case of  a  tag  parity
   error  on  a  cache  read  no data cycle, it is possible for the GS%FLUSHH
   signal to be active at the  same  time  as  a  write  operation  is  being
   requested.   In  this case, the cache write is performed, and the cache is
   flushed on the following phase one.

   The last cache operation is the  cache  read.   The  cache  read  no  data
   operation  does  not  enable  data  onto the IDALs.  The read without data
   cycle checks to see if there is data stored in the cache for  the  current
   physical  address.  If so, it reports a cache hit but does not drive data.
   The second type of cache read is the  normal  cache  read  operation.   If
   there  is  valid data in the cache for the current physical address, a hit
   is reported and data is driven onto the IDALs at the  beginning  of  phase

   5.5.2  Set Selection -

   The set selection logic determines which set to access  on  a  write,  and
   which  set  hit on a read.  On a cache write operation, the set written is
   allocated with the following logic equations:

   c_set1_select =  (cache_miss AND g_s%set1_en_h AND 
                    (NOT(g_s%set2_en_h) OR NOT(random)) OR c_hit_set1) AND write

   c_set2_select =  (cache_miss AND g_s%set2_en_h AND 
                    (NOT(g_s%set1_en_h) OR random) OR c_hit_set2) AND write

   These equations state that  on  a  write,  a  set  is  allocated  for  the
   following three reasons:

        1.  The set is enabled, there was a cache miss, and the random master
            slave flip-flop is pointing to the set ( i.e a zero signifies set

        2.  The other set is disabled.

        3.  The read, before the write, hit in the set.

   On a cache read the set that matched is determined by  the  address  match
   detection  logic.   A  cache  hit  is  determined  by  the following logic
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 272

   c_hit_set1 = (match_set1 AND g_s%set1_en_h AND read)

   c_hit_set2 = (match_set2 AND g_s%set2_en_h AND read)

   g_s%cache_hit_h = (c_hit_set1 OR c_hit_set2) AND read

   The signal which tells the bus interface unit which set is being allocated
   on a cache miss is simply:

   g_s%alloc_set_h = c_set1_select

   Where g_s%alloc_set_h is a one when set one is accessed and a zero when set
   two is accessed. 

   The random master slave flip-flop determines which set is allocated  after
   a cache miss.  The flip-flop is clocked every cycle in order to generate a
   fairly random event.  The random flip-flop is initialized to one during  a
   cache  flush  operation  in order to create a reproducible environment for
   the cache test patterns.

   5.5.3  Multiple Write Control -

   While filling the cache, it is possible  to  have  two  consecutive  write
   cycles without having the physical address updated.  In order to write the
   correct longword, physical address bit<2> must be inverted after the first
   cache  write.  In order to accomplish this function, the fact that a cache
   write has taken placed has to stored.  If another write occurs, the output
   from  the  write latch is exclusive-ored with the latched physical address
   bit<2> in order to write the other  longword.   If  a  cache  read  occurs
   between  two  write  cycles,  the  write  latched  is cleared and physical
   address bit<2> is not inverted.

   5.5.4  Refresh Counter -

   The refresh counter is required to make sure that every  location  in  the
   ram array is refreshed.  It is a six bit counter and is incremented at the
   end of a refresh operation.  The refresh counter is implemeted as a linear
   feedback  shift register.  The most significant bit of the refresh counter
   is sent to the master reducer in order to ensure the proper  operation  of
   the counter.

   5.6  Cache Timing

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 273

                   0    2    4    6    0    2    4    6    0    2    4    6    0
                   0    3    6    9    0    3    6    9    0    3    6    9    0
   g_pl%cash_bus   ____/~~~~~~~~~~~\_______________________________


   g_s%cache_adr_src___/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\______________ Rising edge 3-5ns before T23

   g_s%idal_parity _______________/~~~~~~~~~\________ Idal parity driven by cache

   g_s%wrong_parity___________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______ For cache write 

   g_s%cache_oper  ____/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\______________
   g_s%byte_mask   _____/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\____________

   g_s%cache_hit   _________________/~~~~~~~\________

   g_s%alloc_set_h _________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   g_s%t_par_err_h _________________/~~~~~~~\________

   g_s%idal        ________________/~~~~\____________ On a cache read

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 274


   The BIU controls the internal data and address bus  (IDAL),  the  external
   data and address bus (DAL), the CFPA status lines (CPSTA), CFPA data lines
   (CPDAT), and  several  other  pins  as  discussed  later.   The  following
   operations are controlled by the BIU:

        1.  Memory reads - this includes reads of cached data as well as data
            resident in main memory

        2.  Memory writes - this involves writing to both cache (if the  data
            is cached already) and main memory

        3.  External Processor Register (EPR) reads -  data  read  operations
            from registers not resident on the CVAX chip

        4.  External  Processor  Register  (EPR)  writes  -  data  writes  to
            registers not resident on the CVAX chip

        5.  Interrupt Acknowledge Read Cycles

        6.  DMA Cache Invalidate Operations - During a DMA cycle,  the  owner
            of the DAL may request that a cache location be invalidated.

   6.1  BIU Controlled Pins

   The BIU controls and/or monitors the following CVAX CPU chip pins:

           Signals         Signal Type     Number of Pins
           -------         -----------     --------------
           Cycle status/parity     I/O              4
           Data and Address        I/O             32
           Data parity enable      I/O              1
           Address strobe          I/O              1
           Data strobe             O                1
           Byte mask               O                4
           Write                   O                1
           Data buffer enable      O                1
           Ready                   I                1
           Error                   I                1
           DMA request             I                1
           DMA grant               O                1
           Cache control           I                1
           FP Unit data            I/O              6
           FP Unit status          I/O              2

   Refer to the CVAX CPU External Specification for a description of each  of
   these pins.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 275

   6.1.1  Internal Pin Names -

   The following table shows the input/output characteristics  for  each  pin
   and internal signal names mapping to each pin.

   Internal signal                 Pin Name                Function                        Type
   ---------------                 --------                --------                        ----
   P_S%DAL_H<31:0>                 DAL<31:0> H             data and address lines          IO
   P_S%CS/DP<3:0>                  CS/DP<3:0> L            cycle status & dal parity       IO
   P_S%BYTE_MASK_L<3:0>            BM<3:0> L               byte mask                       IO
   P_S%DPE_L                       DPE L                   DAL parity enable               IO
   P_S%AS_L                        AS L                    address strobe                  IO
   P_S%DS_L                        DS L                    data strobe                     IO
   P_S%DBE_L                       DBE L                   enables data buffers            IO
   P_S%WRITE_L                     WR L                    write cycle indicator           IO
   P_S%READY_L                     RDY L                   memory system ready             I
   P_S%ERROR_L                     ERR L                   memory system error             I
   P_S%DMR_L                       DMR L                   DMA request                     I
   P_S%DMG_L                       DMG L                   DMA GRANT                       O
   P_S%CCTL_L                      CCTL L                  cache control                   I
   P_S%CP_DAT_L<5:0>               CPDAT<5:0> H            CFPA data                       IO
   P_S%CP_STA_L<1:0>               CPSTA<1:0> H            CFPA status                     IO

   6.2  BIU Controlled Internal Bus - IDAL BUS (G_S%IDAL_H<31:0>)

   The IDAL is driven from either the DAL input buffers, cache or the M  Box.
   If  the  operation  in  progress  is a read from memory, read from EPR, or
   interrupt acknowledge, the M BOX drives the IDAL with the required address
   during  PHI2  and  PHI3.   If  the  reference  is  cacheable, the cache is
   accessed and drives data to the IDAL during PHI4 and PHI1.  If the  memory
   reference  has  accessed  external  memory, the DAL buffers will drive the
   IDAL during PHI4 and PHI1 with the returned data.   If  the  operation  in
   progress  is  a  write  to  memory, the M BOX sends the address during one
   cycle as described above, followed by the data during the  next  PHI2  and
   PHI3.  If the operation in progress is a conditional DMA cache invalidate,
   the DAL buffers will send the address to the IDAL during PHI2 and PHI3.

   6.3  BIU Logic Blocks

   6.3.1  IDAL Control Machine -

   The IDAL controller controls the following:  arbitrates the usage of DAL's
   and  strobe  lines;latching  of outgoing address and data at the DAL pads;
   source of address used by the cache; cache function code; stall of  the  M
   BOX;  FLUSH  operations  in  the  cache;  updating  of  the  CADR and MSER
   registers.  This machine evaluates its inputs during PHI4 and  updates  to
   its next state in PHI1.  A PLAD description for the IDAL state machine can
   be found in section 6.5.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 276

   6.3.2  DAL Control Machine -

   The DAL controller controls the following:  all pads as listed above;  bus
   grant for DMA operations; bus locking for interlocked operations.  The DAL
   machine  evaluates  inputs  and  updates  outputs  during  PHI2.   A  PLAD
   description for the DAL state machine can be found in section 6.6.

   6.3.3  Cache Disable Register (CADR) -

   CADR control the operation of the cache.  It is read and  written  on  the
   W_SPUR  bus by an MXPS1 microinstuction with a MEMREG.REG encoding of CADR

            7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
           |SEN|CEN|   |W|D|
           |   |   |1 1|W|I| : CADR
           |   |   |   | |A|

   CADR<3:2> are not implemented in the BIU, and therefore will read as 11 on
   the  W_SPUR.   CADR<7:4,1:0> are read/write and are undefined at power up.
   If CADR<0> is 0, the cache flush signal G_S%FLUSH_H is asserted  when  the
   CADR is written.  The signal is inhibited when CADR<0> is 1.

   CADR <7:6> (Set Enable) are read/write and are encoded as follows:

                   <7:6>           Set 2           Set 1
                   -----           -----           -----
                    00             disabled        disabled
                    01             disabled        enabled
                    10             enabled         disabled
                    11             enabled         enabled

   CADR <5:4> (Cache Enable) are read/write and are encoded as follows:

                   <5:4>           Action
                   -----           ------
                    00             Cache disabled
                    01             D-stream only stored in cache (diagnostic use)
                    10             I-stream only stored in cache
                    11             I-stream and D-stream stored in cache

   CADR <1> (Write Wrong Parity) is read/write.  When set,  incorrect  parity
   is stored in the cache whenever the cache is written.

   CADR <0> (Diagnostic mode) is read/write.  When set, all write  references
   write  through the cache irrespective of hit/miss or bus error status.  In
   addition, the BIU assertion of TRAP and STALL are inhibited during  a  bus
   write.    When  cleared,  a  normal  non-allocating  cache  write  through
   operation occurs during write cycles.  Diagnostic  mode  does  not  effect
   read operations.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 277

   Cache diagnostic mode, which is selected when CADR<0> is written as  a  1,
   has several restrictions.

   Cache diagnostic mode was designed to allow the internal cache tag RAM  to
   be  fully  tested  without  requiring  the full compliment of VAX physical
   memory (512Mbytes).  Originally, diagnostic mode was going  to  force  all
   write references to write through the cache (write allocate), irrespective
   of whether or not the  data  was  previously  stored  in  the  cache.   In
   addition,  bus  errors  (write  cycles  terminated  by asserting ERR L and
   deasserting RDY L) were to be ignored (no machine check is generated).

   The final implementation of diagnostic mode did implement  the  spirit  of
   these  goals.   However, several restrictions where added on the exact way
   they can be used.

   1.  A validated write allocation will only occur on instructions that have
   a  quadword  write  destination  (such as MOVQ).  Any longword destination
   write that accesses a location that  is  not  stored  in  the  cache  will
   invalidate a cache entry.  The second longword write is needed to validate
   the cache enty during a write allocation.  It is recommended to  only  use
   MOVQ when write allocating the cache.

   2.   A  read  operation  must  occur  in  between  all  write   allocation
   operations.   A  prefetch  read  is sufficient although great care must be
   taken to insure that  one  occurs  in  between  write  allocates.   It  is
   recommended  to  read some bit bucket data in between write allocations in
   order to guarantee that restriction 2 is met.

   3.  When the above restrictions are observed, the data  that  is  actually
   written  into  the  cache  is  convoluted.  The second longword write will
   always overwrite the first longword write.  Therefore, the longword in the
   cache  that  is accessed by the first longword write will contain the data
   that was written second.  Furthermore, the alternate longword will contain
   whatever  data was in the cache prior to the write allocation.  A quadword
   aligned MOVQ followed by a MOVQ to the alternate longword can be  used  to
   define both longwords of a cache entry.

   6.3.4  Low Memory System Error Register (MSER) -

            7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
           |H|D|M|M| | |D|T|
           |M|A|C|C|0|0|A|A| : MSER
           | |L|D|C| | |T|G|

   MSER <7:4,1:0> are read/write and are undefined at  power  up.   MSER<3:2>
   are  not  implemented  in  the  BIU,  and therefore will read as 11 on the

   MSER <7> (hit/miss) is updated only on references that can be  potentially
   stored  in the cache.  This excludes all I/O space references; if CADR <5>
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 278

   = 0, all memory space instruction stream references; if CADR <4> = 0,  all
   memory space data stream references; and all read lock references.  On all
   references that qualify, MSER <7> is set if the reference is stored in the
   cache and cleared if it is not stored in the cache.

   MSER<6> (DAL parity error) is set whenever a DAL parity error is  detected
   on either a demand or request read cycle.

   MSER <5> (machine check abort -  DAL  parity  error)  is  set  whenever  a
   machine  check  is  caused by a DAL parity error.  A DAL parity error will
   only cause a machine check on a demand read cycle.

   MSER <4> (machine check abort - cache parity  error)  is  set  whenever  a
   machine  check  is  caused by a cache parity error (tag or data).  A cache
   parity error will only cause a machine check on a demand read cycle.

   MSER<1:0> are independently set to show the scope of a cache parity  error
   on  either a demand or request cycle.  MSER<0> is set to indicate that the
   cache parity error was caused by a tag error; MSER<1>, by a data error.

   MSER <6:4,1:0> are sticky in the sense that  once  set,  they  remain  set
   until  MSER  is  explicity  cleared  by  a  wirting MSER (MXPS1 MSER write
   irrespective of  the  data).   Parity  errors  occurring  while  an  error
   condition  is  posted in MSER can only set additional bit, i.e., MSER<6:0>
   cannot be cleared on subsequent errors.

   Cache parity is checked only on cacheable read  references  that  hit  the
   cache.  The action following the detection of a cache parity error depends
   on the reference type:  during a demand D-stream reference, the  cause  of
   the  error  is  logged  in  MSER.LOW<6:0>,  the  cache  is  flushed (i.e.,
   G_S%FLUSH_H  is  asserted)  CADR<7:0>  is  cleared,  and  a  microtrap  is
   generated;  request I-stream reference, the cache is flushed, the cause of
   the error is logged in MSER.LOW<6:0>, G_S%IB_FILL_ERR_H  is  asserted,  no
   microtrap is generated and CADR remains unchanged.

                   uTrap   G_S%IB_FILL_ERR_H       G_S%FLUSH_H     CADR            MSER
                   -----   -----------------       -----------     ----            ----
   D-demand        yes     deasserted              asserted        cleared         error logged
   I-request       no      asserted                asserted        no change       error logged
   D-request                       can not generate cache parity error  DAL H Parity -

   CVAX  protects  DAL  data  with  parity.   Each  eight  bit  DAL  byte  is
   conditionally  checked  by  a parity bit.  Odd data bytes show odd parity;
   even data bytes, even parity.  The parity sense is alternated in order  to
   catch  both  stuck at one and stuck at zero faults.  DAL H parity checking
   can be disable, reference by reference, by deasserting  the  external  pin
   DPE L.

   The action following the detection of a DAL H parity error depends on  the
   reference  type:   during  a demand D-stream reference, the cache entry is
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 279

   invalidated if the access is cacheable, the cause of the error  is  logged
   in  MSER.LOW<7,3:0>,  and  a  microtrap  is  generated;  request  D-stream
   references, the cache entry is invalidated if the access is cacheable, the
   cause  of the error is logged in MSER.LOW<7,3:0>, and no microtrap occurs;
   I-stream references, the cache entry is  invalidated,  the  cause  of  the
   error  is  logged in MSER.LOW<7,3:0>, G_S%IB_FILL_ERR_H is asserted and no
   microtrap occurs

                   uTrap   G_S%IB_FILL_ERR_H       G_S%FLUSH_H     CADR            MSER
                   -----   -----------------       -----------     ----            ----
   D-demand        yes     deasserted              deasserted      no change       error logged
   I-request       no      asserted                deasserted      no change       error logged
   D-request       no      deasserted              deasserted      no change       error logged

                   Note that in all cases, the cache entry that is being allocated 
                   will be invalidated if the reference is cacheable.

   6.3.5  MIB Decoder -

   The MIB decoder decodes the microinstruction for the BIU.
                                   "       MEM REQ Format Macros"
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 280


           []<--FPA.DATA           "MEMREQ/FORMAT,MEMREQ.FNC/FPA.DATA,W/@1,A/@1,
           []<--MXPR[]             "MEMREQ/FORMAT,MEMREQ.FNC/MXPR,MEMREQ.PR/@2,W/@1,A/@1,
           MXPR[]<--[]             "MEMREQ/FORMAT,MEMREQ.FNC/MXPR,MEMREQ.PR/@1,A/@2,
           []<--MXPS0[]            "MEMREQ/FORMAT,MEMREQ.FNC/MXPS0,MEMREQ.REG.RD.0/@2,W/@1,A/@1,
           MXPS0[]<--[]            "MEMREQ/FORMAT,MEMREQ.FNC/MXPS0,MEMREQ.REG.WR.0/@1,A/@2,
           []<--MXPS1[]            "MEMREQ/FORMAT,MEMREQ.FNC/MXPS1,MEMREQ.REG.RD.1/@2,W/@1,A/@1,
           MXPS1[]<--[]            "MEMREQ/FORMAT,MEMREQ.FNC/MXPS1,MEMREQ.REG.WR.1/@1,A/@2,

   6.3.6  CFPA Machine - This controller contains the logic for encoding  and
   decoding the CFPA data and status lines as described above.

   6.4  Descriptions Of BIU Cycles

   This section describes the  various  kinds  of  memory  cycles  available.
   Functionality of the chip signals and some internal logic is discussed for
   each case.  The cycle types described are as follows:

        1.  DMA cycle - DMA has been granted  by  the  assertion  of  DMG  in
            response  to  external  assertion of DMR.  In this case, the CVAX
            gives up ownership of the DAL until DMR is released.

        2.  DATA READ cycle - A read request has been received  by  the  BIU,
            and  the  DAL is free.  Address is sent out, the reference misses
            the cache, then CVAX waits for memory system response.

        3.  DATA WRITE cycle - A write request has been  queued  up  for  the
            BIU.   The write address is sent out, followed by the write data.
            CVAX then waits for memory system response before proceeding.

        4.  CFPA cycles - CFPA cycles send opcode information  to  the  CFPA,
            broadcast  operands  to the CFPA, and return information from the
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 281

        5.  INSTRUCTION STREAM READ cycle - The I Box has requested  I-stream
            data  for  the  prefetch queue.  This cycle acts like a data read
            cycle in most respects.

        6.  IDLE cycle - No memory activity has been requested.

   6.4.1  DMA Cycle - -

   During a DMA cycle, CVAX gives up control of the DAL<31:0>  H.   DAL<31:0>
   H,  CS/DP<3:0> L, DPE L, CPDAT<5:0> H, and CPSTA<1:0> H are tri-stated; AS
   L, DS L, DBE L, WR L, and BM<3:0> L are driven high and tri-stated; RDY  L
   and ERR L may be driven by the memory system to respond to DMA operations;
   RESET L, HALT L, IRQ<3:0> L, CRD L, INTTIM L, PWRFL L, and TEST<0>  H  are
   typically  high;  DMR  L and DMG L are low.  The DMA device owning the DAL
   may request a cache invalidate cycle by  asserting  cctl  and  placing  an
   address  on  the DAL.  In this case, the DAL is latched into the read data
   latch and driven to the IDAL for use as a cache address.  The cache does a
   read  during  one  cycle,  and  does an invalidate on the next if the read
   operation produced a cache hit.  The  read  address,  write  address,  and
   write  data  latches are unaffected during DMA cycles.  If a demand memory
   read is posted during  a  DMA  cycle  not  requiring  a  cache  invalidate
   operation,  a cache read is done.  If the cache read result is a HIT, data
   is returned to the W-BUS as described in the section on data read  cycles.
   If  a  prefetch  request is received from the I Box during a DMA cycle not
   requiring a cache invalidate operation, a cache read is done.  If there is
   a  cache  miss  or  the  prefetch  caching  is disabled the machine is not
   stalled.  If a write request is received during a DMA cycle, the processor
   stalls.   If  a second write request is received, the processor will stall
   until the first request can be serviced.

   6.4.2  Data Read Cycle - -

   During a data read cycle, the IDAL is  driven  with  the  desired  address
   during  PHI2  and  PHI3.   The  cache  does a read operation based on this
   address, and reports a hit or miss late in PHI4.  The read  address  latch
   is  loaded  with  the  address during PHI2 and PHI3.  The cache drives the
   result of the read operation to the IDAL during PHI4.  If the result is  a
   MISS  and the DAL is free, i.e.  no DMA operation is happening and no data
   write or read is already in progress, the DAL is driven with  the  address
   latch  contents.  In the next cycle, AS L is asserted during PHI1 and DS L
   is asserted during PHI3, and the machine waits for some combination of RDY
   L  and ERR L to indicate the end of the cycle.  During each cycle in which
   CVAX is waiting for memory response, the read data latch is loaded  during
   PHI4.   This  data is then broadcast to the W-BUS via the IDAL late during
   PHI4 and during PHI1.  When RDY L or ERR L is received, DS L and AS L  are
   deasserted and the cycle ends.  If the cache read result is a HIT, AS L in
   not asserted, and the cache result is driven to the W-BUS during PHI4  and
   PHI1.   If any additional non-prefetch memory requests are received during
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 282

   a read cycle, the machine stalls until the current request is finished.

   6.4.3  Data Write Cycle - -

   During a data write cycle, the IDAL is driven with the address during PHI2
   and  PHI3.   This  value is latched in the write address latch.  The cache
   system also uses this address to perform a read operation, reporting a hit
   or  miss  in  PHI4, without driving the resultant read data onto the IDAL.
   The address is sent onto the DAL  during  PHI4  and  PHI1,  and  AS  L  is
   asserted.   During  the next cycle, the IDAL is driven with the write data
   during PHI2 and PHI3.  If the cache reported a  HIT  during  the  previous
   cycle,  it  writes the IDAL value to the address it used for the read.  At
   the same time, the IDAL data is latched in the write data latch.  The data
   is  driven  onto  the  DAL  during PHI4 and PHI1, and DS is asserted.  The
   machine then waits for some combination of RDY L and  ERR  L  to  end  the
   cycle.   If  another  write  request is received during a write cycle, the
   machine stalls until the write is completed.

   6.4.4  CFPA Cycles - -  Passing Opcode Information To The CFPA -

   Opcode information must be passed to the CFPA  whenever  it  is  going  to
   execute  or  accelerate any of the CVAX instructions.  Most floating point
   and some integer instructions pass opcode information when  CFPA  activity
   is  desired  (assuming the CFPA is present).  In either case, only the six
   lower  order  opcode  bits  are  passed  to  the  CFPA.   CVAX  drives  an
   f/d_floating  point  opcode  on  CPDAT  when CPSTA<1:0> H=10; a g_floating
   point opcode when CPSTA<1:0>=11; and an  integer  opcode  when  CPSTA<1:0>
   H=01.  The following opcodes are passed to the CFPA:

    Full                          CPDAT          CPSTA
   Opcode   Instruction           (hex)         (binary)
   ------   -----------           -----         --------
   C4       MULL2                  04              01
   C5       MULL3                  05              01
   C6       DIVL2                  06              01
   C7       DIVL3                  07              01
   7A       EMUL                   3A              01

   40       ADDF2                  00              10
   41       ADDF3                  01              10
   42       SUBF2                  02              10
   43       SUBF3                  03              10
   44       MULF2                  04              10
   45       MULF3                  05              10
   46       DIVF2                  06              10
   47       DIVF3                  07              10
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 283

   48       CVTFB                  08              10
   49       CVTFW                  09              10
   4A       CVTFL                  0A              10
   4B       CVTRFL                 0B              10
   4C       CVTBF                  0C              10
   4D       CVTWF                  0D              10
   4E       CVTLF                  0E              10
   4F       ACBF                   0F              10
   50       MOVF                   10              10
   51       CMPF                   11              10
   52       MNEGF                  12              10
   53       TSTF                   13              10
   54       EMODF                  14              10
   55       POLYF                  15              10
   56       CVTFD                  16              10
   60       ADDD2                  20              10
   61       ADDD3                  21              10
   62       SUBD2                  22              10
   63       SUBD3                  23              10
   64       MULD2                  24              10
   65       MULD3                  25              10
   66       DIVD2                  26              10
   67       DIVD3                  27              10
   68       CVTDB                  28              10
   69       CVTDW                  29              10
   6A       CVTDL                  2A              10
   6B       CVTRDL                 2B              10
   6C       CVTBD                  2C              10
   6D       CVTWD                  2D              10
   6E       CVTLD                  2E              10
   6F       ACBD                   2F              10
   70       MOVD                   30              10
   71       CMPD                   31              10
   72       MNEGD                  32              10
   73       TSTD                   33              10
   74       EMODD                  34              10
   76       CVTDF                  36              10
   75       POLYD                  35              10

   40FD     ADDG2                  00              11
   41FD     ADDG3                  01              11
   42FD     SUBG2                  02              11
   43FD     SUBG3                  03              11
   44FD     MULG2                  04              11
   45FD     MULG3                  05              11
   46FD     DIVG2                  06              11
   47FD     DIVG3                  07              11
   48FD     CVTGB                  08              11
   49FD     CVTGW                  09              11
   50FD     MOVG                   10              11
   4AFD     CVTGL                  0A              11
   4BFD     CVTRGL                 0B              11
   4CFD     CVTBG                  0C              11
   4DFD     CVTWG                  0D              11
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 284

   4EFD     CVTLG                  0E              11
   4FFD     ACBG                   0F              11
   51FD     CMPG                   11              11
   52FD     MNEGG                  12              11
   53FD     TSTG                   13              11
   54FD     EMODG                  14              11
   55FD     POLYG                  15              11
   99FD     CVTFG                  19              11
   33FD     CVTGF                  33              11  Passing Operands To The CFPA -

   Operands that are to be passed to the CFPA can come  from  three  sources:
   memory, the internal cache, or the general purpose registers.  CVAX drives
   CPSTA<1:0> H=00 and CPDAT<1> H=1 when a longword of  operand  data  is  on
   DAL<31:0>;  and  CPDAT<0>  H=1 when a short literal operand is on DAL<5:0>
   (DAL<31:6> will be 0).  If the source of the operand is either  memory  or
   the  internal  cache, CPDAT<5:4> are driven with the two low order address
   bits of the  reference;  otherwise  the  source  is  the  general  purpose
   registers  and  CPDAT<5:4>  are  driven  as  00.   The CFPA must align all
   unaligned data.  If the data is coming from memory (AS L is asserted), the
   CFPA  reads  the  DALs  according  to the full memory read protocol (RDY L
   and/or ERR L asserted); otherwise, the data is coming from CVAX  (internal
   cache or the general purpose registers), is driven on the DALs at PHI3 and
   is sampled by the CFPA at the next PHI1.  If the source of the operand  is
   either  memory  or  the  internal  cache and a parity error is detected by
   CVAX, the chip aborts the CFPA operation, and never signals the  CFPA  for
   the current result.  The CFPA is reset when CVAX sends a new CFPA opcode.

   In parallel with each operand transfer, CPDAT<2> H  will  be  asserted  if
   PSL<6> is set; otherwise, it is deasserted.

   In summary, CPDAT<5:0> H are encoded as follows when  operands  are  being
   passed to the CFPA:

                           <5:4>           Address alignment code

                           <3> = 0         will always be deasserted

                           <2> = 0         this bit will be set if
                                 1         PSL<6> is set; otherwise cleared

                           <1> = 0         no action
                               = 1         DAL<31:0> is CFPA operand

                           <0> = 0         no action
                               = 1         DAL<5:0> is short literal; DAL<31:6> are 0's.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 285
   BUS INTERFACE UNIT (BIU)-  Passing Results Back From The CFPA -

   CVAX informs the CFPA when  it  is  ready  for  a  result  by  deasserting
   CPSTA<1:0> H (00), and asserting CPDAT<3> H (1) at a PHI3 edge.  CVAX then
   gives up ownership of the CPDAT, CPSTA, and DAL by tri-stating these lines
   at  the  next  PHI2  edge;  the CFPA gains ownership of CPDAT and CPSTA by
   driving them at the next PHI3 edge.  The DAL remains tri-stated while CVAX
   waits for the CFPA result.

   While waiting, CVAX can grant DMG L on a  PHI4  edge.   If  no  DMG  L  is
   granted,  CVAX continuously samples the CFPA CPSTA and CPDAT lines on each
   PHI1 edge; if granted, the CPSTA and CPDAT lines are  ignored.   The  CFPA
   asserts  CPSTA<1:0> H=00 at a PHI3 edge to indicate that the result is not
   ready; and CPSTA<1:0> H=11, to indicate that they are  ready.   Any  other
   encoding  will  generate a protocol error.  If the CFPA indicates that the
   condition codes are ready (PHI3) at the same time that CVAX grants  DMG  L
   (PHI4),  the  CFPA  repeats  the  response  until  DMG  L  is  deasserted;
   otherwise, the CFPA tri-states the CPDAT and CPSTA lines on the next  PHI2
   edge.  CVAX then regains CPDAT and CPSTA on the next PHI3 edge.

   Once CVAX detects that the condition code results  are  ready,  the  CPDAT
   lines  are  used  to determine the response, and DMG L will not be granted
   until the end of the operation.  CPDAT<5:0> H are encoded as follow:

                           CPDAT<5> = 0    the result clears the PSL N bit.
                                    = 1    the result sets the PSL N bit.

                           CPDAT<4> = 0    the result clears the PSL Z bit.
                                    = 1    the result sets the PSL Z bit.

                           CPDAT<3> = 0    the result clears the PSL V bit
                                    = 1    the result sets the PSL V bit
                                           (integer overflow/ACB condition met)

                           CPDAT<2:0>      Status                          Data Transfer   Microcode
                           ----------      ------                          -------------   ---------
                             000           protocol error                  aborted         machine check
                             001           reserved opcode                 aborted         machine check
                             010           reserved operand                aborted         reserved operand fault
                             011           divide by zero                  aborted         arithmetic fault
                             100           floating point overflow         aborted         arithmetic fault
                             101           floating point underflow        aborted         arithmetic fault
                             110           reserved - protocol error       aborted         machine check
                             111           no error                        continue        machine check if CPSTA<1:0>=10 or
                                                                                           CPSTA<1:0>=01; else normal 

   The CFPA returns protocol error under the following conditions:

        1.  CVAX signals ready for result when the CFPA is idle.

        2.  CVAX signals data on DAL when no data is due.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 286

        3.  CVAX signals ready for result when the CFPA expects data on DAL.

   If CPDAT<2:0> H indicates protocol error, reserve opcode, reserved operand
   trap,   divide  by  zero,  floating  point  overflow,  or  floating  point
   underflow, no data is transferred; otherwise, all result  data  is  return
   over the DAL on consecutive cycle immediately following the condition code
   result.  In any case, the CFPA gives  up  CPDAT  and  CPSTA  ownership  by
   tri-stating  these  lines at the next PHI2 edge; CVAX regains ownership on
   the next PHI3 edge.  Note that the CFPA will never report a floating point
   underflow error if PSL<6> is cleared.

   In general, A single  unaligned  longword  is  transferred  for  a  single
   precision  result  (F),  and two unaligned longwords are transferred for a
   double precision result (D or G).  There  are  exceptions  to  this  rule:
   CMPD  and  CMPG return only one result (DAL data is ignored); EMOD returns
   three results.  CVAX aligns the data and performs the  final  transfer  if
   the ultimate destination of the CFPA data is memory.  POLY Protocol -

   POLYF, POLYD and POLYG use standard CPDAT and CPSTA protocols for  passing
   opcode  and  data  between the CVAX and CFPA.  The initialization and main
   loop sequences are complex and requires special cooperation between  these
   chips.  POLY Initialization Sequence -

        1.  CVAX sends a POLY opcode (POLYF, POLYD, or POLYG).

        2.  CVAX sends the argument operand.  The POLYF argument  operand  is
            either  a longword or short literal; the POLYD and POLYG argument
            is either two longwords or a short literal followed by a longword
            containing zero.

        3.  CVAX sends  the  table  address  (the  CFPA  does  not  use  this

        4.  CVAX reads the  argument  back  from  the  CFPA.   The  CFPA  has
            converted  all  short  literal  into  longwords.   Therefore, one
            longword is read for POLYF; two longwords are read for POLYD  and
            POLYG.   Reserved  operand  checking  is done by the CFPA and any
            error is reported when the argument is read back.

        5.  CVAX sends  the  seed  partial  product  to  the  CFPA.   If  the
            instruction  is  first  starting,  the  seed is 0; otherwise, the
            instruction is resuming after an interrupt, and the seed  is  the
            last partial product result.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 287

        1.  CVAX sends over a coefficient.   The  POLYF  coefficient  is  one
            longword; POLYD and POLYG, two longwords.

        2.  CVAX reads the partial product result.  The POLYF result  is  one
            longword;  POLYD  and  POLYG are two longwords.  Reserved operand
            checking is done by the CFPA and any error is reported  when  the
            result is read.  CFPA Present Indication -

   The CFPA is an optional coprocessor.  The CFPA informs  CVAX  that  it  is
   present  when  RESET L is asserted.  CVAX actively drives CPDAT<5:0> H and
   CPSTA<1> H to  L  while  providing  a  weak  pullup  (H)  on  CPSTA<0>  H.
   Therefore,  if  no  coprocessor  is  present,  CPSTA<0>  H  is  read as H;
   otherwise, the CFPA overdrives CPSTA<0> H so that it reads as L.  CFPA Forced Termination -

   There are several error conditions that are detected in CVAX  which  cause
   the  CFPA  to  terminate  the execution of a floating point or accelerated
   integer instruction.

         -  RESET L is asserted
         -  CFPA operand generates a reserved addressing mode fault
         -  CFPA operand generates an address translation fault
         -  CFPA operand access causes a machine check abort
         -  CFPA operand access causes a cache or DAL parity error

   The CFPA terminates all execution and resets whenever CVAX sends an opcode
   on  CPDAT<5:0> irrespective of the coprocessor state, and whenever RESET L
   is asserted.  Sample CFPA Timing -

           Symbol          Meaning
           ------          -------
           XXX             DAL is driven by CVAX but is undefined
           ===             DAL is driven by CVAX with valid information
           MMM             DAL is driven by memory
           FFF             DAL is driven by CFPA
           ~~~             Signal is driven to a high level
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 288

           ___             Signal is driven to a low level
           >--             Signal is tri-stated                    
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 289

                                   BIU TIMING DIAGRAM FOR: MULF2 (R1), R2

         In this case, the first operand results in a read that hits the cache.

             previous macroinstruction |               MULF2 (R1), R2 macroinstruction                                  continued >
                       |               |               |               |               |               |               |
                     4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3

   MIB             =============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX
                 ....,DECNEXT       VA <-- GRN     WSN.BR<--MEM(VA)  WSN<--GRN.BR      ......         ......           ......
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   G_S%_STALL_H    XXXXXXXXXXX\______________________________________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_________>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   |<------------------------------------------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA--------------------------------------------->
   CPDAT/CPSTA H   ____________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______________________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\__________________>
                               opcode on CPDAT                                 1st opnd on DAL   2nd opnd on DAL
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   |<----------------------------------------------CVAX drives DAL------------------------------------------------->
                                                                   address          1st opnd        2nd opnd
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   AS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   DS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   RDY L           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

    MULF2 (R1), R2 macroinstruction continued                                                                             | next macro
                       |                                  |               |               |               |               |
   MIB             =============XXXX===...=========XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX
                       .......          GPR<--FPA.DATA  GPR<--FPA.DATA  GPR<--FPA.DATA  GPR<--FPA.DATA    ...
                     4 | 1   2   3   4 ...  1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3
   G_S%_STALL_H    ____________________   _____/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\________________________________________
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   <-------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA----------->|   |<-CFPA drives CPDAT/CPSTA->|   |<-------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA---->
   CPDAT/CPSTA H   ~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______   ________/~~~~~~~~~~~>---<_______________/~~~~~~~~~~~>---<____________________________________
            2nd operand on DAL                  ready for result      CC not ready   CC ready
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   <---------CVAX drives DAL----------------->|                               |<-CFPA drives->|   |<--CVAX drives DAL->
                                                                                                 CFPA result          address     data
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   AS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   DS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   RDY L           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 290

                                   BIU TIMING DIAGRAM FOR: MULF3 (R1), R2, (R3)

         In this case, the first operand results in a read that misses the cache.

             previous macroinstruction |               MULF2 (R1), R2 macroinstruction                                  continued >
                       |               |               |               |               |               |               |
                     4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3
   MIB             =============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX
                 ....,DECNEXT       VA <-- GRN     WSN.BR<--MEM(VA)  WSN<--GRN.BR    WSN<--GRN.BR    WSN<--GRN.BR    ......
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   G_S%_STALL_H    XXXXXXXXXXX\______________________________________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_____________________>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   |<------------------------------------------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA--------------------------------------------->
   CPDAT/CPSTA H   ____________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______________________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______________________________/~~~>
                               opcode on CPDAT                                 1st operand on DAL                              2nd
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   |<-----------------CVAX drives DAL--------------------->|   |<----memory drives DAL---->|    |<-CVAX drives DAL->
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   AS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\___________________________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   DS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______/~~~~~~~\_______/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   RDY L           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______/~~~~~~~\_______/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
                                                                                 prefered data      fill data

    MULF3 (R1), R2, (R3) macroinstruction continued                                                                       | next macro
                       |                                  |               |               |               |               |
                     4 | 1   2   3   4 ...  1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3
   MIB             =============XXXX===...=========XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX
                         ...........  W0<--FPA.DATA    W0<--FPA.DATA   W0<--FPA.DATA   W0<--FPA.DATA    MEM(VA)<--W0
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   G_S%_STALL_H    ____________________   _____/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\________________________________________
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   <-------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA----------->|   |<-CFPA drives CPDAT/CPSTA->|   |<-------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA---->
   CPDAT/CPSTA H   ~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______   ________/~~~~~~~~~~~>---<_______________/~~~~~~~~~~~>---<____________________________________
            2nd operand on DAL                  ready for result      CC not ready   CC ready
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   <---------CVAX drives DAL----------------->|                               |<-CFPA drives->|   |<--CVAX drives DAL->
   DAL H           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>-------------------------------<FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF>---==============X======
                                                                                                 CFPA result          address     data
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   AS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\___________
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   DS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\___
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   RDY L           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 291

                                   BIU TIMING DIAGRAM FOR: MULD2 (R1), R2

         In this case, the first operand results in a read that hits the cache.

             previous macroinstruction |               MULD2 (R1), R2 macroinstruction                                  continued >
                       |               |               |               |               |               |               |
                     4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3
   MIB             =============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX
                 ....,DECNEXT       VA <-- GRN     WSN.BR<--MEM(VA) WSN.BR<--MEM(VAP) WSN<--GRN.BR   WSN<--GRN.BR      ....
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   G_S%_STALL_H    XXXXXXXXXXX\____________________________________________________________________________________________________>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   |<------------------------------------------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA--------------------------------------------->
   CPDAT/CPSTA H   ____________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______________________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~>
                               opcode on CPDAT                                  operand on DAL   operand on DAL  operand on DAL  
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   |<---------------------------------------------------CVAX drives DAL-------------------------------------------->
   DAL H           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX===========XXXX================X===============X===============X===>
                                                                   address       LSB 1st opnd     MSB 1st opnd    LSB 2nd opnd
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   AS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   DS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   RDY L           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

    MULD2 (R1), R2 macroinstruction continued                                                                             | next macro
                       |                                  |               |               |               |               |
                     4 | 1   2   3   4 ...  1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3
   MIB             =============XXXX===...=========XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX
                         ...........  GPR<--FPA.DATA    GPR<--FPA.DATA   GPR<--FPA.DATA GPR<--FPA.DATA  GPR+1<--FPA.DATA   ...
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   G_S%_STALL_H    ____________________   _____/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\________________________________________
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   <-------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA----------->|   |<-CFPA drives CPDAT/CPSTA->|   |<-------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA---->
   CPDAT/CPSTA H   ~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______   ________/~~~~~~~~~~~>---<_______________/~~~~~~~~~~~>---<____________________________________
                operand on DAL                  ready for result      CC not ready   CC ready
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   <---------CVAX drives DAL----------------->|                               |<---------CFPA drives--------->|  
   DAL H           =============XXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>-------------------------------<FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF>---XXXXX
                   MSB 2nd opnd                                                                  LSB result       MSB result   
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   AS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   DS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   RDY L           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 292

                                   BIU TIMING DIAGRAM FOR: MULD2 (R1), R2

         In this case, the first operand is quadword aligned and results in a read that misses the cache.

             previous macroinstruction |               MULD2 (R1), R2 macroinstruction                                  continued >
                       |               |               |               |               |               |               |
                     4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3
   MIB             =============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX
                 ....,DECNEXT       VA <-- GRN     WSN.BR<--MEM(VA)               WSN.BR<--MEM(VAP)                WSN.BR<--MEM(VAP)
                                                                  WSN.BR<--MEM(VAP)                WSN.BR<--MEM(VAP)
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   G_S%_STALL_H    XXXXXXXXXXX\______________________________________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   |<------------------------------------------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA--------------------------------------------->
   CPDAT/CPSTA H   ____________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______________________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\___________________________________>
                               opcode on CPDAT                                 1st operand on DAL
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   |<-----------------CVAX drives DAL--------------------->|   |<----memory drives DAL---->|    |<-CVAX drives DAL->
                                                                   address     LSB 1st opnd       fill data
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   AS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\___________________________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   DS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______/~~~~~~~\_______/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   RDY L           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_______/~~~~~~~\_______/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
                                                                                 prefered data      fill data

   ---------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------------+------------
    MULD2 (R1), R2 macroinstruction continued                                                                             | next macro
   --------------------+---------------+--------------    ----------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+------------
                       |               |                                  |               |               |               |
                     4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1 : 2 : 3 : 4      1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3   4 | 1   2   3
   MIB             =============XXXX============XXXX  ...  =========XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXXX============XXX
                   WSN<--GPR.BR         ...             GPR<--FPA.DATA  GPR<--FPA.DATA  GPR<--FPA.DATA  GPR<--FPA.DATA GPR+1<--FPA.DATA
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   G_S%_STALL_H    ____________________________________   _____/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\________________________
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   <----------------------CVAX drives CPDAT/CPSTA---------------------------->|   |<-CFPA   ->|   |<----CVAX drives--->
   CPDAT/CPSTA H   ____________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~~~~~~  ________________ ________/~~~~~~~~~~~>---<~~~~~~~~~~~>---<____________________
                                  opnd on DAL     Opnd on DAL                  ready for result      CC ready
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
                   <-------------------------CVAX drives DAL--------------------------------->|                   |<-------CFPA------>|
                                MSB 1st opnd     LSB 2nd opnd                                                      LSB result      MSB
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   AS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   DS L            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   ...    :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :   |   :   :   :
   RDY L           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 293
   BUS INTERFACE UNIT (BIU)-  CFPA Interface Overhead -

           Symbol          Meaning
           ------          -------
           DOB             data on DAL bus
           opcode          opcode on CPDAT bus
           nop             null cycle
           rr              ready for result
           cc              condition codes ready
           cpr             CFPA result
           lcpr            last CFPA result

           adr             DAL address
           cdata           cache or register data
           data            demand D-stream data from memory
           fill            request D-stream data from memory
           cpd             CFPA data
           hiz             DALs tri-state
           --              DAL not specified
          Opcode Transfer -

   Opcode Transfer
   cycle           |   1   |
   CP lines          opcode
   DAL                --
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 294
   BUS INTERFACE UNIT (BIU)-  Passing Operands To CFPA -

   Single Precision Register Transfer - 1st operand or 2nd & 3rd operand 
                                        if not preceeded by memory transfer (cache miss)
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |
   CP lines           DOB     NOP
   DAL               cdata

   Double Precision Register Transfer - 1st operand or 2nd & 3rd operand 
                                        if not preceeded by memory transfer (cache miss)
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |
   CP lines           DOB     NOP     DOB
   DAL               cdata           cdata

   Single Precision Register Transfer - 2nd & 3rd operand if preceeded by memory transfer (cache miss)
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |
   CP lines           nop     DOB
   DAL                 --    cdata

   Double  Precision Register Transfer - 2nd & 3rd operand if preceeded by memory transfer (cache miss)
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |
   CP lines           nop     DOB     nop     DOB
   DAL                 --    cdata     --    cdata

   Single Precision Memory Transfer - longword aligned, cache hit
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |
   CP lines           nop     DOB
   DAL                adr    cdata

   Single Precision Memory Transfer - longword aligned, cache miss, ideal memory
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |  4    |   5   |
   CP lines           nop    DOB      nop     nop     nop
   DAL                adr     --      data   fill      --

   Single Precision Memory Transfer - longword unaligned, does not cross quadword, ideal memory
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |  4    |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |
   CP lines           nop    DOB      nop     nop    nop     nop      DOB    nop
   DAL                adr     --      data   fill     --     adr     cdata    --

   Single Precision Memory Transfer - longword unaligned, crosses quadword, cache misses,
                                      ideal memory
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |  4    |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10  |
   CP lines           nop    DOB      nop     nop     nop     nop     DOB     NOP     nop     nop
   DAL                adr     --      data   fill      --     adr      --     data   fill      --

   Double Precision Memory Transfer - quadword aligned, cache hit
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |
   CP lines           nop     DOB     nop     DOB
   DAL                adr    cdata     --    cdata

   Double Precision Memory Transfer - quadword aligned, cache miss, ideal memory
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |  4    |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |
   CP lines           nop    DOB      NOP     nop     nop     nop     DOB     nop
   DAL                adr     --     data    fill      --     adr    cdata     --
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 295

   Double Precision Memory Transfer - quadword unaligned, longword aligned,
                                      1st longword cache miss, 2nd longword cache hit, ideal memory
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |  4    |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |
   CP lines           nop    DOB      nop     nop     nop     nop     DOB     nop
   DAL                adr     --     data    fill      --     adr    cdata     --

   Double Precision Memory Transfer - quadword unaligned, longword aligned,
                                      1st & 2nd longword cache miss, ideal memory
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |  4    |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10  |
   CP lines           nop    DOB      nop     nop     nop    nop      DOB     nop     nop     nop
   DAL                adr     --      data   fill      --    adr       --    data    fill      --

   Double Precision Memory Transfer - longword unaligned (worst case)
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |  4    |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10  |
   CP lines           nop    DOB      nop     nop     nop    nop      DOB     nop     nop     nop
   DAL                adr     --      data   fill      --    adr       --    data    fill      --

   cycle           |   11  |   12  |   13  |  14   |
   CP lines           nop    DOB     nop      DOB
   DAL                adr   cdata    adr     cdata  Passing Results Back From CFPA -

   Single Precision Transfers - CFPA ready with results
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   | 
   CP lines            rr     cc     lcpr
   DAL                adr     hiz     cpd

   Doule Precision Transfers - CFPA ready with two results
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |  4    |
   CP lines            rr     cc      cpr     lcpr
   DAL                adr     hiz     cpd      cpd

   Doule Precision Transfers - CFPA ready with three results
   cycle           |   1   |   2   |   3   |  4    |   5   |
   CP lines            rr     cc      cpr      cpr   lcpr
   DAL                adr     hiz     cpd      cpd    cpd

   6.4.5  Instruction Stream Read Cycle -

   An instruction stream read cycle acts much the same as a data read  cycle.
   One  difference is that CVAX will not stall if an I-stream read request is
   received while another DAL operation is taking place.  Another  difference
   is that memory or parity errors during prefetches do not cause microtraps.
   In the case of an error  during  a  prefetch  operation,  the  request  is
   terminated and GS%IBFILLERRH is asserted.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 296

   6.4.6  IDLE Cycle - -

   During an idle cycle, the DAL will be driven with the contents of the read
   address  latch  at phi4 in anticipation of a read miss from the cache.  If
   DMR L is asserted, DMG L will be asserted in the next cycle.  Cycle status
   and bye mask lines are still driven, but are of no value since AS L is not

   6.4.7  Output Pin Status On RESET L -

   Pin Name                State
   --------                -----
   DAL<31:0> H             tri-state
   CS/DP<3:0> L            tri-state
   BM<3:0> L               tri-state
   DPE L                   deasserted
   AS L                    deasserted
   DS L                    deasserted
   DBE L                   deasserted
   WR L                    deasserted
   DMG L                   deasserted
   CPDAT H                 deasserted
   CPSTA<0> H              weakly asserted
   CPSTA<1> H              deasserted

   6.4.8  Table Of Interesting Pad Values And Chip  Functions  During  Memory
          Cycles -

   P_S%DAL_H               |    TRI        | ADDRESS/TRI   | ADDRESS/DATA  | TRI           | ADDR OR DATA  | OLD ADDRESS   |
   P_S%DPE_L               |    TRI        | HIGH/TRI      | HIGH/LOW      | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          |
   P_S%AS_L                | HIGH AND TRI  | LOW           | LOW           | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          |
   P_S%DS_L                | HIGH AND TRI  | HIGH/LOW      | HIGH/LOW      | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          |
   P_S%BM_L                | TRI           | MASK          | MASK          | DON'T CARE    | DON"T CARE    | DON'T CARE    |
   P_S%WRITE_L             | HIGH AND TRI  | HIGH          | LOW           | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          |
   P_S%DBE_L               | HIGH AND TRI  | LOW           | LOW           | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          |
   P_S%RDY_L               | HIGH/LOW      | GOES LOW PHI4 | GOES LOW PHI4 | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          |
   P_S%ERR_L               | HIGH/LOW      | GOES LOW PHI4 | GOES LOW PHI4 | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          |
   P_S%DMR_L               | LOW           | MAY GO LOW    | MAY GO LOW    | MAY GO LOW    | MAY GO LOW    | MAY GO LOW    |
   P_S%DMG_L               | LOW           | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          |
   P_S%CS/DP<3:0>          | TRI           | CS CODE       | CS CODE/PARITY| DON'T CARE    | DON'T CARE    | ASSERT        |
   P_S%CCTL_L              | LOW FOR INVAL | HIGH FOR CACHE| HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          | HIGH          |
   P_S%CP_DAT_L            | HIGH/LOW      | ASSERT FOR BRD| HIGH/LOW      | TRI           | ASSERT        | LOW           |
   P_S%CP_STA_L            | HIGH/LOW      | ASSERT FOR BRD| HIGH/LOW      | TRI           | ASSERT        | LOW           |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 297

   6.5  IDAL State Machine Definition

   The following is the POP description of the IDAL state machine.  Refer  to
   the  BIU  and  global signal dictionarys for information about each of the
   input and output signals.
   _.i 28
   _.o 18
   _.p 52
      field name                              side    position 
         BLOCK_BRDCST < 0>                     x   x
         CP_OK < 0>                            x   x
         ARM_IB_REQ < 0>                       x   x
         AS_ASSERTED < 0>                      x   x
         DENY_CACHE < 0>                       x   x
         DMA_INV_REQ < 0>                      x   x
         BASIC_BRDCST < 0>                     x   x
         DMA_OR_WR_PND < 0>                    x   x
         READ_MISS < 0>                        x   x
         MISS < 0>                             x   x
         RDY < 0>                              x   x
         ERR < 0>                              x   x
         DMA_REQ < 0>                          x   x
         DAL_PAR_ERR < 0>                      x   x
         CACHE_PAR_ERR < 0>                    x   x
         BRDCST < 0>                           x   x
         IB_REQ < 0>                           x   x
         READ < 0>                             x   x
         WRITE < 0>                            x   x
         CACHEABLE < 0>                        x   x
         FPA_PND < 0>                          x   x
         CP_ERR < 0>                           x   x
         CP_RDY < 0>                           x   x
         FPA_READ < 0>                         x   x
         PREV_IB_REQ < 0>                      x   x
         CURRENT_STATE < 2>                    x   x
         CURRENT_STATE < 1>                    x   x
         CURRENT_STATE < 0>                    x   x
         CLR_PREV_IB_REQ < 0>                  x   x
         SIGNAL_FPA < 0>                       x   x
         INHIB_DMA < 0>                        x   x
         ARM_RD_REQ < 0>                       x   x
         MBOX_STALL < 0>                       x   x
         LD_WDAT_LAT < 0>                      x   x
         ARM_AS < 0>                           x   x
         STALL < 0>                            x   x
         IB_FILL_ERR < 0>                      x   x
         BIU_TRAP_REQ < 0>                     x   x
         INIT_IB_REQ < 0>                      x   x
         CACHE_ADDR < 1>                       x   x
         CACHE_ADDR < 0>                       x   x
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 298

         CACHE_FCN < 1>                        x   x
         CACHE_FCN < 0>                        x   x
         NEXT_STATE < 2>                       x   x
         NEXT_STATE < 1>                       x   x
         NEXT_STATE < 0>                       x   x

   _.d 0XXXX00X0XXXXX00000XXXX0X000 000010000000000000
   _.d XXXXX1XXXXXXXX0XXXXXXXXXX000 000010000001101001
   _.d XXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX001 000010000001111000
   _.d XXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX001 000010000000000000
   _.d 0XXXXX100XXXXX0XXXXXXXXXX000 001000000000000010
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX010 000011000000000000
   _.d XXXXX0110XXXXX0XXXXXXXXXX000 000010000000000000
   _.d 0XXXXXX00XXXXX0XXX1XXXXXX000 000000000000101011
   _.d XXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX011 000011000001010000
   _.d XXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX011 000011000000000000
   _.d XXXXX0X10XXXXX0XXX1XXXXXX000 000010000000000000
   _.d 0XXXXX000XXXXX00100XXXX0X000 000000100010100000
   _.d 0XXXX0010XXXXX00100XXXX0X000 000100000010100000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXX1000 100010001000000000
   _.d XXX1XXXX1XXXXX0XXXXXXXXXX000 001010000000000100
   _.d XX10XXX01XXXXX0XXXXXXXXXX000 000010000000000100
   _.d XX1XX0X11XXXXX0XXXXXXXXXX000 000010000000000000
   _.d 0XXXXXX00XXXXX0XX1XXXXXXX000 000000100000100000
   _.d 1XXXXXXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXXXXX000 000010000000000000
   _.d 0XXXX0X10XXXXX00X1XXXXXXX000 000100000000100000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXX0000 000010010100000000
   _.d XXX0X0X11XXXXX0XXXXXXXXX0000 000010010000000000
   _.d XXX0XXX01XXXXX0XXXXXXXXX0000 000010010000000100
   _.d XXXXX0X10XXXXX01XXXXXXXXX000 000010000000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX00XXXXXXXXXXXXX100 001010000000000100
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX10X0XXXXX0XXXXX100 000010000000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX10X1XXXXX0XXXX0100 000010010100000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX10X1XXXXX0XXXX1100 000010000000000000
   _.d XXXX0XXXXX10X0XXXXX1XXXXX100 000010000001010110
   _.d XXXX1XXXXX10X0XXXXX1XXXXX100 000010000000000000
   _.d XXXX0XXXXX10X1XXXXX1XXXX0100 000010010100000110
   _.d XXXX1XXXXX10X1XXXXX1XXXX0100 000010010100000000
   _.d XXXX0XXXXX10X1XXXXX1XXXX1100 000010000000000110
   _.d XXXX1XXXXX10X1XXXXX1XXXX1100 000010000000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX11XXXXXXXXXXXXX100 000010000000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX01XXXXXXXXXXXXX100 000010000000000101
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX101 000010000000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXXXXXXXX0101 000010010100000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXXXXXXXX1101 000010001000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX00XXXXXXXXXXXXX110 000010000000000110
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX10X0XXXXXXXXXXX110 000010000001010000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX10X1XXXXXXXXXXX110 000010000000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXXXXXX110 000010000000000000
   _.d 0XXXXXX00XXXXX0XXXXX0XX1X000 010010000000000000
   _.d XXXXX0X10XXXXX0XXXXX0XX1X000 000010000000000000
   _.d X0XXXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXX100XX000 000010000000000000
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 299

   _.d X0XXX0XXXXXX1XXXXXXX100XX000 000010000000000000
   _.d X1XXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXX1XXXX000 001000000000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXX11XXX000 001010010000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXX11XXX000 000010010000000000
   _.d X1XXXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXX1XXXX000 000000000000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1X1XX000 001000000000000000

   6.6  DAL State Machine Definition

   The following is the POP description of the DAL state machine.   Refer  to
   the  BIU  and  global signal dictionarys for information about each of the
   input and output signals.
   _.i 16
   _.o 14
   __.p 35
      field name                              side    position 
         INHIB_DMA < 0>                        x   x
         DENY_CACHE < 0>                       x   x
         RDY < 0>                              x   x
         ERR < 0>                              x   x
         DMA_REQ < 0>                          x   x
         BRDCST_REQ < 0>                       x   x
         RD_FPA_REQ < 0>                       x   x
         FPA_SEZ_RDY < 0>                      x   x
         WR_REQ < 0>                           x   x
         RD_REQ < 0>                           x   x
         CACHE_ACC < 0>                        x   x
         ARM_RD_REQ < 0>                       x   x
         CURRENT_STATE < 3>                    x   x
         CURRENT_STATE < 2>                    x   x
         CURRENT_STATE < 1>                    x   x
         CURRENT_STATE < 0>                    x   x
         BLOCK_DPE < 0>                        x   x
         DIS_DMG < 0>                          x   x
         DATA_IN < 0>                          x   x
         DAL_CONT < 1>                         x   x
         DAL_CONT < 0>                         x   x
         AS_EN < 0>                            x   x
         DS_EN < 0>                            x   x
         DMG_EN < 0>                           x   x
         LD_RD_LAT < 0>                        x   x
         CLR_READ_FLAGS < 0>                   x   x
         NEXT_STATE < 3>                       x   x
         NEXT_STATE < 2>                       x   x
         NEXT_STATE < 1>                       x   x
         NEXT_STATE < 0>                       x   x
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 300

   _.d XXXX000X00XX0000 00000000000000
   _.d XXXXX1XXXXXX0000 10001000000000
   _.d 0XXX10XXXXXX0000 00100001000001
   _.d XXXX1XXXXXXX0001 00100000000001
   _.d XXXX0XXXXXXX0001 01000000000000
   _.d XXXXXX11XXXX0000 00100000100000
   _.d XXXX0X10XXXX0000 00100000000000
   _.d XXXX0XXX1XXX0000 00010100000010
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXXX0010 00001010000011
   _.d XX00XXXXXXXX0011 00001000000011
   _.d XX10XXXX0XXX0011 00000000000000
   _.d XX10XXXX1XXX0011 00010100000010
   _.d XX11XXXXXXXX0011 00000000000000
   _.d XX01XXXXXXXX0011 00001000000100
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXXX0100 00000000000000
   _.d XXXXXXXXX1000000 00100010101001
   _.d XXXXXXXXX1100000 00100010100110
   _.d 0XXX0XXX01X10000 00000100000101
   _.d 1XXXXXXX01X10000 00000100000101
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX0X0101 00100010101001
   _.d XXXXXXXXXX1X0101 00100010100110
   _.d XX00XXXXXXXX0110 00100000100110
   _.d X010XXXXXXXX0110 00100000101000
   _.d X110XXXXXXXX0110 00000000010000
   _.d XX11XXXXXXXX0110 00000000000000
   _.d XX01XXXXXXXX0110 00100000000111
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXXX0111 00000000000000
   _.d XX00XXXXXXXX1000 00100000101000
   _.d XXX1XXXXXXXX1000 00000000010000
   _.d XX10XXXXXXXX1000 00000000010000
   _.d XX00XXXXXXXX1001 00100000101001
   _.d XX11XXXXXXXX1001 00000000000000
   _.d XX10XXXXXXXX1001 00000000010000
   _.d XX01XXXXXXXX1001 00100000001010
   _.d XXXXXXXXXXXX1010 00000000000000

   6.7  Stall And Trap Behavior Of The BIU - A Summary

   6.7.1  Mbox_stall - What It Means And When It's Used -

   Mbox_stall indicates that the IDAL is being used by some other source  and
   is  not available for M Box use.  If the M Box receives a microinstruction
   requiring the IDAL while Mbox_stall is asserted, the  M  Box  will  assert
   STALL  until  Mbox_stall  goes  away.   Mbox_stall  is asserted by the BIU
   whenever a read operation is  pending,  or  the  current  microinstruction
   implies no memory reference.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 301

   6.7.2  Stall -

   Stall is asserted by the BIU only when a read operation is in progress and
   the  demand read data has not been returned yet.  This keeps the chip from
   proceeding without the  required  data.   NOTE:   Mbox_stall  is  asserted
   whenever Stall is asserted.

   6.7.3  BIU Trap Request -

   A BIU trap request is signaled if a cache parity error is detected  during
   a  cacheable  demand  read  cycle;  a  DAL parity error is detected during
   demand read cycle; or a demand read, write, interrupt vector read, or  EPR
   read cycle is terminated with the assertion of ERR L.

   6.7.4  BIU Trap Vectors -

   BIU drives utest bus<3:1> during PHI1 if the trap line was asserted by BIU
   in phi2 of the previous micro-cycle.

      Microinstruction         R/W         Trap Vector NAME        Adr             UTEST<3:1>
      ----------------         ---         -----------------       ---             ---------
     MEM.VIRT.VA                 R         IE.BUSERR.READ.VIRT     130               000
     MEM.VIRT.LOCK               R         IE.BUSERR.READ.VIRT     130               000
     MEM.VIRT.VAP                R         IE.BUSERR.READ.VIRT     130               000
     MEM.VIRT.VAP.PTE            R         IE.BUSERR.READ.VIRT     130               000

     MEM.PHYS.VA                 R         IE.BUSERR.READ.PHYS     132               001
     MEM.PHYS.VAP                R         IE.BUSERR.READ.PHYS     132               001
     MEM.PHYS.VAP.PTE            R         IE.BUSERR.READ.PHYS     132               001

     MEM.PHYS.VA.IPR             R         IE.BUSERR.READ.IPR      134               010

     MEM.PHYS.VAP.INTVEC         R         IE.BUSERR.READ.VEC      136               011

     MEM.VIRT.VA                 W         IE.BUSERR.WRITE.VIRT    138               100
     MEM.VIRT.LOCK               W         IE.BUSERR.WRITE.VIRT    138               100
     MEM.VIRT.VAP                W         IE.BUSERR.WRITE.VIRT    138               100
     MEM.VIRT.VAP.PTE            W         IE.BUSERR.WRITE.VIRT    138               100

     MEM.PHYS.VA                 W         IE.BUSERR.WRITE.PHYS    13A               101
     MEM.PHYS.VAP                W         IE.BUSERR.WRITE.PHYS    13A               101
     MEM.PHYS.VAP.PTE            W         IE.BUSERR.WRITE.PHYS    13A               101

   6.7.5  CFPA Trap Request -

   A CFPA trap request is signaled  whenever  the  CFPA  returns  a  protocol
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 302

   error,  reserved  opcode  error,  divide by zero error, overflow error, or
   underflow error with a result; if a CFPA CPSTA code of 110 is detected; or
   if a CFPA CPDAT code of 10 or 01 is detected.

   6.7.6  CFPA Exception Trap Vectors -

   BIU drives utest bus<3:1> during PHI1 if a CFPA trap request is generated.
      Condition             CPDAT<2:0>     Trap Vector NAME        Adr             UTEST<3:1>
      ----------------      ----------     ----------------        ---             ---------
     protocol error        000             FP.PROT.ERROR           140               000
     reserved instruction  001             FP.RSRV.INST            142               001
     reserved operand      010             FP.RSRV.OPER            144               010
     divide by zero        011             FP.DIVIDE.BY.ZERO       146               011
     underflow             101             FP.UNDERFLOW            148               100
     overflow              100             FP.OVERFLOW             14A               101
     illegal CPDAT code    110             FP.UNKNOWN.6            14C               110
     illegal CPSTA code    111             FP.UNKNOWN.7            14E               111
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 303

   6.8  BIU Internal Signal Timing

   The diagram below lists all the internal BIU signals that cross  schematic
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 304

   6.9  BIU Internal Signal Timing

   The diagram below lists all the internal BIU signals that cross  schematic

      BIU INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%arm_as_lat_h         |==========xxxx=========================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/10/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+12         BAS,BDI,BPC     phi1-5          None            BAS = 74 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.6 pf                                     BDI = 80 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                                                                               BPC = 42 ff (phi1-5)               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%arm_ib_req_lat_h     |==========xxxx=========================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/10/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:             |
   |   BOC         phi2+12         BIC             BEG phi4        None            BIC = 28 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.675 pf                                                                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%arm_rd_req_lat_h     |==========xxxx=========================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/10/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:             |
   |   BOC         phi2+12         BCO,BDI         BEG phi3        None            BCO = 62 ff (phi3)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.3 pf                                     BPC = 42 ff (phi1-5)               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%as_latch_h           |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/10/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   BAS             6ns after valid  BCO           Used asynchronously  None          BCO = 110 ff                 |
   |                   externally       Ct = 0.74 pf                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |  Note: Used by RDY_L and ERR_L pin to       |
   |   B_S%as_lat_h             |         |         |         |         |        prevent from sampling during         |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 305

   |                            |         |         |         |         |        non-io cycles.                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/10/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   BAS             6ns after valid  BER,BRY       phi4-5               None          BER = 48 ff                  |
   |                   externally       Ct = 1.1 pf                                      BRY = 48 ff                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |   Note: This siganl is directly driven by   |
   |   B_S%b0_parity_h          |         |         |         |         |         data driven onto idal               |    
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/10/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:             |
   |   BPT         idal+11         BPD           phi3+10  OR       690 ff           BPD = 160 ff                      |
   |                               Ct = 1.1 pf   phi4+15                            BPT = 260 ff
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%b0_par_err_l         |===xxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxx==|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/10/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   BPT             phi4+20          BPE           phi4+20                            BPE = 146 ff                 |
   |                                    Ct = 1.03 pf                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |   Note: This siganl is directly driven by   |
   |   B_S%b1_parity_h          |         |         |         |         |         data driven onto idal               |    
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/10/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:             |
   |   BPT         idal+11         BPD           phi3+10  OR       690 ff           BPD = 160 ff                      |
   |                               Ct = 1.05 pf  phi4+15                            BPT = 260 ff
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%b1_par_err_l         |===xxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxx==|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   BPT             phi4+20          BPE           phi4+20                            BPE = 146 ff                 |
   |                                    Ct = 1.0 pf                                                                   |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |   Note: This siganl is directly driven by   |
   |   B_S%b2_parity_h          |         |         |         |         |         data driven onto idal               |    
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 306

   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:             |
   |   BPT         idal+11         BPD           phi3+10  OR       690 ff           BPD = 160 ff                      |
   |                               Ct = 1.07 pf  phi4+15                            BPT = 260 ff
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%b2_par_err_l         |===xxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxx==|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   BPT             phi4+20          BPE           phi4+20                            BPE = 146 ff                 |
   |                                    Ct = 0.95 pf                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |   Note: This siganl is directly driven by   |
   |   B_S%b3_parity_h          |         |         |         |         |         data driven onto idal               |    
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:             |
   |   BPT         idal+11         BPD           phi3+10  OR       690 ff           BPD = 160 ff                      |
   |                               Ct = 0.87 pf  phi4+15                            BPT = 260 ff
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%b3_par_err_l         |===xxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxx==|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   BPT             phi4+20          BPE           phi4+20                            BPE = 146 ff                 |
   |                                    Ct = 0.89 pf                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%block_dpe_l          |xxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxx==================|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         phi3+4          BDP             phi3+7          None            BDP = 110 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.83 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%brdcst_cp_lat_h      |xxxxxxxxx|xxx=========xxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 307

   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi2+11         BCD             phi2+15         None            BCD = 216 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 3.2 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%buf_dmg_en_lat_h     |=========|=========|=xxxxx==============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi3+14         BCT             phi4-3          None            BCT = 44 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.95 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%cacheable_h          |====================xxx================= Note: clock skew between 3 & 4 can affect it|
   |                            |         |         |         |         |       3 gate delay margin.                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi3+10         BDI,BIC,        phi4-5          None            BDI = 88 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               BMR,BPE                                         BIC = 98 ff (phi4-5)               |
   |                                                                               BMR = 72 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 2.6 pf                                     BPE = 36 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%cacheable_ref_h      |====================xxx=================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+10         BGB             Beg. phi3       None            BGB = 126 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.16 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%cache_par_err_h      |x=============================xxxxxxxxxx                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCR         phi4+29         BCR,BMB,BMR     Beg. phi1       None            BCR = 92 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.79 pf                                    BMB = 36 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                                                                               BMR = 64 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%cache_rd_h           |==========xxxxxx========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 308

   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi2+19         BPT             Beg. phi4       None            BPT = 66 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.97 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%clear_rd_flags_h     |====================xxxx================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCF         phi3+12         BDC,BDI,        phi3+15         None            BDC = 32 ( during phi3)            |
   |                               BIC,BMA                                         BDI = 80 (  "     "   )            |
   |                                                                               BIC = 46 (  "     "   )            |
   |                               Ct = 1.53 pf                                    BMA = 40 (  "     "   )            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%clr_cpdat_h          |====================xxxxxx==============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi3+18         BCT             Beg. phi2       None            BCT = 36 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.85 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%clr_cp_latches_h     |xxxxxxxxxxxx=========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCT         phi2+8          BCD             phi2+15         None            BCD = 288 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.32 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%clr_mser_h           |xxxx====================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi1+15         BMR             Beg. phi3       None            BMA = 150 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.64 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%clr_write_flags_h    |==========xxxxxx========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 309

   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCF         phi2+15         BIC,BMA         Beg. phi3       None            BIC = 76 ff (phi3)                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.93 pf                                    BMA = 42 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%cp_data_h<5:0>       |===xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx========                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCD         phi4+5          BCT             phi4+5          150 ff          BCT = 150 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.825 pf                                                                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%cp_stat_h<1:0>       |===xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx========                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCD         phi4+5          BCT             phi4+5          150 ff          BCT = 150 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.83 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dal_in_vec<3:0>      |xxx=====================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDO         phi1+10         BDI,BPP         phi2-4          None            BDI = 60 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.82 pf                                    BPP = 192 ff (phi2-4)              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dal_out_vec<3:0>     |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=====================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         Beg. phi3       BDO             phi3+3          175 ff          BDO = 374 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.86 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dal_par_err_h        |====================xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCG         phi4+29         BMR             Beg. of phi2    None            BMR = 64 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.45 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 310

   |   B_S%decoded_mib_h<2:0>   |==========xxxxx===============xxxxxxxxxx                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCG         phi2+15         BCC             phi2+17         275             No                                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.0 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%deny_cache_h         |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDI         phi4+19         BIP,BPP         phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff (phi1-1)              |
   |                               Ct = 1.0 pf                                     BPP = 192 ff (phi2-4)              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dgn_mode_h           |==========xxxxx=========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCR         phi2+15         BIC             phi4-3          None            BIC = 48 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.0 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dis_dmg_l            |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==========xxxxxxxxx                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPC         phi3+4.5        BDG             phi3+4.5        None            BDG = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.67 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dis_ds_l             |x=========xxxxxxxxxxx==========xxxxxxxxx                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPC         phi1 OR phi3+7  BDS             phi3+10         None            BDS = 130 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.2 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dis_strobes_l        |xxxxxxxxxxxx==========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  For MEM REQ cycle                          |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=========xxxxxxxxx For DMA cycle                               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 311

   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPC         phi2 OR phi3+6  BAS,BDB,        phi2+7.5 OR     None            BAS = 100 ff                       |
   |                               BWR             phi3+7.5                        BDB = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.85 pf                                    BWR = 100 ff                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dma_req_h            |==============================xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDI         phi4+12         BIP,BPP         phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff (phi1-1)              |
   |                               Ct = 0.94 pf                                    BPP = 192 ff (phi2-4)              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dmg_en_lat_h         |====================xxxx================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDO         phi3+10         BCA,BCB,BER,BIC phi3+10         None            BCA = 36 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                               BCO,BIE,BRY                                     BCB = 42 ff (phi3+10)              |
   |                                                                               BER+BRY = 72 ff (phi4)             |
   |                               Ct = 3.15 pf                                    BIC = 28 ff (phi4-4)               |
   |                                                                               BCO = 88 ff (phi3+10)              |
   |                                                                               BIE = 60 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dmg_en_l             |====================xxxxxxxx============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+23         BPB             phi3+30         None            BPB = 304 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.77 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dpe_lat_l            |===xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDP         phi4+10         BPE             phi4+12         None            BPE = 66 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.25 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dr_cp_lines_l        |====================xxx================= Note: drives trnasistors                    |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 312

   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCT         phi3+8          BCD             phi3+6          None            BCD = 1.86 pf                      |
   |                               Ct = 6.0 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dr_dma_addr_l        |==========xxx========xxxxxx=============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi2+8          B_IO            phi2+10         None            B_IO = 1.85 pf                     |
   |                               Ct = 10.5 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dr_radr_lat_h        |====================xxx===========xxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+7          BCC,BPB,B_IO    phi3+7          None            BCC,BPB = 608 ff (phi3+7)          |
   |                               Ct = 11.0 pf                                    B_IO = 2.432 pf (phi3+7)           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dr_wadr_lat_h        |====================xxx===========xxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+7          BCC,BPB,B_IO    phi3+7          None            BCC,BPB = 608 ff (phi3+7)          |
   |                               Ct = 10.8 pf                                    B_IO = 2.432 pf (phi3+7)           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%dr_wdat_lat_h        |====================xxx===========xxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+7          BCC,BPB,B_IO    phi3+7          None            BCC,BPB = 608 ff (phi3+7)          |
   |                               Ct = 10.5 pf                                    B_IO = 2.432 pf (phi3+7)           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_arm_rd_req_h      |xxxxx===================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 313

   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDI         phi1+15         BPP             phi2-4          None            BPP = 192 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.45 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_as_en_h           |xxxxx===========xxxx====================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         Beg. phi3       BDO             During phi3     150 ff          No                                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.43 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_as_en_lat_h       |==============================xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDO         phi4+11         BAS,BPC         phi1-5          None            BAS = 74 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.33 pf                                    BPC = 42 ff (phi-5)                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_block_dpe_h       |xxxxxx==========xxxx====================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         Beg. phi3       BCO             Beg. phi3       None            BCO = 104 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.35 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_brdcst_req_h      |xxxx==========================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi1+10         BPP             phi2-4          None            BPP = 192 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.0 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_cache_acc_h       |xxxxx===============xxxxxxxx============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDI         phi1+15         BPP             phi2-4          None            BPP = 192 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.52 pf                                                                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 314

   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_clr_read_flags_h  |xxxxxx==========xxx=====================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         Beg. phi3       BCF             Beg. phi3       None            BCF = 90 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.57 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_dal_cont_h<1:0>   |xxxxxx==========xxx=====================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         Beg. phi3       BCO             Beg. phi3       None            BCO = 350 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.7 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_data_in_h         |xxxxxx==========xxx=====================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         Beg. phi3       BCO             Beg. phi3       None            BCO = 288 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.7 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_dis_dmg_h         |xxxxxx==========xxx=====================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         Beg. phi3       BDO,BPC         Beg. phi3       None            BDO = 50 ff (phi3)                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.8 pf                                     BPC = 140 ff(phi3)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_dma_state_h       |=xxxx===============xxxx================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDO         phi3+12         BIC             phi4-4          None            BIC = 40 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.75 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_dmg_en_h          |xxxxxx==========xxx=====================  Note: Drives a transistor                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 315

   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         Beg. phi3       BDO,BPC         Beg. phi3       None            BDO = 20 ff (phi3)                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.79 pf                                    BPC = 140 ff (phi3)                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_dr_wadr_h         |====================xx========xxx=======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+4          BPC             phi3+4          None            BPC = 108 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.0 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_dr_wadr_lat_h     |====================xxxxxxxx============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+18         BDO,BIC         Beg. phi4       None            BDO = 60 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.16 pf                                    BIC = 50 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_ds_en_h           |xxxxxx==========xxx=====================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         Beg. phi3       BPC             Beg. phi3       None            BPC = 76 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.3 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_err_h             |===================xxxxx========xxxxxxx|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIE         phi4+21         BPP             Beg. phi2       None            BPP = 194 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.55 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_fpa_sez_rdy_h     |xxx=====================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi1+10         BPP             phi2-4          None            BPP = 192 ff                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 316

   |                               Ct = 0.7 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_inhib_dma_h       |======xxx======================xxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BPP             phi2-4          None            BPP = 192 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.8 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_ld_rd_lat_h       |xxxxxx==========xxx=====================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPP         Beg. phi3       BDO             Beg. phi3       None            BDO = 200 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.42 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_ld_rd_lat_l       |==xxxxxx===========xx===================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDO         phi3+4          BCO             phi3+4          None            BCO = 540 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.7 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_next_retry_wait_h |=xxx================xxxx================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDO         phi3+12         BIE             phi4-6          None            BIE = 60 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.48 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_pulse_h           |====================xxxxxx=========xxxx=                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIE         Beg. phi1       BPC             Beg. phi1       None            BPC = 125 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.77 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_rd_fpa_req_h      |xxxx================xxxx================                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 317

   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi3+10         BPP             phi2-4          None            BPP = 192 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.73 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_rd_mul_retry_h    |xxxxx===========================xxxxx===                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDI         phi1+15         BCF             Beg. phi2       None            BCF = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.44 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_rd_mul_w_h        |xxx=================xxx=================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDO         phi3+10         BIE             phi4-5          125 ff          No                                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.48 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_rd_req_h          |xxxxx===================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDI         phi1+15         BPP             phi2-4          None            BPP = 192 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.43 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_rd_retry_h        |=xxxxx==================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDI         phi1+15         BCF             Beg. phi2       None            BCF = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.4 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_retry_wait_h      |=xxxxx==================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 318

   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDI         phi1+15         BCF,BTC         Beg. phi2       300 ff          BCF = 96 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.67 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_wr_req_h          |xxxxx===============xxxxx=====xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDI         phi1+15         BPP             phi2-4          None            BPP = 192 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.72 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ds_wr_wait_h         |xxxxx===================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDO         phi1+15         BIC,BMA         phi4            150 ff          BIC = 144 ff (phi1)                |
   |                               Ct = 1.25 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%d_cache_en_h         |==========xxxxx========================= Note: This signal changes in phi2 only      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |       when CADR is written                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCR         phi2+15         BOC             Beg. phi2       None            BOC = 64 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.77 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%en_bm_h              |==============================xx========                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi4+8          BPB             phi4+9          None            BPB = 600 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 2.7 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%en_dal_h             |==========xxxxx=====xxx=================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+9          BCC,BDP,B_IO    phi3+9          None            BCC+BDP = 0.75 pf                  |
   |                               Ct = 14.3 pf                                    B_IO    = 4.8 pf
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 319

   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%en_dbe_l             |xxxxxx==================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPC         ph1+15          BDB             Beg. phi2       No              BDP = 68 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.15 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%en_dmg_h             |====================xxx========xxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPC         phi3+7          BDG             phi3+7          None            BDG = 80 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.72 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%en_ds_h              |====================xxx========xxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPC         phi3+7          BDS             phi3+7          None            BDS = 90 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.85 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%en_wr_h              |====================xx========xxx=======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPC         phi3+7          BWR             phi3+7          None            BWR = 80 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.4 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%err_h                |====================xxxxx======xxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/11/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BER         phi4+15         BDC,BIC,BIE,BIP PHI4+15         None            BDC = 72 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               BMA,BPE,BSL                                     BIC = 82 ff (phi4+15)              |
   |                                                                               BIE = 74 ff (phi4+15)              |
   |                               Ct = 4.6 pf                                     BIP = 214 ff(phi1-1)               |
   |                                                                               BMA = 36 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                                                                               BPE = 96 ff (phi4+15)              |
   |                                                                               BSL = 32 ff (phi1)                 |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 320

   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ext_parity_h<3:0>    |==xxxxx=======================xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCC         phi4+10         BPT             phi4+11         None            BPT = 104 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.89 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%fp_underflow_h       |==========xxxx==========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCT         phi2+15         BCD             phi2+15 (next cy)  None         BCD = 66 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.63 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%fpa_read_h           |====================xxxxxxxxxxxxx========                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi4+15         BIP             phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.18 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%idal_in_vec<3:0>     |==============================xxx=======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+7          BIP             phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.45 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%idal_l<29>           |==========xxxxxxxxx===========xxx=======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPT         phi2+22         BGB,BOC         Beg. phi3       None            BGB = 126 ff (phi3)                |
   |                               Ct = 1.7 pf                                     BOC = 28 ff (phi3)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%idal_out_vec<3:0>    |======xxx=====================xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
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   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BOC             Beg. phi3       250 ff          BOC = 236 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.9 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%idal_out_vec_lat_h   |==============================xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi4+7          BIC             phi1-1          250 ff          No                                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.65 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%init_ib_req_lat_h    |==========xxxx==========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+10         BIC             phi4-5          None            BIC = 34 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.11 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%invert_bit_3_l       |xxxxxx========================xxx=======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi4+9          B_IO            phi1-6          None            B_IO = 84 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 2.35 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%io_end_h             |x====================xxxxxx============x                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIE         phi1+3          BPC             phi1+3          None            BPC = 256 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.92 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_arb1_h            |==============================xxxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+14         BCO,BST         Beg. phi1       None            BCO = 36 ff (phi1)                 |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 322

   |                               Ct = 1.1 pf                                     BST = 32 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_arm_as_h          |=====xxxx=====================xxxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BOC             Beg. phi2       None            BOC = 236 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.675 pf                                                                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_arm_ib_req_h      |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+23         BIP             phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.825 pf                                                                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_arm_rd_req_h      |=========HHHHHHHHHH~~XXXXXXXXXXXX======|                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BOC             Beg. phi2       None            BOC = 116 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.56 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_as_asserted_h     |==============================xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi4+10         BIP,BST         phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff (phi-1)               |
   |                               Ct = 1.1 pf                                     BST = 32 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_basic_brdcst_h    |====================xxxxx=====xxxxxxx===                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi4+17         BCB,BIP         phi1-1          None            BCB = 44 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.6 pf                                     BIP = 214 ff (phi1-1)              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_biu_trap_req_h    |=====xxxx=====================xxxxxx==== Note: Goes to a transistor                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 323

   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BMR,BTC         Beg. phi2       300 ff          BMR = 64 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.55 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_block_brdcst_h    |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+23         BIP,BIC         phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff (phi1-1)              |
   |                               Ct = 0.8 pf                                     BIC = 68 ff  (phi1)                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_brdcst_h          |====================xxxx======xxxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi4+17         BCB,BOC,BIP     phi1-1          None            BCB = 44 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.6 pf                                     BOC = 54 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                                                                               BIP = 214 ff (phi1-1)              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_brdcst_state_h    |==========xxxxx=========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+15         BCB             Beg. phi4       None            BCB = 64 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.95 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_cacheable_h       |==============================xxxxxxxxx=                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+23         BIP             phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.87 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_cache_addr_h<1:0> |=====xxxx=====================xxxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 324

   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BOC             Beg. phi2       None            BOC = 176 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.68 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_cache_fcn_h<1:0>  |=====xxxx=====================xxxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BOC             Beg. phi2       None            BOC = 230 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.5 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_cache_par_err_h   |x=============================xxxxxxxxxx                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPE         phi4+27         BCF,BDC,        phi1-1          None                                               |
   |                               BIC,BIP,BMA,                                    BCF = 36 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                               BMR                                             BDC = 16 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 2.5 pf                                     BIC = 96 ff (phi1+5)               |
   |                                                                               BIP = 214 ff(phi1-1)               |
   |                                                                               BMA = 36 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                                                                               BMR = 32 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_cache_rd_h        |==========xxxxxx========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+15         BCO,BIC,BMA     Beg. phi3       None            BCO = 42 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.4 pf                                     BIC = 38 ff (phi3)                 |
   |                                                                               BMA = 288ff (phi3)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_cache_r_nd_l      |==========xxxx==========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+12         BIC             phi4-4          None            BIC = 48 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.28 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_clr_prev_ib_req_h |=====xxxx=====================xxxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 325

   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BCF             Beg. phi2       250 ff          No                                 |
   |                               Ct = 0.82 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_cp_err_h          |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCT         phi4+20         BCB,BIP,BTC     phi1-1          None            BCB = 36 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 3.9 pf                                     BIP = 214ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                                                                               BTC = 104ff (phi2)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_cp_ok_h           |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCT         phi4+20         BCB,BIP         phi1-1          None            BCB = 28 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 3.9 pf                                     BIP = 214ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_cp_rdy_h          |==========xxxxxx========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi2+15         BCB,BIP         Beg. of phi4    None            BCB = 28 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.5 pf                                     BIP = 214ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_dal_par_err_h     |x=============================xxxxxxxxxx Note: Goes to a transistor (BDC)            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPE         phi4+27         BDC,BIC,BIP     phi1-1          None            BDC = 56 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                                                                               BIC = 96 ff (phi1+5)               |
   |                               Ct = 2.1 pf                                     BIP = 214ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_dma_inv_req_h     |==============================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 326

   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+13         BCO,BIP,BST     phi1-1          None            BCO = 36 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.3 pf                                     BIP = 214ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                                                                               BST = 48 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_dma_or_wr_pnd_h   |==============================xxxxxxxxx=                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+23         BIP             phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.89 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_fpa_pnd_h         |==========xxxx=================xxxxxx===                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi2+12         BIP             phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.86 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_fpa_read_h        |====================xxxxx=====xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi4+12         BCB             phi4+12         None            BCB = 52 ff (phi4+12)              |
   |                               Ct = 0.68 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_ib_fill_err_h     |=====xxxx=====================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BOC             Beg. phi2       None            BOC = 54 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.97 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_init_ib_req_h     |=====xxxx=====================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BCG,BOC         Beg. phi2       None            BCG = 72 ff (phi2)                 |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 327

   |                               Ct = 1.07 pf                                    BOC = 54 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_invalidate_h      |==============================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+14         BST             Beg. phi1       None            BST = 48 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.68 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_inv_rd_h          |==========xxxx==========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi2+10         BCO             Beg. phi4       None            BCO = 150 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.36 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_ipr_h             |xxxx====================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi1+12         BMA             Beg. phi3       None            BMA = 36 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.4 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_ld_radr_lat_h     |=====xxxx=====================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+5          BGB,BCO         phi2+5          None            BGB = 112 ff (phi3)                |
   |                               Ct = 1.63 pf                                    BCO = 266 ff (phi2+5)              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_ld_wadr_lat_h     |=====xxxx=====================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+5          BCO,BGB,BIC,    phi2+5          None            BGB = 72 ff (phi3)                 |
   |                               BMA                                             BCO = 200ff (phi2+5)               |
   |                               Ct = 1.96 pf                                    BIC = 42 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                                                                               BMA = 36 ff (phi3)                 |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 328

   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_ld_wdat_lat_h     |=====xxxx=====================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BCO             Beg. phi2       None            BCO = 288 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.2 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_ld_wdat_lat_phi4  |=====xxxx=====================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+5          BCO             phi2+10         None            BCO = 50 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.72 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_mbox_stall_h      |=====xxxx=====================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BOC             Beg. phi2       None            BOC = 104 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.58 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_miss_h            |==============================xxxxxxxxx=                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+23         BIP             phi1-1          None            BIP = 214 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.56 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_mmgt_err_h        |=xxxx===============xxxx================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPC         phi3+6          BDO,BIC,BPE     phi4-5          None            BDO = 60 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                               Ct = 2.3 pf                                     BIC = 152ff (phi4-5)               |
   |                                                                               BPE = 48 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_next_invalidate_h |==========xxxxxx========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 329

   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+19         BCA             Beg. phi3       None            BCA = 80 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.37 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_next_resolve_h    |==========xxxxx=========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+15         BIE             Beg. phi3       None            BIE = 60 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.5 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_prev_ib_req_h     |==============================xxxxxxx===                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+18         BCF,BCG,BCR,    phi1-1          None            BCF = 40 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                               BDC,BIP,BST                                     BCG = 90 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                               Ct = 2.5 pf                                     BCR = 36 ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                                                                               BDC = 154ff (phi1)                 |
   |                                                                               BIP = 214ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                                                                               BST = 88 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_rd_miss_2_h       |==============================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 04/16/86               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+6          BCG,BCO,BIE     phi2+6          100 ff          BCG = 136 ff (phi2+6)              |
   |                               Ct = 1.2 pf                                     BCO = 110 ff (phi2)                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_rd_miss_h         |==============================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 04/16/86               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+14         BDC,BST         Beg. phi1       None            BDC = 116 ff (phi1)                |
   |                               Ct = 1.03 pf                                    BST = 36 ff  (phi1)                |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_read_h            |====================xxxxx=====xxxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 04/16/86               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 330

   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi4+17         BOC,BIP         phi1-1          None            BOC = 64 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.33 pf                                    BIP = 214ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_read_iak_h        |xxxx====================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi1+12         BMA             Beg. phi3       None            BMA = 36 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.48 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_read_miss_h       |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+20         BCB,BDC,BDI     phi1-1          None                                               |
   |                               BIC,BIP,BMR,BPC                                 BCB = 42 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               BST                                             BDC = 122ff (phi1)                 |
   |                                                                               BDI = 240ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               Ct = 4.25 pf                                    BIC = 68 ff (phi+5)                |
   |                                                                               BIP = 214ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                                                                               BMR = 32 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                                                                               BPC = 42 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                                                                               BSL = 36 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_resolve_h         |==============================xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+14         BST             Beg. phi1       None            BST = 36 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.71 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_signal_fpa_h      |=====xxxx=====================xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BCB,BOC         Beg. phi2       None            BCB = 70 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.4 pf                                     BOC = 80 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_stall_h           |=====xxxx=====================xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 331

   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         Beg. phi2       BST             Beg. phi2       None            BST = 56 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.96 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%is_write_h           |====================xxxxx=====xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi4+17         BIC,BIP         phi1-1          None            BIC = 90 ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                               Ct = 1.3 pf                                     BIP = 214ff (phi1-1)               |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%i_cache_en_h         |==========xxxxxx========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCR         phi2+15         BOC             Beg. phi2       None            BOC = 68 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.82 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%lat_cpdata_h<2:0>    |==============================xxxxxxxxxx                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCT         phi4+25         BTC             Beg. phi2       None            BTC = 42 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 2.5 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ld_dma_addr_h        |         |         |         |         |          Asynchronous ignal                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         12ns after internal B_IO        14ns after internal None        BCC = 1.95 pf                      |
   |               value of AS_l pin               value of AS_l pin                                                  |
   |               is valid        Ct = 9.4 pf     is valid                                                           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ld_opcode_h          |==========xxx========xxxx===============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 332

   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCT         phi2+10         BCD             phi2+15         None            BCD = 448 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 1.55 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ld_radr_lat_h        |==========xxxx======xxxx================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi2+12         BCC, B_IO       phi2+15         None            BCC = 304 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 9.9 pf                                     B_IO= 1.92 pf                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ld_rbm_lat_h         |====================xxxx======xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+13.5       BPB             phi3+15         None            BPB = 240 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 2.2 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ld_rd_lat_h          |=xxxx===============xxxxxx==============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+17         BCC,BDP,B_IO    phi4+20         None            BCC+BDP+B_IO = 1.628 pf (phi4)     |
   |                               BPD,BPE,BPT                                     BPD = 64 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                               Ct = 20.6 pf                                    BPE = 36 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                                                                               BPT = 64 ff (phi4)                 |            
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ld_wadr_lat_h        |==========xxxx======xxxx================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi2+12         BCC,B_IO        phi2+15         None            BCC+B_IO = 2.16 pf                 |
   |                               Ct = 9.0 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ld_wbm_lat_h         |====================xxxxx=====xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+13.5       BPB             phi3+15         None            BPB = 240 ff                       |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 333

   |                               Ct = 2.1 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ld_wdat_lat_h        |==========xxxx======xxxx================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi2+12         B_IO            phi2+15         None            B_IO = 1.92 pf                     |
   |                               Ct = 9.85 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ld_wpar_lat_h        |====================xxx=======xxx=======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi3+7          BCC,BPD         phi3+8          None            BCC = 240 ff (phi3+10)             |
   |                               Ct = 2.5 pf                                     BPD = 124 ff (phi3+8)              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%mib_lat_virt_h       |xxx=====================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi1+10         BMA             Beg. phi3       None            BMA = 114 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.49 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%modify_bit_31_h      |==========xxxx======xxxx================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+12         BCO             phi2+12         None            BCO = 480 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.87 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%modify_bit_31_l      |==========xxxxx=====xxxxx===============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi2+16         B_IO            phi2+16         None            B_IO = 138 ff                      |
   |                               Ct = 6.0 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%modify_byte_0_h      |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
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   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPB         phi4+21         BCC,B_IO        Following phi4  None            BCC+B_IO = 1.08 pf                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%modify_byte_1_h      |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 04/16/86               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPB         phi4+21         BCC,B_IO        Following phi4  None            BCC+B_IO = 1.08 pf                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%modify_byte_2_h      |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 04/16/86               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPB         phi4+21         BCC,B_IO        Following phi4  None            BCC+B_IO = 1.08 pf                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%modify_byte_3_h      |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 04/16/86               |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPB         phi4+21         BCC,B_IO        Following phi4  None            BCC+B_IO = 1.08 pf                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%opcode_loaded_h      |==========xxxxxx====xxxxxx==============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi2+16         BCT             phi3-5          None            BCT = 42 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.87 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%p4s2_cctl_h          |==========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==========                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCA         Beg. phi4       BIC             Beg phi4        None            BIC = 28 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.27 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%p4s2_dmr_h           |==========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx===========                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
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   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BDM         Beg. phi4       BDI,BIC         Beg phi4        150 ff          BIC = 40 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 1.4 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%rdy_h                |====================xxxxx=====xxxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BRY         phi4+15         BCF,BIC,BIE,BIP phi2+15         135 ff          BCF = 36 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                               BDC,BMA,BPE,BPP                 (BTC)           BIC = 116ff (phi4+15)              |
   |                               BST,BTC                                         BIE = 160ff (phi4+15)              |
   |                                                                               BDC = 120ff (phi1-3)               |
   |                               Ct = 4.76 pf                                    BIP+BPP = 406 ff (phi1-1)          |
   |                                                                               BMA = 44 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                                                                               BPE = 110ff (phi4+15)              |
   |                                                                               BST = 72 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%rd_bas_brdcst_h      |xxxxxx==============xxxxxx==============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi1+15         BCT             Beg. phi2       None            BCT = 96 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 2.2 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%rd_brdcst_h          |xxxx======xxxx==========================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BOC         phi2+12         BCB,BCD,BIC     phi2+15         None            BCB = 44 ff (phi3-3)               |
   |                               Ct = 1.6 pf                                     BCD = 28 ff (phi2+15)              |
   |                                                                               BIC = 42 ff (phi4)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%rd_miss_2_h          |==========xxx=======xxx=================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCO         phi2+8          BCC,B_IO        phi2+15         None            BCC = 204 ff (phi2+15)             |
   |                               Ct = 1.0 pf                                     B_IO = 56 ff (phi2+17)             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 336

   |   B_S%rd_wr_ipr_l          |xxxx====================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi1+14         BCG,BOC         Beg. phi2       None            BCG = 148 ff (phi2)                |
   |                               Ct = 1.23 pf                                    BOC = 64 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%rd_wr_lock_l         |xxxx====================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi1+14         BCG,BOC         Beg. phi2       None            BCG = 64 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.0 pf                                     BOC = 64 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%ready_h              |====================xxxxx=====xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+19         BDC,BMA,BST     phi1            None            BDC = 120 ff (phi1)                |
   |                               Ct = 0.94 pf                                    BMA = 44 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                                                                               BST = 72 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%read_cadr_h          |xxx=====================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi1+10         BCR             Beg. phi3       None            BCR = 90 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.77 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%read_hit_h           |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIC         phi4+20         BCB,BCF,BDC     Beg. phi1       None            BCB = 34 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                               BMA                                             BCF = 40 ff (phi2-5)               |
   |                               Ct = 2.0 pf                                     BDC = 40 ff (phi1)                 |
   |                                                                               BMA = 36 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%read_iak_lat_h       |====================xxxx======xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 337

   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMA         phi3+10         BTC             Beg. phi2       None            BTC = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.59 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%read_iak_l           |xxxxx===================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi1+14         BCG,BOC         Beg. phi2       None            BCG = 64 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                               Ct = 1.1 pf                                     BOC = 64 ff (phi2)                 |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%read_ipr_lat_h       |====================xxxx======xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMA         phi3+10         BTC             Beg. phi2       None            BTC = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.67 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%read_miss_h          |==============================xxxxxxxx==                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BIP         phi4+23         BAS             phi1+3          None            BAS = 100 ff                       |
                                   Ct = 0.78 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%read_mser_h          |xxxxxx==================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi1+15         BMR             Beg. phi3       None            BMA = 170 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.73 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%read_physical_lat_h  |====================xxxx======xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 338

   |   BMA         phi3+10         BTC             Beg. phi2       None            BTC = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.44 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%read_virtual_lat_h   |====================xxxx======xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMA         phi3+10         BTC             Beg. phi2       None            BTC = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.49 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%short_literal_h      |====================xxxxx=====xxxxx=====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi4+14         BCB             Beg. phi2       None            BCB = 36 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 0.75 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%sht_lit_h            |==============================xxxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi4+16         BCD             phi2+5          None            BCD = 168 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 2.31 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%signal_fpa_h         |==========xxxxx=====xxxxx===============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi2+12         BCD,BCT         phi2+15         None            BCT = 42 ff (phi2+15)              |
   |                               Ct = 2.6 pf                                     BCD = 104ff (phi2+20)              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%s_cctl_lat_h         |====================xxxxx=====xxxxxx====                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCA         phi4+15         BDI,BIE         phi4+15         150 ff          BIE = 204 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 2.0 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 339

   |   B_S%tri_state_pin_l      |====================xxx=================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BPC         phi3+8          BAS,BDB,BDS,BWR phi3+8          None            BAS+BDB+BDS+BWR = 1.66 pf          |
   |                               Ct = 4.25 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%write_cadr_h         |xxxx====================================                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMB         phi1+10         BMA             Beg. phi3       None            BCR = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.29 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%write_cadr_lat_h     |====================xxxx======xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMA         phi3+14         BCR             Beg. phi1       None            BCR = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.8 pf                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%write_physical_lat_h |====================xxxx======xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMA         phi3+10         BTC             Beg. phi2       None            BTC = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.42 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%write_virtual_lat_h  |====================xxxx======xxxx======                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BMA         phi3+10         BTC             Beg. phi2       None            BTC = 100 ff                       |
   |                               Ct = 0.42 pf                                                                       |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   B_S%w_bus_brdcst_h       |xxxxxx==============xxxxxxx=============                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |        Last Updated: 4/16/86                |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                   Last Updated: 9/15/86                |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 340

   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:  When Valid:     Used by:        When Needed:    Hidden Cap:     Drives  Pull up/down:              |
   |   BCB         phi1+16         BCD             phi2+20         None            BCD = 64 ff                        |
   |                               Ct = 2.7 pf                                                                        |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 341


   The Microsequencer produces the address of the next  ROM  location  to  be
   read  from  the  control  store.   There  are six possible sources of this
   address.  The address could be:

         o  An address specified solely by the microinstruction

         o  An  address  partially  specified  by  the  microinstruction  and
            partially from the previous microaddress

         o  The top of the microstack

         o  A microtrap routine address

         o  An address specified by the I Box

         o  An externally generated test address

   This description of the Microsequencer is  divided  into  two  parts:   an
   overview  describing the busses, major components, and gross timing, and a
   functional description at the microcode level.

   A block diagram of the microsequencer is  included  at  the  end  of  this

   7.1  Busses

   7.1.1  Microaddress Bus (MAB) <10:0> -

   The Microaddress Bus is the Microsequencer's major output bus.  It  drives
   the  Control  Store's row and column decoders with the address of the next
   microinstruction to be accessed.

   MAB <10:0> are valid during PHI2, PHI3, PHI4, and change during PHI1.

   7.1.2  I Box Microaddress Bus (IMAB) <10:0> -

   The I Box Microaddress Bus is driven by the I Box with microaddresses  for
   entry points into microcode flows.  IMAB lines feed the MAB Mux.

   IMAB<10:0> are valid before PHI2, during PHI2, PHI3, and PHI4  and  change
   during PHI1.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 342

   7.1.3  Microtest Bus (UTEST) <2:0> -

   Microtest is a global control bus for the Microsequencer.

   The Microsequencer precharges Microtest during PHI3.  Sources to Microtest
   discharge  it in PHI1.  The Microsequencer latches the value on UTEST<2:0>
   during PHI1 and holds this value during PHI2 and PHI3.  The UTEST  bus  is
   active  low.   Values  on  the UTEST may determine the final values on MAB

   7.1.4  Microinstruction Bus (MIB) <40:0> -

   The Microinstruction Bus is the major output bus  of  the  Control  Store.
   The   lower   13  bits  of  the  41  bit  microinstruction  are  used  for
   Microsequencer control.  MIB<6:0> are driven single rail since these  bits
   route  to  the Microsequencer only.  MIB<40:7> are driven dual rail.  Both
   true and complement versions of the MIB are valid minimum 1ns  setup  time
   before PHI4.

   MIB<40:0> are valid 1 ns before PHI4, during  PHI4,  PHI1,  and  PHI2  and
   change during PHI3.

   7.1.5  Current Microaddress Bus (CMAB) <10:0> -

   The MAB is latched during PHI3 (as long  as  STALL  is  not  asserted)  to
   create  the  Current Microaddress Bus.  Bits <10:0> of the CMAB connect to
   the uStack Input Mux and the Current Microaddress Incrementer.  CMAB<10:7>
   also feed back to the MAB Mux.

   CMAB<10:0> are valid during PHI4, PHI1, PHI2, and change during PHI3.

   7.1.6  Incremented Current Microaddress Bus (ICMAB) <10:0> -

   The ICMAB is the output of the Current Microaddress Incrementer and latch.

   ICMAB<10:0> are valid during PHI3, PHI4, PHI1, and changes during PHI2.

   7.1.7  Microstack Input Bus (USIB) <10:0> -

   The Microstack Input Bus is driven by the Microstack Input Mux  with  data
   from  the  Current  Microaddress  Bus  (CMAB)  or  the Incremented Current
   Microaddress Bus  (ICMAB)  as  determined  by  the  Microstack  Input  Mux

   USIB<10:0> are valid by the end of PHI4, during PHI1 and PHI2, and changes
   during PHI3.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 343

   7.1.8  Microstack Data Bus (USDB) <10:0> -

   The Microstack Data Bus is the internal bus  of  the  Microstack  register
   file.    During  USTACK_WRITE  operations  USDB<10:0>  is  driven  by  the
   Microstack Write Buffer (USWB).  USTACK_WRITE operations enable  the  USWB
   during  PHI4.  At all other times USDB<10:0> is driven with the top of the
   Microstack during PHI4.  The USDB is precharged during PHI3.

   7.1.9  Microstack Output Bus (USOB) <10:0> -

   The Microstack Output Bus is driven with the top of the Microstack  during
   USTACK_READ operations and with write data during USTACK_WRITE operations.
   The USOB connects to the Microaddress Bus Mux (MAB Mux).

   USOB<10:0> are valid for USTACK_READ  or  USTACK_WRITE  operations  during
   PHI4, PHI1, and PHI2.

   7.1.10  Test_MAB Bus (TEST_MAB) <10:0> -

   The Test_MAB Bus supplies externally generated addresses to the  MAB  Mux.
   Redefined  I/O  pins  are driven externally with addresses of locations in
   the Control Store to be accessed when the CVAX TEST  pins  are  configured
   for this mode of operation.

   External logic generating these addresses must insure that  TEST_MAB<10:0>
   data is valid during PHI1 and PHI2.

   7.1.11  Microtrap Address Bus (UTRAB) <6:4> -

   The Microtrap Address Bus supplies base addresses to the MAB  Mux  when  a
   microtrap is taken.

   Microtrap address bits <10:7,3:0> are hardwired in the MAB MUX.  Microtrap
   Addresses are valid during PHI1 and PHI2.

   7.2  Microsequencer Sections

   7.2.1  Microstack (USTACK) [0:7] -

   The Microstack is a true circular LIFO stack of  eight  entries  used  for
   storing  return  microaddresses.   The contents of the top entry is always
   presented to the MAB Mux.

   A "push" consists of a pre-decrement of the USTACK  entry  pointer  during
   PHI3 followed by a USTACK_WRITE during PHI4.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 344

   A "pop" consists of a read during PHI4 followed by a post-increment of the
   USTACK entry pointer during PHI3.

   The USTACK entry pointer operates in a circular fashion.  Shifting of  the
   USTACK entry pointer follows the following equations.

           INCREMENT = .not.TRAP_PND .and. RETURN .and. .not.STALL .and. PHI3
           DECREMENT = [ TRAP_PND .or.( CALL .and. .not.STALL ) ] .and. PHI3

           RETURN = MIB<12> .and. BCS=4
           CALL = .not.MIB<12> .and. MIB<11>

   7.2.2  Current Microaddress Latch (CMAL) -

   The Current Microaddress Latch latches MAB data  during  PHI3  each  cycle
   unless  STALL  is asserted, in which case the data present in the latch is
   held.  The outputs of the CMAL drive the CMAB lines, which connect to  the
   Stack Input Mux, the Current Microaddress Incrementer, and the MAB Mux.

   7.2.3  Current Microaddress Incrementer And Latch (CMAI) -

   The Current Microaddress Incrementer consists of a 7 bit  incrementer  and
   an 11 bit latch.  CMAB<6:0> are incremented by one each cycle during PHI4.
   This incremented value and CMAB<10:7> are latched during  PHI2  and  drive
   the  Microstack  Input  Mux  via  the Incremented Current Microaddress Bus

   The  Current  Microaddress  Incrementer  increments  only  the   7   least
   significant  bits  of  the CMAB.  Therefore the last microinstruction in a
   128 word block cannot cause a subroutine call.

   7.2.4  Microstack Input Mux (USIM) -

   The Microstack Input Mux selects one of two sources to be presented to the
   Microstack  Write  Buffer.   The  Current Latched Microaddress Bus and the
   Incremented Current Microaddress Bus are the two sources to the Microstack
   Input  Mux.   Control signal USTACK_INPUT_SEL chooses which source will be
   presented to the Microstack Input Latch.  The  outputs  of  the  USIM  are
   valid during PHI4,PHI1, and PHI2.

   The control for the USIM selection is simply:
                           if UTRAP_PND then select CMAB
                           if .not.UTRAP_PND then select ICMAB
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 345

   7.2.5  Microstack Write Buffer (USWB) -

   This tristate buffer drives true and complement data into  the  Microstack
   register  file  via  USDB<10:0>  during  PHI4  if  a USTACK_WRITE has been
   selected.  USTACK_WRITE asserts for Microtraps and Subroutine Calls.

   USTACK_WRITE = [ ( .not.MIB<12> .and  MIB<11>  .and.   .not.STALL  )  .or.
   TRAPPND ] .and.PHI4

   7.2.6  Microaddress Bus Mux (MAB Mux) -

   The Microaddress Bus Mux selects one of six sources to be  passed  to  the
   MAB  Latch.   The MAB Latch in turn then drives MAB<10:0>.  MAB Mux output
   bits <10:4,0> directly become MAB<10:4,0>.  MAB Mux output bits <3:1>  are
   logically  OR'ed with UTEST<2:0> to create MAB<3:1> except when the signal
   G_S%TEST_EXTMAB_L is asserted.  In this  case  G_S%MLO_L<3:1>  are  passed
   directly through the OR logic to define G_S%MAB_H<3:1>.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 346

   The following table shows all of the combinations of sources that the  MAB
   Mux outputs:

   MAB Mux Decode      | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | 00 |
   JUMP                |                   MIB<10:0>                          |
   I Box DISPATCH      |                   IMAB<10:0>                         |
   CASE       *        |    CMAB<10:7>     |            MIB<6:0>              |
   MICROTRAP  *        |                  UTRAB<10:0>                         |
   RETURN              |                   USOB<10:0>                         |
   TEST MODE           |                   TEST_MAB<10:0>                    |

   * UTEST<2:0> value will cause final determination on MAB<3:1>.

   7.2.7  Microaddress Bus Latch (MAB Latch) -

   The MAB Latch for MAB <10:0> is updated during PHI1 and holds the  address
   valid during PHI2, PHI3, and PHI4.

   7.2.8  Microtrap Address Generator (UTRAG) -

   The Microtrap Address Generator receives trap  request  signals  from  the
   BIU, M Box, E Box, and FPA, prioritizes these these requests and outputs a
   Base Microtrap Address for the highest  priority  request  pending.   This
   address  is  supplied  to the MAB Mux via the Microtrap Address Bus and is
   valid during PHI1  and  PHI2.   The  UTRAG  also  generates  TRAP_PND  the
   inclusive or of all the trap request lines.

   UTRAP PRIORITIES: 3-0 (3 = highest prority):    3       BIU   *                      (STALL ASSERTED)
                                                   2       FPA   *                      (STALL ASSERTED)       
                                                   1       M Box *                      (STALL ASSERTED)       
                                                   0       E Box  branch taken          (STALL NOT ASSERTED)
                                                   0       E Box  integer overflow      (STALL ASSERTED)

   * Only microtraps which drive UTEST<2:0> to select specific dispatch.
     All other microtraps go to one fixed address.

   7.2.9  STALL Latch (SL) -

   The STALL Latch opens during PHI3 to record the value  of  STALL  at  that
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 347

   time  and hold that value valid until the next update during the following

   7.3  Control Logic

   7.3.1  MAB Mux Control Logic -

   The MAB Mux control logic decides which one of the six sources to the  MAB
   Mux will be allowed to pass through to the MAB Latch.

   The following table describes the MAB Mux Control Logic:

   MAB Mux Source          Equation
   MIB<10:0>           .not.TRAP_PND .and. .not.TEST_EXT_MAB .and. .not.MIB<12> 

   IMAB<10:0>         .not.TRAP_PND .and. .not.TEST_EXT_MAB .and. MIB<12> .and.  
                    ( BCS=8  .or. 
                      BCS=A .and. DL=BWL .and. AT=RVM .or.
                      BCS=B .and. AT=RVM .or.
                      BCS=C .and. DL=BWL .and. AT=R .or.
                      BCS=D .and. AT= R .or.
                      BCS=E .and. AT=AV .or.
                      BCS=F .and. DL=BWL ) 
   MIB<6:0>,          .not.TRAP_PND .and. .not.TEST_EXT_MAB .and. MIB<12> .and.  
   CMAB<10:7>       ( BCS=A .and. ( DL=.not.BWL .or. AT=A) .or.
                      BCS=B .and. AT=A .or.
                      BCS=C .and. ( DL=.not.BWL .or. AT=.not.R ) .or.
                      BCS=D .and. AT=.not.R .or.
                      BCS=E .and. AT=.not.AV  .or. 
                      BCS=F .and. DL=.not.BWL  .or. 
                      MIB<11> )           
                                                                NOTE:   MIB<11> = BCS codes 10 to 1F
                                                                        BCS codes 14,1F not used
   UTRAB<10:0>              TRAP_PND .and. .not.TEST_EXT_MAB

   USOB<10:0>          .not.TRAP_PND .and. .not.TEST_EXT_MAB .and. MIB<12> .and. BCS=4 

   TEST_MAB<10:0>           TEST_EXTMAB_H

                                           DL= DATA LENGTH (byte,word,long,quad)
                                           BWL= BYTE .or. WORD .or. LONG
                                           AT= ACCESS TYPE 
                                           BCS= BRANCH CONDITION SELECT
                                            X = DON'T CARE
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 348

   7.4  Timing Summary

    Phase 1         - All sources to MAB Mux become valid
                    - MAB Latches are opened 
                    - UTEST Latches are opened
    Phase 2         - MAB Latches are closed
                    - CMAI output latch is opened
                    - UTEST Latches are closed
    Phase 3         - TRAP_PND becomes valid
                    - Precharge Microstack Data Bus
                    - Current Microaddress Latch opened (if Stall not asserted)
                    - STALL Latch opens
                    - Microstack increment or decrement conditionally occurs
                    - CMAI output latch is closed
                    - Precharge UTEST
    Phase 4         - Current Microaddress Latch closed
                    - Current Microaddress Incrementer
                      increments the CMAB and drives the new
                      value on the ICMAB
                    - STALL Latch closes
                    - WRITE Microstack conditionally occurs
                    - READ Microstack always

   7.5  Functional Description

   This section describes the microinstruction control of the Microsequencer,
   the microtrap mechanism, and finally, test mode.

   7.5.1  Microsequencer Control Interpretation -

   For all microinstructions, the lower 13  bits  are  used  to  control  the
   Microsequencer.  Bit<12> selects between one of two formats:

               12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0        
              |  |  BRANCH      |                    |
   BRANCH     | 1| COND. SEL    |   BRANCH OFFSET    |        

               12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0        
              |  |  |                                |  
   JUMP       | 0|SB|        JUMP ADDRESS            |        
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 349


   7.5.2  Branch Format -

   The branch format is used when microinstruction bit<12> =  1.   It  allows
   two, four, or eight way CASE branches within a 128 word page.

   7.5.3  Branch Offset (BO) MIB<6:0> -

   The Branch Offset field contains an offset that is presented  to  the  MAB
   Mux  as  the seven least significant next address bit.  The five remaining
   next address bits are supplied to the MAB Mux via CMAB<10:7>.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 350

   7.5.4  Branch Condition Select (BCS) MIB<11:7> -

   The BCS  field  defines  the  branch  function  to  be  performed  by  the

   BCS Value               Function
   ~~~~~~~~~               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   4                       RETURN
   8                       decode next specifier
   0A                      if DL.BWL and AT.RVM then DEC.NEXT else goto
   0B                      if AT.RVM then DEC.NEXT else goto
   0C                      if DL.BWL and AT.R then DEC.NEXT else goto      
   0D                      if AT.R then DEC.NEXT else goto         
   0E                      if AT.AV DEC.NEXT else goto 
   0F                      if DL.BWL DEC.NEXT else goto

   10                      ALU.NZV         case
   11                      ALU.NZC         case
   12                      SC<2:0>         case
   13                      SC<5:3>         case
   15                      PSL<26:24>      case
   16                      STATE<2:0>      case
   17                      STATE<5:3>      case

   18                      Mem Mgt1 status case
   19                      Mem Mgt2 status case
   1A                      Mem Mgt3 status case
   1B                      FPA, DL         case
   1C                      interrupt,rmode case
   1D                      OPCODE<2:0>     case
   1E                      AT, ID load     case

   7.5.5  Jump Format -

   The jump format is used when microinstruction  bit<12>  =  0.   It  allows
   unconditional  jumps  and  subroutine  calls  to anywhere in the 1600 word
   Control Store.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 351

   7.5.6  Subroutine Control Bit (SB) MIB<11> -

   The Subroutine Control Bit controls pushing the Microsubroutine Stack.  If
   it   is   set,   then  Microstack  Input  Bus  data  is  pushed  onto  the
   Microsubroutine Stack.

   7.5.7  Jump Address Field MIB<10:0> -

   The Jump Address field specifies the eleven  microaddress  bits  directly.
   This allows freedom to jump anywhere in the Control Store.

   7.5.8  Microtrap Mechanism -

   The microtrap mechanism provides a means of diverting the normal microcode
   flow in response to a hardware event.

   During each microcycle, the Microsequencer examines the microtrap  request
   inputs.   If  a  request  is  pending, the Microsequencer asserts TRAP_PND
   which signals the Control Store to  force  the  next  microinstruction  to
   contain  zero  in  all fields.  Zero is a NOP microinstuction.  During the
   next PHI1, UTRAB<10:0> is driven with a base  address  for  the  microtrap
   routine.  The MAB Mux selects UTRAB<10:0> as the source to MAB<10:0>.  The
   BIU, FPA, and M Box, as sources of the  microtrap  can  generate  multiple
   microtrap dispatches (up to eight possible) by driving UTEST<2:0> with the
   appropriate  code.   The  E  Box  sends  two   separate   lines   to   the
   microsequencer   to  request  two  different  microtrap  dispatches.   The
   microaddress which is generated is based on a  priority  encoding  of  the
   microtrap  requests.   The  signal TRAP_PND is the inclusive OR of all the
   microtrap request lines.

                 Microtrap           UTRAG Base       Microtrap Dispatch
    Priority   Request Input          Address (HEX)        Address (HEX)           Class                 Microcode Location
       3       BIU                      130                  130            READ VIRTUAL                IE.BUSERR.READ.VIRT
               BIU                      130                  132            READ PHYSICAL               IE.BUSERR.READ.PHYS
               BIU                      130                  138            WRITE VIRTUAL               IE.BUSERR.WRITE.VIRT
               BIU                      130                  13A            WRITE PHYSICAL              IE.BUSERR.WRITE.PHYS
               BIU                      130                  136            INTERRUPT VECTOR READ       IE.BUSERR.INT.VEC
               BIU                      130                  134            EXTERNAL REGISTER READ      IE.BUSERR.READ.IPR

       2       FPA                      140                  140            PROTOCAL ERROR              FP.PROT.ERROR    
               FPA                      140                  142            RESERVED INSTRUCTION        FP.RSRV.INST    
               FPA                      140                  144            RESERVED OPERAND            FP.RSRV.OPER    
               FPA                      140                  146            FLOATING DIVIDE BY ZERO     FP.DIVIDE.BY.ZERO    
               FPA                      140                  148            FLOATING POINT UNDERFLOW    FP.UNDERFLOW    
               FPA                      140                  14A            FLOATING POINT OVERFLOW     FP.OVERFLOW    

       1       M Box                    120                  122            M = 0                       MM.M0
               M Box                    120                  126            CROSS-PAGE                  MM.CPB
               M Box                    120                  124            ACV/TNV                     MM.ACV.TNV
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 352

               M Box                    120                  120            TB.MISS                     MM.TBM

       0       E Box                    100                  100            BRANCH TAKEN                IE.COND.BRANCH
               E Box                    110                  110            OPTIMIZED INTEGER           IE.INTOV

   7.5.9  Microsequencer Test Mode -

   When Microsequencer Test Mode is selected the  Microsequencer  accepts  an
   externally   supplied   value   as  the  next  microaddress.   The  signal
   T_S%EXT_MAB_H indicates when Test Mode has been selected.

   7.6  Microsequencer Test Hooks

   The  TEST_MAB  Bus  supplies  externally  generated   addresses   to   the
   Microsequencer's  MAB Mux.  When in Microsequencer Test Mode, this address
   is used to access the Control Store.   In  addition,  when  in  this  mode
   values  driven  on the Microtest Bus have no affect on MAB<3:1>.  Refer to
   the TESTSPEC for external I/O pin redefinition when forcing  external  MAB

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 353

   7.7  Microsequencer Global Signal Dictionary

   S  = STATIC                  H  = PRECHARGING HIGH
   P  = PIN SIGNAL              =  = VALID SIGNAL
   PL = PRECHARGED LOW          x  = NOT VALID
   PH = PRECHARGED HIGH         _  = LOW  ~ = HIGH
   C  = CLOCK

   USEQ_GLOBAL_DICTIONARY                      +----------+---------+---------+----------+
   updated 8-APR-86                            |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |   Signal      |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |    Name       |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | ACCESS_TYPE   |  G_S%ACCESS_TYPE_H<1:0>    |===================xxxxxxxxxxx=========|      ACCESS_TYPE REGISTER CONTENTS          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest - USEQ                                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI4 - 1nS  to PHI3               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | BIU_TRAP      |  G_S%BIU_TRAP_L            |=========xxxxxxxxx=====================|      BIU TRAP CONDITION DETECTED            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3.8 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX,USEQ,IBOX                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Valid PHI2 + 18ns                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | BRANCH_TRAP   |  G_S%BRANCH_TAKEN_TRAP_L   |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx====================x|      BRANCH TAKEN TRAP LINE                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.5pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |            valid PHI3 - 6nS  to PHI1        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | DL            |  G_S%DL_H<1:0>             |=====================xxxxxxxxx=========|      DATA LENGTH REGISTER CONTENTS          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5.4pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX,MBOX,USEQ                    |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 354

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI4 + 2nS to PHI3                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | FPU_TRAP      |  G_S%FPU_TRAP_L            |=========xxxxxx========================|      FPU TRAP REQUEST LINE                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.2 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ,IBOX                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Valid PHI2 + 15ns                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | INT_OVF       |  G_S%INT_OVFL_L            |HHHHHHHHHH~~xxxxxx=====================|      INTEGER OVERFLOW LINE                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.1pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX, USEQ                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     precharged PHI1  valid PHI3 - 6nS       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MAB           |  G_S%MAB_H<10:0>           |xxxxxxxx===============================|      MICRO ADDRESS BUS                      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CONTROL STORE                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MIB           |  G_S%MIB_H<12:0>           |===================xxxxxxxxx===========|      MICRO-INSTRUCTION BUS                  |
   |               |  G_S%MIB_L<12:7>           |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CONTROL STORE                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Valid low 1 nS before rising edge of PHI4  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MLO_L         |  G_S%MLO_L<3:1>            |xxxxxxxx===============================|      MAB LATCH OUT TO UTEST "OR" LOGIC      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load .7pF                                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest - CONTROL STORE                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MMGT_TRAP     |  G_PH%MMGT_TRAP_L          |HHHHHHHHHH~~xxxxxxx====================|     MEMORY MANAGEMENT TRAP                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ,IBOX                         |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 355

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Valid PHI2 + 21ns                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI1          |  G_C%PHI1_H                |/~~~~~~~\\\____________________________|      PHASE 1 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 140 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI2          |  G_C%PHI2_H                |_________/~~~~~~~~\\\__________________|      PHASE 2 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 114 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI3          |  G_C%PHI3_H                |___________________/~~~~~~~~\\\________|      PHASE 3 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 117 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI4          |  G_C%PHI4_H                |\\___________________________/~~~~~~~~~|      PHASE 4 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 133 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | RESET_S       |  G_S%RESET_S_H             |~~\____________________________________|      RESET Stretched                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CLOCK LOGIC                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5pF     assertion is asynchronous |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | STALL         |  G_PH%STALL_L              |HHHHHHHHHH~~xxxxxx=====================|      CHIP-WIDE STALL SIGNAL                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX,BIU,EBOX,IBOX,uSEQ           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 12pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI2 + 21ns                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | TEST_EXTMAB   |  G_S%TEST_EXTMAB_L         |============xxxxxxxx===================|      DRIVE MAB WITH EXTERNAL MAB FROM PINS  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - TEST LOGIC                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.4 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | TEST_MAB      |  G_S%TEST_MAB_H<10:0>      |==================xxxxxxxxxxx==========|      EXTERNAL TEST MAB FROM PINS            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - TEST LOGIC                        |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 356

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.2 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | TRAP_PND      |  G_S%TRAP_PND_L            |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\\_______/~~~~~~~|      Trap Pending - Zero MIB's              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Control Store                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.7 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | UTEST         |  G_PH%UTEST_L<2:0>         |~xxxx===============HHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~|      MICRO-TEST BUS                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU, IBOX, MBOX, EBOX             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4.                                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Precharged during PHI3                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Conditionally discharged during PHI1       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Latched on falling edge of PHI1            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Must be valid 15 nS after rising edge      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    of PHI1.                                 |

   7.8  Microsequencer Internal Signal Dictionary

     USEQ INTERNAL DICTIONARY  |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |           NAME            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   U_S%CALL_H               |XXX====================================|  CALL microinstruction decoded              |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated:                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   UMD             PHI2, 3, 4       USK           BY L.E. PHI3      None             No                           |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   U_S%CMAB_H<10:7>         |====================XXX================|   Current Microaddress Bus                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 357

   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated:                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   USK             PHI4, 1, 2       USK           PHI4              USIM             NO                           |
   |                                    UMM           PHI1              UMM                                           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   U_S%MABMUX_SEL_CMAB      |_/========\____________________________|   Select address source to the MAB MUX      |
   |   U_S%MABMUX_SEL_IMAB      |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   U_S%MABMUX_SEL_MIB       |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   U_S%MABMUX_SEL_TEST                                                                                            |
   |   U_S%MABMUX_SEL_USOB                                                                                            |
   |   U_S%MABMUX_SEL_UTRAB                                                                                           |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): USEQ_MIB_DECODES/SPICE_DECODES_SIM_NOTES                  Last Updated: 28-MAR-86      |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   UMD             PHI1 + 7ns       UMM           Early PHI1        None             NMOS pass                    |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   U_S%RETURN_H             |XXX====================================|   RETURN microinstruction decoded           |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text):                                                           Last Updated:                |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   UMD             PHI1, 2, 3       USK           BY L.E. PHI3      None             No                           |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   U_S%TRAP_PND_L           |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\\\\___________/////////|   Inclusive OR of all UTRAP requests        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): USEQ_MAB_MUX/SPICE_UTRAP_SIM_NOTES                        Last Updated: 26-MAR-86      |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   UMD             before PHI3 L.E. USK           by PHI3 L.E.      UTRAPLAT         No                           |  
   |                   for BRANCH_TAKEN trap                                                                          |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   U_S%TRAP_PND_LATCHED_L   |====================XXX================|  PHI3 latched TRAP_PND                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): USEQ_MAB_MUX/SPICE_UTRAP_SIM_NOTES                        Last Updated: 26_MAR_86      |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   USK             PHI3 + 12 ns,    USK, UMD      before PHI4 L.E.  None             No                           |
   |                   PHI4, 1, 2                                                                                     |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   U_S%USOB_H<10:0>         |====================\___________/======|  Microstack Output Bus                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 358

   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): USTACK_SIM/SPICE_USTACK_SIM_NOTES                         Last Updated: 17-APR-86      |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   USK             PHI4 + 22 ns     UMM           all of PHI1       UMM              NO                           |
   |                   PHI1, 2                                                                                        |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   U_S%UTRAB_H<6:4>         |====================XX=================|  Microtrap Address Bus                      |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |   Spice Ref (Block/Text): USEQ_MAB_MUX/SPICE_UTRAP_SIM_NOTES                        Last Updated: 20-MAR-86      |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   |   Driven by:      When Valid:      Used by:      When Needed:      Hidden Cap:      Drives  Pull up/down:        |
   |   UMD             PHI4, 1, 2       UMM           all of PHI1       UMM              NO                           |
   |                                                                                                                  |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 359

   7.9  Microsequencer Block Diagram

   TRAP REQUESTS                                       |          |          |
        |                                              |          |          |
        V                                              |IMAB<10:0>|          |MIB<10:0>
   BIU           +----------------+                    |          |          |
   --------------| uTrap Request  |  TRAP_PND          |          |TEST_MAB<10:0>
   M Box         |  Prioritize    |----------          |          |          |      USOB<10:0>     +-------------------------+ +-----+
   --------------|      and       |                    |          |          |       +-------------|       Microstack        |-| CNTL|
   E Box <1:0>   |    Address     |                    |          |          |       |             |      8 Words Deep       | |     |
   --------------|   Generate     |-----+              |          |          |       |             +-------------------------+ +-----+
   FPA           |                |     |              |          |          |       |                          |USDB<10:0>
   --------------|                |     |UTRAB<6:4>    |          |          |       |             +-------------------------+
                 |                |     |              |          |          |       |             |  USTACK WRITE BUFFER    |--USTACK_
                 |                |     |              |          |          |       |             +-------------------------+  WRITE
                 |                |     |              |          |          |       |                          |
                 |                |     |              |          |          |       |                          |
                 +----------------+     |              |          |          |       |                          |
                                        |              |          |          |       |                          |
                                        |              |          |          |       |  +-------+               |USIB<10:0> 
                                        |              |          |          |       |  |       |CMAB<10:7>     |
                                        V              V          V          V       V  V       |   +-------------------------+ +-----+
   +-------------+      +-----------------------------------------------------------------+     |   |    Stack Input Mux      |-| SIM |
   | Mux Control |------|                            MAB Mux,                             |     |   +-------------------------+ | CNTL|
   +-------------+      |                       Latch and Drivers                         |     |       |CMAB<10:0>        |    +-----+
                        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+     |       |                  |CIMAB<10:0>
   PHI1     +-----------+         |                    |MAB<10:4,0>    +--------------------+   |       |   PHI2 +--------------------+
   ---------|   UTEST   |         |ORMAB<3:1>          |-------------->|Current Microaddress|   |       |    ----|    ICMAB Latch     |
            |   LATCH   |+----+   |           +--------|-------------->|       Latch        |->-------------+    +--------------------+
            +-----------+     |   |           |        |               +--------------------+               |    |Current Microaddress|
       UTEST<2:0>    |     +---------+        |        |     .not.STALL .and. PHI3   |                      +----|    Incrementer     |
      >--------------+     |   .or.  |        |        |     >-----------------------+                           |                    |
                |          |  LOGIC  |        |        |                                                         +--------------------+
                |          +---------+        |        |
        +--------------+        |MAB<3:1>     |        |MAB<10:4,0>
        |     UTEST    |--+     |-------------+        |                     
        |  PRECHARGE   |  |     |                      |                 
        +--------------+  |     V                      V                 
   PHI3                   |                                              
   E Box <0> = E Box branch taken                                        
   E Box <1> = E Box optimized integer overflow                          
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 360

   7.10  Change Requests ( ECO )

   The following change requests have been reflected in this revision of  the
           o       6APR04DRD.1

   7.11  ISSUES

        1.  Does microsequencer test mode affect the  microsequencer  in  any
            way  other  than  the  source  of  the  next  address?   Does the
            microstack operate differently in this mode?

            ANS:  8-APR-85 D.R.D.  UTEST<2:0> have no control  over  MAB<3:1>
            values when in Test mode.  Microstack operations are unchanged.

        2.  Does TRAP_PND or RESET force all 41 bits of  the  microinstuction
            to zero or just certain fields?

            ANS:  8-APR-85 D.R.D.  All 41 bits will be zeroed by TRAP_PND  or

        3.  Will STALL be valid only during PHI3?

            ANS:  2-May-85 P.I.R.  Yes -  STALL  should  only  be  looked  at
            during (early) PHI3.

        4.  Microtrap priorities  and  base  addresses  need  definition  and
            inclusion in this specification.

            ANS:  1-MAY-85 D.R.D.  Added to spec.

        5.  Will BIU send up one trap request line which includes  FPA  traps
            or two separate lines?

            ANS:  8-APR-85 D.R.D.  Two lines must be sent up.

        6.  Should the increment of the CMAB ripple through all  eleven  bits
            or can it ripple through bit seven only?

            ANS:   1-MAY-85  D.R.D  Current  Microaddress  Incrementer   will
            increment  seven  bits only.  The allocation restriction is not a

        7.  Will  UTEST<2:0>  be  valid   during   PHI1,PHI2,PHI3   or   must
            Microsequencer sustain values on UTEST<2:0>?

            ANS:  8-APR-85 D.R.D.  The Microsequencer latches values  sampled
            from UTEST<2:0>.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 361

        8.  How late can UTEST<2:0> become valid and  still  make  the  1  ns
            MIB<40:0> setup time to PHI4?

            ANS:  9-APR-86 D.R.D.  UTEST must be valid  15  ns  maximum  into

        9.  Are there scanner/reducers on the MAB ?  If so, do they reside in
            the Microsequencer?  Same questions for UTEST<2:0>.

            ANS:  2-May-85 P.I.R.  There are scanner/reducers on both the MAB
            and UTEST<2:0>.  These are in the microsequencer.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 362


   The Control Store consists of 1600 41 bit words of read only memory (ROM).
   Each  41-bit word is divided into a 28-bit portion which controls the data
   path, and a 13-bit portion which controls the Microsequencer.  For details
   on the microinstruction format, see the "Control Fields Summary" section.

   8.1  Functional Summary

   Access to the Control Store is under the control  of  the  Microsequencer.
   The  Microsequencer  drives the address of the ROM row to be accessed onto
   the  Microaddress  Bus  (MAB<10:4,0).   MAB<3:1>,  also  supplied  by  the
   Microsequencer,  selects  the  desired  COLUMN.  At the start of PHI2, the
   Control Store accesses the ROM row specified by MAB<10:4,0>,and  then  the
   COLUMN specified by MAB<3:1>.  Microinstruction data is accessed, latched,
   and  driven  on   the   Microinstruction   Bus   (MIB<40:0>).    The   new
   microinstruction is valid on the MIB<40:0> 1ns minimum before PHI4, during
   PHI4, PHI1, and PHI2.  Note that the Control  Store  access  is  pipelined
   with  respect  to execution, i.e., the Control Store is accessing the next
   microinstruction while the current microinstruction is being executed.

   Physically, the Control Store is organized as a ROM array  of  200  x  328
   bits.   Eight  microwords  (8  X  41 = 328) are interleaved per row of the
   array.  The rows are fed into a local multiplexors/sense  amps  to  create
   the  41-bit  microinstruction  output.  There is one sense amp for each of
   the 41 bits of the microword.  The Column Mux selects  one  of  the  eight
   words  to  be  sensed  by  a  sense  amp via control from a 3 to 8 decoder
   looking at MAB<3:1>.  Each of the 41 sense amps looks at one bit  position
   of  the  Microword.   For  example,  the  sense amp for MIB<0> is fed by a
   Column Mux that has 8 "bit zeroes" from 8 different microwords driving its
   data  inputs  each time a row is selected.  One of these 8 "bit zeroes" is
   passed through to the sense amp.  The new microinstruction is  latched  in
   the  41-bit MIB Latch, unless the signal STALL is asserted , in which case
   the MIB Latch continues to hold present data.  The MIB Latch is  overriden
   to  a  NOP  (MIB<40:0>=0) if the Microsequencer asserts signal TRAP_PND or
   RESET asserts.

   Eleven Microaddress Bus lines are used to address the contents of the ROM.
   This  allows  for  a maximum of 2048 unique addresses to the ROM.  The ROM
   itself is 1600 words in size,  therefore  448  addresses  are  decoded  as
   "outside" of the ROM.  In other words if one of these addresses is used to
   access the ROM the ROM will not select any word line and will  return  all
   zeroes on the MIB by default.  In order to simplify design in the IBOX the
   actual addressing of the ROM contents is as shown below.

   Microaddresses  (HEX)           ROM contents returned
   0       thru    61F             microcode       (1568 words)
   620     thru    7DF             all zeroes returned on MIB  
   7E0     thru    7FF             microcode       (32   words)
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 363

   8.2  MIB Latch/MIB Drivers

   The MIB latch has three modes of operation:

           Function                Description
           --------                -----------
           capture sense amps      PHI3 .and. ( .not. STALL .and. .not. TRAP_PND .and. .not. RESET)
           zero latch              RESET .or. ( TRAP_pnd .and. PHI3 )
           keep old data           STALL .and. ( .not. TRAP_PND .and. .not. RESET )

           zeroing the latch forces a NOP microinstruction on the MIBS.

   The sense amps are captured during normal operation,  i.e.,  no  microtrap
   pending  and  the  chip  is not being reset.  The latch is zeroed during a
   microtrap in order to force a NOP on the MIBs; and during RESET  in  order
   to  force  a  NOP  jump  to  0  (powerup  microcode) on the MIBs.  The old
   microinstruction is recycled any time some  section  of  the  chip  issues
   STALL to hold off execution (no microtrap).  Irrespective of the operation
   mode, the MIB Latch drivers guarantee that the microinstruction  is  valid
   1ns before PHI4.

   8.3  Control Store Test Hooks

   A 44-bit scanner/reducer on the Microinstruction Bus and UTEST Bus  allows
   external monitoring of microinstruction data read out of the Control Store
   ROM and values recorded from the UTEST bus.  Two modes of  operation  make
   the scanner/reducer a very useful test and debug tool.  Scan mode involves
   parallel loading MIB data into a 44-bit shift register and  then  shifting
   the  data  out  serially  to  external  observers via a redifined I/O pin.
   Reducer mode allows "at speed" signature analysis of the MIB/UTEST data.

   | RED/SCAN  |  RS_LOAD  |  MODE   |                Feedback tap positions for the 44 stages of the MIB/UTEST
   +---------------------------------+                scanner/reducers occur at the outputs of stages 10, 11, and 36.  Refer
   |    0      |     0     | REDUCER |                to the TEST LOGIC section of the CVAX Chip Spec. for
   +---------------------------------+                a more detailed description of the scanner/reducer.
   |    1      |     0     | SCANNER |
   |    X      |     1     |  LOAD   |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 364

   8.4  Control Store Block Diagram

                                                   MAB<10:0> from microsequencer
                                           |                       |                       |
                                           |MAB<3:1>               |MAB<4,0>             |MAB<10:5>
                                           |                       |                       |
                                           |               +--------------+   +-------------------------+
                                           |               |     FINAL    |   |        PREDECODE        |
                                           |               |   PREDECODE  |   |                         |
                                           |               +--------------+   +-------------------------+
                     COL_SEL_ENB +------------------+              |FPREDEC<3:0>           |PREDEC<11:0>
                     ------------|  COLUMN SELECT   |              |          +-------------------------+
   TRAP_PND                      +------------------+              |          |       ROW DECODE        |
   -----------------------+                | WORD_SEL<7:0>         |          +-------------------------+
   MIB_UPDATE             |                |                       |                       |    
   --------------------+  |                |                       |          +-------------------------+
                       |  |                |    328 bit lines      +----------|    WORD LINE DRIVERS    |
                       |  |                |        |         200 word lines  +-------------------------+
                     +------+ +------+ +------+     V              ------>     |||||||||||||||||||||||||   +-------+
                     |  M   | |  S   | | 8:1  |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   B   |
                     |  I   | |  E   | |  M   |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   I   |
                     |  B   | |  N   | |  U   |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   T   |
                     |      | |  S   | |  X   |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|       |
                     |  L   | |  E   | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   L   |
                     |  A   | |      | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   I   |
                     |  T   | |  A   | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   N   |
      MIB<40:0>      |  C   | |  M   | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   E   |
   <-----------------|  H   | |  P   | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|       |
           |         |  /   | |  S   | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   P   |
           |         |  D   | |      | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   R   |
           |         |  R   | |      | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   E   |
           |         |  I   | |      | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   C   |
           |         |  V   | |      | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   H   |
           |         |  E   | |      | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   A   |
           |         |  R   | |      | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   R   |
           |         |  S   | |      | |      |--------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++---|   G   |
           |         |      | |      | |      |                                                            |   E   |
           |         +------+ +------+ +------+                                                            +-------+              
     BLP   |                     |                                                                             |
           |           +------------------------+                  
           +-----------|                        |
                       |                        |  RS_MIB/UTEST       
   UTEST<2:0>          |   SCANNER/REDUCER      |----------------->
   --------------------|                        |
   RS_LOAD                   |  |  |
   --------------------------+  |  |
   RED_SCAN                     |  |
   -----------------------------+  |
   RS_CLK_1,RS_CLK_2               |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 365


   8.5  Control Store Signal Dictionary

   UPDATED: 9-SEP-86                      +----------+---------+---------+----------+
   from Global Signal Dictionary          |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |      Signal              | I/O,      |0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL              |
   |       Name               | Section   |0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0|                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | LOAD_REDUCERS |  G_S%LOAD_REDUCERS_L       |/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\=========|      Parallel load reducers                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5.4 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX, uSeq, Control Store         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MAB           |  G_S%MAB_H<10:0>           |xxxxxxxx===============================|      MICRO ADDRESS BUS                      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CONTROL STORE                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MIB           |  G_S%MIB_H<40:0>           |===================xxxxxxxxx===========|      MICRO-INSTRUCTION BUS                  |
   |               |  G_S%MIB_L<40:7>           |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CONTROL STORE                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Valid low 1 nS before rising edge of PHI4  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MLO_L         |  G_S%MLO_L<3:1>            |xxxxxxxx===============================|      MAB LATCH OUT TO UTEST "OR" LOGIC      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .7 pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest - CONTROL STORE                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI1          |  G_C%PHI1_H                |/~~~~~~~\\\____________________________|      PHASE 1 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 150 pF                            |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 366

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI2          |  G_C%PHI2_H                |_________/~~~~~~~~\\\__________________|      PHASE 2 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 150 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI3          |  G_C%PHI3_H                |___________________/~~~~~~~~\\\________|      PHASE 3 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 150 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI4          |  G_C%PHI4_H                |\\___________________________/~~~~~~~~~|      PHASE 4 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 150 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | R_RED_OUT     |  G_S%R_RED_OUT_H           |===================xxxxxxxx============|      MIB  reducer output                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.8 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Control Store                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | REDUCE_PHI1   |  G_C%REDUCE_PHI1_H         |/========\_____________________________|     REDUCE mode clock                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX, uSeq, Control Store         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | RESET_S       |  G_S%RESET_S_H             |~~\____________________________________|      RESET Stretched                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CLOCK LOGIC                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5pF     assertion is asynchronous |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SCAN_PHI1     |  G_C%SCAN_PHI1_H           |/========\_____________________________|     SCAN mode clock                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX, uSeq, Control Store         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | STALL         |  G_PH%STALL_L              |============xxxxxx=====================|      CHIP-WIDE STALL SIGNAL                 |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 367

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX,BIU,EBOX,IBOX,uSEQ           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 12pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI2 + 21ns                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | TRAP_PND      |  G_S%TRAP_PND_L            |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\\_______/~~~~~~~|      Trap Pending - Zero MIB's              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.7 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Control Store                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | UTEST         |  G_PH%UTEST_L<2:0>         |~xxxx===============HHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~|      MICRO-TEST BUS                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU, MBOX, IBOX, EBOX             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4.5pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Precharged during PHI3                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Conditionally discharged during PHI1       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Latched on falling edge of PHI1            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Must be valid 15 nS after rising edge      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  of PHI1.                                   |

   8.6  Change Requests ( ECO )

   The following change requests have been reflected in this revision of  the

           o       5DEC05DWA.1

   8.7  Issues

        1.  Should the Control Store include an extra bit  for  parity?   The
            V-11  Control  Store  (which  is  external)  includes parity; the
            MicroVAX Control Store (which is internal) does not.
            RESOLVED 2-8-85 NO PARITY BIT D.R.D.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 368

        2.  Is the Control Store properly sized?  ZMOS MicroVAX only required
            1600  words  of  microcode.   The  presumption  here is that CMOS
            MicroVAX  will  do  substantially  more   warm   floating   point
            processing that its predecessor.

        3.  Is a patch capability needed?  The V-11  (which  is  a  full  VAX
            implementation) includes patch capability; the MicroVAX (which is
            a microVAX implementation) does not.

        4.  Can the access time requirement (two phases,  approx  50  ns)  be
            met?  With how large a control store?
            RESOLVED 4-8-86 simulation show that access time can be met D.R.D

        5.  E Box would like MIB to be valid at least 3 nanoseconds prior  to
            PHI4 leading edge.  "Valid" < .3V from VCC or GND.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 369


   The Interrupt Logic mediates  hardware  and  software  interrupt  requests
   against  the  current IPL and generates an interrupt request to the I Box,
   if  necessary.   It  also  identifies  the  highest  priority  outstanding
   interrupt to the microcode.

   The Interrupt Logic also contains the logic to support a minimal  Interval
   Clock  Control  register  (ICCS - processor register #24).  External logic
   provides a free running clock to the INTTIM L pin (this clock should be  a
   100Hz  clock  for  software compatibility with VAX operating systems); the
   ICCS register enables and disables clock interrupts.  Access to  the  Next
   Interval  Count  (NICR #25), the Interval Count (ICR #26), and the Time of
   Year (TODR #27) is passed to external  logic  via  an  external  processor
   register  cycle.   If  these  registers are not implemented, the microcode
   supports the rest of the clock processor registers as read as zero,  write
   is nop for software compatibility with other VAX systems.

   The Interrupt Logic consists of the interrupt latches and edge  detectors,
   Software  Interrupt  Register,  the  interrupt  priority  encoder, and the
   interrupt IPL and comparator.

   9.1  Interrupt Latches

   The  interrupt  latches  are  double-buffered  latches  which  sample  and
   synchronize the interrupt inputs (HALT L, PWRFL L, INTTIM L, MEMERR L, CRD
   L, and IRQ<3:0>).  The IRQ lines are level  sensitive:   if  asserted  and
   then  deasserted  before  the  interrupt is acknowledged, the interrupt is
   ignored.  The other five interrupt inputs (HALT L, PWRFL L, MEMERR L,  CRD
   L   and   INTTIM   L)  are  pseudo  edge  sensitive.   They  are  sampled,
   synchronized, and input to flip-flops.  Each flip-flop  is  set  when  its
   input  is  asserted,  and  cleared  when  IRESET_H is asserted or when the
   MXPS[INT.ID] register is read and matches the request level  corresponding
   to  the  flip-flop.  The HALT interrupt is always enabled but will only be
   arbitrated for between instructions (HALT will not cause a FPD instruction
   to  packup).   The INTTIM flop is enabled/disabled with MACRO MTPR to ICCS
   (#24) that sets/clears bit <6> (IE).  When set, an  interrupt  request  is
   generated  every  time  INTTIM_L  transitions low (ie.  every time the TIM
   interrupt is set).  When clear no interrupt is requested.  Similarly if  a
   TIM  interrupt  is  set  and  the  software  sets  ICCS<6> an interrupt is
   generated.  The remaining bits in the MACRO ICCS register read as zero and
   are  ignored  on write.  In the micro machine the ICCS bit <6> is read and
   written by an MXPS[ICCS].  The interrupt enable bit is bit <6> of the ICCS
   register.   The  remaining  bits  are  undefined on read and don't care on
   write.  The interval timer is a level 16 interrupt.

   9.2  Highest Software Interrupt Register (HSIR).

   The highest pending software interrupt is recorded in the HSIR.  The  HSIR
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 370

   is read and written via an MXPS[HSIR] (WSPUR<3:0>=HSIR,WSPUR<7:4>=111).

   9.3  Interrupt Priority Encoder

   The CVAX architecture has 31 interrupt  priority  levels  (IPL),  used  as
           IPL levels              interrupt condition
           ----------              -------------------

           1F                      unused
           1E                      PWRFL L asserted
           1D                      MEMERR L asserted
           1B - 1C                 unused
           1A                      CRD L asserted
           18 - 19                 unused
           17                      IRQ<3> L asserted
           16                      IRQ<2> L asserted
           16                      INTTIM L asserted
           15                      IRQ<1> L asserted
           14                      IRQ<0> L asserted
           10 - 13                 unused
           01 - 0F                 software interrupt request

   The latched interrupt inputs are prioritized to generate a unique code for
   the  highest  level  outstanding  interrupt.  This code is compared to the
   current IPL.  If it is greater than the IPL, the interrupt  identification
   reads in accordance with the following table.  If it is less than or equal
   to the IPL, the interrupt identification reads as 0.  MXPS[INT.ID] is read
   onto bits<4:0> of the W_BUS by an MXPS READ microinstruction.

   IPL     HALT    PWRFL   MEMERR    CRD    IRQ<3>  IRQ<2>  INTTIM IRQ<1>  IRQ<0>  HSIR     int ident (hex)
   ----    ----    -----   ------    ---    ------  ------ ------  ------  ------  ----     ---------------
   XXX       L       x       x       x        x      x       x       x       x     xxxx            1F
   <1E       H       L       x       x        x      x       x       x       x     xxxx            1E
   <1D       H       H       L       x        x      x       x       x       x     xxxx            1D
   <1A       H       H       H       L        x      x       x       x       x     xxxx            1A
   <17       H       H       H       H        L      x       x       x       x     xxxx            17
   <16       H       H       H       H        H      L       x       x       x     xxxx            16
   <16       H       H       H       H        H      H       L       x       x     xxxx            1C
   <15       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       L       x     xxxx            15
   <14       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       L     xxxx            14
    0F       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     xxxx            00
   <0F       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     1111            0F
   <0E       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     1110            0E
   <0D       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     1101            0D
   <0C       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     1100            0C
   <0B       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     1011            0B
   <0A       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     1010            0A
   <09       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     1001            09
   <08       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     1000            08
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 371

   <07       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     0111            07
   <06       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     0110            06
   <05       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     0101            05
   <04       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     0100            04
   <03       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     0011            03
   <02       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     0010            02
    00       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     0001            01
    00       H       H       H       H        H      H       H       H       H     0000            00

   9.4  Interrupt IPL And Comparator

   The Interrupt Logic includes a write-only  copy  of  the  PSL<IPL>  field.
   This  copy  is  loaded from WSPUR<4:0> (bits<20:16> of the W_BUS) whenever
   the PSL is written.  The Interrupt Logic also includes an IPL  comparator.
   During  every  microcycle, the output of the interrupt priority encoder is
   compared to the stored copy of the IPL.  If the  output  of  the  priority
   encoder is greater than the IPL, then signal FPD_INT_PENDING_H is asserted
   for the I Box.  If  either  FPD_INT_PENDING_H  is  asserted,  or  HALT  is
   asserted, then signal IID_IRQ_H is asserted to the I Box.

   The decode of the IMIBs for the MXPS read INT.ID and  ICCS  and  the  MXPS
   write  ICCS  is  done  in  the  E  Box,  and the signals MXPS_READ_INT.ID,
   MXPS_READ_ICCS, and MXPS_WRITE_ICCS are driven  to  the  Interrupt  Logic.
   This eliminates having to route the MIBs across the I Box to the Interrupt

   9.5  Microcode Notes

   The Interrupt Logic must compare the IPL  to  the  interrupt  request  and
   update  FPD_INT_PENDING_H and IID_IRQ_H.  This means that microcode cannot
   take a branch that uses the FPD_INT_PENDING_H or IID_IRQ_H signals for two
   cycles  after  the  PSL is written.  In other words writes that CHANGE the
   IPL, HSIR, and ICCS<6> should not be followed in either of  the  next  two
   cycles by a BRANCH IID.

                   MXPS Register           Access             Data
                   -------------           ------           --------
                   INT.ID                  Read  Only        <4:0>
                   ICCS                    Read/Write         <6>
                   HSIR                    Read/Write        <3:0>

               note: all non-data  bits are don't care on WRITE and '1' on READ

   The flops for HALT, PWRFL, MEMERR, INTTIM, and CRD interrupts are  cleared
   by  an  MXPS[INT.ID]  and  the  interrupt identification being 1F(hex) for
   HALT, 1E(hex) for PWRFL, 1D(hex)  for  MEMERR,  1C(hex)  for  INTTIM,  and
   1A(hex)   for  CRD.   The  chip  does  not  externally  acknowledge  these
   interrupts, therefore no MEMREQ READ MEM.PHYS.VAP.INTVEC should be  issued
   for  these  five  interrupts.  Because of logic delays from READ INT.ID to
   clearing the interrupt out of the priority encoder, a READ INT.ID can  not
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 372

   be followed in the either of the next 2 cycles by another READ INT.ID, and
   for the same reason IID_IRQ_H  and  FPD_INT_PENDING_H  may  not  be  valid
   during  those  cycles.  Software interrupts caused by the HSIR are cleared
   via microcode.  Hardware interrupts caused by the IRQ's are cleared via  a

   9.6  Microcode Restrictions

        1.  Microcode cannot take a branch that uses the FPD_INT_PENDING_H or
            IID_IRQ_H  signals  for  two cycles after the PSL is written.  In
            other words writes that CHANGE the IPL, HSIR, and ICCS<6>  should
            not be followed in either of the next two cycles by a BRANCH IID.

        2.  All non-data bits in HSIR, ICCS, and INT.ID  are  don't  care  on
            WRITE and '1' on READ

        3.  Because  of  logic  delays  from  READ  INT.ID  to  clearing  the
            interrupt  out  of the priority encoder, a READ INT.ID can not be
            followed in the next two cycles by another READ INT.ID,  and  for
            the  same reason IID_IRQ_H and FPD_INT_PENDING_H may not be valid
            during the next two cycles.

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 373

   9.7  Block Diagram

                                           Interrupt Logic Block Diagram
   MXPS_WRITE_ICCS                         |
   --------------------------------------+ |
   MXPS_READ_ICCS                        | |
   ------------------------------------+ | |
                                       | | |
                                       | | |
           HALT L          PWRFL L     | | |   INTTIM L  MEMERR L    CRD L     IRQ<3> L        IRQ<2> L        IRQ<1> L   IRQ<0> L
              |               |        | | |    |            |         |             |               |               |          |
              V               V        V V V    V            V         V             V               V               V          V
     +----------+     +----------+    +----------+  +----------+  +----------+  +-----+         +-----+         +-----+    +-----+
     | edge det |     | edge det |    | edge det |  | edge det |  | edge det |  |sync |         |sync |         |sync |    |sync |
     |  latch   |     |  latch   |    |  latch   |  |  latch   |  |  latch   |  |latch|         |latch|         |latch|    |latch|
     +----------+     +----------+    +----------+  +----------+  +----------+  +-----+         +-----+         +-----+    +-----+
         A    |         A     |            A  |        A  |         A  |            |               |               |          |
         |    |         |     |            |  |        |  |         |  |            |               |               |          |
         |    |         |     |            |  |        |  |         |  |            |               |               |          |
         |    |         |     |            |  |        |  |         |  |            |               |               |          |
         +----|----+----+-----|------------+--|--------+--|---------+  |            |               |               |          |
              |    |       +--+               |           |            |            |               |               |          |
              |    |       |   +--------------+           |            |            |               |               |          |
              |    |       |   |   +----------------------+            |            |               |               |          |
              |    |       |   |   |   +-------------------------------+            |               |               |          |
              |    |       |   |   |   |   +----------------------------------------+               |               |          |
              |    |       |   |   |   |   |   +----------------------------------------------------+               |          |
              |    |       |   |   |   |   |   |   +----------------------------------------------------------------+          |
              |    |       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
              |    |       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
              |    |       V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V
              |    |      +------------------------------+          +---------------------+    +--------------------+
              |    |      | Interrupt Priority Encoder   |--------->|    IPL/ interrupt   | <--|  Interrupt section |<------+
              |    |      |         and HSIR             |~highest  |      comparator     |    |  copy of IPL       |       |
              |    |      +------------------------------+  request +---------------------+    +--------------------+       |
              |    |               |        A A      A                       |                               A              |
              +----|----------+    |        | |      |                       |                               |              |
              |    |          V    V        | |      |                       |                               |              |
              |    |       +------------+   | |      |MXPS_READ_HSIR         |                               |              |
              |    |  +--->|  encoder/  |   | |                              |                               |              |
              |    |  |    |   driver   |   | |MXPS_WRITE_HSIR               |                      from W_SPUR<4:0>        |
              |    |  |    +------------+   |                                |                                              |
              |    |  |           |         | W_SPUR<3:0>          +-------------------> FPD_INT_PENDING_H                  |
              |    |  |           V                                |                                                        |
              |    |  |    to W_SPUR<4:0>                          +--\''\                                                  |
              |    |  |                                                )or>--> IID_IRQ_H                                    |
              +----|--|-----------------------------------------------/,,/                                                  |
                   |  |                                                                                                     |
                   |  |                                                                                                     |
          IRESET_H |  |MXPS_READ_INT.ID                                                                            LOAD_PSL |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 374


        1.  Is the PSL<IPL> field read off the WBUS or the WSPUR ?

            ANS:   Mar-85  D.R.D.   -  PSL<20:16>  (IPL)  is  read  off   the

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 375


   The CVAX CPU chip receives two 20 Mhz, CMOS level,  out  of  phase  inputs
   from   the   ClK_A  and  CLK_B  pins.   These  inputs  feed  two  separate
   divide-by-two circuits which generate control signals used to separate the
   individual  phases  from  the inputs.  The control signals feed NAND gates
   which create the four internal chip clocks:  PHI1, PHI2, PHI3,  and  PHI4.
   Loading on the phase clocks can range up to 150pF.

   The clock logic is also responsible for reset  synchronization  using  the
   external  RESET_L pin as an input.  To provide on-chip initialization, the
   clock logic generates a reset signal, RESET_S, which  will  remain  active
   until  the  seventh  rising  edge  of  CLKA  following  the deassertion of
   RESET_L.  During reset time the internal clock phases  will  maintain  the
   synchronization  they  had  before RESET_L was asserted.  The first rising
   edge of CLK_A after the dessertion of RESET will be PHI1, this is used for
   system  wide  phase  synchronization.  If the internal clock phases do not
   agree with the PHI1 indicated by the deassertion  of  RESET_L  then  there
   will  be  a  two  phase  dead period following the next phase 4 before the
   rising edge of the next phase 1 (see waveform).

   It is assumed that the control logic will present no  DC  loading  on  the
   clock phases.

   RESYNC WAVEFORMS                       CASE 1 - resync required

   PHI1  __/~~~~~\________________________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\____________
                                   |             |
   PHI2  ______/~~~~~\___________________________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____
                                   |             |
   PHI3  _____________/~~~~~\___________________________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~
                                   |             |
   PHI4  ____________________/~~~~~\__________________________________/~~~~~\______________________/~~~~~\___________________
                                   |             |
   RESET ____/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   RESET_S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\__________________

                                      CASE 2 - no resync required

   PHI1  __/~~~~~\__________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~
   PHI2  ______/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\__________________
   PHI3  _____________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\___________
   PHI4  ____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\_____________________/~~~~~\____
   RESET ________________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   RESET_S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\___
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 376

   10.1  Clock Input Buffer - Phase Separator

   This circuit consists of 4 matched CMOS input level NAND gates followed by
   a  buffer  capable  of driving the capacitive load of the individual clock
   phase.  One input of the NAND gate will be either CLK_A or CLK_B  and  the
   other a control line from the Phase Select logic.

   10.2  RESET_L Input Buffer

   This circuit consists of a TTL level converter and driver.

   10.3  Phase Select Logic

   The Phase Select Logic sends control signals to the 4 NAND gates which are
   used to generate the 4 internal phases from the two external clocks.  This
   logic consists of two toggle flops, separately clocked by  .not.CLK_A  and
   .not.CLK_B,  it  is  forced  to  synchronization  upon  the deassertion of
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 377


   The 41-bit microinstruction is divided into two major sections.  The first
   28  bits,  Data  Path  Control,  control  the  I  Box,  E  Box, and Memory
   Interface.  This portion is encoded into  five  microinstruction  formats.
   The  next  13 bits control the Microsequencer.  This portion is encoded in
   two formats.

   11.1  Data Path Control Formats


    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
   | 0  1  1|   BASIC.FNC  | L|     B     | DST |  CC |     MISC     |        A        |


    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
   | 1| POS |CONS.FNC|      CONST.BYTE       |DS|  CC |     MISC     |        A        |


    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
   | 0  1  0|   SHIFT.VAL  |DR|     B     | DST |  CC |     MISC     |        A        |


    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
   | 0  0  1|  MEMREQ.FNC  | L|RW|MREQ.ACC| DST |  CC |     MISC     |        A        |


    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
   | 0  0  0|     MISC1    |M2|   MISC3   | DST |  CC |     MISC     |        A        |

   11.2  Microsequencer Control Formats

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 378

            12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0

            12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
   JUMP    | 0|SB|         JUMP ADDRESS           |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 379

   11.3  General Fields

   The following fields appear in several of  the  microinstruction  formats.
   When they appear, they have the following meanings.

   11.3.1  B_Bus Select (B) Field -

   This field selects a register from the subfiles addressible on the B  port
   of the register file ([Wb]).  It also addresses functions in the I Box and
   the K Mux ([MID.BUFF], [MKDL]).

   B port          B = 0:7         select W[0:7]           W[7] is SC
                       8           select WSN
                       9           select
                       A           select MID.BUFF
                       B           select MKDL
                       C           select VA
                       D           select VAP
                       E           select VIBA
                       F           unused

   11.3.2  Destination (DST) Field -

   This field determines whether the ALU result is dumped in the bit  bucket,
   written  back  to the register selected on the A port, written back to the
   register selected on the B port, or written to W[sn].

   tp 6
   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              no destination
    1              destination is A port select
    2              destination is W[sn]
    3              destination is B port select

   11.3.3  Condition Code (CC) Field -

   This field controls the condition code logic.

   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              do not change condition codes
    1              load ALU condition codes
    2              load PSL condition codes
    3              load ALU and PSL condition codes

   Constant,  shift  and  special  microinstructions  always   evaluate   the
   condition  codes  based  on  longword  data.   Memory  request  and  basic
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 380

   microinstructions evaluated the condition codes based on the selected data

   11.3.4  A_Bus Select (A) Field -

   This field selects a register from the subfiles addressible on the A  port
   of  the  register file ([Ga], [Wa], [Ta]).  It also addresses functions in
   the K Mux ([K1], [SEXTN]).

   A port          A = 0:E         select G[0:E]
                       F           select PC
                       10:1F       select T[0:F]
                       20:27       select W[0:7]           W[7] is SC
                       28          select WSN
                       29          select
                       2A          select GRN              G[rn]
                       2B          select PSL
                       2C          select Q register
                       2E          select K1               constant 1
                       2F          select SEXTN            (0 if alu.n = 0, -1 if 1)

                       38          select WSN                                              Broadcast WBUS to FPA
                       39          select                                       Broadcast WBUS to FPA
                       3A          select GRN              G[rn]                           Broadcast WBUS to FPA
                       3F          bit bucket              WBUS

   11.3.5  Miscellaneous (MISC) Field -

   This field allows operations to happen in parallel with another data  path

   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 381

   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              nop
    1              write VA
    2              write VAP
    3              write SC
    4              clear write buffer
    5              restart prefetch
    6              enable IB prefetch
    7              disable IB prefetch

    8              RN <-- 0
    9              RN <-- RN-1
    A              RN <-- RN+1
    B              RN <-- RN+1 if DL = quad
    C              DL <-- byte
    D              DL <-- word
    E              DL <-- long
    F              DL <-- quad

    10             clear STATE<2:0>
    11             set STATE<0>
    12             set STATE<1>
    13             set STATE<2>
    14             set REEXECUTE
    15             clear MMGT.TD
    16             unconditional load VIBA and PC
    17             swap RN and RN.old
    18             if BCOND load VIBA and PC and trap 
    19             if BCOND load VIBA and PC
    1A             old.z
    1B             shift.dl
    1C             RLOG
    1D             set PSL map to jizj
    1E             set PSL map to iiii
    1F             set PSL map to iiij
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 382

   11.4  BASIC Microinstruction

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
   | 0  1  1|   BASIC.FNC  | L|     B     | DST |  CC |     MISC     |        A        |

   This microinstruction format is used for most of the specifier  evaluation
   and computation flows.

   11.4.1  BASIC Function (BASIC.FNC) Field -

   This field controls the B_Bus sign  extension  logic,  the  ALU,  the  ALU
   shifter, and possibly the SC register.

   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              A.PLUS.B
    1              A.OR.B
    2              A.PLUS.B.PLUS.(PSL.C)
    3              A.MINUS.1
    4              PASS.B
    5              A.MINUS.B.PLUS.(.NOT.PSL.C)
    6              A.AND.(.NOT.B)
    8              .NOT.B
    9              A.XOR.B
    A              PASS.A
    C              A.AND.B
    D              SMUL.STEP
   11              A.PLUS.B.PLUS.1
   14              A.MINUS.B
   16              UDIV.STEP
   18              B.MINUS.A
   19              A.PLUS.1
   1A              .NEG.B
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 383

   11.4.2  Length (L) Field -

   This fields determines the effective data length for the microinstruction.
   GPR  can  be  written as a byte, word or longword; all other registers are
   written as a longword and the data is zero extended based on L.

   tp 5
   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              length is longword
    1              length is determined by the DL register
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 384

   11.5  CONSTANT Microinstruction

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
   | 1| POS |CONS.FNC|       CONSTANT        |DS|  CC |     MISC     |        A        |

   This microinstruction allows operations on registers by 32-bit  constants.
   The effective data length is always LONG.

   11.5.1  CONSTANT Position (POS) Field -

   This field selects the position of the 8-bit constant  within  the  32-bit

   POS     <31:24>         <23:16>         <15:8>          <7:0>
   ---     -------         -------         ------          -----
    0      00000000        00000000        00000000        CONSTANT
    1      00000000        00000000        CONSTANT        00000000
    2      00000000        CONSTANT        00000000        00000000
    3      CONSTANT        00000000        00000000        00000000

   11.5.2  CONSTANT Destination (DS) Field -

   This field determines whether the ALU result is dumped in the  bit  bucket
   or written back to the register selected on the A-port.

   tp 5
   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              no destination
    1              destination is A-port select

   11.5.3  CONSTANT Function (CONST.FNC) Field -

   This field selects the ALU function that operates on the contents  of  the
   A_Bus and the constant.

   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              A.MINUS.CONST
    1              CONST.MINUS.A
    2              A.PLUS.CONST
    3              A.AND.CONST
    4              A.OR.CONST
    5              PASS.CONST
    6              A.AND.NOT.CONST
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 385

    7              A.XOR.CONST

   This microinstruction allows operations on registers by 32-bit  constants.
   The effective data length is always LONG.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 386

   11.6  SHIFT Microinstruction

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
   | 0  1  0|   SHIFT.VAL  |DR|     B     | DST |  CC |     MISC     |        A        |

   This microinstruction, unlike all others, disables the  ALU  from  driving
   the W_Bus and enables the Shifter.

   11.6.1  SHIFT Value (SHIFT.VAL) Field -

   This field, when used, is the number of bits to shift.

   11.6.2  SHIFT Function Fields (SHIFT.DIR, DST) -

   These field determines the drivers of the A_ and B_Busses  and  the  write

   Dir     Dst     A_Bus   B_Bus   Dest    Dir     Shift   Reg if SV = 0
   ---     ---     -----   -----   ----    ---     -----   -------------
    0      0       A       B       none    right   SV      SC
    1      0       A       B       none    left    32-SV   SC
    0      1       #0      B       A       right   SV      SC
    1      1       A       B       A       left    32-SV   SC
    0      2       A       B       WSN     right   SV      SC
    1      2       A       B       WSN     left    32-SV   SC
    0      3       A       B       B       right   SV      SC
    1      3       A       #0      B       left    32-SV   SC

   When the Shift Value field is non-zero,  SV  is  the  Shift  Value  field.
   Otherwise,  SV  is  SC<4:0>,  or,  if  the MISC field specifies USE.DL, is
   DL<1:0>.  This microinstruction allows operations on registers  by  32-bit
   constants.  The effective data length is always LONG.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 387

   11.7  MEM REQ Microinstruction

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
   | 0  0  1|  MEMREQ.FNC  | L|RW|MREQ.ACC| DST |  CC |     MISC     |        A        |

   This microinstruction allows the E Box to transfer data  to  or  from  the
   other parts of the chip, to other chips in the set, or to memory.

   11.7.1  MEM REQ Function (MEMREQ.FNC) Field -

                                           Reference       Address         VA' After
   MEMREQ.FNC      Function                Type            Source          Reference
   ----------      --------                ---------       -------         ---------
    00             mem req virtual         virtual         VA              VA+4
    02             mem req virtual lock    virtual         VA              VA+4
    04             mem req virtual         virtual         VA'             VA'+4
    05             mem req virtual pte     virtual         VA'             VA'+4
    06             mem req virtual lock    virtual         VA'             VA'+4
    08             mem req physical        physical        VA              VA+4
    0A             mem req physical lock   physical        VA              VA+4
    0B             mem req physical ipr    physical        VA              VA+4
    0C             mem req physical        physical        VA'             VA'+4
    0D             mem req physical pte    physical        VA'             VA'+4
    0E             mem req physical lock   physical        VA'             VA'+4
    0F             mem req int vec         physical        VA'             VA'+4
    10             probe virtual           virtual         VA              unchanged
    14             probe virtual           virtual         VA'             unchanged
    18             FPA read                                                unchanged
    1D             MXPR                                                    unchanged
    1E             MXPS0                                                   unchanged
    1F             MXPS1                                                   unchanged
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 388

   11.7.2  MEM REQ Length (L) Field -

   This fields determines the effective data length for the microinstruction.
   GPR  can  be  written as a byte, word or longword; all other registers are
   written as a longword and the data is zero extended based  on  L.   Memory
   data length is also determined by L.

   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              length is longword
    1              length is determined by the DL register

   11.7.3  MEM REQ Read/Write (RW) Field -

   This field defines the direction (read or write)  of  the  memory  request

   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              read
    1              write 

   11.7.4  MEM REQ Access Control (MEMREQ.ACC) Field -

   For a virtual memory request or  probe,  this  field  defines  the  access
   checks to be performed.
   MEMREQ.ACC      Priv Check      Access Mode
   ----------      ----------      -----------
    0              none            current
    2              read            current
    3              read            mode
    4              write           current
    5              write           mode
    6              AT = m          current

   For a MXPR microinstruction, this fields supplies the register  number  of
   the internal register to or from which data is transferred.

   Code    R/W     Register
   ----    ---     --------
    1      rw      P0LR                    P0 length register
    2      rw      P1LR                    P1 length register
    3      rw      SLR                     System length register
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 389

   For a read MXPS0  microinstruction,  this  fields  supplies  the  register
   number of the internal register from which data is transfered.

   Code    R/W     Register
   ----    ---     --------
    1      r-w.clr MSER                    MSER<7:0> (write clears register)
    2      ro      INT                     highest interrupt in bits<4:0>
    3      ro      OPCODE                  opcode register in bits<7:0>
    4      ro-rw   SPEC.RN                 specifier in bits<7:4>(ro) - RN in <3:0>(rw)
    6      rw      HSIR                    highest software interrupt in <7:0>

   For a read MXPS1  microinstruction,  this  fields  supplies  the  register
   number of the internal register from which data is transfered.

   Code    R/W     Register
   ----    ---     --------
    0      rw      ICCS                    ICCS<6> in bit<6>
    1      rw      CADR                    cache disable register
    2      ro      EBOX.STATE              STATE<5:0> in bits <5:0>
    3      ro      EBOX.CCS                restart, ALU CC's in bits <7,3:0>
    4      ro      RLOG.STACK              RLOG[0]<7:0> in bits <7:0>
    5      rw      MAPEN                   MAPEN in bit<0>

   For a write MXPS0 microinstruction,  this  fields  supplies  the  register
   number of the internal register to which data is transfered.

   Code    R/W     Register
   ----    ---     --------
    1      r-w.clr MSER                    MSER is clear
    4      ro-rw   SPEC.RN                 RN in <3:0>, specifier bits in <7:4> unchanged
    6      rw      HSIR                    highest software interrupt in <7:0>

   For a write MXPS1 microinstruction,  this  fields  supplies  the  register
   number of the internal register to which data is transfered.

   Code    R/W     Register
   ----    ---     --------
    0      rw      ICCS                    ICCS<6> in bit<6>
    1      rw      CADR                    cache disable register
    5      rw      MAPEN                   MAPEN in bit<0>
    6      wo      MMGT.STATUS             MMGT.STATUS in bits <2:0>
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 390

    7      wo      PROBE.MODE              alternate probe mode in bits<1:0>
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 391

   11.8  SPECIAL Microinstruction

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
   | 0  0  0|     MISC1    |M2|   MISC3   | DST |  CC |     MISC     |        A        |

   This microinstruction implements certain non-time critical functions.  The
   microword  is  broken  up into three encoded fields plus the standard MISC

   11.8.1  SPECIAL Condition Code (MISC1) Field -

   Code(bin)       Function
   ----            --------
   0 0000          nop
   0 XXX1          invalidate translation buffer
   0 XX1X          set VAX TRAP REQUEST
   0 X1XX          set reprobe
   0 1XXX          set MMGT.TD
   1 0000          simulator HALT
   1 XXX1          invalidate translation buffer entry if hit
   1 XX1X          clear VAX TRAP REQUEST

   11.8.2  SPECIAL Function (MISC2) Field -

   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              nop
    1              copy backup PC to PC
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 392

   11.8.3  SPECIAL Control Flags (MISC3) Field -

   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    0              nop
    1              clear STATE<5:3>
    2              set STATE<3>
    4              set STATE<4>
    8              set STATE<5>
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 393

   11.9  BRANCH Microinstruction

            12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0

   This format (of the Microsequencer Control portion of  the  microword)  is
   used  when  CS<12>  =  0.   It  allows  relative  branching  on condition,
   return-from-subroutine, and case branching.

   11.9.1  Branch Condition Select (BCS) Field -

   This field selects the branch condition or special function to be used  in
   generating the next microaddress.

   Code            Function
   ----            --------
    4              return

    8              DEC.NEXT                        decode next specifier
    A              If (DL=BWL) AND (AT=RVM) then DEC.NEXT, else CASE
    B              If (AT=RVM)              then DEC.NEXT, else CASE
    C              If (DL=BWL) AND (AT=R)   then DEC.NEXT, else CASE
    D              If (AT=R)                then DEC.NEXT, else CASE
    E              If (AT=A) OR (AT=V)      then DEC.NEXT, else CASE
    F              If DL=BWL                then DEC.NEXT, else CASE

    10             ALU.NZV         case
    11             ALU.NZC         case
    12             SC<2:0>         case
    13             SC<5:3>         case
    15             PSL<26:24>      case
    16             STATE<2:0>      case
    17             STATE<5:3>      case

    18             Mem Mgt1 status case    (read/write'p0/p1/sys/lnv)
    19             Mem Mgt2 status case
    1A             Mem Ref status  case    (RT/CVAX vs. CVAX'VIBA ok'mem ref ok)
    1B             FPA.DL          case    (FPA present'dl<1:0>)
    1C             INT.Reg Mode    case    (interrupt'prev. rmode'curr. rmode)
    1D             OPCODE<2:0>     case
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 394

    1E             ID.LOAD         case    (at<1>'id<--ib.len(dl)<1:0>)

   11.9.2  Branch Offset (BO) Field -

   This field contains the offset that is appended to uPC<10:8> when a branch
   is taken.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 395

   11.10  JUMP Microinstruction

            12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
     JUMP  | 0|SB|         JUMP ADDRESS           |
   This format (of the Microsequencer Control portion of  the  microword)  is
   used  when  CS<12>  =  1.   It allows absolute unconditional branching and
   subroutine calling.

   11.10.1  Subroutine (SB) Field -

   This bit controls pushing the microstack.  If it is SET,  the  address  of
   the microword plus one is pushed onto the microstack (a jump to subroutine
   is done).  If not, the microstack is unaffected.

   11.10.2  Jump Address Field -

   This field is  used  when  JUMP  microinstructions  are  being  done.   It
   provides  the  11  bits  of the jump microaddress.  This allows freedom to
   jump anywhere in the 2K microcode space.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 396


   The Test Logic enables test hardware to read internal CVAX state  that  is
   not  normally observable on the external pins.  It also allows a tester to
   force an external address applied to 11 redefined chip pins  as  the  next
   address  for  the  control  store.  Test Logic can be conceptually divided
   into logic that aids  observability  and  logic  that  controls  the  test

   12.1  Observability Logic

   The Observability logic consists of four (4) parallel-in serial-out  shift
   registers  which  allow  parallel  loading  of internal signals and serial
   shifting of this data to the TEST_OUT pin (scan).  In  an  alternate  mode
   (reduce)  the shift registers become linear feedback shift registers, that
   is instead of merely shifting the parallel loaded data out as  a  snapshot
   of  the machine state, an EXOR is inserted between each shift register bit
   allowing the machine state to continuously affect the data being  shifted,
   producing  a  1  bit  per  cycle  signature  at  the  TEST_OUT pin (CWB is
   redefined as TEST_OUT if TEST=1).  Three of these shift registers feed the
   fourth  register  (main  reducer)  which further reduces the output of the
   other three shift registers.

   12.1.1  CWB Logic -

   Clear  Write  Buffer  (CWB)  is  asserted  if  the  MISC  field   of   the
   microinstruction  is decoded as 04 and STALL is not asserted.  This signal
   is updated during PHI3 and driven out the CWB/TESTOUT PIN if TEST  is  not
   asserted,  if  TEST  is  asserted  the  pin is driven by the output of the
   selected shift register.

   12.2  Control Logic

   A configuration latch selects which of the shift registers  (or  the  main
   reducer)  drives  TEST_OUT,  if  the  shift  registers  should  'scan'  or
   'reduce', and if a BROADCAST should be forced.  (see block diagram)

   The micro-sequencer next address mux has a test state in which  it  passes
   data  applied  to  external pins directly to the MAB, allowing a tester to
   specify the next micro-instruction totally independent of the value of the
   next  address  specified by the previous micro-instruction (the micro-test
   bus is ignored).
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 397

   12.2.1  Normal State -

   The Test Logic is  in  the  'normal'  state  when  TEST=0.   No  pins  are
   redefined.   The  configuration  latch is cleared and the TEST pin acts as
   the ground for the ASL pin.

   12.2.2  Test State -  TEST Pin - The Test Logic is in the 'test'  state  when  TEST=1.
   Since  the  TEST  pin serves as ASL ground, ASL will be 'high' when in the
   'test' state.  Normally the chip couldn't do  memory  references  in  test
   mode  because  rdy and err are ignored if AS is high.  In the 'test' state
   logic is enabled to allow sampling of ready and error pins irrespective of
   the actual level of the ASL pin.  Internal MAB -

   The Test Logic is in the 'test' state when TEST=1.  CWB  is  redefined  as
   TEST_OUT, the POWER_FAIL pin is redefined to LOAD which is used to control
   the parallel loading of all the shift registers (during PHI4), and HALT is
   redefined  to INT_EXT which controls whether the MAB is driven by external
   pins  or  the  normal  internal  paths.   When  INT_EXT=0,  MAB<10:0>   is
   controlled by the normal (internal) paths.  External MAB -

   When TEST=1 and INT_EXT=1 (should change during PHI2 only),  MAB<10:0>  is
   driven  by external redefined pins.  IRQ<3:0>,CP_STAT<1:0> and CP_DAT<5:0>
   are redefined to TEST_MAB<10:0> and CONFIGURE  (see  TEST  CONTROL  PINS).
   TEST_MAB<10:0>  are  driven  on  MAB<10:0>  and latched at the end of PHI1
   (redefined  pins  must  be  valid  by  beginning  of  PHI4).   The  signal
   G_S%INHIB_CP_OUT_H  is asserted to block the use of the CP_DAT and CP_STAT
   pins by the BIU.  Force Broadcast -

   If the BROADCAST bit in the configuration latch is SET,  the  BIU  asserts
   G_S%BRDCST_BASIC_H  causing  the  contents of the WBUS to be driven on the
   DAL in the next cycle.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 398
   TEST LOGIC  Configuration Latch -

        | B | S |       |
        | R | - | SELECT|
        | O | R |   |   |

   BRO    - force BASIC BROADCAST                        0=no broadcast

   S-R    - Scan/Reduce select                           0=reduce

   SELECT - select which shift register to observe       00=main reducer
                                                         01=register #1
                                                         11=register #2
                                                         10=register #3

   when TEST=0 configuration latch is reset to 0000  Loading Configuration Latch -

   CONFIGURE controls loading  of  the  configuration  latch.   When  TEST=1,
   INT_EXT=1, and CONFIGURE=1 the configuration latch is loaded with the data
   on four (4) of the TEST_MAB pins during PHI3.

   12.3  Shift Register Locations

   12.3.1  MIB (Shift Register #1) -

   Register #1 is located on the MIB.  It will look at all of the MIB_H<40:0>
   signals and the UTEST<2:0>.  Sampling will occur on PHI1.

   Inputs and bit positions are as follows:

        1  - G_S%MIB_H<40>
        2  - G_S%MIB_H<39>
        3  - G_S%MIB_H<38>
        4  - G_S%MIB_H<37>
        5  - G_S%MIB_H<36>
        6  - G_S%MIB_H<35>
        7  - G_S%MIB_H<34>
        8  - G_S%MIB_H<33>
        9  - G_S%MIB_H<32>
       10  - G_S%MIB_H<31>
       11  - G_S%MIB_H<30>
       12  - G_S%MIB_H<29>
       13  - G_S%MIB_H<28>
       14  - G_S%MIB_H<27>
       15  - G_S%MIB_H<26>
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 399

       16  - G_S%MIB_H<25>
       17  - G_S%MIB_H<24>
       18  - G_S%MIB_H<23>
       19  - G_S%MIB_H<22>
       20  - G_S%MIB_H<21>
       21  - G_S%MIB_H<20>
       22  - G_S%MIB_H<19>
       23  - G_S%MIB_H<12>
       24  - G_S%MIB_H<11>
       25  - G_S%MIB_H<10>
       26  - G_S%MIB_H<9>
       27  - G_S%MIB_H<8>
       28  - G_S%MIB_H<7>
       29  - G_S%MIB_H<6>
       30  - G_S%MIB_H<5>
       31  - G_S%MIB_H<4>
       32  - G_S%MIB_H<3>
       33  - G_S%MIB_H<2>
       34  - G_S%MIB_H<17>
       35  - G_S%MIB_H<13>
       36  - G_S%MIB_H<14>
       37  - G_S%MIB_H<15>
       38  - G_S%MIB_H<16>
       39  - G_S%MIB_H<18>
       40  - G_S%MIB_H<1>
       41  - G_S%MIB_H<0>
       42  - G_PH%UTEST_H<2>
       43  - G_PH%UTEST_H<1>
       44  - G_PH%UTEST_H<0>

   Feedback taps for the reducer are located at bit positions 8, 33,  34  and

   12.3.2  I Box IPLA (Shift Register #2) -

   Register #2 is located at the output of the IBOX IPLA.  Sampling of its 24
   outputs  will  occur  on  PHI1.   The  reducer  only looks at 12 of the 24
   outputs during any one cycle.  A flip-flop toggled on PHI3 controls a 2 to
   1  mux  at  the  inputs  of  the reducer, allowing all 24 bits of the IPLA
   output to be reduced with only 12 bits of reducer.  The flip-flop is reset
   to Group 1 by G_S%RESET_S.

   Inputs and bit positions for the two groups are as follows:
            Group 1                                 Group 2

        1  - I_S%NEW_FPO_INSTR_H                   I_S%NEW_FPA_INSTR_H
        2  - I_S%IPLA_EXE_ADDRESS_H<6>             I_S%IPLA_EXE_ADDRESS_H<5>
        3  - I_S%IPLA_EXE_ADDRESS_H<4>             I_S%IPLA_EXE_ADDRESS_H<3>
        4  - I_S%IPLA_EXE_ADDRESS_H<2>             I_S%IPLA_EXE_ADDRESS_H<1>
        5  - I_S%IPLA_EXE_ADDRESS_H<0>             I_S%IPLA_DL_0_H<1>
        6  - I_S%IPLA_DL_0_H<0>                    I_S%IPLA_DL_1_H<1>
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 400

        7  - I_S%IPLA_DL_1_H<0>                    I_S%IPLA_DL_2_H<1>
        8  - I_S%IPLA_DL_2_H<0>                    I_S%IPLA_AT_0_H<1>
        9  - I_S%IPLA_AT_0_H<0>                    I_S%IPLA_AT_1_H<1>
        10 - I_S%IPLA_AT_1_H<0>                    I_S%IPLA_AT_2_H<1>
        11 - I_S%IPLA_AT_2_H<0>                    I_S%IPLA_SPECS_H<2>
        12 - I_S%IPLA_SPECS_H<1>                   I_S%IPLA_SPECS_H<0>

   Feedback taps for the reducer are located at bit positions 2, 3, 9 and 12.

   12.3.3  Cache Refresh Address Generator/Reducer (Shift Register #3) -

   The Cache uses a linear feedback shift register (reducer) to generate  the
   refresh   address   for   the  dynamic  RAM.   The  MSB  of  this  address
   (G_S%C_RED_OUT_H) is fed to bit 4 of the Main Reducer.

   12.3.4  Main Reducer (Shift Register #4) -

   Register #4 is fed by the outputs of registers #1-3,  sampling  occurs  on
   PHI1.  This register is only capable of operating in the 'reduce' mode.

   Inputs and bit positions are as follows:

       1  - Shift Register #1 output
       2  - Shift Register #2 output
       3  - Shift Register #3 output
       4-7  dummy bits fed with zero's

   Feedback taps for the reducer are located at bit positions 3 and 7.
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 401

   12.4  Test Control Pins

                | H | P | I | I | I | I | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C |
     TEST = 0   | A | W | R | R | R | R | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | W |    NORMAL
                | L | R | Q | Q | Q | Q | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | B |    OPERATION
                | T | F | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | S | S | D | D | D | D | D | D |   |
                |   |   |   |   |   |   | T | T | A | A | A | A | A | A |   |
                |   |   |   |   |   |   | A | A | T | T | T | T | T | T |   |
                |   |   |   |   |   |   | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |   |
                | I | L | I | I | I | I | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | T |
   TEST   = 1   | - | O | R | R | R | R | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | E |    TEST STATE - INTERNAL MAB
   I/E    = 0   | E | A | Q | Q | Q | Q | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | S |
                |   | D | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | S | S | D | D | D | D | D | D | T |
                |   |   |   |   |   |   | T | T | A | A | A | A | A | A | - |
                |   |   |   |   |   |   | A | A | T | T | T | T | T | T | O |
                |   |   |   |   |   |   | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | U |
                |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | T |
                | I | L | C |                                           | T |
   TEST   = 1   | - | O | O |           TEST_MAB<10:0>                  | E |    TEST STATE - EXTERAL MAB
   I/E    = 1   | E | A | N |                                           | S |    TEST_MAB SAMPLED DURING PHI1
                |   | D | F | 10| 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | T |
                                        | B | S |   |       |                     TEST STATE - EXTERNAL MAB
   CONF = 1                             | R | - |   | SELECT|                     TEST_MAB SAMPLED DURING PHI1
                                        | O | R |   |1  |0  |                     VALUE OF THESE PINS ARE LATCHED
                                        +---+---+   +---+---+                     INTO THE CONFIGURATION LATCH BITS
                                                                                  DURING PHI3

   I-E        -  External/Internal MAB (INT_EXT)                          0=internal

   LOAD       -  Parallel load scan shift registers with scan data.       1=load

   CONFIGURE  -  Parallel load configuration latch from TEST_MAB<3:0>.   1=configure
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 402

   12.5  Block Diagram

   S-R control --------|---------------|--------------|
                       |               |              |    
   CLOCK ----------|---------------|--------------|   |             
                   |   |           |   |          |   |             
   S_R LOAD ---|---------------|--------------|   |   |                                      SELECT<1:0>
               |   |   |       |   |   |      |   |   |                                       |
               V   V   V       V   V   V      V   V   V                                       |
            +------------+  +------------+  +------------+                                    |
            | SCANNER/   |  | SCANNER/   |  |            |                                    / 2
            | REDUCER    |  | REDUCER    |  | REDUCER    |                                    |
            | REGISTER #1|  | REGISTER #2|  | REGISTER #3|                                    |
            +------------+  +------------+  +------------+                                  |\|
                   |               |               |                                        | \ 
                   |               |               |--------------------------------------->|  |   
                   |               |               |                                        |  |
                   |               |------------------------------------------------------->| M|                          
                   |               |               |                                        | U|-------------------------- TEST_OUT
                   |----------------------------------------------------------------------->| X|                                    
                   |               |               |                                        |  |
                   V               V               V                                        |  |
        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+                 |  |
        |         MAIN REDUCER  (REGISTER #4)                             |---------------->| / 
        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+                 |/  
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 403


   S  = STATIC                  H  = PRECHARGING HIGH
   C  = CLOCK                   =  = VALID SIGNAL
   PL = PRECHARGED LOW          x  = NOT VALID
   PH = PRECHARGED HIGH         _  = LOW  ~ = HIGH

                                               |   PHI1   |   PHI2  |   PHI3  |   PHI4   |
   |   Signal      |           FULL            | | |1|1|2|2|3|3|4|4|5|5|6|6|7|7|8|8|9|9|0|          DESCRIPTION OF SIGNAL             |
   |    Name       |           Name            |0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|5|0|                                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | ACCESS_TYPE   |  G_S%ACCESS_TYPE_H<1:0>    |===================xxxxxxxxxxx=========|      ACCESS_TYPE REGISTER CONTENTS          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest - USEQ                                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI4 - 1nS  to PHI3               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      1= SET 2 HIT, 0= SET 1 HIT             |
   | ALLOC_SET     |  G_S%ALLOC_SET_H           |========xxxxxxxxxx=====================|      Assumed loading = 4pf                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  valid to 2.5 volts 16ns into PHI2          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | AT_EQ_MOD     |  G_S%AT_EQ_MOD_H           |===================xxxxxxxxxxxx========|      ACCESS_TYPE = MODIFY (WRITE)           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3.8pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI4 + 3nS to PHI3                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | B_BUS         |  G_PH%B_BUS_H<31:0>        |~~xxxxxx======================HHHHHHHHH|      B_BUS                                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX,MBOX,IBOX                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                  valid before PHI2          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 404

   | BIU_NOP       |  G_S%BIU_NOP_H             |\\\______xxxxxxxxx=====================|     BIU SHOULD NOP THIS MICROINSTRUCTION    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.2pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      valid PHI2 + 21nS                      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | BIU_TRAP      |  G_S%BIU_TRAP_L            |==========xxxxxxx======================|      BIU TRAP CONDITION DETECTED            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3.8pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX,USEQ,IBOX                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      valid PHI2 + 18nS                      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | BRANCH_TRAP   |  G_S%BRANCH_TAKEN_TRAP_L   |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx====================x|      BRANCH TAKEN TRAP LINE                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.5pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |            valid PHI3 - 6nS  to PHI1        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | BRDCST_BASIC  |  G_S%BRDCST_BASIC_H        |x============================xxxxxxxxxx|      BASIC BROADCAST CYCLE                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |         valid PHI4 + 23nS                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | BRDCST_OK     |  G_S%BRDCST_OK_H           |====================xxxxxxxxxx=========|      FPU BROADCAST OK FLAG                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4.2pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - BIU, MBOX                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI3 + 21nS                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | C_RED_OUT     |  G_S%C_RED_OUT_H           |===================xxxxxxxx============|    CACHE  reducer output                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CACHE                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 405

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | CASH_BUS      |  G_PL%CASH_BUS_H<5:0>      |__xx==========================LLLLLLLLL|     PRIVATE CACHE ADDRESS BUS WITH LOWER    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     ORDER BITS                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |       valid PHI1 + 14nS                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | CACHE_ADDR_SRC|  G_S%CACHE_ADDR_SRC_H<1:0> |__xxxxxxxxx==================\_________|     INDICATES THE ADDRESS SOURCE THE CACHE  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     SHOULD BE USING                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI1 + 24nS                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | CACHE_FCN     |  G_S%CACHE_FCN_H<1:0>      |__xxxxxxxxx==================\_________|     CACHE FUNCTION CONTROL                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI1 + 24nS                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | CACHE_HIT     |  G_S%CACHE_HIT_L           |============xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx====|     CACHE READ SUCCESSFUL                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI4 + 12nS                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | CONFIG        |  G_S%CONFIG_H              |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=============xxxxxxxx|  IRQ<0> during test mode, load configuration|
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                           register          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 406

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | COPY_TRACE    |  G_S%COPY_TRACE_H          |___/=====\_____________________________|      COPY TRACE BITS FLAG                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: conditioned by STALL in the IBOX     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   asserted PHI1 + 9nS to PHI2               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | CWB           |  P_S%CWB_L                 |===================xxxxxxxxx===========|      Clear Write Buffer / Test output       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source -                                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - PIN                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | DELTA_PC      |  G_S%DELTA_PC_L<2:0>       |xxxx=================xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|      NUMBER BYTES RETIRED BY IBOX           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI1 + 20nS to end of PHI2          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | DL            |  G_S%DL_H<1:0>             |====================xxxxxxxxxx=========|      DATA LENGTH REGISTER CONTENTS          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5.4pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX,MBOX,USEQ                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI4 + 2nS to PHI3                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | DMA_INV_ADDR  |  G_S%DMA_INV_ADDR_H<5:0>   |          asynchronous                 |      LOW ORDER ADDRESS BITS DURING A DMA    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      INVALIDATE CYCLE                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | FD_BIT        |  G_S%FD_BIT_L              |xxxxxxxxxxxxx==========================|      F or D Type Floating Point Instruction |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 407

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.25pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - FPA LOGIC                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |       valid PHI2 + 9nS to PHI4              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | FLUSH         |  G_S%FLUSH_H               |=xxxxxx================================|      FLUSH the CACHE                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |        valid PHI1 + 18nS                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | FP_INTEGER    |  G_S%FP_INTEGER_L          |xxxxxxxxxxxxx==========================|      INDICATES FLOATING POINT INTEGER INSTR |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.2pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - FPA LOGIC                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      valid PHI2 + 9nS to PHI4               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | FPA_OPCODE    |  G_S%FPA_OPCODE_H<5:0>     |xxxx===================================|      Opcode for FPA interface               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .9pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - FPA LOGIC                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI2 + 13nS to PHI1                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | FPD_INT_PENDING  G_S%FPD_INT_PENDING_H     |\\\__________/=========================|      INTERRUPT PENDING FLAG                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.8pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - INTCTL                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX  (needed during PHI3 only)   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | FPU_CCZ       |  G_S%FPU_CCZ_H             |xxxxxxxx===============================|       CONDITION CODES FROM FPU              |
   | FPU_CCV       |  G_S%FPU_CCV_H             |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | FPU_CCN       |  G_S%FPU_CCN_H             |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.9pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - FPA LOGIC                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 408

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      valid PHI1 + 20nS                      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | FPU_IS_THERE  |  G_S%FPU_IS_THERE_H        |=======================================|      VALID ONLY DURING RESET, SETS FPU.PRES |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - FPA LOGIC                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | FPU_TRAP      |  G_S%FPU_TRAP_L            |==========xxxxxx=======================|      FPU TRAP REQUEST LINE                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.2pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ,IBOX                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |        valid PHI2 + 15nS                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | HSIR_RD       |  G_S%HSIR_RD_L             |=================xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==|      read HSIR                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .8pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - interrupt decode logic            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | HSIR_WR       |  G_S%HSIR_WR_H             |=================xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==|      write HSIR                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .9pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - interrupt decode logic            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | I_E_SEL       |  G_S%I_E_SEL_H             |=======================================|  HALT during test,  select int or ext MAB   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.3pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 409

   | I_RED_OUT     |  G_S%I_RED_OUT_H           |===================xxxxxxxx============|      IBOX reducer output                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.4pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | IB_DATA_PRS   |  G_S%IB_DATA_PRS_H         |xxx___/=======================\________|      IB DATA PRESENT ON IDAL                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4.4pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    needed by PHI1 + 15 to PHI4              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | IB_FILL_ERR   |  G_PH%IB_FILL_ERR_L        |HHHHHHHHHHxxxxxx=======================|      ERROR SIGNAL FOR IB FILL PROBLEMS      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU,MBOX                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: BIU assertion valid PHI2 + 15nS      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |        MBOX assertion valid PHI2 + 21nS     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | IB_FILL_REQ   |  G_S%IB_FILL_REQ_H         |=========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==========|      IB FILL REQUEST LINE                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3.1pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI3 + 21nS                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | IB_FILL_VALID | G_S%IB_FILL_VALID_H        |=============================xxxxxx====|      VALID IB FILL REQUEST TO BIU           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.1pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI4 + 13nS                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | ICCS_6        |  G_S%ICCS_6_L              |========xxxxxxx========================|      INTERRUPT TIMER ENABLE BIT             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 410

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .5pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Interrupt MIB decoder in EBOX     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | IDAL          |  G_S%IDAL_H<31:0>   WRITE  |==========xxxxxxxx=====================|      INTERNAL DAL                           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                     READ   |=============================xxxxx=====|  C load = 10pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CACHE,BIU,MBOX                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CACHE,BIU,MBOX,IBOX               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  valid PHI2 + 19nS   WRITE                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |        PHI4 + 8nS    READ                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | IID_IRQ       |  G_S%IID_IRQ_H             |\\\__________/=========================|      INTERRUPT CASE FLAG                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.6pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     needed PHI2 + 16 to PHI1                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | IID_LD        |  G_S%IID_LD_H              |_______________________/===============|      IID SIGNAL TO CHIP                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4.1pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   -  EBOX, MBOX                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI3 + 17 to PHI1                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | IMAB          |  G_S%IMAB_H<10:0>          |xxxx=========================xxxxxxxxxx|      IBOX MICRO-ADDRESS BUS                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .9pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI1 + 9 to PHI4                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | INHIB_CP_OUT  |  G_S%INHIB_CP_OUT_H        |==========xxxxxxxx=====================|      Tristate the CP_DAT and CP_STAT outputs|
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.5pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Test Logic                        |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 411

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | INT_BM        |  G_S%INT_BM_L<3:0>         |=====================xxxx==============|      BYTE MASK BITS FOR DAL DATA            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Cache                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |       valid PHI3 + 13nS                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | INT_DP        |  G_S%INT_DP_H<3:0>         |         |         |         |         |      PARITY BITS FOR IDAL DATA              |
   |               |                     WRITE  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==========xxx|                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5pF                               |
   |               |                     READ   |x=====xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI3 + 15nS (WRITE) PHI4 + 23 (READ)|
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | INT_ID_RD     |  G_S%INT_ID_RD_L           |=================xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==|      read INT.ID                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.2pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - interrupt decode logic            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | INT_OVF       |  G_S%INT_OVFL_L            |HHHHHHHHHH~~xxxxxx=====================|      INTEGER OVERFLOW LINE                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.1pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX, USEQ                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     precharged PHI1  valid PHI3 - 6nS       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | LD_VIBA_AND_PC|  G_S%LD_VIBA_AND_PC_H      |==========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==============|      GOING TO LOAD VIBA and PC              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 9.6pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX,MBOX,BIU                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 412

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: NOT conditioned with STALL           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI3 + 6nS  (can be improved)       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | LOAD          |  G_S%LOAD_H                |============xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx============|  PWRFL during test,  parallel load the      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                      reducers               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .9pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | LOAD_MASTER   |  G_S%LOAD_MASTER_OPCODE_H  |____/=====\____________________________|      LOADING OPCODE IN MASTER               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.2pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI1 + 12 to PHI2                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | LOAD_PSL      |  G_S%LOAD_PSL_H            |__________/========\___________________|      LOADING PSL ENABLE                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5.6pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX,IBOX,INT LOGIC,BIU           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  note: conditioned with STALL               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid 6nS after PHI2 is valid thru        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   end of PHI2                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | LOAD_REDUCERS |  G_S%LOAD_REDUCERS_L       |/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\=========|      Parallel load reducers                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5.4pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX, uSeq, Control Store         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | LOAD_SLAVE    |  G_S%LOAD_SLAVE_OPCODE_H   |_____________________/========\________|      LOAD SLAVE OF OPCODE REG               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.2 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 413

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI3 + 16nS thru PHI4 + 10nS        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | M_STALL       |  G_S%M_STALL_H             |xxxxxxxx=====================xxxxxxxxxx|      MBOX CAN NOT USE THE IDAL              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5.2pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    PHI1 + 24nS <<<<<<???? should be earlier |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MAB           |  G_S%MAB_H<10:0>           |xxxxxxxx===============================|      MICRO ADDRESS BUS                      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CONTROL STORE                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MBOX_BM       |  G_S%MBOX_BM_L<3:0>        |=xxxxxxxxxxxxx=========================|      MBOX GENERATED BYTE MASK               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI2 + 15nS                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MIB           |  G_S%MIB_H<40:0>           |===================xxxxxxxxx===========|      MICRO-INSTRUCTION BUS                  |
   |               |  G_S%MIB_L<40:7>           |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CONTROL STORE                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Valid low 1 nS before rising edge of PHI4  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MLO_L         |  G_S%MLO_L<3:1>            |xxxxxxxx===============================|      MAB LATCH OUT TO UTEST "OR" LOGIC      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .7pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest - CONTROL STORE                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 414

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MMGT_TRAP     |  G_PH%MMGT_TRAP_L          |HHHHHHHHHH~~xxxxxxx====================|     MEMORY MANAGEMENT TRAP                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ,IBOX                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI2 + 21nS                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MOD_INTENT    |  G_S%MOD_INTENT_H          |xxxxxxxxxxx=========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|     Modify Intent                           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI2 + 5nS to BPHI3                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MW_BUS        |  G_PH%MW_BUS_H<31:0>       |                                       |     THE BIDIRECTIONAL BUS BETWEEN THE IDAL  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     AND THE WBUS THAT IS AN INPUT TO THE    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     WBUS DRIVER                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX,EBOX                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX,MBOX                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI4 + 10nS on READ               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI1 + 21nS on WRITE              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MW_DRIVE      |  G_S%MW_DRIVE_H            |===================xxxxxx/=============|     WHEN ASSERTED ENABLES THE EBOX TO DRIVE |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     THE MW_BUS                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.7pF   (((4.2pF)))               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI3 + 12nS                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | MW_TO_W       |  G_S%MW_TO_W_H             |=========xxxxxxxxxxx/==================|     WHEN ASSERTED SELECTS THE MW_BUS AS     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     THE DATA SOURCE FOR DRIVING THE W_BUS   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.9pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 415

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      valid PHI3 + 1nS                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | NEW_IB_PTR    |  G_S%NEW_IB_PTR_H<1:0>     |=========xxxxxx========================|      LOW TWO BITS OF PC REGISTER            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.9pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI2 + 14nS to next PHI2           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | ONE_SLOT_FREE |  G_S%ONE_SLOT_FREE_H       |=========xxxxxxxxxxxxx=================|      Only one slot in the prefetch queue    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      is empty                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.7pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI3 + 5nS to PHI2                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | OPCODE        |  G_S%OPCODE_H<7:0>         |~~~~~\\\\\\\\\==================/~~~~~~|      EIGHT BITS TO OPCODE REGISTER          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.75pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Valid  PHI2 + 11  to PHI4                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI1          |  G_C%PHI1_H                |/~~~~~~~\\\____________________________|      PHASE 1 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 140 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI2          |  G_C%PHI2_H                |_________/~~~~~~~~\\\__________________|      PHASE 2 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 114 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI3          |  G_C%PHI3_H                |___________________/~~~~~~~~\\\________|      PHASE 3 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 117 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PHI4          |  G_C%PHI4_H                |\\___________________________/~~~~~~~~~|      PHASE 4 CLOCK                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 416

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 133 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | PSL_T         |  G_S%PSL_T_H               |         |         |         |         |      PSL Trace bit   (buffered W Bus)       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.4pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid while LOAD_PSL asserted            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | R_RED_OUT     |  G_S%R_RED_OUT_H           |===================xxxxxxxx============|      MIB  reducer output                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.8pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Control Store                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | READ_DATA_PRS |  G_S%READ_DATA_PRS_H       |___/===============xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|      IDAL HAS READ DATA                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.1pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI1 + 8nS                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | READ_HIT      |  G_S%READ_HIT_H            |_/=================xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\_|      Cache Hit gated by BIU                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3.3pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI4 + 24nS                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | REDUCE_PHI1   |  G_C%REDUCE_PHI1_H         |/========\_____________________________|     REDUCE mode clock                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX, uSeq, Control Store         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | REG_WRITE     |  G_S%REG_WRITE_H           |===================xxxxx===============|      WRITE REGISTER ENABLED IN EBOX         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 417

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4.2pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI3 + 11nS                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | RESET_S       |  G_S%RESET_S_H             |~~\____________________________________|      RESET Stretched                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CLOCK LOGIC                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5pF     assertion is asynchronous |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | RD_ICCS       |  G_S%RD_ICCS_H             |~~~~~~\=============xxxxxxxxxHHHHHHHHHH|  decoded read ICCS                          |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .9pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | RN            |  G_S%RN_H<3:0>             |====================xxxxxxxxxx=========|      RN PART OF SPECIFIER BYTE              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.3pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      valid PHI4 + 2 to PHI3                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SCAN_PHI1     |  G_C%SCAN_PHI1_H           |/========\_____________________________|     SCAN mode clock                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - IBOX, uSeq, Control Store         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SET_RESTART   |  G_S%SET_RESTART_H         |===================xxxxxx==============|      NO MMGT_ERROR ON WRITE                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4.2pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX    latched with PHI3         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX    strobed with PHI4         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      valid PHI3 + 12nS                      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 418

   | SET1_EN       |  G_S%SET1_EN_H             |=========xxxxxxx=======================|      ENABLE CACHE SET 1                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid PHI2 + 15nS                       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SET2_EN       |  G_S%SET2_EN_H             |=========xxxxxxx=======================|      ENABLE CACHE SET 2                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |      valid PHI2 + 15nS                      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SN            |  G_S%SN_H<2:0>             |===================xxxxxxxxxx==========|      WORKING REGISTER NUMBER                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.8pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI4 - 1 to PHI3                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | SPUR_GETS_OP  |  G_S%SPUR_GETS_OPCODE_H    |xxxxxxxxx==============================|      Drive WSPUR with OPCODE                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.1 pF                            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI2 thru PHI1                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | STALL         |  G_PH%STALL_L              |HHHHHHHHHH~~xxxxxx=====================|      CHIP-WIDE STALL SIGNAL                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX,BIU,EBOX,IBOX,uSEQ           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 12pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |     valid  PHI2 + 21nS                      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | T_RED_OUT     |  G_S%T_RED_OUT_H           |===================xxxxxxxx============|      Test reducer output                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.8pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Test Logic                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 419

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CWB Pad                           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | TAG_PAR_ERR   |  G_S%TAG_PAR_ERR_H         |==========xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx====|      PARITY ERROR DETECTED IN TAG ON READ   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Valid PHI4 + 13ns into 3pf                 |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | TEST          |  G_S%TEST_H                |=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx====================|      Test Control Input Buffered            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 3pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - PIN Input Buffer                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - TEST LOGIC                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | TEST_BRO      |  G_S%TEST_BRO_H            |==================xxxxxxxxxxx==========|      Force a basic broadcast                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - TEST LOGIC                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | TEST_EXTMAB   |  G_S%TEST_EXTMAB_L         |=============xxxxx=====================|      DRIVE MAB WITH EXTERNAL MAB FROM PINS  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.4pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - TEST LOGIC                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | TEST_MAB      |  G_S%TEST_MAB_H<10:0>      |==================xxxxxxxxxxx==========|      EXTERNAL TEST MAB FROM PINS            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.2pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - TEST LOGIC                        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | TRAP_PND      |  G_S%TRAP_PND_L            |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\\_______/~~~~~~~|      Trap Pending - Zero MIB's              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 1.7pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 420

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Control Store                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | UTEST         |  G_PH%UTEST_L<2:0>         |~xxxx===============HHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~|      MICRO-TEST BUS                         |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source -                                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - USEQ                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4.5pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Precharged during PHI3                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Conditionally discharged during PHI1       |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Latched on falling edge of PHI1            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Must be valid 15 nS after rising edge      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | UTEST_GETS_OP |  G_S%UTEST_GETS_OPCODE_H   |===================/~~~~~~~~~~xxxxxxxxx|      Drive uTEST with OPCODE                |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .5pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - IBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI1 thru PHI2                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | W_BUS         |  G_S%W_BUS_H<31:0>         |=============================xxxxxxxxx=|      W-BUS                                  |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 4.4pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   valid PHI1 to beginning PHI4              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | W_SPUR        |  G_PH%W_SPUR_H<7:0>        |         |         |         |         |      W-BUS SPUR                             |
   |               |                     WRITE  |HHH~xxxxx=====================HHHHHHHHH|                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 6.5pF                             |
   |               |                     READ   |==========HHHHHHHHHHHHH~xxxxxxxxxx=====|                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  WRITE valid PHI1 + 21nS                    |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  READ valid PHI4 + 10nS                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |   note: precharge is not removed until      |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |          9.5 nS after PHI2 (or PHI4)        |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | WR_ICCS       |  G_S%WR_ICCS_H             |~~~~~\==============xxxxxxxxxxHHHHHHHHH|  decoded write ICCS reg                     |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 421

   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = .9pF                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - Interrupt Logic                   |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | WRONG_PAR     |  G_S%WRONG_PAR_H           |==========xxxxxxx======================|      INSERT WRONG PARITY IN CACHE           |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 5pF                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - BIU                               |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - CACHE                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   | WSEL_UPDATE   |  G_S%WSEL_UPDATE_H         |xxxxxxxxx==============================|      UPDATE WSEL LATCHES IN EBOX            |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  C load = 2.7pF                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Source - MBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |                                             |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |  Dest   - EBOX                              |
   |               |                            |         |         |         |         |    valid PHI1 + 21nS                        |
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 422


                                                                                      INTIM----------------+  MEM ERR--------+
                                                                                      PWRFL-------------+  |      CRD-----+  |
                                                                                      HALT-----------+  |  | IRQ<3:0>--+  |  |
                                                                                                     |  |  |           |  |  |
                 IDAL<31:0>                      +-----------------+                                 V  V  V           V  V  V
           +---------------------------------+   |   +----------+  |                               +-----------------------------+
           |                                 |   |   |          |  +-------IID.IRQ-----------------|                             |
           |                                 V   V   V          +----------FPD.IRQ-----------------|         Interrupts          |
           |      +----+   +---------+  +-----------------+                             |<-------->|                             |
           |      | BP |   |         |  |                 |<--------------------------->|          |                             |
      <7:0>+----->| 0A |   |    1    |  |    I-box        |<--------------------+       |          +-----------------------------+
       D   |      |  R |-->|    K    |  |               AT|---------------->|   |       |
       P+--|----->|  I |   |    B    |  |               DL|------------>|   |   |       |
       ^|  |  |<--|  T |   |         |  |        <30,27,4>|<--------+   |   |   |       |
       3|  |  |   |  Y |   |    C    |  |                 |---->|   |   |   |   |       |            +-----------------------------+
       :|  |  |   +----+   |    A    |  |             IMIB|-----|---|---|---|---|-------|----------->|                             |
       0|  |  |            |    C    |  +-----------------+     |   |   |   |   +-------|----------->|     Microsequencer          |
       V|  |  |   +----+   |    H    |                          |   |   |   |   |   +---|----------->|                             |
        |  |  |   | BP |   |    E    |  +-----------------+<----+   |   |   |   |   |   |            |                             |
     <15:8>+--|-->| 1A |   |         |  |                 |<----|-->|   |   |   |   |   |            |                             |
        |  |  |   |  R |-->|         |  |                 |<----|---|---+   |   |   |   |            |                             |
        +--|--|-->|  I |   |         |  |                 |<----|---|---|---|---+   |   |            |                             |
        |  |  |<--|  T |   |         |  |    E-box        |<----|---|---|---|---|---|-->|            +-----------------------------+
        |  |  |   |  Y |   |         |  |                 |    B|  W|  D|  A|  M|  U|  W|                          M|
        |  |  |   +----+   |         |  |                 |    ^|  ^|  L|  T|  I|  T|  S|                          A|
        |  |  |            |         |  |                 |    3|  3|  ^|  ^|  B|  S|  P|                          B|
        |  |  |   +----+   |         |  |                 |    1|  1|  1|  1|  ^|  E|  U|                          ^|
        |  |  |   | BP |   |         |  +-----------------+    :|  :|  :|  :|  3|  T|  R|                          1|
    <23:16>+--|-->| 2A |   |         |                         0|  0|  0|  0|  1|  ^|  ^|                          0|
        |  |  |   |  R |-->|         |  +-----------------+    V|  V|  V|  V|  :|  2|  7|                          :|
        +--|--|-->|  I |   |         |  |                 |---->|   |   |   |  0|  :|  :|                          0|
        |  |  |<--|  T |   |         |  |                 |<--------+   |   |  V|  0|  0|                          V|
        |  |  |   |  Y |   |         |  |                 |<------------+   |   |  V|  V|            +-----------------------------+
        |  |  |   +----+   |         |  |                 |<------------|---+   |   |   |            |                             |
        |  |  |            |         |  |    M-box        |<------------|---|---+   |   |            |     Control Store           |
        |  |  |   +----+   |         |  |                 |-------------|---|---|-->|   |            |                             |
        |  |  |   | BP |   |         |  |                 |<------------------------|-->|            |                             |
    <31:24>+--|-->| 3A |   |         |  |                 |             |   |   |<--|---|------------|                             |
        |  |  |   |  R |-->|         |  |                 |             |   |   |   |   |            |                             |
        +--|--|-->|  I |   |         |  +-----------------+             |   |   |   |   |            |                             |
        |  |  |<--|  T |   |         |    |  ^                          |   |   |   |   |            |                             |
        |  |  |   |  Y |   |  VA<8:3>|<---+  |                          |   |   |   |   |            |                             |
        |  |  |   +----+   | DMA<8:3>|<------|----------------------+   |   |   |   |   |            |                             |
        |  |  |            |         |       |                      |   |   |   |   |   |            |                             |
        |<-|--|----------->|Parity   |       |                      |   |   |   |   |   |            +-----------------------------+
        |  |  |            |         |       |                      |   |   |   |   |   |
        |  |<-|----------->|DIO      |       |                      |   |   |   |   |   |
        |  |  |            +---------+       |    
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 423

        |  |  |                              |                      |   |   |   |   |   |
        |  |  |                              |                      |   |   |   |   |   |
        |  |  |                              |                      |   |   |   |   |   ^
        |  |  |                              |                      |   v   v   v   ^   v
        |  |  |                              |    +--------------------------------------------------------+
        |  |  +------------------------------|--->|IDAL PERR                                               |
        |  +---------------------------------+<-->|IDAL                                                    |   +-------------------+
        +---------------------------------------->|IDAL Parity          BIU                                |   |                   |
                                  CPSTA<1:0><---->|                                                        |   |      Clocks       |
                                  CPDAT<5:0><---->|                                                        |   |                   |
                                                  +--------------------------------------------------------+   +-------------------+
                                                     ^  ^  ^  |  |         |  |  |  ^  |         |  ^  ^  ^            ^  ^  ^
                                                     |  |  |  |  |         |  |  |  |  |         |  |  |  |            |  |  |
                                       DAL<31:0><----+  |  |  |  |   DBE<--+  |  |  |  |    BR<--+  |  |  |     CLKA---+  |  |
                                      CS/DP<3:0><-------+  |  |  |    WR<-----+  |  |  |   CCTL<----+  |  |     CLKB------+  |
                                              AS<----------+  |  |    CM<--------+  |  |    ERR--------+  |    RESET---------+
                                              DS<-------------+  |   DMR------------+  |    RDY-----------+
                                         BM<3:0><----------------+   DMG<--------------+
   CVAX CPU CHIP DESIGN SPECIFICATION                                      Page 424


                           CLKB-------+ |
                                      | | 
                           VCC -----+ | | +----- GND
                                    | | | |
                                    V V V V
   IRQ<3:0> L  ------------------->|       |<---------------------+----------------------------->  AS L
                                   |       |                      |            
                                   |       |                      |        +-------+    
   INTTIM L    ------------------->|       |                      |------->|       |
                                   |       |    DAL<31:00>        |        |       |
                                   |       |<--------------+-------------->| latch |------------>  BA<29:00>
                                   |       |               |      |        |       |
                                   |       |               |      |        +-------+
                                   |       |               |      |
   PWRFL L     ------------------->|       |               |      |        +-------+
                                   |       |               |      |        |trans- |
                                   |       |               +-------------->|ceiver |<----------->  BD<31:00>
   CRD L       ------------------->|       |                      |        |       |
                                   | CVAX  |                      |        +-------+
                                   | CPU   |                      |          ^   ^
   BR L        <-------------------| Chip  |                      |          |   |
                                   |       |---------------------------------+---|-------------->  DBE L
                                   |       |                      |          |   |
   MEMERR L    ------------------->|       |                      |          |   |
                                   |       |-------------------------------------+-------------->  WR L
                                   |       |                      |          |   |
   HALT L      ------------------->|       |                      |          |   |
                                   |       |---------------------------------------------------->  DS L
                                   |       |                      |          |   |
   ERR L       ------------------->|       |                      |          |   |
                                   |       |                      |          v   v
                                   |       |                      |        +-------+
   RDY L       ------------------->|       |    CS/DP<3:0> L      |        |trans- |
                                   |       |<--------------+-------------->|eiver  |<----------->  Parity
                                   |       |               |      |        |       |
   CCTL L      ------------------->|       |               |      |        +-------+
                                   |       |               |      |
                                   |       |               |      |        +-------+
   RESET L     ------------------->|       |               |      +------->|       |
                                   |       |               |               | latch |
                                   |       |               +-------------->|       |<----------->  Cycle status
   DMR L       ------------------->|       |                               +-------+
                                   |       |                               
                                   |       |
   DMG L       <-------------------|       |---------------------------------------------------->  BM <3:0> L
                                   |       |
                                   |       |
   CM L        <-------------------|       |<---------------------------------------------------->  coprocessor functions