SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP17314 PART NUMBER: N/A FILE NAME: N/A TITLE: iPAQnet Mobile Internet - Go.Web Browser Upgrade for iPAQ Blackberry VERSION: 6.00 LANGUAGE: US English CATEGORY: Software Solutions DIVISIONS: Internet Products and Services PRODUCTS AFFECTED: Compaq iPAQ Blackberry H1100 and W1000 OPERATING SYSTEM: BlackBerry V. 1.6 or higher SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: N/A PREREQUISITES: Compaq iPAQ Blackberry device connected to a computer and iPAQnet Mobile Internet service for BlackBerry EFFECTIVE DATE: June 20, 2001 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION: 5.0 SUPERSEDES: N/A DESCRIPTION: This contains the version 6.0 of the Go.Web browser for Compaq iPAQ Blackberry devices and the updated User's Guide ENHANCEMENTS: N/A HOW TO USE: 1. Download the SoftPaq to a folder on your hard drive and change to that folder. The file that is downloaded is an executable with a filename based on the SoftPaq Number above. 2. From that drive and directory, execute the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to expand the SoftPaq to the current folder on your PC's hard disk. The setup program will launch automatically. 3. After expansion, you may delete the SoftPaq file downloaded in step 1 above. 4. Read the file README.TXT for more detailed installation instructions. 5. To read or print the User's Guide (Manual.pdf), you must have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Acrobat Reader is available for free at Copyright 2001, Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies